Chapter 47
Hermione was running before she knew it. She heard Ginny gasp as Hermione had ran into her shoulder but it hadn't slowed her down. She heard someone running after her further down the hall and she knew it was Ron. She knew he would catch up in a few seconds, his legs were longer and he was faster.
Would they be inside the ministry? Outside in the street? Maybe she should have asked Ginny before she had set off. Ron caught up to her and grabbed her hand. She had just been about to turn right in a corridor and he had yanked her back.
"They'll probably be in the atrium!" he said and pulled her behind him. She felt very thankful to have him with her, she just couldn't think in a calm and logical way.
The atrium was very busy and she stared around.
"Harry…" she panted as she made her way there. She needed to see that he was okay, she couldn't believe it otherwise.
She saw a long pointed hat at first, and she prayed it was Dumbledore's. She pushed a man out of her way. "Excuse me," he breathed obviously offended, as she made her way passed him. It was a woman, and she sighed disappointed.
"We'll find him," Ron promised but his voice was almost drowned out by the noisy crowd around them.
Then she saw him...
There, standing next to Dumbledore was Harry. He was leaning slightly against Dumbledore's shoulder but it was him. He hadn't seen her yet and she started running even faster, the stitch in her side felt like a knife, but she didn't care.
"Harry!" she shrieked with all her might and he looked up at the sound of his name. He searched the crowd for her but he couldn't find her.
Harry heard her voice somewhere in the crazy crowd. He tried to see through the crowds but all he saw were dancing and hugging people, overjoyed in happiness by the end of this war. They all had places to go and he felt like there were a million people around him.
Then he saw her, her beautiful face was making its way through the people and he broke away from Dumbledore. He couldn't even feel his injured leg anymore as he ran towards her.
She jumped up into his arms and threw her arms hard around his neck. His injury made itself known again and Harry stumbled backwards and they crashed into the floor.
Neither of them seemed to notice that they were now lying down. Harry grabbed her face and pulled it away from his neck.
"You're okay!" he beamed and then kissed her like it was the first and last time he would ever kiss her. He ran his hands through her hair and took fists full of it.
Hermione pulled away and started kissing his whole face in fast pecks,
"And so are you," she squeal excitedly. "Harry… my Harry," she crooned and caressed his cheeks.
Harry started to push them both of the ground but he groaned loudly as his leg objected to the movement.
"Oh my God," Hermione suddenly realized that he was injured and had she jumped on him.
"I'm fine," he assured her but his leg felt like there was a knife was in it. Hermione gave him her hand
and she helped him up.
"Come here," he said and tugged at her arm, putting his arm over her shoulder. He pulled her close to his face and kissed the side of her head. She turned towards him and he searched for her lips. "You look so beautiful," he whispered between kisses and she laughed and bit his lip. "I mean it," he smiled.
"Harry!" Ron yelled as he ran up to them. Without letting go of Hermione, Harry gave Ron a one-armed hug.
"Oh mate," Harry said, "You have no idea how glad I am to see that you're okay!"
They started walking towards the lift and Hermione noticed that Harry was leaning rather heavily against her shoulders and she realized just how injured his leg was.
Ron seemed to notice how she was staggering against Harry weight and reached out for Harry.
"What's wrong with your leg?" he asked as he took Harry's arm around his own shoulders. Harry would normally have denied it, trying to say that he was all fine. But now he couldn't, he would never be able to fake it.
"A Dark Magic spell. I'm not sure yet. Dumbledore did all he could, and I was able to keep the leg, but it's not healing properly."
Hermione squeezed his hand hard. He looked down at her, and her brown eyes sent a pool of heat into his stomach. He yanked her to him for a kiss and Ron stumbled.
"Honestly mate, just keep the necking `till I've set you down!" he complained.
Ron and Hermione found an empty office space where they placed Harry at the chair at the desk. He hissed slightly in pain as they sat him down.
"I'll just leave you for a while, see to Luna again…." he said.
"Wait!" Harry called out and Ron stopped in the door. "Everyone… please, how are they? Your family?"
"The family is fine. A few bruises, a finger might have been lost. But nothing that will keep a heart from beating. We lost some Harry, we lost too many, but you know… we'll talk about that. Now enjoy a moment with your lovely wife," Ron winked and closed the door.
Harry turned to Hermione; she was kneeling on the floor in front of him. She was running her hands all over him, seeming to check that everything was still attached.
"What happened?" They both asked at once.
"NO!" Hermione demanded, "You first!"
In a hurried and rushed version they both told the other was had happened. Harry told her how he had been saved from the fort by a stranger, but he had been so badly injured that Dumbledore couldn't move him. They had been on that hill for three days, just trying to keep Harry from losing every drop of blood in his body.
"I was only half conscious the first two days, and then the last day, when I had to just lay there - worrying…" he shrugged.
He met her eyes again and smiled, he leaned forward and she raised herself the rest of the way, meeting his lips.
"Have you eaten? Have you slept? We have a room at the Leaky Cauldron, do you want a shower?" she spoke very quickly and he just reached out and caressed her cheek. He placed his big hand on the side of her face and let his thumb graze slowly over the soft and delicate patch of skin under her eye.
Suddenly he swallowed hard and leaned his forehead against hers. She put her hand against his face and felt that he was crying.
"Oh Harry," she said and he collapsed forwards, right into her arms, on top of her on the floor.
"I love you Hermione," he sighed into her hair and hugged her hard. "You are alive, and okay… I- I can't..." he sobbed softly and she kissed him gently.
"I'm fine, and we are fine!"
Harry laid his head on her shoulder, still completely on top of her, and while she gently stroke his hair he finally relaxed, and for the first time in countless days his heart calmed down to a normal rhythm.
He pressed his face into the softness of her breast and he listened to the soft thuds of her heart. He just needed to lay there for a few moments, it wasn't that he needed to calm his heart or breath, but he just needed to feel her, smell her and hold her. Get his sanity back.
"Here you go," she said and placed a cup of soup on the floor next to him.
"Thank you!" he mumbled as he took it. He looked her over; she did look quite pale herself. "I see you haven't been eating well," he stated.
"Who has had time to care about food?" she asked and smiled.
"So what do we know, who is hurt? Who is lost? Who is captured?"
He steadied himself on his elbows and pushed himself up. He was still on the floor but now he was leaning against the wall. Hermione sat crossed legged on the floor and looked down at her cup.
"We don't know about most yet... Luna's father is gone, so are Tonks' parents, Stan Shunpike, Eloise, and Mrs. Longbottom."
"And Neville?" Harry asked, his voice trembling a bit. He closed his eyes - praying for a positive response.
"We haven't heard from him or Hannah, at least the last I know. Sirius sent a note that he was far in the south of Wales helping them there…"
Harry let out a sigh of relief at the mention of his Godfather's name.
"And what about the Malfoys, what about that fucking bitch Bellatrix?" he demanded.
"Draco Malfoy is here. Lucius and Bellatrix still haven't been found. That's why Sirius is in Wales, he followed her trace there. He wants to kill her himself."
"Good!" he said angrily and his face turned to stone for moment. "What else has happened so far?"
Hermione's eyes filled with tears but she blinked them away, seeing Harry this filled with hate made her sad.
"A declaration has been sent all around Britain, stating that Muggleborns and Halfbloods have the same rights as Purebloods in every way. A special reunification package has also been set up for any Muggleborn wanting to join society again. Ollivander is working around the clock… other wand makers have come of course, but everyone wants Ollivander," she smiled.
"Did you get your own wand yet?" Harry asked and reached out for her hand.
"No, not yet. I am in no hurry. Let the others get theirs, I have waited this long, I can wait a bit more." Harry lifted her hand and kissed the inside of her palm softly, it sent shivers down her spine.
"What else?" he murmured into her skin.
"A lot of the Purebloods who weren't officially Death Eaters are coming to the ministry, saying that they were on the Orders side all along. They aren't being punished for behaving badly, only those who committed crimes are being prosecuted."
Harry frowned, and she knew he wanted far more punished then would be. She looked fixedly at him and he noticed and gave her half a smile.
He put a hand at the back of her neck and pulled her to him. She felt his warm tongue separate her lips and she willingly gave in to the kiss.
She had her arms around him before she could help it and when she started to climb on to him he hissed in pain and he had to steady himself with a hand on the floor.
"I'm so sorry," she said embarrassed but he yanked her back for another kiss.
Hermione blinked hard. Her eyes were killing her; she just couldn't seem to focus. She was at yet another meeting. The only thing that kept her sane was that Harry was there, holding her hand the whole time. He had been a sleep for almost three days when he was injured; she had been awake save for a few hours, for six days.
She felt like she was hallucinating, only comprehending small pieces of reality here and there, it was almost like drinking two bottles of Firewhiskey every single night.
Dumbledore was leading the meeting and Hermione wasn't sure how many she had been to or what day it was now.
"And what of Improbus?" Kingsley said, "Ideas?"
"I think it should be kept as a monument, like a reminder and a shrine to everyone who suffered there!" said a woman named Emmeline Vance.
A loud discussion erupted at once, as it usually did around every issue. Harry looked over at Hermione, her eyes were fixed at her knee and she was holding on hard to his hand. He knew what she had told him about what happened at that school.
"I believe," he said and they all quieted. Harry had not spoken much yet, he didn't really care what they did with statues or buildings. But he cared about this. "I think we should level that godforsaken building, it's not even worth standing."
"Why should we?" Emmeline spoke up. "It is a great reminder of what they did; it is what people should remember!"
Harry looked angrily at her and his eyes were dark.
"Too many people have suffered there."
"People have suffered everywhere the Death Eaters have been!" she contradicted.
"Okay let me rephrase," Harry said sternly and everyone was paying attention now, "Too many children, have suffered there. They should never have to be reminded of that. Leave everything else, but let them bury that time of their lives!"
There was silence again.
Hermione looked up and met Professor McGonagall's eyes. She was the only one who really knew what Hermione had seen at that school.
It was decided; Improbus was to be demolished as soon as possible.
"Where are we going?" Hermione mumbled, finding it hard to make her lips form words.
"We are going to nr 12 Grimmauld Place. You are going to crawl into bed and sleep for a few days," he said and kissed the side of her head.
"No, I want to stay. I want to help."
He laughed and grabber her shoulder even tighter.
"You are no help like this my love," he grinned and she pulled back. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean
it like that. I just meant that you are like a zombie right now."
She felt resentful and she was in far too much of a bad mood to be able to take his honest words. "Don't pout," he teased.
"I'm not pouting," she snapped and felt like sticking her middle finger in the air. He grinned again.
"You love me don't you," he whispered and pecked her cheek - she didn't answer.
"Oh wow, I see something that'll make you happier again" he promised and she looked up. Neville Longbottom, hand in hand with Hannah Abbott, was hurrying towards them. And behind them came Cedric Diggory, hand in hand with Cho Chang.
"Oh Merlin…" Hermione shrieked, her focus at 100% now.
Neville hugged Harry at once and Hermione jumped into Cedric's open arms. Everyone was just so happy to see the other alive. Hermione quickly let go of Cedric as she saw the look on Cho's face.
Merry greetings were passed around and Hermione had to resist the urge to jump up and down.
As the busy talk erupted about what each had been through she felt tired again. She just couldn't tell her story again.
"What is wrong with her?" Cedric asked aloud.
"She's exhausted." Harry explained.
"Well, get her to a bed. You have to make Hermione rest, she is really stubborn," Cedric explained and Harry tensed for a moment and there was quiet. Hermione forced her eyes open to see what was going on.
"I know," Harry said overly-politely.
Hermione sat down on the soft bed. She blinked hard, she kind of felt like she was underwater.
"Are you leaving?" she asked.
"I-I thought maybe I could go back to the ministry and help them a bit," Harry sounded doubtful.
"I'll go with you, I want to help!" she said and started to stand up.
Harry looked doubtful, how should he handle this? Hermione was as close to a living-dead as he had seen. Her eyes were bright red and she was just walking without purpose.
"Yeah that'd be great Hermione; I just need to sleep for an hour."
"I'm fine."
"I know that, I just need a few moments of shut-eye,"
He crawled behind her, holding her tight.
"You won't leave?" she murmured almost incomprehensive.
"I won't leave, my love," he promised and finally she shut her eyes.
Hermione blinked hard, it was dark in the room, how could it be dark? Had she been a sleep for just a couple of hours? She felt stiff and wanted to move her limbs. She tried to move but Harry was half draped over her and she was stuck.
She leaned back against the pillow and reached for the small alarm clock on the side of her bed. It read 3.00 am. What? 3.00 am?? Had she been a sleep since 21 hours? No, she couldn't have been, could she? Yet she knew that she had!
Her stomach growled hungrily, painfully. Damn she was hungry!
"Harry?" she whispered and he started stirring. "Sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you, I am just going downstairs to get something to eat," she whispered.
"Thing… on the floor…" he murmured.
"Thing, on the floor … to eat!" he groaned and buried his face more into the pillow.
She crawled out of the bed and opened the brown leather bag on the floor. She sighed contently.
Crisps, chocolate muffins, sodas, three cold muggle pizzas and cold box of fish and chips were hidden in there. She knew Harry hadn't gone to muggle London but someone had done it for him. Dobby, she thought and smiled.
Such a shame it was cold though, she sighed, and realized that it didn't have to be cold - she could just heat it up with Harry's wand. She crawled back over to him and very gently grabbed the wand he had under his pillow.
With a gently flick she had heated her food, and she hurried to stick the wand back before he would notice.
She ate with such a hunger, she almost made herself sick. The mixture of sweet muffin and salty vinegar crisps was perfect. The cola soda washed it down perfectly…
She leaned back against the wall and looked at the perfection on her bed. Harry was laying half on his side, his arm tossed over the side she had been on. He was half naked, the blanket covering the lower part of him, but his toned and muscled over body was visible. He had so many scars, but they just made him the more beautiful.
The light from the moon made his skin a strange tint of silver, and she bit her lip.
She should shower, she reminded herself and then she hurried inside.
She was dripping, completely naked as she walked over to the side of the bed. Harry had his face away from her and she gently ran the tip of her fingers against his naked shoulder. He woke with a start, she had suspected as much. He had been at war for so long, his reflexes would be defensive for quite a while.
She watched his face change from anger, to surprise to comprehension. When he saw that she was naked he looked surprised again and she bit her lip not to laugh.
"How is your leg?" she asked.
"Just fine," he promised but she knew he would have said that even though it was left somewhere back in Spain.
"You should probably try to stay as still as possible," she whispered as she climbed into bed, onto him.
Without asking she reached behind his pillow and took his wand. He twitched involuntarily at someone taking his wand. With a wicked smile she flicked it and a couple of lanterns lit.
Harry was still in his underwear and she gently tugged them of him as she slowly started kissing his naked upper body.
She looked down at his injury and it made her ache for a moment, it still looked very fresh and painful.
She leaned down and kissed the side of it gently. He hissed, but she knew she hadn't hurt him. She kissed the skin again and with one hand pushed him back down, for he had sat up in reflex. Very tense he leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes.
She touched his wound with her fingertip and heard him take a deep breath. She looked up and saw a tear roll down his cheek.
She knew he was carrying so much inside and she just wanted to help him, to let him release some of the immense pain and hurt he had carried since had been born.
She moved her lips to the inside of his thigh and let her tongue dart out and taste his skin. He sighed aloud and she could hear a sob stuck in his throat.
She licked now, all the way up to his tip.
She kissed a large part of skin gently and lovingly, giving each bit of skin too much attention. She wanted to let him gather himself because now he was overcome with emotion. When she could hear his breathing slowing she took all of him in his mouth. She heard a loud sigh, but this time it wasn't filled with sorrow.
After a few moments, a minute, an hour… she had no idea. He grabbed her face and pulled her up to his own face. He wanted her lips desperately.
They kissed and he felt the tips of her breasts graze his own chest and it made the desire unbearable. He grabbed one roughly; he needed to feel her delicate skin against his worn hands. As he felt them he marveled at how anyone could be so soft.
He felt hungry, greedy now; he just couldn't get enough of her.
Without asking he grabbed her hips and steered her right where he wanted her. He lowered her onto him, and as he entered her he swallowed a guttural growl in the back of his throat. At that moment, that very second he felt more alive then he ever had. This was what he had survived for, to have this moment of love with her once again.
She moved on top of him and he fell right into the rhythm. But he wouldn't put himself to shame like that; she was going to join him in the paradise he was headed for.
His hand found its way at once and she sighed gently.
Hermione leaned back, one hand on the bed to keep balance and the sight almost sent him over the edge. She moved back and forth in a perfect rhythm.
"Oh my God," he groaned and sat up, taking a nipple in his between two fingers and the other breast in his mouth.
"Oh…" she whispered softly back as they came together, so hard that they were both jerking rather violently until they crashed into the mattress.
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