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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc, etc. Anyone who thinks I do own Harry Potter is an idiot.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord

Chapter Forty-One

An explosion of energy rocked the entire foundation of Azkaban.

Hermione felt it vibrating through the stone under her feet. She saw it all around as the walls and floor cracked, great jagged cracks that threatened the entire structure. She was standing with Sirius, Remus and Tonks, watching over the captured Death Eaters, chief among them Lucius Malfoy.

'What was that?' Hermione asked, panicked.

Lucius Malfoy laughed. 'That would be the death of your beloved Potter.'

Sirius kicked him in the face. 'Shut up.' He turned to face Hermione and took hold of her arms. 'Hey, listen to me Hermione. We don't know anything yet so don't jump to conclusions. And don't listen to a word these idiots say. Got it?'

'Yeah,' she said.

'Sirius.' Remus got his best friends attention. 'I don't think this place can withstand another shock like that. Maybe we should get out while we can?'

'Hmm,' Sirius hummed, 'probably.'

'And leave Harry?' Hermione protested.

'He can take care of himself,' Sirius declared loudly.

'I agree with Remus,' Tonks chimed in. 'We have to leave now.'

'Let's go then,' Sirius said, taking Hermione by the hand and ignoring her protests.

Voldemort couldn't believe his eyes. The power radiating from this child was incredible, rivalling even his own. He tried to Apparate away (after all, Potter was dead, and he didn't need to fight this battle right now), but the pure bursts of energy being emitted by the boy were so powerful he couldn't break through them. He was encompassed on all sides and trapped.

Neville had gotten to his feet, his fist wrapped tightly around his wand, almost snapping it. Anger pulsed from him. He thrust his wand at Voldemort and shouted, 'AVADA KEDAVRA!'

Voldemort ducked in a very ungainly fashion. The curse blew apart the entire section of roof behind him, resulting in a huge explosion. He turned to stare behind him with wide eyes. What was going on?

Neville tried again.

Voldemort managed to deflect it with his own power. The curse flew into the air. Whatever happened, he couldn't let this boy hit the prison with another one of those curses. He would kill them all.

Voldemort focused all of his power on protecting the structure of Azkaban while Neville, enraged, did all he could to blow Voldemort to smithereens. Finally, after nearly five minutes of trying to keep Neville from blowing the whole of Azkaban to dust, the power radiating from him began to wane, and Voldemort saw his chance.

The Dark Lord used what little power he had left to knock Neville off his feet.

Neville lay stunned as Voldemort stumbled over to him. He regained enough composure to finally raise his head - what had just happened? He remembered the sight of Harry, blood spurting from the neck, falling limply to the ground. Then all was blinding whiteness. A rage.

Voldemort appeared above him, looking faint, but a smile of satisfaction on his pasty, snakelike visage. Voldemort pointed his wand.

'Whoever you are,' Voldemort panted, 'you should have… thought twice… before challenging me.'

Voldemort went to open his mouth again, no doubt about to issue the words that would end Neville's life, but suddenly he went slack. His eyes rolled up. A green aura shimmered across his body.

Voldemort fell to his knees. His wand slipped out of his hand and rolled across the ground. He collapsed sideways and lay still.

Neville rolled over and climbed onto his hands and knees. He'd never felt more exhausted as he did right now. It was a chore to raise his head and stare across the rooftop. Harry was standing (standing!) with his hand clutching the side of his neck. Blood soaked his hand and the front of his robes, but he was standing. He had his wand in the other hand, still pointed where Voldemort had stood. His eyes looked glazed.

'Harry,' Neville said weakly. 'Harry.'

Harry looked over at him briefly, and then collapsed.

Neville felt a surge of adrenaline take over. He pushed himself up and staggered in a half run over to Harry's motionless body. He had to be okay. He had to be. He couldn't die now. Not after they had finally won! Neville collapsed next to Harry and shook him. He didn't respond.

'No, please,' Neville cried, 'you can't die. You can't leave Hermione. Wake up!'

Harry still didn't respond.

'Harry, please, you're the hero. You are. I know you don't believe it, but you are. It was never meant to be me. Please. You're the hero. And the hero never dies.'

'Ugh,' Harry groaned.


'What… are you… doing… idiot… get… help…'

Neville laughed, nodding and crying. 'Yeah. Right. Sorry. Okay.'


With a crack, Neville went to get help.

When Harry awoke, he was lying in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around. How is it I always end up here? This thought was an idle one - he didn't really care. What mattered was that he had woken up. And standing beside his bed, talking with Draco, Neville, Seraphina, Ron and Luna, was Hermione.

'Hey,' he croaked, and she jumped. She whirled to see him awake, and before he knew it lots of bushy hair was blinding him, and she was kissing him so hard, leaning on him so hard, he winced. She pulled back with a squeak.

'Oh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?'

'Sore,' he said, and winced as his throat protested. 'Hurts to speak.'

'I'll get you some water,' Hermione said, and dashed off.

Harry reached up and felt the scar on his neck.

'Madam Pomfrey is doing the best she can to heal it,' Neville said, taking a seat on the end of the bed. 'She said whatever curse You-Know-Who used really did a number on you. The wound is resistant to all kinds of healing medicine.'

'And… rest of me?'

'Just drained,' Neville replied. 'Madam Pomfrey said she'll give you something for that once you wake up. Maybe I should go get her?'

'No,' Harry said quickly, and winced again. 'I'm fine. Right now. Wait.'


'Potter.' Ron came to stand by the bed.

Harry looked at him.

'Here.' Ron held out a familiar object - his old wand, lost when Bellatrix captured him.

Harry smiled happily and took it back. 'How?'

'Snape had it,' Ron replied. 'I got it back when I beat him. Cut off his hand.' Ron said the last bit proudly, sticking out his chest.

Harry laughed and cried in pain at the same time. Ron looked worried, glancing back, hoping Hermione wasn't back to notice and scold him. He looked back at Harry once he had ascertained she wasn't back yet.

'Cut his hand off, huh?'


'Nice one.'

Ron smiled. 'Thanks.'

Harry noticed Ron's blackened left hand. 'What happened?'

'A Killing Curse,' Ron said, less enthusiastic now. 'I managed to deflect most of it, but I guess not enough. It's dead.'


'Hey.' Ron perked up. 'It's nothing. I got to cut Snapes hand off, and kill a giant snake. What more can I ask for?'

Harry could tell he was just putting on a brave front. This time he decided to let it slide. And besides, Hermione was back, and was currently forcing a mouthful of water down his throat. He coughed and spat some out.

'Slowly,' he said, and she blushed.

'Sorry.' She tipped slower this time and Harry managed to swallow.

After having his fill of water, Hermione moved to put the glass on the bedside table. She sat next to him and took his hand.

'Harry?' Seraphina got his attention. 'Thanks,' she said, stepping forward and quickly kissing him on the forehead before he could object. Neville laughed at Harry's embarrassed look. Hermione smiled.

'Sorry,' Neville said, 'I couldn't talk her out of it.'

Harry shook his head. 'I'll let her off this time.'

'We're all just glad you're alive,' Luna said. She placed a rather odd looking plant down on the bedside table. It was purple and had long, thin leaves that drooped. 'It's called the Fesus Plant. You can use the leaves to brew a tea that will… erm… make you happy.' She turned a tad pink and leant closer to whisper, 'you and Hermione should try it together.'

Harry looked a little confused. 'Oh-kay.' He said it as if he was unsure.

Luna smiled and stood upright again, apparently not noticing. 'Enjoy it, they're rare.'

'Guys, we appreciate you coming and all, but it's getting late and Harry should probably rest.' Hermione gave Neville a beseeching look.

'Yeah,' Neville said, clearing his throat, 'we probably should. Come on Sera.'

'See ya then,' Ron called, leaving with Luna.

'We'll talk later,' Neville said to Harry on his way out.

That left Harry alone with just Hermione and Draco. Draco stood up and wandered over. So far he'd been sitting as far away as possible while still being apart of the group.

'You okay?' What Harry was really asking was - did you get your revenge?

'I'm okay.' It's done.


'I should go as well,' Draco said, patting Hermione on the shoulder.

'Bye Draco,' Hermione said as he left.

'Is he really okay?' Harry asked honestly this time.

'Not much different,' Hermione admitted sadly. 'I don't think he'll ever really get over what happened.'

Harry agreed. 'Yeah.'

'There's nothing we can do about that right now,' Hermione said, lying down next to Harry and being careful not to hurt his abused body. 'And we have all the time in the world to think of something that will help Draco. All the time in the world.'

Harry smiled. 'Yeah, we do, don't we.'

A/N: Okay, in case anyone didn't get it, the plant Luna gave Harry to use with Hermione (that would make him "happy") was actually like a wizarding world equivalent of an aphrodisiac. He-he. One more to go. Review please.