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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything ;)

(IMPORTANT A/N!!!!): alright just to warn you all, this chapter is going to be very violent, and Lucius Malfoy is very, very cruel, when he inflicts pain it gives him pleasure. There are certain things I have to do. Even though I didn't want to, I still had to. It proves a valuable point. But if you don't want to read it you don't have too, in fact you might not want to continue reading after (I hope you want to continue reading) But you'll be happy to know that this is as bad as it gets. The rest is tame compared to this chapter. You can skip this chapter if you want. It's really gruesome. You will all find out what happens anyway in chapter 23 if you decide to skip this one.

Anyway onto chapter 22

Chapter 22-Salazar Slytherin

"They've lost their minds." She said looking up at him.

He leaned back in his chair, his fingers resting his chin in deep thought. "Jasmine, are you absolutely sure?" He asked.

"Lord Gryffindor, I would not lie about something as serious as this." She held out her diary to him. "I've written all down in here you can see it for yourself. I've witnessed them performing some of these spells. A while back Lord Slytherin confronted me, he asked me to help him by using the scepter. I told him no and he inflicted all kinds of tortures on me, both Muggle and magical. I'm surprised I didn't break."

Godric nodded, "I know they are stronger together, and I myself have been suspicious of their acts before. But I didn't think they would go that far so soon. And how and when are they finding the time to practice these spells, Slytherin is in hiding."

"I don't know sir, but I am not going to be forced into using the scepter for their benefit; Torrin and I are going to Camelot to lock it in Merlin's vault. Lord Gryffindor, we are not coming back. I can't stay here any longer knowing what I know." She felt a hand squeeze hers tenderly she turned her head looking at Torrin.

Godric looked to his son knowing that this was probably the last time he was going to see him. He stood and approached Torrin, "Well son, I wish you the best of luck." He threw his arms around him holding him tightly. "You take care of Jasmine and be careful out there."

"I will." Torrin said as his father pulled back from him.

There was a knock at the door and Rowena poked her head in, "Good day Godric is Jasmine around?" She asked with a smile then found her daughter standing there. "Oh good I didn't miss you before you left."

"No mother, I'm still here." She returned the smile.

Rowena stepped all the way into the room, "I just wanted to tell you Jasmine to watch out for Salazar, he has been spotted by Destiny Lake. You two will have to take extra caution for he wants revenge on both you and Torrin." Rowena paused a moment, "The council has sent the authorities to Destiny Lake to try and find him before he finds you two."

A sudden nervousness swept over Jasmine and she felt an icy chill run down her spine. "Of course mother, we'll be careful." She said with a smile.

Rowena nodded then turned to Godric "we have to talk." She said as a most serious expression graced her flawless face.

"We most certainly do." Godric replied with the same expression.

Jasmine and Torrin started for the door.

"You know what Jasmine? I used to think that your mother and my father had something going on awhile back."

"Well that was probably true," She closed the door behind her and she and Torrin continued walking through the palace heading for the entrance. "It doesn't matter anymore though. Let's get a move on we have a long way to go."

Torrin nodded, and they were on their way. - Hermione opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep from them. She noticed the grassy spot next to her empty. They had finally made it back to Destiny Lake, after another four long excruciating days of travel.

Hermione sat up and found that Harry was already up and about. He had just finished washing up by the lake.

Harry saw her get to her feet and head in his direction, and he smiled lightly. "We should eat something and then use the portkey to take us home."

"Well can't we just use the portkey now? We can get something to eat back at Hogwarts. It will only take us a few minutes to get back to school." Hermione replied as she kneeled down next to the lake splashing her face with the cool water. Harry handed Hermione his small hand towel and she wiped her face dry.

"Well that's a good idea." He opened his bag and searched for the object the used as the portkey. "I know it's in here." He said shuffling around in his bag

"Unfortunately for you, you won't get a chance to use it." A slightly eerie voice echoed through Harry's ears, and in no time at all they were surrounded by Death Eaters. Harry felt Hermione step closer to him and grab onto his arm, he instinctively put his arm around her holding her tightly against him as the Death Eaters circled them.

The Death Eaters all wore the same black robes with white porcelain masks upon their faces. They're heads were cloaked with thick velour hoods, you couldn't tell if one of them had brown hair or blonde hair, if one was a woman or one was a man. Harry could feel Hermione trembling as he held her closer to him as the crowd parted and the only unmasked Death Eater stepped forward.

"Nice to see you again Potter." He said, heavy with sarcasm, "And your pretty Mudblood girlfriend too." He said glaring at Hermione.

Harry instinctively stepped in front of her blocking her from this man's insults. Harry wondered how it was possible that Lucius Malfoy had not already been arrested, he was sure his house was littered with dark art material not to mention Harry himself had identified him at the graveyard a couple of years back. Damn Fudge! He thought to himself.

Lucius stepped right up to Harry; they were eye to eye. He smirked evilly then glanced at the young lady who was being shielded by Harry. "Master will definitely be pleased to see you." He then turned his attentions back to Harry. "Where is the Scepter?" Lucius asked with a grin.

Harry and Hermione stayed silent, they weren't going to say anything. Lucius was growing impatient; when he asked a question it had better be answered right quickly or there would be trouble. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at Harry, "Now I ask you again, where is the Scepter?" Harry and Hermione were both silent again. Lucius opened his mouth when his attention was caught by another Death Eater.

"Sir, the Scepter is here." A muffled voice said.

Lucius turned to find a Death Eater lifting a diamond rod with a shiny pearl like opal resting upon the top of the rod from a leather bag. The scepter sparkled in the morning sunlight. Lucius's eyes widened with the sight of Merlin's diamond Scepter resting in the Death Eaters hand, he needed to feel the jeweled rod with in his hands. "Bring it here." Lucius commanded.

The Death Eater stepped up to Lucius with the scepter in his hand, Lucius quickly grabbed and holding it firmly in his hands. He could feel a great energy surge running through him, and suddenly felt all powerful like no one could stand in his way.

"Sir?" The Death Eater spoke carefully, "we have to take it to the master now."

"I know that fool." Lucius snapped. He then looked at both Harry and Hermione giving them an evil grin. "Bring them with us." Lucius replied as he started from Harry and Hermione and with that he apparated out of their sight.

The Death Eaters grabbed Harry and Hermione by the arms and they too were soon apparating with the Death Eaters away from Destiny Lake.

Ginny pulled on Draco's arm, "Look there she is, now to make amends with her." She flashed a brilliant smile of pearly white teeth.

"I don't know Ginny. I mean Reynolds hates my guts, she won't just let me approach and apologize to her." Draco glanced over at Zara who had leaned against the wall trying to situate her books she had stacked up, she opened her Muggle backpack and placed her books inside and zipped it up. She swung the pack over her shoulder.

Zara felt the eyes of someone watching her, and her head snapped up and she glared in the direction of the stalker. "What are you looking at?" She spat.

Ginny nudged Draco in the side with her elbow. "Say something to her." She whispered.

Draco nodded, right he thought to herself. He searched his head for something to say. "Did you know you can see the color of your roots?"

Zara rolled her eyes and stood up from the wall not even gracing him with an answer and started walking away.

"Hey!" Draco shouted. "I asked you a question it would do you best to answer it!" He then felt a sharp pain in his side again he glanced down at Ginny's angry face.

"Or you'll do what to me?" Zara asked with a hint of sarcasm, "I don't see your two stupid freaks with you." She stepped right up to him and Ginny trying her best to look intimidating. "There's nothing you can do to me by yourself."

"I didn't mean for my words to come out like that, I really just wanted to talk to you." Draco said. He glanced down at Ginny and then back up at Zara, he didn't like the look she was giving him.

"Well I really don't want to talk to you. Not now, not ever." Zara turned on her heel and stalked down the corridor.

Ginny looked at Draco with disappointment, "I thought we agreed you were gonna apologize, not make her even more angry."

Draco stared into Ginny's eyes with a question burning in his own, "Why do I even need to ask for her forgiveness, I mean I knew what I was doing." He never really had to sugar coat anything for Ginny's benefit, she accepted him for who he is and what he had done in the past. Just as long as doesn't continue playing with people's hearts and minds.

"That's not the issue here; the issue is that I want Ron to accept you as part of my life. And if he sees Zara acting somewhat civil towards you, he might follow that example too. Both of you are a big part of my life and you two should at least be able to get along." Ginny said.

Draco nodded and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. "Well I suppose for you and your precious brother." He said with slight sarcasm. "Oof." This earned him a playful punch in the belly from Ginny." He smiled, "You've got quite a good arm there Gin. But for you yes I will try to make an effort to apologize to Reynolds."

"Thank you." Ginny said with a dazzling smile, then rising up on her tiptoes she pressed her lips against his.

Harry and Hermione were led into a large room filled with expensive looking furniture. Two large high back iron sculpted chairs with a satin green cushions, wrist and ankle cuffs, were bolted to the floor. The chairs were placed in front of a hard, black throne with a large green satin cushion was adorned with serpents. The large serpents that were etched into the black marble had glittery red rubies for eyes and a sliver of gold for their tongues.

Peter; who was also known as Wormtail, was the only other man besides Lucius in room; the two of them turned upon hearing the Death Eaters with their prisoners enter. "Master will be pleased that you could join us for tonight." Wormtail said with sneer.

Without warning Lucius fist shot up, back handing the small pudgy man in the mouth. "Only I will speak to the prisoners unless master has said otherwise. Do I make myself clear?"

Peter cringed and stepped back from an easily enraged Lucius Malfoy, "Yes sir." He quickly left the room, hoping not to rouse the anger of Lucius again.

Lucius turned with a sneer etched on his evil yet handsome face. "Why don't you two have a seat?" He gestured in a gentlemanly fashion with his hand extended towards the two chairs.

Harry looked at the chair and then at Hermione, who shook her head no. He agreed. "We'd rather not."

"I said sit!" Lucius voice echoed through the room. He noticed the prisoners were stubborn and didn't move an inch. This could prove a problem, if they didn't cower before him, he wondered if they would cower before the Master. Most certainly they would. Lucius smirked and snapped his fingers the Death Eaters all snapped to attention, their backs straight and their arms firmly slapped against their sides waiting for orders. "Help our guests to sit." Lucius said.

The Death Eaters descended upon Harry and Hermione, though both of them tried their hardest to struggle in the Death Eaters grip, they still felt the many pairs of fingers and hands violently lifting them into the air. The Death Eaters as a whole were much too strong for the struggling prisoners. Both Harry and Hermione were forced down into the chairs; while they were being held down by strong arms they felt the cold iron cuffs close over their wrists and around their ankles, binding them to the chairs. The Death Eaters then stood back to their positions. They seemed to be waiting for something.

"There now, that is much better." Lucius said with an evil smirk.

Within five long excruciating minutes the door opened and two men walked inside. Their heads were covered with thick hoods. When they walked across the room their mere stride intimidated who ever is in their path, they both held themselves in a very domineering fashion as the neared closer towards the throne. Two Death Eaters scurried towards the two men, the bowed before them like worthless slaves and kissed the hems of each of their robes. They stood and helped the two men out of their hooded cloaks. The bowed several more times while backing up heading back to the line with cloaks in hand.

Hermione gasped at the sight that stood before Harry and herself, she cringed and felt her blood run cold at the site of the Dark Lord Voldemort. He looked more human than Harry had described to her in the past. She had only read books about him. This was the first she had ever seen him, and she was sure it probably wouldn't be the last. The man next to him looked even more sinister and more evil than she had ever seen. Of course she recognized him from the portrait of the founders hanging in Hogwarts. It was of course Salazar Slytherin himself.

Harry glared at Salazar as he too felt the icy wind of fear grace his body but he would dare not let it show. It was easy to take advantage of the scared and Harry was not going to let on one bit that he too was afraid. He glanced over at Hermione noticing her hands were trembling; his probably were too.

"I see Mr. Malfoy has made you comfortable." Salazar said. His voice making everyone in the room pale and step back, when Salazar spoke his voice held a cold cruel tone. Salazar sat down on his throne, "I am Salazar Slytherin, and welcome to my home." He said with a smirk. "Now I have always regarded myself a gentleman, and if you two cooperate with me I will see to it that you will leave this place."

"Dead or alive?" Hermione whispered under her breath.

"What was that!?" Salazar jumped from his seat, "What did you just say girl?"

Hermione's eyes widened.

"I don't think I gave you permission to speak." Salazar said stepping towards Hermione. He let his lip curl into a sneer. "Did I?"

Hermione's eyes were still wide, but she did not say another word and that irritated Salazar.

"I asked you a question wench now you had better answer it!" Salazar stepped right up to her, standing at his full height so that he was towering over her

"Just leave her alone." Harry said his teeth were clinched, if it was one thing he couldn't take it was someone threatening the people he cared about. All his fear ebbed away; he was in control.

Salazar turned his head glaring at Harry, "I suggest you keep your mouth shut, unless you want your precious little lady here ground into hamburger and used for food." He stepped away from Hermione "Things are done differently here. You woman, will speak only when spoken too. Is that clear?" His voice was suddenly calm. It was as if she hadn't heard him, as if his words hadn't even made an impact in her mind. He didn't like that.

Without warning his hand connected with her cheek, her head moved with the force of his blow. A bright red mark was already forming on her cheek, as she felt the hot sting of tears swell up in her eyes. She tried to hold them back, but the shock and pain from his hit made it impossible for her to keep her emotions in check.

"Now see what you made me do." Salazar said, "It's your fault that I hit you. Now be a good girl and obey me and I won't hurt you." He took a quick glance in Harry's direction he saw that Harry had gripped the sides of the arms of the chair so hard that all the blood had flowed from his knuckles. Harry looked like he wanted to kill him and he probably would given the chance. Salazar was looking forward to that. "Mr. Malfoy, the scepter, give it to me."

Lucius hesitated a moment, he looked over to Voldemort and saw his master narrow his eyes and glare at him. That was usually not a good sign. Lucius carried the scepter over to Salazar who ripped it immediately from the servant's hand.

Salazar felt a grand energy pass through him as he held the scepter, his face lit up with an unearthly glow as the power continued to pass through him. The scepter was probably testing to see if his soul was weaved into the scepter. The energy stopped and the diamond scepter grew cold, nothing would spark it to life except the one whose soul was intertwined with the Scepter.

Salazar's gaze drifted about her face. It was Jasmine again, just as defiant. He noted that she looks almost exactly like her, there was just one difference, her hair color is a tad lighter brown. His gaze then connected with hers, "you will use the scepter for me." He pointed the scepter at her.

She shook her head.

"Why not?" Salazar's voice held impatience.

"For one I don't know how to use it." She started to answer right away, "and even if I knew, I wouldn't help you. You would certainly use it for evil."

"There is no such thing as good and evil, there is only power and weakness." He looked about the room at the Death Eaters, "Do you see these morons, I control them because I have power, and you could have power too. Wouldn't you like to have everything at your feet?" He then turned to Harry since it would be useless to try and convince this girl of greatness, she seemed to have the same determination as Jasmine did. But maybe he could get this boy to convince her, if he used just the right angle. He's heard so much about this young fellow from his servant Voldermort. "What about you, surely you can understand that if you have the power you can control the world."

"The world isn't meant to be controlled like that." Harry said firmly.

"You have yet to see. I know you go to that, that school." Salazar spat bitterly, "I could show you things that they won't even consider as part of the curriculum. Powerful magic that could turn you into the wizard that you know you want to be. People would fear you and at that point you could have the world in the palm of your hand. When people are afraid they are easy to control."

Harry shook his head, "No thanks, I'm happy with the way things are."

"You are a foolish boy," He snarled. Then turned his attention back to Hermione. "You will use the scepter for me, whether you want to or not. You don't have a choice."

"I will not." She said.

"I will force you."

"There's nothing you can do to make me." She said in a confident tone and watched as a creepy smirk carved itself into Salazar's face. Hermione felt a cold rush of ice travel up her spine.

"Is that so?" Salazar leaned in closer to her so that his mouth was mere inches from her ear, "When I get through with you, you will beg me to kill you." He pulled back and Hermione wide eyed tried not to show her fear, which was impossible. Anyone in this position would be afraid. She could feel an abundance amount evil coming from him. Salazar stood up straight, he snapped his fingers and the Death Eaters again snapped to attention. "Take this boy to cell B." Salazar commanded.

At the mention of cell B Voldermort and Lucius faces lifted into cruel, evil smiles. The Death Eaters had freed Harry from the bindings on the chair and were literally dragging him from the room; he did not want to leave Hermione there with Salazar. But the Death Eaters again proved too strong to fight off. The Death Eaters dragged Harry down the hall as he still attempted to dig his feet into the stone flooring to stop himself from moving. They reached an open cell and he was flung in. The large Iron door slammed behind him with an echoing thunder.

Harry noticed that the cell was empty, all except some straw in the floor in a corner and an old torn up ratty rag, which was probably the only source of warmth provided in the ice-cold cell. There was only one small window in the door, Harry stood up to it and glanced out. He wondered what was happening to Hermione being there all by herself. He was hoping that nothing would happen to her, but he knew that hope was squashed. He had read about Salazar Slytherin. And it was not a good thing to cross paths with him.

Salazar paced back and forth in front of Hermione with his hands behind his back; he smacked his back lightly with the scepter as he paced. "I give you one last chance to agree to help me willingly."

"Master if I may." Voldermort spoke up.

Salazar turned partially around facing him "You may."

"Why would she have to agree to use the scepter, I would just use the imperious on her."

"It's true I could do that, but I know for a fact that in her head lies the brain of Jasmine Ravenclaw who was impossible to control under the imperious. Now even though this girl is not entirely Jasmine, she still has enough of Jasmine's intelligence, plus her own. It is twice as strong it would cause the imperious to bounce off of her and hit me and I would be under her control." Salazar then smirked, "Of course you know all about those types of things don't you?" Salazar smirked he could hear Voldermort mumbled something under his breath which enraged Salazar. "What was that?"

"Nothing." Voldermort said. He secretly wished that he knew how to kill Salazar, why did he bring him back? Oh yes he remembered. Before he could think on it some more he heard the voice of Salazar.

Salazar's temper settled, "Why don't you go and see that prisoner of yours and let me deal with mine."

Voldermort nodded, he signaled for Lucius to follow him, but Salazar held up his hand in disapproval, "no leave him here I'm gonna need him, take that worthless Wormtail with you." He saw Voldermort nod and then stalk from the room in an angered fashion.

Salazar turned back to Hermione. "Now will you use the scepter?" He asked in a sweet, friendly tone.

Hermione shook her head "No." She said.

"Very well." He leaned his elbow in the back of her chair leaning on to the chair casually. While looking down at her he spoke to Lucius. "Go and retrieve the devices, not the big ones yet those we will save. You know it's like I always say, save the best for last."

Lucius smirked and left the room in a flash.

Salazar lifted his hand and ran it through her hair; she turned her head away from his grasp. Salazar chuckled lightly to himself though keeping a serious expression on his face. "You look just like her you know, well not exactly. Jasmine had darker hair; it looked more like her mother's. I bet yours looks like your mother's. Lucius told me that you were born of Muggles." He shook his head in disgust. "If I didn't need you I would have already killed you regardless of whose soul you have in your body."

Hermione lifted her head looking up at him she was about to say something when Lucius returned to the room carrying a box.

Salazar ran his hand through her hair again; she flinched and attempted to move her away. Salazar's other hand reached up and slapped her hard in the face. "Don't move away from me wench!" He demanded. He saw the red mark appearing on her cheek.

Lucius put the box on the floor next to Salazar, "I think there is something you need to know about me, I enjoy Muggle tortures as opposed to Wizarding tortures. Salazar said as he bent and opened the box, he was searching for something in particular. "Ah, here we go." He pulled a small funny looking object from the box, it had a thin hook with a screw on top. It was held together with a small iron handle. "Do you know what this is?" He waved it in front of Hermione's face. She squeezed her eyes shut trying not to look at it.

"No?" Salazar chuckled, "I call this The Ripper." He watched her for a reaction. "It's used to rip the fingernails from the subject's body. It really hurts." He smirked. "So I think we'll start with this." He looked at Lucius. "Now I know you will enjoy this my servant, come here and have your fun." He held out The Ripper for Lucius who grabbed it with an evil smirk upon his face.

Lucius stepped in front of Hermione and she closed her eyes as she felt the thin hooked blade go underneath her fingernail, her other hand gripped the arm of the chair as the sharp pain ran up through her arm. She bit down on her lip to prevent her from yelling out in pain. Hermione felt a tightening pressure as a little screw pressed down securely on the top of her nail. A few seconds passed and Lucius yanked hard pulling it away from her finger.

This time she could not hold back the loud scream as felt the ripping and heard the sound of her fingernail being torn away from her finger. The flesh that was beneath the fingernail was exposed to the cold air and she felt a monstrous stinging sensation as the area where her fingernail used to be filled with blood and trickled quickly down over her other fingers.

"This is just the beginning, if you use the scepter for me I won't have to do this to you." Salazar said from his throne.

Hermione's breathing was shallow as she opened her eyes looking up at him. "I-will-not-help-you."

Salazar nodded and stood. "I'll be back in a few hours to see if our guest has had a change of heart, continue with the torture with what ever you like until I return." He waved his hand to continue.

Lucius nodded with a smirk, he looked over and picked out nine other Death Eaters. They approached him with caution. Lucius showed them The Ripper and they each found one inside the box.

Hermione leaned her head back against the chair as she felt nine hooked blades go underneath her remaining fingernails and then the pressure upon the tops of her nails. Again a few seconds passed, Lucius gave a signal and at the same time nine death eaters yanked hard, and she let out an even louder scream as she felt ripping and tearing of her sensitive now tender flesh of her fingers. She felt her blood flowing from her new wounds covering her hands in its heavy thickness. Two Death Eaters then squatted down and removed her shoes and socks from her feet. They all backed away.

Lucius went through the box and found some iron footwear; he opened the iron sandal and squatted down in front of her, "such pretty feet." Lucius said looking up at her with a smirk, "pity they won't stay that way." He slipped the iron sandals onto her feet and took out his wand whispering a heating charm.

Hermione felt the shoes begin to heat up, first the heat was bearable only a little uncomfortable. But that quickly changed as the rising temperature of the sandal was rapidly growing. The sandals were turning a bright orange and again she gripped the arms of her chair, her fingers ached and she felt the fiery heat engulf her feet, she squirmed about in the chair but that did little good. She yelled out in the pain as the hot iron surrounding her feet was still growing hotter, if it were even possible? Hermione felt blisters begin to form and swell then burst, wherever the blisters had been the dead skin melted off, she was sure where the barred sandals were; her skin had melted to it.

Lucius kept the shoes on her feet for only three minutes, but to Hermione it felt like an agonizing hour or even longer. He ended the heating charm the iron immediately grew cold, Lucius pulled the sandals off. Sure enough there were lines of bloody flesh where the sandals had been. The blood filled, and then overflowed the deep trenches that the sandals had made, then traveled down her feet, between her toes hitting the floor in small puddles. Lucius then lifted a small container of white salt crystals and a large knife from the box. With the knife he sliced her pant legs starting just above the thigh, creating jean shorts so that he could cut into flesh with the knife. He pulled the loose material off her revealing her long legs to his sight. He stood there staring for a moment.

He placed his hand on her thigh and saw her eyes close even tighter and her whole body began to shake violently. He leaned in closer to her ear, "There's only one thing Mudbloods are good for." He whispered. Lucius looked at the spot between her neck and shoulder. He leaned in more and opened his mouth wide, sinking his teeth into her soft flesh, hard. She screamed. That only drove him more, the sounds of her screaming ignited more of his desire and he bit down even harder. He could taste her blood, it was intoxicating and he wanted more. He sucked hard on the new holes he had made in her skin, and when he couldn't get very much more. He lifted his face from her neck.

Hermione saw his eyes glazed with lust as he licked his lips to get the remaining sweet nectar that came from her body around his lips. He closed his eyes and moved to the other side of her neck, doing the same thing. Hermione felt his sharp teeth sink into the depths of her flesh; it hurt so bad that she screamed out again. Her screams echoed through the room. And that made him suck on her neck even harder. She couldn't even struggle out of his grasp as she was bound to the chair. She tried to move away but his other hand reached up and held it in place as continued to drink his fill of her. She stopped struggling as she felt her body weaken. Hermione felt tired; probably from the loss of her blood. She heard him grunt and groan as he continued.

He pulled back a bit, and caught her gaze, which was very frightened as the tears trickled from her eyes. He enjoyed seeing a woman trembling in fear before him, it gave him a sense of power. He lifted hand and trailed his fingers along her cheek. She flinched, moving from his touch. That enraged him and his hand roughly grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her mouth against his. She stiffened in disgust; her lips pressed tightly together, and her eyes were shut tight. Hermione tried to pull away but it was useless, he had an iron grip on her.

"Open." He murmured against her lips, but she did not obey. He bit down hard into her lower lip. She couldn't help it, it hurt and her mouth opened in an agonized gasp. He took advantage as his tongue thrust hard into her mouth, she did not respond to his rough and painful kiss. But he didn't care as he nearly forced his tongue down her throat. He brought his hand down from around her neck and covered her breast with his hand; she squirmed trying to move her body away from his hand. She felt his hand move up, only to slide down into the top of her shirt and his hand came in contact with her cotton covered breast, his fingers moved the material out of the way a bit and cupped her bare breast and squeezed hard. She screamed out in pain into his mouth, which made him squeeze her even harder.

She felt his other hand now between her legs, rubbing the material of her jeans against her sex. She felt him quickly with unbutton and unzip her jeans; his hand went inside her pants and was nearing her. Oh God please make him stop. She begged silently.

He was breathing hard and he had barely begun to touch her when the sound of a cough came from behind him. Lucius stood straight and looked behind him; Salazar's face was looking at him from a mirror.

"I really hate to interrupt here but please get back to the torture; I need the scepter's powers now. You can have at her later." Salazar said with authority.

Lucius held back his glare "Yes master." He said. Then turned his attention back to Hermione. He closed his eyes for a minute settling his nerves. He picked up the knife from off of the table he slowly waved it back and forth in front of her face. He glanced about her neck that was covered in his teeth marks, why do I have to restrain myself now? That damn Slytherin! He cursed silently. She looked so tempting sitting there bound to a chair, covered in wounds and her own thick blood. His own wife never looked that tempting. Lucius brought the knife down slowly towards her leg. He would still get pleasure out of this even if he couldn't have her, yet.

He held the knife in his hand and kneeled down and laid his palm against her thigh. "This is really going to hurt." He announced looking up into her eyes that were wide with fear. He smirked and brought the knife down into her thigh stabbing her. She let out a blood-curdling scream as the knife was being pushed agonizingly slow into her flesh. Lucius leaned forward and licked the small amount of blood of her thigh that was trickling from her wound. He was sure as soon as he pulled the blade from her leg it would gush out and fast. He was right. Lucius was rewarded with the sight of her dark red, thick blood.

He stood up taller on his knees and covered her wound with his mouth, drinking in the very essence that gives her life. As he continued to drain her of her life's fluid he lifted the knife again plunging it into her thigh just below her wound he was sucking from. As he pulled the knife slowly from the new wound he plunged his tongue into her open wound that he was feeding on earning him an agonized hissing moan. He continued plunging the knife into her leg in several different spots on her thigh, earning him a loud echoing scream every time. Lucius moved over to the other leg, continuing to stab her leg and suck her blood from the wounds.

Harry who was sitting on the floor against the wall slammed his palms over his ears, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. Hoping it would drown out the echoing scream he knew that was coming from Hermione, his eyes were red from the tears he couldn't stop from flowing. She did not deserve whatever it was they were doing to her. His heart ached, and he felt violently ill.

Voldemort who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest smirked down at Harry as the echoing scream stopped for the moment and Harry pull his hands away from his ear. "It's a beautiful sound, don't you agree?" Voldemort said with an evil grin, he noticed all Harry did was glare at him. "I'm sure now you know why we put you in this particular cell."

Harry heard the start of Hermione's voice and his palms slammed over his ears again; he squeezed his eyes tightly as a few silent tears fell from his eyes. He rocked back and forth against the wall. If he leaned up against the wall he could feel the vibrations of Hermione's screams. The whole room vibrated when she wailed, the floor even shook. So every time she made a noise he would have to rock back and forth to try and block out the sounds and vibrations. The rocking helped him with the vibrations, but her screams still fought their way into his ears. The screaming ceased and he dropped his hands from his ears. He opened his eyes and found Voldemort had a very pleased statement on his face.

"This cell is specially built; it echoes anything from the main room ten fold. This room tortures victims also just in a different way, as I'm sure you are experiencing." Voldemort said tilting his head to the side a bit. "You know this all could have been avoided if she would have just agreed, I don't see why you have to suffer for her mistake."

Harry just glared.

"I mean it's her fault that you are in this situation."

"It is not her fault." Harry said while continuing to glare.

"If you convince her to use the scepter I'm sure this will all stop." Voldemort said with a smile.

"I will not convince her to do anything."

"Do you want her to use it now?" Voldemort straightened his posture.

Harry heard Hermione's scream start and once again his palms slammed over his ears, this time he buried his head in between his knees as he rocked back and forth trying to keep the sounds out. As much as he would want all of this to stop, he knows that she would never agree to anything like that just to save herself. She would put herself before anyone. And he would do the same.

He brought his hands down again glaring at Voldemort, "not if it meant putting anyone in danger."

"Stubborn fools." Voldemort glared down as he watched Harry slam his palms against his ears. He opened the door to the cell and quickly left through it, he slammed the door leaving Harry all alone inside the cell as the screams came louder and more quickly. Harry now heard a loud snapping sound then a loud yell of pain, plus a glass-shattering scream.

Hermione was now face down on a long wooden table, her wrists and ankles still bound to poles sticking up from four corners of the table. Her shirt had been sliced down the back so that it was open and her back was exposed, there were at least thirty long gashes upon her back, which were bleeding. Lucius poured some salt crystals into his hand and rubbed his palm into her new fresh wound. Hermione screamed her pain loudly that it echoed off the walls. This caused Lucius to bend and run his tongue along her cut attempting to get to the salt, which also tasted of her sweet blood.

Lucius stood, and lifted a whip in the air and brought it down on her back, She yelled in pain and gripped the sides of the table with her hands. He placed the salt crystals in his hand again, rubbing his palm into her new cut. He took in a breath as he planted his palms on her back, on his fingers he wore little thimbles with sharp tips, He traced the areas that had not been touched by the whip with his fingertips, digging the sharp tips deeply into her skin, they didn't go in deep but it hurt an awful lot as she bit her lip trying not to yell out, since every time she did scream it seemed to make him do other things to her as well.

His hands roughly traveled down her back and he leaned closer to her ear, "You should just agree and all this would be over." He bit down onto her ear which caused her to yelp, and she heard him harshly breathe in. "I enjoy it more when you scream." He said into her ear. She shut her eyes tightly. Lucius went over to stand in front of her, his hands cupping her face and his thimble like fingers dug into the sides of her face. He lifted her face so he could look at her. Small trails of blood were flowing from where he fingers were digging into her. "You are a beautiful sight looking like this, all bound and sliced up. It makes me want to do more to you, and I normally don't lust after Mudbloods." Hermione tried to pull her face away from his hands but he held on tighter and his fingers dug in deeper into the sides of her face, and he scrapped them up her cheeks leaving long lines of red blood in the trails his fingers made. She let out a small cry and regretted it immediately, just as he inched closer to her the door opened and Salazar walked in.

Salazar walked over and glanced at Lucius and Hermione, he stepped up to the table. "So how is it going?"

"Fine sir." Lucius said releasing his hold on Hermione's face.

Nodding, Salazar looked down at Hermione, who looked weak and broken. "Have we decided?"

Hermione looked up at him, "No matter what you do to me I will never agree to use the scepter for you."

"I grow impatient wench." Salazar snarled and picked up the whip, he waved it high in the air and brought it down on Hermione's back with such a force that her body moved as the air was hit with her blood-curdling scream. He brought it down again and again that it made much bigger deeper gashes into her back. Death Eaters in the background cowered away from a very evil looking Salazar Slytherin as he continued to bring the whip down on her, again and again never relenting in the power of each blow. "You will agree!" Salazar shouted. The whip came crashing down on her.

"Never!" She yelled and screamed her pain at the same time.

Salazar picked up the large knife and stuck it deep in between her shoulder blade and neck, not enough to kill her, but enough to make her scream out and fill the air with its horrifying echo.

Hermione felt the blade being pulled from her shoulder; she couldn't help but feel very dizzy as the world was spinning rapidly before her. And then darkness.

"Damn-it to Hell!" Salazar shouted in pure rage throwing the whip across the room. The whip hit a vase and it fell to the floor and shattered.

"Is she dead?" Lucius asked looking at her really big gash that Salazar made.

"No the wench is not dead. Passed out the little fool." Salazar said. "Now she won't feel a damn bloody thing we do to her." He went and sat down in his throne, "it will be at least a few days before we can continue." Salazar rubbed his sinuses. "She will need to heal up and then we can begin again. We will torture her until she agrees, next time we'll bring out the bigger guns so to speak. No more of this flittering around and such nonsense. It's been proven that this woman is as stubborn as the day she died. We will get her to use the scepter and the world will belong to me. Take her to the cell that we put the other prisoner in, I would sure like to see the look on his face when he sees what we've done to her." Salazar smirked.

Lucius nodded and went to un-bind her hands and ankles, Lucius lifted the unconscious girl into his arms and started carrying her from the room.

"And no funny business, you can have her after I get the power." Salazar said before Lucius was gone from the room. If he had to suffer and wait so was everyone else

Lucius growled in discontent, but obeyed. He carried her through the hall and stopped at the cell. Wormtail was standing outside the door opened it for Lucius who stepped into the cell.

Harry immediately stood upon seeing Hermione as Lucius lowered her to the ground. Still kneeling he fingered the marks he had made on her neck. "These were fun to make." He smirked looking up at Harry, "you should feel lucky this sweet tasting girl belongs to you."

Harry's fist clinched at his sides, "What did you do to her?" He demanded.

Lucius stood and smirked, not saying a word he turned and stalked out of the cell slamming the door after him.

Harry fell to his knees next to her unconscious body, as his eyes traveled all about her. Tears swelled in his eyes at the sight of her body, arms, legs covered in huge gashes and several of them were still bleeding. He sat down against the wall and pulled her so that she was halfway lying in his lap, he bent and practically laid himself upon her as if to shield her from the world. He lifted up her hand and noticed her fingernail-less; he still held her hand tightly as he silently cried into her hair.

A few minutes later the cell door opened and a lone Death Eater walked in carrying a tray with a bowl of some foul smelling liquid and some cloths, draped over the Death Eaters arm was a black robe. Harry looked up as the Death Eater neared him; he put his arms around Hermione tighter.

"Stay away from her." He didn't shout but his voice still held a dominant tone.

"I'm not going to hurt her." The voice behind the mask said, "I'm going to start the healing process."

"Why bother trying to heal her?" Harry was bitter, but he noticed the voice behind the mask sounded feminine, but slightly aged.

"I have to heal her, so that they may begin again in a few days." She said.

Harry swung his fist at the Death Eater almost connecting with her shin, he didn't care if it was woman in that disguise. She was just as much a killer as a man. "No, I said to stay away. You will not touch her."

"Listen boy I'm just doing my job all right, and besides its most likely if I don't start the healing process, she will die from lack of blood. That damn Malfoy practically sucked the life right out of her, and I mean that literally." She said bitterly.

Harry's eyes narrowed, "You will not touch her. I will do it." He said pointing to the tray in the Death Eaters hands.

"As you wish." She said and sat the tray down next to Harry. "I'll just stick around in case you need help."

Harry felt stupid, he didn't know where to begin he never healed anyone before. It was times like this he wished Ginny were here.

The Death Eater could see his lack of confidence in healing. "It's really very simple, soak one of the rags with the liquid and rub the liquid into her wounds."

Grabbing for one of the cloths Harry dipped it into the liquid and began rubbing it into her wounds. The Death Eater watched carefully as Harry was using the greatest of ease and pressed the liquid drenched cloth into the open wounds. Behind the mask the Death Eater smiled.

Harry glanced up for a moment and noticed the Death Eater intently watching him, "Are you a nurse?"

"Yes." The Death Eater nodded, "I was a very good nurse at one time, until I decided to join the order. That was a really long time ago." She glanced at the door, "Now apply that every four hours and she should recover in a few days." The Death Eater stood and handed Harry the black robe. "Here she will need this." The Death Eater neared the door. She heard the sounds of the cloth being wrung out. "Take care of her." She said looking back at Harry.

Harry glared up at the Death Eater, "I plan on not letting anyone hurt her ever again." He said in pure anger and rage. "While there's one breath left in my body no harm will ever come to her again." He said firmly. When someone messed with his love they messed with him.

The Death Eater left the cell and closed the door behind her, She leaned up against the door and Salazar rounded the corner.

"Is she healing up?" Salazar asked.

"Yes sir she is."

"Good." He cleared his throat. "I'm retiring for the night, it has been a long day."

"Of course sir." She said. And Salazar moved silently down the corridor heading into his Master Chambers.

He poured himself a brandy and sat down in a chair near the fireplace. He heard noise behind him coming from the mirror.

"Good evening." The voice said echoing from the mirror.

"Good evening indeed." Salazar's voice was full of sarcasm as he spoke without turning around to face the mirror, he knew who it was.

"What's the matter love?"

"That damn wench is hard to break." He gulped down some of his brandy; the fiery goodness ran down his throat.

"They have it then?"

Salazar smirked. "Yes."



Oh no, Poor Hermione being tortured. I had cried like fifty times during that chapter I had to take like so many tear breaks, it was horrible. *sniff* Well I hope I didn't disgust you all. But Lucius is one bad dude. He's an evil pig, and don't worry he'll get his. Well I hope you stay tuned for Chapter 23-Ron to the Rescue. Okay Please Read and Review, even if you didn't like my chapter, but remember I did warn you. Thanks Ryoko