Chapter twenty-eight
"Do you remember last time we were here and that woman Davina came?" Hermione asked him. They were walking, hands intertwined on the castle grounds.
They couldn't go outside the castle walls, but they did anything they could to get away from the people in the castle, they wanted each moment they could have alone together.
"Sure, I remember," he sounded doubtful. He wasn't eager to speak about Darina.
"Can I ask you something about that?" She looked up at Harry who was still staring ahead.
Hermione shivered from the cold air and Harry put his arm around her. She leaned her head against him and said:
"Well you said nothing happened between you to because you were in love with someone else and that that was
"Well, I was just wondering where she is now during the war. Is she with you and Ron?"
Harry smiled and stopped walking. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her close.
"No, she is back at their house with Ron's mum."
He leaned down and kissed her gently.
"You never have to be jealous of anyone Hermione. How about you though? Traveling alone with Cedric, he is like a puppy running after you all the time," Harry's tone was a bit harsh and Hermione pulled back from him.
She took his hand and they started walking again.
"You have nothing to worry about either Harry."
"Good!" They were on the stone bridge over the small water river around the castle.
It started raining a bit and Harry protectively pulled Hermione into his arms.
"You know what tomorrow is right? He whispered softly in her ear.
"Christmas eve," she answered and buried her face in his warm neck. She seemed to forget the rain and the cold when he held her.
"Our first Christmas together," he kissed her hair and she looked up at him.
"So you'll be here tomorrow?"
"I guess so, we haven't heard anything about it."
Hermione's heart suddenly fluttered, she had not thought about Christmas at all. She had known in the back of her head that it was coming of course but it meant nothing to her. Christmas had never been a celebration for her since her parents died. This war, missing Harry hadn't helped. Now she would have a Christmas with him. Everyday felt like Christmas with him though…
Hermione stood on her toes and squeezed him tight.
"I am so happy," she whispered and he grinned.
"Let's go inside and have some tea. I am freezing!" he said and they walked off the stone bridge.
The rest of the day was spent in the gym again and every muscle in Hermione's body hurt. She was getting better though. They practiced spells a lot and self-defense.
"We could use someone like you in the war!" Harry laughed as she had made his wand fly out of his hand.
"Good," she grinned, "You can bring me along." It was a joke but judging by the look on Harry's
face he didn't think it was funny. She stuck her tongue out at him.
Viktor came over to them.
"Tomorrow we celebrate!" he patted Harry back.
"Tomorrow? Don't you celebrate on Christmas day?" Harry asked.
"No! Tomorrow is Badni Vecher, Christmas Eve, that is when we celebrate. You will experience a real Bulgarian Christmas."
"Lovely!" Hermione grinned.
Hermione was lying on her stomach watching Harry. He was lying on his back, propped up on some pillows running a finger up and down her naked spine.
"I was thinking…" Hermione said quietly, it was dark and she couldn't properly see him. She reached for her wand and pointed at the candle on the nightstand. She loved using a wand and couldn't help the small smile spreading on her face as she did so. Harry smiled as he saw it.
"About?" he asked.
"Well you asked me to stay in the camp, for your sake remember?"
"I do."
His gentle touch gave her chills, it was tickling her. She propped herself up on her elbows and Harry glanced down at her naked breasts that were now exposed.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered and leaned forward to kiss her.
She pulled back, determined to finish her sentence.
"Well I was thinking," she continued, "You owe me one now."
"Okay." He leaned back down against the pillow and raised his eyebrows.
She bit her lip uncertainly.
"Couldn't you stay? Stay with me? We could stay in the camp together!"
She blurted out the words quickly, eager to get them out. His stopped moving his finger along her spine for just a moment and then sighed.
"I can't do that…"
She looked down for a moment before she gave him a weak smile. She had tried that one once before, and it hadn't worked.
"I knew you'd say that!" Harry frowned at the sad look on her face.
"But I had an idea myself," he said and she met his eyes again. "I was thinking tomorrow…"
"What if we got married here in the castle?" Hermione stared at him in disbelief.
Harry sat up straighter.
"Yes, I love you more than anything and I know that wont change. I missed you so miserably much when I was away, and I… well I want to marry you Hermione!"
Hermione sat up and looked horror struck.
"But if anyone found out, you'd be outcast in London, you are still a spy!"
"I don't care about that," Harry laughed. "Besides, we are going to win this war and no one will care about something silly like that."
Hermione put a hand over her mouth. Harry pulled it away and squeezed her hand tight.
"So Hermione Granger, will you marry me?"
She blinked hard and then leaned forward and kissed him. She pulled away for just a second to whisper:"Yes,"
Hermione patted her dress again, afraid it would wrinkle.
"You look perfect," Cedric assured her and she smiled weakly. She was nervous.
Hermione walked arm in arm with Cedric, he was giving her away. She wore a very simple white dress with her hair let loose - a small bouquet of wild flowers in her hands. The castle had no Christmas decoration except in two of the dining rooms, one of which the ceremony was held in. She held her breath as they turned the corner and she saw Harry and Ron standing in front of the large fireplace with the minister. Harry was in a very classic yet simple black suit.
Viktor was sitting in the front, in a red traditional Bulgarian suit
Their ceremony was very simple, just the people and the children in the castle attended. A priest from the village married them in the beautiful dining room. Hermione didn't understand a word of what the minister said but when he smiled goofily at them they knew it was time for their part.
"I do," they said in unisons.
The ceremony was short and sweet and when they kissed the whole room clapped.
The tables were set with Christmas flowers, decorations and candles. They were served a traditional Bulgarian Christmas feast with Christmas bread, pumpkin filo pie, nuts and garlic dip, dried fruit compote, stuffed cabbage rolls, bean soup, pickles, warm honey and more. Hermione walked by the large buffet table slightly overwhelmed by all the festivities. She had no idea where to start or what to eat first.
There were many different sorts of wine, magical and muggle sorts and it was flowing generously. She picked a glass of red wine, no idea if it was muggle or magic. A hand circled her stomach and butterflies bubbles inside of her.
"Can you believe this?" Harry whispered in her ear. She smiled and closed her eyes.
"No, I must be dreaming!"
He kissed her cheek and she turned to face him.
"I love you so much Harry," she beamed.
"And I love you Mrs. Potter!"
She smiled, happiness bubbling from every pore of her.
"Vesela Koleda," Viktor came up to them. "It is Merry Christmas in Bulgarian" he added at their confused looks. "May I say that you both make a lovely couple… who would have thought?" Both Hermione and Harry looked at him for further explanation. "I mean, you two arriving here as sister and brother I mean!" They laughed together. "Now, let's eat!"
They took their places at the table and dug in. The food was truly wonderful but Hermione had a hard time eating, she was filled with jitters. She was just so happy. Bulgarian Christmas music filled her ears and she looked around the room. Harry, Cedric, Viktor and Ron were some of her closest friends and they were all gathered in this room. She was married, to Harry! The room almost spun when she just thought of it. Viktor clinked his glass and stood up, everyone went quiet.
"My friends, my guests, my family…" he started and took a breath, "it is a marking of great things, that terrible times like these still make new friends, make new families and love still carries on. I am happy that you two chose this special moment of your lives here with us, in lovely Bulgaria. This is like your second home now, isn't it?" he laughed and turned to them. "Without a doubt we have many difficult times a head but we must remember nights like these, they are what keep us going. I wish Hermione and Harry a life of love, laughter and health! Nazdrave and Vesela Koleda! Cheers and Merry Christmas!!"
Everyone drank happily and the music started again at a fast pace. All Bulgarians hurried up and started dancing eagerly. Ron was yanked from his seat by a woman and he looked to Harry for help but he just laughed. Harry placed his arm around Hermione and she leaned into him.
"I wish my parents were here," she said.
"I think both of our parents are here," he answered and kissed the side of her face. She smiled.
A calm song started playing, it was rather gloomy.
"The wedding couple!" Viktor yelled and waved at them. They hurried up and joined the rest at the dance floor. Hermione placed her hands on Harry shoulders and they started dancing.
"Are you okay?" Hermione asked him.
"Of course," he smiled.
"What is it?" she demanded trying to keep her voice down. "Something is wrong."
Harry looked over Hermione's shoulder for a fragment. This was the best night of his life and he didn't want it to end. But each time he looked around something reminded him of the fact that he was supposed to leave soon again. Soon he would have to kiss her goodbye again and months would pass before they would see each other again, maybe even more… he swallowed.
"I just love you so much Hermione…" he trailed off and Hermione leaned into him and they kissed. Hermione's lips opened and when Harry felt her tongue he stopped dancing and hugged her tighter. He let his tongue do the dancing inside her mouth instead. He had no idea when the song changed, but suddenly he could see people jumping around festively to the speedy music around him. Everyone let Hermione and him be, engulfed in their loving embrace.
"May I have a dance with the bride?" Cedric said and carefully patted Harry's shoulder. At first Harry looked doubtful, in truth he never wanted to let go of Hermione. He wanted to stand right in the very spot they were in for the rest of their lives.
"I think you should," he smiled and Hermione moved out of Harry's arms into Cedric's. Harry regretted letting her go at once, he missed her already.
He walked back to their table and sat down. He swept his glass of wine. Damn it, Cedric had her everyday of every week, it was so unfair. He knew nothing like that was going on, but still he wanted to be the one who spent all that time with her.
He watched Hermione's white dress sway from side to side as she danced and it was tantalizing, hypnotic even. Her hair danced in the same way and he wished he could freeze time.
Ron sat down next to him.
"Great wedding Harry," he said and patted his shoulder. He placed a goblet of mead in front of him.
"Yeah it is," Harry agreed.
"And Nazdrave and that other word for merry Christmas," Ron added and they clunked their goblets together. Ron studied Harry's serious face and continued: "And just imagine the first time I brought you to the Leakey Cauldron, it was to meet the woman I wanted to marry," Ron chuckled and Harry turned to him. Ron hurried on "And you know of course that that infatuation is gone since a long time."
"Yeah I know."
"Good luck telling my mum that you got married and she missed it though," he patted Harry's back at the same time as he raised his goblet in sympathy.
"You are a lucky man Harry, she is wonderful and you are wonderful together."
"I know that too," Harry said and he threw another affectionate look at her.
Ron took a sip from his beer and tried to gather himself.
"I know what you are here to tell me Ron…" Harry finally said with a sigh.
"Sorry mate…"
Hermione twirled around in Cedric's arms.
"So you are a married woman now, how grown up!" Cedric joked and she sniggered.
"When will it be your turn? I bet Cho would love a lavish wedding," Hermione said.
Cedric glanced down at his feet, avoiding her question and Hermione thought she noticed a hint of sadness behind his eyes.
"What is it Cedric?" she asked.
"Nothing, I just can't help but wonder…"
"You are happy for me right?" she asked.
"You know I am Hermione, I want the best for you always."
She smiled happily at him. "You really love Harry."
"I really do."
Hermione looked over his shoulder and saw Harry and Ron talking. Her heart sank. Ice dropped to her stomach and she suddenly stopped moving her feet.
"What is it?" Cedric asked and Hermione started moving again.
"Nothing;" she promised and they continued dancing.
Hermione joined Harry side and soon they were all clapping their hands, sitting around the table as a Bulgarian couple danced very well on the floor. After they were finished they all continued talking loudly around the table.
"You should come for Easter, the party is even bigger!" Viktor said and Harry raised his glass in gratitude.
"But Viktor, I think the next time it is our turn to welcome you to our homes in England, we have much to repay you for."
"Well I am not sure about that, I have heard about Haggis and I must admit it sounds appalling," he laughed and Neville answered him:
"I have never eaten the stuff in my life. No, if you eat anything English it has to be Mrs. Weasley's cooking, she is unbelievable!"
Ron raised his glass and added :" She makes the best cakes, and breads… and stews!" they all laughed at him,
"How can you be hungry" Harry scolded playfully as Ron rubbed his stomach.
"I just can," Ron laughed and grabbed a chunk from the loaf of bread.
"So, is she a good cook?" Hermione whispered. Harry turned to her and some sadness filled him, Hermione had never met the Weasley's. She had only met such horrible wizards and witches for most of her life. The Weasley's were so wonderful.
"You'll love her, and she'll love you. She's always wanted another daughter," Harry promised.
Viktor reached for some more mead and spoke again: "Well I did have English food at Hogwarts at the TriWizard tournament but it was pure perfection. I wouldn't guess all food would be like that."
"It's not," Neville assured him, "You won't be invited to my grandmother's house." he grinned when he said it though.
"Mother of…" Ron yelled out. "My bloody tooth!" He held his face tight and reached inside his mouth. "Someone has dropped a damn coin in my bread!" he complained.
The Bulgarians all laughed heartily.
"Whoever receives the piece with the coin will be extremely lucky throughout the year!" Viktor exclaimed and clapped his hands. "Nazdrave!" he yelled.
"Nazdrave" The crowd yelled back and chucked their drinks. Ron leaned forward to Harry and Hermione.
"Yeah I feel lucky alright, my tooth is killing me!"
"Just have some more Raika, it'll pass," Harry grinned.
"Maybe it works;" Hermione smiled at him. Ron thought for a moment.
"Yeah, maybe I'll find Luna stark naked in my bed," he laughed and threw down his raika.
Harry and Hermione left the party before everyone else. As they walked from the room the music was extremely loud, the Raika and wine was overflowing and laughter was deafening ears.
When they opened the door to their room they both stopped, slightly shocked before they could enter. There must have been more than a hundred candles lit all over the stone room. Rose petals were thrown over the bed and in the bath tub, which was filled with water.
A large bottle of champagne was chilled on a table and next to it was a tray of strawberries.
"Did you do this?" Hermione asked, still standing in the door.
"I wish I could say I did," Harry said. "Champagne?" he walked straight for the bottle and popped the cork.
Hermione walked in looking around wildly and took a strawberry.
"I think we owe Viktor one hell of a holiday when he gets to Britain." Hermione thought aloud as she reflected over Ron's previous statement. Harry handed her a flute of champagne and she took it.
She had no idea why, but she felt nervous. She was a new bride and this was her wedding night. She turned her back to Harry and walked over to the large side table covered with vases filled with red flowers. She leaned down and smelled them, the scent was intoxicating.
"Ooo, chocolate!" she said as she saw a large box on the sofa. It had a large red bouquet on it. She turned to ask Harry if he wanted something but as she turned something in his look made her stop talking.
The stare he was giving her even made her stop from taking a chocolate.
"What?" she asked smiling sheepishly.
"Have a chocolate," he nodded encouraging and she opened the box. She took the one in the middle, it was a habit she had. She looked back at Harry; he was still looking at her intently, drinking once in a while from his glass.
She wanted to ask him about the conversation he had had with Ron but she couldn't. She felt butterflies in her stomach again and she took a large gulp from her glass, she hoped those damn butterflies would just drown already.
Oh what the hell, she thought and downed the rest of the glass. She looked at Harry again and he was still looking, never turning away from her, very hungrily.
She took a deep breath and moved her hand to her shoulder bands, she pushed one a side. Her naked shoulder exposed, Harry's eye flickered a fraction to the side, taking in the exposed piece of skin. Hermione reached for the champagne bottle next to her own table and refilled her glass. After sipping it again she met Harry's eyes again and he smiled.
"I love you," she just had to say. She just had to tell him even though it ruined the silence.
She tugged at her other shoulder strap and the dress fell off her quickly. For just a moment Harry just admired her. Her skin was milky white, her silk underwear looked smooth against her skin but soon he found himself walking towards her. It only took three steps before he was close enough to reach out around her waist and pull her to him. With a soft thud her body slammed into his and he kissed her fiercely.
Hermione threw her arms around his neck and when Harry pulled away and kissed her collarbone passionately she moaned rather loudly.
The party downstairs, the people, the food, the music, this room… it was all forgotten. The only thing that existed in her mind now was Harry and her… nothing else, she didn't even notice the bed.
Harry's smooth black suit felt cold against her skin and she started tugging at his jacket. He was very unwilling at helping her get it off; he didn't want to take his hands of her skin. Hermione tugged hard and he finally let her take the jacket off. She ran a hand violently through his hair and he attacked her mouth brutally, her lips already ached and she loved the feeling. She wanted Harry so much that it hurt, it hurt inside and the passion even made her hurt on the outside.
"Harry," she whimpered as he spun her around and started kissing the back of her shoulder. He was fumbling with her bra but it quickly fell off her. Hermione was now in only her underwear while he was completely dressed, apart from his jacket. She spun back around and pulled away from his aggressive mouth.
"Unfair," she mumbled into his neck and started loosening his tie. She didn't open it fully, she just opened the noose and then pulled it over her his head. Then she placed it over herself and let it hang between her breasts.
Harry rolled his eyes back in his head with pleasure, she was driving him completely nutters.
She proceeded to open the buttons on his shirt. She opened them painfully slow and not until the very last button was done did she slide the shirt apart. She sighed silently. She had never enjoyed seeing anyone without a shirt as much as she enjoyed seeing him. She could just watch him forever…
She kissed one of his nipples slowly and impatiently he took her head in both his hands and steered her head up to kiss her but she pulled away from him.
She grinned evilly as she lowered herself and just as slowly she started unbuttoning his pants. Harry threw his head back and groaned in frustration.
"To hell with it," he finally said and grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and pulled her up for a kiss. He felt her laugh into his mouth. "Oh yeah?" he smiled back. He yanked the pants of and started walking, pushing her backwards to the bed.
She fell onto it and he yanked her underwear off rather violently.
He climbed on top of her and she looked up, her pupils dark with lust.
"This will be our first time," he whispered into her ear, "As husband and wife."
"I love you," she whispered, so filled with lust herself that she could hardly speak.
He entered her and Hermione's eyes rolled back. Her hands clasped over his back and in both pleasure and pain he moved within her again.
He reached for her leg and hiked it around his hip. He shoved her hair aside and kissed behind her neck but those moans from her… it was just driving him insane.
"Oh Hermione," he sighed.
Her hand was reaching to grab his back but he grabbed it with his own and their fingers intertwined. He slammed their hands over their heads hard. He could hear it by her breathing more than anything, she was so close.
My wife, he thought and when he heard her whimper he couldn't hold it back. He came with her.
Harry finished another strawberry. He grabbed a handful and handed Hermione most of them.
"Where did they get these in the middle of winter in Europe?" Hermione asked.
"Viktor is still a rich, well thought of wizard here, he can probably get anything to happen."
Hermione was lying against Harry's naked chest; the covers had all been kicked to the edge of the bed. They were both drenched in sweat.
"I need something to drink," Harry said and Hermione leaned off him as he got up to get the bottle of champagne.
"Harry," Hermione spoke softly.
"Yes my lovely wife," he answered as he poured them both a glass of champagne.
"I don't want to ask this, not tonight, I really don't. But I have to know…"
Harry put the bottle back and turned to her. He sighed, looking like he knew what she was about to say. He handed her the glass of champagne and crawled back into bed.
"Tonight when you were talking to Ron," she said and took the glass.
"Yes," he answered.
Hermione's breathing became shallower and she took a sip of her glass, gathering herself.
"When?" she finally asked and met Harry's green eyes.
"Do we have to talk about it tonight, can't we just wait?" Harry implored and handed her a strawberry while leaning forward and kissing her shoulder.
"Please Harry?" she begged.
He pulled back and looked into her pleading eyes.
"Tomorrow," he answered at last and Hermione eyes darted down quickly. He reached out for her chin and tilted it up. He met her eyes again and now they were filled with tears.
Seeing that look on her broke his heart and he wished he could have lied to her.
"I don't want to go…" he started but he felt his voice breaking.
"I know," she answered and raised her glass. "Cheers to our marriage," she said and smiled. He drank a bit but quickly Hermione grabbed their glasses and put them away. Soon she climbed on top of him.
"I love you forever, make love to me again Harry" she whispered desperately as she kissed his neck and Harry felt hot tears against his neck.