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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 15-Another Day, Another Duel

Harry and Hermione came into the dinning room, Ron looked up from his breakfast grinning, a very wide and very annoying grin.

"What?" Harry and Hermione asked at the same time.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Ron said returning to his scrambled eggs.

"Have fun last night?" Zara looked up at them with a smirk of her own.

Harry and Hermione's faces flushed, they both looked at each other with the same expression mirrored in each other's gaze. They know.

"Maybe if you two weren't so loud we wouldn't be having this conversation." Ron smirked again.

Both Harry and Hermione looked at him, glaring. "Sod off Ron." They said in unison. They both looked at each other and immediately broke into laughter. They sat down to enjoy their breakfast.

Zara was helping herself to some scrambled eggs when she looked at Harry and Hermione with a dreamy expression on her face. Knowing that they were truly in love, she was just so happy for them. She immediately shook her head coming back to reality.

"Well today is going to be fun, I'm going to take you three to pier thirty nine."

"Pier thirty nine?" Harry asked as he poured some cranberry juice into his cup.

Zara nodded "Yep, it's a muggle tourist trap. But I love going there just the same, also there is the Koit tower to see if you want. It's a really beautiful view of the almost the whole city, and it's a very clear day so it would be an excellent time to see the tower." She smiled at her friends then continued with her breakfast.

Crystal walked into the kitchen holding a stack of papers, she took a glass off the table and poured herself some orange juice. She looked up at her daughter, "Zara I need your help at the club before you leave for your activities today."

Zara put a piece of ham into her mouth nodding, she wiped her mouth with the napkin. "Certainly, but what about Candice? Isn't that what you're paying her for?"

"Yes, but as you know there are just some things" She put an emphasis on the word things, "that Candice can not know how to get into."

"Sure Ma, we'll be there after breakfast." Zara smiled up at her mother.

Crystal gave a small nod then looked at Zara's friends, "well have a good breakfast." And she turned and walked out of the room.

After breakfast was over Zara, Ron, Harry and Hermione found themselves at the club. Zara was at the computer putting information into a secret file concerning money and she really didn't want to go to the bank to put money into the accounts so she told Ron she was doing online banking which was a lot easier and faster then doing it at the bank.

Ron very interested in what online banking was sat next to Zara watching the screen, the internet was explained to Ron and he so wanted to try using it. He might never be able to use it again. She smiled at him, promising him that before their trip was over he would have a shot on the internet, and that she would introduce him to some of her friends she had met in chat groups and message forums.

"I never knew Muggles were so clever, to be able to talk to people on the other side of the world is completely astounding. They sure do a lot without the use of magic." He now knew why his father was so bent on muggle rights and inventions. But he wouldn't become obsessed with it like his father had become.

Guido came into the office with a smile, "Hey Zara would you and your friends like something to drink, you guys have been here a few hours." He asked with a smile.

They all nodded and Zara finished up on the computer, she stood and stretched her arms up way over her head.

"Yeah, that would be great." Zara said and they all left the office following Guido to the bar area where he turned on the tap, he offered them cola or lemon lime soda, they could have juice too if they wanted. After getting the approved beverages they sat at the bar and drank the choices slowly.

As they were drinking, the back door opened and Candice walked it, with her oh so normal snobbish look, as if to say I'm better than you know matter what you have.

"Good morning all." Candice said taking a seat at the bar next to Zara.

Ron who was also sitting next to Zara could feel the anger just rising from Zara as she sat there trying to calmly drink her beverage.

"What no welcome for me?." Candice scanned their faces, she did not like feeling left out of anything. "Well no matter, I'm here now and that's all that's important."

Zara turned with a forced smile upon her lips, "go away Candice, nobody wants you here."

"Sorry Zara, I can not leave I have work to do."

"Then why don't you go and do it then." Ron smirked.

Candice glared at Ron, "well aren't we touchy this morning." She got off her stool and walked over to Ron who was sitting next to Harry, she threw her nose in the air at Ron, but gave Harry all her attention.

"So how is Mr. Popularity this morning?" Candice asked with a smile trying to capture his gaze. She was very frustrated when he wouldn't even look her in the eye.

Harry could see Hermione glaring at Candice out of the corner of his eye. Trying to sooth her mind Harry covered Hermione's hand with his.

Hermione looked at him with a smile, and she saw Harry look at Candice, directly in the eyes.

"I suggest you find someone else to flirt with." Harry said, "I'm already spoken for." And he gave Hermione's hand a gentle squeeze.

Candice shrugged, "you don't know what you're missing then."

"I'm not missing anything, I have everything and everyone I need." He turned to Hermione with a smile.

Candice had never felt so inadequate in her entire life, by now she would have had these guys begging at her feet, but they were barely acknowledging her presence. And she did not like that at all.

Ron smirked seeing the distress on the young lady's face, he turned to Harry, "this is the time when you're suppose to kiss your love Harry."

Hermione sipped from her glass then sat it down back on the bar, "oh he doesn't need any excuse to- " She was cut off as Harry's mouth was now on hers in a powerful, deep kiss. Their arms found their way around each other.

Candice rolled her eyes at seeing the passionate interplay between those two and stepped away from them, she walked back over to where Zara was.

"You think you're so perfect Zara, you and your little friends." Candice was bitter.

Zara looked at Candice like she had grown another nose, "what are you talking about?"

"But you and I both know what you really are."

Zara stood her hands planting firmly on her hips "and what am I Candice?" She was trying to control her anger.

"Nothing but trash Zara, that's what you are. Even your father knew that, that's why he never came to see you. He doesn't want anything to do with you or your Mudblood mother you half breed. He screwed her good and left her pregnant. You were just a mistake, one he didn't want to deal with."

Ron abruptly stood knowing what Zara's reaction would be; every time Hermione was insulted like that Ron would always jump to her defense. Now it's true that Zara wasn't muggle born she was at least a half blood, but he knew the comment still hurt. He put a hand on Zara's shoulder he could feel her shaking with fury.

Her arms fell to their sides, where her fists clinched hard and her knuckles turning white. "How dare you talk about my family, when yours consists of a bunch of freakin' Death Eaters."

Candice was completely furious at that remark, "take that back." She said through clenched teeth.

"The truth hurts doesn't it Candice?"

"How dare you! You have insulted me and my family. I challenge you to a witches duel."

"Are you stupid or something? You couldn't beat me in the dueling club at school, what makes you think you could do it with your life at risk?" Zara tilted her head still glaring at Candice.

"What's the matter Zara, is the pampered British life making you soft, are you refusing my challenge?" There was amusement in her tone.

"I'm not soft Candice, fine I accept your challenge."

"Meet me at Elius Boarderus Road by the old mill at midnight tonight, there we'll settle this." She turned to walk up the stairs to the office then spun around, her blonde hair whipping harshly behind her. "And remember to bring your second, someone to take your place when I kill you." And with that she disappeared into the office.

"Zara have you gone mad, why did you just accept that challenge? It's illegal to use magic off of Hogwarts grounds." Hermione replied

"Not here it isn't, the American Bureau of Magic does not prohibit dueling. They think it's a way for us to build up our defenses in case You-Know-Who should make an appearance here. I know he wants European domination at the moment, but his forces are forming here now as well. We need to keep on full alert and protect ourselves." Zara lifting her wrist, glancing down at her watch. It was getting it was already a quarter after twelve. "Well we should get going if you wanna see the sites of muggle San Francisco, it gets really crowded and then we won't find a good parking place."

They left the club and headed towards the tourist sites of San Francisco they went to a hidden wizard bank and exchanged their money for American muggle dollars.

After a visit to the Koit Tower, they made their way to pier thirty nine which was quite an experience.

The smells of seafood cooking filled the air with a wonderful aroma, yes there was no other place like it in the world. The crowds of many tourists also flooded the pier with their loved ones and friends. Ron had bought his sister a pink muggle t-shirt with a small picture of a sunset over the pier and the words San Francisco were written in lavender with an elegant cursive script.

They looked out on the ocean and they could see that muggle prison Alcatraz way out there in the middle of the cold looking water. The large prison sat on a rocky cliff. It was said to be impossible to escape from, and it was. Zara told them that the prison housed the most notorious criminals during the nineteen thirties and forties; it wasn't in use any more. But you could take a tour of the famous prison. Unfortunately the tours weren't running at that time of day.

Harry looked at the prison and immediately thought of Azkaban, and how Sirius was doing this holiday season. (A/N: Hmm? Do you think Rowling's had Alcatraz in mind when she thought of the wizard prison Azkaban? Well it's just a thought.) He knew Sirius was expecting him to come home, but was sure Sirius understood that he wanted to spend time with his friends and see a different culture since he never got to travel anywhere before.

Also wondering what it was like for Sirius being in a prison like that? Kept away from everything he loved, he never even committed the crime. A great part of his life had been wasted and he would never be able to get it back.

Hermione noticed Harry blankly staring, she slipped her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He looked over at her.

"Harry, are you alright?"

Harry nodded, "yeah I was just thinking about Sirius."

She slipped an arm around Harry. "At least he's been cleared now, and he's finally getting back into society."

"They just took so many years of his life away."

"Well now he can make up for lost time with his loved ones and friends, you should at least be happy about that."

"I am happy about that Hermione." He smiled briefly putting his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side.

"Let's go get something to eat already, I'm starved." Ron said

They grouped together and decided where to go for dinner.


Around midnight they stood by the old mill at Elius Boarderus Road waiting for Candice to show, Zara knew she would be bringing a whole group just to see her defeat.

"I know it comes at rather last minute, but Hermione could you, no would you be my second. You know Just in case?" Zara looked at Hermione with a hopeful look

"Sure Zara." Hermione said with half a smile, she was about to say something else when out of the corner of her eye she saw Candice followed by a group of people walk up to them.

Candice smirked, which in fact made her look a lot like Draco Malfoy. Zara knew she was no relation to that no good Malfoy but she supposed that all evil smirks tend to look alike.

"I see you decided to show up and not chicken out Zara, remember we're not on Salemston's grounds, no one to cut off the pain and suffering I will inflict upon you."

A harsh laugh burst out of Zara.

"You have been watching way too many muggle movies Candice."

"I'm gonna wipe that smile of that horrid face of yours Zara Reynolds." Candice glared.

Zara rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get this over with." Zara replied as she pulled her wand from a secure belt loop.

Candice had hers ready as they bowed to each other. Candice was about to speak when she heard Zara shout with her wand pointed right at her

"Furnunculus!" Zara's wand was pointed at Candice's face

All at once boils popped up all over Candice's skin and she growled.

"Look what you did to me!"

Knowing how vain Candice was Zara took this opportunity, shouting more hexes her way.

"Tarantallegra! Rictusempra!"

Candice's feet started dancing about and at the same time she couldn't help the uncontrollable laughter as she felt the savage tickling running through her body.

A dark haired man from the crowd pointed a wand at Zara and was about to cast a spell.

"Expellarmus!" Hermione shouted with her wand extended and the man's wand flew from his hand into her own. "I don't think so." Hermione said with a smirk. The dark haired man glared at Hermione as she tucked his wand into her pocket.

"Finite Incantatum." Candice gasped out ending all curses upon her person. "Incendo!" Candice also shouted aiming her wand at Zara's feet but Zara jumped out of the way of the way before the curse reached her.

Candice and Zara shot a good number of hexes at each other some of which Harry had never heard of. Zara was bent over gasping for air as was Candice.

In a flash Zara stood upright.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Zara shouted pointing her wand at Candice and she lifted up into the air.

"Finite Incantatum." Candice shouted in panic, she forgot she was at least five feet or more off the ground. The spell ended and she landed down on the ground, the wind knocked out of her, her vision a little blurry.

With her wand still extended protecting herself Zara walked over to Candice looking down at her. Zara found Candice glaring up at her.

Knowing that she never really was very good at dueling, Candice was even angrier at having been embarrassed in front of all these people. Her foot shot up kicking Zara in the shin, which brought Zara down to the ground. Candice crawled over to Zara and attempted to punch Zara in the face, and at the last second Zara turned her head to avoid Candice's fist.

Two people from Candice's group of followers went over to Candice and attempted to pull Candice off of Zara. They were expecting a duel not a brawl. Candice kicking and screaming to be let go as they pulled her from Zara.

Ron and Harry went to help Zara up off the ground.

"You okay?" Ron asked concerned.

"Yeah, did you see that I won." She smiled triumphantly.

Zara's triumph was short lived as Candice managed to break free from her friends grasp and charged at an unsuspecting Zara, Candice jumped on Zara's back knocking her to the ground again. Harry, Ron and Hermione attempted to help pull Zara and Candice apart as the two girls were fighting on the ground. Candice was on top of Zara her hands around her neck attempting to choke the life out of her. Zara clawed at Candice's wrists, digging her fingernails into her skin.

That wasn't working to well, Zara reached up scratching five fingernail marks across Candice's perfect cheek drawing blood, and her leg shot up kicking Candice in the back with a force that made Candice released the hold on Zara's neck, and fall to the side.

Hermione, Ron and Harry had their wands extended going to stop this insane fighting, but the dark haired man stood in front of them who was no longer glaring.

"Let them fight it out," He said calmly. "This has been building up in the two of them for a long time."

"They are going to kill each other if we don't do something." Ron replied.

"This has nothing to do with you three, this has everything to do with Zara and Candice. Don't interfere."

Hermione pulled out that man's wand and handed it back to him. "Don't cause any more trouble."

He glared taking his wand from her and turned his attention to Candice and Zara.

Ron couldn't help feeling sick with worry at Zara fighting with Candice. It looked like a really bad fight he wanted it to stop, yet he knew that sometimes you just have to let things go till the end.

Both girls had managed to get to their feet at one point during the fighting, Zara was punching Candice in the face, she had done it a good couple of times. Candice then fell to her knees. Zara wiped the blood flowing from her nose with a shaking hand.

Candice looked up her face was scratched, bruised and bloody, her eyes were stinging and her nose felt broken, she tried to glare but found it extremely difficult to do anything with her face.

"I hate you Zara Reynolds," She was exhausted and sore from fighting.

Zara shook her head back and forth looking down at the pitiful girl, "I really don't care." She turned back facing Ron, Harry and Hermione who cringed at the sight of her all broken and bruised. Unconsciously they touched their own faces as if they could feel the pain as well.

Candice was determined to get the last word even if she had been defeated.

"You're a waste of humanity Zara, if you ever wonder why your father doesn't love you? It's because you're just like your mother and he knows what becomes of whores-"

Candice was cut off because Zara's foot lifted kicking her in the face casing the girl to fall back to the ground unconscious. Zara was breathing hard from anger, exhaustion and pain.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione came up behind Zara and watched as Candice's group levitated the unconscious girl.

"Her reputation will never be the same Zara, you have really beaten her down." The dark haired man said.

"I know Gary, well she had it coming. I really have no idea why she despises me so?"

The dark haired man nodded. "It's because you're better than her at everything. You never really had the kind of benefits that she had and you still manage to come out on top."

Zara smiled though it hurt and patted him on the shoulder.

"Thanks Gary, I'll see you around."

Zara turned to walk away and wobbled a bit, Ron reached out to steady her.

"Can you walk? Do you need me to carry you?" Ron offered.

"No thanks Ron I can manage." Zara started walking again, then felt a bit dizzy and wobbled.

Without asking permission, Ron bent down and scooped her up cradling her in his arms.

"Look I said I was fine, you don't have to do this." She struggled trying to get out of his hold.

"Zara I know your tough, but you can hardly walk." Ron replied as he held her tighter.

Zara stopped struggling and let Ron carry her to the Golden Swan Inn where they would floo back to her house.

They landed in the fireplace in Zara's living room one by one, they heard a glass fall and break. Zara's mother stood up from the sofa in shock.

"What in heavens name happened to you Zara?!" Crystal maintained a calm voice but you could tell she was angry. "Don't tell me you got into another fight?"

"Alright I won't tell you." Zara snapped at her mother.

Crystal sucked in a breath as her temper was starting to boil. "Kitchen… Young lady… Now!" Crystal was livid. She was struggling to control her temper.

Zara turned and walked into the kitchen with her mother trailing behind her. As soon as the kitchen door closed you could hear muffled yelling on the other side from both Zara and Crystal.

Even though they couldn't really understand what was being said, Harry, Hermione and Ron looked worriedly at each other hearing the yelling going on in the other room.

The front door opened and Guido who was whistling walked in the house, he heard the yelling going on in the kitchen. He looked over at the other three teenagers, Harry and Hermione were holding on to each other while Ron was just standing there with his arms folded across his chest. He walked up to them.

"What's the trouble?"

"Zara got into a fight." Harry replied.

"Ah," Guido nodded and he walked towards the kitchen.

The yelling had died down and he opened the door to the kitchen. The sound of someone crying came from the open door. Harry, Ron and Hermione darted over to the open door and saw Zara and her mother.

They were both sitting in chairs at kitchen table and Crystal had pulled Zara into a really tight embrace, while her daughter cried. She stroked her daughter's purple hair, which was starting to lose its color, the black roots were really visible.

"Zara, it doesn't matter what that Candice says. You are not trash." Crystal pulled her daughter back, her hands framing her face. "You are a bright and wonderful young lady, it's Candice who is trash for saying such things. And it is quite noble of you to defend your family, no matter what."

Zara sniffed trying to get control of her emotions, she wiped her tears away with two fingers. She smiled a bit.

"Here, here what's all this about?" Guido said with half a grin. "Did I hear you got into a fight Zara Reynolds?" He crossed his arms sternly.

Zara looked to the floor feeling uncomfortable, she knew Guido was disappointed in her. She should have stopped the fight with magic but she let it continue to the end.

"Just tell me one thing." He said very seriously.

Zara's head snapped up looking him in the face, her eyes red from tears.

"Did yah win?" Guido grinned.

"Yes," Zara smiled. She could hear the laughter coming from her friends who were standing behind Guido.

"Now." Crystal interrupted their laughter, she stood and walked over to the counter and opened a drawer pulling out her wand. She walked back over to her daughter and sat down. "Let's see what we can do about these injuries." Crystal immediately and began healing her daughters cuts, bruises and anything else that was broken.

After a long half hour of mending her daughters wounds, some of them wouldn't heal all the way by magic, they would have to heal the muggle way. Crystal stood up and stretched. "Well Guido and I will be leaving for our vacation tomorrow, but don't worry we'll be back to take you four to the airport. Have a good Christmas. With that she shooed the teens off to bed.

After readying themselves for bed and brushing their teeth, Ron saw Hermione pull Harry by the hand into her room this time. He smiled to himself then watched Zara's movements, he could tell she was still in a little bit of pain. He opened the door to his room, but Zara stopped him, putting her hand on his.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Into my room?" He asked slightly confused.

"I would really appreciate it, if you would come with me in my room, I really don't want to do anything, but I don't want to be by myself either."

Ron understood as she took his hand and they walked into her room, down at the end of the hallway.

They snuggled close together under the blankets, after awhile Zara heard the steady heartbeat and Ron's quiet breathing. Finally, she was drifting to sleep as well, with one last movement she snuggled closer to Ron, sleep overcame her and she was at the God of Slumber's mercy- She was standing with her hands folded behind her back, her head was lowered as her master paced back and forth, yelling at her.

"I don't care what my son has told you, you belong to me. You are my property, do you understand."

She nodded.

"I know Ulrich gave you permission for that idiot Kai Huffelpuff to visit you, but I forbid it." He lifted his head yelling at the door. "Ulrich get in here!"

In an instant the door opened and Ulrich stepped into room.

"Yes father, you wanted to see me."

"You gave my slave permission to be with another man?" Salazar glared.

"If I'm not mistaken father I thought she was my property?" Ulrich looked up at his father.

"Everything in this house belongs to me, you own nothing boy. And that includes her." He pointed to Leelee.

"She wants to be with Kai, who am I to stop it?" Ulrich wanted to kick himself why had he said that in front of his father.

Salazar raised his fist as if to strike him for his insolence, but his fist stopped in mid air. "It doesn't matter what a slave wants, she is to serve her master and nothing more." He turned around to Leelee, "she is a clever little witch isn't she, this slave has bewitched you into doing what she wants, I will take your weakness at this moment not as fault on you, this time." He paused. "But on her."

Ulrich stared at Leelee and then his father, he knew that Leelee also knew what was coming. And he could do nothing to stop it. He saw silent tears fall from her eyes.

As the silent tears fell, she prepared herself for the worst, as Salazar's hand connected with her cheek two times. She did not cry out loud with the pain. Now the back of his hand hit against her other cheek a few times, she didn't know how many times he had hit her, she lost count. The last blow to her face knocked her to the ground.

Leelee looked up into his eyes and Salazar glared.

"Are you looking up at me woman?!" He yelled.

Leelee immediately lowered her eyes from his hoping to avoid punishment.

"It's your fault that I inflict this punishment on you Leelee, don't defy me or you will not live to see another sunrise." Salazar looked at his son, "take her back to the tower."

"Yes father," Ulrich helped Leelee from off the floor and he walked with her to the tower. "Leelee, I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

Leelee didn't answer, she stared at the floor as they walked.

Ulrich nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"There is someone waiting for you in the tower." Ulrich opened the door and Kai was sitting on the edge of the bed, he stood when he saw them enter the room.

Kai ran over to Leelee, bruises were forming all over her face. "What happened?" He glared at Ulrich, "what did you do to her?!"

"I didn't do anything!" Ulrich glared back, "my father did."

"That bastard, I'll kill him." Rage was clearly written on Kai's face.

"Don't be stupid, you won't stand a chance against my father." Ulrich replied as he pushed Leelee towards Kai. "Just take her and go."

Leelee stepped away from Kai, "I-I can not go with you." She didn't lift her head.

Ulrich looked down at her, "what are you talking about, of course you can."

"N-No, I can't leave. Your father will kill me if I do." More tears fell from her eyes.

"He can not kill you, if he can not find you." Ulrich lifted Leelee's face with a gentle finger, "go with Kai, he loves you, you love him. Nothing should stand in your way, not even the threats from my father."

Leelee looked at Kai she longed to go with him, it was true if they left together not even Salazar Slytherin would be able to find her. She nodded with a tiny smile and flung herself into his arms. Leelee felt his arms circle around her, holding on so tight.

She pulled back then grasping his hands, She felt a soft piece of material caressing her shoulders, Ulrich had thrown his warm cloak over Leelee. She turned back to look at him.

"Thank you Ulrich." She had tears in her eyes, but these were tears of joy, not pain or suffering.

"Go on, go before you get caught." Ulrich replied.

Kai pulled her towards the window, and told her to climb on his back and wrap her legs around his waist. She did. He stepped out of the window and onto the large windowsill, Kai grabbed a hold of his rope and started climbing down to where his horse was waiting for him.

They reached the ground and Leelee let go of Kai, He climbed up onto his horse and bent down some grabbing a hold of Leelee's arm helping her up behind him.

"Hold on tight." He said with a smile.

Leelee did just that. And she and Kai atop a mighty stead were heading further and further away from Salazar and her prison.- Zara's arm tightened around Ron's waist, and she smiled in her sleep.


*sigh* What a beautiful ending to this chapter. Well stay tuned for Chapter 16-- Do You Remember When? Please Read and Review, thanks, Ryoko