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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: Here's the next chapter. Like I said last time, I'm going to do my best to get these out as quick as I can, but don't expect really fast updates. On the plus side, they'll probably be longer chapters than I normally do, which I know some of you have requested. Things really start to get going in this chapter, or the end of it, anyway. Hope you all like. Thanks for being patient with me (not like you really had a choice, though, huh? Lol). Stay cool.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord

Chapter Thirteen

The first day back at Hogwarts began slowly, as students of all years sluggishly dragged themselves from bed and down to the Great Hall. Nobody wanted to talk about the events of yesterday, but neither did they look forward to the day to come. The hall was hushed as everyone sat at their house table and ate breakfast.

Draco woke alone in his room. He sat up slowly, looking down at his damp pillow. His lip curling, he grabbed the offending item and tossed it across the room. When he stood before his bathroom mirror, he found his eyes were ringed red and worn looking. He rubbed at them hastily, and then splashed water on his face.

When he left his personal chambers, Draco found that the door to the Head Girl quarters was open. He stood in the entranceway and looked in. Hermione was busy pulling her robe up over her head and didn't notice him standing there. He averted his eyes quickly and cleared his throat loudly. Hermione gave a muffled squeak and yanked her robe down.

'Draco? You almost scared the life out of me.'

'Sorry,' Draco said, glancing at her undisturbed bed. He smiled crookedly. 'So, how did you like our new quarters? Comfy, huh?'

Hermione looked at the bed, then back at Draco, blushing faintly. 'Harry asked me to join him,' she defended.


Silence fell between them. Draco turned his back to Hermione and went to leave, but her hand on his arm stopped him. He didn't look back as she spoke softly.

'You look terrible, are you okay?'

'I'm fine,' Draco said, rather stiffly. 'We best get going, if you want to get something to eat before lessons start.'

'… Right.'

Hermione followed Draco to the Great Hall. They walked in silence, which was echoed by the rest of the students they passed. It was like a funeral like disposition had settled over Hogwarts and its grounds.

Hermione cast her eyes towards Draco as they walked side by side. He did look terrible. His eyes seemed hollow and great dark bands ringed them. It looked almost as if he hadn't gotten one single wink of sleep at all last night, but he seemed rested enough. He moved as fluidly as ever, never once dragging his feet like an exhausted person might. He must have slept, but Hermione figured it wasn't the sleep of a content man, but one tormented by his demons. She could easily guess what bothered him.

As they entered the Great Hall, they passed a band of lingering Slytherin students. Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle stood out in the pack, glaring at them nastily. Draco stopped at the entrance and turned to return the look. Hermione placed her hand on his shoulder.

'Come on Draco,' she eased, tightening her grip, lest he attempt to break free and pummel the smug Slytherins. 'It's not worth it, come on.'

Theodore Nott fingering something within his robes. It didn't take a genius to figure out what.

'I'd blow you to smithereens before you could even twitch a finger Nott,' Draco boasted roughly.

'Draco, leave it,' Hermione pleaded, but he seemed not even to hear her, let alone feel her insistent hand tugging at his shoulder.

'Go ahead traitor.' Nott spoke quietly, but his rich voice carried well.

'Is there a problem here boys?'

Nott startled slightly and turned to look over his shoulder. Professor Oniki strode past him and into the Great Hall. His simple robe billowed around him, his long beard stretching proudly down his front. He had his hands clasped behind his back, but still managed to give off an aura of power. He turned his slightly slanted eyes to regard Draco, then cocked his head, and shifted his eyes to Theodore Nott.


'No, sir,' Nott finally said, bowing politely and quickly striding away. Crabbe and Goyle followed him.

'Thank you sir,' Hermione said gratefully.

Professor Oniki regarded her silently for a moment, then inclined his head ever so slightly, and stepped past them. Hermione watched him go before turning to face Draco again. He hadn't moved a muscle, but Hermione could tell that he was seething. She touched him gently on the shoulder.

'Come on Draco,' she said, 'why don't you sit with us today? Harry's already there, see, he's sitting with Neville.'

It was the wrong thing to say. Draco stiffened even more, then shucked her hand off, and turned his icy stare on her. She stepped back sharply, unconsciously shying away from an attack. But he only stared at her, and then glanced over at the Slytherin table, before turning on his heel and walking away. She watched him leave the Great Hall sadly.

'What was all that about?' Neville asked when Hermione sat down across from him, next to Harry.

'I… don't really know,' she confessed. 'It was like he was looking for a fight or something, but when Professor Oniki turned up, his opportunity was taken away. I tried to calm him down, but he just…'

'Draco can be intense sometimes,' Harry offered. 'He'll be fine. He just needs some alone time.'

'Or a calming drought,' Neville put in smilingly. 'Guy always seems to be on the verge of a breakdown, if you ask me.'

'He has a lot to deal with,' Harry defended his friend.

'Don't we all.'

Their first lesson back was Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Oniki. Harry, Hermione and Neville made their way there together after having a quick breakfast. Draco was waiting outside the classroom, leaning beside the door and staring somewhat moodily at the opposite wall. Harry clapped him on the shoulder and joined him.

'You hungry?' Hermione asked, offering him some toast she had saved.

Draco took it gratefully and began wolfing down, with only a cursory nod of thanks at Hermione. She frowned to herself.

'The Professor not here yet?' Neville asked.

Draco looked at him coolly. 'What do you think?'

Harry bumped shoulders with Draco, conveying a silent admonition. 'He was still in the Great Hall when we left.'

A slightly uncomfortable silence settled on the motley gang of students. Hermione took Harry's hand discreetly as she leaned against him to wait for the Professor. When he finally arrived, it was with a sedate walk down the corridor. He gave of an air of tranquillity as he passed by the students and opened the door to usher them into the classroom. As he made his way to the front, Harry, Hermione, Draco and Neville took seats near the back. Ron passed them as he entered and sat nearer the front. He cast only one small glance at them, locking eyes with Harry momentarily.

'Welcome,' Professor Oniki greeted them with a bow of his head, 'my name is Keita Oniki and I will be your Defence Against the Darts Arts instructor this year. I am aware that your prior lessons in this subject have been very fragmented. It will be my job to educate you in all that you will need to receive a passing mark. For your first lesson, I will be teaching you about the very source of your magic, which I feel is gravely ignored in western wizardry. You may be able to use magic without this knowledge, but the fine understanding of how it works, and why you can use it, is very important. I think it a large oversight that you remain ignorant of this knowledge.

'So, let me begin with a question. Have any of you ever wondered what the difference is between you and the Muggles who live alongside you? Why can you perform magic, when they remain unaware of it?'

'It's blood, isn't it?' A Slytherin spoke up. He sat with Theodore Nott, Crabbe and Goyle. 'We have magic running in our veins. That's what makes us better.'

'Ah,' Professor Oniki held up a long, crooked finger, 'then why does magic pop up in Muggle families.'

Silence held for a few moments as everyone contemplated this.

'The truth is, blood has nothing to do with it. Magic exists all around is, pure and powerful, flowing through the air. The Muggles of my own country sometimes refer to it as Ki, an energy source that exist within oneself. Some can even use this to perform feats of impressive strength or skill. Breaking a thick wooden log with a single thrust of the palm, for instance. They no idea what they really channel, but the concept is there, all the same. Magic flows in and out of us with every breath. It is our very life force.'

'Then what is the difference between us and Muggles, sir?' Hermione asked, raising her hand into the air. Oniki nodded to her.

'The difference, Miss Granger, is simple. We have the ability to access the magic. That is all. Something exist within us that allows us to, how shall I put this. Ah, siphon the magic that flows around us and use it. That is the difference. The reason you perform accidental magic when you are younger is simply because your siphon is untrained, like a tap that has no handle to regulate the flow of water. You simply learn how to access the siphon and control it as you age. By now, you should all have complete control of your siphon.'

'Then why do we needs wands to use magic?'

'You don't. Your wand only helps you to amplify magic and steer it in the course you wish it to travel. If you truly tried, magic without a wand is possible, though to those untrained in the art it can be very dangerous. A demonstration?' Professor Oniki waved his hand and an empty chair rose into the air, hovered for a few moments, and then clattered to the floor.

'How do you learn how to do that?' Draco asked.

'With great effort and time,' Professor Oniki answered. 'I have been training myself since I was a young boy and I still have not mastered the art.'

'Sir?' Harry raised a hand to get the Professors attention.

'Yes Mister Potter?'

'You said that only children produce accidental magic, right? The "siphon" becomes more under your control as you age, right?'

'That is correct,' Professor Oniki confirmed.

Harry sat back in his chair, brow furrowed. Another student raised his hand to ask a question, but Harry wasn't listening. Hermione noticed his furrowed brow and gently took his hand under the table.

'Harry? Are you all right?' she whispered.

'Yeah, I'm fine,' Harry answered distractedly.

Hermione continued to regard him with curiosity, but Harry was too engrossed in his own thoughts. If accidental magic was supposed to ebb as you aged, then why did Harry still produce it? He remembered Snape trying to probe into his mind and how he had been flung across a corridor when Harry raised his mental shields. Only yesterday, when he had ordered Madam Rosmerta to hand him a broom, one of her glasses had exploded with his shout. But how? His siphon should be under control by now, shouldn't it? He had a lot to think about.

After much deliberation, Ron decided to track down Luna and ask her about the kiss she planted on him during the attack on the train. She was a lot harder to find than one would expect. First he asked around at the Ravenclaw table, but nobody seemed to know, or care, where she was. Next he tried all the places she was likely to be. She was a Ravenclaw, and was supposed to be smart, so he checked the library, but it was to no avail. After wandering and almost getting lost in the stacks, he gave it up, and tried to think of where else she might be. Perhaps she was sending a letter to her father. But the Owlry was a dead end as well. Sighing in frustration, he slumped against the wall of the Owlry and stared out at the lake below him. She was probably in the Ravenclaw common room.

Or not…

Ron squinted at the vague figure standing at the edge of the lake. He thought, just for moment, yes! It was Luna! Ron jumped down the stairs three at a time, ran through the corridors of Hogwarts Castle, and out through the double doors. It was getting late, but there was enough daylight left to illuminate the grounds faintly. He jogged to where he knew Luna to be. She was standing in the exact same place, barefoot so that the water lapped around her ankles, throwing huge chunks of bread out into the depths of the lake. He approached slowly, watching her with a raised eyebrow. What the hell was she doing?

He cleared his throat to let her know he was there, but she made no reply, not even turning her head to regard him. She ripped a chunk of bread from a large loaf under her arm and tossed it into the water, smiling serenely as she did it. In the faint light, she was almost beautiful. Wait a second, beautiful? Where had that thought come from?

Shaking his head, Ron tried again. 'Erm, Luna?'

'Yes Ronald?'

So she wasn't deaf, just ignorant. Fair enough.

'Erm, what are you doing?' In light of her odd behaviour, he'd forgotten all about his reason for seeking her out.

'Feeding the squid.' She said it as if it was the most obvious thing in world.

'Feeding… the squid… okay.' Ron felt like scratching his head in confusion. 'Can I ask… dare I ask… why?'

'He's hungry,' Luna answered.

'And the squid has a craving for soggy bread?' Ron couldn't help himself. It was just so bizarre. 'Or maybe he'd prefer a meat and potato pie.'

Luna turned to him with a wide smile. 'Do you think so?'

Ron stared at her, unblinking. Was she mocking him? Or was she serious?

'I… don't know…' It was almost a question.

Luna shrugged slightly and went back to throwing bread into the water. No, wait, feeding the squid. Ron stood silently, watching her, trying to remember why he was even out here talking to the strange girl. Then he remembered - THE KISS (that was how he referred to it in his head, capital letters and all).


'Yes Ronald?'

'I… I…' Damn, this was going to be tough.

'Something is wrong with your eye?' Luna finished for him, trying to be helpful.

'What? No,' Ron said, shaking his head, a grin flashing across his face, 'my eye is fine.' The levity of the situation seemed to ease his nervousness. He forged on boldly. 'I wanted to ask you… why did you kiss me? You know, on the train.'

'Oh.' Luna went back to staring out across the lake. Her dirty blonde hair blew around her head. She pushed it behind her ear and Ron was sure he glimpsed a faint blush on her face. Finally, Luna answered, 'I just… didn't want to die… without ever having done it.'

Her tone was so serious he was left speechless. She turned and smiled at him, somewhat sadly, then handed him the loaf of bread and left him. She called back only one thing: 'Don't forget to feed the squid.'

It was the end of the first full day back at Hogwarts. Harry, Hermione and Draco sat around the Heads common room. Draco was ensconced in one of the wing-backed chairs, whilst Harry and Hermione shared the other. The fire burned softly, flickering light across their faces.

'It was a good class, I thought,' Hermione commented. 'Better than most Defence lesson we've had, I'd say. I actually learnt something about magic that I didn't know, which, with all modesty, is quite amazing. What about you guys? Did you know about the source of magic?'

'I sure didn't,' Draco muttered. He'd been in a bad mood all day, and showed no sign of dragging himself out of it.

'Harry?' Hermione pressed, after a long moment of silence.

'Huh? Sorry?' Harry had been staring intently into the flames. Now he turned his head slightly to look down at his girlfriend, who sat huddled in his lap, her head resting against his chest.

'I said, did you know about the source of magic? What Professor Oniki was teaching us about, remember?'

'Of course I remember,' Harry said, puzzled. 'Why wouldn't I?'

'Don't think I didn't notice, you seemed distracted for the entire lesson.'

'I was paying attention,' Harry affirmed.


'No, I didn't know,' Harry admitted. 'It seems a large oversight to me.'

'I agree,' Hermione replied. 'It answers so many questions that I hadn't even considered asking myself. I guess I just figured, you know, it was a big mystery or something. Seems kind of silly now, though. It should be taught to every student who attends Hogwarts and every other wizarding school, for that matter. It'd help put an end to all this pureblood nonsense, I think. Don't you agree?'

But Harry had gone back to staring into the flames. She frowned at him and glanced over at Draco. He stared moodily out at nothing. She sighed.

'Am I just talking to myself tonight?'

Draco lay in darkness, staring up at the ceiling of his dormitory. Hermione had left with Harry around an hour ago, to spend the night once again in Slytherin's Secret Chamber. He wanted to curse at them both for having the nerve to fling their perfect relationship in his face, but he couldn't get the words out. It wasn't them he was angry at.

It was himself.

The reason? Because he could have had a perfect relationship as well, only he had screwed it up. Okay, so maybe he and Ginny might not have had a perfect relationship, but at least it would have been a relationship, instead of this confounding flux.

Every time he laid eyes on her, he wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. To kiss her and tell her that he loved her and yeah, don't forget show her that he loved her. Instead, all he could do was stare at her wordlessly, too afraid to voice his feelings. What would she say to him if he had the nerve to tell her he was sorry? That he would never let anyone harm her again, including himself. He didn't know.

It was that uncertainty that prevented him from approaching her.

But every second he wasted, it was another second that Neville Longbottom could use to worm his way into Ginny's heart. Sometimes he thought that that might be just. Maybe Neville deserved to have Ginny. Draco stomped those thoughts viciously down into his subconscious. He would not let those traitorous feelings prevent him from making Ginny see how sorry he was. He wouldn't let them conquer him and stop him from getting her back.

Yet even so, with every wasted second he was letting them do just that. He needed to overcome his fears and doubts and take a chance. He'd been trying to muster the courage to approach Ginny all day, but his heart refused to heed his head, too afraid of being broken.

As he lay in bed, Draco resolved not to let tomorrow be the same.

Deep inside Hogwarts, locked safely in Slytherin's Chamber, Hermione slowly came awake. The cool silk sheets of Harry's luxurious bed had fallen halfway to the floor sometime during the night, but the half that should have been Harry's was wrapped snugly around her. She blinked her eyes a couple of times to wake up more and then rolled over, raising a hand to rub at her eyes. Her hair was in even worse disarray than it normally was, but she was used to that. She smiled up at Harry.

He was sitting with his back against the headboard, locked in deep thought. Again. He'd been preoccupied since Professor Oniki's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson the previous day. She had asked him about it, but he avoided the question, insisting that nothing was troubling him. She knew him better than that, and because she did, she wouldn't press him. He would tell her when he was ready. Still, it was rather annoying, so she gave him a sharp poke in the side. He startled and looked down at her accusingly.

'What'd you do that for?'

'Just felt like it.' She grinned at him cheekily and stuck out her tongue.

He shook his head at her antics and shuffled down to lie beside her, his arm coming down over her chest. He pulled her closer and kissed her. She savoured the moment blissfully, melting into him. When he pulled back, she snuggled into him, using his chest as a pillow.



'If I ask you what's wrong, will you tell me this time, instead of deny it?' Hermione ventured.

'You know me too well,' Harry said with a small sigh. 'Okay. You want to know what's been on my mind?'

'I really do.'

'Then I'll tell you,' Harry said. 'Remember what Professor Oniki was telling us? About his "siphon" and how it grows more controlled with age, resulting in less and less accidental magic, until it's completely under control?'

'Yeah, what about it?' Hermione asked with curiosity.

'Well, to put it simply' Harry stalled a little, then went on, 'I still produce accidental magic.'


'That's it? Oh? You don't think that a little odd, Hermione? Professor Oniki said that our siphons should be under control by now, but mine isn't. Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to be wandering around with a… well… a leaking tap? Magic can burst from me at any moment. When Snape tried to probe my mind with Legilimency, I blasted him right across a corridor and nearly cracked his skull open. That could happen to anyone, without my control. I feel like I have this enormous weapon, but I can't wield it properly. What if I try to use it and end up hurting someone I care about?'

'I didn't mean it that way, Harry.' Hermione hastily assured him, sitting up and giving him a beseeching look. 'I was just surprised, that's all. You really produce accidental magic?' Off his hard stare, she continued. 'Erm, well, it's not…'

'Don't try to tell me it's not that bad,' Harry warned.

'Okay,' Hermione said. 'But… I mean, why? Like you said, your siphon should be in control by now. I don't understand.'

'Neither do I,' Harry grumbled.

Hermione watched as Harry shuffled back up to sit against the headboard again. He ran his hands through his hair in irritation and fear. She was probably the only one who would have seen that fear in him. It cut her to the heart that she couldn't offer him any help. He was her boyfriend, her lover, and the person who had dragged her from loneliness and back to life. She wished fiercely that she had the solution to his problem, but she didn't. All she could do was embrace him gently and murmur the name of the person most likely to help him.

'Professor Oniki.'


'You should tell Professor Oniki,' Hermione explained. 'He's the only one who can possibly help. He might be able to tell you how to control your siphon or… at least he'll be able to explain why.'

'You hope.'

'I hope,' Hermione amended.

Professor Flitwick was telling the class about something, but Ginny wasn't really listening. Her first few days back at Hogwarts had been lonely. She hadn't really seen Hermione since they arrived at Hogwarts. Harry was likewise absent. Half of her dorm mates had not returned to Hogwarts for their sixth year. Then there was Draco… Draco was just too confusing to even think about. She was, in a way, thankful she hadn't seen him. Although, her traitorous mind insisted on torturing her with dreams that would make even the most promiscuous girl blush.

Neville was her only real companion. She didn't see him as often as she'd like, but he always went out of his way to stop and talk to her for a while, or escort her to her next lesson if he was free. He was a sweetie. The kind of boy she should be attracted too.

Neville would never hurt her.

But then…

Her thoughts where interrupted as the class suddenly sprang into motion, standing up and packing books and wands back into bags, heading for the door. Ginny glanced around in surprise, then quickly gathered her things and followed. She stopped in the doorway, her breath catching in her throat.

Draco was waiting for her.

She stepped cautiously out into the corridor, trying to ignore the way people stared, clutching her bag as if it was a lifeline. The corridor was deathly silent. Draco glared angrily at the people watching them.

'What?' he snapped. 'Not got lives of your own? Piss off!'

With acrimonious murmurs, the crowd dispersed as people went about their own business. 'Jerk!' One girl spat as she passed him. Draco glowered at her back for a while. Ginny attempted to escape, but Draco caught her arm as she went to leave.

'Wait, please,' he said, looking at her softly, 'I just… can we talk?'

'I… I don't think that's a good idea,' she said, not looking at him.

'Ginny.' The way he spoke her name, so tenderly, so lovingly, made her look up at him with wide chocolate eyes. 'I know I don't deserve it, but please. You think this is easy for me? You know how I am. My pride is all I have left, but… but here I am… begging you, please. Do I have to…'

Ginny waited for him to finish, but he was seemingly unable too. 'What, Draco?'

'Please,' Draco repeated.

'I can't even think about you without giving myself a headache Draco,' Ginny said, knowing the words would probably hurt him, but being unable to stop them. She didn't know what else to say.

Draco looked away from her, down at the ground. His hands clenched at his side and she took one small step back, unconsciously shying away from him. 'Will you ever… be able to?'

'I don't know,' Ginny replied. 'I'm so sorry Draco.'

She stepped away, turned around and began walking away from him, but his next words froze her in her tracks.

'Don't,' he pleaded. 'Give me another chance.'

'I did,' Ginny whispered softly. 'And you broke my heart.'

'It won't be like that this time, I promise.'

'I can't know that.' Ginny sighed. 'Give me time. That's all I can offer you.'

'So that you can fuck that Neville Longbottom in the meantime?' Draco lashed out.

Ginny stiffened.

'He's a safe choice, isn't he? A loser like that, you don't have to worry about him cheating on you, or breaking your heart, right? But you know what Ginny. You don't really like him. He will never be able to satisfy you like I can.'

'I'm leaving now,' Ginny said stiffly.

'Yeah,' Draco shouted after her, 'don't forget, better stay on top. The fat bastard might crush you!'

Ginny ignored him. She knew Draco didn't mean the things he was saying and she wasn't going to stand around and listen to him. He was upset and when he was upset, Draco attacked. She at least knew that much about him. Still, his harsh, cruel words rang in her ears. It was hard to stop from roaring right back at him.

With strength of character she never knew she possessed, she kept her head up and marched on.

Back outside the Charms classroom, Draco slumped against the wall, head cradled in his hands.

'Perfect,' he muttered savagely, 'fucking perfect.'

'Mr Malfoy?' Professor Flitwick enquired. 'Mr Malfoy? Are you okay?'

'No, I don't think I am.'

It was very early in the morning. Harry had awoken with a strong determination to ask Professor Oniki about his accidental magic problem. He left Hermione in bed and got dressed, intent on finding the Professor before the day really started. He was just leaving the Slytherin dungeons when he heard the sharp cry.

'What the?'

Harry put on a burst of speed, taking the steps two at a time, until he emerged into the Entrance Hall. The sight that met his eyes turned his blood cold.

A single, unmoving Hogwarts student led in the middle of the space, motionless, glassy eyes staring up at the Dark Mark etched into the ceiling. Ron Weasley stared down at the boy, his face white. He turned his head when Harry emerged from the dungeons. They were wide and uncomprehending.

'What happened?' Harry asked.