Chapter 37
The next morning when Harry arrived downstairs none of the Weasleys besides Ginny were there. She was eating breakfast by herself and he sat down opposite her.
"So how are you doing?" he asked her and reached for some of the bread left from the day before.
"Oh you know, slightly overwhelmed but it's part of it isn't it. Who could just not react at being shipped off to a new country in the middle of a war?"
"I know."
She looked at him and squinted.
"My brothers are over the moon about it though; they act like it's the best thing that could have happened."
Harry poured himself some tea.
"No one is happy about the war Ginny. We are just happy not to have to take it in silence anymore, finally we can fight back. Stand up against what we think is wrong. It is very hard to keep quiet for this long about something you are bursting to scream…"
He had gotten himself wound up and he had to take a deep breath. She smiled crookedly about him.
"Wow Harry," she said.
"Nothing, just wow." Then she got up and left.
He walked outside and found the others practicing spells on the grounds. There were more than fifty men and women training and almost as many sitting around watching them. It was very cold outside and Harry shut his jacket. Ron saw him and came running up.
"Wow, you've slept through half the day, you must have been tired!"
Harry just nodded. "Wanna have a go?" he asked.
He remained on the training grounds for the rest of the day and not until night fall did Mr. Weasley come outside to fetch them.
The training grounds were almost empty by then, just the Weasleys, Harry and a few others had remained.
"Boys, dinner," he said and hurried back inside, wanting to get out of the cold.
"One more!" Fred challenged Ron.
"What do you say?" George asked Harry.
"Sure, you're not my employer now, I don't have to be gentle and let you win any longer," Harry sneered.
"The opposite my friend," George said and made a courteous bow holding his wand up, "It was I who played easier back then, not wanting you to feel so horrible. Now I will play as I always do. You will lose!"
"Not too hard for you Ron right?" Fred asked, "You're used to it."
They started their battling and it lasted for a long time. Harry was just about to send George's wand flying when a stern voice called.
"Your father said it was dinner thirty minutes ago! What's wrong with you?" They all let their wands fall and turned to face Mrs. Weasley. A chorus of "Sorry mum, sorry Mrs. Weasley" was heard.
She turned on her heel and something that sounded like: "ungrateful, trying to cook, pneumonia," was heard under her breath as she stormed off. She spun around and bellowed: "And Alastor is here!"
With a jolt they all sprang to life and hurried towards the dining hall again.
When they arrive inside they found that most had left the hall and retired to their rooms.
They sat down and hurried down their dinner. Alastor Moody was busy in conversation with Mr. Weasley and they were all trying to hear what they were saying. As soon as they had finished the plates Mrs. Weasley had sat before them they all scooted down the table towards them.
"Tell us Moody, are we leaving tomorrow?" Fred asked.
"You can count on us!" George said.
Both Mr. Weasley and Moody looked up at them.
"Do you mind?" Mr. Weasley said rather harshly at them.
"Not at all dad, not at all, you may listen," Fred said and turned to Moody, "We are ready to leave tonight. We don't want to be hidden away here!"
Mad-Eye did his best impression of a smile and drank from his flask.
"Brave boys you have here Arthur. Good soldiers they'll make…"
Harry turned around as he heard a small whimper from Mrs. Weasley. He caught her back as she hurried out of the room towards the large kitchen.
"Yeah, we will head to war tomorrow morning," Moody said and Fred and George grinned widely.
"What about us?" Harry asked. It was the first time he had spoken.
"Someone will come for you tomorrow. You will be taken to Sirius's camp.
"Can I come?" Ginny's voice was heard and they all turned to her.
A loud noise of objections was heard from the brothers and Harry couldn't distinct who was swearing, who was yelling and who had just slammed their hand on the table. Mr. Weasley had sad nothing.
"No Ginerva you can't,"Moody said.
"Why?" she said and put a hand on her hip.
"I have no time for someone untrained. All you will do is get killed," he said honestly.
"But I want to help." Harry had to give it to her. She wasn't giving up and Moody didn't seem to intimidate her like he did with most.
"Yeah, you can help by keeping away."
She frowned deeply and sat down next to Harry.
"Gin, if you'd be in war you know we'd all get killed trying to keep an eye on our spoiled sister," Fred said and bumped his shoulder to hers.
"So you don't take care of each other?" she demanded.
"Ginny!" Arthur spoke up and they all went quiet. "You have never been trained in battle. Why would someone ever want you to fight, stop this now!"
Ginny bit her lip and looked down at the table. Harry felt sorry for her and as they started talking about borders and explosions he comfortingly squeezed her hand under the table.
He was surprised when he pulled away and felt that she wouldn't release him. He frowned but let his hand remain, he didn't have another thought about it because Ron had just suggested a very absurd idea about flying balloons and fire.
"I need to speak to you," Alastor Moody said to Harry as they all had started to get up to retire.
"Sure," he said and they started slowly walking towards the sleeping quarters.
"Ready to go back to war boy?" he asked and limped next to Harry.
"Things are much worse now."
"I know."
For some reason he didn't feel like talking to Moody. Hermione had always given Harry the idea that Moody was against them, and it made Harry skeptic.
"Have you seen Sirius?" he said as they started to walk up the stairs.
"He is fine," Moody answered with a wave. "I have to talk to you about Hermione Granger."
Harry almost missed the next step on the stairs. He had no idea what to say.
"Oh…" he stuttered.
Moody remained quiet and not until they were near the stairs did he turn to Harry.
"You have to stop this Potter."
"I-I don't know…"
"I-I don't…" Alastor repeated mockingly. "Do you think I have time for bullshit like this Potter?" he barked harder than Harry had ever heard him bark. "Sit!" he said and gestured to two chairs near a table in the corridor. Harry did as he was told.
"I'm not going to baby you like Dumbledore does," he started and as Harry was about to object he just waved his hand like he was trying to beat a way an annoying fly. "Stop it won't you. Do you think you are the first ones who have taken a liking to each other? This always happen, and do you know what also happens?"
"This really isn't your business Alastor, I'm sorry; I know you are close to Hermione…"
"One dies, one always dies. Or sometimes they both do - like your mum and dad!"
Harry took a deep breath.
"I won't be a worse soldier…"
"I'm not talking about you, Potter."
This made Harry lean back in surprise.
"I think Granger has become unfocused because she has some sort of a crush on you. Something I think you have encouraged. I think it will get her hurt!"
Harry couldn't reply. He just stared at Moody.
"I told her, I told you from the start that this was a mistake but did you listen? No! Look, it's not too late. As far as I know you have the young Weasley girl who'd love to take Hermione's place."
"Ginny?" Harry said almost laughing. Moody frowned and hissed:
"Is this a laughing matter to you Potter?"
Harry looked away before he finally turned back to Moody.
"Honestly Moody, I am sick of people telling me how to live my life. Dumbledore already gave me this lecture and I'm not sure what to tell you. Hermione and I are already halfway across Europe from each other, what else can I do?"
"Fine, so you've got it, you've understood. But make sure she has. You need to release Hermione form this grip you have on her. She is one of the best I've had during all of this. I don't want her to get hurt, and I guarantee you that she will be if you carry this on! Don't be such a coward Potter, don't just keep her around because you want it! Do what is best, just let go of her…"
Moody started limping back towards his own room before he turned and muttered:
"Oh, and be safe during the war!"
"You okay?"
Harry was leaning forwards, his face in his hands. He looked up and at first he couldn't see anything. It felt like had pressed his eyeballs into his head and all he could see was white fireworks. He knew the voice though.
"Hi Ginny," he muttered.
"Alastor told me to check on you," she said and took the seat Moody had sat in just a few minutes ago.
"I'm sure he did."
They both remained quiet for a few moments and Harry turned to look at her. It would have been so easy, just to marry the girl opposite him. Marry pretty Ginny Weasley… They would have been happy together, he was already a brother in the family and this would make it even more so. The family would be happy…
The thought made his stomach churn. He had no interest in that life. He had no interest in Ginny Weasley. She was the pretty girl he might have fancied when he was a young boy. That was a lifetime ago.
Fancying Ginny and loving Hermione, the difference was almost indescribable. It was like the difference between swallowing a gulp of water and actually drowning. It was like, for just a moment, putting your finger in a flame. Or throwing yourself willingly on an open fire.
It was like tasting a moment of joy, compared to pure heavenly bliss all the time.
It was just impossible!
But he still looked at Ginny and thought about what could have been. Then again, so many things could have been…
"I need to get some sleep," he said and started to get up. Ginny reached for his hand to stop him.
"But Harry, don't you want to talk for just a moment."
"I'm really tired Ginny. Goodnight. If I don't see you tomorrow, be safe!"
And with those words he left her sitting by herself in the chair.
When he finally opened the door to the room he shared with three Weasleys he found three loud snores almost snoring on chorus.
Great, he thought.
He yanked his shirt of and climbed into bed.
"Harry?" he heard Ron whisper inquiringly.
"An owl arrived for you, I put it under your pillow."
His heart in his throat he reached under his pillow and yanked it out. "Lumos," he whispered and pointed his wand at the letter.
When he saw the letters spelling his name his heart fell to his stomach. He ripped it open with his teeth, having his hand occupied by the wand.
I was promised this letter would reach you safely, but there are no guarantees of course. I sent it close to where you are, with a friend… so I hope it does.
The way we were separated still haunts me every hour, who am I kidding it haunts me every minute! I keep seeing your face as I was being dragged away from you. I wish we could have frozen time and just ran away together.
I have a few days here in the camp, and then I will resume my previous job. Don't worry, it's not the one I had last time we saw each other. It's the one I had when we met far south. I miss you dreadfully and everyday life has started becoming somewhat of a torture to me. By that I don't mean what I am to do, or what is around me. I mean thinking, missing worrying about you. Please come back to me, please - just don't get hurt! You have been the most vital and beautiful part of me, and if I lost you I would lose my heart and soul.
I hope I am not being to rash in these words, but I don't know when we will see each other again and I don't want to leave anything unspoken when I leave. My love, meeting you has made everything worth anything. You have made me feel more than I ever thought I could, and our days together are deeply treasured in my heart.
I wish I had some news to tell you, I know you are desperate for it. I fear I know less than you do. I receive no information at all, more than about myself and my job.
I know you will keep R safe, and I pray he will do the same. I believe he loves you as much as I do, maybe not in the same way, but still.
I am yours forever H. I refuse to think that the stolen moments we have shared will be the only ones. I have to believe we will have a thousand more. I will think of you constantly, I will miss you always and I will love you until the end of time.
Yours without end, H
Oh ps, just a thought, you asked my once why I always eat the middle chocolate in a box of chocolates. It really isn't important, but now, somehow I don't want any questions left unanswered. My parents always bought a muggle chocolate box for Christmas, and the middle one was the best one of all. They always let me have it, it had three whole nuts and it was great. I never knew the name or brand, and I've always wanted that memory back. That's why I always have the one in the middle, hoping I will find it again.
Sorry this chapter took so long, I have a baby refusing to sleep… Hope you like it!