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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: Okay, it gets a bit smutty at the end of this chapter, be warned. ;-) Also, sorry about the delay with this one. I've been busy sorting out the details for how the rest of the story is going to pan out. I had all the major factors down on paper, but not the little things, and I really need those or I find it really hard to get started. Hope you guys enjoy.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord Chapter Twenty-Nine

The following day was a bleak one for Hogwarts. An assembly was called after breakfast and Dumbledore stood before the students of Hogwarts and announced its closing. The reaction was varied. Some called out in outrage. Others turned to their neighbours and began gossiping. A scattering of applause came from the Slytherin table.

'While the school may be closing,' Dumbledore went on, speaking loudly to drown out the hubbub, 'I will remain here. All those who wish to remain with me are welcome, as long as you have permission from your parents. If that is so, I suggest you owl them once we are done.

'It is my belief that there is no safer place right now than Hogwarts. The Minister for Magic is closing the school against my wishes. I do not wish to frighten you, but you deserve the truth. If you return home to your parents, you will be putting yourselves in great danger. I cannot protect you.'

'Like you could if we stayed,' someone shouted from the Slytherin table.

The hubbub rose again, voices shouting at each other across the Great Hall.

'Then go home!' Another voice roared over the din. Everyone turned to see Neville Longbottom climb onto the Gryffindor table. Seraphina, who was sitting next to him, let go of his hand as he stood up to full height. 'If you think you're safer at home, then go, but I'm staying. I don't care what anyone says. Hogwarts is the safest place to be. It always has been and it always will be. We have the greatest wizard alive right here with us, and he won't let Voldemort or any of his Death Eaters hurt anyone. Right Harry?'

A hushed silence fell as everyone turned to look at Harry, who was giving Neville his patented death glare, silently telling him to shut up.

'Potter? Who are you trying to fool?' The very same voice that had disparaged Dumbledore shouted out these words.

'I'm very serious,' Neville said loudly. 'Harry has survived Voldemort several times already. It's more than anyone else can say. He's destined to defeat him.'

'Hey Longbottom,' Draco said, 'why don't you shut your trap?'

Neville glanced at Draco, who gave him a pointed look.

'It's true,' Ron Weasley called out, standing up and joining Neville. 'Potter saved Justin from the Death Eaters inside Hogwarts. And he battled You-Know-Who last year and survived. We all saw it. He saved the entire Gryffindor common room as well that very same night.'

A low murmur spread around the Great Hall.

'I cannot force any of you to listen to me or your fellow students,' Dumbledore said, speaking up once again. 'All I can do is make the offer. The rest is up to you. You're all dismissed. Make whatever arrangements you need to make. There will be no more classes in Hogwarts.'

'Way to go Longbottom,' Draco said snidely, as the Great Hall erupted in noise once again, and the students began to depart. 'Why didn't you just tell them all about the prophecy?'

'So what if I did?' Neville argued, sitting back down beside Seraphina. 'It would make them all feel better, knowing that hope existed.'

'I doubt they would be as happy about it as you think,' Harry finally spoke up. 'Let's face it; most of them want to believe the worst about me. Learning that I'm the only one who can defeat Voldemort would just make them even more scared. I'm the last person they want as their hero.'

'Some might see it that way,' Ron agreed, 'but others would be relieved, I think.'

'Not enough,' Harry said.

'I suppose,' Ron conceded.

'So what happens now?' Ginny asked, with a look over her shoulder at the departing students.

'The fight begins,' Harry said, ominously. 'I'll be clear. I'm not going to sit around and wait for Voldemort to come face me. I'm done with that. From now on, I'm going after him, his Horcruxes first and foremost.'

'We're all with you, right guys?' Neville asked, appealing to the gang.

'I am,' Ron said.

'Me too.' Ginny put her name in.

'I'll help if I my parents let me stay,' Seraphina said.

Harry kissed Hermione's hand gently. 'I know you're worried, but I'll be fine.'

'I need you to know, I'm not going to sit around and wait for you,' Hermione replied. 'I'm fighting too.'

Harry sighed, 'I know.' He turned his attention to Draco.

Draco smiled his sardonic smile. 'Do you even need to ask?'

Harry stood up and clapped Draco on the shoulder, then turned to face the rest. 'It's not going to be easy,' he said, 'but we can do it. Voldemort will underestimate you all, because of who you are, or how old you are. It doesn't matter why; just know that you can use it. I'll teach you all, everything I know, so that when it comes time to fight, you'll all be ready for it.'

'What about Crabbe and Goyle?' Neville asked, squeezing Seraphina's hand under the table. 'Are they still in Hogwarts?'

'No,' Harry said, looking at Seraphina when he answered. 'Dumbledore has moved them to a secure prison somewhere in Europe, one guarded by wizards and witches he trusts, and not those damn Dementors. You don't need to fear them, they're as good as dead.'

'What about Nott and… Brocklehurst?' Seraphina asked softly, pausing before saying the witch's name.

'I won't let either of them hurt you,' Neville said before Harry could respond.

'I know.' Seraphina leant in close and touched foreheads with him. 'I know you won't, my white knight.'

Draco didn't try very hard to stifle his snigger.

Neville shot him a dark look, but Seraphina ignored him, and using a finger turned Neville's face back to her own to give him a soft kiss.

'I've got to have a word with Professor Oniki,' Harry said, leaning down to kiss Hermione on the cheek. 'I'll come by your dorm afterwards, okay?'

Hermione nodded.

'Coming Neville?' Harry called, starting to walk away.

'Yeah,' Neville said, waving to the gang as he followed after Harry.

'What's that all about?' Draco asked, but no one answered.

'Are you leaving?'

Professor Oniki didn't look up when Harry spoke, but said, 'No, I am not. Hogwarts has need of me for now, so I will stay.'

'Good,' Harry said, entering the office of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Neville followed him. 'How much has Dumbledore told you about me?'

'Enough to know that you are important,' Oniki replied. 'But it's not you that brought you to me, is it Harry-sama?'

'How'd you know?' Harry asked, ever curious around the strangely intuitive wizard.

'Logic,' Oniki said simply. 'Mister Longbottom here has power. It thrums inside him, battering against his walls, eager for release. A power not unlike your own.'

'Can you help?'

'Does the young man want my help?' Oniki finally opened his eyes, gazing up into Neville's calmly.

Neville swallowed. 'I do,' he said. 'I need to protect my friends. Everyone. I need to learn how to use this…' he swallowed again, 'power.'

'Then you shall learn,' Oniki replied. 'It will be just as hard to unlock your power as it is for Harry to close his own. Are you prepared for that?'


'Then join Harry for our next lesson,' Oniki said. 'And,' he held up his wand hand and pointed it at the bookshelf behind him. One of the books came flying into his other hand. He presented it to Neville. 'Be sure to read this. It may help prepare you.'

Neville read the cover. 'Magic for Squibs?' he asked with a frown. 'I'm not a squib…'

'No, you are not,' Oniki replied, 'but your condition is similar to that of a squib. Your siphon should be a large one, but for whatever reason it isn't. Your magic is unfocused and inconsistence because it is constantly struggling to break out through your small siphon, thus causing your magic to seem weak. It pulses against your walls, while only a small amount leaks from your siphon.'

'Like a closed tap that's still dripping water,' Harry offered.

'Precisely,' Oniki confirmed. 'You need to learn how to open it and unleash your full strength, but still remain in control. That book teaches squibs how to tap into their closed siphons and open them a little. Most find it impossible, but some can manage it with effort. They will never be any better than a first year students at Hogwarts, but even a little magic means a lot to them. This is because their siphons, their bodies, fight it. They are not meant to be wizards. You are. And that book will help you begin to open your siphon.'

Neville nodded, clutching the book in his hands as if it was a lifeline. 'Okay,' he said. 'But how come my siphon is so small, if I have so much power? Shouldn't it be like Harry's?'

'It should,' Oniki replied. 'But for whatever reason, it is not. And only you can answer that question, though in truth, any answer you find will be just speculation. You will never know for sure. It could be a myriad of reasons.'

Neville nodded again, understanding.

'It doesn't matter anyway,' Harry said. 'All that matters is unlocking your power, right Neville?'

Neville looked up at Harry, glanced at the book, then back to Harry.

'Right,' he said.

As promised, after meeting with Professor Oniki, Harry went straight to Hermione's dorm. Draco and Ginny sat cuddled together in front of the roaring fireplace, but they paid him no mind as he went straight to her room and shut the door behind him.

Hermione was sitting at her writing desk, pouring over some book. He walked on silent feet over to her and stopped to peer over her shoulder. She was so engrossed in the book that she hadn't noticed him entering.

'You know,' he said, and smiled when she practically jumped out of her seat, 'you really don't need to do any studying anymore. Class is dismissed. Remember?'

'Harry,' Hermione gasped out, hand over her heart, 'you scared me, you jerk.'

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him to soothe her with a long, deep kiss. When they finally broke apart, she smiled, but said, 'that doesn't make you any less of a jerk.'

'I know,' he said, 'I feel real bad about it.'

'Liar,' she said, pushing him away with a smile.

'What are you reading anyway?' Harry asked, moving over to glance once again at the book on her desk.

'It's a history of the Dark Arts,' Hermione answered. 'It doesn't teach any spells or anything. It's more about the magic and its nature and the people who are more susceptible to it. It's pretty interesting.'

'Hmm,' Harry hummed thoughtfully. 'People who are more susceptible to it?'

'Wizards like Voldemort,' Hermione said. 'The book says that some magic is tainted and that it can affect wizards that come into contact with it. Wizards born out of deceit, for example. Or incest. Inbreeding. Things like that attract dark magic. Of course, not everyone is affected by it. Some have the power, or the will, to resist it if they try.'

'Like Draco?'

'I suppose,' Hermione said. 'It's all supposition though. It can't be proved, but it's an interesting theory.'

'I'm not sure I believe it,' Harry said. 'I don't think it's the magic that is tainted. It's people that taint the magic. Voldemort was a lonely, cruel and angry child. He was born into a terrible situation and it shaped him into the wizard he would become.'

'But you where in the same situation he was,' Hermione argued. 'Orphaned. I know you had your aunt and uncle, but I get the impression you don't really get along with them. You must have been lonely as a child.'

'You have no idea,' Harry said, going over to sit on the bed, his back to Hermione. 'Have you ever wondered why I don't talk about my time with those Muggles?'

'Well,' Hermione came over to kneel on the bed behind him, 'I know you don't like being there, but you never told me why… I do wonder sometimes, but I know you. You'd tell me if you wanted me to know.'

'I'm ashamed,' Harry finally admitted, after a short silence.

'Ashamed? What of?' Hermione didn't try to keep the curiosity and puzzlement out of her voice.

'Ashamed of the child I was,' Harry admitted. 'I was bullied. Bullied by my cousin Dudley and his friends. My aunt and uncle hate me and didn't treat me well. But what I despise most of all isn't them. It's how I let them get away with it. I wanted to fight back so much, but I was afraid. I didn't have the power. I was weak, a scrawny little thing, matched up against two grown adults and a fat kid that could squash me with ease. I should have fought back anyway, even if it meant getting my ass handed to me. It would at least prove that I wasn't afraid, that I wasn't a coward, that I had pride. But I didn't, and I was. A coward.'

Hermione put her hands on his shoulders. 'No Harry,' she said, 'you're wrong. It wasn't cowardice. It was brains. Why would you fight back when you knew you would lose? What would be the point?'

'Pride,' Harry said.

'You and your pride,' Hermione said, but not unkindly. 'Look, it doesn't matter what happened back then. We all do stuff we regret. We all freeze up at times and don't know what to do. I've done it so many times, if I beat myself up over them all, I'd never get anything done. All you have to do is accept it and move on.'

'I know,' Harry said. 'And I have, for the most part. I'm not that same scared kid anymore. I'm not weak. And I have my pride.' He gave a wry chuckle. 'Maybe too much, actually, but it's better than nothing. Point is, my life shaped me, but in a different way than Voldemort. He was lonely like me, yes, but he had a certain strength. He had power from an early age and he knew it and he used it. I didn't. Who knows, if he hadn't killed my parents and I didn't have my hatred of everything Dark, I might just have become the next Voldemort, like everyone believes.'

'I'll never believe that,' Hermione said, rubbing his shoulders, 'you just don't have that cruelty in you.'

Harry reached up to still her hands, then turned around and got up on his knees on the bed in front of Hermione, still holding her hands. He pushed her back flat on the bed gently, pinning her hands, and pressed his forehead up against hers.

'Don't stop believing in me then,' he whispered. 'Sometimes I feel like it's all that keeps me sane.'

'You're not as dangerous as you make yourself out to be Potter,' Hermione teased.

'Let's not find out,' Harry said, and kissed her hungrily.

Their kissing soon grew hot and heavy. Harry reached up under her skirt and pulled at the waistband of her knickers. Hermione moaned into his mouth and squirmed underneath him, pulling her lips free.

'Harry,' she hissed, 'no, Draco and Ginny are in the next room!'

'So?' Harry asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

'They'll hear!' Hermione growled indignantly.

'You think they don't know what we get up to in the bedroom?' Harry probed, with both words and hands, pushing his thumb against her clit through her knickers.

Hermione moaned and closed her eyes. 'Please,' she whispered, as he kept rubbing her though the cotton of her panties. 'Harry, it's one… oh… thing to… oh… have them kn-oooh… but… hearing….'

'We'll be quiet,' Harry said, moved his hand to tug at her knickers again, finally getting them down.

Hermione went to protest, but he silenced her with a passionate kiss. With his hands, he continued to tug at her knickers, until she finally used her own hands to help him pull them down and off. They shuffled back up on the bed and Harry lifted her skirt with one hand, whilst popping the button of his jeans with the other. Hermione raised her hands to his fly and unzipped, then pulled down his jeans along with his boxers. He positioned himself over her and slowly entered, looking her in the eye in the entire time. Hermione stifled a moan with her hand when he plunged all the way inside.

'Harry,' she whispered, as he worked himself slowly out and then in again.

He leant down for another kiss as he picked up the pace, going fast enough to give them both enough pleasure, but slow enough that they didn't make too much noise. It didn't take them long to reach the brink. Maybe it was the knowledge that Draco and Ginny could walk in at any minute that made it all the more excitement, but whatever it was, they soon found themselves burying their faces into each other's necks and biting down as they both exploded in gratification.

'Wow,' Hermione panted as she came down from her sexual high.

'Pretty much,' Harry agreed, panting also. Hermione giggled. 'What's so funny?'

'Oh, nothing really, just…' Hermione gave him a quick kiss and looked into his eyes. 'If Draco and Ginny had caught us, I think I would have killed you. That was too risky. I can't believe I just did that. You're a bad influence on me Harry Potter.'

Harry grinned. 'What can I say? I'm dangerous.'