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Could have been by leedee

Could have been


Chapter 15


Hermione choose the dark crimson red dress. It was very tight over her bust and it was a halter neck, but below her waist it was looser and swayed nicely as she walked. Her hair was up in a nice due and she felt prettier than she had done in her life.

Getting ready had really taken more time than she had thought it would. The dinner was set to start thirty minutes prior, but Marina assured her that dinner wouldn't actually start for another hour. So far it was only drinks and talking she had claimed and Hermione had no choice but to trust her.

The heels of her shoes clicked loudly as she walked down the stone corridors. She could hear the sound of the party getting closer and closer. The torches on the walls seemed to even be flickering faster the closer she got. She stopped and took a breath, she was so nervous. Mostly about seeing Harry after what he had said, and honestly, she felt a bit out of place in this dress.

She turned the corner into the new dining room, one she had never been to before. This one was far livelier and it was kind of medieval with stone walls, stone floors, fires and long dark wood tables in the room.

She did a quick head count to around twenty-twenty-five people in there. She spotted Harry immediately he was talking to a man she had never seen before.

She started to walk to him when she felt someone grabbing her elbow.

"Oh my dear, you look absolutely lovely," Viktor whispered in her ear and she blushed all the way down her neck. He spoke so close to her ear that his breath tickled the small hairs on her neck.

"Thank you for lending me this dress Viktor," she said and turned to him.

"It was a gift of course," he smiled and gave her his arm. She hooked hers to it and was disappointed when he steered them away from Harry and towards the bar.

"I could never accept such a gift," she stammered.

"It would be an insult to the dress for someone else to wear it," he said and grinned unashamed. She would have thought such an obvious sleazy comment would have embarrassed him, but not the slightest.

They arrived at the bar.

"What do you prefer?" he asked.

"Red wine I guess," she said and turned to look for Harry.

"You must try some Raika," he announced and waved to the bartender, "it is a Bulgarian drink."

"Who is that?" Hermione asked as she saw a woman in the entrance. Viktor turned to look.

"Ah, splendid she is here."

"Who?" Hermione asked again.

"Darina!" he announced and handed Hermione her drink.

She couldn't keep her eyes of the woman named Darina. She had shoulder length raven black hair; it was abnormally straight and swayed gently side form side as she walked. She had a very tight long black dress with a long slit up the side of her leg. Her makeup was dark except her lips that were blood red.

Hermione's throat felt a bit scratchy, Darina was so stunning and Hermione saw people turning to look at her.

She felt even worse as she saw Darina approach Harry and the man next to him, Hermione saw Harry shake her hand and forced herself to look back at Viktor.

He was still holding the drink out to her.

"Raika," he repeated a bit impatient.

"Nazdrave," Hermione said, Marina had taught her the Bulgarian word for Cheers earlier.

"Brilliant!" Viktor said and threw his drink down, Hermione followed and the liquid burned her throat.

"Whoa..." she gasped.

"Good isn't it?" he asked, his eyes watching her hungrily.

"So strong," she reached for her throat and he laughed heartedly.

She jumped when the band started a new song with much faster tempo, this was obviously a dance song.

"Do you dance?" Viktor asked her.

"Well not traditional Bulgarian dance," she laughed and hesitated as he handed her one more drink of Raika.

"Do you mind if I-?" he asked and nodded to the dance floor.

In a flash he had left her side and was now dancing along with most of the people, the song must be a very popular one.

"Not in the mood for dancing?" someone asked behind her and she turned.

Green eyes stared into hers, so close that she thought he was about to kiss her. Harry pulled back and smiled.

"You smell like Raika," he laughed and pretended to wave the smell away. Hermione placed her hand over her mouth.

"It is quite strong," she agreed.

"Very! When did you get here, I didn't see you!" he said.

No, because you were busy with that woman, she thought childishly.

"Oh I just got here about ten minutes ago. Meet anyone interesting?" she asked innocently.

"No, not really," he said and looked away.

Hermione glared at him.

"Do you like my dress?" she asked hoping to get him to stop avoiding her questions.

He turned back.

"Very pretty, but somehow it doesn't feel quite like you."

"What is that supposed to mean? Am I too simple for it?" she said and placed a hand on her hip. She knew she was silly, but sometimes she wondered if that filter between her brain and mouth had been lost somewhere…

"No!" he objected slightly taken aback by her attack. "I just meant that it was such a lavish dress, you don't need…"

"Whatever," she said and turned back to her drink.

"Harry," a woman said. It sounded like Harry's name had seven R's in it. "Harrrrrry"

Hermione turned back around and saw that Darina was standing next to Harry now; she had her hand on his elbow.

"Oh Darina," he stuttered and this didn't go unnoticed by Hermione. "This is Hermione, my sister."

Darina extended a black gloved hand and Hermione shook it.

"Nice to meet you Hermione," she showed her white teeth under the red lips. Hermione just nodded. "Ah, you are drinking Raika, do you like it? Is it too strong?" Darina asked.

"I love it," Hermione said and threw down one more drink. It burned her throat again, but not quite as much as last time.

"Darina!" Viktor arrived at their side again and kissed her cheek. "You have met my friends from Britain."

"I have indeed," she looked sideways at Harry again.

"Darina is one of my best people out in Europe," Viktor said to Hermione. Harry seemed to already know this.

"May I speak to you for a moment Viktor?" Darina said politely in English and there was something about her tone, both Harry and Hermione heard it and watched them walk away to a private room.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" Harry asked Hermione quickly.

"I'm not in a bad mood!" she hissed back.

"Oh really?" he scoffed and she fought the urge to kick him in the shins.

"Do you know that woman?" Hermione asked and felt silly just asking it.

"I have met her once before," Harry admitted.

"Oh?" she felt her temper rising again.

"Yes, but we didn't know who the other was then. It was at a formal gathering in Vienna," he admitted to her. He shouldn't tell her all of this, it was far too much; there was no need for her to know it. But he sensed that she felt left out, and he wanted her to stop being so angry.

"So good for you, you have a friend here," Hermione pouted and Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Grow up Hermione," Harry hissed. "Do you want to talk outside?" he asked as he noticed people staring at them.

"No, I promised Viktor we would dance later, I better wait for him."

She knew it was childish and stupid and she had promised Viktor no such thing, but she hated how Harry made her feel. She felt so awkward and out of place at this party. She felt like everyone knew exactly how to behave and she was obviously the "muggleborn" - the lesser one. And she hated how pretty and shiny Darina looked, she looked like the most expensive doll in the shop.

They looked at each other and Hermione could almost feel the heat from his spiteful eyes on her, she didn't care.


They all sat down, Hermione next to Harry as always. On Hermione's other side she had Viktor, and opposite her she had Darina. How lovely, she thought.

Everyone was talking loudly as they ate. They talked about what was happening in Europe, about hunting, about different brands of beer, of muggle rights, the latest Quidditch broom and about a wedding they had all been to.

Harry was good at keeping up, especially in discussions.

"Ah, but I must admit, that our school was not as good as Hogwarts, it is truly a wonderful school!" Viktor said and Hermione looked up and watched Harry. He seemed more cheerful just at the mention of the school, he loved it.

"And your professor Dumbledore is fascinating!" Davina added. "Did you like it Hermione?" she turned to Hermione.

"Sure," she smiled.

"Yet Viktor told me he never met you at Hogwarts," Davina said. The table was still talking busily and it was just a conversation between the four of them.

"Nor did he met Harry," Hermione said and smiled kindly.

"I would think Viktor would remember such a pretty face, he likes pretty faces," she turned and smiled at Viktor who pretended to look shameful.

Harry frowned and Hermione grinned on the inside.

"What about you Davina, where did you study?" Hermione asked and took a sip of her Bulgarian wine.

"Here at Durmstrang."

"With Viktor?" Hermione fired back, she wasn't the only one who could ask questions.

"Well, I am a few years older, but yes we were at school at the same time." Davina agreed.

"Enough school talk," Viktor exclaimed and held up his hand, with a snap of his fingers glasses of Raika was set before everyone.

"Nazdrave!" they all shouted and Hermione didn't want to put the drink to her lips.

"You don't have to drink it?" Harry whispered after he downed his. She turned and looked defiantly at him and then tossed the whole thing down.

He frowned again, why was she being so defiant and troublesome?

"I remember last time we had Raika," Davina said smiling wickedly at Harry. He felt Hermione turn to look at him.

"That was a long time ago, and if I remember it just left us with a bitter hangover," he tried to joke.

"Something more than that I believe," she said and licked her lip. Harry looked away trying to pretend like he hadn't seen it. Hermione swallowed something that felt very bitter.

"Now we shall enjoy some lovely Garash!" Viktor said and plates and plates of chocolate cake were set before them. Harry couldn't resist glancing over at Hermione, she seemed more cheerful now at the sight of the chocolate and he smiled.

They all enjoyed the cake and Harry relaxed a bit. He could feel the strong Bulgarian drink heating up his stomach and he felt more content.

He was not oblivious to the flirtatious looks Davina was throwing at him, but he tried to politely ignore them.

When he had met her in Vienna a long time ago, he had known she was working for someone, but he hadn't known she was working for Viktor Krum.

Dinner was over and the tables were pulled a part.

The band started playing loud dancing music again and Harry immediately turned to look for Hermione and found her pulled to the side with Viktor and one of his friends. They were laughing and seemed to be telling her some kind of story about… dancing? Fighting? Fencing? Something like it, they were waving their hands wildly and gesturing to their feet.

She didn't look up at him and he forced himself to look away. He felt the scent of Davina before he saw her, she had a heavy perfume and he smelled her behind him.

He turned slowly and found her just standing there with a grin.

"I always hoped we would meet again Harry Potter," she smiled.

"Oh really," he said a bit bored and waved to the waiter for another glass of wine.

"I did actually. We had a good time in Vienna," she bit her lip.

Harry grabbed her elbow and steered her away from the people.

"Oh, so rough!" she winked.

"Listen Davina, what happened in Vienna…"

"Stays in Vienna?" she teased.

He sighed loudly, he was very well aware now that the night they had met in Vienna she had been researching him as much as he had been researching her.

"Just stop talking about it, okay?" he implored and glanced over his shoulder. The last thing he wanted was Hermione to get suspicious, but he guessed she already was.

She laughed and placed her hand on his cheek and pressed to turn it back to her, just as he scanned the room he met Hermione's eyes and he saw her watching them. He also saw the look on her face and he knew what she thought about the two of them.

Damn it all to fucking hell! he thought and walked away from Davina without another word.

He walked straight to Hermione and Viktor, and the small crowd around them.

"Can I talk to you?" he said in a casual tone to Hermione.

"I am in the middle of a conversation dear brother, don't be rude," she said in a hateful tone and turned apologetically to Viktor.

Harry remained in the group and tried to get eye contact with Hermione but she refused to look at him. In reality she felt like she was on fire. She felt like her cheeks were overfilled with burning blood, and she wanted to sit down before she passed out.

She wasn't a fool, she knew what she had seen, and she had seen how Davina had touched him. So they were old lovers or something like it? So Harry had lied to her, and she knew it. She didn't want to talk to him anymore; she didn't even want to look at him. So he had been with that beautiful vampire/spy/goth girl. She felt sick, in reality she really had thought of Harry as her own. She didn't even want to think about anyone else with him. Touching him, kissing him… she clenched her wineglass so tight she thought it might collapse in her hand.

She felt him staring at her, but she didn't care. This was just for the best, Moody had told her to stay away. Maybe this was the reason? Maybe Moody knew that Harry was a Casanova with girls all around Europe and he wanted to protect her, Hermione! No, she couldn't believe it; it wasn't like Harry at all. But the again… how well did she know him?

A man suddenly entered the room in haste and hurried over to Viktor, he whispered something to him and everyone seemed to calm in the room.

Viktor nodded and walked away.

Hermione and Harry remained were they where.

She still didn't speak, she watched Viktor give orders to some people and then he hurriedly walked back over to them.

"No need for alarm, a few of my people have arrived sooner than we thought. And I was not prepared, I can not send them to the village this late…"

Hermione had no idea what he was getting at.

"I need to fill the rooms, and they have suddenly become far too few," he said awkwardly. "And I thought maybe a brother and sister could…"

"Share?" Hermione asked. Viktor must have taken her reaction as if she was insulted.

"I am sorry Hermione, of course I can make some other kinds of arrangements, it is just that…"

"Sure," Harry said. Hermione looked up at him in shock.

"Will it be okay?" Viktor asked Hermione.

"Of course Viktor," she smiled and as he walked away she turned to Harry and hissed.

"Why the hell…?"

"It will look very strange if a brother and sister would protest too much about sharing a room!" he glared back at her.

"Fine!" she answered and stormed to her room… her and Harry's room.


Hermione slammed the door behind her and started wandering from side to side immediately. She was pacing quickly and her face was getting redder by the second. She wished with everything she had that Harry would take a while before he arrived. The main reason she was mad, was because she was fuming angrily at herself.

She had always scoffed, laughed, and ridiculed even - those stupid and ignorant girls who had adjusted their lives after some silly boys. Now here she was, freaking out about Harry. And it made her furious; she had vowed to herself to never do this.

She glared at the door and wondered for just a moment: where is he?

In fury she ran a hand over her forehead and threw herself on the sofa.

Control! she thought and demanded of herself.

Yes, control was the issue, she always had control and right now she felt like she had no control at all. She slammed her fist into the sofa, this had to stop. What was she? A soldier in a war or a stupid silly girl who had a crush??

As she sat down on the sofa she felt her breathing calming and her heart relaxing, she was thankful for it, but as it did her own mind betrayed her. As if she was watching a movie, a scene unfolded before her: Harry on a bed, a naked woman on him with jet-black hair. Him whispering in her ear, her moaning in pleasure…

Hermione gasped in fury and shot out of the sofa. She knew what jealousy was, but she had never truly felt it before. She had heard the stories, but only now did she know how it could tear someone to pieces.

She walked over to the small "bar table" and looked at the bottles; she had no idea what half of them were. If she would have had a choice she would have wished Harry would've stayed far away tonight, for once she would have wanted to just drink her troubles away. Honestly, she would have wanted Marina to be there, Hermione would have paid her double just to be with her, drink with her.

The door opened and Hermione didn't turn around to look at who was there. She knew. And she felt angry just feeling his presence. She knew she was being stupid. She knew!

But in her mind she could play the dirtiest scenarios, and they all involved Harry and someone with dark hair. In comparison Hermione felt… well she didn't want to think about that!!

I am a bit drunk, I am a bit silly, and I am not acting like myself she thought and at that very next second she heard a door close behind her.

It could be Marina, she thought hopefully but she took two extra breaths before she turned to look.

Of course, there he was, looking confused as always. He was standing hesitantly at the door, not even sure if he should enter. He just looked at her, and that very look made her almost want to weep.

Damn I love you, she thought and looked at him.

"What's with you tonight?" he asked honestly.

Those very words made her feel that she kind of hated him.

Why do I have to share a room with him? She thought and groaned inwardly. Who is playing this game with me? You are, you fool; you're doing it to yourself!

"Nothing," she answered ignoring him and turned her back to him again.

He looked fiercely at her, and willed her to turn to him but she didn't.

"I don't know why you are in such a foul mood but snap out of it!" he demanded and honestly, he felt a bit annoyed at how she was acting. "We might have to share for the rest of the trip, and we'll manage. However we'll do it…" he snarled.

Hermione turned around and gawked at him, she couldn't help the shocked expression on her face. Did he honestly think that she was mad about him being in her room? It had all gone so far beyond that… she looked down at his hands, hanging next to him, he looked like he was making an effort to relax them. She guessed that he wanted to reach for his wand and hex her, she suppressed a gurgle rising in her throat.

"It's fine," she finally managed to whimper out. There were so many things she wished to say. She wanted to ask about Darina, a few days ago she would have. But she felt that she had gone so far over the edge, she was already in the deep end. Hearing about Darina might just make her drown!

She sat down on one of the sofa's, she had no idea what was happening next, she kind of felt like crying but that would never happen in front of Harry, besides - she wasn't a crier.

She looked over at the fruit tray and focused on the pear. What a beautiful green pear, she thought and felt like laughing to herself. What a silly thing to think she added very well aware of her own attempts at distracting her thoughts.

Then she heard him move and she quickly moved her focus over to the grapes.

Why are some kinds of grapes purple? she thought efficiently, just trying to sidetrack her own feelings.

"Are you angry?" Harry said, as he sat down on the same sofa she was on. She could feel her own seat lowering at his weight. If she could choose just any time for him not to speak to her, it would be now. She felt far too vulnerable, too honest, too intoxicated.

"Why would I be?" she answered in a soft voice.

"Because I am in your room," he answered hesitantly.

"We have shared before haven't we?" she laughed and started to get up. The bathroom would be her escape, she had just thought of it and she knew he would never interrupt there. Eyes locked on the door she started forwards but before she had taken her first step he had grabbed her wrist… it was a soft hold and not forceful… but it made her sit.

"Hermione," he implored in a low voice.

She turned and met his eyes. They were burning through her… She was far beyond flirting or whatever was the game. She was his by now.

"What?" she glared.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" he asked, the sound of his mature question annoyed her. It was as if he knew exactly what she was so mad about. It made her irate, she was never the unknowing.

"I have to take a shower," she announced airily and walked away quickly. The shower she took was very hot, and very intense. She had heard all about cold showers and rinsing tension away, but her hot shower hadn't helped her foul mood at all. When she left the bathroom in her big white robe she was honestly hoping Harry would be sleeping. But there he was, in the very same position.

Waiting by the telly.

He was flipping through the Bulgarian channels but looked up as she approached. He honestly couldn't help it, to him, she was magic, he just wanted to look at her. Something was drawing him to her.

"Look, about Davina," he started but she held her hand up. Normally she wouldn't have been able to sidetrack him. But her, in that white robe looking all pink made him all... distracted. It had never happened before.

"I am really tired," she announced and when he was about to object she just sat down on her bed.

"Hermione, if you have something to say, or ask, just do it," he beseeched but he felt doubtful.

She eyed him unconvinced and hesitated.

"Do you mean that?" she asked and tilted her head. The way he was encouraging her to ask made her feel a bit better. "What should I ask then?" she added.

"Well," he said honestly, "whatever is on your mind."

"And what would you answer?" she asked and shifted her position.

"The truth," he said and he sounded very tired. He leaned back on the sofa and looked up at the roof.

What did that mean? Did he have something to hide? She had just started to believe that she was in the clear, that here was nothing.

It dawned on her again, was this why Moody had warned her about getting involved with Harry? Was it to protect her? Did he know about Harry's past? Was Harry some kind of Casanova… she had thought about it before and let her mind drift there again for a few more moments. He had charmed her right from the start… But she couldn't believe it of him.

"There is nothing," she said in a few moments. She got of the bed and started pulling the blankets of, getting ready for bed.

Harry shifted in the sofa and looked at her, she had her back to him for the hundredth time it felt like.

"Just so you know," he said and she stopped for a moment before she continued pulling back the bed linen. "I never slept with Davina."

She spun around and looked non-believing at him.

"You didn't?" she panted and he shook his head. "But all the things she has been saying tonight, all the innuendos…" He looked away and she understood. "but something happened," she answered for him.

"Yes, something happened," he admitted. She nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"Look, if we are going to do this, I am changing out of this tux, I am getting a drink, and I am getting my bed ready," he said and got up.

When he came out of the bathroom he had changed into pajamas and was carrying a glass of firewhiskey. "This has been a fucking long night," he said and sounded exhausted. Hermione got up of the bed and walked over to the armchair next to the fire. Harry half laid down on the sofa.

"So what happened?" she asked and she was very well aware of how much she sounded like a jealous girlfriend. But she didn't care right now, she wouldn't be able to walk around this castle with Davina throwing hints at her if she didn't know the truth… a truth she knew she had no right to claim.

Harry took another sip and sighed.

"We were in Vienna on a formal dinner, Ron was with me. Darina was there, we had a few drinks." It didn't go unnoticed by him how she was holding her breath. "She was there for Viktor of course, but I didn't know that. I thought she was just a wealthy woman from Eastern Europe. Of course I was curious about why she was at this party with the big shots, so we talked. Got a bit drunk, and…" he glanced over at her again, might as well be honest, he thought and finished: "Started fooling around at the party. She invited me to her room."

"And?" Hermione said when he stopped talking. She had shifted position, leaning forward a bit. Jealousy was burning her cheeks. She knew this had happened many years before she even knew who Harry was but it couldn't be helped, she felt how she felt.

"Well I didn't want to go with her."

"Why?" She knew he didn't want to tell, it was obvious he was a bit uncomfortable.

"Well honestly it was because I was in love with someone else at that time."

"Oh," she said quietly.

He turned and looked at her, they were both quiet for a few moments more.

"Good night," she said and slowly got up out of the armchair. Harry watched her as she climbed into bed. He was still drinking his fire whiskey, half laying on the sofa, looking into the fire and he heard her breathing get heavier and she drifted into sleep. Wow, he thought, she's a lot of work... But she's worth it he added.


When Hermione woke up Harry was still sleeping. She stayed in her bed and looked over at him. She had acted ridiculous the night before. But to her own defense, the feeling was pretty new to her. When she had been with Cedric she had known that he had been the most popular boy in school but it hadn't mattered to her. It was just something about Harry, she wanted him all to herself.

He looked a lot younger without his glasses and his face looked soft. She wanted to touch it. She wondered if he thought less of her for being so obviously childish the evening before. But he must understand how it feels to feel like the only one out of the loop. Besides, he didn't seem too happy with Viktor's obvious attempts at wining her affections.




Sorry about this update taking time, I promise I'll update faster if you review : - )

Again - thanks to my new beta Anna, without her the story wouldn't be online!
