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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: Here's the next chapter. I was going to include Harry's birthday surprise for Hermione, but the beginning of the chapter went longer than I expected. I'll post Hermione's birthday as a separate chapter after this. Hope you guys enjoy. More should be coming soon. Thanks for all the reviews. For all of you who will be viewing this on Portkey, I'd like to apologise for the awful formatting. For some reason when i save the file as a HTML document, it all goes wonky, and i have to manually change things in notepad. In the future I'm going to figure out a way to upload them so that it doesn't happen, but for now you'll have to deal with it.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord

Chapter Eighteen

Immediately following his fight with Hermione (who was at that very moment crying herself to sleep in Slytherin's Chamber) Harry made his way out of Hogwarts Castle. He walked aimlessly down towards the lake, not really caring where he was heading. The fresh air was cold, numbing him to everything. Or maybe that was just because of the fight.

The sun hadn't even begun to peek its giant eye over the horizon yet, but he knew going back to Slytherin's Chamber was out of the question. He just couldn't face Hermione right now. He didn't know what he would say if he did, and if he was honest, he though he had already said enough.

The uncomfortable freezing cold of night was a welcome feeling as he stood by the lake and stared out across its black surface. Sunrise should be happening anytime now, but for Harry the day was already a black one. Light would not help matters.

Tiring of the lake, he began his journey back to the castle. On his way he noticed the light on down at Hagrid's house and decided to stop by and talk to the half-giant. It had been a while since they had really talked.

An even bushier haired Hagrid answer the door when he knocked. ''Arry?'

'Hey Hagrid,' Harry said, 'mind if I come in?'

Hagrid gestured him in and closed the door behind him. A very happy Fang greeted him with sloppy licks. 'Hey Fang, long time.'

'You okay 'Arry?' Hagrid asked, still standing by the door.

'Fine,' Harry lied as he sat down. Fang dropped his muzzle into his lap and began drooling. Harry began to idly stroke the bloodhound's head.

'Don' look fine,' Hagrid opined.

Harry shrugged dismissively.

'Ya haven't bin' to see me since the Sortin',' Hagrid said, moving into the room and putting the kettle on. 'What brings ya t' me at this early hour?'

'Couldn't sleep,' Harry lied again.

''Arry, I know ya better than that,' Hagrid replied.

Harry sighed, giving in. 'I had a fight with Hermione.'

'Oh,' Hagrid said, scratching his beard. 'I'm not much 'elp in that area.'

'Don't worry about it,' Harry said, 'I didn't come here to talk about it. Just thought it'd be nice to catch up, or something.'

'Why did y'fight?' Hagrid asked.

'Difference of opinion,' Harry said.

'You goin' t'let summat like tha' stop ya?'

'I don't know.'

''Arry,' Hagrid began earnestly, 'I've seen ya wit' Hermione. You look 'appy, happier than I ever seen ya. Ever since I brough' ya from those Dursleys, you never once looked 'appy, but that girl, she changed ya. Don' let that get 'way from ya.'

'Don't worry about that Hagrid,' Harry said. 'I might not have looked happy, but I was all right. I knew, from the moment you told me about your suspicions that Voldemort was still alive, that I had a job to do. I vowed that I wasn't going to rest until I finished it. I haven't. He'll die by my hand, I promise you. Then I can concentrate on being happy.'

'Am' not sure thas' true,' Hagrid said. 'What's the point o' fightin' if it isn't t' protect summat. Summat y' love.'

'Power of love, huh?' Harry scowled. 'I think revenge is a better motivator.'

'Power of hate,' Hagrid said.

'I guess,' Harry replied.

The silence that stretched was very uncomfortable. Harry studied Hagrid's face as the giant pondered his words. Then, 'Maybe your more like you-know-who than I thought,' Hagrid said, a note of sadness in his voice.

Harry stopped stroking Fang. The uncomfortable silence only grew tenser. Hagrid cleared his throat loudly. 'I think y' need to think 'bout some things, Harry. Whether you want t' continue down that road yer' on.'

'I guess so,' Harry replied, standing up abruptly. 'Later Hagrid.'

Harry left the warmth of Hagrid's cabin behind and stepped once more out into the darkness - the cold empty darkness.

Harry didn't see Hermione at all that day.

When he returned to Slytherin's Chamber, she was long gone. He sat on the bed they had shared for nearly a month now and thought about everything that happened to him during the early hours of the morning. Hermione had first compared him to Dumbledore. Then Hagrid had compared him to Voldemort. Fancy that.

He might have been acting aloof about the whole situation, but the truth was he really did need Hermione's love and support. He had no idea how he had even managed to survive without it. The rub was he didn't know how to go about securing her love, without putting her in danger at the same time. It just wasn't possible.

If only he could tell her the truth and make her promise not to put herself in danger. That wouldn't happen though. Hermione wouldn't stand for it. She would insist on helping him patrol the corridors, and if something happened, who knows what would be the result of that. Harry didn't want to think about a world without Hermione.

'Bad day?' Draco asked as Harry joined him at the end of the Slytherin table.

Harry made a non-committal sound.

'Join the club,' Draco drawled.

Harry began loading food on his plate.

'Looks like we're not welcome,' Draco said, glancing down the table at several glaring Slytherin faces.

Harry went on stacking food on his plate.

'You got a problem?' Draco said, loud enough to be heard all down the table.

Several of the heads went back to their plates, but some of them continued to glare, not fazed by Draco's threatening tone.

'I think they're trying to figure out why the notorious Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are once again sitting at the Slytherin table,' a smug voice announced. Theodore Nott, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle, stood looking down on them from across the table. 'Slutty Gryffindor girlfriends finally get bored with you? Not welcome at the bleeding heart table anymore?'

Harry stopped what he was doing. His head didn't move, but his eyes swivelled to lock with Nott, who was unaware of this turn of events.

Draco, on the other hand, had a more obvious reaction to this insult. His wand was in his hand, pointed at Nott, and his chair had clattered to floor when he stood abruptly. 'Care to repeat that?'

'I don't think I need to,' Nott said, arms folded across his thin chest arrogantly, 'but if you insist. Why don't you-'

Before Nott could finish his next verbal assault, Draco had already attacked. The stunner spell was flung across the table without any prior warning, but instead of striking Nott, it bounced off an invisible barrier and came flying back. Draco barely managed to avoid it but ducking. An unfortunate Ravenclaw was hit in the back and slumped unconscious into her food. The entire hall went silent. Professor Slughorn, the only one present at the staff table, stood up and began to make his way (slowly, but as fast as he could go) down towards the Slytherin table, calling out, 'Hey there, stop right now!'

Nott ignored him and stood up onto the table, about to make his way over to Draco, his wand now out and ready to use. He didn't get very far. Like an invisible giant thrust to the chest, Nott was flung backwards into the wall. Professor Slughorn stopped in his tracks with surprise.

Harry had stood up.

With a flick of his wrist, his wand was in hand. 'Phloxmenti!' Crabbe and Goyle attempted to cast a Flame Charm at him at the same time, but Harry deflected the spell. The two jets of flame seemingly evaporated into smoke as they neared Harry, engulfing him for a few moments. Using this to his advantage, Harry cast two quick Disarming spells. When the smoke cleared, he was holding both Crabbe and Goyle's wands. He tossed them to Draco as his friend stood up.

Nott was just regaining his feet by this point and he glowered up at Harry.

'Didn't you want to fight?' Harry asked coldly.

'I'm not scared of you Potter!'

'You should be,' Harry replied. 'I know it's you.'

Nott smirked. 'Why, I have no idea what you are talking about.'

'Sure,' Harry said. 'If you say so.'

'That's enough,' Professor Slughorn finally intervened, getting over his surprise. 'All five of you will report to me for detention every night for a week. And… fifty points from Slytherin.' It clearly pained him to say this. 'Now, Nott, Crabbe and Goyle, get out of here. Malfoy, give them back their wands. Harry, sit down and finish your breakfast. I don't want to catch you fighting again, understand?'

Harry had already sat back down and wasn't listening anymore. Draco tossed Crabbe and Goyle their wands. They caught them easily and followed Nott out of the Great Hall. Draco picked up his chair and sat down again. Slughorn nodded his approval, before going to check on the still unconscious Ravenclaw.

'Thanks for the back-up.'


'So why are you sitting at this damn table?'


'Messed things up with Ginny again,' Draco replied grouchily.

Harry gave a humourless laugh. 'Not surprising. I don't think guys like us are cut out for this relationship business.'

'Fight with Hermione?' Draco asked, although he really didn't need to. 'How come?'

'You know I've been guarding the corridors,' Harry said. 'Hermione finally figured out I was leaving Slytherin's Chamber. She wanted to know why. I refused to tell her.'

'Why? If you can make amends with her, do so. Wish it was that simple with Ginny and me.'

'It isn't that simple though,' Harry replied. 'I don't want her in any danger.'

It was Draco's turn to laugh. 'Hate to break it to you Potter, but she's always going to be in danger. Everyone alive and against Voldemort is in danger. You know that.'


'Trust me,' Draco said, 'if you can make up with her, just do it. Don't let your male pride and overprotective feelings get in the way. What's the point if you lose her?'

'She'll still be alive,' Harry argued.

'With another guy, most likely,' Draco pointed out.

'Bastard,' Harry grunted.

'You know I'm right.'

'Yeah, I know,' Harry said, 'that's why I called you a bastard.'

Draco smirked. 'Oh, and if you tell anyone about this conversation, I'll hex you to death, got it?'

'Got it.'

This time it was Ron who found Luna waiting for him atop their usual Hogwarts castle rampart. It had become their spot, somehow, and he wasn't at all surprised to find her there. She was sitting with her legs dangling over the side, barefoot as always, and she had her face turned up into the sky with her eyes closed. She looked truly serene, ghost like, but beautiful. He smiled softly at his thoughts and went to join her.

'Hello Ronald,' Luna said as he settled down next to her.

'Hey.' He wasn't going to even bother asking how she knew it was him when she still had her eyes closed and her face turned up towards the night sky.

Their meetings had become a daily occurrence now, without any kind of verbal arrangement. They didn't need one.

'I have some names for you,' Luna announced suddenly.

'Names?' Ron asked with a raised eyebrow.

'You asked me to look at peoples auras and see if I found any dark ones,' Luna reminded him.

'Oh yeah. You found some?'

'A few,' Luna said.


'In no particular order,' Luna began, finally opening her eyes and looking at him, 'they are; Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Theodore Nott.'

'Slytherins,' Ron all but snarled. 'Why am I not surprised? Is that all?'

'No,' Luna said, 'there was one more. She's a member of my house.'

'A Ravenclaw?' Ron was a little surprised. 'Who?'

'Mandy Brocklehurst,' Luna replied. 'She's in your year.'

'Yeah,' Ron said quietly, 'I know. Are you sure?'

'Positive,' Luna said, 'her aura was very dark. But,' Luna paused, uncomfortable saying this next bit.

'What is it?'

'Theodore Nott,' Luna said. 'He was even darker, and powerful, as well. Be careful.'

'Don't worry about me,' Ron said, 'I can handle myself.'

'I do worry,' Luna admitted.

Ron smiled at her. 'I'll be fine,' he said in his best reassuring tone.

'Do you?' Luna asked, holding out her hand. Ron took it and looked up. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the amazing sight. It just never seemed to get old. Finally, another question occurred to Ron, and while he didn't like to disturb the peaceful quiet, he couldn't help but ask it.

'You looked at everyone's auras, right?'

Luna nodded.

'Even Draco Malfoy?'

Luna laughed softly. 'He's fine,' she said. 'Ginny is my friend, I wouldn't let her date a dark wizard.'

'He's not dark?'

'He's like Harry,' Luna answered. 'Darkness had tainted his life, but he fights it.'

'Oh,' Ron said, unsure how he felt about this.

'Don't think about it,' Luna said, studying his face knowingly. 'It's not up to you anyway. Ginny can make her own decisions. Let's just watch the Pollot Flies.'

Ron sighed. 'I guess. I just don't want her to get hurt. You understand that right? I'm not some git who just wants to keep his little sister from dating. I just don't want him to hurt her. He's already done it once, what's to stop him doing it again?'

'Ronald,' Luna said, squeezing his hand for emphasis, 'I do understand, but like I said, it's not your decision. It belongs to Ginny.'

'Think she'll start dating him again?' Ron asked. 'He's probably already asked her to Hogsmeade. Can you believe Dumbledore managed to convince the board of governors to allow Hogsmeade weekends?'

'It's smart of him,' Luna said.

'How come?'

'It helps create comfort for the students,' Luna replied. 'It makes them think that if things were really bad, then surely Professor Dumbledore wouldn't allow them, right? But because he is, they feel relieved.'

'But things are bad,' Ron pointed out.

'I'm sure Professor Dumbledore has everything taken care of.'

'I hope so,' Ron said. 'I'd hate for anything to ruin our date.'

Luna looked at Ron sharply, eyes slightly wider than usual. 'Our date?'

Ron blushed a deep red. 'If you want,' he offered embarrassedly.

Luna smiled a smile of pure affection. She beamed. 'I would love to.'

'Cool,' Ron said, smiling as well.

Neither knew quite what to say after that. They shared a few shy looks, but ultimately remained silent until it was finally time to call it a night. As Ron was returning to Gryffindor tower, the last person he expected to run into was Harry Potter, but run into him he did. Harry was waiting for him by the portrait of the Fat Lady.

'Potter? What're you doing here?'

'Come on,' Harry said, grabbing him by the robes and leading him away from the nosy portrait.

'Hey, hang on,' Ron exclaimed. When they rounded the corner, Harry released Ron and stood looking at him pensively. 'What?'

'You want to help out, don't you?' Harry asked.

'Help out?'

'Look,' Harry said, 'we both know someone inside Hogwarts is responsible for those two deaths. I can only do so much. Fact is I need help. Draco's already in, but I could use your help as well. What do you say?'

'You want my help?'

'What are you? Deaf?' Harry snapped.

'Just trying to process it,' Ron said, 'it's not everyday the great Harry Potter asks for my help.'

'You in or not?'

'I'm in,' Ron said. 'I got some information for you as well. Luna has this ability. She can see people's auras or something. Anyway, she can tell when a wizard is dark. She said it's not really reliable, but it's better than nothing, right?'

'The information?'

'Four names,' Ron said, giving Harry a significant look.


'Exactly,' Ron said. 'I'm sure you won't be surprised by the first three.'

'Nott, Crabbe and Goyle, right?'

'Got 'em in one,' Ron said.

'And the fourth?' Harry asked.

'This one might be a little more surprising,' Ron replied. 'It's Mandy Brocklehurst. She's a Ravenclaw from our year.'

'Hmm.' Harry frowned. 'That is surprising.'

'There's more,' Ron said.

'Go on.'

'Luna said that Nott's aura was darker than others,' he explained. 'She said he was powerful and warned me to be careful.'

'He's obviously the leader,' Harry said. 'The way they got away bothers me. It was too fast. I suspected they knew a few tricks, but maybe it's just Nott.'

'Maybe,' Ron agreed. 'So how do you need me to help?'

'Just continue doing what you were doing,' Harry said. 'Keep a look out for any weird behaviour, especially by Nott and those lot, and help Draco and me patrol the corridors. We'll come up with a rotor so at least one of us is on duty every night. That way we won't all be completely knackered all the time. And I'll need to train you a bit as well. I know some nice spells that'll really help you out if you get in a jam.'


'Trust me,' Harry said, 'I've been preparing for this since I was eleven and I know a few tricks of my own. Also, I've seen your test scores. You don't exactly excel, but with my help you will.'

'You arrogant bastard,' Ron said.

'Am I lying?'

Ron exhaled with resignation. 'You know,' he said, 'I used to look up to you when I was a kid. I idolized you.'

'Really?' Harry was a little surprised by this. 'What changed?'

Ron smirked. 'I met you,' he said. 'I'll see you Potter.' He pushed past a slightly taken aback Harry and began walking back towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.

'Meet me here at five tomorrow,' Harry called to his back.

Ron raised his hand lackadaisically into the air in response and gave a little wave.

Harry rolled his eyes.

After spending all of Sunday, Monday and then Tuesday in a bad mood, Draco decided it was time to try and make things up with Ginny. Having memorised her timetable, he was waiting for her after her Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. She stopped in surprise when she saw him, but he was encouraged when she gave him a small smile and motioned for him to walk with her.

'I'm glad you came to see me,' Ginny said, by way of greeting.

'You are?'

'Yeah,' Ginny said, 'I really wanted to apologise for running off the other day. I shouldn't have - not without explaining why.'

'Oh?' Draco didn't know what exactly she meant by that.

'You tried to kiss me,' Ginny said. 'But I'm just not ready for that Draco.'

'Why?' Draco asked, not meaning to sound as harsh as he did. He cleared his throat. 'Haven't I proved how sorry I am? Haven't I proved my feelings for you? Why can't things just get back to normal?'

'Normal?' Ginny shook her head. 'I don't even know what that is with us. Draco, please don't rush me.'

'Come to Hogsmeade with me,' Draco asked, because he knew if he didn't now then he would lose his nerve.

Ginny sighed. 'I'm sorry,' she said earnestly, 'I can't.'

'Why not?'

'I just can't.'

'You going with someone else?' Draco demanded.

'You… why do this, Draco?' Ginny looked at him pleadingly. 'Don't. Just leave it.'

'You are,' Draco said, narrowing his eyes, 'aren't you.'

Ginny couldn't meet his eyes.

'Longbottom?' Draco asked, grabbing her shoulders to make her face him. 'Is it Longbottom?'

Ginny didn't need to reply.

Draco ground his teeth together in frustration.

'He asked me as a friend,' Ginny tried to explain. 'It's not a date, Draco, so you don't need to get all jealous. Neville is my friend, and that's all.'

'Sure,' Draco said bitterly, 'just friends, right? Then why didn't you want to tell me?'

'Because I knew you would react this way,' Ginny argued.

'I have the right, I think,' Draco defended.

'No, you don't,' Ginny snapped back, 'not anymore. You're not my boyfriend. And if you keep up with this crap you won't ever be.'

Draco narrowed his eyes even further. 'Fine,' he growled. 'Whatever you want Weasley!' Then he stormed off.

Ginny huffed out a deep breath and ran her hands through her fiery mane in exasperation.

'Brilliant,' she muttered, but he was already out of earshot.

When Draco returned to the Head's common room, he found Hermione curled up in one of the winged back chairs, wrapped in a blanket and reading a book. The fire was roaring and casting its flickering light over her cheerless face. He sighed and made his way over to her, sitting down in the chair next to hers.

'Harry still hasn't come to see you, has he?'

'I don't think he will,' Hermione said.

'What makes you say that?' Draco asked.

'I said something,' Hermione replied, 'something that to Harry was really bad. I really messed things up Draco.'

'Then why don't you go tell him you're sorry,' Draco tried, propping his feet up on one of the foot rests.

'Because…' Hermione heaved a big sigh of irritation. 'I can't. I'm mad at him for lying to me and for not telling me what he's getting up to, but at the same time I still love him and I don't want things to end between us. I don't know what to do.'

'Relationships are fuckers, aren't the?' Draco said, giving her a grim, rueful look.

'Real fuckers,' Hermione agreed.

Draco couldn't help but laugh.

Hermione glared at him. 'What?' she demanded.

'Sorry,' Draco said, 'but some people shouldn't swear.'

'Why?' Her glare only worsened as she continued to stare at him.

'Nothing,' Draco said, getting control of himself, 'it's just I never thought I'd ever hear you say fuck like that. It's very odd.'

'I swear all the time,' Hermione defended.

'Yeah, sure, whatever you say.'

'I do!'


Hermione frowned, before finally giving in.

'…Ugh, fine, I don't, but the situation more than calls for it!'

'It sure does,' Draco agreed.

'Have you talked to him?' Hermione asked, serious once more.

'Yeah,' Draco replied.

'Did he say anything? About me?'

Draco thought about it. He didn't want to give away Harry's secret, but he had to tell her something, something to give her hope. Finally, he decided on, 'He feels the same way you do. He wants to make things right, but he doesn't quite know how. Just give him time.'

Hermione lowered her eyes, fighting off tears. 'Do you know?' she whispered. 'Know what he was doing?'

'You don't really want to know, do you?' Draco asked.

'Is it another girl?' Her voice was barely audible and carried more than a hint of shame at having to ask him this question.

Draco immediately made her look at him, giving her chin a nudge, but she kept her eyes lowered. 'Look at me Hermione,' he ordered. She did, slowly. 'He is not cheating on you. He wouldn't ever do that. Understand?'

She nodded, wiped away tears. 'I'm going to go to bed,' she sniffled.


Hermione was at the door to her bedchamber when she stopped and said one last thing. 'Thank you, Draco - you're a very good friend.'

Draco settled back into the chair and smirked.

'Who would have thought it, huh?'

It was Wednesday now and Harry was in the Room of Requirement, going over a few last minute details with Draco, Neville and Ron, his new team of Hogwarts guards. They had been meeting everyday of the week, going over some advanced offensive and defence spells. In the defensive area, Harry was mainly focusing on stealth and concealment. He knew that Draco and Neville could handle themselves well enough, but still, being able to quickly conceal oneself from the enemy would be a great advantage if things went south. Even Ron showed more skill than he expected, even though he was the most inexperienced member of the group. Harry was actually a little proud of his gang of patrollers.

'So, remember, the best way to avoid trouble is to not be seen in the first place. The Disillusionment Charm I showed you would work well. It might not be powerful enough to make you completely invisible, but you should be able to blend into your environment well enough, especially if you stick to the walls and shadows if possible. If you do find the Death Eaters, follow them, and see if you can reveal their identity. I'm already pretty sure who it is, thanks to Luna's help, but some actual evidence is what we need. If they try to attack someone, you should distract them - make a sound or something. They should run away quick enough if that happens. I wouldn't recommend trying to take them on. Four against one isn't good odds, even for me. Hear that Draco?'

'Yeah, yeah,' Draco said, holding his hands up as if already found guilty.

'We'll continue with our shifts,' Harry said, 'so that we can remain as alert as possible. I want two guys on every night, okay?'

'Got it Harry,' Neville said.

'Whatever,' Ron agreed.

'Okay, that's it then,' Harry said, getting up. 'You all remember what nights you're on, don't you?'

Draco nodded to him on the way out.

'I'll see you tomorrow Potter,' Ron said, following after Draco.

'Neville, can I talk to you for a minute?'

'Sure, what is it?'

'I'm supposed to be on with Weasley tomorrow night,' Harry began, 'but I've been trying to come up with a way to make things right with Hermione. Tomorrow is her birthday. I want to do something special for her.'

'You want me to cover your shift?' Neville asked, smiling.

'Would you?'

'Sure,' Neville said, 'no problem, as long as you and Hermione work things out.'

'Thanks Neville.' Harry clapped him on the shoulder in gratitude.

Neville smiled again. 'Just don't screw it up.'

'I'll try.'