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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 24-Lucius's Big Mistake

"Tell me again, why are we doing this?" She asked while looking around nervously, hiding in the bushes.

"You know they can't do anything right, they need us." She said, also looking out of the bushes.

"But Zara this is dangerous."

"And that is exactly why they need us. You don't think I'm about to allow Ron to go off and get killed without me being a part of it do you?"

"I know you've been wanting to kill Ron but this isn't the way to go about it." Ginny smiled.

Zara rolled her eyes. "Look, you know what I mean. They can't do anything on their own. You know what they say behind every good man is a good woman."

"Personally I like a good man from behind." Ginny wiggled her eyebrows suggestively

Zara threw her a sarcastic look, but was grinning just the same. "Now is not the time for jokes Ginny."

"Who said I was joking." Ginny said looking off in the distance towards the castle.

Zara simply shook her head, she pointed towards the entrance to the castle. "There look, Ron just became invisible and he must be following that asshole inside."

Ginny glared at Zara for what she just said about Draco. She was in a sour mood now. "Okay smarty, how do we get inside? We have no means to make us invisible. Look the entrance is being guarded by those Death Eaters and-"

"Well we could jump them." Zara interrupted, tilting her head a bit.

"Are you insane? Zara we can't jump them, look at the size of them."

Zara rolled her eyes, "Alright let's just stun them with our wands then Ginny, sheesh you take the fun out of everything."

"I don't think we should stun them either, I mean there must be a reason why Ron and Draco didn't stun them. There could be magic alarms all over this place." Ginny glanced about the castle. There were a few moments of silence when Zara shifted and looked right at Ginny with a devilish smirk.

"I have an idea." Zara said.

"Which is what?"

"We become Death Eaters." Zara said proudly.

Ginny's mouth dropped in disbelief. "What?!"

"Not for reals," Zara glared. "Holy crap Ginny, like I would ever want to be a scum sucking spawn of evil? No thanks."

Ginny pinched her sinuses with gentle fingers trying to massage her tiny headache away. "I'm confused."

"We tell the guarding Death Eaters that we want to be Death Eaters and then they let us in without trouble. They might tell us where to report but we don't have to show up there. We can then look for Ron and Draco and help them, inconspicuously of course."

Nodding, Ginny smirked, "That's a great idea."

"Of course it's a great idea, why else would that hat have trouble deciding between Slytherin and Gryffindor for me?"

"I can see why, you are pretty deceptive." Ginny said with half a smile.

Zara nodded, "Damn straight, now let's go."

Ginny and Zara stepped out of the bushes and approached the entrance to the castle

Ron hated the feeling of prison cells; they always seemed to be so full of spiders. He shivered at the thought as he continued to walk down the corridor. Ron saw that no good Wormtail standing next to a cell near the other end of the hall. It must be Harry or Hermione's cell. He also saw another door at the end of the corridor that looked like it led into another room. Ron hated Wormtail. He remembered what Draco said about using wands here; there are magic alerts all over the place. Only Salazar and Voldemort were allowed to use magic, if there were anyone else using it they would know there was an outsider among them and would be descended upon by at least twenty Death Eaters or more.

He picked up a couple of good-sized rocks and stone pieces and walked towards Wormtail. 'I'll get him.' Ron thought to himself, 'How dare he pretend to be my pet when he was just a sniveling worm.' He chucked a rock straight at Wormtail's head; he noticed the pudgy man duck just in time. Ron threw some more rocks, and Wormtail avoided most of them, he got hit in the forehead and he turned around and got hit directly in the back.

"Eeoow!" He screeched. "Alright, who's there, show yourself immediately!" Wormtail spun around in all different directions. He looked in the cell window to see if they were still in there, the prisoners could have gotten out and throwing things at him. He was a bit confused when he saw the two of them still inside. He glanced down the corridor and saw a lone Death Eater was coming towards him.

She was looking oddly at him, she often wondered if Wormtail was in his right mind. "What are you doing?" She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Something was throwing rocks at me." Wormtail said looking around in all directions.

She sighed rolling her eyes, "I think you've been working to hard, go on take a break."

"Really? But the Dark Lord said I wasn't to move from this spot."

"I'll stand guard for you, the prisoners will not escape. I have to tend to the girl's wounds anyway. You can come back to your post in about an hour." She said looking at Wormtail's face for an answer.

"Oh all right then." Wormtail nodded and started down the corridor as Ron pressed himself up against the wall so that he wouldn't get knocked into.

Ron rushed up towards the Death Eater as she was opening the cell door; he slipped in right after her. The door closed almost hitting him. Ron saw Harry and Hermione sitting together on the ground against the wall. Hermione was facing Harry, leaning into him. Even though Harry had his arms lightly around her, Ron could still see the bad shape that Hermione was in. She was in a black robe that was pulled up around her legs and unbuttoned in the back. Ron saw the horrific deep gashes; he assumed that anything that touched her wounds would just hurt more.

The Death Eater started applying some kind of liquid to Hermione's wounds on her back, Ron watched Hermione cringe and gasp in pain every time the cloth came in contact with a gash. She shifted and buried her face in Harry's chest; he was lightly stroking his fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her.

"Will there be scars?" Hermione's voice was muffled.

"Not on the outside dear." The Death Eater said as she finished applying to last of the potion to Hermione's gash on her lower back. After an hour of attending to Hermione's other wounds she checked out how the gashes on her back looked after the third dose of the potion. They were looking much better and she was proud of her nursing skills. "There now, just another couple of days of this and you'll be as good as new." The Death Eater didn't even wait for a reply as she stood. "I'll be back in a few hours to add some more potions." She headed towards the door, opened it and saw Wormtail had resumed his position. She left the cell.

Harry glanced about Hermione's face; her eyes were closed. He lifted his fingers and lightly touched the scratches on her face, which were healing up nicely. He looked at all the marks; there were several deep looking holes on both sides, between her neck and shoulder. He lightly touched the holes and Hermione nearly jumped a mile high off of him and without thinking violently smacked his hand away.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Harry was concerned that he had hurt her.

Tears started swelling in her eyes. "Oh Harry I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you."

"It's alright." His arms carefully went around her. "Shhh, come here. Everything will be all right now; I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again. Ever." Harry started rocking her gently in his arms as Hermione leaned into him.

"It's just what happened you know." She said leaning her head against his shoulder.

"I know." Harry's eyes narrowed at what Hermione was finally able to tell him about what happened during her torture.

"Harry, do you think we'll ever get out of here?"

"I don't know." Harry wanted to have hope that they would get home, but so far there was none.

"You know I would give anything just to be back at Hogwarts." Hermione sniffled trying to get a hold of her emotions, "Oh what I would give to just see Ginny and Ron."

Something shuffling in the corner of the cell caught Harry and Hermione's attention, they turned in the direction of the noise and Ron appeared out of nowhere. Hermione slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her scream of surprise. The both of them stood, Hermione stood on shaky legs and Harry helped steady her a bit until she got a hold of herself and was able to stand on her own.

"Ron, what…. how?" Hermione couldn't put the words together.

"How did you get here?" Harry asked astonished.

"It wasn't easy I'll tell you that." Ron said while he looked at Hermione. His heart broke seeing her looking like that, this was his best friend. How did she last through such a time? "Look what they did to you, I'll kill them." He said in pure rage.

Hermione glanced down at her feet, which were still pretty cut up, but she could still see the signs of healing, and she lifted her head meeting his gaze. "Ron, there's nothing you can do."

Harry glanced about her, he too felt the same rage that Ron did, probably more so. "There is something we can do."

"Harry, we already know that Slytherin is ten times stronger than any of us-" Hermione stopped short, "Ron did you bring help with you? Are we getting out of here?"

"Well Malfoy is here with me, but I don't count him as help."

"Malfoy?" Hermione shuddered; with just the mention of the name Malfoy, she started shaking. His name poked more fear in her then the Dark Lord Voldemort himself.

"Hermione, sit down." Harry said looking at her, worry flashed in his eyes.

Just that simple name caused her to loose herself to her fear, even though she knew Ron was talking about Draco. Still she couldn't even stand to hear the name Malfoy spoken. Lucius Malfoy had tortured her in so many ways, and was just waiting to continue. Harry helped Hermione to sit down on the ground as she was trying to calm down.

Hermione glanced up at Ron, she was so happy to see him that a glimmer of hope flickered in her eyes. "Ron please tell us we're getting out of here?" She asked while getting to her feet.

Ron opened his mouth to speak when the iron door started to open; Ron quickly covered himself with the cloak hoping not to be discovered.

Lucius Malfoy accompanied by five other Death Eaters stepped into the cell causing Hermione to step back a great distance. "It's time." He said. Lucius watched the girl as her eyes widened into large, helpless saucers. That pleased him. She was finally scared of him. He felt the same familiar stirring within him he got when he heard her delightful screams a few days ago. Lucius smirked. Slytherin was just going to have to wait; he had a few plans for the girl. He took a few steps towards her and he watched her cower and retreat back even further away from him.

Harry's arm immediately shot around her protectively; there was no way he was going to let her be taken away. "Stay away." He demanded.

This caused Lucius to almost double over in laughter, but he refrained himself. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way?" He looked at the two of them. Lucius watched as Harry's arms simply tightened around her, he was not going to budge.

Lucius took a step towards them when he heard a small really un-noticeable nose in the corner of the cell. Most people wouldn't have heard the noise but Lucius had powerful ears and could pick out the smallest noise. He looked towards Harry and Hermione. "There's someone in here with you, who is it?" The corner of his mouth curved into a half grin.

Harry and Hermione said nothing as Lucius stepped closer to the prisoners. Harry stood in front of Hermione to shield her from harm.

Lucius smirked. "I asked you a question; you'd do best to answer it."

"Why are all you dark wizards always saying things like that? I mean it gets a little redundant after a while, you know we're not going to answer you." Harry was sarcastic.

A low chuckle escaped Lucius; he knew when something was funny even if a wizard who was beneath him spoke it. "Well Mudblood Lover, maybe you'll find out another day." His gaze moved and connected with Hermione's. "How's my Screamer doing today?"

Harry's fist shot up and Lucius moved back just in time.

Lucius just laughed, "A little feisty today aren't we Potter?"

"Stay away from her." Harry demanded.

"We've already been though this," Lucius shook his head back and forth. "First things first though." Lucius snapped his fingers and his Death Eaters snapped to attention. "The far corner to the right, attack it." Lucius said while still looking at Harry and Hermione, he saw both their eyes widen with fear. That pleased him.

The Death Eaters descended on the corner as Ron was wrestled from the invisibility cloak and was held back by two Death Eaters, he tried to wriggle out of their grasp. Their grip was strong. Ron was stuck.

One of the Death Eaters handed Lucius the invisibility cloak. Lucius looked at the cloak, "Very nice." He looked over at Harry; he knew where he had gotten this. Lucius moved towards Ron, "Ah, a Weasley." He said as if his name carried some kind of disease. "It's a shame your daddy isn't here to help you out."

"I don't need my father to help me." Ron said bitterly.

Lucius scoffed, "I doubt that. Your father at least can throw a mean punch, what can you do? The youngest boy in the family, who's always being over shadowed by your siblings."

"How did you know that?" Ron glared he tried to pull his arms from the Death Eater's grasp. It didn't work.

"I know a lot about you little Weasley."

Ron chuckled, "I'm not so little. I'm bigger than you." He smirked sarcastically.

"That means nothing you fool. I am stronger than you." He glared. "No matter though. I'm sure you will be welcome to stay." He turned towards the cell door, "Wormtail!" He saw the sniveling worm poke his head in the doorway. "Go and inform the Master of our new guest, and that he will be rooming in cell B with young Mr. Potter and the Mudblood here." Lucius snarled "And take this to him too." Lucius threw the invisibility cloak at the insignificant servant. Wormtail's head vanished from the doorway.

Lucius turned back towards Harry and Hermione; he glanced at the girl. Well what he could see of her since she was now being completely blocked by Harry. "We have business to take care of Mudblood." And he took a step towards her.

"I said back off!" Harry shouted pushing Hermione behind him more while continuing to stand in the way.

"Just get out of the way boy, you are standing in the way of the future."

"No." Harry glared.

Lucius didn't want to get his hands dirty with beating up Harry, that's what he had Death Eaters for. "The Mudblood is coming with me."

Lucius and Harry glared at each other, neither of them breaking eye contact. An eerie silence swept over the cell.

Without warning Ron managed to catch the Death Eaters off guard and escaped from the grasp, he went flying full force at Lucius, knocking him to the ground. Harry continued to shield Hermione; they couldn't escape as Death Eaters were blocking the only means of escape from the cell. Ron and Lucius were fighting and wrestling around on the ground for control. Three of the six Death Eaters scurried over to the fighting pair and pulled Ron from off of Lucius, they pinned the teenager to the ground, Ron couldn't move.

Lucius, getting to his feet, now stood in a complete rage. He was fed up. He snapped his fingers and the remaining Death Eaters followed after Lucius as he was approaching quickly towards Harry. The Death Eaters seemed to know what to do, as they attacked Harry. He tried to fight them off but there was too many of them, he managed several good punches in all directions at least hitting one of them at many different times, while this was going on it left Hermione unprotected.

Hermione was scurrying around the room in attempts to escape as Death Eaters would make a grab from her, she would slip out of their hold almost instantly. It didn't matter that her feet were so sore that they were practically killing her as she put up her fight. Hermione did not want to be tortured again; she would do anything to get away. She made a mistake in her direction and ran right into Lucius, she was running so hard that she smacked right into him with such a force that it knocked her to the ground, she landed flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her.

Lucius wasted no time in bending down he lifted her off the ground as she struggled trying to get out of his grasp. He lifted her and swung her over his shoulder, she kicked and wiggled around so much, but it did little difference, he was too strong for her to escape.

"You're just wasting your energy Mudblood." Lucius chuckled.

The Death Eaters stopped attacking Harry as he stopped attacking them. The Death Eaters holding Ron down too started backing away from him.

Harry ran towards Lucius who was taking Hermione away but the Death Eaters stopped him, standing all around Lucius that no one could get past them.

"Put her down." Harry demanded. "Don't take her, I'll do anything just don't hurt her." He now was begging.

Lucius turned around with a smirk, "It's not about you this time boy." He smirked then turned leaving the cell.

Harry couldn't help the rapid tears in his eyes as Hermione was being ripped away from him again only to be severely tortured. He quickly headed towards Lucius and Hermione, but the Death Eaters closed the door quickly. Harry flung himself against it; he banged his fist on the solid iron. A loud agonized yell fought its way out of him as he slammed and hit the door a few times with both fists so hard that he managed to make dents in it. Harry wore himself out and leaned his forehead head against the cold iron door.

Ron stood up from the ground dusting himself off, which caused Harry to quickly look towards him. Ron could see Harry's eyes were red from his violent tears. He tried to mask them, but couldn't.

"I promised I wouldn't let them take her again, and look what happened." Harry said looking away from Ron, he felt so ashamed. He squeezed his eyes together tightly as the tears started up again.

"It's not your fault." Ron simply said.

"Yes it is, they are going to hurt her again. I wasn't strong enough to hold them back. I'm supposed to be protecting her." Harry shook his head in disappointment of himself glaring at the chipped floor.

"Harry get a grip, it was like six to one. You are only one person there was no way you or I could have prevented them from taking her. True it's terrible that Hermione was taken away I wanna rip out their throats just as much as you do, but it is not your fault. Don't blame yourself for this at all." Ron took a deep breath; he was finding it hard to keep his emotions in check. He had no idea what happened to Hermione but he didn't want to find out what else could happen to her.

Harry turned his head looking at Ron, just simply staring at him for a long moment trying to take in everything he had said. He still felt it was his fault that Hermione was ripped from his arms once again. No one could change his mind about that. Yet he couldn't dwell on it, he had to get to Hermione, now. "Well we have to get out of here."

"All right, I'm all for that. Just tell me, how?" Ron said

Outside the cell Wormtail who had resumed his position shifted a bit leaning against the door, he didn't hear someone walk up behind him. Something sharp was pressed to the side of his neck. "Don't turn around or you will regret it." Wormtail's eyes widened with fear at the sound of the feminine voice echoing menacingly in his ear. "Don't even think about calling for help either, if you make one sound you're dead." He felt her pressing the sharp object harder against his neck.

"Now you might be wondering-Ow!" She was elbowed hard in the side. "Ginny! You ruined my whole scene." She said in disappointment.

"Zara just tell him to let them out, why do you have to make a whole big drama production out of it?" Ginny said shaking her head back and forth.

Zara humpfed, "Fine, do what she said let them out." She was slightly disappointed she had this whole speech planed out.

"What if I said no?" Wormtail was bitter and he felt the sharp object pressed harder against his neck.

"I really hate smart asses. I'm the only smart ass here, got it." Zara held her hand out and Ginny placed a large rock in her hand.

"Let them out now." Ginny demanded.

Wormtail laughed, "No." He felt something hard slam against the back of his head; all went dark.

Ginny and Zara smiled as the watched his pudgy body slump to the floor.

Ginny turned to Zara. "How did you even get him to shut up and not call for help?"

"Oh I poked something sharp into his neck." Zara said nonchalantly.

"What was it?" Ginny glanced about Zara looking for some kind of weapon but didn't see one.

Zara lifted up her hand showing Ginny the weapon of choice. It was a stick, not even a stick it was more like a twig. Ginny's jaw dropped in horror, "you threatened a murdering psycho with a stick?" She was appalled.

"Yeah, so?" Zara shrugged her shoulders.

"A stick Zara, it was a stick."

"Hey it worked didn't it? Next time let's see you threaten someone with a stick as well as I did."

"Someone's full of themselves." Ginny sneered.

Zara shook her head back and forth; she was not going to get into an argument with Ron's sister. She bent down and fished through Wormtail's pockets and found a set of keys." She smiled down at the unconscious figure and patted him on the head, "Thanks." She stood and started to go through the many keys on the ring.

Ron and Harry watched as the cell door opened, they were ready for anyone who might be entering. Both Ron and Harry's jaw dropped at seeing the two girls smiling widely back at them.

"Okay who's all for escaping?" Zara said with a smile.

"Just what are you doing here?" Ron said as he and Harry headed towards them.

"Well since I have these keys and I'm standing here with the door open, I'd say rescuing your pathetic ass." She smiled sarcastically.

Ron burst out into laughter. After he collected himself,

Harry glared, "Ron we need to find Hermione now."

Ron nodded and he, Harry, Zara and Ginny went off to find where they took Hermione.

She attempted to kick him away and barely missed, "Stay away from me." Hermione demanded. She tried to wiggle out of the claps that held her wrists to the wall above her head. It was useless.

He stepped closer to her and his hand went around her neck, "I suggest you cooperate if you know what's good for you." Lucius said as he watched silent tears trickle from her eyes. "There now, that's what I want to see." He smirked.

"Please don't hurt me." She begged, fear clearly etched in her voice.

"Why not, I love hurting you." He glanced about her neck where he had made his mark on her. They were healing, he didn't like that one bit. "It looks like I need to repair what that nurse was healing, she has no consideration for other peoples work." He lifted his gaze catching her frightened one. His hand left her neck to cover over her mouth, "As much as I would love to hear you scream I'm afraid that won't be in my best interest at the moment.

Lucius then sunk his teeth into those same marks he had made days before, her scream was muffled as the pressure and sharpness of his teeth pierced her skin and she felt him sucking the blood from her once again. She whimpered and squirmed. The tears of pain and humiliation poured from her eyes.

Hermione's eyes widened more in fear when she saw Draco had snuck in the room, fearing the worst from him. She thought she had seen him smirk but it was gone too soon either that her mind was playing tricks on her. Hermione closed her eyes tightly, a loud racket was made and several shouts from five different people, their voices were all mixed together, and Lucius had been pulled away from her and was being pressed up against the wall by Ron and Harry.

She had never seen such rage on either Ron or Harry in her entire life. Ginny went through Lucius's pockets in his robe and found some keys. She quickly stood on her tiptoes and unlocked Hermione's wrists from the cuffs.

Hermione sighed with relief as she rubbed her left wrist with her right hand, the blood flowing back into her hands. "Thanks Ginny."

Ron and Harry had punched Lucius in the face many times; Harry had his arm pressed against Lucius's neck cutting off his air supply.

"I should kill you." Harry said.

"Go ahead." Lucius managed to choke out.

Harry pressed harder against Lucius's neck; he was going to do it. He felt a hand on his arm he turned to find Ginny looking at him with sad eyes.

"Harry don't, you're not a murderer. He's not worth it." Ginny said glaring at Lucius.

"You weren't there at all, Ginny, while Hermione was being tortured, I was. This asshole deserves to die." Harry glared.

"But this isn't you Harry, you couldn't take another's life." Ginny spoke softly, "Just let him go. You can turn him over to the authorities; he'll be put in Azkaban and given the Dementors Kiss, which is worse than death."

Harry looked from Ginny to Lucius who was by now unconscious from the lack of air. He dropped his arm from Lucius's neck and watched the evil man fall to the ground. "So what should we do with him until then?" Harry glared down at the unconscious body.

Hermione moved over next to Harry, and she was immediately pulled into his arms. He leaned his chin on top of her head and continued to glare at Lucius.

"Put him in the wrist cuffs like what he was doing to Hermione." Zara suggested.

Both Ron and Harry agreed and lifted Lucius so that he was standing. The girls helped as they placed his wrists in the cuffs, Ginny locked them with the keys that were still in her hand.

Draco smirked. "I'll take care of him."

Ron and Harry exchanged an unsure look. "Don't even think about letting him loose Malfoy-" Harry said but was rudely interrupted by Draco.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Draco said with a sincere smile.

Ginny approached Draco putting her hand on his shoulder, "what are you going to do with him Draco?"

"Well my father and I are going to have a conversation, he can't beat me if he's not free now can he." Draco looked at Ginny with a gentle statement on his face, "You go with your friends, I'll join you soon."

Ginny smiled, she turned to find her friends going out of the room and she followed after them.

Draco's smiled dropped from his face; he pulled a chair over and placed it in front of his unconscious father. He sat down, simply waiting until he came to. Draco leaned back in his chair as his Lucius started to stir and wake.

Lucius eyes opened and seated before him was his own ungrateful son.

"Well this is an interesting situation now isn't it?" Draco said leaning the other way regarding his father.

"Release me at once." Lucius demanded.

Draco calmly stood. He folded his hands behind his back and began pacing back and forth. "You know father? It's really pathetic that Potter and Weasley just beat the crap out of you."

Lucius glared.

Draco smirked and pulled out a knife from his robes, "do you know who gave me this?" He showed the weapon to his father. "I'll tell you." Draco paused a moment, "The ghost of Rowena Ravenclaw gave me this Muggle knife. She said I would know what to do with it when the time comes."

Lucius knew what was going to happen, Rowena informed him that history does repeat himself. He had prepared for that day a long time ago, just in case. "Are you going to stab me with that knife Draco? You're not man enough to kill me. You are just pathetic and weak to attempt to kill someone bound to a wall."

"As if you're any less pathetic. The way you treat people when they are bound to something is rather weak. You know that Mudblood Granger is clever she would be able to get one over on you eventually. That's why you feel the need to make sure she has no way to fight back."

"You sound like you care for the foolish Mudblood." Lucius smirked.

Draco's head flew back in a cold, cruel laughter. "I'll just say I have less hatred towards her than I do you."

"So what are you waiting for Draco, kill me. Prove to me that you are indeed my son." Lucius snarled.

Draco knew his father was only saying this to throw him off; he was going to do it. "I am your son, there's no doubt about that."

"You can kill me today Draco, but you'll never truly be rid of me."

"That's what you think." Draco glared.

"You and your little red headed bitch will suffer. She will die."

Draco looked to the floor he was so full of rage he couldn't even calm his nerves as he gripped the knife tighter. "Big mistake Lucius." Draco sneered. No one but him was allowed to threaten anyone he cared for, that is if he ever chose to threaten his lover. This just pushed his decision to kill Lucius; he's been meaning to do it for some time now. Draco lifted the knife in his hand and stabbed it into Lucius's chest to the hilt. He left the weapon in for a little bit as he watched his father's eyes start drift closed. He pulled the knife out and stabbed it in again.

He removed the knife and lifted up the hem of Lucius's robe and wiped the blood from the blade and placed it in a sheath and tossed it on the bed. The ghost would probably want it back eventually. He looked at his father one last time, an evil smirk crossed Draco's flawless face and he turned leaving the room.

Draco rounded the corner and came face to face with Voldemort.

"Ah, young Mr. Malfoy."

Draco glared, "sir." He bowed mockingly.

Voldemort would ignore this insolence, for now. He noticed the blood on his clothing. "So my heir I see that you managed to kill off your father, interesting." Voldemort said. He continued on his way down the corridor.

Draco shook his head thinking that was odd, 'How did he know I was going to kill my father?' He shrugged oh well, and also started down in the other direction.

He came upon another long hallway and found Ginny and her friends looking through a slightly open door.

"Ginny move I can't see." Zara whispered.

"I don't see how, you have those huge heels on how could you not be able to see?" Ginny whispered back.

"Well if you didn't have you hair up in that damn ponytail on the top of your head I'd be able to see better." Zara whispered but her voice was rising.

Both Ron and Harry turned around glaring at them "Shhhhh." The both said and at the same time putting their fingers to their lips in a quieting fashion.

Hermione pointed towards Salazar and the familiar ghost, "Oh look isn't that Rowena?" She whispered in anger.

Ron looked down at the top of Hermione's head, "Uh there's something you two need to know, Rowena is on the other side." Ron whispered.

Both Harry and Hermione looked at each other, the same statement mirrored in each other's gaze. They had been betrayed.

"No wonder she was so bent on my putting on that necklace the first time I met her. She probably needed to see if I had the soul of her daughter in my body." Her eyes narrowed.

"Not to mention the whole going for the scepter for the good of humanity." Harry said shaking his head.

"She's gonna pay for that." Hermione whispered bitterly.

"Just how is she going to do that? She is a ghost. There is nothing you can do to her." Ginny said.

"What's going on?" Ginny heard Draco's voice in her ear.

Draco was walking closer to them when he tripped and fell onto them pushing them noisily through the door. The door opened all the way and banged loudly against the wall in the room, making a large clanking noise. Salazar and Rowena turned to find six teenagers lying on the floor in a heap.

"Well look at what we have here." Salazar said with a smirk. "Reporting in for your torture Mudblood? Couldn't wait to get started again I see." He said looking down at Hermione.

The room echoed with the laughter of Death Eaters.

"Oh I suppose you all would like a dose of it, since you are all here. The more the merrier I always say." Salazar.

The Death Eaters continued to laugh as the six teenagers all looked up at their laughing faces. Ice cold chills ran down each of their spines. They were all outnumbered. They would not escape now.


Oh Draco you bad boy for killing your father, I hope it doesn't come back to you one day. Well stay tuned for chapter 25-You've Got Soul.