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Harry Potter and the Year of Discord by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: Here's the next chapter. Sorry for the wait. Blah blah blah. Enjoy.

Harry Potter and the Year of Discord

Chapter Fifteen

Harry was still determined to talk to Professor Oniki about his accidental magic problem, but the events of the last few days had distracted him from this goal. He finally got around to it on the last day of the first week back at Hogwarts. After his Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Harry hung back, waiting for the rest of the students to leave. Hermione caught his eyes, nodded her reassurance, and then followed Draco and Neville out.

When Harry approached the front desk, Professor Oniki was sitting with his eyes closed, focusing on some inner something. Harry cleared his throat. Oniki did not open his eyes, but he spoke all the same.

'Yes, Mister Potter?'

Harry was momentarily taken aback, but he denied this knew question, for now. 'I was wondering if I could talk to you about something, sir. It's private, and I'd prefer it remained that way.'

'Of course.' Oniki still had his eyes closed.

'It's about that magical siphon you told us about,' Harry said.

Professor Oniki nodded encouragingly, urging Harry on.

'You said that I should have it under control by now, right?'

'I did,' Oniki replied.

'Well,' Harry took a deep breath, 'I don't.'

Professor Oniki opened his eyes slowly and looked at Harry searchingly. 'When was the last time you performed accidental magic?'

'During the attack on the train,' Harry replied. 'I Apparated into Hogsmeade to warn Professor Dumbledore and I needed a broom to get to the castle quickly, so I asked to borrow one from Madam Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks, but she was being a bit slow, and I was agitated, and I shouted at her and… a glass exploded.'

'Interesting,' Professor Oniki hummed.

'Interesting? I don't think so,' Harry argued, 'it's down right dangerous, is what it is. I could hurt someone badly with this kind of uncontrollable power, and believe me, it's powerful.'

'I have no doubt,' Professor Oniki said. 'You are not only famous in Britain, Harry-sama, but all around the world, as well.'

'Then you understand how I need to… I don't know, get control of this damn thing, before I hurt someone?'

'It is not that simple.'


'I suspect your siphon may be larger than most peoples,' Oniki explained, 'and so it remains open, even at your mature age. Perhaps you will never gain full control of it. That remains to be seen.'

'That's not good enough,' Harry said. 'I need to be able to control it. You said it yourself; my siphon is larger than most peoples, right? So that means it can do more damage, right? I can channel a larger amount of raw magical energy, right?'


'Is any of this ringing alarm bells, or what?' Harry nearly shouted.

Professor Oniki smiled calmly. 'I could teach you to close it.'

Harry stared at his new Professor, dumbfounded. 'Why didn't you say that earlier?'

'Perhaps I would have, if given the chance,' Professor Oniki pointed out.

'So, how?' Harry asked.

'It will be difficult and time consuming,' Oniki said. 'At the moment, your siphon is wide open. You need to learn how to close it, forcefully. Normally, a wizard's body compensates for this as he matures, but as we have already discussed, yours appears to be too large to close naturally. In this case, you must learn how to close it consciously.'

'And how do I do that?'

'I will teach you. It will require intense meditation, a total clearing of your mind, awareness of your body and spirit and the magic that flows all around us. Be prepared, it may take many years for you to gain complete mastery of your siphon.'

'Is there no faster way?'

'None that you would approve of,' Professor Oniki said gravely.

Harry understood. Professor Oniki was talking about blocking his siphon permanently, and they both knew that was not an option.

'Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started.'

Professor Oniki smiled. 'I admire your determination,' he said, 'but I have a class arriving soon.'

Harry opened his mouth to argue.

'Come back tonight,' Professor Oniki interrupted before he could even begin, 'and we will begin. Seven o'clock, I think.'

'Seven,' Harry repeated.


Harry bowed his head. 'Thank you, Professor Oniki.'

'Thank you, Harry-sama.'

Harry stopped and turned back to face Professor Oniki. 'What for?'

'I believe you know.'

Harry nodded sedately. He knew. He went to leave again, but then he remembered that he had one last question, although he thought he had already discovered the answer.

'Sir, when I approached you, how did you know it was me?'

'I think you know that, as well,' Professor Oniki replied.



Harry smiled. 'How long did it take you to master?'

'A long time.'

Ginny was more nervous than she had ever been in her entire life. All day, she had been attempting to build up her courage and go face Draco, to offer him her friendship. Despite her conflicting emotions, she was not going to let her doubts get in the way of her objective. She was going to find Draco. She was going to look into those gorgeous silver eyes of his. She was going to explain, clearly and precisely, that she wasn't ready to jump back into a relationship yet, but that she was interested in being his friend.

That would work, wouldn't it?

She hoped so.

In a reversal of the other day, Ginny was waiting for Draco outside his class. He stopped when he saw her, his eyes widening for only a fraction of a second, before softening, and then hardening again as he retreated back into his shell. This happened in all of one second. Neville came up next to him, glanced sideways at Draco, and then swivelled his eyes to find Ginny. She smiled at him in greeting and he grinned back.

'Hey Ginny,' Neville said, 'you waiting for me?'

'Uh,' Ginny paused, trying to find the words. In that time, Hermione came up behind Neville. 'I…'

Draco seemed to come out of his reverie. He immediately turned on his heel and began walking away, not even looking back.

'I can't…' Ginny fumbled for the words to let Neville down gently, but Hermione saved her the trouble.

'I think Ginny wants to talk to Draco, Neville,' Hermione said.

'Oh.' Neville tried hard to keep his disappointment from showing.

'Sorry Neville, we'll hang out soon,' Ginny said, already leaving, 'I promise.'

'Bye Ginny,' Hermione called. 'Good luck.'

Draco was nearly at the end of the corridor when Ginny caught him. 'Draco, wait up!'

Draco stopped and turned to stare at her. She jogged to a stop before him. 'I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?' Draco accused, immediately going on the defensive.

'I didn't say that,' Ginny pointed out. 'I just… I needed time to think.'

Draco remained silent, staring at her.

Ginny cleared her throat. 'I'm not ready to… to get… I'm not ready for a relationship yet…'

'Is that what you wanted to tell me,' Draco said, icily, 'because, you know, I'd already figured that out.'

'Ugh, would you stop that!' Ginny spat, glaring back at him now. He made her so furious. She knew this probably wasn't a good idea, but she seemed to have left all her self-control back with Hermione and Neville. 'All the time, you always do it. You think I'm here to emphasize the fact that I'm not ready to be with you, so you attack, to make it look like you're the one shooting me down, just to salvage your precious pride, when we both know you love me and you want to be with me and damn it, you are such an idiot!'

Ginny took a deep, furious breath. Draco stared back at Ginny, not knowing what to think. Ginny took another breath, calming this time.

'I'm not here to hurt you, Draco,' Ginny explained. 'I came here to tell you that I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet, but, and listen closely idiot, I don't want things to be screwed up between us anymore. I want to be able to trust you again. I just… I think we should be friends. Then, if things go okay, then maybe we can start to… I don't know… rebuild our… relationship. That's what I wanted to say.'

Draco swallowed. It sounded very loud in the empty corridor. 'You want to be friends? Just friends?'

'What I want… I don't want you to think I'm pulling the friend card, because I'm really not… I want more than that, but at the moment, I'm just not ready… do you understand?'

'Yeah, I think I do,' Draco replied.


After a short, somewhat uncomfortable silence in which neither Draco nor Ginny knew what to say, Draco finally blurted out, 'what about Longbottom?'

'Neville?' Ginny smiled reassuringly. 'He's just a friend.'

'He fancies you,' Draco pointed out.

'I know,' Ginny replied. 'He's sweet and everything, but… not my type. You don't have to be jealous.'

'I'm not jealous of him,' Draco defended, looking horrified at the thought. 'He's fat and ugly and…'

'Draco,' Ginny interrupted, 'stop being a jealous prat and shut up.'

Draco closed his mouth and all but pouted. Ginny couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. 'What?' Draco snapped.

'You look so funny, pouting like a kid caught with his hand in the biscuit tin!' Ginny chuckled.

'Stop laughing at me,' Draco tried to sound indignant, but he just couldn't. He smiled lopsidedly at Ginny as she clutched at her sides.

'Oh boy, that was just what the doctor ordered,' Ginny said, wiping a tear of mirth from her eye.

'Mmm,' Draco agreed.

Another moment of silence fell, but this was no longer uncomfortable. Draco looked at Ginny. She looked back.

'So what now?' Draco asked.

'I don't know,' Ginny admitted.

'You been… doing okay?' Draco stuck his hands into his pants pockets.

'Since when?' Ginny asked. 'Since you… or since, you know, last term… since the train?'

'…All of it?'

'I guess,' Ginny shrugged, 'it was pretty bad at first. With you, and then when you-know-who attacked… it got pretty bad, but I'm really… I guess I never said thank you for what you did. Thank you, for saving my life.'

'Heh, you're welcome.'

'What about you?' Ginny asked. 'That was your father, right? He wanted you to… you know.' Ginny just couldn't force herself to say it. 'It must be terrible, not being able to see your family.'

'Not when your family is a bunch of blood fanatics,' Draco said. 'Though I do kind of…'

'What?' Ginny pressed. 'Don't be afraid to tell me things, Draco. It's what… couples do…'

'I thought we were just friends?'

'We are,' Ginny said, 'but that doesn't mean we can't be close. I want you to feel like you can share things with me, like before, except, you know, don't lie to me this time.'

Draco smiled a little. 'Right. No lies. Well, I do, sometimes, miss my… mother.'

Ginny did a little happy dance inside. Draco was being honest with her, sharing a private and potentially embarrassing (at least for Draco) secret with her. 'Do you think she misses you?'

'She would never say it,' Draco said, 'but I like to think so, yeah.' Draco suddenly seemed to realise they were having this private conversation in the middle of a corridor, where anyone could be eavesdropping. 'Can we go somewhere a little less in the open?'

'Actually, I really need to get going,' Ginny admitted. 'I've got a Potions class starting soon and we have to take create this really tough Body Freeze formula and I haven't prepared for it at all and I just know I'm going to mess it all up. Have I told you how much I hate Potions?'

'I could help you, if you want,' Draco offered.


'Yeah,' Draco said. 'I'm pretty good at Potions. We can make it like a date… I mean, not a date, date, just a friendship date… tutoring, whatever you want to call it.'

'Sounds great,' Ginny said with a smile of thanks.

'Great,' Draco agreed. 'So, when you free?'

'I'll get back to you, I promise.'


Ginny started backing away, heading towards her Potions class. 'Okay,' she said, 'I'll see you, then.'

'Yeah,' Draco called after her. 'Good luck with your Body Freeze potion.'




Ginny turned the corner.

That night found Ron once again sitting atop the Hogwarts castle rampart from which he had watched the Pollot Flies with Luna. Ron was waiting for the strange and ever more interesting girl to arrive, as promised the night before, and trying to convince himself that this was not a date. In fact, he'd been trying all day.

The sun had already set and the moon was shinning in the sky, shrouded every now and then with a veil of cloudy mist. He stared into the blackness of space and tried to see the Pollot Flies, but they remained ever elusive to his eyes and, indeed, his mind. He was almost convinced that he hadn't actually seem them at all, that they were some sort of hallucination Luna had passed onto him with her touch.

He didn't want to believe it. He wanted to believe in Luna's beautiful, fantastical world, but with every passing moment he was not at her side, he doubted even more. Why couldn't he see them? Why couldn't everyone else see them? Why was it that only Luna saw these amazing things? Every crazy idea she talked about and believed in, every one of them, were they as real to her as the Pollot Flies? Was it that only she could see these things? And if so - and he was back to this point again - why was it only she could see them?

Luna arrived in the vacuum of his silence and internal musings, treading softly on her bare feet. She was wearing that same yellow sundress, but this time had seemingly decided to leave behind the ridiculous woolly hat. She smiled her smile at him and her dirty blonde hair whipped across her face with the wind.

'Hello Ronald,' she said, tucking her stray hair behind her ear.

'Hey,' he returned. 'I was beginning to think you weren't going to come.'

'Oh, that's silly,' she said, taking her seat next to him.

Ron didn't really know how to reply to that, so he remained silent. He watched as Luna settled in and then sat gazing out into the sky. Her hand was resting on the stone between them. He inched his hand closer to hers, wanting to take her hand and see what she was seeing. Luna seemed to read his mind without even looking at him. Her hand moved and closed the distance, clasping his gently. Ron looked at their joined hands for only a moment, before turning his attention to the starry night. He couldn't help but let out a breathe of amazement. How could he have doubted this magnificent sight?

The thousands and thousands of multicoloured lights danced around each other artfully, the black space their canvas. He more felt than saw Luna's reaction, a tiny quirk of her lips. He tightened his hold on her hand.

'Magnificent,' he said.

'Yes,' Luna agreed.

Ron let the silence settle again. He didn't want to disturb the moment yet. He only wanted to bask in the magical world that Luna lived in every day, a world that put his to shame. It was amazing and if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it. He felt like a muggle just discovering the magical world of wizardry. Or at least, how he imagined a muggle would react.

But eventually, the questions bubbling inside him began to rise to the surface, and he couldn't contain them anymore.


'Yes Ronald?'

'Have you always… I mean, how come… why is that you can see these things and I can't? And other people like me, why can't they see them?'

Luna seemed to be thinking. 'I'm not sure,' she eventually replied. 'I have always been able to see them. My mother could as well, but she died, and now I'm the only one I know that can see them. My father knows and believes, but he can't see them anymore, not with my mother gone.'

Ron didn't allow himself time to reflect on this information Luna had revealed to him, but pressed on. 'So you can make other people see? And your mum could as well?'

'Yes,' Luna affirmed. 'I think it might be like a special trait, like Metamorphmagi. Only where they can change their appearance at will, I can see things others cannot.'

'But why?'

Luna only shrugged. 'I've never really thought about it.' When Ron looked disappointed, she tried: 'Why do you have red hair?'

Ron grinned. 'All my family have red hair,' he answered.

'I know.'

'Then you think it's hereditary?' Ron asked.

'Maybe,' Luna replied vaguely.

'Everything you believe in, its all real, isn't it? You've seen it all?'

'Its all real,' Luna said, 'but I haven't seen everything.'

Ron smiled. 'But just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't real, right?'

Luna beamed at him. Ron made an embarrassed kind of sound and rubbed the back of his neck. The silence that fell then was comforting. They both went back to watching the Pollot Flies.

'Will you tell me what was bothering you yesterday?' Luna eventually asked.

Ron thought about it. Professor Dumbledore had told them not to say anything to anyone, but Ron didn't think Luna was likely to go around gossiping, especially if he made her promise not to. He really wanted to talk to someone about it, and this was probably going to be his only opportunity. It was a surprisingly easy decision to make.

'You must promise not to tell anyone what we talk about,' Ron stipulated.

'Of course,' Luna said, as if to think otherwise was ridiculous.

'It… I found… someone killed a first year Gryffindor.'

Luna's only reaction was a slight widening of her already protuberant eyes.

'I found him in the Entrance Hall with the Dark Mark magically etched into the ceiling above him,' Ron continued.

'How horrible,' Luna said, barely a whisper. 'How could someone do that?'

'That's what was bothering me,' Ron said. 'That and trying to figure out who could have done it. Potter showed up a moment later…'

'I don't think he would do something like that,' Luna interrupted.

'I wasn't…' Ron began to protest that he wasn't going to accuse Potter, but her blunt observation raised another question in him. 'Why?'

'I can see auras,' Luna answered. 'His is tinged with darkness, I will admit, but at his core he is a very caring and loving person. I do not think he would murder in cold blood.'

Ron frowned. 'Potter? Loving? Caring? Really?'

Luna nodded. 'His aura has been tainted by the darkness that has brushed his life, but his strength of character is enough to keep it at bay. He is a remarkable person.'

'So you fancy him too, huh?' Ron mused, a little darkly.

Luna actually giggled. 'Do not be silly Ronald,' she chided him. 'You know I do not.'

Ron flushed a little, but he let the moment pass. 'Well, I wasn't going to accuse Potter anyway. I saw his face when he saw the boy and it was enough to convince me he wasn't behind it, but I'd bet my left testicle it was someone in Slytherin.'

Luna laughed. 'Don't be so sure,' she said. 'In times like these, anyone is a suspect.'

'That's a pleasant thought,' Ron added.

Ron thought over everything Luna had said before it hit him. 'Luna, you said you can see auras, right? Well, can't you use that to tell if people are under Imperious or something?'

'No, I can only tell peoples moods and general personalities, not whether they are being manipulated or not.'

'Oh,' Ron sounded disappointedly.

'I could point out those most likely to be behind it though,' Luna offered, 'like those with darker personalities. It wouldn't be classed as solid evidence, but it could give you a basic idea of who to watch.'

'Yeah, that'd be bloody brilliant,' Ron said excitedly.

Luna smothered a smile at his enthusiasm. 'I'll let you know then.'


'My pleasure.'

Neither seemed to know what to say after that, so silence once more settled around them. Ron felt better about everything. It helped to know that not even Luna understood her bizarre ability and that he could finally do something to help Dumbledore catch the person or persons who had murdered that poor innocent Gryffindor. It made him like less of a useless idiot and more like a growing adult and a future member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Luna might still be a mystery to him, but he was beginning to think that she would always be, and he was pretty sure that he didn't mind a bit.

Harry's first lesson with Professor Oniki was disappointing. Despite the aged wizard's warning that learning to manually close his siphon would be a long and arduous task, Harry hadn't really believed him. Now, after his lesson, Harry was forced to agree.

The lesson began with Professor Oniki once again giving him the now familiar warning, before they plunged into the metaphorical pool, or rather, stuck their toes in. Before Harry could even begin to think about learning to close up his siphon, he would have to learn how to access the heightened sense of awareness required for the task. This, Professor Oniki told him, would be his biggest challenge. Then Harry spent two hours sitting on the floor, legs crossed, and trying to relax his awareness of everything. He didn't get very far.

Thus, a disgruntled Harry Potter lay forlornly in Slytherin's Secret Chamber, sprawled in bed next to a slumbering Hermione, wondering how the only thing he really needed to master in less than a day was the only thing he seemingly couldn't. Okay, maybe he was exaggerating his aptitude a little, but the point was valid.

Harry sighed. He knew he wouldn't get an ounce of sleep tonight, and besides, he already had something he needed to do - something he had promised himself he would do. That being so, he gently eased out of bed, making sure not to disturb Hermione. He looked down on her as she slept, marvelling at how wonderfully beautiful she looked when sleeping, and at his luck that such a woman would fall in love with his damaged self. Bending a little, he kissed her softly on the nose. Hermione stirred slightly, but after a few seconds fell back into a deeper sleep. Harry straightened up and left the room, grabbing his discarded clothing on the way. He got dressed quickly, forgoing his robe, and then slunk out of the hidden chamber with his Invisibility Cloak.

He had some patrolling to do.

The absence of Harry's body was what brought Hermione back to the land of the living. She rolled over, her arm expecting to come down across his chest, but instead she found only empty space. Opening her eyes a crack, Hermione peered out, looking for visual confirmation. She rolled onto her back and raised a hand to rub at her sleep encrusted eyes. Then, with a small groan of protest, she sat up and looked around.

The bedroom was empty.

'Harry?' she called, somewhat stupidly, still being half asleep.

No one answered.

As her sleep befuddled mind tried to process Harry's absence, Hermione crawled sluggishly out of the covers.

'Harry?' she tried again.

She slipped into a pair of slippers, not feeling awake enough to stand yet, and took several deep breaths. Then she stood and stumbled her way over to the door.

Harry was sitting on the green sofa, head on the back of the seat and staring up at the writhing snakes on the ceiling. Hermione waddled over in her bunny slippers and sat next to him. His eyes were closed, but Hermione was sure he was awake.


'Morning,' he said.

'Is it?' Hermione asked.

'Yeah.' Harry stretched his hands over his head and yawned, opening his eyes.

'You look like you haven't slept a wink,' Hermione observed.

'That's possible, I don't remember,' Harry said. 'I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to think. I might have fallen asleep, but I'm not sure. It's been a long night. Feels like a thousands nights, actually.'

'How come you couldn't sleep?' Hermione said, leaning against him and putting her arm across his chest.

'It's this business with my siphon. I need to get it under control, but it… I think it'll be a while before that's a reality. It's just so infuriating, having this power that I can't control. I feel like I'm its puppet, like the power is bigger than me.'

'It's not,' Hermione countered. 'You'll master it. I know you will. I have faith in you, Harry. If anyone can do it, it's you.'

'I hope so,' Harry said. 'Before I seriously hurt someone.'

'That's not all that's bothering you, though, is it?'

Harry let out a breath, a smile quirking his lips. 'You're very perceptive, aren't you?'

'It's a talent,' Hermione said.

Harry laughed softly, and then sighed. 'Well, I've been thinking about it a lot, and it's the only thing that makes sense to me.'

'And that is?' Hermione pressed.

'We have another Junior Death Eater,' Harry said. 'Or more than one.'

'And you think he killed the boy? What makes you so sure?'

'Who else could have done it? Nobody can get into Hogwarts without Dumbledore knowing. Voldemort only managed it last year because Dumbledore was out of action, and since then, the protections have been fortified and made ten times stronger. It has to be an inside job. That means either a professor or a student, and I seriously doubt any of our professors are responsible.'

'So Voldemort has promoted another Death Eater son, and is using him to create chaos inside Hogwarts, trying to get the school shut down.' Hermione figured the rest out for herself. 'I have to say, it's an almost fool proof plan. If Professor Dumbledore hadn't had it hushed up, right now parents would be intent on pulling their kids out of school, and the board of governors would be meeting and trying to decide whether or not to shut Hogwarts down. If we have another killing, I doubt even Professor Dumbledore will be able to convince the Minister for Magic to keep it quiet. It's only a matter of time at this point.'

'Exactly,' Harry said, smiling at how easily Hermione had caught onto his way of thinking. 'So we have to figure out who's behind it, and soon, before they kill again.'

'Have you told Professor Dumbledore your theory?'

'I have,' Harry replied, 'but of course, it's all speculation at this point. He can't do anything about it until we have some evidence.'

'That's true,' Hermione agreed.

'I'm pretty sure I know who's behind it anyway,' Harry said. 'It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.'

'Your dorm mates?'


'We should tell Draco and Ginny and Neville,' Hermione proposed, 'and make sure to watch them at all times. They'll slip up eventually.'

'I agree,' Harry said.

'But,' Hermione paused.

'But what?' Harry asked.

'But, that can wait for a while, can't it?' Hermione looked saucily up at Harry, batting her eyelashes.

Harry smiled at her and leant down to meet her lips.

The first study session between Draco and Ginny went pretty smoothly, which was something Draco was exceedingly proud of. The desire to kiss and touch her plagued his mind, making it rather difficult to concentrate on Potions, but he kept his wits about him and bluntly refused his traitorous thoughts and sexual needs.

He was surprised to discover that Ginny wasn't as bad at Potions as she had implied, but he wasn't going to correct her anytime soon. Whether she was aware of this or not, he was unsure, but any time he had to spend with her he would cherish, and he wouldn't argue with her about whatever excuses she wanted to make to spend time with him.

Feeling happier than he had in months, Draco was hardly paying attention as he walked beside Harry and Hermione to their next lesson, which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Though not liking to use the cliché, Draco was definitely walking on cloud nine.

'What are you smiling about?' Harry asked, shooting him a puzzled look.

Draco shook his head and answered evasively, 'nothing.'

'Well, whatever the reason - and I'm pretty sure I know what it is - I'm glad you're feeling better,' Hermione added.

'Yeah, thanks,' Draco hastily changed the subject, 'so what's going on with you?'

'Harry was just telling me that his first meeting with Dumbledore is tonight,' Hermione answered.

'Oh, whoopee,' Draco drawled sarcastically, 'more memories and useless info?'

Harry chuckled appreciatively. 'Actually, he promised me that this time he would actually be teaching me magic.'

'We'll see,' Draco replied, making it clear he doubted it.

'Either way, I'm sure whatever he has to say will be important,' Hermione said.

'I guess I'll find out tonight.'

And so it was that Harry arrived at Dumbledore's office at seven sharp. The old headmaster was waiting for him, a space cleared in the center of the room. Harry shut the door behind him and then stood looking at the wizard.

'Good Evening, Harry,' Dumbledore greeted him courteously.


'Well then, lets begin, shall we?' Dumbledore produced his wand.

Harry gave his arm a shake and his wand appeared in his hand instantly, slipping free from its placeholder up his sleeve. Dumbledore smiled at this and nodded his head approvingly.

'So, what are you going to teach me?' Harry asked, curious.

'We will begin with some advanced defensive magic,' Dumbledore replied.

'Advanced defensive magic?' Harry made a face. 'Don't you think offensive magic would be better?'

'What good is offensive magic if you're already dead?' Dumbledore returned evenly.

'Point,' Harry conceded, 'but I already know a lot of good defensive spells.'

'Ah,' Dumbledore shook his wand at him, 'but this isn't any ordinary defensive magic. Perhaps I should have said: I will be instructing you in the use of extremely original, never before taught to anyone, highly advanced defensive magic. Would that have piqued your interest?'

Harry shook his head in wonder. 'It might have,' Harry said, refusing to give ground, 'but, what exactly do you mean? Never before taught to anyone? How then do you know it? Wait, no, I think I already know. You're going to teach me spells you invented, aren't you?'

'Quite right,' Dumbledore said. 'Satisfied?'

'…Sure.' Harry surrendered.

'Then we begin,' Dumbledore said, once more brandishing his wand. 'Defend yourself!'

Two hours later, both wizards sat, Dumbledore now behind his desk. Harry sat with his head back against the arm of his chair, legs dangling over the other side.

'Now then Harry,' Dumbledore said, getting comfortable, 'I have something to discuss with you.'

'Oh?' Harry sat up straighter.

'You remember, you mentioned a locket to me the last time you were here that was similar to the one worn by Merope Gaunt? I asked Sirius to have a look for it, but his search has come up with nothing so far. However, I have my suspicions that it might have been stolen.'

'Stolen? How?' Harry asked, narrowing his eyes.

'By Mundungus Fletcher,' Dumbledore replied. 'Sirius reported his thieving to me a few months ago, but as you can imagine, your godfather wasn't at all bothered by it. Now it appears that may come back to haunt us. I've put the word out that I want to talk to Mundungus, but the man can be slippery, and he'll probably be hard to track down.'

'Why are you telling me all this?' Harry asked suspiciously.

Dumbledore smiled. 'In the interest of preserving what little trust you have towards me, I felt it best to keep you appraised of all things concerning Voldemort.'

Harry studied Dumbledore closely, looking for any sign of falsehood. He found none. 'Thank you,' Harry said, rather stiffly.

'You're welcome,' Dumbledore said, reaching into his desk for something. He came up with a slip of parchment and placed it on the desk. 'Take this and keep it safe. Whenever I wish to meet with you, for lessons or otherwise, I will write the time and date on a separate piece of parchment and they will magically appear on yours.'

Harry stood up and stretched, then picked up the blank parchment. He studied it for a second, before sticking it in his pocket. 'Right. That's it then?'

'It is,' Dumbledore said.

'Goodnight then, I guess,' Harry moved towards the door.

'Goodnight Harry.'

Harry glanced back once to find Dumbledore watching him, and then opened the door and left the office.