Unofficial Portkey Archive

Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 8-Fifth Year Reminiscing, Harry's Disapproval

Harry was reading his book alone in the common room, he looked at his watch wondering where Hermione was, she said her research wasn't going to take that much longer, so he agreed to go and wait back up in the tower for her. The portrait hole opened and he heard Ron and Zara talking he looked up from the sofa as he saw them coming inside.

Zara and Ron were walking through the common room, "So you think your friend is going to miss his chance?"

Zara nodded, "yes there's already two others interested in Jewel, if he doesn't do something about it soon. He's really going to miss out, I mean I know he loves her it's so obvious. He's just too chicken to do anything about it."

"Maybe he just doesn't realize it, It's possible he thinks she always going to be there for him."

Ron looked at Harry on the sofa who seemed to be eavesdropping, "right Harry? I mean you know all about that, don't you?" Ron smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes, "leave me out of this." He shook his head and returned to his reading. Although he couldn't concentrate the thought about how he was finally able to get out of Hermione how she felt about when he was with Cho and seeing Ginny occasionally. She told him exactly how conversations went and how she had felt knowing and keeping it all a secret. He had felt bad even though he didn't realize it himself how he felt about her, it still made him a little sad. He leaned his head back against the cushion looking up at the ceiling, his fifth year seemed to rush back in his mind, he could just picture how Hermione-

Leaned her head on Ginny's shoulder, "I knew they were serious, but not that serious."

Ginny put a tender arm around her friend, "I know it's a shock Hermione, I'm pretty shocked myself. Do you think she just said it like that because she knew you were in the library?"

Hermione shook her head "no, she didn't know I was there. Cho told the whole gossiping circle you know."

Nodding, Ginny looked down at Hermione's head on her shoulder "do you ever think you should give up, I mean you know that he will never see you like that." Ginny's heart broke for her friend in hearing Hermione sigh with the realization.

"Perhaps you're right Ginny," Hermione lifted her head off of her friends shoulder, and wiped her silent tears away. "All I've been doing is wasting my time." Hermione turned her wrist over and looked at her watch, "speaking of time, it's nearly dinner. We should head down." Hermione stood.

Ginny looked up at Hermione with a grave expression, "are you going to tell him you know?"

Hermione shook her head, "no. I'm gonna act as if nothing is different. Just like usual."

Standing, Ginny started for the door. "Well let's get going." Ginny and Hermione went down the stairs and out of the tower, they headed towards the great hall. They both saw Ron and Harry in conversation at the table, Ron heard her approach and turned with a smile. He moved over so that she could have her usual seat between the two of them, which she took.

Hermione looked at both of them "you know I was in the library today and I had found the most interesting book on foreign wizarding cultures."

Ron rolled his eyes, "Hermione please we are trying to eat here. School is over for the day. Can't you put the mind to rest just for one minute?"

"A sharp mind is very important Ron." She said.

"Well one of these days your going to puncture someone with that sharp mind of yours." Ron teased.

Hermione's eyes narrowed "well then I wouldn't sit so close to me if I were you, I would puncture you full of holes."

Harry shook his head in silent laughter, through the corner of his eye he saw Justin Finch-Fletchley walking from the Hufflepuff table over to the Gryffindors table. Harry looked up at him with a smile.

"Hi," Justin said then looked past Harry at Hermione's profile. Harry noticed that Justin seemed to flush whenever he looked at her.

Justin took in a deep breath, was going to take the chance this time, he was not going to back down. He had come this far just a little more. Justin slipped around behind Hermione and tapped her gently on the shoulder. He saw her turn around and face him with a smile.

"Hey Justin," She smiled.

Justin felt weak in the knees, he felt the redness rising to his cheeks. He couldn't think of anything to say, his mind was a blank.

This struck both Ron and Harry odd they both turned around to face him, he looked between the both of them and then back at Hermione. He had to say something he was looking like idiot in front of her and her friends. "Hermione, w-would you like to take a-a walk with me?" He asked quietly. Ron and Harry stared at Justin he could feel their eyes on him.

Hermione smiled, "did you want to talk about something you need tutoring on?" She asked pleasantly.

"Not really, but if you want to we can." He answered shyly.

"Sure Justin, I'll take a walk with you." Hermione smiled. She felt a tapping on her shoulder, she turned in the direction and found Harry looking at her with caution.

"Do you really think you should, it's starting to get dark out?" He pointed towards the ceiling.

"Well I'm not afraid of the dark, and besides Justin will be with me so I'm perfectly safe."

Harry nodded, "have fun then." He smiled.

Justin watched as Hermione stood, wow he thought she had grown. She was almost as tall as he was. He was sure five ten wasn't that tall and Hermione was barely half an inch shorter than him. But it didn't matter she was so beautiful, he felt small in comparison to her anyway. All those times he had asked her to help him study were just excuses, all those late nights working in the library was just a ruse to be next to her.

Hermione left the great hall with Justin, Harry and Ron watched the doors close after they watched their friend go through them. "Do you think she's safe with him?" Harry asked.

Ron smirked, "yeah I think so. Harry this is Justin were talking about, he's not going to behave inappropriately towards her. Besides he knows if he did one of use would kill him." Ron picked up his fork and pointed behind Harry "someone is coming to see you Harry."

Harry turned around and Cho came up to him and sat down next to him, "are you busy on Saturday?" She asked with a smile.


"Well that's good, I think we should go to Hogsmeade and spend the day there. What do you think?" She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"That sounds like a good idea." He smiled into her eyes.

"I'm glad you approve." Cho replied, she leaned in closer. "Are you going to come and see me later?" she whispered.

"If you want me to" he stared into her dark eyes.

"Okay then, I'll meet you in the empty class room next to the Charms room at around eleven or so."

Harry nodded and smiled at her. Cho stood, leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and walked off back towards her table. Harry stared after her, he heard Ron coughing breaking the silence.

"So gonna go pay Cho a little visit later are you?" Ron smirked.

"Yeah, so what." Harry grinned.

"I'd be careful if I were you, you could loose your heart to a gal like that." Ron stared at Cho also, "I wonder what she sees in you?" Ron was sarcastic.

"I'm wondering that myself." Harry said truthfully, "I don't know if I'll be able to keep her though. You know she is a year older than us and well I've heard around that it takes quite a lot to keep her happy."

"She seems to be pretty happy with you now." Ron smiled still looking at Cho, "of course I could steal her away from you."

Harry laughed, "right Ron okay, but first you would have to get her attention, for she really has no clue of who you are."

"A minor set back I assure you." Ron grinned.

"Okay, that's enough. That's my girlfriend you're talking about." Harry's eyes narrowed in slight amusement and annoyance.

"Ah you know I'm just playing with you, it's fun to wind you up you know."

Harry lightly punched Ron in the arm, "are you finished yet, there's a few things that we need to work on before I go and make my visit, and I want them to be done before hand."

"Yeah I'm finished, let's go." Ron stood and he and Harry walked from the great hall.


Harry stepped out of the vacant class room closing the door quietly behind him, started walking cautiously back towards Gryffindor tower. He heard voices talking quietly at the top of the stairs; he had a bad habit of eavesdropping on private conversations. He looked down at his watch it was ten after one, he wondered who else was up this late? He stood at the bottom of the stairs seeing the back of someone's head, He recognized that it was Justin's head and he must still be talking to Hermione. That was certainly a long walk they had. Since Harry was able to see past Justin a little bit he found Hermione carrying her school robe, it was draped over her arm. She was looking at Justin with a look of admiration. There was an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach; he vowed never to have Hogwarts lasagna again.

"Well Justin, I'll meet you Saturday morning after breakfast." She glanced about his face, boy he really is a cutie. She thought to herself.

"I'm so glad we got to talking Hermione, and not just about school work too." He smiled into her eyes.

"Yes it was rather fun, wasn't it?" She tilted her head upwards a little, she noticed he wasn't that much bigger than her. So she really didn't have to strain to look him in the eye, unlike Viktor who was huge.

"You know that patch of flowers you were admiring earlier this evening, well when you weren't looking I picked one for you." He pulled his hand from behind him holding out the flower to her.

Hermione flushed, her face lit up. No one had ever given her flowers, let alone one flower to her before. She took the flower from him and smiled into his eyes, "that is just so sweet of you Justin." She leaned over and gave him a quick, light kiss on the cheek.

Justin immediately blushed, "you didn't have to-"

He was interrupted by Hermione giving him another quick kiss directly on the lips, "thank you again Justin." She smiled, "you better go before you get caught, I can always say I was on my way to the bathroom or something like that."

"Alright, I'll see you Saturday." He turned and started down the stairs, Justin heard the portrait swing open and then close. Justin was so happy, he felt he could float on air, not only had Hermione shared the entire evening with him, she kissed him too. What an evening. He didn't look where he was going and almost collided with Harry.

"Hey Justin, be careful huh?" Harry suggested, then his eyes narrowed with suspicion, "what are you doing up this way so late?"

Justin didn't like confrontations so he just started rambling on and on "I was just walking Hermione back to the tower, we had not paid any attention to time it just went by too quickly and before I knew it was nearing one."

"I can't be honest and say that I'm not just a tad concerned with you keeping Hermione out into the wee hours of the night."

"We didn't do anything wrong." Justin felt odd, why was he explaining himself to Harry. He owed him no explanation. "Actually now that I think about it, why am I explaining anything to you?"

"I don't know Justin, do you feel guilty about something? Do you feel you need to explain your actions?" What is this guy really after with Hermione? He thought to himself. He never thought of Justin as shy but really sneaky, he wondered why he was in the Hufflepuff house instead of Slytherin, there was just something about him that wasn't quite right.

"No, I don't feel guilty."

"Then don't explain." Harry said with a smile and passed Justin, he finally entered the common room. He saw Hermione sitting on the sofa looking up at the ceiling, her eyes were closed and she had a huge smile plastered across her face. He saw Ron standing above her talking.

"So he's really alright then?"

Hermione looked at Ron "he is so sweet Ron, I feel this is going to be a really good thing for me. I mean I have tried and tried to get certain peoples attention, you know like my muggle neighbor Carlo. And a few others but it never pans out. I never would have thought in a million years that Justin who is cute mind you, would ever like me."

"Well you are cute." Ron admitted, "any male would be an idiot not to notice you."

"Are you being serious Ron?" She eyed him with suspicion.

"This time yes." He smiled.

"Well then thank you Ron, I will not read any more into that then necessary." She stood, "I better get to sleep, Fridays are my worst days." She turned to find Harry smiling at them.

"What were you two talking about?" He looked at Ron and then back at Hermione.

"Oh nothing really," Why did I just lie? Hermione thought to herself, "actually we were talking about Justin."

"I just passed him walking down from the tower he certainly looked happy."

"Well he had just walked me back here," she paused a minute "by the way, where have you been, it's nearly two?" She had an idea but she wanted to see what he would say.

"Me, well I couldn't sleep so I took a walk" He lied. Why am I lying? He thought to himself, but he didn't say anything more.

"Oh well I hope that walk did some good, I'm going up to bed. Night guys." She smiled and waved to them. Liar she thought to herself as she reached the fifth year girls dorm and went in.


Ron and Harry walked with Cho into the Three Broomsticks and sat down, the waitress came by and took their order, she would return momentarily with their drinks. Ron looked up and noticed Hermione sitting with Justin, she was so involved in her conversation with him. A large smile reached from ear to ear, he could see she was happy. And he felt happy for her. He wondered what a brainy girl and a shy guy could talk about other than school. But she did seem so different out of school, more relaxed if he didn't know any better it was like she had two different personalities.

Cho was talking about the recent match against Huffelpuff with Harry, Ron looked over at him and he was shocked to find him staring in the direction of Justin and Hermione's table. Ron also noticed that Cho didn't have Harry's attention and smirked.

"Harry, are you listening to me?" She waved her hand in front of his face.

"Huh?" He turned back and looked at her. "Did you say something?"

"What are you staring at? You certainly weren't listening to me."

"Oh I was just thinking, you know the O.W.L.S are coming up for me. I just hope I do well." He fibbed with a smile.

Cho eyed him suspiciously, then in the direction of where he was staring. She saw the same thing, Hermione talking with Justin who had a hand on his arm. Cho's eyebrows perked. "Harry your friend, what's her name is here." She said.

"Hermione." He said immediately.

"Yes that's her name, oh my she's here with Justin. That is just so cute. Don't you think so?" Cho smiled looking at Harry, she noticed he smiled briefly but it looked forced. This would be something to talk about with her circle of friends that brainy girl with that very shy guy.

"Certainly, it's real cute." He said not sounding exactly sure. He then gave his attention to Cho when she began her conversation about the Christmas holidays coming up soon.

"Are you staying for the holidays Harry?" She asked politely.

Harry nodded, "you?"

"Yes I am too. A lot of us are staying this year probably because of the Yule ball again this year, are you taking me?"

"Cho I hear a lot about you from other your many exes's, and well if we are still together at that time. Then yes I would like to take you."

"I have a feeling Harry that we will still be together at that time, this is something real for me. You're somewhat becoming important to me."

Harry beamed with pride, "really?"

"Of course." She smiled.

Without a second thought Harry leaned in a kissed her, but she pulled away immediately. He felt slightly confused.

Cho could see his confusion, "Harry please try to control yourself we are in public."

"I can see that." He felt slightly offended.

"There's always a time and place for kissing and other stuff, and being out in public isn't one of them." She said with a slight smile hoping that he could understand.

"Oh, alright then." Harry leaned back against the bench still feeling confused. he noticed that Justin was getting to his feet, he sat money down on the table. Justin reached his hand out and Hermione took it with a smile, she was helped to her feet. Justin still holding her hand walked towards the exit of the Three Broomsticks.

Hermione saw Ron and Harry and waved to them with a huge smile on her face.

They both waved back and then she was gone out the door. Harry looked over at Cho was sipping her drink quietly he then turned and looked at Ron who was munching on some fried potatoes. He was always eating something. Harry shook his head, he needed to get some air. "I'm going for a walk, do you two want to come?"

Ron nodded stuffing the last potatoes into his mouth.

Cho shook her head no, "I still have to finish my drink Harry, but you two may go if you like. You don't have to wait for me." She smiled.

He smiled back, he watched Ron put a little money down on the table, Harry put the rest. And they walked out of the establishment. "You don't think she's angry with me do you?"

"For what? You didn't do anything but try to show a little affection Harry." Ron replied as the two of them walked through the town.

"If I didn't do anything wrong, then-" Harry was interrupted by Ron pulling on his arm. They both stopped walking.

Harry stared at both Justin and Hermione, he just handed her a fist full of daisies which he had just bought from an old lady carrying flowers in a basket. They both watched as Hermione leaned in and kissed Justin on the cheek.

"If I'm going to get a kiss every time I give you flowers Hermione, then you'll be getting tons of them." Justin smiled.

Hermione laughed a little and pushed him slightly in a teasing manner, "you don't have to give me flowers in order for me to give you a kiss. I'd do it without the flowers."

Justin blushed as she took his hand and they continued to stroll through the town, until they reached the lake, no one else seemed to be around.

"Do you want to follow them?" Ron suggested.

"I don't know, do you think we should?" Harry eyed both Justin and Hermione, he didn't like the way his stomach felt when he looked at them.

"Well I'm board so I want to follow them, and with you and your bad eavesdropping habit, you know you want to." Ron smirked.

Harry nodded "Oh alright, let's go."

They both followed close enough to hear their conversation without looking like they were spying.

"Justin if you've had this crush on me for a long time then why didn't you just tell me about it?" Hermione pulled on his arm a bit.

"I thought you wouldn't be interested in me, I'm not the most articulate guy when it comes to talking with girls. And you are just so-" He paused "and smart I didn't think you would go for someone like me."

"Well I am glad you told me now" She smiled.

"So am I," His smile faded, replaced by a look of concern, "do you want to know something terrible. There was this horrible rumor floating around about you." Justin said.

"A rumor about me what kind?" Hermione was very interested.

"A really horrible one, I'm almost afraid of what you'll say when you hear it."

Hermione saw the fearful look in his eye, "Well I won't be able to deny or accept it if you don't tell me what it is." She smiled reassuringly.

Justin sighed, "It's about you and your friends."

"Ron and Harry?" What about me and my friends?"

"Well now I only heard this I don't know who started it. But it has been said that you and your friends have been." He was so uncomfortable "you know um, sharing certain moments." He made a little hand gesture.

Hermione thought a moment then the light bulb came on and she knew what he was talking about, "oh you mean that I'm having sex with my friends. With both of them?" She felt slightly amused.

Justin nodded.

Overhearing, Ron and Harry gasped with shock.

Hermione started to laugh a bit, "so people think that I am sleeping with both of my friends. At the same time?"

"That discussion has come up a few times as well." Justin felt so uncomfortable.

"My what kinky minds people have these days to turn a perfectly innocent girl such as myself into some kind of sex freak, and that I have been doing both of my friends and at the same time too."

"Are you angry?" Justin was cautious.

Hermione started laughing she almost fell over she was laughing so hard, "no I'm not angry, it is just too funny. I can't believe some of these people just trying to make things up. Justin did you believe any of those rumors?" She finally stopped laughing, but still held the smile of amusement.

Harry's face was beet red when he turned to Ron who's face was also very red he matched up with his hair color. "Who would say such a thing, Hermione is our friend we would never do that to her. Nor would she with you or I" He pointed towards Hermione.

Ron now seemed amused, "Well I don't know, do we really know what goes on in Hermione's mind. I mean it is always the quiet ones, or the smart ones that have the really dirty minds. After all she wasn't mad about the rumors."

Harry was shocked, "you wouldn't do that to her would you?"

"I don't know, the thought has crossed my mind a few times." Ron was serious, "I mean I could that's for sure."

"I can't believe you actually think about that?" Harry felt disgusted.

"Oh come on Harry I think about every girl that way, and you are no innocent either. You are constantly staring you just don't realize it."

"I do not." Harry said "and I certainly don't think of our friend, friend" he repeated. "That way."

"Yeah well I do, and I'm not afraid to admit it." Ron looked over at Hermione and Justin, sure he could see himself kissing her, touching her. He always wondered what she looked like naked. Probably beautiful he thought to himself. Ron had noticed since the beginning of this year that she now had a woman's figure, even though she wore the most conservative looking clothing under her robes, lots of knee length skirts. But that was almost a challenge, he so want to see at what she did indeed try to hide.

Harry was glaring at Ron, "you're thinking about her right now aren't you?"

Ron glanced at Harry once and then back in the other direction, "how could I not with the images that just flashed in my head from what we overheard."

Hermione smiled at Justin, "well I'm glad you didn't believe those rumors, because if you had, that could be a reason why you suddenly started taking a notice in me." She searched Justin's eyes for what could be the truth.

Harry and Ron both heard that, "What if that's why he would be interested in her?" Harry thought out loud.

"You don't think someone could just be interested in her just for the hell of it?" Ron's eyes narrowed.

"I didn't mean for it to come out like that, of course there will be guys interested in her. But I just don't know if Justin is all that innocent as he seems."

"Harry your being over protective again, I can hear it in your voice." Ron replied.

Justin stared into her eyes, he was lost completely. "I'm not one to believe the rumor mill, I just didn't want you to find out and be hurt about it. Rumors can be so cruel you know."

Hermione took Justin's hand tenderly, "I don't listen to rumors Justin, they don't bother me because they aren't true."

"You really are an amazing young lady, I can't believe I waited this long to even approach you on other matters besides school."

Hermione looked at Justin, could she see herself with him? She knew he wasn't exactly what she wanted, she so wanted Harry. But he would never want her. Hermione had come to realize that she had been waiting around for nothing. Harry wanted women that looked like Cho, beautiful and elegant. Hermione found herself a bit of a klutz in her recent growth spurt not only did she feel awkwardly tall she occasionally tripped over her own feet. And before she had come back to school her muggle physician told her to get a bigger size bra taking her from a C cup to a full D cup which made Hermione very self conscious, she was determined to cover herself up even more. She was so jealous of Cho being smaller with a more easily manageable figure. Plus she played Quidditch where as Hermione could just do without that boring game.

She saw Justin gazing at her, Hermione felt that Justin found her beautiful and smart, More than just a big brain with no feelings or desires. He wanted to be with her. He was with her right now. She saw him lean slowly closer to her, all she could do was stare. She knew Justin was going to try and kiss her. Should she move away, should she say no? Or should she just go for it, like anyone else would. This could be her chance to be happy, Harry wasn't the one for her he is already sleeping with Cho, that's usually a sign of a very serious relationship. He was not waiting around for her, she was the one waiting around for him. No more! Her head shouted.

Harry and Ron both stared as they saw Justin move closer and press his lips against Hermione's. For some reason Harry felt a bit of relief for it was just a soft and gentle kiss, but his relief faded when he saw Hermione's mouth open and Justin expertly thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

Hermione dropped the flowers from her hand and arms went around Justin, clinging to him as mouth played against hers. His tongue battling with hers, deepening her desire. She could feel the passion burning within her. Wow he knows what he's doing. Her head commented, a small blissful cry came from within her. Justin ripped his mouth from hers, only to kiss her cheek, down her neck. Hermione threw her head back a little feeling his mouth very hot on neck, and up the side. She felt her knees and limbs failing her. Justin crushed her harder against him, her bosom pressed up against his chest, his mouth claimed hers again hot, devouring her very soul.

Ron and Harry could not move, they wanted to escape what they were seeing, but their legs wouldn't work. Nor could they take their eyes from it.

Harry felt violently ill, and not to mention really, really angry. He looked over at Ron who just seemed mesmerized as if he were enjoying all of this as he knew of his friend's voyeuristic ideas.

Hermione never felt more alive in her entire life as she was kissing Justin whom she thought was very shy and quiet. Something was amiss, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was. She felt his hand travel from her back around her front, to press against the top of her shirt wandering downward to her- He knows what he's doing!! Her head shouted a warning this time, with her head spinning she immediately pushed away. Hermione almost fell backwards but Justin caught her by the elbows steadying her. She stepped back from him a little staring at him. Her face was so flushed that you could probably pick her out if you were in an airplane flying over head. She crossed her arms over her bosom protectively. "Justin?" She breathed sucking in air.

Justin knew she was suspicious of something he could see it in her eyes, "Ah, Hermione. I'm sorry I lost my head."

"That." She took a breath, "is an understatement." She was glaring with suspicion.

"I know what you must be thinking." He said

"Do you?" She turned from him slightly, "Justin why are you here with me?"

"Hermione, I'm sorry if I was a bit forward. You have already done so much for me I just wanted to please you." He said with sincerity.

Hermione stared if her face could have gotten any redder it would have, she stepped closer to him. "Justin can I ask you a question?"

He nodded.

"For such a shy person as you are, where in the world did you learn to kiss like that?" She praised with a smile.

"I have had girlfriends before Hermione. And I really, really like you, and I wanted to impress you."

Hermione grinned, "well you certainly did a lot more than just impress me Justin."

"So you liked it?"

"You have no idea." She said with even more praise. "We should start heading back now, I've got some studying to do."

"Certainly." Justin smiled.

Both Hermione and Justin turned to walk back but instead they found Ron and Harry just staring at them. "Uh hey guys." Hermione smiled feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Hermione, Justin." Ron said his voice a little higher, he coughed trying to get it to work right.

Oh hell Hermione thought rolling her eyes. Those two must have seen her and Justin. She dared to ask "so, how long were you guys standing there?"

"Long enough to see you sucking face with him." Harry said bitterly pointing towards Justin.

Hermione was only slightly confused by Harry's tone of voice, o-k-a-y she thought to herself. Hermione shook her head and grabbed Justin's hand, "come on we should get going." Both she and Justin walked past Ron and Harry. Justin turned around feeling someone staring at him, sure enough there were eyes upon him, Harry's eyes and he had never looked angrier, or was it jealousy? But it couldn't be Justin thought. Was Harry jealous of me? Justin said to himself. He was delighted that someone was actually jealous of him. He turned all the way around walking with Hermione. He looked over at her, she was so incredibly beautiful. He suddenly felt very lucky.


After hearing from Hermione about her almost having slept with Justin, Harry was not happy about that at all. Ron had told him a million times not to interfere, that it was really none if either of their business who she wanted to be with. Harry decided to confront Justin anyway. his arms crossing over his chest, "Justin we need to have a little talk."

Justin looked up from the library table and sat his quill down, "what about?"

"About Hermione."

"Well what about her?" Justin didn't like the tone in Harry's voice.

Harry reached up and scratched the back of his head, "you care about her don't you?"

"Of course I do." Justin felt really nervous.

"And you want to make her happy don't you?"

"More than anything,"

"Oh that's really nice of you" Harry said trying to avoid sounding sarcastic, "but if you really want to make Hermione happy you should stay away from her."

Justin's eyes narrowed, "how would my staying away from her make her happy, I don't see the logic in that?"

"I know when someone is trying to take advantage of another."

Justin was shocked "I most certainly am not taking advantage of her." He was angry.

"Come on now tell me the truth. I'm a guy just like you I know what's on your mind. What have you heard, what's been floating around?"

Justin stared, "it is true then, those things people have been saying true?" He felt his temper boil.

Harry knew what Justin was referring to, it wasn't true but he also wasn't going to deny it either. This guy was not right for Hermione at all and he would make sure that Justin Finch-Fletchley stays clear of her even if he had to lie through his teeth to make sure of it. "If Hermione wants you to know the truth she will tell you."

"She did tell me, she said it wasn't true." Justin looked up, "then again she wasn't even shocked or angry." He stared down at the table, "And I have been wondering why she would suddenly stop me the other night. She must have been feeling really guilty about something, but she wouldn't say what it was." Justin looked up at Harry with absolute loathing, "here I have been thinking that she is honest and good and it turns out she's the exact opposite?" Justin abruptly stood and shoved his papers into his bag without sealing it, he swung it over his shoulder and left the library.


Hermione was coming down the stairs and she saw Justin rushing from his class, "Justin hold up a minute."

Justin turned glaring at her, "what do you want?"

She hadn't been imagining it, he was angry with her. Sure he hadn't spoken to her since she stopped him the other night, she figured he was kind of upset and needed some time to himself. "Justin are you angry with me for what happened the other night? Look I told you it just didn't feel like the right time you know."

"Why did you lie to me?" Justin glared.

"Lied, I never lied to you about anything." Hermione stepped down the stairs looking at him feeling so very confused.

"Yes you did, you told me those rumors weren't true." He almost shouted

Hermione stared, he was back on these rumors again, she thought they were dead and buried. "They aren't, why are you believing them all of a sudden, I have done nothing but been totally honest and straightforward with you."

"I don't believe you, how can I believe you?" Justin sounded desperate.

"Justin I don't understand why you don't believe me? What could I have possibly done to have you mistrust me?"

"Oh I don't know, why don't you ask your friends?"

"What does Ron or Harry have to do with this?"

"Don't ask me you're the one messing around with them." Justin was very sarcastic.

"I am doing no such thing, what has led you to believe that I am?"

Justin searched her eyes she looked like she was telling the truth, "well then if you aren't then why did your friend Harry approach me the other day?"

"What?" Hermione looked around for a moment, then into his eyes "what did you just say?"

Justin explained to her what he had been told and the conversation that went on, Hermione stared in disbelief.

"Well Justin it's not true, don't believe it." Hermione felt her temper rising, "Please wait right here for me, I'll be right back."

"Oh I don't know."

"Just give me a moment, I have to go kill Harry."

Justin nodded and watched Hermione turn and sprint back up the stairs.

Hearing a loud and violent banging on the door Ron answered it he saw Hermione on the other side looking absolutely furious. He knew who she was looking for, "Hi Hermione did you want to come in?"

Hermione looked passed Ron right at Harry, she pushed the door open walking right up to him. "What do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms in anger, staring at him.

Harry had never seen his friend so angry with him before, "what do you mean?"

"Why did you say those things to Justin?"

"What did I say?"

"Don't play dumb you know what I'm talking about," Her eyes narrowed.

"I had to say something to him."

"Why?" She threw her arms up in frustration and anger.

Harry stared, "I don't think Justin is the right person for you, I mean he's clearly taking advantage of you." He looked away from her angry face.

"No he's not, he really likes me Harry he does." Her gaze dropped to the floor for a moment. "I know it's probably difficult for you or Ron to accept or believe the fact that someone other than you two wants to be around me." Hermione's gaze met up with his, "I know Ron's complaints and I know about yours, but Ron is not going up to him and feeding him a bunch of lies. Why are you behaving like that?"

"Like I said he's not right for you?" Harry said firmly.

"I think I'm a better judge of who's right for me," she sighed, her temper settling. "Harry you are my friend, and I listen to your opinions and I take a great deal of thought into what you say. But you have no right to interfere in my personal life like that, I know you meant well, but please stay out of it. Who I want to be with is my business and my business alone."

"You could be making a terrible mistake you know?" His eyes narrowed.

"If I am, then it's my mistake to make."

"Well if it turns out that way, and you find out the truth about him then don't come crying to Ron or I because you told us not to get involved in your personal life." He was bitter.

Hermione's eyes narrowed "fine if you want to be an ass about it. Just stay out!" She turned on her heels and left the room slamming the door behind her.


It was the third time he stepped on her toes, and he could see she was getting mad.

"Okay that's enough, maybe we should sit this one out." Cho said and she took Harry's hand walking back to the table. She sat down.

Harry shook his head and sat down next to her, he looked through the students finding Hermione looking for someone herself. He saw Fred go up to her handing her a cup of punch.

"Here," Fred said with a smile. He noticed her troubled look and his smile faded "so he hasn't come back yet?"

Hermione shook her head, "It's really strange, he said he would be right back and it's been at least a half hour or more." She lifted up the sleeve on her lavender robe and looked at her watch, "I have a really bad feeling."

Ginny walked into the great hall with a grave expression on her face, she saw Ron sitting with Lavender, Harry and Cho. She was still looking for Hermione. She lifted her head and scanned the whole room, there she was standing by the refreshment table talking to Fred. Ginny quickly rushed up to her.

Both Harry and Ron followed Ginny with their eyes, Ginny pulled on Hermione's arm getting her attention, Harry noticed how much taller Hermione was than Ginny, when did that happen? He thought. "Ron how tall is your sister?"

"I don't know maybe five three or four something like that, why?"

Harry shook his head, "I was just wondering, that's all."

Ginny put her mouth next to her ear and started talking to her. Hermione's head snapped towards Ginny, her eyes wide with horror. She looked towards the great hall doors and sprinted leaving through them. Ginny started to run after her. But when she passed by Ron, he quickly grabbed her arm.

"Gin what's going on?"

Ginny looked towards the doors and then back at Ron, she didn't say anything shrugging her shoulders. She pulled her arm from his grasp and ran for the doors as well.

"Something is wrong." Ron said to Harry.

"If it has something to do with Hermione and Justin then I don't want to know about it. We are not suppose to get involved remember." Harry said looking towards the doors and then back at Cho who was smiling at him.

"Actually it was only you who was not supposed to get involved; I'm still on her good side." Ron smirked.

"Well that's the last time I ever help her, she doesn't realize how sneaky that Justin Finch-Fletchley is. She'll just have to learn the hard way and face the music on her own."

"Would you like to take a walk with me Harry." Cho asked with a sly smile trying to get his attention off of his female friend.

He nodded, "sure." They both stood.

Ron watched them go out the doors, he then stood. He was going to find out what all the trouble with Hermione was about. He went through the doors hearing thunderous footsteps along the hall upstairs hearing a door slam and open again. Someone was screaming apologies very fast and very loud. Ron turned to find Harry and Cho just staring up at the stairs watching Hermione who was now running down with Justin chasing after her.

"Hermione please wait, I can explain everything." Justin was trying to keep up with her a clear desperation in his voice.

Hermione spun glaring with angry tears in her eyes, "fuck off. Oh wait you were already doing that!"

"It didn't mean anything." He stared at her on the lower step, "honest."

She couldn't think of anything to say all she did was shake her head back and forth, "oh God!" She finally said her voice was strained, full of hurt and betrayal. Hermione turned and started down the stairs again. She raced towards the main doors of Hogwarts pulled them open running out into the night air.

Justin stared at the open doors she just went through he had made the worst mistake of his life. He lost the girl he admired for so long, only because he gave into his cravings with that Blaise. He kicked the wall next to him, Justin looked down and found many pairs of eyes on him, especially the very angry gazes of Hermione's friends, Cho had a slight amused expression on her face. He turned and walked slowly back up the stairs, he didn't want to mess with them right now, they looked like they were going to really hurt him.

Ron looked towards the open doors of Hogwarts "I'll see you two later." He said and swiftly left through them.

Harry turned to Cho, "I think we should have our walk later."

Cho put her hands on her hips, "why?"

"I really should go with Ron and see what all the trouble was about."

Cho's eyes narrowed, she knew he was going to run to that Hermione girl. "Well alright Harry, just make it quick." Cho forced a smile.

Harry returned the smile and placed a tender hand on her shoulder then went out the main doors.

Ron saw a figure sitting on a bench looking straight ahead, he knew it was Hermione. He walked over to her, "Is this seat taken?" He smiled, he could hear the music from the great hall, the ball was still going strong.

Hermione looked up at him, tears streaked down her cheeks. She moved over a bit and Ron sat down next to her. "Ron what are you doing? I'm not suppose to be running to you guys."

"Actually I came running to you, so it doesn't count." He looked at her.

She shook her head, "what's the matter with me, why wasn't I enough for him?"

Ron put an arm around her, and she leaned placing her head against his shoulder. "Hermione it is not you at all, Justin is a fool."

"Well then why do I feel like the fool?"

"I wish I knew what to say Herm, but what I do know is that this will pass. You won't feel like a fool for long."

"I hope you're right." Hermione pulled her head from off of Ron's shoulder.

Ron stood "are you coming back inside?"

Hermione looked up at him "no, I'm going to stay out here longer."

"Don't stay out here too long you might catch a cold." Ron smiled and then turned to walk back into the school. He saw Harry coming towards him, "what are you doing here, I thought you were taking a walk with Cho?"

"I'm still going to, just a little bit later." He looked towards Hermione "Is she alright?"

Ron nodded "she'll live, it's not entirely the end of the world."

Harry looked passed him as Hermione stood crossing her arms protectively, hugging herself staring out at the lake.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Ron wondered.


"And what did you tell her recently that she better not come crying to us. Yet you are still going to her in her time of need?" Ron held back his laughter. "And what were we just talking about?"

"Ron please shut up." Harry was sarcastic.

Ron shook his head back and forth and started back towards the school.

Harry approached Hermione who obviously didn't know he was standing there. "Hermione? Seeing her turn and look at him, it was pure agony seeing her like this. He held his arms out "come here." He noticed she didn't move only stared at him, probably remembering what he had said to her before. "I take back what I said, come here. Please?"

She went to him, and felt his arms close around her. She rested her head against his shoulder. It was the most wonderful feeling, but he would soon let her loose and go off with Cho. What another heartbreaking thought. But he wasn't going to Cho right now, and Hermione would hold on to him as long as she could. Her embrace tightened, she wasn't going to let him go just yet.

Now he really noticed her height, wow she was just about as tall as he was. He glanced down the length of her wondering how her height was practically keeping up with his. Would he ever be taller than her? He thoughts went to Cho being just about as tall as Ginny, and it wasn't a bad thing that Cho was small. He always had to bend down so much to hug or even kiss her. "Will you be alright?" Harry asked quietly, returning his attention to his brokenhearted friend.

Hermione nodded a little, "I'll get through it I know I will."

"I don't know what happened, but I can make a guess." Harry tightened his arms around her more, wondering if he was even making her feel slightly better.

"Your guess would probably be correct," she sighed. "I saw him with that, that-" She couldn't finish her thoughts out loud.

"Well at least you know the truth about him now, right?"

Hermione nodded, "I suppose I should have listened to you in the first place, and I wouldn't be feeling this way right now."

"Now don't gloat or anything, but you were right. I shouldn't have tried to interfere in your personal life. I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but you know I worry about you."

"I know you do."

From the top of the stairs Cho crossed her arms, she was not happy.


Uh-Oh Cho knows something is up, she's not stupid. She's a Ravenclaw remember. Anyway stay tuned for Chapter 9 Fifth year Reminiscing part two. Scandalous Hermione? Please Read and Review, thanks Ryoko