Chapter 39
Harry was walking down the streets of London, throwing glances over his shoulder everywhere he went. Most wizards were walking with their heads bent down, and he didn't seem to have to worry about being recognized.
It only took them sixteen hours to get to London. Having smuggled Death Eaters for years made sure Harry knew the "right" people and he knew the ways to go. He really had no thought about being discreet; all he cared about was being fast.
They had arrived in the cargo area of a plane delivering muggle mail and decided that Cedric would meet them at the edge of the forest near the camp, Ron would be waiting outside of London with a muggle vehicle, and the rest was up to Harry.
He didn't have a specific plan at the moment, he had ran many over in his head but it all depended on how they would act towards him at the Ministry holding cells. The whole top floor of the ministry of magic had been turned into cells, very similar to Azkaban. Harry had been there just once before, and he had then witnessed an execution.
As he was on the lift he smiled kindly at the wizards next to him, and no one raised his suspicions but he was still on high alert.
"Department of magical prisoners and traitors to the Dark Lord," the very friendly voice said and Harry was the last one to leave the lift.
The corridor was very empty and he was aware of small eyes in the wall eyeing him.
He arrived at the small counter.
"Hello, I am here to see a prisoner," he said, trying to stay nonchalant.
"Which one," the witch behind the counter said without looking up.
Harry swallowed; he had no idea what name Hermione was under.
"I'm not really sure. It's an employee of mine, she was arrested four, almost five days ago."
"Mm… well…" the witch looked up," you can fill in a complaint of loss of work and you might get an elf as a replacement."
Harry blinked and she blinked back.
"No…" he said calmly and took a breath. "This is my employee, someone I hired and trained, I don't have time for someone else. I demand to know why she was taken from my employment and taken here!" he slammed his fist on the desk and she jumped.
"But without a name..." she trembled a bit.
"Why would I have the name of my worker?" he hissed at her. "Give me the book!"
She shoved the book towards him. He scrolled down the list.
He saw the name "Zora Bulgaria". He knew it was Hermione. It was the name of the girl she become friendly with in Bulgaria.
He pointed at it.
"I-I'm not sure…" she said and turned to a small button. She pressed it before Harry saw it. "Mr. Hogglewoggle, you should come out here!"
In just a fraction of a second a very small, very thin man arrived. He had a very small nose, but large mouth and Harry thought he looked slightly odd.
It was obvious that his man wasn't about to take bullying form anyone.
"What is this nonsense? I don't have time for this!" he hissed at the girl and then turned to Harry,"What?"
"Oh Mr. Hogglewoggle, I believe we've met at Blaise Zabbini's right?" Harry said. Mr. Hogglewoggle seemed taken aback. "Didn't you go into the room w-"
"Oh yes. Right… so nice to meet you," he stammered and Harry was shocked his bluff had worked so well. He had indeed seen this man, Mr. Hogglewoggle, once at the club but had no idea what he had done. "What can I help you with?"
Harry explained that his servant had been taken and he needed to see her, he needed to make sure he hadn't hired a traitor. Mr. Hogglewoggle couldn't see the harm in it, and he showed Harry down the corridor.
"She's in cell nr G18," he nodded a head. "Don't let her off the hook."
"The hook?" Harry asked calmly.
"Some of them try to commit suicide through the window if their let down, but it is charmed naturally and it'll just give them a stinging curse."
Harry nodded kindly and walked up to the door. He stared at it and counted the steps until Mr. Hogglewoggle had left the hallway and then he yanked it open.
His breath was lost, it might have stuck somewhere in his stomach, his throat or it was just lost. He just couldn't breathe. He stood still for a moment before he could move. His mind woke before his body and he had to scream at himself to move.
The room was a stone room with small stacks of hay around the corners. That was all the room allowed as decoration. Lying near the wall of the circular room was small body. Her arms were raised slightly above her head as she was tied to the wall, held up by a hook.
"Hermione," he breathed unconsciously and ran forwards. He grabbed her face with his hands and lifted it up.
Was she alive, oh Merlin say she was alive!
When her face was tilted up he gasped loudly and he almost wanted to let her go. He hardly recognized her.
"Hermione," he cried, tears trailing his face. She was beaten beyond recognition.
She moaned, not in acknowledgment but in pain.
He looked down at the slump body, no weight was on her legs, they were just lying slumped against the floor.
He held her tighter and she cried out now in pain.
"Oh God," he shrieked and pulled the hand he had pressed around her back away. To his horror it was covered
in blood. He leaned forward on his knees and looked at the back of her dress. The sight was beyond words. Hermione had
been whipped to pieces.
Almost nothing was left of her dress; only small pieces of fabric were meshed into the flesh of her skin.
"Hermione, can you hear me? I am here, don't worry. We are leaving," he whispered in her ear. He pulled at the noose around the large iron grasp. It wasn't spelled to stay there and he got her off, she slumped against his body.
"Can you walk, please Hermione, if you have any strength left, please…" he begged but she was far away from him.
He stared at the window. It was hexed he knew… so what could he do? Take his chance? Hardly… How long could he stay in these room before they'd come.
He made his decision fast.
"Mr. Hogglewoggle" he called out into the corridor. The man hurried up to the door.
"What can I do sir?" he sounded hesitant.
"Come in here please!" Harry ordered.
"I'd rather talk here," Mr. Hogglewoggle said evasively. Harry knew it at once by his voice, someone knew Harry was there. Someone was coming. He reached for his wand and snuck towards the wall. With a small flick of his wand Mr. Hogglewoggle came flying in to the room and Harry tried to throw him out the window. The effect was similar to a muggle being electrocuted. Okay, so that option was out.
His brain was running fast, an exit, an exit. He ran over to Hermione and scooted her up in his arm. She moaned again, this time he saw that she was missing a few teeth.
"I know my love, don't worry. Hermione my love, we are heading home okay?" he whispered in her ear, his
face in her bloody bushy hair. He ran out of the room into the corridor.
"What's going on?" the young woman said, her loud heels clicking against the stone floor, further down the hall.
Harry hexed another window, and it was the same effect there. He swore loudly. He had to get Hermione out of here, she was badly hurt. She needed help.
He ran towards another office door and kicked it open. He threw a stapler from the desk into it. Nothing happened. No electricity…
He placed Hermione carefully on the floor and hurried over, quickly he shoved his hand through the window and nothing happened.
"Accio my broom!" he ordered and ran back and grabbed Hermione again. He heard people running up the stone stairs toward them.
He tossed the door shut and tried to cast every curse he could upon it. He stared out the window.
"Where the fuck are you? Ron, where's my broom?" he begged, implored… He heard them beating against the wall.
He looked down into Hermione's face. If this was their last moment together he'd be sure to look at her. He felt sick just looking at her though; this wasn't how he wanted to remember her. So pale, so bloody, so broken. He heard a swoosh and turned. His broom was hurrying towards him. He reached out and jumped, he hardly cared if he'd catch the broom or not. In a moment the Death Eaters would enter and it would be the end of them either way… He felt the familiar broom under him, and in a moment he had gathered his balance. He had Hermione in his lap and they were soaring away from London.
All they had to do was get to Ron…
Harry landed next to the car.
"Drive!" he yelled and threw Hermione head first into the back seat and then hurdled himself inside. They couldn't be behind them yet, they still had a head start. Ron floored it and turned to them, Hermione was back in Harry's arms.
"Oh my God," Ron complained as he saw her, "What have they…"
"Just drive!" Harry ordered and pushed hair from Hermione's face.
He reached for his wand and sent his Patronous hurdling out the window.
"Who did you send for?" Ron asked and turned off the highway to a shortcut. "We can't just return to camp…" his voice broke.
"Madame Pomfrey. She's the best." Harry looked after his stag, it was just visible for a few more moments in the sunlight.
"You know she'll tell Dumb-…"
"I don't care!"
They only had a few minutes to where their hidden portkey were.
They crashed down next to Cedric at the edge of the forest.
Cedric swallowed visibly when he saw them.
"Is she?"
"She's alive!" Ron assured him as Harry sprinted past Cedric, hurrying straight into the forest.
"Did anyone else come?" he called as Cedric and Ron jogged up next to him.
"I haven't seen anyone." Cedric said, he looked at Harry's sweaty face. "Should I take her for a while?"
"No!" Harry snapped and sped up. Damn it, how far was the damn camp?
He felt like they had been running for hours. He looked down at Hermione, her face was against his shoulder and she was hemorrhaging all over his sweater. His hands felt wet and slippery against her naked back and the feeling made him almost sick.
When he almost stumbled forward, not seeing a branch Ron grabbed his arm.
"Let me take her for just a short while, okay?" he said and before Harry could object he took Hermione gently from Harry. Ron hurried along and he had more strength, Harry had been exhausted and they were moving faster now.
Finally Harry saw the outside of the camp and felt relief. Somehow he felt that just as long as he got her inside the camp, away from the dangerous hands of Death Eaters she would be fine. He and Cedric pushed through the small crowd of people who had noticed them.
"Move!" Harry ordered. They all seemed to recognize Hermione and some covered their mouths in horror.
They hurried to Hermione's tent and Harry pointed his wand at the fire, it flared to life.
"I'll get water," Cedric said and hurried out of the tent.
Ron gently placed her on the cot. She wasn't moving at all, and her breathing was shallow. Harry ran two hands through his hair.
"I don't know how to help her, what can I do?" he screamed.
"Let's just start cleaning her wounds," Ron said, "Madame Pomfrey will help her!"
Ron gently pushed Hermione's shoulder and rolled her to her side, at the same time Cedric entered.
"Oh Merlin," Ron whispered as he saw the whips across her back.
"I'll kill them…" Cedric groaned and placed a small bucket of water next to Ron. Ron snapped out of it before the other two and shoved a clean rag into the cold water. Gently he started dabbing at her wounds.
Cedric sat down at the foot of her bed started cleaning her feet. She was barefoot and her feet were fleshy, she must have been forced to remove her shoes and walked the rest of the way in the forest by foot.
Harry shook his head, he couldn't just stand here. He had to do something.
He spun around and left the tent, he heard Ron calling out for him.
He knew it wasn't allowed, but he honestly didn't care. He shot his Patronus into the forest.
"Dumbledore, if you don't get here… I'll never forgive you!" he hissed into the evening night.
He hurried back inside the tent and kneeled by Hermione's head. Both her eyes were swollen shut and only small slits could be seen.
He leaned his face against the side of her face and whispered;
"You'll be fine Hermione, you'll be as good as new. Help is coming… just hang on!"
The tent opened and Harry's heart leaped. Madame Pomfrey was hurrying inside. She was carrying a large bag of supplies. She took one look at Hermione.
"What has happened to this girl?" she demanded and looked around the tent.
"Death Eaters," Harry mumbled, still holding Hermione's head in his arms.
"Leave, I need to be alone with her."
Cedric and Ron hurried away.
"You too Potter," she snapped at him as she opened her bag.
"I'm not leaving!" Harry stated and she must have heard that he truly meant it because she didn't argue. She pulled out her wand and potions from her bag.
"This would be easier if I could use my wand," she mumbled to herself as she started dabbing potions over her back.
"Well use it then!" Harry screamed, pleading. She looked sternly at him.
"You know I can't do that Potter!" she frowned, "Here!" she thrust a cold rag at Harry. He placed it over Hermione's forehead.
For more than an hour Harry sat quietly next to Madame Pomfrey as she worked on Hermione. He didn't dare ask a single question, he was scared of breaking her concentration and he wanted her completely focused on Hermione.
The tent opened and Ron peeked inside.
"Dumbledore wants to speak to us."
Harry jumped at the mention of his name.
"He's here?"
"Just arrived."
Harry looked between Madame Pomfrey and Hermione again.
"I promise I'll send for you if anything changes… good or bad."
Harry got up.
"Please, just make her… okay…" he begged and squeezed her hand gently as he walked by.
Harry was shocked as he entered the meeting tent. Cedric and Ron were already in there, sitting on the floor. Also in there was Sirius and Dumbledore and Mad-Eye.
He felt a forewarning in the pit of his stomach. They hardly ever came to Britain, and now they had all come at once.
Harry sat down silently and glanced up at Sirius, he looked furious.
"Do you realize what you have done?" Mad-Eye was the first one to speak. "You've ruined everything!"
Harry opened his mouth to defend himself but Sirius was first.
"Watch it Moody, don't speak to my godson like that!"
"Your godson is a fool!" Mad-Eye bellowed back. Dumbledore raised a hand and Sirius turned to Harry.
"Why did you do this Harry? Do you realize how worried I was? You just left without a word…" he looked angry again.
"I had to," Harry answered quietly.
"There were other ways to solve this, you have blown your cover for something like this…" Moody gestured angrily towards Hermione's tent. Harry temper flared up violently.
"What is that supposed to mean? That Hermione wasn't worth saving?" he yelled.
"There are others who could have saved her; you have blown your cover boy!" Mad-Eye hollered.
"Harry," Dumbledore spoke for the first time. He sounded very tired; everyone went quiet and turned to him. "Why did you do this without telling anyone?"
"I just had to do it."
"Why?" Dumbledore urged.
"She is my wife," Harry looked at all three of them, daring them to say something.
"Your… what?" Sirius spoke first, he looked to Ron who kept his eyes down.
"You bloody fool!" Moody spat, his head trembling with fury. Harry looked over at Dumbledore who remained quiet.
Everyone was silent for a couple of more moments, moments who felt like an eternity; finally Moody turned to Dumbledore and spoke.
"All our work and efforts are ruined, they have ruined it all. Just like I said they would."
"Shut up Moody!" Harry snapped again, "This is our life; it doesn't concern any of you. We are more than fucking tools in a war!"
"Harry!" Dumbledore scolded. "We do not speak like that to each other. It is unfortunate that we didn't know you two had gotten married, I am sad that you felt you couldn't tell us. It is my fault, I should have seen…"
"Just stop, I have to go. I have to see if she's okay." Harry started to get up.
"Harry!" Dumbledore raised his voice slightly and Harry stopped mid-movement. "We need to make a plan, we need to sort this out. There are many things that have changed."
"Sure, you make the plans amongst yourself and just let me know, it seems I've been kept out of the loop anyway. Now I am going to be with Hermione, talk to Ron…"
"Can I come in?" Sirius asked, standing outside the tent. Harry looked down at Hermione thinking for a moment.
"I'll come out," he said and joined Sirius in the cold crisp air. It had gotten dark and dinner was being prepared around the camp.
Sirius handed him a goblet filled with red wine.
"Thanks," Harry said honestly grateful and took it.
"Shall we walk?" Sirius asked and silently they walked side by side quite a bit from the campsite.
"So…" Sirius said and drank from his own cup. "You're married now."
"Yup." Harry stared into the dark trees around them.
Sirius patted his back.
"I'm sorry she got hurt Harry."
Harry turned to look at him.
"You're not going to tell me that I'm an idiot? That I risked the mission?"
Sirius clinked his cup to Harry's.
"We can't live our lives completely by the book. Just look at me, I left the job Dumbledore gave me. I joined the rebellion because I couldn't do what he wanted. I think Hermione is a great girl, I really like her. And what a looker…" he joked and pushed his shoulder to Harry's.
"I'm so worried…" Harry confessed and looked down at his feet. "I am so scared Sirius," his
voice broke and his shoulders hunched.
"Madame Pomfrey is the best," Sirius replied and left his hand on Harry's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.
"What exactly is it I am supposed to do for Dumbledore?" Harry asked and turned to Sirius. "Why is it so horrible that I fell in love with Hermione?"
Sirius took a deep breath and thought for a moment.
"I don't know exactly Harry. You know Albus, he never tells anyone everything. But for some reason he hasn't shared , he believes you are the only one who can get to Voldemort. He thinks you have some way, secret or something like that, that'll get you to him. I guess he and Alastor has feared that if you find someone you love, like you love Hermione, you won't go. You won't be able to risk your life like that…"
"I went to war didn't I?" Harry got angry, who were they to doubt him? After all he had done?
"I know, I know…" Sirius patted his back again and drank more wine. "I guess this is more dangerous."
"I'm tired of being the person everyone blames."
"No one is blaming you Harry."
Harry shook his head mockingly. "Right, maybe they don't blame me. But what I did was nothing no one else has done. People fall in love everywhere, Ron is in love with Luna. Cedric is in love with Cho, you fall in love every other day, Remus with Tonks. But when I do it, when I find her, they tell me that I ruined everything."
Tears burned the insides of his eyelids. Sirius looked at his godson but didn't say anything. "It's just not fair, "Harry gulped and finally the tears spilt over. He bent over, trying to catch his breath. Sirius just looked at him, giving him his moment. Finally his Godfather, his mentor and his friend answered:
"No Harry, it really isn't fair but I am sorry. This has fallen on your shoulders…"
"I've got to get back to her," Harry finally said and got up.
Entering the tent made his heart sink again. Hermione didn't look better. Her breathing was somewhat better, but she was still black and blue, and her wounds were gaping open. Harry turned to Madame Pomfrey.
"Shouldn't she be healing yet?" he sounded almost accusing.
"It is hard with Dark Magic, hopefully it will start working tonight."
"And if it doesn't? Will she die?"
Madame Pomfrey looked up from the wound she was just changing.
"I can't say for sure, but I think she'll make it. She seems strong, she must have fought hard… being able to take all of these beatings."
Harry swallowed back the bile at the back of his throat. Exhausted he collapsed on the floor next to her. He took her bandaged hand and returned to staring at her until he fell asleep, his head resting against her shoulder.
Harry woke up the next morning in the early hours. He had been sitting on the floor, leaning his head on Hermione's shoulder the whole night. His body was hurting like hell and he couldn't feel his legs. He looked at Hermione. Somehow she looked a bit better than yesterday; her wounds weren't cavernous and just as wide today.
He glanced over to the corner where Madame Pomfrey were half slouching in a chair, she was sleeping with her mouth open. She looked very uncomfortable but exhausted.
Harry stroked Hermione's forehead.
"I know you can hear me, I know you can. I know you are fighting hard to get better, right?" he leaned forward and kissed the side of her head. "I can't believe this scare you've given me. You've made me age ten years." He smiled and looked hopefully at her face, hoping for a reaction. "Oh Hermione, this isn't how it's supposed to be, I wish my life could just be normal. Can you imagine what it could have been?"
He felt tears trickling down his face now but he didn't care, he didn't bother wiping them away. He felt like he was holding on to his last piece of hope, his last strength. He thought about the words he had just spoken. What could have been?
"We could have met on the train, your parents alive, my parents alive. I bet we could have been friends, no I bet we would have been friends!"