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Could have been by leedee

Could have been


Chapter twenty-six


Hermione slept for fourteen solid hours. When she awoke she had no idea what time it was. She walked over to the castle window and looked outside, judging by the sun it was around lunch time. She took another long bath, taking her time. The cheese and fruit had all vanished, probably a house elf had cleared it as she had fallen asleep.

She dressed in the clothes hung in the closet for her and wandered downstairs to the dining hall. She remembered her way well though many months had passed.

She heard laughter as she approached and found Viktor in the dining hall with Cedric, they were both sipping coffee and were midst a vivid conversation.

"Hermione," Cedric saw her first and Viktor stood to greet her.

"Guess I overslept," she said and entered.

"I've just been up for about an hour myself," Cedric admitted.

"Eat, please!" Viktor gestured to the large buffet table and she didn't think twice about hurrying towards it.

She grabbed a muffin and put some marmalade on her plate. She was just about to sit when she decided that she could to with some scrambled eggs as well… and maybe some ham.

"Hungry much?" Cedric joked as she sat.

"Shut up," she hit his shoulder and he laughed. Viktor looked between them.

"I am glad to have you here again. We all need some good friends, pleasant company at a time like this," Viktor said and Hermione nodded as she chewed her muffin.

"Viktor, last time I met some children. I remember a small girl named Zora," she started but became silent at the look on his face. He had gotten very serious.

"I remember."

"What happened?" she asked and put down the second muffin she had just started to eat back on her plate.

"Her group of children was the first we tried to smuggle away. It was before we started trying to get children to England or Ireland. We tried to get them to Russia…" he trailed off and drank some tea. "They were seized."

"They took them?" Cedric asked and Viktor looked up.

"They were all killed."

"Even the…?" Cedric started but Viktor just nodded. Hermione looked down at her hands. All those children she had met those many months ago. She felt like tossing her food into the nearest wall but gathered herself.

"That was when we asked Dumbledore for help. I would gladly have kept them all here in my castle, it is filled with food and staff. But the war is rapidly moving this way, it is far too dangerous."

"We'll help you, we'll keep coming here for children - as long as it takes!" Cedric promised and Hermione looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"That's right," she spoke softly. She shoved the plate of eggs and ham away, she couldn't possibly eat another bite.


Hermione walked around the courtyard a few hours later, it was filled with even more children then last time. They were all to be smuggled by her and Cedric as soon as possible. They would stay for days, maybe even a week and let the children rest and eat. They had already been smuggled from various parts of Bulgaria and some from abroad. She thought about the children she had met last time, they were all gone now. It was all so vile and unfair. What a world they lived in!

"Dinner!" a woman yelled and everyone hurried inside. The children ran to their own dining room and Hermione followed them.

"No, Hermione please!" She heard Viktor behind her and spun around. "I thought we could eat in the dining hall."

She followed him quietly.

"You are sad," it wasn't a question and she didn't answer. He kindly placed a hand on her shoulder and continued; "There are awful things in this war and awful people. We must fight even harder. Yes?"

She nodded and smiled. She had to admire Viktor, he was fighting on, brave, and he didn't give up. He truly believed in their cause.

"Yes," she answered and he let out a booming laugh and threw his full hand over her shoulder.

"Now, you liked Mousakka I remember?" he asked and she nodded looking up at him.


There were far fewer people this time at the castle than last time. The mood was very intimate and during dinner they all could follow every conversation easily. Everyone made an effort to speak English and both Cedric and Hermione were very grateful.

Cedric leaned close to her and whispered

"Wow, I almost forgot what this felt like?"


"Good food, good wine, good company…"

"Thanks!" she leaned back. She had been the only company he had keep for quite a while now. He bumped his shoulder to hers and laughed.

"You know what I mean!"

"I believe I do," she teased and sipped her wine.

Suddenly a guard came running inside, the room grew quiet immediately. He ran to Viktor and spoke quickly in Bulgarian and Viktor nodded and waved his hand.

Cedric and Hermione looked at each other, slightly frightened and nervous.

"Unexpected guests," Viktor mumbled towards them whilst looking eagerly towards the entrance of the room. Hermione felt stiff as a board. The whole room held their breaths as they waited.

The guards came first, and behind them were six very dirty men.

Hermione's heart fluttered, she imagined that she knew that figure of one of them but it was still too dark.

He stepped into the light as he made room for the man behind him.

"Ron!" Hermione screamed and before she could think she had jumped from her place at the table and hurtled forwards. She startled the guard and he drew his wand.

Viktor ordered something in Bulgarian and he lowered it. She threw herself around his neck.

"What are you doing here?!" they asked together.

Hermione hurried out another question.

"Where is Harry?" she asked.

"He is just making sure the fugitives we captured get food," Ron answered.

"He's here?" she could barely breathe out the words.

"Yeah, he'll be here in…"

She didn't hear the rest of his words as she yanked herself from him and started running. She knew where the kitchen was. She ran as fast as she ever had.

She heard nothing in the stone corridors besides her feet slamming against the floor. Her heart beat loudly and when she turned the corner she saw him.

He was walking with three other men and he looked up as she rounded the corner. He stopped walking in shock.

She was still sliding a bit from the halt and when she finally stood still she watched him in astonishment. Her heart beat so fast she felt like she might collapse.

"Harry," she breathed just as he hurried forwards towards her.

"Oh my God," he panted and their bodies crashed hard into each other. The jolt should have left them both tumbling backwards but they threw their arms around each other so fast that they clasped on to one another. "Oh my god," he whispered again in her ear and Hermione felt him bury his face in her neck. "Hermione," his breath tickled her neck.

"What are you doing here?" he yanked her back and stared into her face.

Harry hadn't seen her in months but he had dreamt, fantasized and thought of her every single day since he had left her.

He had imagined her face and her scent but seeing her now made him tumble. Before she could answer he had yanked her hard against him again. He buried his face in her hair again and he felt like weeping.

He heard his friends leave them and they were left alone in the stone corridor.

"Hermione," he whispered again and pulled her from him. He looked into her deep brown eyes and saw them tearing up. He leaned down and she closed her eyes as he kissed her. He kept his eyes open, he couldn't bear missing a second of her. But as she parted her lips he felt like he was being sucked into a dream and as his head spun, his eyes shut close.

They pulled apart and for the first time she spoke to him.

"You're okay," she said and tears spilled over.

"Yes," he said and kissed her quickly on the lips.

"What are you doing here?" she asked and he smiled,

"What am I doing here? What about you? How long have you been here? Are you okay? When are you leaving?"

Hermione laughed at all his questions and at the same time tears were streaming down her face. She thought for a moment that she might be dreaming.

"Oh Harry," she pressed her face against his chest and he caressed her hair.

"I need a shower," he excused. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I have a room!"


Harry needed to speak to Viktor before he could excuse himself and Hermione hurried ahead to her room. She ran a bath for him and was just setting down food for him next to the bath as he entered her room.

She had to take a step backwards as she saw him. She still didn't believe it was true; it had to be a dream. It was - be it dirty - but still it was her Harry!

"How can you be here?" she asked, afraid to go to him.

"I am," he smiled.

She noted how much longer his hair was, and he hadn't shaved for at least a couple of weeks. He was very dirty and he looked exhausted.

"Harry you look so tired," she stated worried but he just smiled and walked to her. Cupping her face in his hands he answered:
"And you look so beautiful."

She wanted to argue but she got lost in the look he was giving her, she wanted it to last forever. She almost lost her balance and fell into him. He kissed her nose.

"Do you want to join me in the bath?" he asked and she snapped back to reality.

"I think I should probably sit on the side, and just listen first," she smiled and he looked disappointed.

Without breaking eye contact he started unbuttoning his mattered clothes. As they fell off him Hermione couldn't help herself looking away and he smiled wickedly.

As he turned his back to her she looked back at him and his naked form send prickles up her spine. She saw a new large scar on his shoulder blade.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink perhaps? Wine?" she spoke so quickly that she could barely understand herself.

"Relax," he said to her and turned around in the tub. He leaned against the side of the tub and looked at her. "I have missed you so much Hermione," he breathed.

"Oh Harry, I have missed you something dreadful!" she confessed.

"Haven't forgotten about me then?" he teased and she laughed at the absurd question. "Then why don't you join me?"

She bit her lip, she really should listen to what he had to tell her. But she just couldn't resist. She quickly stepped out of her clothes and the looks he was giving her made her body feel on fire, she felt blood making her cheeks warm. She especially felt a very strong heat spreading between her thighs. She walked over to the lowered tub and stepped inside. Harry leaned back, his legs out stretched and she sat down next to him.

"Hi," he breathed and turned to her, catching her mouth in a kiss. They had only kissed for a moment before he grabbed her hips and steered her on top of his lap. She straddled him and he took her breast in her mouth.

"Oh Hermione," he moaned into her chest and she leaned her head back. Very soon he directed her where she needed to be and she lowered herself on top of him, inside of her. Hermione moaned, and Harry let out what sounded more like a groan.

The water slapped against her back as she moved and she clutched hard at his shoulders. She kissed him again but found it hard to focus on kissing, she was overcome with pleasure. Harry had his hands still on her hips and helped her to move in the water. He leaned forward and bit her shoulder.

"Harry," she moaned again as she came and Harry shortly followed. She remained sitting on him for quite a long moment, but she had no idea how long. She couldn't move. Her legs felt crampy and weak and she didn't dare move them. She opened her eyes again when she felt Harry's hand on her cheek, he pulled her down to his face for one more kiss.

His tongue entered her mouth with just as much passion as before, but she felt completely spent. The feel of his tongue however made the fire inside of her stir again and she responded passionately.

They made love again before finally resting against the side of the tub.

"I love you so much," he said and sounded exhausted.

She smiled and reached for the glass of wine she had poured for him.

"Please Harry, what are you doing here?" she asked and drank from the glass before handing it to him.

He sighed and started:

"We have been in battles all over Europe, and many times we have to travel at very long lengths in between. We were told about a Death Eater camp in the east of Bulgaria and we are here to try and capture them. We still don't know the exact location of the camp yet so we had set camp to wait. Then we got a letter from Dumbledore saying that we should rest at Viktor Krum's for a few days." Harry leaned his head back, eyes closed and chuckled. "I didn't think anything of it, he had sent us to rest at different locations many times before. But what do I find when I get here, you!" He opened his eyes again and looked at her.

Hermione explained her story from start to finish. Harry drank from his glass of wine again.

"Are you being careful?" he asked and she resented his tone.

"Are you?" she demanded.

He smiled again and leaned down and kissed her.

"How is it?" she asked him.

"Well I am still "officially" not a part of this war, so I have to keep a low profile, which I hate. I wish I could be out there for real, fighting and publicly stating my feelings.


They were getting dressed, still having a hard time keeping their eyes of each others.

"This is surreal!" Harry mumbled as he buttoned his shirt.

She smiled and eyed him, he had lost weight but then again, so had she probably.

"Do you see Sirius and the others ever?" she asked.

"Sure, we meet now and then, Dumbledore at times. We all want news from home as much as possible. The Weasleys' are worried about their mom and sister, Lupin asks about his little boy… and I… well you can guess who I am asking about!" she smiled again.

"How long can you stay?" she asked a slight hint of panic in her voice.

"I'm not sure," he answered honestly.

There was a knock on the door and they both looked at it. A much cleaner Ron than last time she saw him stuck his head inside.

"Are you decent?" he asked pretending to be hiding.

"Shove off," Harry said and Ron laughed.

"They have prepared a late dinner for us, are you coming?" he asked and Harry and Hermione looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to go downstairs. "They are expecting us," Ron added before they could speak and Harry sighed. He held out his hand for Hermione and she took it.


Hermione had already eaten so she was very focused on every word from Harry and his friends. She only knew Ron and Neville, the rest were new faces to her. They spoke vividly about the battles they had been in, the losses they had suffered and the people they had seen suffering. Hermione winced as they talked about sending their friends home to their families and she squeezed Harry's hand hard when he told them about a very close call they all had had with a group of Spanish Death Eaters.

"Well things are rough everywhere I am afraid," Viktor said sadly and told them of their own troubles. "I have myself decided that after you all leave, I am leaving the castle in charge of my sister and then I am heading off to battle as well. I can not only sit here doing so little!"

"But you are truly doing a lot!" Harry assured him but Viktor waved him away.

"Well then Harry Potter, would you like to keep the castle and the people safe for me? I will take your place!" Viktor held up his glass of mead. Hermione knew Viktor was only joking but her mind filled with images of hiding Harry here, keeping him safe. Viktor continued before she could dream on "Hermione and Cedric will leave with these children, but more are coming every week. It is enough, no more should lose their parents, No More!"

He slammed his fist in the table and everyone agreed loudly. Harry drank from his goblet nodding eagerly.

Hermione looked over at Cedric, he was very quiet and she guessed he didn't like all the talk of being left out of the war. She felt sorry for him, he was as brave as the rest of them. She thought he should consider himself lucky to be able to help these many children but she knew he would rather fight the Death Eaters, honestly she had wished many times that she could do the same.

Carrot cake was being passed around the table and Hermione took a large bite.

"Did you hear that Hermione and Cedric were almost captured on their way here?" Viktor said conversationally ad Hermione closed her eyes. Why?

"Oh?" Harry asked and looked at her.

"It was nothing," she said so every one could hear.

"What happened?" Ron asked and looked at Cedric.

"I'm not sure if the Death Eaters were tipped of or what, but they showed up at our hide out. We got away though. It jeopardized our other means of transportation though and we had to keep on foot the rest of the way."

He proceeded in telling the others about the ways they had fled when Hermione felt a large warm hand on her thigh. Just the feel of it made the fire between her legs burn very hot.

Harry leaned close and whispered hotly in her ear:

"I want to return to our room." Hermione couldn't help but lean into him as he said it.

"Harry?" Viktor called out and they both looked up. "When will we meet Dumbledore?"

"I'm not sure," Harry answered truthfully.

"Only Dumbledore knows when he'll show up," Ron answered.

"You can trust everyone in this room!" Viktor assured them.

"We do," Harry said but Hermione saw a flicker of doubt on him. Harry turned away from Hermione and said:

"Now, where were we on the subject of retiring to the room?"

"We were all for it," she smiled

