Chapter 42
Hermione and Harry hurried, throwing their clothes on. They heard panicked shouts and pleas outside the tent. In less than a minute they had left the tent. Harry had his wand raised and Hermione reached for the illegal wand she now had by her side at all times.
Harry was still hoping and praying that it was some sort of a false alarm but when he saw the others he knew this was for real.
People were frantically running in all directions.
The alarm was so loud in his ears that he could hardly think. He swiftly looked down at Hermione; she was staring around her in dread. He had to keep her safe; he couldn't allow anything to happen to her.
Ron came running up to them and grabbed Harry hard by the arm.
"We have to go!" he yelled and pulled them behind him - him holding on to Harry, Harry never letting go of Hermione.
She started tugging against him.
"No, the children… We have to-"
Ron turned to her and yelled loudly over the siren.
"They are all heading to the portkeys. But there will be no more left soon, but all the children will get away safely. We have to get far enough so we can apparate. We have to get out of Dumbledore's shield."
Hermione looked behind her again and saw that, indeed, the evacuation plan seemed to be being followed. Assigned groups were running in their predestined directions. But she still felt very reluctant to leave. She didn't have a choice though, Harry was pulling her along violently.
"We have to go!" he screamed rather angrily at her, he sounded accusing and she realized it was because she was pulling away from him. She wanted to object but couldn't. Over the hill she could now see- still quite a bit away- Death Eaters running toward the camp.
"No," she cried her feet moving now as fast as they could. Spells were flying everywhere near the Death
Eaters and Hermione saw her own tent being one of the first to catch fire.
She had stopped hesitating now. She was running with all her might after Harry. They just had to reach the perimeter, and then they could apparate.
She heard loud yells behind her.
"Brooms?" Ron yelled over his shoulder.
"They can't fly within the perimeter," Harry yelled back. He ducked just as a branch was about to hit him in the face. He turned back and double-checked that Hermione was still with him, even though she had her hand so tight in his, he needed to make sure.
"How much longer?" Ron called out.
"A couple of minutes," Hermione answered.
"Grab hands!" Harry said and Ron grabbed Harry's.
"Where to?" Ron yelled, he had almost lost his voice now, he was strained so hard.
"I'll do it, just hold on!" Harry called. "Hermione tell me when!"
They kept running, jumping over braches and tree roots. They all stumbled now and then but they held each other up.
Hermione glanced behind her, she saw Death Eaters getting closer. How many were there? There must be at least a hundred!
"When Hermione?!" Harry demanded. She looked straight a head.
"Not yet," she panted, she felt herself losing steam. She wasn't fit like the other two. She wanted to tug her hand back and let them hurry ahead but Harry refused to let her go. He didn't even seem to notice her attempt to break free. Hermione felt like she was flying behind him like a kite. She glanced back again. A spell whirled into a tree close to them. The Death Eaters were still too far to hit any of them, but they were sure trying.
"When?" Ron demanded now.
"Not yet," she panted too quiet for them to hear. She counted in her head. "Now!" she bellowed just a few moments after.
She felt the tug in her belly as she whirled from the spot she had just been. The leafy forest vanished from her vision and she closed her eyes, only focusing on holding Harry's hand.
Hermione felt her feet touch grovel and before she could react she was flying again. She grabbed even harder to Harry's hand and felt that he was gripping just as tight to hers.
Hermione suddenly felt wet moss on her face; she had landed face down on the ground. Without letting go of Harry's hand she opened her eyes and saw people everywhere around her. She saw running feet, but she couldn't see whose. Suddenly someone tugged on her arm and she was standing up.
"Come on!" Harry yelled and she saw Ron at his side. She looked around wildly, where the hell were they?
She stared at the faces around her and started to recognize a few faces.
"Where are we? What's going on?" she yelled at Harry. Before he could answer something with in her peripheral vision caught her attention. Large white towers, attached to a large stone castle, stood just at the side of the path they were running on.
Hogwarts? They had gotten to Hogwarts?
She realized quickly that no, they weren't at Hogwarts - yet! Everyone was running so desperately to get to Hogwarts, they were still, of course, outside the limits of Hogwarts.
"Are you alright to run?" Harry yelled at her, still moving his feet but looking at her over his shoulder. She nodded.
"There!" Ron yelled loudly and pointed at something.
"Brilliant!" Harry marveled but all Hermione saw was what looked like a fence. As they ran closer she saw people grabbing the fence and then being hurdled into the air. Quickly she realized that it was brooms standing in a line, just waiting to be flown. She swallowed hard but didn't have time to object as they reached them. She jumped on a broom, sitting behind Harry and flew off, Harry just pulled her tight behind him, holding one hand on the broom and the other clutched backwards around her. She gripped hard against his waist and focused on not looking down. They were flying slower than the others, Harry was carrying two people.
A spell whirled next to her again and she turned around. The Death Eaters were there now as well. When they tried to grab a broom it slapped them in the face. She breathed a small sigh of relief - at least they couldn't fly! Another spell whirled by and she saw Ron turn around mid-fly and whirl spells right back at them. She saw two Death Eaters receive spells right in the chest and topple to the ground. There was no question, they weren't getting up again. She reached into Harry's pocket and grabbed his wand, she couldn't reach her own. She mimicked Ron and threw curses at the people on the grown. Her spells hit one, two and three Death Eaters.
They were getting smaller and smaller in her sight and suddenly her feet touched down. She had landed with Harry on the small raised ceiling of one of the Hogwarts buildings. There were people everywhere and she breathed in relief as she saw a large group of children running over the court below them, inside the castle walls.
She ran with Ron and Harry to the castle wall where they started firing spells into the group bellow. It only took a few minutes before the Death Eaters retreated.
They waited for a while, and Harry looked around them. Enough guards, gargoyles and ghosts were keeping watch.
"The Great Hall!" he yelled at Ron and Hermione and together they started running. Hermione had to just follow them. Even though she had spent many summers there in secret, she still didn't know the castle well enough to know the way.
The doors to the Great Hall were wide open and they hurried inside. Injured people, people in shock were everywhere. Children crying, trying to be comforted standing together.
Dumbledore was near the teacher's tables in the front, speaking to many people at once.
Harry turned to Hermione and for the first time released her hand. Only now did she realize how much it had really hurt. She moved her fingers slowly; she might even have broken one of them.
"We have to try and keep the order," Harry told her. She nodded. Ron had already hurried from her side and started speaking to a small group of people. Most of them were muggleborns and had no idea where to go, and were all very confused.
"What can I do?" Hermione said, still looking frantically around her.
"We can just try and help."
"Who are you looking for?" Hermione asked a small girl an hour later.
"My mom," she sobbed. "We got separated in the camp."
"What's her name?" she sat down on her knees, now in the girl's height.
"Um… Alice."
"Alice Kellan?" Hermione asked kindly and patted her cheek, she looked somewhat familiar. The girl leaned her face into her hand and Hermione felt the hot tears against her skin.
"Yeah," she sobbed.
"Don't worry, I've seen her. She was looking for you too!" Hermione scooped the girl up and hurried through the crowd. She knew just where she had seen Alice last, and she was still around there.
"Ava? Ava?" she was asking over and over, looking through the many children hurdled into groups.
"Alice!" Hermione yelled and when Alice looked up she started weeping in relief.
"Ava!" she cried and took the child from Hermione's arms.
Hermione spun around, searching the crowd for Harry. She spotted him quickly and with a sigh of exasperation hurried to the next person she could find in need of her help.
Hermione sat impatient in the Transfiguration classroom; she had just helped a group of people find it. All across the room sleeping bags were supplied and Hermione had to wonder for how long Dumbledore had been preparing for this.
She glanced over at the startled family she had just reunited and wished they would just hurry up telling her how worried, thankful and afraid they were. She could feel their pain, she really could, but she wanted to hurry back to the Great hall.
She nodded politely before she got up and calmly left the room.
"It will be okay," she promised them before she left and when she was out of their sight she started running quickly toward the Great Hall again.
She skidded around the corner to the Great Hall; she still found it rather busy. Only a fourth of the people remained, but it was still a bit too crowded. She looked around wildly. She found Ron at the far other side, helping a family.
She saw Harry just near Ron, he was talking to Sirius and Dumbledore, and she started towards them when she heard someone calling her name.
"Hermione!" she whirled around and saw Cedric limping towards her.
"Oh Merlin," she gasped and hurried to him. She flung herself in his arms. He hissed in pain. "Thank the heavens that you are okay, what's happened to you?"
"Took down six of those bastards, only took a small wound to the leg in return."
"A dark magic spell?" she gasped.
"No, ducking away from their spell I hit a tree branch, I'm fine!" he promised
She looked at him and then hugged him again.
"Cedric what's going on?" she breathed frightened.
He looked up, over her shoulder. She whirled around and saw Harry hurrying towards them.
"Harry," she whimpered and their bodies slammed hard against each other.
"Cedric, are you okay?" Harry said over her shoulder, clasping hard around her.
"Fine, just fine," he assured.
"Pomfrey is over there," Harry nodded to the large line of people at the corner of the room, and then he turned his attention to Hermione.
He pulled away form her and took her face his hands.
"Why can't we ever get a quiet moment?" he joked and she smiled.
"We're cursed," she tried to joke back and he smiled. "Harry, tell me!"
"Here," he said and handed her a warm jug. He took her hand and pulled her over to a wall where they slumped down. Hermione looked down at the cup; it was filled with boiled rice and spinach. Harry pulled out the other cup from his side pocket and they both started eating.
She kept her eyes on him as he ate and he started.
"Dumbledore has no idea how they found us. Someone might have talked, they might have followed someone. The portkey's and the apparition points were connected to outside Hogwarts grounds the moment word spread to Dumbledore. Many are missing, some have been found dead, but most reached Hogwarts."
Hermione stared at him.
"What now? Are they coming here?"
"No. we don't think so. Hogwarts haven been seized by our side. There are none of the Death Eaters left as teachers, they are all prisoners now. Dumbledore has been preparing for this for years. Hogwarts is finally his again. Hogwarts is ours!"
She breathed in relief. Taking Hogwarts would be very difficult for the Death Eaters and it made her feel calm knowing all the children and refugees were this close to Dumbledore.
Ron hurried over to them; he was also holding a cup of rice and spinach as well.
"You alright?" he asked them both and they nodded in answer. "What a bloody day, almost thought they'd get us there for a while. Close one!"
"I know," Harry agreed.
"Well Dumbledore told me we could sleep in our old room in Gryffindor if we wanted to."
"No!" Harry answered quickly. "Let someone else have a bed, I'd rather sleep on the floor."
"That's what I said," Ron grinned. "So now we are sleeping in the dungeons."
Hermione felt her eyelids drooping, she was exhausted and she leaned against Harry's shoulder. "He knew it though, I am sure! By the look of him, he'd already given the beds away - the barmy old…"
"Come one, let's find a sleeping bag," Harry said and put his arm around her.
"No, I'm fine. Let's stay and help people, I just need to rest my eyes for a bit."
He chuckled and helped her up and together with Ron they headed to the dungeons.
Hermione felt stiff all over as she started to come to, her whole body ached from sleeping on the floor. She opened her eyes and saw Ron next to her, snoring loudly. She flipped around, Harry's arm was draped over her and she buried her face in his chest.
"Morning," he whispered and she startled a bit.
"You're awake!" she stated the obvious. He nodded his head towards the door and quietly, not to wake anyone, they snuck out of the dungeon.
They were alone in the long corridors.
"What time is it?" Hermione asked and looked around. The stone castle felt very cold below ground.
"Just after five," he answered and threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer. "I guess you slept as well as I did," he stated and she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Let's walk…"
As they entered the floor below they met a few people who were now awake, but all over the castle, in almost every large room they found sleeping people on the floors.
Hermione felt dirty in her clothes, she was wearing the same clothes she had thrown on herself as they fled yesterday, and they had been through a lot since the previous night.
"Where should we go?" she asked him and looked around. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then answered:
"The prefect bathroom!"
"Where's that? Are we allowed?" he just grabbed her hand and tugged her behind him. It was with some reverence Hermione walked through the great castle. She had dreamed for years about attending this school, instead of being forced to be at Improbus. Spending summers here just weren't the same as being a real student. They ran in silence along the corridors, up a few stairs when they finally arrived at a large door. As Harry opened it Hermione gasped in shock and awe.
There was large white marble tub in the middle of the room, and as the door had opened candles had lit around the room.
Harry walked over to the taps and water started pouring out of the many taps. He turned to Hermione, still standing frozen by the door. He grinned at her.
"Come on, close the door and let's get in."
She closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it and then watched Harry get undressed.
"You did this on purpose," she smiled and he looked up at her.
"Did what?"
"Brought me here to impress me."
He grinned wider and raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you might like it." He was already stark naked and walked over to the tub, with a loud splash he jumped into it. "Are you coming or what?" he asked as he broke the surface. Hesitantly she started undressing, and when she was nude, she walked over to the edge of the large tub and sat down. She slid her feet into the tub and hissed as the very hot water touched her feet.
With two arm strokes Harry had swum to the edge where she was sitting. He rested his arms on the edge next to her.
"Get in," he whispered and leaned forward and kissed her knee.
"I will, I just want to look at it for a moment," she sighed and looked around.
"Get in!" he repeated and kissed her thigh, and then let his tongue dance over her skin. She frowned; she felt unclean and didn't want him to taste that. She slid in the water and Harry pushed back from the edge. He swam backwards and she followed him. He stopped swimming as they reached the middle and welcomed her into his embrace. He kissed her tenderly and squeezed her tightly.
"I love showing you all of this," he whispered close to her ear as he kissed her neck. She leaned her head back as he kissed and he gently leaned her back so her head touched her surface of the water.
"You are perfect," he groaned and let a hand roam the exposed top of her body. She snapped her head back up and startled him as she planted a kiss hard on his lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and grinning he let his knees bend and they sank underneath the surface.
When they came back up they were still kissing and Harry steered them towards the edge of the pool. Hermione winced as her back slammed into the edge rather hard.
"Sorry," Harry groaned and bent down to kiss her breast. Hermione tilted her head back against the edge and threw one leg over Harry's shoulder. In just a few moments he thrust into her and she sighed.
The water sloshed around them as they moved. Harry bit his lip as he watched his beautiful and sexy wife below him. He reached behind her and tugged them from the pool's edge. In a swift movement he sat down on the lowered steps of the pool, pulling her on top of him. She straddled him and he groaned burying his face in her breasts.
Hermione sat still and grabbed his hair with both fists. She pulled his face up to hers and let her tongue trace all the way from his ear, to his jaw, and finally finding his lips. As he opened his mouth to kiss her she teased him, letting her own tongue just flick against him before pulling away. He groaned in frustration and she did it again. He squinted for a moment before grabbing a hand behind her neck and pulling her down to him. At that moment Hermione moved on top of him and he moaned even louder. She smiled contently, she won.
They were still on the stairs, but now Hermione was sitting behind Harry and rubbing soap over his back, he leaned back against her chest.
"Do you remember muggle things, like Christmas?" Hermione asked and kissed his earlobe.
"Sure. Well I don't remember Christmas with my mum and dad, but Sirius made it very muggle-like."
"Well sometimes I sit and just look at the Christmas cars my mum hid under the pillow in my bed. I just smell them and remember how it was. I guess they got burnt when my tent got torched…" she trailed off, the realization just getting to her. "Do you ever do that?"
Harry leaned his head back against her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
"I have no Christmas cards from my mom. I was too young. Everything was taken away from me. As it was from you... I know you parents died in a crash, if it wasn't for Voldemort, you could have been spending Christmas with me… and my friends at the Gryffindor table. "
"Gryffindor? She pulled away from him and looked sideways at him.
"You might had been a Ravenclaw"
"Do you think I'd be in Raveclaw?" she sounded fascinated.
Harry pulled out of her hold and turned facing her now, her legs floating out behind him, resting his arms on her thighs.
"Well with that nutty hair of yours, you could have been in Hufflepuff"
"Harry! "she slapped his shoulder playfully.
"But the again your hair looks evil enough to be Slytherin" he grinned and pushed away from her legs and she leaned forward to hit him again. He floated backwards, flipping onto his back, drifting away from her.
"Gryffindor. You could be nothing less, nothing more," he said as he swam away.
Freshly bathed and their clothes newly washed they walked hand in hand back to the great hall where people had started waking up and breakfast was being served. The room smelled strongly of eggs, bacon, breads and muffins and Hermione's stomach growled loudly.
"How could they make all this food for all these people? she marveled.
"The house elves of Hogwarts are miracle workers," Harry agreed and they found Ron sitting with Sirius at a table. They were eating fiercely and Hermione greeted them with a small nod before she reached for a chocolate muffin. "Coffee?" she asked and Harry poured her a cup while turning to Ron and Sirius.
"Any news?" he asked and reached for a sausage.
"Dumbledore hasn't been here yet," Sirius said and looked around. "But there are rumors that he is recalling a lot of people from Europe. I'm guessing he is preparing for open war here in Britain."
Harry's eyes opened wide for a moment before he composed himself.
"Are we ready?" Ron asked.
"Of course we are," Harry said confidently and chewed at the edge of his sausage,
Hermione looked up him and her stomach lurched slightly. Now it would be determined, no more hiding, no more waiting … now they would know for sure if the war would be - could be won. Or if they would lose everything…
"I wonder how many we got yesterday," Harry thought aloud.
"Sixteen here on the Hogwarts grounds, and I know I got a couple back in the camp," Sirius answered and sounded happy.
"Do you think Dumbledore will call everyone back to Britain?" Ron asked and sounded worried, Harry patted his back. Ron had his whole family spread around Europe, and Luna was hiding with her father somewhere in Britain.
"It's just a rumor," Sirius said kindly and handed Ron a chocolate éclair.
"But Britain will be just as safe or unsafe as the rest of Europe." Harry added.
Ron bit his lip again and Hermione leaned forward and smiled kindly at him.
"And nowhere is safer that Hogwarts right?" she said and Ron smiled weakly.
"Guess that's true."
"Dumbledore!" Sirius announced as the white bearded wizard came in to the hall in a hurry. He walked over to the teachers at the top of the tables. All eyes were on him as he spoke quickly but silently with them.
Hermione drank her coffee absentmindedly and burned her lip, not having paid attention to the hot beverage.
"He looks tense!" Ron said, chewing his lip.
Dumbledore turned to the crowd and raised both his hands, and the room became very quiet.
"Everyone is being called back to Britain, the war is now open in the streets and battles have occurred all over
Britain during the night. Most reached Hogwarts last night or during the early hours of the morning but many are still
hiding around the country. You should all prepare yourself. The Hogwarts teachers and Minerva McGonagall will fill you
in," he said and as he turned loud voices were heard. Harry was on his feet before Hermione could blink. He ran
after Dumbledore and both Sirius and Ron hurried after him.
Hermione remained seated; she wanted to eat her breakfast. She looked down at the eggs she had loaded her plate with just before Dumbledore had entered and took a forkful, trying to ignore the loud voices around her.
She took Ron's half drunk glass of orange juice and washed down a piece of toast. She was absolutely full when she turned in her seat and looked around the busy room. People were entering, just having woken up and they were being informed by the others. The mood was split, there was worry for the fights to come, fear about open war, happiness about the return of family and friends and excitement to finally be allowed to fight.
She saw Cedric running past some people on the other side of the room and she followed his sight, feeling scared. What had happened? Not until she saw him slam into a small black haired girl did she realize that he had run out to happiness. Cho Chang was clutched hard around his neck and they kissed passionately. Hermione smiled happily at the sight. There was nothing like reunions.
"Hermione?" Harry said and she turned to her other side, Harry sat down next to her and reached for his plate again.
"What did you find out?"
"Not much," he grinned happily and leaned forward and kissed her cheek. She looked puzzled at his expression. "Finally!" he said and ate some toast with a lot of marmalade on it.
"And Ron's family?"
"Coming tonight, everyone is coming tonight. He didn't have time to really speak to us. Sirius is with him in the office now, but we'll find out more tonight."
Harry was trembling from excitement and Hermione had to smile at the cute grin on his face - but she felt like crying. She had to control the burning sensations at her eyelids...
The whole day Harry and Hermione were apart. Last minute lessons of defensive spells were given to the muggleborns who had never learnt. Food was being prepared and stocked, firewood was gathered and rooms were prepared for treatment of injured. The castle was slightly in an anxious state, people absolutely everywhere. Elves were running around carrying towels, blankets and bandages. Children were playing in every corner, already forgotten the seriousness of the previous eve.
Hermione hadn't realized it was evening until she noticed the sky above in the courtyard was becoming purple. She looked up at the castle and saw golden lights pouring out of the windows.
The torches was lit all around the castle and only now when she thought about the fireplaces inside did she realize how hungry and cold she had gotten.
As she entered the castle she walked by a bench where she saw Cedric and Cho deep in a lingering kiss and she smiled again. She wanted to say hello, but she wouldn't disturb their reunion.
She entered the Great Hall and automatically searched for Harry but she couldn't find him. She saw Sirius and hurried to him.
"Hey pretty lady," he said. He was handing out illegal wands to the newly arrived witches and wizards.
"Hi Sirius, how was your day?"
"Very productive. And yours?"
"The same," she sounded distant and he glanced sideways at her. "Have you seen-"
"He's in the Owlery I think, sending some owls abroad."
"The Owlery?" She sounded a bit confused and he turned and pointed the way for her.
She rushed in the direction of the Owlery, greeting the many familiar faces along the corridors. Everyone was headed to the Great Hall where dinner was about ready to be served.
"The Owlery?" she asked a few who nodded and pointed her further in the right direction. Just coming down the stairs she saw Harry and Ron and her face broke into a smile.
They were in the middle of a discussion and didn't notice her at first. She walked up to their side and Harry greeted her with a kiss but kept listening to Ron.
"I still think Viktor might have a few men to spare us, did you ask him?" Ron asked.
"No, I think everyone should return to their own countries, I think it will get maximized everywhere these next couple of days. I just warned him, and told him to prepare. I hope the owl will reach him in time."
Ron frowned thoughtful. "And the muggles?"
"Dumbledore thinks we should keep it from them for as long as possible. The minute they find out about wizards, nuclear and guns might start appearing and that would be more dangerous to them then Death Eaters."
"Ron?" they heard someone call from one side of the Great Hall just as they entered, they all turned to look at who had spoken.
"Luna!" he whispered to himself. Ron stopped in his tracks for just a small moment before he hurried forward. Luna leaped into the air and Ron caught her around the thighs and spun around with her. She slid down his body but he didn't let her feet touch the ground, holding her still when they were face to face.
"Luna," he whispered again.
"Ron," she smiled widely and then they kissed. Luna had her arms wrapped around Ron's whole head and he
could hardly be seen.
Harry put his arm around Hermione and smiled happily at her, obviously very glad to see his friend reunited with his love.
Yes, she thought, everyone is reunited and happy now. But in twenty-four hours… what then?
Sorry about the long wait, I went on holiday but now I'm back. : -)