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A Second Chance by fashizzlism

A Second Chance


Chapter 8 - The Hogwarts Express

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Potter universe… JKR owns all!

AN: Once again a special thanks to Turnlach for his BETA work!

Harry was awoken by Mrs. Weasley banging on the door to his room. He groaned as the light shined in through the windows and buried his head into his pillows.

The next thing he knew, his door was thrown open and Hermione had pounced on him, just as Ron walked into the room. Hermione then gave Harry a small kiss on the lips which prompted Ron to make gagging noises from the doorway.

Harry sat up and threw a pillow at him, Ron just laughed and dodged it, "Come on, we have to get going!" Ron said before leaving the room.

Harry turned to Hermione and gave her another kiss, "You might want to leave too… that is unless you want to see me naked." Harry said with a little smirk. Hermione quickly left the room, blushing like mad. Harry quickly threw on his clothes and grabbed his trunk; Hedwig didn't seem to want to get in her cage so he let her fly to Hogwarts. He gathered up his stuff and went downstairs.

"So dad, how are we getting there?" Ron asked Mr Weasley,

"The ministry has lent us some cars… with Black on the run, it's best to be safe." Mr. Weasley said; quickly look at Harry before they loaded their stuff up into the car.

The drive to King's Cross only took about twenty minutes and even with the ministry cars they were still only just on time. They went through the barrier in pairs, and then went as a group onto the train. Fred and George went off to find Lee Jordan, while Percy went to the Head student's carriage. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny walked down the train looking for a free compartment. There was no free like Harry knew there would be so they went into the compartment where Remus Lupin was.

"Who's that guy?" Ron asked.

"R. J. Lupin." Harry said, reading the name on his suitcase, "The name sound familiar actually…"

"What do you think he is doing here?" Ron asked in a whisper.

"Well I dare say he's a teacher." Harry said.

"And since the only free position is Defence Against the Dark Arts, I guess he would be taking it." Hermione guessed, while Harry nodded in agreement. Ron seemed to think about it before he also nodded.

It was then that their compartment door flung open and Draco Malfoy and his two cronies stood there looking smug, "Well, well if it isn't Potty, the mudblood and the Weasel…" Malfoy said, though he did not get to say anything else. Harry had his wand in his hand quicker than Malfoy could blink, and which a quick flick he shot a banishing charm, sending Malfoy flying into the compartment across from them.

Harry then got up and closed the door. Hermione seemed to be thinking, while Ron had a star struck look in his face.

"That was bloody Brilliant mate!" Ron said, "I wish I could do that! You have to teach me that spell!"

Harry just gave a half smile and nodded before he turned to Hermione, she seemed to be a little disappointed, "Don't give me that look Hermione, he is lucky that's all I did to him." Harry said seriously, Hermione accepted this and nodded, giving Harry a hug and kiss on the cheek.

The train ride was uneventful for the next hour of so, though then the train seemed to slow down, coming to a halt. Harry, Hermione and Ron looked around, they could hear people whispering. It was then that a cold breeze went though the train and the glass windows seemed to freeze up.

"Something's out here…" Ron said, in a scared voice.

"What is it Harry?" Hermione whispered,

"Dementors." was all Harry said softly back to her so that no one else could hear. She gasped at what he said, she had read about them, the guards of Azkaban…

Harry looked around as his friends started shivering, then noticed the looks of despair coming to their faces as the happiness was sucked out of them. Harry was glad that his mental shields were working and that the dementor wasn't affecting him at all.

It was then their compartment door opened. There was a cloaked figure that seemed to hover above the ground, its black robes were torn in a number of places and you couldn't see the face at all. Harry briefly thought about using his Patronus but then Remus woke up and sprung into action. He heard Remus mutter 'Expecto Patronum' and watched as silver vapour came from the end of his wand, driving the dementor off.

"Wa-what was that?" Ron asked softly, still feeling the effects of the dementors.

"A dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban." Remus said softly. He then took a bar of chocolate out of his pocket and broke a piece off for all of them. "Eat this, it will make you feel better… if you will excuse me I have to see the driver." He said before leaving the compartment.

Harry ate the chocolate and then turned to his friends, "How do you guy's feel?" he asked them softly.

"Like I'll never be happy again." Ron said, as he shivered at the memory, "How can they put those… those things around Hogwarts!?" Ron asked.

"Fudge's idea of helping." Harry said snorting, Ron looked at Harry strangely.

"Fudge isn't a bad minister." Ron said. Harry then remembered that he hadn't had much interaction with the ministry yet, so he just nodded his head.

Things went back to normal fairly quickly and they were back talking about school in no time. Lupin didn't return to the compartment for the rest of the trip.

The train slowly pulled up at Hogsmeade station where Harry, Hermione, Ron, the twins and Lee Jordan all took a carriage together to Hogwarts castle. When they arrived, Draco pushed his way past Harry before he turned around sneering at him,

"It's it true that you fainted Potter, scared of the little dementor?" Draco said sneering, Pansy laughed at Draco's comment while Harry only raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know where you got the fainting bit from Malfoy, but I know for a fact that you squealed like a three year old girl… for Merlin's sake I heard it all the way down the train." Harry said smirking at the blonde haired boy. The people who had heard Harry's comment erupted in laughter. Draco sneered once more at Harry before heading into the great hall.

The trio was about to head into the great hall when the voice of Professor McGonagall called out, "Miss Granger would you come with me please", Harry sent Hermione a knowing look as she walked off with McGonagall.

Harry and Ron went into the Great hall and watched the sorting, nothing really interesting happened. After that was the feast, Hermione returned about five minutes into it.

"What did McGonagall want, Herms?" Ron asked, his mouth full of food.

"Nothing, and don't call me Herms!" Hermione bristled. She then looked over at Harry who simply raised an eyebrow and gave her a knowing look.

About ten minutes later Albus Dumbledore stood up, "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to mention tonight… some of them are very serious, so please listen carefully." Dumbledore said seriously and waited until all the noise died down.

"As you are most likely aware, because of the escape of one Sirius Black, Hogwarts will be playing host to the guards of Azkaban, also known as the Dementors." Dumbledore said seriously, "I must warn each and every one of you, the dementors are placed at all the entrances to Hogwarts. They will no be fooled by tricks… or even invisibility cloaks." Dumbledore said, his eyes resting on Harry for a second.

"It is not in the nature of the dementors to be forgiving, so I must warn you not to give them any reason to harm you." Dumbledore said scanning the sea of students, "The Head Boy, Head Girl and the prefects, I am looking to you to make sure the students do not run afoul of the dementors." Dumbledore said, pausing to allow his words to sink in.

"On a lighter note, I would like to welcome, Professor Remus Lupin, who will be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year." The students cheered at this, Harry watched in amusement as Snape sneered hatefully at Remus, others seemed to notice also, as some of the students started to whisper to each other.

"Unfortunately, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher has retired… but I am pleased to announce that the position will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid, who will take on the position as well as his gamekeeping duties!"

The Gryffindor table burst into applause, the other tables clapped as well, though the Slytherin table did nothing. Hermione and Ron seemed stunned, Harry smirked at Hermione which seemed to break her from her shock and she started to clap also.

"We should have known… I mean who else would assign a book that tries to eat you." Ron muttered before he also started to cheer.

After the announcements Dumbledore signalled that it is was time for bed. Harry, Hermione and Ron, instead went to the teachers table to congratulate Hagrid.

"Congratulations Hagrid, I'm sure you're going to make a fine professor." Harry said, as Hagrid gave him a bone crushing hug and he then also gave one to Ron and Hermione.

(AN: Can't really do Hagrid's accent… sorry…)

"It's what I always wanted… and it was all down ter you three." Hagrid said, "If you guys hadn't got me name cleared… it wouldn't have been possible." Hagrid said before he swiped them into another bone crushing hug.

"It was nothing." Hermione said happily, "You're going to do great, I just know it!" Hermione said happily, "Have you got much planned yet? What are we going to be looking at?"

Hagrid just smiled, "Don't you worry 'bout that, I got some great stuff planned up for you guys!" Hagrid said. Harry found it funny as Ron's face showed the look of doom. He clearly had a good idea that it was going to be bad.

They said their goodbyes and headed back to the common room where Ron finally spoke of his fears, "If he thinks it's great… we're doomed." Ron said softly.

"What are you talking about? He will be a great teacher!" Hermione snapped at Ron.

"Hermione! This is Hagrid… he thinks dragons make good pets! I didn't say he wouldn't be good… but what are we going to be looking at!" Ron reasoned. Hermione seemed to know what he was talking about, so she turned to Harry.

"I'm sure everything will be fine… now I'm going to bed, need some rest." he said yawning. He bent down and gave Hermione a soft kiss before heading up into his dorm with Ron.

AN: Ah another chapter :P, now I will give warning now! On the 5th of June (About 3 weeks away) I will be going to Brisbane for six weeks for my trade school, something about them not doing the course up here anymore. Now… of course I wont have my computer :(… though the good news is that it looks like I may be able to convince my parents into buying me a laptop :P so everyone cross their fingers for me, cause if I get a laptop I could still work on my story's put the chapters on my ipod and upload them at an internet café or something.