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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: I've been toying with the idea of going back and writing about the first five years of my Alternate Universe. It wouldn't be the full five years, as I'm not prepared to take on a project that big, and it'd probably be pretty boring, at least from a romance point of view. What I had in mind was to write a collection of one shots, sorta speak, that cover the important events during the five years. I wouldn't start until after I finish this fic, of course, but I'd like to know what you all think about that. Would you be interested in reading it? Or would I be wasting my time? Let me know in a review. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord Chapter Thirty-Four

The Room of Requirement had taken on the form of a training space. Wooden figures lined the far wall, set in place for target practice. Nearest the door, Hermione and Seraphina sat watching as Harry led Neville through a series of spells.

'Don't be so stiff,' Harry instructed. 'If your body is tense, your reaction time will suffer. You need to relax. Be ready for anything. Be fluid like water.'

'Like this?' Neville said, relaxing his arm.

'That's better,' Harry said, 'but now relax your whole body. There. Don't forget how this feels. I know it's difficult, especially in a battle situation, but try and memorise how it feels and your body will react like this instinctively. Now, remember the spell I taught you last night?'

Neville nodded.

Harry pointed to one of the nearer targets. 'Take it out.'

Neville took a deep breath, locked his eyes on the target, and mouthed the silent spell. A jet of purple light blew apart half of the wooden statue.

'Not bad,' Harry praised, 'but your aim was a little off. That spell should have obliterated the target. Try again.'

The target reformed upon Harry's will. Neville fired again, and this time his aim was true, reducing the target to nothing but wooden splinters. Seraphina clapped loudly. Neville turned to grin at her.

'Good job,' Harry said. 'Now again.'

The target reformed and practice continued.

Hermione shared a smile with Seraphina.

'You really like him, don't you.' It wasn't a question.

'I do,' Seraphina replied, grinning ear to ear.

'It's nice to know,' Hermione said. 'Neville really deserves it.'

'He does,' Seraphina agreed.

'Make sure you treat him well,' Hermione said, only a little seriously. 'I don't know anyone who doesn't love Neville. We're all watching you.' Hermione's smile softened the words.

'You have nothing to worry about,' Seraphina assured her. 'I would never do anything to hurt Neville. I adore him. I just wish…'


'It's nothing,' Seraphina said dismissively.

'No, really, what?' Hermione pressed.

Seraphina sighed. 'I just wish he felt the same way,' she admitted.

'Are you kidding?' Hermione shook her head in bemusement. 'Seraphina, Neville cares deeply about you. I've never seen him as happy as he is with you.'

'Oh, I'm sure he likes me,' Seraphina ceded, 'but it's not the same as the way I like him. I love him Hermione. I know it sounds dumb, we haven't known each other that long, but I really do. I never used to believe in love at first sight until I met Neville. The first time I saw him, I knew I would never love anyone as much as I love him. He's my soul mate. Don't you feel that way about Harry?'

'This isn't about Harry and me,' Hermione said. 'What makes you think Neville doesn't love you?'

'Because he loves… loved Ginny,' Seraphina finally declared. 'He cared about Ginny the way I care about him. She was his soul mate.'

'Okay, I'll admit that Neville liked Ginny, but what makes you think he loved her?'

'Because…' Seraphina stalled, trying to find the right words. 'Because he was angry.'

'Of course he was angry,' Hermione said, confused.

'He was never that angry when she tried… when they attacked me. It sounds horrible, I know, but he was so angry when they killed her.'

'And you think that means he loved her more than you?'

'Don't you?'

Hermione opened her mouth to argue, but she couldn't think of anything to say. Eventually, she had to admit defeat, and closed her mouth.

'Exactly,' Seraphina said simply.

'I might not be able to find the words to contradict you, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I think you're overreacting. You underestimate how much Neville does care about you. I hope someday you'll finally see that.'

'I wish you were right. I really do.'

They went back to watching their respective boyfriends for a while. Harry was trying to teach Neville a new spell, and judging from the way Neville was sweating, it was a complex one.

'You never answered my question,' Seraphina pointed out.

'What question was that?'

'Do you think Harry is your soul mate? Did you love him at first sight?'

'I was eleven when I first saw Harry,' Hermione told her dryly.


'No,' Hermione said. 'It wasn't love at first sight. In fact, I thought he was kind of a jerk. He was a little mean. Well, actually, Draco was mean. Harry was just… there. He didn't step in and speak up for me. And after that, I only saw him sporadically. Harry has a way of deflecting attention from himself. Considering his fame, it's quite amazing.'

'You really didn't love him then?'

'Well,' Hermione said thoughtfully, 'love isn't the word. I guess I did sort of have a crush on him. Most girls did. I'd read about him before I even met him. Hero worship would probably be the words I'd use to describe it. Though I'd never admit to being so shallow at the time.'

'And then when you started dating?'

'One day I just woke up and I knew I loved him.'

'And he loves you, right?'

'Of course,' Hermione said.

'Are you getting married?'

If Hermione had been drinking, she imagined, at that moment, as cliché as it sounds, she might have spat her drink out. 'What makes you ask that?'

'Well, you're in love, and that's the natural thing to do right?'

'Well, yeah, but…'

'I think about getting married all the time,' Seraphina said. 'Before Neville, it was some mysterious shadowy gentleman, but now all I see is him. The idea of being Seraphina Longbottom makes my whole body tingle and I just wanna scream out in happiness. Don't you want to get married?'

Hermione blushed a little. 'Yeah,' she said, 'I guess I do.'

'With Harry?'

'Of course with Harry, but it'll never happen.'

'Why?' Seraphina asked.

'Harry will never ask me,' Hermione said, 'and I won't ask him.'

'Why won't he ask?'

'Because he hates stuff like that. Being in the spotlight and all.'

'But doesn't he care about what you want?'

'I don't mind,' Hermione argued. 'I'd like to get married, but it's not the most important thing in the world. As long as I know he loves me, and we can be together, I can live without it.'

'That's really sad,' Seraphina said softly, sympathetically.

Hermione shrugged. 'I'm happy,' she said, 'and that's all that counts.'

'If you truly are happy, then I guess you're right.'

'I am,' Hermione assured her, but even as she said it, she realised she wasn't being entirely honest. She was happy, but not truly happy. A dull pang made itself known in her heart. It wouldn't go away.

'You've been quiet tonight.'

Hermione looked up at Harry in response. They were sitting in the Head's common room, Harry in one of the armchairs before the fire, Hermione on the floor, leaning back against his legs.

'Sorry,' she replied, 'I've just got something on my mind.'

'Anything I can do?'

'No,' Hermione said softly, 'it's something I have to figure out myself.' She went back to gazing into the blazing fire.

Harry frowned at her, but didn't press the issue. 'Okay.' When she made no move to continue the conversation, Harry found himself searching for a topic. He finally settled on, 'how's your dad doing?'

'Oh, he's… the same.'

'They haven't figured out what Voldemort did to him yet?'

'No,' Hermione said sadly. 'Madam Pomfrey is hopeful they will eventually. It's just a matter of trial and error. But even when they do figure it out, they might not be able to cure it.'

'I'm sure they'll do their best for him,' Harry said, not knowing what else to say.

Hermione hummed in agreement, then quickly changed the subject. 'How's Draco? Still locked away in Slytherin's chamber?'

'Last I checked,' Harry replied.

'What's he doing in there?' Hermione scowled in frustration. 'He can't avoid life forever. You should stop bringing him food. Force him to come out.'

'Like I said, he'll come out when he's ready. I'm not going to force him.'

'It's not good for him,' Hermione said.

'It's his decision,' Harry argued. 'I won't make it for him.'

'Don't you care? He's obviously in serious pain. He needs to be comforted by friends and… well… I'd say family, but you know. I just want to help him. He's my friend as well.'

'You know Draco. He'll get through this himself. Like always.'

'Why do you both have to be so solitary?' Hermione asked with a pout. 'It's like you don't need me at all.'

Harry sat up and threaded his hand into her hair gently. 'That's not true,' he contradicted her, 'at least, not as far as I'm concerned. I do need you and I'll always need you. Draco's just… Draco.'

'Yeah.' Hermione sighed. 'Stupid prat.'

'No argument here.'

'But you'd tell me if he was in trouble, wouldn't you? If he was doing anything dangerous, right?'

'Of course,' Harry said quickly.

'Harry,' Hermione moved to sit up on her knees and face him, 'he's not… reading Slytherin's Dark Arts books, is he?'

Harry looked into her eyes. 'Not to my knowledge.'

'Have you even taken a break since I was last here?' Harry placed a plate of toast down on the table in front of Draco. Draco didn't even take his eyes of the page he was reading.


'Reading so much,' Harry said, taking a seat across from his best friend, 'it can't be healthy.'

'I don't care.' Draco's voice was flat and dull - no trace of his usual drawl.

'Hermione is worried about you,' Harry went on. 'She's afraid you're reading Slytherin's Dark Arts books.'

Draco finally looked up, glancing over the top of the current volume in his hands. 'What did you tell her?'

'I lied.'

Draco closed his eyes momentarily. When he opened them again, he said, 'thanks.'

'You know it's not my style to judge. I don't know what I'd have done if it'd been Hermione instead of Ginny.'


'But, she's right,' Harry said. 'Reading them… it's dangerous.'

'So why don't you stop me?'

'I've read them,' Harry pointed out. 'If I tried to stop you I'd just be a hypocrite. Besides, I've found that those who've been a victim of the Dark Arts carry a certain amount of protection against them. Hermione wouldn't understand that.'


'So just be careful,' Harry finished.

'I am.'

'And Draco?'


'Maybe you could show your face a little around Hogwarts,' Harry answered. 'It'd make Hermione feel better.'

Draco turned his eyes back to the page. 'I'll think about it.'

Harry got to his feet. 'Thanks.' He once again left Draco alone in the chamber with his books.

When Harry returned from Slytherin's chamber, he found Hermione already in bed. He closed the door to her room softly, crossed to his side of the bed, undressed, and slipped in beside her. She must have been waiting for him, because she turned instantly to cuddle up beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

'Did you speak to Draco?' she murmured sleepily.

'Yeah,' Harry replied in a whisper. 'Don't know if it'll do any good.'

'As long as you tried.'

'I did.'

They lay in silence for a while.

'Do you ever think about after?' Hermione asked.


'After you beat Voldemort.'


'Not ever?'

'Do you?'

'All the time,' Hermione said.


'It's nothing,' she said. 'Just silly fantasies.'

Harry kissed her hair. 'About me, I hope.'

Hermione giggled. 'Honestly Harry, don't be silly.' He looked down at her, awaiting her answer. She smiled up at him sweetly. 'Of course about you.'


Hermione blushed a little. 'You really want to know?' He continued to look at her expectantly. It was all the answer she needed. 'We live together in a nice house out in the middle of nowhere. We have a nice quiet life. Out of the public eye. I always fancied us owning a nice little Muggle sweet shop or something like that.'

'Really?' Harry was surprised.

'Yeah, why not?'

'I thought you wanted to work for the Ministry?'

'I used to,' Hermione said, 'but after the way they've treated you, I just don't want to anymore. Actually, I've grown a little tired of the wizarding world. It'd be nice to get away from it all. Move someplace where we can just be Harry and Hermione.'


'You don't want to?'

'I never said that.' Harry pulled her tighter, closer. 'Continue.'

'Erm,' Hermione paused to get her bearings back, then went on, timidly now, 'I'd like to have children. Not right away of course, but eventually. When we're both ready for it.'




'Can I get a little more than just a "hmm" please?'

Harry laughed and leaned down to kiss her hair again. 'I've never put any kind of thought into this Hermione,' he said. 'I've kinda just been living my life as it comes. The future has never been a certainty for me. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of dying, but… it could happen.'

'Don't say that.'

'Sorry,' Harry said. 'Anyway, as much as I haven't put thought into it, what you said… it sounds… really… nice.'

'It does? All of it?'

'Every bit.'

'Oh Harry.' Hermione brought his face down to meet hers. She kissed him hard on the mouth, pouring all her love into it. 'I love you.'

'I know.'

'We'll do it. Won't we?'

'We will.'

Hermione laid her head down on Harry's chest and closed her eyes in content.

'I talked with Seraphina earlier,' she said, still with her eyes closed.


'She's a nice girl. Perfect for Neville. She just… for some reason, she has this really low opinion of herself.'


'She seems to think Neville doesn't love her.'


'Because… this sounds crazy, but it's what she said… because he didn't get angry when the Death Eaters attacked her.'

Harry couldn't help himself - he laughed loudly.

'What? What's so funny?'

'Sorry,' Harry said, 'I just think its funny, that's all. She's wrong. Neville was very angry.' So angry he almost destroyed Hogwarts, Harry thought to himself.

'He was?'

'Oh yeah.'

'She doesn't know?'


Hermione was silent in thought for about five seconds before she spoke again. 'You should tell her.'

'Why me? I've never even spoken to the girl before.'

'Because it would mean more coming from you,' Hermione tried to reason with him. 'You were the only one there to see how angry he got. Only you can make her believe it. She'll probably just think I'm making it up to make her feel better.'

'She's that convinced?'

'Yeah,' Hermione said, 'and it's weighing on her, I can tell. She feels like second best, and no one should have to feel like that.'

'I don't know Hermione. Comforting people isn't my thing. I doubt I can make her believe.'

'But you'll try? For me?'

Harry sighed. 'Knew you'd play that card.'

Hermione looked up to give him a cheeky grin. 'That's a yes then?'

He couldn't help but smile back at her, even as he shook his head in defeat. 'That's a yes. I'll try.'

'That's all I ask.' Hermione gave him another kiss to placate him. 'Does that make you feel better?'

'It's going to take more than a kiss to make me feel better,' he grumped playfully.

'Oh really.' Hermione raised her eyebrows saucily.

'Yup.' Harry suddenly rolled over, on top of her, so that he straddled her waist.

'Well, if that's what it'll take,' Hermione said, acting resigned, 'a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Have your way with me sir. If you must.'

Harry did.