Unofficial Portkey Archive

A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 18 - Talks and Heading Home

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Well here is another chapter, thanks Turnlach once again for his BETA work :P


Harry and Sirius went straight to Remus' class when they got back. Sirius had told Harry what he wanted to do and was now in his animagus form walking beside Harry.

Harry opened Remus' door without knocking and found him sitting behind his desk marking papers. Remus looked up and a smile formed on his face when he saw Harry, "Ah Harry, what can I do for you?" he asked.

Harry kept a straight face the whole time, "Well, I just wanted to show you this dog I found." Harry said indicating to the dog that had just come out from behind the table. Remus' eyes went wide and all the colour in his face disappeared.

"Har…" but he didn't have time, Sirius was now changed back, wand in his hand and smiling at his old friend. Harry was also smirking.

"Oh… that's right, you already know Sirius." Harry said and then sat down at the closest desk. Sirius still had a large smile on his face while Remus had a very confused look on his face, but still had his wand pointing at Sirius.

"I guess we should bring you up to date," Harry said, Remus just nodded. "Well yesterday we captured Peter Pettigrew who had been hiding as Ron's pet rat Scabbers for the last thirteen or so years… and today we have just got back from a hearing declaring Sirius a free man and cleared of all charges that were against him."

Remus' eyes went wide again "What..." was he all managed. He then turned to look at Sirius who had a large grin on his face, "But I thought you were the secret keeper…" Remus said softly.

Sirius's face fell, "I was going to be… but I convinced them to change to Peter… I though it would be less obvious." Sirius said, looking down at his feet and shaking his head. Remus got up and walked over to him.

"Forgive an old friend?" He asked holding out his hand. Sirius took his hand but instead of shaking it he used it to pull himself up and he pulled Remus into hug.

"Of course, old friend." Sirius said.

"I'll let you guys catch up… I have to see someone anyway." Harry said. Remus and Sirius just nodded before they sat down and started talking about the past and the present.

Harry quietly walked to the headmaster's office and used the same trick he had done before with the stone gargoyle to enter. This time he didn't even bother to knock on the door and just walked in. Dumbledore looked up in surprise but didn't say a thing as Harry sat down.

"What do you want to talk about?" Harry asked. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Don't kid around professor… do you really think I'm that stupid. I could tell that you wanted to speak to me before." Harry said, sighing a little.

"You are right… I did want to speak to you… but how you knew… perhaps you are a natural at the art of Legilimency." Dumbledore said, more to himself than to Harry.

"So… what did you want?" Harry asked. Dumbledore looked him in the eye and Harry raised his Occlumency shields.

"I just wanted to inform you that I had a talk with the Dursleys and they will be treating you better this summer." Dumbledore said. Now it was Harry's turn to raise an eyebrow. Dumbledore didn't know about his emancipation… he must be on good terms the goblins for them to keep this news from Dumbledore for him.

"And what made you think that I was actually returning to the Dursleys?" Harry asked. Dumbledore was a little shocked by this.

"They are your guardians you have to return to them." Dumbledore said. Harry just smirked.

"Oh. No, they aren't my guardians anymore… I made sure of that this summer." Harry said. Dumbledore's eyes got wide at this.

"Harry… you must understand… the protection your mother gave you and the wards around your aunt's house…" Dumbledore started.

"Have nothing to do with each other." Harry stated, "Did you really think that I couldn't tell… I know those wards are just normal wards, except for the fact they are set up by you." Harry stated coldly.

Dumbledore was surprised but it didn't deter him, "Harry that may be true… but since I am you magical guardian you WILL be going back there for the summer." Dumbledore stated forcefully. Harry was once again smiling.

"Nope, I took care of that too… you are no longer my guardian, I am what you call an emancipated minor… meaning that I am legally an adult." Harry said happily.

Dumbledore sighed, "Harry… I must insist that you return." he said softly. The game was now starting to get on Harry's nerves.

"You can INSIST all you want Dumbledore! But you will not get your way." Harry said coldly, "I suggest you quit with the manipulations or you will find yourself against me." Harry said; Dumbledore's eyes shot open at this. Harry knew what he was thinking, "No I will not join Voldemort nor will I turn to dark magic. I will however cut myself off totally from you." Harry said, his eyes now glowing softly in the dim light.

"Think about that." was all Harry said before he left the office.

Dumbledore sunk back in his chair and let out a sigh. He then turned to Fawkes, "I have really screwed this up haven't I." he stated with a sign, Fawkes for his part let out a small trill, sounding like he agreed.


Dumbledore must have taken Harry's advice since he had not said anything further about him going back to the Dursleys. It was now that time again, the end of the year and Harry, Hermione and Ron were pulling their stuff to the Hogwarts Express.

Harry had turned down the offer to just Floo with Sirius and Remus, who was now going to be moving in with them. He had turned them down, saying that he liked riding the train with his friends.

The last two weeks of school had been chaos. Sirius was going all out, teaming up with George and Fred Weasley and pulling pranks on just about everyone… though they had no luck with Harry… he always seemed to stop them or avoid them.

Snape had been their favourite target, Sirius was harbouring a grudge about Snape trying to get him kissed by the Dementors and Harry couldn't blame him. The school praised Ron after they found out what he had done to their least favourite Professor. If this didn't annoy Snape enough, Ron didn't get into any trouble for banishing the Potions Master into a cabinet.

Snape had been brutal during the last week; Ron had lost a total of three hundred points for Gryffindor, for things such as breathing too loudly. It had all worked out fine though when McGonagall happened to witness Snape taking fifty points from Ron for blinking too many times. She had automatically restored all the points that Ron had lost.

In the end Gryffindor won the House Cup along with the Quidditch Cup. Slytherin had come second in both, a fact that made them livid and made the Gryffindors go crazy. And now it was all over, another year at Hogwarts finished.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were now sitting in their compartment. Harry had his arm around Hermione's back, while she leaned softly into him. By now Ron was totally used to seeing them together like this, in fact it now seemed that they were never any different.

"So Harry, what are you, Sirius and Lupin going to be doing over the summer?" Ron asked.

"Umm… I think Sirius wants to buy a house… all the Black Houses are usually full of Dark Arts and stuff. Other than that, the World Cup is about it." Harry said, scratching his chin.

"What about you Hermione?" Ron asked. Hermione just shrugged her shoulders.

"World Cup and nothing else really…" Hermione said. Ron nodded, he seemed to be thinking, and his eyes then went wide.

"You guys should come over for a couple of days or something… before the World Cup. All of you can come, Hermione and her parents, Remus and Sirius." Ron said a large smile on his face.

"Sound like a great idea mate." Harry said happily. It was then that their compartment door was thrown open, revealing Malfoy standing there with a snarl on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Potty, his mudblood and his pet weasel." Malfoy drawled. Harry made to get up but Ron stopped him.

"Can I mate?" Ron asked with a gleam in his eyes. Harry just nodded and bit back a smirk.

"Pfffft… what are you going to do Weasel… make yourself vomit slugs again." Malfoy said, laughing mockingly.

Draco didn't even get time to respond as Ron launched himself forward and throwing his fist as hard as he could. He hit Malfoy square in the jaw and actually lifted him off the ground, causing him to turn 180 degrees before he landed face first in the hallway… out cold.

Hermione seemed to have a disapproving frown on her face, as well as the look of controlled laughter. Harry didn't bother trying to hide it, he burst out laughing and Hermione soon followed him. Ron had the biggest grin on his face, the last time Harry had seen it was when he knocked Snape out. When the rest of the school heard about this Ron would be a hero all over again.

"Ron, if it was anyone else I would disapprove… but since it's Malfoy… great shot." Hermione said with a large smile on her face.

The rest of the train ride went fairly quickly. They had bought sweets off the food cart and spent the rest of the time talking about different things and playing wizard's chess.

Once they arrived, the trio left the compartment, stepping over Malfoy's still unconscious body, before they hopped off the train. Hermione spotted her parents and quickly gave Harry her bag before running off to give them a hug.

Sirius, Remus and the Weasleys were standing next to them. Harry walked up to Remus and Sirius, trying to hang on to his luggage and Hermione's.

"How was the trip?' Sirius asked. Harry just smiled.

"Great! Ron got to knock Malfoy out." Harry said, as if it was an every day occurrence. Sirius had a grin on his face and gave Ron a thumbs up. Hermione then came over with her parents.

"Ron… could you come over here for a second." Sirius called. Ron quickly came over.

"I was trying to find a way to thank you guys properly for what you did… and I have decided that I would give you these." He said, handing Ron and Hermione a gold Gringotts key each.

Ron looked shocked, while Hermione looked confused. After all, her parents were muggles and she had never actually seen Harry's key before. "What is it Sirius?" she asked, examining the key.

"That my dear, it a Gringotts Vault key… containing some of the money the Ministry gave me. The key in Ron's hand is for another Vault containing some as well." Sirius said with a large smile on his face.

Ron had gone from shocked to catatonic, his eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape, Sirius chuckled at his expression. "I-I can't take this! It's your money." Hermione protested, trying to hand the key back to Sirius.

"Hermione… I'm the last of the Black line… let's just say that they're quite well off. And Harry here… gods the Gryffindor line and the Potters… the Potters alone was at least twice the size of the Malfoys and the Gryffindor one is larger than that. Trust me when I say that nether of us will be needing money." Sirius said softly. Harry gave her a half smile and nodded slightly.

Hermione let out a sigh in defeat before she pulled Sirius into a hug, "Thank you." She said softly, giving him a kiss on his cheek before turning back to her parents. Mr and Mrs. Granger were rooted on the spot… they were staring at Sirius unblinking.

Since they were Muggles and didn't have a vault, they always exchanged their money so they knew the kind of money Hermione had just been given.

"Y-You just gave our daughter one hundred and fifty thousand pounds." Mr Granger said softly. "And we don't even know you."

Sirius just smiled at them, "I'm Harry's godfather, Sirius Black." He said holding out his hand.

Jane gasped, "You're the man from the news… the murderer that escaped from jail." She whispered in fright.

"The Muggles don't know I was found innocent yet?" Sirius said with a sigh. "Great, I'm going to have to talk to Fudge about that."

"What, oh no… it was on about a week ago that recent evidence that you apparently collected and gave to the police proved you innocent. Are you saying that it was Hermione who did that?" Jane asked wide eyed.

Sirius grinned, "Well her, Harry and Ron here did that." Sirius said grabbing Ron on the shoulder. This seemed to snap him out of his dazed state and back into reality.

"SIRIUS I CAN'T TAKE THIS!" Ron practically yelled, Sirius just sighed.

"Ron, I'm not explaining the situation again… now you are taking it no questions asked." Sirius said softly. Ron, who really didn't agree with his previous statement but thought it was the right thing quickly agreed with him.

Ron then turned to his parents, "Umm… mum… dad… err… Sirius gave me a vault with some… err money in it for helping getting him free." Ron said nervously.

Molly smiled, "That's nice of him…" Molly said, "How much did he give you." she asked remembering that the Blacks were quite well off.

Ron seemed to get really nervous at this question, "Well you see… it's like this… Sirius was given money from the ministry that he didn't want… so he was thinking about what to…" Ron started rambling, hoping that his mother would just forget her question.

"Ronald… how much?" She asked softly, Ron gulped.

"Fifteen thousand galleons." He said quickly covering his ears.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT!" Molly screamed. Harry watched as Sirius flinched and he stifled his laughter… he knew how proud the Weasleys were. Harry had tried on many occasions to give them money but was turned down all the time.

Sirius slowly turned to look at Molly, "Yes Molly?" he asked.

"What do you think you are doing? We cannot take your money!" she asked as if he were insane.

"Well you see Molly… if it weren't for Ron here helping get Peter for me I would still be on the run… and also if Ron had not sent Snape into the wall knocking him out I would most likely be a soulless corpse. So that money is Ron's to keep… I am not taking it back. I have informed the Goblins that I am to accept no money returns form that vault or the Weasley Vault." Sirius said with a small smile.

Molly did something that no one expected, she hugged Sirius. Sirius was stunned… as were Arthur, the Twins, Ginny, Hermione and Ron.

"Thank you." She said. Sirius just nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Well… we should be off then." Molly said, "I expect all of you to visit the Burrow this summer, that includes you Rodger and Jane." Molly said. Everyone nodded in agreement before the Weasleys left.

The Grangers, Harry, Sirius and Remus left soon after, Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand. "I will see you soon." Harry said quietly, giving Hermione a soft kiss, Hermione nodded.

"Love you." she said softly.

"Love you too." Harry said before him, Sirius and Remus headed back though the barrier to take the Floo to Sirius's house.


Well there you go! I hope you all liked it :P, thanks to everyone that has been reviewing, I try and respond to most of them but since I am currently away from home it is difficult, I still take the time to read every signal one though