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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything ;)

Chapter 18-Onward To Camelot

They had already been walking for hours as Harry and Hermione pushed their way through the dense forest, a few white barked tree branches scraped and seemed to dig into Hermione's right arm. She felt the sting of cool air as it hit her opened wound, and quickly covered her scratch with her palm.

"Harry can we stop a minute?" She moved her hand a bit, and saw her thick red blood beginning to glide out smoothly from her wound.

He looked back at her, noticing her looking at her fresh wound and cringing. "Sure Hermione." Harry looked around and found a fallen log, "I suppose we could use a rest." He sat down looking up at Hermione who was still more interested in her new wound to even notice Harry had sat down.

"Here let me take a look."

She nodded and sat down beside him, "it's not as bad as I thought, and the bleeding has stopped."

Harry lifted Hermione's arm looking at her wound, the area around the cut had puffed up a bit. He lightly touched the cut with his finger and Hermione let out a strangled gasp. He looked up at her in shock. "Does it hurt that much?"

"Well, it is a cut Harry. I think it would be strange if it didn't hurt." Hermione said while watching him lightly pat around her wound with his finger.

He nodded still looking at the wound. "It looks strange Hermione, see it's all puffy here." He softly touched the area around the cut, "I mean I'm not a doctor or anything, but I've had my share of cuts and bruises and mine have never looked like this."

A bunch of red sparks flew past them, hitting a tree right next to Hermione making her shriek and jump a bit.

"Whoever you are stay right there!" An angry voice shouted.

Harry and Hermione sat there, not moving as a figure approached. He held a wand menacingly at them. "Who are you and why are you trespassing on my land?" His gray eyes were dark with anger. Another fellow came up behind the man, who was just as intimidating.

"Sir we had no idea we were trespassing, we need to get across your land." Harry said standing, he held his hands up in a defensive gesture, and to show that he was not armed.

"Bring the girl and come with me." The strange man said through clenched teeth.

Harry looked down at Hermione, who's eyes were wide with distrust. "It'll be alright Hermione," He held his hand out for her to take.

Hermione reached up clutching his hand as he pulled her to her feet. Still hand in hand they followed the man through the forest, going in a slightly different direction. They were being led by one of the men, while the other stayed behind them. Probably making sure they didn't run off.

Harry and Hermione were brought to a quaint little cottage just beyond the forest. Harry glanced around there were all kinds of armor and weapons laying about the yard. What looked like a boxing ring stood just to the left of the cottage. There was a large wall with several different kinds of spears all lined up in a neat row from smallest to largest.

The door to the cottage opened and a young man looking like he was in his early twenties stepped out, "ah, I see we have guests." The young man said cheerfully.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other oddly, Guests? They saw the question in each other's eyes. They felt more like prisoners rather than guests. They were brought to the young man. "Please forgive my brothers, they don't like trespassers too much."

Harry decided to speak up, "we had not meant to trespass, it's the only way through the forest. There was-" But he was interrupted by the young man.

"There's no need to explain." The young man said with a smile, "I'm called Gavin and those two big louts are my brothers, Edber and Rico."

"Why have we been brought here?" Hermione asked as she rubbed her arm.

Harry glanced down at her wound noticing the puffiness was spreading, it did not look right, even for a cut.

"Well you were trespassing, I thought maybe we could help you get back on track to where it is you were going." Gavin said with a delightful smile.

Hermione nodded.

Gavin glanced down at Hermione rubbing her arm. "Let me see that." He pointed to her wound.

Hermione removed her hand from her wound, and saw Gavin's eyes widen.

"Oh dear," He sighed. "You must come with me, we need to take care of that."

"What, why?" Hermione said looking at Gavin.

"You have poison running through your veins my dear, we need to take care of it before it spreads and causes damage."

"Poison?" Hermione stared, the sound of his voice was low and far away as Gavin spoke. Almost as if she didn't hear him. Hermione felt herself moving, she shook her head and her mind returned. She found Harry pulling her inside Gavin's house, where the scent of cinnamon apples filled the cottage. They were greeted by and older man and woman. Probably his parents.

Gavin had Hermione sit down at the table, the older man came over.

"What's going on here Gavin?" The older man asked.

"Father, this young lady was scraped by a Morginite tree."

The older man nodded and reached behind him grabbing a box from the shelf. He sat it down before his son. Gavin opened the box and pulled out a small vile of glittery potion, "this will reverse the effects of the poison." He opened the vile and poured a little of it into Hermione's throbbing cut. A little bit of steam rose from the wound. "There, in a few minutes the swelling will go down and the poison will be no more."

Hermione relaxed, "thank you." She sighed with relief then felt Harry put his arm around her, pulling her up against his side. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

Gavin smiled at the two of them, his face now became stern and very serious "you two are actually lucky my brothers caught you, a few more minutes and there would've been nothing we could do to help you, you would've been dead in less than an hour."

Hermione turned her head into Harry's chest cringing at the word dead. He held her even tighter.

"What kind of tree was that again? We would probably like to avoid it in the future."

"It's called a Morginite Tree." The Older man sat down in a chair across from Harry, "it's very dangerous, the bark is used in weapons."

"Is there a way to tell it apart from other trees, because it just looked like a simple oak tree to me." Harry replied.

"The Morginite does look a bit like an oak tree, that's how so many people have died from it, they think it's an oak. But the way to tell is the Morginite has small ringlets going around the bark." The older man replied.

Hermione lifted her head from Harry's shoulder and glance down at her wound, the swelling was gone and so was the cut. She smiled thankfully at Gavin.

Harry glanced out the window, still seeing all the equipment,

"This is a training ground for armies or individuals who just want to learn the art of weaponry." Gavin said as he too looked out his window. "We also make weapons and use the Morginite bark in our arrow tips."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"Do you want to take a look?" Gavin's father asked.

"Maybe just a quick look" Harry replied. But then he looked over at Hermione thinking that she might just want to leave and continue on their journey, "that is if you don't mind."

Hermione shook her head, "not at all Harry, I'm quite fascinated myself." She said with a smile.

Harry smiled as did the older man. All of them except Gavin stood and headed to the door and stepped out into the mid afternoon sun.

"By the way I'm Ordon, and you are?" The older man asked.

Harry sighed he always hated this part, "I'm Harry Potter and this is Hermione Granger."

Hermione smiled.

Ordon just nodded, "well it's good to meet you Harry, can I call you Harry?"

Harry shrugged, "sure."

They walked over to the training area, Ordon showed them all the weapons. He picked up one it looked like an iron ball with sharp spikes, it hung on the end of a chain, he called it a mace. Ordon swung it around. It was one heavy weapon if you weren't used to the weight. They were really quite fascinated with it all. Ordon then pulled out his best sword and proudly held it up, the sun's rays caused the silver steel to shimmer brightly. "This is my most prized weapon, it was given to me by a friend of mine, Morat Atkins."

"Morat Atkins is your friend?" Hermione was in awe.

"Yep, we've been good friends since our Hogwarts days" He sighed "which was a long time ago." Ordon looked at Hermione oddly. "How do you know Morat Atkins?"

"Well he happens to be one of our professors." Harry said

"Ah well I'm not surprised, he always loved to teach weaponry." Ordon put his finger to his chin, "is there a woman working with him?"

Hermione nodded, "yes, an Oria Bunn I think, she's his assistant." Hermione said.

Ordon smiled, "yes, well she happens to be my sister, she left here not to long ago. Off to see the world she said. I didn't think she would go and work with Morat." He started chuckling. "I've always thought she had a bit of a crush on Morat, in our younger days Morat would-" Ordon stopped his comment looking at Hermione. "I'm afraid I can't finish my thought with this young lady standing here." He glanced about Hermione's face.

Hermione scoffed. "believe me I've heard worse, my two best friends for most of my life happened to be boys, I know how your minds work." She said to Ordon.

"That maybe true, but I have certain rules pertaining to the proper conversations while in the presence of a lady, I don't even let my own daughter listen in." Ordon looked over her head and saw his daughter stringing a bow. "Look there she is, my daughter Sienna."

Harry and Hermione both turned in the direction of where Ordon was facing, and sure enough there was a young blondish brown haired girl about Hermione's age stringing a bow.

"Why don't you go and talk to her Hermione, so I can have a little talk with Harry here."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Ordon, who was he to tell her what she was allowed to hear or not? She was not his daughter.

"It's just manly talk, trust me you would be quite board." Ordon said.

"Fine," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Have your manly talk." She turned and headed towards Sienna.

Both Harry and Ordon watched as Hermione walked up to Sienna and greet her with a smile, Sienna also smiled nodding her head, she began showing Hermione about the bow she was stringing.

Ordon titled his head regarding Hermione from a far, "lovely girl you got there Harry."

Harry nodded with a smile.

"You'll need to be careful with her around these parts. There's Gypsies in these woods." Ordon said with a degree of caution.

"Why should we worry?"

"Well my boy, they would kill for a pretty face, and I mean that literally. They could fetch a fair price for her."

"You mean they would kill me and then sell her?!" Harry shouted his shock.

"Shhh!" Ordon said, "keep your voice down." He swung his blade in the air a few times. "Yes that could happen, are you a good fighter? Now if your not, you have to appear strong and in control of your woman, and they wouldn't attempt to harm you or her."

"In control of her? How do you mean?"

"That she would obey your every command."

"That's just stupid, I would never want her to do that." Harry said looking over at Hermione who was holding the bow in her hand and pulling the string back.

"If it looked like she belonged totally to you then they wouldn't attempt to take her, it's a male domination thing when it comes to these gypsies, if they see her talking back and speaking her mind, they would assume your not fit to control her and that you are not even man enough to put her in her place. So they would kill you, break her spirit and then sell her off." Ordon was very serious, he started making a stabbing motion in the air with his sword. "I would suggest discussing this with her to play along in case you run into these gypsies. I mean you don't want her taken away do you?"

Harry shook his head frantically, "no, no, not at all. I need her." He looked at Ordon. "I will talk to her."

Ordon smirked, "let's see what Atkins taught you, how about a go with me, you can pick any sword from the rack over there." He pointed towards the large rack of swords.

Harry nodded, "all right then." He walked over to the rack of swords and picked a nice blade from the selections and headed back towards Ordon. He took a quick glance over at Hermione.

"How is Hogwarts Hermione? I've always wanted to go there, but I have no magic in me, unlike my brothers." She glanced down at her feet, "I'm a squib, and it's right disappointing."

"I'm sorry." Hermione said.

"Oh don't be." Sienna replied with a smile, "you've done nothing to be sorry for." Sienna handed Hermione an arrow.

"I've never used one of these before. I mean I've seen it done many times on the television." Hermione said looking at the bow in her left hand and the arrow in her right.

"Television?" Sienna was confused.

Hermione shook her head, "it's nothing, a muggle thing."

"Ah." Sienna nodded. "Enough said." She glanced at Hermione with a smile. "Alright then, put the feathered end which has a little space, put the end against the string. Make sure the string is inside the space." Sienna gave her a demonstration of how the arrow was suppose to look.

Hermione caught on, she positioned the arrow in the bow, "now you want to aim for that black middle circle on the target." Hermione heard Sienna say.

"Now Hermione, if you hit anywhere on the target that will be great since you are a beginner. Watch me, I'll show you how it's done." Sienna loaded the arrow and pulled the string back, she closed one eye aiming for the bullseye. She let the arrow go and it rushed through the air hitting the blue circle around the bullseye. Sienna smiled at how close she had gotten to the bullseye. "Okay your turn."

Sienna stepped away, she knew how some beginners had no aim and their arrows ended up going in a completely different direction then the intended.

Hermione positioned her arrow, pulled back the string aiming for the bullseye, she let the sting go and her arrow rushed through the air, hitting the direct center of the bullseye."

Sienna stared, her jaw dropped. "Oh my." She looked over at Hermione who had the same expression on her face. "Try it again, it must be beginners luck."

Hermione shook her head and regained her thoughts as Sienna handed her another arrow. Taking the arrow, Hermione positioned it and let it loose. It hit the bullseye again.

Sienna stared, pointing at Hermione. "Are you fibbing me?"

"No, not at all." Hermione stared at the bullseye that had two arrows in it." She watched as Sienna walked over and pulled the arrows from the target

"Here, keep doing it." Sienna picked up a large amount of arrows and placed it in a leather bag, she handed Hermione the quiver full of arrows. "let's see how many you can shoot. I'll be right back."

Sienna hurried over to where her father was, "pappa." She shouted breaking up Ordon and Harry's mock fight.

"What is it?" Ordon said looking over at Sienna.

"You have got to see this, come, hurry." She then spun on her heels and ran back towards the archery corner.

Ordon shrugged and he and Harry followed after Sienna.

They approached just as Hermione shot another arrow hitting the bullseye, Ordon noticed the whole bullseye was full of arrows.

Sienna pulled on her father's arm, "she has never shot an arrow before."

Ordon looked at Hermione, "is that true?"

Hermione nodded looking a bit stunned.

Both Ordon and Sienna were starring at Hermione, and she started to feel a bit awkward. She looked at Harry who was just as amazed but didn't show it on his face like Ordon and his daughter did, but she could tell by the way his eyes stared directly into hers, that he was also impressed with her talent. "Harry, we should get going now." She said breaking the silence.

Ordon looked at Harry, "where is it that you are heading?"

"To Camelot." Harry replied.

"Well then you two have quite the journey." Ordon said with a smile.

"Yes and we really should be on our way." Harry and Hermione turned to go when they saw Gavin running towards them. He stopped holding a small vile of the same glittery potion.

"Here." Gavin said panting, he handed Harry the vile. "In case of any more Morginite poisonings." He smiled at the two of them

Hermione nodded her appreciation, and she and Harry turned to head back into the woods. They were just at the edge that led into the forest,

"Sorry about the trespassing." Harry shouted back at Ordon and his family.

Ordon smiled, "hey, don't worry about it. We're friends now, it's not trespassing anymore." He shouted.

"Come back and see us again." Sienna also shouted, waving her hand.

Harry and Hermione both waved and then disappeared into the woods. They continued on their way towards Camelot.

"Well they were nice, I don't think we are always gonna be so lucky when it comes to people who dwell in this forest." Hermione said, walking next to Harry.

He glanced over at her for a moment, "there's something we need to talk about."

"What is it?" Hermione was concerned, he looked so serious.

"That guy back there Ordon, well he said that there are gypsies in this forest, and that we have to be prepared in case we run into them." He said with a sigh.

"Okay, well how are we to prepare for gypsies?"

"You have to do whatever I say, no matter what." He saw the confused look in her eye, "I mean not right now, but if we run into them. You have to act like-" Harry couldn't finish he didn't like telling her that he would have lord over her until they got away from the gypsies.

"Like you're in charge." Hermione finished for him. She noticed he looked uneasy, and she let out a small laugh. "it's alright Harry, I understand. If we run into those gypsies I'll do whatever you say."

Harry stopped, he pulled on her arm getting her to stop also, "we should practice a little, so it looks natural."

Hermione eyed him with suspicion, "something tells me you're going to get a kick out of ordering me around."

"Oh never, I would never get a kick out of ordering you around." He thought a moment, "well maybe a little kick." He grinned.

Hermione nodded, "fine, we'll practice. Okay tell me what to do, I'm ready for it."

Harry thought a moment, "Okay touch your nose with your finger."

She shrugged and touched her nose with her finger, and then brought it down again.

"Now touch your nose with your finger again and keep it there till I tell you to drop it." He smiled.

Hermione touched her nose with her finger again, and not moving it. She felt really silly.

"While keeping your finger on your nose, also hop on one foot."

Hermione rolled her eyes, and began hopping on one foot. "you're having fun with this aren't you?"

Harry couldn't help it, he let out a chuckle watching her hop on one foot while keeping her finger on the end of her nose.

"Oh you think this is funny do you?" Hermione said, looking angry. That just made Harry burst out into even more laughter. "Are you done having your fun now, can I stop hopping?" Hermione glared.

"Yes, yes. You can stop." Harry said waving his hand giving her the stopping motion.

Hermione stopped hopping but she continued to glare at him, "Oh thank you for letting me stop, oh mighty lord." She said sarcastically.

Harry held up his finger "ah, ah did I say you could talk?" He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, silently thinking that she's really gonna make him suffer as soon as this is all over.

"Just one more thing, close your eyes."

She eyed him suspiciously then closed her eyes.

Harry leaned in and captured her mouth with his. She instantly responded as her arms went around his neck and he pulled her tighter against him. He nudged her mouth open and he deepened the kiss, kissing her slowly.

"Zara," Ron said.

She continued to ignore him as she walked down the hall.

Ron called out to her again, he sighed knowing she wasn't going to have any of it as he caught up to her. "Zara, please talk to me." He put his hand on her arm. And she whirled on him glaring. Oh if looks could kill.

"No, Ron I don't want to talk to you, if that's how you treat your best friends whom you care about, then I don't even want to know how you would treat a girlfriend whom you would be in love with." She spun around to walk away.

"Look I've had time to think and I'm sorry."

Zara stopped, "sometimes sorry comes to late." She said quietly. Zara turned around facing him and walked right up to him. "Look I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Zara sighed looking up into his bright blue eyes.

He noticed the look of disappointment in hers, not anger.

"It's not like I'm Hermione's best friend or anything, hey she probably doesn't even consider me as good a friend as she did you. What you said I know was probably out of anger and feeling left out. Believe it or not, your friends always thought of you first. They might never forgive you for what you said, and like I said before, even if you say sorry, sometimes sorry comes too late."

"Why does everything we talk about have to end up about Hermione and Harry?" Ron said softly, glancing at the floor.

"Because you are feeling guilty for what you said, and you seem to think we are always talking about them. Ron we hardly talk about them, every time we do, you always bring them up, and I'm quite tired of hearing about it."

"Zara, are we, you know okay?" He stared deeply into her eyes, "I don't want to loose you because of something stupid I said one night out of anger."

She sighed looking away for a moment, she then lifted her dark eyes. "Ron, I still care about you, more than you probably realize. But you have got to get a handle on that jealousy of yours. So when you stop acting like a ten year old then you can come to me, but as it is. I want nothing to do with you."

"But I wasn't jealous, I have no reason to be."

"Yes you were, you might not be jealous because Hermione and Harry are together, but you are jealous of the amount of time they spend together, without you. All our lives change whether you want them to or not. It's called growing up and we all have to do it sometime. You will always be their friend Ron whether they are in love or not. Well maybe you're not anymore."

Enrique poked his head from around the corner, "Zara come on,"

Zara looked towards Enrique annoyed, "all right keep your pants on." She turned back looking at Ron, "I've got to go I have friends waiting for me. I'll talk to you later if you decide to grow up and start acting like the guy I fell for at the beginning of the year. See you around Weasley." Zara turned and quickly moved away from Ron, her heels clicking against the stone floor.

Ron solemnly turned and went in the other direction, he was very sorry about what he had said to Hermione, Zara was right he was angry and jealous, he had been left out again. After a night and a day to think about it, he had been wrong. He began worrying about them when he heard Dumbledore speak of the dangers that they might be facing and he had the nerve to curse them in his mind for it last night. "Why do I have to be such a git?" He said out loud, to no one in particular.

Hermione pulled away still holding on to him.

"Sorry for making you feel silly."

She turned her face into his chest as smiled. Hermione looked up at him, "you're forgiven."

Harry laughed as his embrace tightened a little more. He sighed looking over her head, and straight ahead of them was the worst sight he had ever seen. "Look Hermione."

Harry sounded distressed as he pointed ahead Hermione pulled away from him, She turned and saw the murky waters of a really eerie looking swamp. There were so many dead looking trees poking up out of the water, some of the water was even pea soup green. There was a really foul smell of which was somewhat between the scent of rotten eggs and melted flesh.

Hermione suddenly felt really tired, "I am not wading through that," She said with disgust, "who knows what could be in there." She then cringed at the scent that was floating about the air. "Oh and it doesn't smell very pleasant either."

"Well Hermione, we're gonna have to go through it, there's no other way around the swamp."

"If I die and become a ghost I'm gonna annoy that Rowena for all of eternity."

Harry shook his head back and forth, he reached out taking her hand in his. "If you go down, I'm going down with you."

Hermione looked up at him wide eyed. "Oh please don't say such things like going down while were in this swamp."

He chuckled lightly as they started walking through the swamp, Hermione could feel the squishy mud beneath her feet, not to mention the water was as cold as ice it was soaking into their jeans.

"Bleck." She felt nauseous as some of the mud sloshed into her shoes. "This is so disgusting."

Harry nodded, agreeing with her one hundred percent.

The muddy ground started sloping downward, and the water was getting deeper it was no up to their waste. "I just bet there are all kinds of creepies in this swamp, I really don't want to end up dinner for some swamp dwelling spawn of evil."

"Well you would certainly be one tasty appetizer." Harry grinned slyly.

"Harry, how could you of all people flirt while we're trudging through this nasty swamp?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, I guess it comes sort of natural for me." Harry said with a smirk.

If she didn't have to swim as of now she would have smacked him on the arm.

They now had to actually swim through the murky water, they could see more of the forest a bit off in the distance, that usually meant that it would start to get shallow again, at least Harry hoped it would start to get shallow again soon.

Hermione froze feeling something down below rub up against her leg. "Uh, Harry something is down there." She looked around frantically. "I knew it, I knew it. Where gonna be monster chow." Harry laughed, Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Oh Harry this is not funny we are going to be supper for a squid or something, this is no time to laugh."

"Hermione, relax that was just me." He rubbed his leg against hers a few times, "see. So far there is nothing down there."

She sighed with relief, as they continued through the swamp, and to their relief the water started to get shallow, their toes finally touched the muddy ground. Hermione felt for her wand that was in it's secure loop around her waist. She patted the wood with reassurance, almost afraid she had lost it during the swim across the swamp. They were able to walk up from the swamp water and back into the forest.

They were soaked, so Hermione pulled her wand from it's secure holder. And got it ready to cast the cleaning charm.

"Wait!" Harry shouted.

"What?" Hermione asked alarmed, noticing that Harry was staring at her with a far off look in his eyes.

"Just a few more minutes." He said and continued to stare at how her wet clothes clung to her very generous curves, almost as if it was becoming part of her skin.

Hermione rubbed her forehead, "Harry as much as I would love to just stand here so you could drool over the way I look, I am very cold."

"So I noticed." He lifted an eyebrow with a grin.

She smacked him in the arm, "you're lucky I'm in love with you or you would be belching slugs." She said with a bit of amusement while she cast the drying charm on herself and Harry, the cleaning charm was to follow.

And they continued on in the forest, Harry hearing music abruptly stopped, making Hermione who was following run into his back

"Harry, what is it?"

Harry put his finger against his lips making a quite gesture. "Do you hear that?" He said in a whisper,

Hermione nodded.

They continued walking following the sound of the music as it got louder. Harry pulled back some tree branches and looked between the trees and found a large group of wagons and men and women of all ages, sitting, or dancing around a fire. While a young looking man played a fiddle, he was smiling and having a grand time. Or so it looked.

"Gypsies," Harry pointed in the direction of the camp.

Hermione leaned in closer to Harry, "Oh Harry what are we gonna do? How are we gonna get around them?" She whispered.

"I'm not sure. I really don't want to alert them to our presence." Harry said.

"It's too late for that friend." A man's voice said. Both Harry and Hermione's eyes widened with fear and shock at the sinister sounding man behind them. They both turned around, and found they had to look up. Hermione gulped down a breath of air at seeing just how tall this guy was, there was no doubt that he was half giant like Hagrid.

"Why don't you join us friend." It wasn't a request.

Harry nodded, "sure." He had to adjust his voice, for it had raised a few octaves, "I mean, sure." He said hoping to sound tough.

"And bring the tender morsel with you." The man said pointing to Hermione with a jerk of his chin.

Hermione's eyes narrowed as she was about to say something when Harry nudged her lightly in the side. She closed her mouth immediately.

Using his massive strength the man pushed the trees to the side and Harry and Hermione stepped into the gypsies camp. "Lookie what I found snooping around." Said the half giant to the group.

"We weren't snooping around, we were just passing through." Harry said

A middle aged but very good looking man stepped up to Harry and Hermione. "I am Niffler, the ruler here." He said looking up and down his new guests. He stared into Harry's eyes, looking for defiance. "So you say you were just passing through?"

"Yes." Harry said no taking his eye contact from the ruler.

"Where is that you are heading?" He said trying to stare Harry down, to make him feel inferior.

"We are heading towards Camelot, and I apologize if we entered you camp, it was unintentional."

The Ruler smiled an awkward grin, it looked more like a sneer, "you will join is here tonight, perhaps we'll let you leave in the morning. It is far safer with us in these dark woods, than you being on your own" He then looked over at Hermione, he gave her a appraising grin. "Well, well." He said circling her like a vulture, letting his eyes wander about her. "aren't you lovely."

"Hey!" Harry said not liking how this guy was looking at Hermione. He put his arm around her waist in a possessive gesture. "Watch what you're looking at, she belongs to me."

Niffler turned on Harry, "does she now? Would you be willing to sell her to me, I would give you a fair price."

Harry's fists clinched at his sides in rage, "no." His voice straining to remain neutral, "I am quite happy with her. I do not wish to sell."

"Perhaps by morning I could convince you otherwise."

"Thanks for the offer, but no thanks." Harry said narrowing his eyes at Niffler. He was not going to let Hermione out of his site for one minute tonight.

Niffler nodded "please eat, drink. You are our guest tonight. Enjoy your evening." Niffler nodded once towards the fiddler and he started up a merry tune. Niffler turned and went back into his wagon and closed the door. All the gypsies went about their business.

Hermione's arms went around Harry in relief, "that was horrible."

"I'm sorry." He didn't like anything he said to Niffler, it made him feel queasy.

"Oh don't be sorry for anything you said, you did what you had to." She leaned her head against his chest holding onto him tightly. "It was what that Niffler was saying and doing that was horrible."

"I know, but I still feel horrible having to treat you like that, it's just not right." He said as he lifted her chin with a gentle finger so that he could look into her eyes. He didn't like it that she had her head lowered when he had to speak to her. He enjoyed looking onto her eyes, seeing her soul and all the love she had for him.

After eating what the gypsies had to offer, the rest of the band headed off to their wagons for the night. Harry and Hermione were lying on their backs, the half giant was staying out there with them. Harry had his eyes closed, his glasses were resting on his chest. Hermione stared up at the stars, then she looked over at the half giant who was snoring loudly.

"Harry, you asleep?" She whispered.

"No." He said.

They turned over on their sides, to look at each other. Harry slipped his glasses on.

"Harry, I don't think they are going to let us leave tomorrow."

Harry glanced over at the sleeping guard. "I know what you mean."

"Well have to leave as early as possible, possibly before sunrise." Harry said, he reached for a lock of her hair which was somehow pulled free from her pony tail. He glanced at the colored strand within his fingers.

Hermione then stood. Harry looked up at her oddly. Where you going?"

"I need to, you know. Use the bathroom." She said in hushed tones

Harry stood "all right then."

Hermione stared, "what are you doing?"

"I'm going with you, you'll have your privacy of course."

"Harry, I'm a big girl I can go to the bathroom with out help."

"I just wanna make sure that one of these guys isn't gonna try and snag you, trust me."

"Oh, all right." Hermione said and they headed towards the edge of the camp.

Harry leaned up against a wagon while Hermione went into the trees a little more. Harry heard the voice of Niffler talking to someone, a strangely familiar voice, he leaned his ear closer to the door of the wagon. To his surprise the door wasn't closed all the way and it opened a bit, luckily it didn't make a noise. He looked in and saw Niffler looking into a large mirror and talking to the figure of a familiar looking man.

"Our master wants you to know that you are doing well."

"Thank you sir." Niffler said with a smile. "Now then the reason I contacted you, is that you said to keep a look out for certain individuals."

"Yes, and?" The man in the mirror said with growing annoyance.

Hermione came back from the trees and noticed Harry standing by a slightly opened door. She came up behind him, and saw exactly what Harry was seeing. Harry turned a bit and glanced at her for a moment, then they both continued to watch Niffler talking with the mirror.

"Well you said to look out for two young people, on their way to Camelot. It just so happens those two walked into our camp not to long ago."

"They're talking about us, how did they even know about us?" Hermione whispered.

Harry nodded, "I don't know but we have to get out of here, now." He took one last look at the mirror, and then it clicked. He knew who that was. It was Lucius Malfoy, and there was only one person he was working for and calling master, Voldermort.

Lucius was pleased. "Make sure they stay with you until we get there. Our master is pleased."

"Now, what about my reward?" Niffler spat bitterly.

Lucius glared. "Helping our master should be your only reward." The man in the mirror faded a moment then returned. "On second thought, he thought you should have something, you shall receive your weight in galleons." And with that Lucius's head vanished from the mirror. Niffler rubbed his hands together greedily. He just happened to look out his window to see his prisoners leaving the camp, the girl looked over her shoulder and then the boy grabbed her hand and they fled into the forest.

"Oh Hell!" Niffler shouted.

Niffler barreled out of his wagon and down his steps, shouting at the top of his lungs, Wake up you oafs, get up!! They're getting away!" Niffler kicked the half giant's foot waking him "Get up Sims," He shouted, "I thought you were on guard."

"I was just restin' my eyes for a minute."

"Yeah." Niffler said sarcastically then he slammed his fist against Sims's jaw.

"Ah boss whadya do that for?" Sims said rubbing his now sore jaw.

"Because they are gone you big idiot!" Niffler shouted.

Within minutes the gypsies were running through the forest looking for the escaped prisoners.

Harry and Hermione were in a good hiding place, a large hole in the ground that had just enough space for the two of them. There were four large logs lying on top of the hole, which was covered loosely with dirt and leaves, there was enough large holes between the logs so they could see. As the gypsies ran across the top of their roof they couldn't help their quick breathing as they feared for their lives.

"They couldn't have gotten too far." One of them shouted.

"Try over there Broady." Sims shouted to another gypsy as he ran across and over the hiding place.

Someone stopped on top of hiding place and stood there for awhile. Hermione buried her face in Harry's chest, her heart was beating wildly. Harry held her tight, to protect her if they were discovered.

The man above them sighed with defeat, "I think they apparated out of here."

"Yeah, they are no where to be found." Broady said then smirked. "I think Niffler is in big trouble he already contacted the master, heh, heh." All three of them looked at each other and broke into fits of laughter, "Maybe they'll hang him."

"Nah," Troler said walking up to them. "More like they'll just use the killing curse on him."

"I happen to think they would torture him first, I heard that someone among them likes the old fashioned muggle torture. I can just see them shoving red, hot iron spikes up his-"

"Too much information Broady, I really don't wish to envision that." Troler replied interrupting Broady as quickly as he could.

Harry and Hermione listened intently as the voices got further and further away.

"Do you think it's safe?" Hermione asked, her voice was a little muffled as she still had her head resting against Harry's chest.

"I'll take a look." Harry lifted his arms, pressing his hands against one of the logs and pushed it up and over it took a bit of strength to push it over. He raised his head out of the hole just enough to see out. He glanced about not seeing any torches or lanterns of anything. He reached down and pulled his wand from it's holder "I'm gonna get some light."

"No, Harry what it's a trick and they want you to use your wand." Hermione whispered as loud as she could

"I need to see if it's safe to come out, and this is the only way." He crossed his fingers on his left hand hoping that the gypsies were really gone. "Lumos." He whispered and his wand lit up. It didn't attract any gypsies, only a few insects. He sighed with relief. "It's safe, we can get out of his hole now."

Harry got out of the hole, then Hermione was soon to follow.

"That was too close." Hermione said brushing off her clothing from the dirt. She pulled out her wand and lit the end of it.

The two of them continued walking with their wands lit, the soon got out of the vicinity of the gypsies. Harry noticed a cave and pointed to it. Hermione nodded and followed him towards the cave.

It wasn't a very deep cave, it was basically just a hole in the wall. But it would be good enough to sleep in for the night. Using their wand light, they two of them gathered up some wood to build a fire. They set the wood down in a little pile inside the small cave.

"Incendio" Hermione said pointing her wand at the wood, which created a lovely fire that warmed them up.

They sat together, and cuddled close to one another, they were so tired and exhausted that they fell asleep in what was like two seconds flat, which was actually more like five or ten minutes. In her sleep Hermione leaned shifted and turned over- She stood there outside the window, looking at him. His blonde hair falling over his eyes as his father back handed him. She shook her head wondering what kind of a father would injure his own son.

"You are a disgrace to the family, how dare you give secret information to my enemies!" He shouted so loud that she could hear it and a second late his apparated and was gone.

She walked over to the window and tapped on it. He turned and opened the window. "Jasmine, what are you doing here. If my father comes home he will kill you."

"He's left for good Ulrich, the council is after him, he's a man running from the law. He won't be back."

"Jasmine, we can not be friends, never."

"Ulrich what are you saying, of course we can."

"There's something about me that you won't quite understand, I'm going to leave. It's better if I do." Ulrich sighed.

"Ulrich, Torrin and I are going to Camelot to hide the scepter, it will be safe there."

"Jasmine, this is the last time I'm going to speak to you, I'm dangerous and you should stay away from me." His eyes narrowing with bitterness. "My father is going to die."

"Ulrich you don't know that, you're not a diviner."

"Jasmine, I know he's going to die. Just trust me." Ulrich said as a smirk so much like his father's graced his flawless face. "Now you should go and leave me, or I won't be held responsible for things I would do to you."

Jasmine wide eyed stared at Ulrich, "don't go down that path Ulrich, all it will lead to is your own death and the loss of your soul. Please consider what I have said."

Ulrich nodded, "I will consider it." He smiled.

Jasmine noticed it looked forced, but she shook her head back and forth leaving Ulrich staring out his window at her.- Hermione turned over and her head rested against Harry's chest as they continued to sleep the night away.


Ah beware the gypsies they will take your women and sell them for a profit. Oh well hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for Chapter 19-The Village People.