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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 10-Dream Away

-"Harry, Harry are you okay?" Hearing his name being called Harry was immediately brought back to the present, his fifth year memories of Hermione were gone. And she was now standing above him waving her hand in front of his face to get his attention. He looked up at her, her brown eyes twinkling. She smiled.

"Uh yeah, I'm alright."

She grinned, "Oh good I thought you were dead."

"Okay, why would you think that?" He said curiously, still looking up at her.

"Well you were staring off into space, not blinking or anything. Just staring." She made a hand gesture looking dramatically up towards the ceiling.

Harry nodded, "I was just thinking."

"What about?"

"You mostly." He said with a smile.

Hermione made a tiny laugh "me, boy you see me enough as it is. I shouldn't be crowding your thoughts too."

"Hey, I like thinking about you."

Hermione sat down next to him, "well I'm done with my research, for tonight anyway." She leaned her head against the sofa cushion.

Harry turned completely; facing her "you know what we haven't done in awhile?"

She closed her eyes lightly then opened them, "no." Hermione turned her head looking at him, "what?"

"We haven't gone to Hogsmeade since we've been back at school, would you like to go?"

"Sure but what about Ron, wouldn't he like to go too?"

"I suppose so, why are you so worried about what Ron wants to do?" Harry's eyes narrowed slightly with suspicion.

Hermione saw that look, "oh Harry put that face away. It's just I've been feeling a little guilty you know. Ever since it's been you and me, I feel we're leaving him out. And he is still our friend right?"

"Yes he's still our friend."

"Then invite him along, I'm sure there will be some time where it's just you and me." Hermione said with a smile cuddling a little closer to him.

"The next time I see him I'll ask him if he wants to go," He put an arm around her pulling her against him. For some reason Hermione's necklace popped into his mind, "Hermione I still have that necklace you found."

She sat up straight looking at him, "you do? I had almost forgotten about that necklace." Hermione smiled briefly.

"Well do you still want it?" he reached out and moved the few strands of Hermione's hair off her forehead.

She nodded.

"Well let me go get it." He started to stand and Hermione stood too. He stared at her not knowing what or where she was going, "what are you doing?"

"I'm going with you." Hermione simply said.

"Oh I don't really think you should." Harry was cautious, he didn't know if it was a really good idea of her to go into a bedroom with him.

"Why not, it's not like I've never been in the boy's dorm with you before." She pointed out.

That was true, but things were different now. Yet they were only going to get the necklace and then leave. He nodded, "Alright then."

They both walked up to the six year boy's room, Harry opened the door and they walked inside. "Let me think where I put it." He walked over to his bed area and started looking around.

Hermione went over to the bed next to Harry's which was Ron's and sat on the edge, she started looking through his things.

Harry heard rustling of papers and he stood up from off his knees, he turned to see Hermione going through Ron's things. "What are you doing?" he laughed slightly.

"Nothing really, just seeing what deep dark secrets our friend is hiding. Go about your business, I'll go about mine." She smirked.

"Just to let you know last time I went through his things I found those none to pleasing letters of yours. So I would be careful going through Ron's things you never know what you're going to find."

"Well if I find those letters I won't be shocked, since I wrote them." She continued looking through Ron's drawers.

Harry shook his head in amusement and went back looking for the necklace. He could hear Hermione searching through everything, and she wasn't even trying to be discreet or quiet about it. She was probably making a bigger mess than Ron ever did. "Oh Ron you bad boy," He heard her say. The room went silent. There were no more movements, only the sounds of turning pages.

"I don't see what you guys see in reading this kind of entertainment." Hermione broke the silence. "It does nothing for me." She said teasing.

Harry turned to find Hermione reading one of the many magazines that Ron collected. Harry knew that Ron had learned the joy of adult muggle magazines, probably getting them from Dean Thomas since he lived as a muggle during the summer holidays. "Hermione don't read that." He walked over to her holding the necklace in his hand.

"Why not?" She looked up at him for a moment and then back at the article. "Now this is interesting, fifteen ways to-" she was interrupted by Harry pulling the magazine from her hands. "Hey, what's the big idea?"

"Alright no more reading for you," he rolled the magazine up into a cone and put it back in Ron's drawer and closed it. Harry sat down next to her.

"Oh you're no fun." She pouted crossing her arms.

"I am lots of fun." He held the necklace in his open hand.

Hermione uncrossed her arms glancing down at the necklace in Harry's hand, "wow I hadn't remembered it was so lovely." She gazed at the piece of jewelry.

Harry was staring down but not at the necklace but at Hermione, watching her taking it he felt her fingers lightly brush against the palm of his hand sending a powerful wave through him. Hermione held the necklace in her hand admiring it. Harry wanted to reach out and hold her, kiss her. He took in a quick breath watching her unclasp the ends of the silver braided chain and set it around her neck. His gaze roamed over her face as Hermione's fingers glided over the smooth opal. She then looked up at him, their eyes met, locked. Her golden gaze almost commanding him. He took a deep breath wanting more than ever to press her down against the bed and-not now! His head interrupted those thoughts, but he pushed away that thought he was so not going to listen to it. Harry looked over at Hermione who got to her feet.

"Thanks for giving the necklace back to me Harry, I suppose I'll go now." Hermione smiled and started walking towards the door, she opened it to leave but a hand slammed it shut again. Her heart jumped into her throat not even noticing that Harry had come up behind her. She could feel his gaze on her, penetrating, direct. She could not bring herself to turn and look at him, instead she stared at the door "I really should go now." Hermione felt his hands come down gently on her shoulders.

"You don't have to leave yet, you can just stay here with me for a little while longer." he pressed a tiny kiss on one of her sensitive spots just below her ear. "Cant you?" Harry whispered. Then trailed his lips down the side of her neck.

Hermione's eyes closed feeling his mouth against her thinking that she should leave, yes she should. Right now!! Her head shouted a command. She turned, looking up at him she could see his green eyes were now darker, wanting her. She was just a little taken back by this. She had never seen him like this before it was a little startling. "Harry, I-" she was silenced when he reached out and she was pulled up against him. His arms wrapping around her, Looking up at him she started to say "I think I -" Staring into his green eyes her words were lost, not to mention the rest of her mind as well.

Harry held nothing back as his mouth claimed hers hot, devouring, and pressing against then opening hers. His tongue thrust inside, strong and hard. Their mouths melded. Hermione was kissing him back just as frantically. Her heart beating wildly, she had never felt like this before. No matter what she had done in the past this felt all new, all captivating. Her arms went around him, holding him so tightly as she lost the use of her legs entirely.

She did not know when and exactly how she had come to be lying on her back in the softness of a bed with Harry on top of her still drowning in his kiss. That part was all a blur, but Hermione was so very aware of his fingers at the buttons of her blouse, she broke the kiss feeling his, hands, fingertips, caressing her on top the lace fabric covering her breasts. She gasped as his fingers dipped into the fabric coming in contact with her skin. Hermione swiftly grabbed his face within her hands and pulled his mouth against hers.

After a few moments of teasing and tasting the sweetness of her lips, her mouth. He trailed soft, sensual kisses down her throat. Feeling his pulse quicken, Harry lifted his head, looking down at her he breathed in deeply. "Hermione." He breathed her name lightly, almost not able to speak. Hermione opened her eyes and looked up at him, her gaze enraptured and craving his touch. That was what he wanted to see. That look. That impassioned look. She was so beautiful.

"Harry" he heard Hermione softly say staring into her eyes, he felt her palm flatten against his chest, slowly sliding downward. His gaze was still connected with hers as he felt her hands on the waistband of his pants, Harry looked down briefly, watching her other hand come up and unbutton them. He lifted his gaze to hers, staring intently as her hand slipped into them. His eyes closed in feeling her hand around him, he threw his head back gasping.

Hermione was breathing sharply now, she reached up with her other hand, under his shirt caressing his chest, stomach. Just simply letting her hand wander all over him. She felt his heart beat quicken with each movement she made. Hermione loved the way he felt, the way he moved.

His gaze flew open. Both staring at each other, their gazes intently locked. Harry had lost all restraint with feeling her touching him, arousing him. He clutched her face with his hands, his mouth came together again with hers hot, wanting, needing, in another powerful thrusting kiss. His palm slid down her side, underneath her skirt, resting on her inner thigh. Hermione broke the kiss crying out, gasping as his fingers came to a halt just before her-a loud cough was heard alerting them to someone else in the room. They both looked up and found Ron standing there with a smirk across his face. Both Harry and Hermione's faces were increasing in color.

"I really hate to be the party pooper here, but that is my bed. And if you two are going to do that I would appreciate it if you would do it on your own bed Harry." He stared.

Not even a second later Zara came into the room and gasped, her face flushed bright red and she turned to look away. "Sorry guys." Zara then looked back at them briefly trying not to stare. "Hermione I need to speak to you and Harry right now." She said very seriously.

Ron grabbed Zara's arm and started steering her from the room "let's give them a minute huh?" Ron pulled Zara from the room and closed the door behind him.

Harry got to his feet and fastening his pants back together and straightening his shirt, he glanced looked down at Hermione who seemed embarrassed at getting caught like this by Ron and Zara. "Are you alright?" He asked

Hermione looked up at him, her cheeks flushed "yeah I'm alright, how about you?"

"Well aside from being really, really frustrated right now, I'm fine." He winked with a smile.

"Doesn't Ron have the greatest timing?" Hermione was sarcastic.

Harry laughed lightly "Oh, there will be another time." He leaned over and kissed her lightly.

He saw her smiling at him and he held his hand out for her to take. And she did. They left the room to find Ron and Zara waiting down in the common room. They both sat down on the sofa looking up at Zara and Ron.

"What did you want to talk to us about Zara?" Hermione asked pleasantly.

Zara looked between the two of them, her mind in careful thought. She stood and started pacing back and forth, her hands slapped behind her back. She stopped and looked at them, "are you two prepared." Zara made a little hand gesture.

"Prepared?" Ron asked, "prepared for what?" He had no clue to what Zara was talking about.

"Yes prepared," Zara said. "Prepared, so that no one ends up popping out children." She said looking between the two of them and then at Ron.

Ron nodded knowing now what she meant, "yeah when I walked in, it was going on pretty heavy. You two are actually quite lucky I came in" He gloated with a smile.

Both Harry and Hermione looked up at Ron annoyed that he was right, but Hermione would never tell him he was right, not ever.

"That is where this comes in." Zara said getting everyone's attention again, as she pulled from her pocket a bag with some kind of root in it. "It is called Orgus root, the nurse back at Salemston was told that she should give it out, just to be safe. Both genders can take it to assure no one gets pregnant, it lasts three months. It's a shame it's not available to muggles, it would change the world." She smiled at both Hermione and Harry, "so which of you wants to take this?"

Harry turned and looked at Hermione, "why don't we both take it." He suggested with a degree of caution.

Hermione nodded, agreeing.

Zara opened the bag and pulled out the root, she took out her trusty pocket knife and sliced of two equal pieces of the root. She put the rest of the root back into her bag and sealed it up again. Zara handed the root pieces to Harry and Hermione, "now it will taste a little bitter, but it's a small price to play for worry free passion." She smiled.

She watched them eat the root and laughed at the faces they couldn't help making while they swallowed the last of it. Something sparkling around Hermione's neck caught her eye,

"Wow that's a right nice peace of jewelry Hermione." She admired.

Hermione lifted her fingers and touched the gem around her neck, she glanced down at it briefly. "Thanks, I found it not too long ago."

"Really?" Zara was astonished, "who would loose such a piece and not even wonder where it was. If it were me I would never let it out of my sight."

Harry looked up at Ron he remembered about Hogsmeade, "Hey Ron did you want to go Hogsmeade with us tomorrow."

Ron thought a moment, "sure thing." He smiled. "Hey Harry how about a game of chess?"

"Okay set it up." Harry said with a smirk, "I think I've been improving, I could beat you this time."

"Yeah we'll see, no one can beat me I'm champion and you know it." Ron gloated.

"I'm ready for you oh champion." Harry was really sarcastic.

Ron started setting up the chessboard as Harry took his seat. Harry glanced over briefly at Hermione, who was talking quietly to Zara. Just a moment ago they were wrapped in each other's arms, there was nothing better than that. He looked at Ron, and he supposed it was a good thing that he and Hermione were interrupted. He quietly thanked Zara in his mind for offering that Orgus root. This with Hermione was almost utterly perfect, he so loved her and never wanted to be without her. Tomorrow he would make his feelings known.


"I can't see you anymore so stop this, my brothers would kill you if they knew." Ginny said quietly.

"Then don't tell them." Draco said as he swung around the wooden beam smiling slyly at her.

"It's not that simple, they find out about everything." She sat down distressed.

"Did they find out about you and Potter last year?"

"Yes but they accepted him, he was already their friend. It was different." She searched his gray eyes, he seemed so alone.

"What about you and Longbottom, did they find out about him?" Draco sat down next to her.

"Yes, and they gave him several warnings, I don't know why though. Neville really wasn't that much of a threat or pushy or anything."

"Well I'm not going to tell them, and you're not going to tell them. We can just meet in secret."

"For how long, the whole rest of the year, all next year. I don't want to live a secret Draco. The worst part is making sure no one knows about the secret."

"Oh you're very good at that. I don't think you'll let it slip out. It's not like you're going to go up to them and say, oh hi brother Weasley. I have been secretly romancing with your greatest enemy, have a nice day." Draco smirked.

Ginny shook her head back and forth, "you are impossible to hold a serious conversation with, I hope you know that."

He draped his arm across her shoulder and pulled her against him, "don't worry Ginny, we'll think of something." He said quietly.


Harry had drifted to sleep really fast, probably from what almost happened earlier that evening. He turned over and hugged his pillow - he wrapped the sheet around his waste as he stood up out of the bed, he turned looking down at her, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever been with, she was softly smiling up at him, her eyes still dazed with desire from the recent night's activities.

"Did I tell you it was really stupid of you to enter that tournament." She smiled briefly.

"I had to, you left me no choice."

"That's not true. Torrin, you could have been killed you know."

Torrin sat down next to her, "but I wasn't, and that Finley looked like a fool."

She laughed "yes he did, I had no idea you could do that."

"At least I learned something from my schooling."

Her gaze dropped to from his, a sense of heartache covered over her. "You know I promised myself I was never going to let you back into my life." She sat up, holding a blanket across her chest.

"Jasmine, I know I made mistakes. I know I had hurt you. But I don't want to go on without you. I have no other lady in my mind and heart but you."

"I really wish I could believe that, sure you say that now. But I know you Torrin, I know-" She glanced down at her fingers, twisting them together. "We are only sixteen Torrin, I see that you don't want to be settled with someone yet. And that's fine. But I'm not going to wait around for you."

He lowered his head, "I know you aren't, I don't expect you to. But know this." He lifted his head, his gaze locking with hers, "I love you and I will prove it, if you give me one more chance." He lifted his hand, holding it against her cheek "please Jasmine."- Harry opened his eyes slowly, it was already morning.

The sun was shining through the window. He turned to his right seeing Ron's bed was empty. He turned to his left seeing Neville's bed was empty. Harry lifted his wrist looking at his watch "ten thirty!" He shouted. What a great start to a Sunday, the whole morning wasted. He thought to himself as he jumped out of bed and raced to get ready for the day.

Harry raced down the stairs, no one was around. He saw Ginny coming through the portrait hole, "Hey Ginny."

"Hey Harry, running a little late are we?" She teased.

"Just a bit." He was only slightly annoyed.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you,"

"Can we hurry this up, I want to get to Hogsmeade, which I'm sure Ron and Hermione are already there."

"Nope they are still here, waiting for you. Are you going to tell Hermione how you feel?"

He looked at her in confusion, "how do you know how I feel?"

"Harry, everyone knows how you feel." She smirked and stared up the stairs towards her room.

Harry went through the portrait hole and down the stairs he could see Hermione and Ron waiting for him. He watched Hermione for a moment, she was laughing at something Ron had said and shook her head at the same time. They must be in another argument again. He went down the stairs and saw Hermione turn to him with a smile. It was such a pretty smile. He thought. "Well are you two ready?"

"The question is are you ready?" Ron started, "Zara asked if I wanted to go with her and meet you there, but I told her I would wait for you. She found that really cute but still went off with her friends."

"We'll have to use the secret passageway though, since I'm sure the train had already left."

Hermione nodded, "it did an hour ago."

"You know you two didn't have to wait for me, I would have eventually met you there." He smiled at both of them.

"We know Harry, but I wanted to wait for you. So Ron decided he would wait for you as well, he was just trying to prove that he's just a good a friend as I am." She rolled her eyes.

"Let's get going then." Harry said and they all went up the stairs towards the secret passage.


After visiting Honeydukes and purchasing a grand assortment of their favorite sweets, Ron met up with Zara and went off together. That left Harry and Hermione to themselves, who had decided to go to the Three Broomsticks for lunch.

The waitress brought them their order and sat it down in front them, Hermione picked up the glass and drank from it, Throughout the whole meal she knew Harry was constantly watching her, she felt his eyes on her even now. After setting her glass down again she turned and looked at him. Harry had his elbow on the table and his chin resting on his hand just looking at her with a silly grin on his face,

"Alright what is it?" She smiled.

All he could see was Hermione, even thought it was extremely crowded and noisy with people, It was as if there was no one else around. He smiled, "nothing except I love you."

Hermione stared, he just said it. He did. Was she dreaming? She looked around the room. Is this just a dream and she hadn't woken yet? "What did you say?"

Harry sat up straight a small smile upon his lips, "I love you." He lifted a tender hand caressing her cheek, "do you love me?" He knew she did but he still wanted to hear it.

Her heart was pounding, echoing in her ears. "Oh great heavens yes." Hermione threw her arms around him embracing him tightly, feeling his arms around she melted against him.

"Hermione" His tone was soft, gentle.

Hermione lifted her chin and met his emerald gaze, she could barely breathe she was so lost.

Harry's gaze dipped from her eyes to her lips, leaning in closer his lips brushed over hers briefly, and then his mouth was on hers, urging her lips open wide and wider still. Their tongues meeting, entwining with an intensifying boldness. He felt her cling to him tighter, his fingers threaded through her hair. If they could get any closer they would have, he did have to show some restraint even though he didn't want too. But they were out in public. At least they could still enjoy each other's kiss.

"Ugh, I think I'm about to loose my lunch." A voice said alerting Harry and Hermione to someone's presence.

The two of them pulled apart slowly, they looked up who was standing there. It was Cho and she was holding the hand of a tall blonde man, she was standing directly in front of their table her arms then crossed over her bosom.

"Is there something you need Cho?" Harry asked.

"Public displays of affection should be outlawed, don't you people have any decency?" Her hands planted firmly on her hips.

Hermione turned to him. "Harry do we have any decency?"

Harry looked up to the ceiling in thought, then back down at Hermione, "no."

They both turned, looking up at Cho.

Hermione smiled up at her "sorry nope, no decency here." She turned looking at Harry.

Nearly a second later Harry's mouth was on hers again and they were enthralled in the passion once again. They didn't even notice when Cho left, nor when Ron and Zara came in.

"Do you think they are going to come up for air anytime soon?" Ron said to Zara but also loud enough for Harry and Hermione to hear them.

Both Harry and Hermione pulled out of each other arms looking at Ron with an annoyed look. Ron was just smirking trying hard not to laugh. Then he and Zara sat down at the table.

"So are you two just going to sit here all day making out all day or are we going to go do something fun." Ron asked looking between both of them.

"But this is fun." Harry said grinning, he glanced over at Hermione who was nodding, agreeing with him.

Ron threw sarcastic glares, "Come on you guys, Zara and I are so board. Let's go do something huh?"

Harry and Hermione nodded and they got up to spend some quality time with their friends.

Zara looked at the three of them as they walked through the town, "alright I've been trying to figure this out but it really doesn't make any sense."

"What doesn't make sense?" Ron asked looking at her.

"Before I came here I really had no idea of who you people were, I have been having the oddest dreams about you people or people who look an awful lot like you. And then I get here and well there you all pop out of the woodwork so to speak." She glanced down for a moment, "yeah go ahead say I'm crazy, go on I can take it."

Ron shook his head, "no Zara you aren't crazy. I too have been having strange dreams, but I really don't pay attention to them, because well they are dreams they don't mean anything."

Harry and Hermione nodded their heads agreeing with Ron, "Half the time Zara we dream what we want to happen. And if it doesn't happen in real life it very well can happen in our dreams. I wouldn't put too much stock into them."

"Yeah but-" Zara paused, "Oh never mind," Zara looked up at Ron with a smile. She touched him lightly on the arm, "tag you're it." She said running away with laughter.

Ron just stared in confusion, Hermione looked up at him.

"It's a game Ron, people are suppose to run away from it, which is you. Now you're suppose to chase someone and tag them and then they will be it."

"Alright then." He reached out to tag Hermione on the head but she ducked and he missed.

Both Harry and Hermione were being chased by Ron trying to tag one of them, he kept missing. Most of the day was spent with Ron still it trying to tag someone else.


Harry tossed and turned in his sleep- He and Kai walked into the council meeting and took their seats. Sitting down next to his father in his appointed seat. He saw his father turn to him.

"Glad to see you made it Torrin."

Torrin nodded looking at Kai while he sat down next to his mother and himself. The meeting was in full swing Torrin listened with a different kind of attention, usually he was so board that he would fall asleep, but this time it was different.

"I find that very hard to believe?" Orvin replied walking up standing directly in front of him, as if challenging him."

"I know we've all watched her grow and learn, becoming more and more like her mother every day, yet her views are different from ours, she thinks the muggles, mudbloods, and squibs deserve their freedom."

"She is still young, in time Jasmine will come to learn that our way of life must and will remain the same."

"It's possible, but it's also possible that as soon as she casts one spell using that scepter, she could force us into doing whatever she wants, destroying the very foundation of society. To rule over us is what she really wants to do, you've all heard her views from the villagers and even in the royal palace court as well."

"What do you propose Salazar?" Orvin said looking stern.

"I propose that we remove the scepter from her power."

"What good would that do, she is the only one who can use it. It's not like we'll be able to use it. Merlin did the Soul Weave, if anyone else knows how to do that it is Jasmine, she could easily make another."

"It means very little if she can easily make another. If she does not give up the scepter then we'll know her true intentions. That she wants to rule us, beat us down into submission. If she does not give up the scepter then we will have to enforce the strictest punishment possible."

"You mean-"Orvin was interrupted.

"Yes execution." Salazar said almost with delight.

Torrin stood, "No!" He knew Jasmine would never give up the scepter. He felt a tugging on his sleeve. He looked down finding Kai looking up at him in warning, "no Kai let go, she'll never give up that scepter and you know it." Torrin looked up at Orvin and Salazar, "why is she such a threat to you? Jasmine would never use that scepter to control us."

"A young man's foolish heart speaks." Salazar spat out. "We can not go on the words of this boy, he's smitten with the young lady of course he would defend her."

"That's beside the point." Torrin said, he glared at Salazar knowing exactly what that man wanted. "You want the scepter for yourself, if you don't have Jasmine on your side of darkness, then you want her out of the way so she can not stop you."

"You dare slander me boy," Salazar took offense and started approaching but Orvin pulled on his arm.

Orvin looked at Torrin and then at his father, and firmly said "Godric control your son."

Godric stood, "why should he not speak Orvin? You gave him a seat on the council why don't you listen. What if there's truth to his words?"

Torrin saw Salazar glaring at Godric, and heard him speak. "I am not in league with the dark arts Godric, your son slandered me and my family name in front of witnesses, I want an official apology." He looked right at Torrin "in blood."

"You will get no apology from me." Torrin said firmly.

Salazar turned to the council, "we will hear from Jasmine Ravenclaw in a fortnight to see if she gives up the scepter or faces execution, what say you?" A creepy smile crossed Salazar's face as the council agreed to the terms. He watched as the meeting was let out, he walked right over to Torrin. "You have made an enemy here tonight son of Gryffindor."

Torrin turned "you would do anything to have control, even murder the innocent." He was bitter. Torrin saw the smirk on Salazar's face spread.

"Watch your back boy." He threatened then walked away.

Kai and his mother watched as Salazar left Torrin standing alone. The two of them moved over to where Torrin was.

"Helga." Torrin gave a nod of respect in her direction then turned to his friend, "what am I going to tell Jasmine? I wish her mother was here to help us, why did she have to leave for Ireland already?"

"If you ask me, "Kai said. "It seems that ole Salazar was just waiting for Rowena to leave before he brought this up."

"I will owl Rowena, you two help Jasmine as best you can. Tell her what's going on. It's better if she learns it from you two then Orvin." Helga replied. As the two boys raced out the of the meeting- Harry woke sitting up straight, he heard rustling next to him and heard Ron sitting up too. He grabbed for his wand, "lumos." He whispered and the end of his wand lit up. He leaned over and grabbed his glasses from the nightstand, putting them on. He lifted his wrist looking down at his watch it was a little after two. Oh well. He looked over at Ron who was yawning. Ron slumped back down against his pillow he was out like a light.

Harry turned over his eye lids getting heavier as he fell back into a peaceful sleep.


Hmmm? What do you think the dreams mean, well stay tuned for Chapter 11--The Secret Is Out. Please Read and Review thanks, Ryoko