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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything ;)

Chapter 23-Ron To The Rescue

Professor McGonagall smiled at the thought, "oh Rowena, what a time that must have been." She said hiding her annoyance.

"I think you really would have loved it, it was a much simpler day and age. Although, I do like this time period. I have been here a whole year and I discovered the most interesting things about life." Rowena leaned against the bed looking at the professor who was sitting behind the desk. "Especially the muggle way of living. They have a newer way to say things one word can mean a whole phrase, and it's really amazing. Do you think that the Wizarding world and the Muggle world will ever rejoin, you know become one world again?"

Professor McGonagall was about to say something when an eagle owl flew in through the open window landing on the desk in front of her, she recognized the writing on the envelope. She looked up at Rowena, "could you excuse me a moment Rowena, I have some business to take care of."

Rowena regarded McGonagall oddly. "Sure, no problem." And she quickly then left the room.

Professor McGonagall took the letter from the owl and she watched the bird fly out the window. She opened the letter quickly, her heart nearly dropped to her feet. She stood abruptly from the chair and raced from the room.

Ron, Ginny and Draco were in a heated argument, the boys had their wands extended pointing them at one another, Draco had just cursed him and Ron followed in suit. They each dogged the other's curse. Draco's body color changing curse was deflected by Ron and instead of hitting him, it hit the suit of armor behind him turning it bright pink with yellow poka-dots Ginny tugged on Ron's arm both him and Draco turned to find Professor McGonagall approaching them in rapid speed, her face was etched in anger and worry. Ron was ready to explain when their Professor just breezed by them as if she hadn't seen them.

"Well that was odd." Ginny said.

Ron and Draco both nodded

"Something must be up for McGonagall to not give us a detention" Ron said. "Especially you Malfoy." He smirked.

Draco simply glared at Ron with pure hate.

Ginny gasped, "Maybe something is wrong, maybe You-Know-Who is coming." She said looking wide eyed at her brother and then at Draco. "What are we gonna do, we're all gonna die."

Draco put an arm around her to try and ease her mind. "Relax Ginny, we don't know that. Let's not add to the gossip mill with rumors of Dark Lords coming, all right?"

"Well what else could it be of it's not You-Know-Who?" Ron was bitter, he glared at Draco mainly because that blonde haired git had his arm around his sister.

"Well if we want to know, we should follow after McGonagall and, spy." Draco wagged his brows at his suggestion of spy.

"I agree," Ginny announced. "Come on Draco, let's go find out what's going on." She saw Draco nod and the two of them started down the corridor.

Ron decided to follow after them as well, they were not aware of something following after them.

Ron's eyes narrowed as he saw Draco's shoulder brush against Ginny's every now and then. One of these days he was going to kill him. Oh yes a very, very painful death. One that involved Draco tied to a post in front of a dragons cave." Ron chuckled lightly, what a fitting way for Draco the dragon to meet his end, trapped in a dragon's cave waiting to be devoured by the very thing he was named after. Ron chuckled again.

Ginny heard Ron's chuckle and turned slightly, "what's so funny?"

Ron couldn't stop the cheesy grin from gracing his face. "Oh, nothing."

Draco pulled on Ginny's arm as McGonagal stopped at the gargoyle in front of Dumbledore's room.

A second later the gargoyle moved out of the way and the professor went inside, Draco, Ginny and Ron watched as the gargoyle glided back in place. The three of them moved in front of the stone statue.

"Did we bother to hear the password?" Ginny asked.

"Well I certainly didn't." Draco replied while looking at Ron for an answer.

"Don't look at me, I have no clue." Ron spat.

Ginny rolled her eyes and just started naming things. "uh, ooey gooey worms, sour patch spiders, um Greasy Grimy Gopher guts, French Fried Eye balls?" The gargoyle moved away. "Eew gross what a horrible password." Ginny commented feeling slightly nauseated.

The three of them stepped into the hall that lead to Dumbledore's room, the door was open a crack And they all peered into the room the best they could listening to Professor McGonagal's voice as she spoke.

"I'm not surprised something like this happened, I mean of course Voldermort was just waiting around the corner for Mr. Potter and Miss Granger to appear with the Scepter."

"What can we do Albus, I'm so very worried." McGonagal leaned forward in her chair leaning on the desk. "The letter said that the students are being-" she couldn't finish the thought out loud, it was too painful to think about.

"We will have to send someone to bring them back."

"I don't think that is such a good idea." Rowena said floating in through a wall.

"Rowena what were you doing there?" McGonagal looked shocked for the first time in her life.

"Minerva it is true I was eavesdropping, it's just you left your room in such a state I had to find out what the trouble was. And if had anything to do with Harry and Hermione I had to be part of it." She then turned her attention to Dumbledore. "You can't send someone in to bring them back. Slytherin is crafty, he's not stupid. He knows that's the first thing you would do. Without a thought he would kill them before your Aurors got to them." She paused a moment, "and I don't want to see that happening again." She sighed.

"What do you propose we do Rowena? Since you seem to know Salazar Slytherin so well" Dumbledore said.

"From what I have seen and heard, your students are very resourceful. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't already on a plan of escape." She said with a smile.

"It is true that Miss Granger is in the top of her class, and Mr. Potter's bravery out shines even in the darkest of times." McGonagal said, "but this is different, those two need help, they are in a lot of trouble. Salazar Slytherin has already," She took a breath "Already tortured Miss Granger, and he still plans on doing some more. I won't wait around here doing nothing."

Dumbledore inwardly smiled, there was reason why Minerva McGonagal was head of Gryffindor house. She has the bravery and a will to help those in need, and right now her students are in peril danger and she speaks from the heart.

"Look Minerva I know you want to go to them, I know you want to help them. But this is a time where you just can't. They are on their own, there won't always be someone to help them in life." Rowena said wanting to put a hand on her shoulder.

McGonagal eyed Rowena feeling slightly off about the ghost's words "They need help, Miss Granger almost died already. We must do something." She turned looking at Dumbledore. "We can't just wait around when they are in danger."

Dumbledore nodded, "We need some kind of plan." He put his finger to his chin in thought.

Ginny felt the hot sting of tears swelling in her eyes she looked up at Ron and Draco, Ron had a far off look in his eye and she could have sworn that he, her brother who never shed a tear was on the verge of losing his emotions.

Ron felt his sister watching him he glanced down at her, "Hermione, was-" He spoke softly. "She's so innocent, I can't believe someone would do that to her?" He took in a breath

"How exactly does the Soul Scepter work Rowena?" Dumbledore looked up at the ghost.

Rowena glanced about the room, then at Dumbledore "whoever's soul is weaved into the scepter has complete control and can make the will of humanity do what ever the person holding the scepter wants, it controls large numbers of people, muggles, squibs, witches, wizards. You name it; no one is safe from its control, if fallen into the wrong hands that is.

"How is the soul woven into the scepter to begin with?" McGonagal asked while folding her arms across her chest.

"That I don't know, the only thing I know is that a piece of the person's soul is taken from them and turned into some kind of a jewel of sorts and then placed on the rod." Rowena shook her head. "That Merlin was crafty, only he knew how to do a Soul Weave."

McGonagal snapped her fingers in realization, "Albus, that necklace we were checking for curses on, the one that Hermione had in her possession. Is that her soul?"

Rowena spoke up, "no it can't be Jasmine's or Hermione's soul because a part of hers is on the scepter right now, as we speak."

"How do you know that?" McGonagal said turning to face Rowena.

"I know that because when my daughter hid the scepter she did not remove her soul from it, just in case something like Slytherin getting a hold of it would arise. That way she still has complete power and even if she was dead, he would never be able to use it." Rowena replied as she hovered a bit like she were pacing and thinking.

"It must be a part of Torrin's or now Harry's." Rowena shook her head as if trying to clear a memory. "Torrin actually gave Jasmine a part of his soul."

Ginny felt something brush up against her leg, she glanced down and at the last minute caught the waving tail of Hermione's cat Crookshanks entering though the slightly open door. She watched the cat stop and start hissing at the ghost.

McGonagal looked up at Rowena and then at the hissing Crookshanks. She went over and picked him up, holding the cat in her arms. McGonagal noticed that Rowena was glaring at the cat. "What's the matter Rowena, don't you like cats?"

"I wasn't really a cat person in life, I didn't like them and they didn't seem to like me. I suppose it's that way in the afterlife as well." Rowena turned to Dumbledore with a smile. "I'm more of a bird person, I had kept parakeets for awhile."

"Well Crookshanks here usually likes everyone, unless they have something to hide." She looked intently at Rowena.

"Look I have never been favored among cats." Rowena said with a half a smile as if trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Of course." McGonagal said.

"Alright this is what we are going to do first," Dumbledore said with a little regret in his voice, "We have to inform Mr. Potter's and Miss Granger's family of the situation. Chances are whatever those two are going though it's not going to be an easy road to recovery. Then we'll think of a plan." Dumbledore saw something moving by his door and he again inwardly smiled.

Ron, Ginny and Draco backed away from the door and the gargoyle entrance.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," Ginny cursed while pacing with worry. "Harry and Hermione are-" She couldn't finish her thoughts they were too horrible.

Ron was silent as he turned and walked away from Ginny and Draco. Ginny tried to go after her brother but he was stopped by Draco's tender hand on her arm

"No Gin, let him go."

"But Draco, he's hurting. His best friends are being, well you know hurt. He needs his family, he needs me."

Draco pulled Ginny to him, "I would just leave him alone, he doesn't look like he wants to talk with anyone, even you."

"But he just looks so lost."

"I know, I know." He whispered into her hair.

Ron moved slowly though the corridor just walking every which way, not having really any clue of where he was going. He felt something in the air wasn't right; it was probably true that Slytherin would kill Harry and Hermione if help was on the way. But how would he even know unless there was some kind of spy here at Hogwarts. That was it. Ron's posture straightened up in the realization. Someone here must be feeding Slytherin information, how else would he know if Harry and Hermione even had the scepter? Or even left on their journey for the scepter?

Ron already had his suspicions. Something in the back of his mind told him who the traitor was, as if saying it to him in a soft whisper. So many things pointed to that very traitor. He knew exactly where to look. Ron quickened his pace down the corridor and stopped at the hidden door he had found weeks ago. He pushed the little rock in and the door slid open, he stepped inside and immediately went about lighting the candles. He walked over to the bookshelf, now where is that book? He thought to himself. He found it rather quickly and opened the front cover of Jasmine's diary. The pages were blank. There was no writing. That Rowena was insane to think that he could even read anything when there weren't any words.

He saw Rowena float into the room and he quickly tucked the diary into his robes, holding it underneath his shirt. Rowena turned to find him staring at her.

"Oh Mr. Weasley, what are you doing in here?" She was surprised.

"Just looking around, I never really got to see everything in this room. I figured since McGonagal and Dumbledore are busy I could look about the forbidden room and I wouldn't get caught.

"Oh." Rowena nodded, she tilted her head to the side glancing about his face. "You're worried about your friends, aren't you?" She saw Ron give her a puzzled look. "I saw you, your sister and that Draco Malfoy outside the door before I floated in through the wall. So I know you heard everything."

Ron nodded. "I admit I was there. I wonder what exactly is happening to them. It must be-" Ron swallowed hard. "They are my best friends you know, I love them like family, and I would be lost without them." He glanced down at the floor.

"I'm sure you would." Rowena said with a tiny smile, "I wouldn't worry about it too much, everything will turn out the way it should. You'll see."

"I sure hope so." Ron said, "Well I best be going."

"Don't do it." Rowena said as Ron was half way out the door.

Ron spun around, "don't do what?"

"Don't go after them, I know that's what you're thinking." Rowena floated towards him. "It would be very foolish to go barreling in."

"Why is that?" Ron glared.

"This is Salazar Slytherin you are up against, not some two town muggle magician. He is evil and he is cruel. He will kill your friends if any help shows up." Rowena said with a sense of concern.

Ron knew she could read his thoughts so he hoped he could block them by thinking of how much he hated Draco Malfoy, since that wasn't too hard to do. Hopefully he could say something completely different to what he was thinking. "I wasn't planning on doing anything, let professionals go after them. And as much as I want Harry and Hermione home, I just can't risk their safety."

"That's a smart boy, I would go myself to help them. But I can't touch anything solid, I would be useless. But trust me I know how you feel."

Ron nodded, "I know you do." He smiled and then started from the room. The door slid back in place. He continued down the corridor thinking that there just had to be something about that diary, what importance could it have in it for someone to enchant it? Ron rushed all the way back to Gryffindor tower, he didn't care what that Rowena said. He was surely not going to listen to some ghost when his friends where in mortal peril. He was going to Harry and Hermione even if it killed him. He gulped down a breath of air, and it probably would too.

Ginny stood from the sofa upon seeing Ron quickly rush in and stop. "Ron, are you all right?"

Ron shook his head he looked down at the red sofa and the sleeping cat, thinking how fortunate for that cat to be able to sleep during a time like this. What would the cat really think of his Mistress in danger? He looked up at Ginny, "no Ginny, I'm not all right. I won't be all right until Harry and Hermione are back here safe and sound."

Ginny noticed the tone in his voice, he was set on something. She just knew what ever it was, it would turn out disastrous. She watched her brother head towards the stairs that lead to the dorms, He jumped two stairs at a time before reaching the top. Ginny shouted up at him. "Ron, Ron what are you doing?"

Ron didn't say a word he simply turned and headed into the boys dorms.

Ginny didn't like the silence she got from her brother, she raced up the stairs and threw open the door. She saw him collecting a few necessities into a leather knapsack. "Ron what are you doing?"

"Nothing Ginny, just go about your business." Ron went over to Harry's side of the bed and lifted the lid off the trunk. He grabbed the invisibility cloak and folded it up small and placed it in his sack.

She knew exactly what he was doing when she saw him putting Harry's cloak into his bag. "You're going after them aren't you?"

Ron lifted his gaze looking at his sister for a moment, before retuning his attention to his duties.

When Ginny didn't get an answer, she knew "Ron, Ron you can't. You could be killed."

"I have to go Gin, I have to. Harry and Herm need me. I must do something, I can't just sit around here and listen to that damn ghosts advice."

"She seemed pretty wise to me Ron, she knows what she's talking about. She was one of the founders, she knows exactly what Salazar Slytherin is capable of." Ginny's voice raised a couple octaves.

There was a knock on the boy's door and Ginny shouted towards the door to come in. As the door opened Zara's head poked in, the door was pushed open more when Crookshanks sauntered into the room.

Zara looked down at the orange cat, it it's mouth it was carrying Hermione's necklace. She thought it was slightly odd, but still paid it no mind. Hermione herself said that this cat was different. It probably missed her so much that it was carrying around something that belonged to her. Oh well she shrugged then turning her attention to Ginny "I heard yelling, is everything all right?" Zara then noticed that it was Ron and Ginny. "Oh never mind, I thought it was someone important arguing, it's just you two again." She pulled back from the room.

"Zara wait." Ginny shouted as Crookshanks jumped onto the bed next to Ron's pack.

In a flash Zara's head poked in again, "What?"

"Maybe you could talk some sense into Ron?" Ginny was worried.

Zara opened the door all the way and leaned against the door jamb, she crossed her arms over her chest. "I doubt it."

"Harry and Hermione have been captured and Ron is going after them."

"Captured, by whom?" Zara said looking between Ron and Ginny.

Ginny just about slapped herself in the head, word hadn't gotten around yet about Salazar Slytherin rising, it was kept pretty hush, hush which was usually very difficult to keep anything a secret here. Ginny explained the whole thing to Zara including the part where Hermione had been tortured. Ginny could have sworn she saw worry in Zara's eyes at what Ron was going to do, but she quickly masked it. Zara simply stared at Ron and Ginny felt it was necessary to leave the two of them alone, she left the room quietly.

There was an awkward silence as the two of them just stood there staring at each other. Zara straightened her posture and stepped closer to him. "It's a stupid thing to do you know?" She said with no emotion attached to her voice.

"I really don't want your opinion on the matter, you really have no idea how much they mean to me. I would do anything to help them." Ron said

"Including getting yourself killed? Ron let professionals handle this."

"They would just botch it up." He glanced at the floor.

"You don't know that." Zara took in a breath, she was loosing herself to her emotions. "I also feel what you are feeling. It's true they are not my best friends or anything, but they are friends and I can feel your loss but-"

Ron lifted a hand cutting her off. "What would you do if it were Jewel and Enrique?"

Zara sighed glancing about the room, looking everywhere except into Ron's eyes. "Probably the same thing you're doing." She then lifted her gaze to his.

He saw it. Fear, worry. It was for him." I'll be fine Zara. I'm going to go to Slytherin's whatever, and bring Harry and Hermione back. He swung his pack over his shoulder and started from the room. He was out the door and down the stairs when Zara spun around chasing after him.

"Ron this is stupid." She said at the top of the landing looking down at him, "you don't even know where to go."

"I'll figure something out, I'm not as dumb as everyone thinks I am." He said looking up at her. He left through the portrait hole. What was out there was not someone he wanted to see. "Malfoy what are you doing?" Ron noticed he was dressed for travel and prepared just like him.

"I'm going with you." Draco said with confidence.

"Oh no you are not; I don't need some snot nosed twit slowing me down." Ron said glaring, the portrait door swung open and both Ginny and Zara stepped out. Ginny noticed Draco was ready for travel too. She gasped.

"I am too going with you Weasley, how else are you going to find Slytherin's palace. I've been there myself. I know exactly where it is." Draco smirked.

"Of course you do, being a fellow Death Eater I would be surprised if you didn't know." Ron said with a grin.

Draco narrowed his eyes. "It doesn't matter what you think of me Weasel, I'm going and that's final. You will never get out of there alive if I don't."

Ron didn't have time for this, he threw his hands up in frustration. "Fine! But if you do one thing out of line, just one. Let's just say there's no one there to hear you shout for help." He quickly started down the hall towards the doors that led out of Hogwarts.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Like I'm scared of you Weasley." He said under his breath and he followed after Ron. Ginny and Zara too followed after the boys.

"Ron please, don't do this." Zara said while standing on the stone steps outside the school. "I'm begging you, please." Her voice softened to a whisper "don't leave me."

Ron heard her voice and stopped in his tracks he quickly turned around, His bag dropped from his shoulder onto the wet grass and he sprinted back towards her He didn't even stop as he swung her up into his arms. He crushed her so hard against him that he almost cut off both their air supplies. "Does this mean you forgive me then?"

Zara laughed a bit as her arms tightened around him, "what if you never come back?" She spoke softly her voice trembling with unshed tears. "I couldn't stand it, I just couldn't."

Ron pulled back a put cupping her face within his hands staring intently into her dark eyes, was this the same girl he met at the beginning of the year with her all tough and no nonsense attitude? She was actually begging him to stay. He smiled to himself, perhaps they all had grown up a bit this year. He leaned in closer so that his mouth was hovering only inches above hers. "I'll come back I promise. And Weasleys always keep their promises." He said with a tiny smile.

The tears finally fell from her eyes as she felt herself smile a little and she quickly pressed her lips against his. Ron's embrace around her was strong as hers was around him. Their mouths opened and their tongues met as they kissed as if there were no tomorrow, as they might not be. She seemed to hold onto him for dear life, she kissed him back so hard and so powerfully that time seemed to slow down just for them, making this moment last. Of course they knew that Father Time can not be stopped, and Ron reluctantly pulled away. She wiped her eyes, "Oh look at me all attached to you. That's never happened to me before." Zara watched a small grin appear on Ron's face and buried her face in between his neck and shoulder; her arms were still around him so tightly that they ached. "Be careful." She murmured against his shoulder.

"I will." He said resting his chin on the top of her head.

Zara pulled out of his arms and wiped the tears from her eyes with slender fingers. She smiled lightly as did Ron.

Ron turned to find his sister still involved in a passionate embrace, this angered him so much "Malfoy, lets go!" He shouted in anger.

Zara shook her head, this time in merriment.

Draco and Ginny pulled away, and Draco's fingers grazed her cheek before he really let her go.

Ginny walked back towards Zara and turned around as they watched their loved ones went off to face unimaginable danger. The two of them stood there until the figures of the boys could no longer be seen.

Hermione's body shifted and a low agonizing moan escaped from her lips. This snapped Harry awake, he had been leaning against the wall with her in his lap nestled against his chest.

"Hermione?" He whispered. She didn't move or make another sound. Harry placed a gentle hand against her cheek, "Hermione?"

A far away voice whispered softly in her head as she was coming around, the sound of the voice becoming louder, but not clear. She felt a pressure on her body, yet her hands and feet felt free of bindings. Something touched her cheek Panic over took her, she was not going to stand by and do nothing while they tortured her some more, she was going to fight back, or at least try to get away. She immediately began kicking, punching and slapping at the same time as trying to move away.

"Hermione, Hermione stop," Harry said as he was being attacked. Geeze, he didn't realize how strong she actually was, especially for her being severely injured. "It's me. It's Harry. Open your eyes."

She didn't know why but something in the voice made her stop fighting, she thought mind control and her eyes opened. The world was fuzzy, but she could see the outline of a person sitting very close, she could see a mix of colors as the world started to focus. Hermione blinked a couple of times. She saw the very concerned looking gaze of Harry looking down at her. Hermione lifted her hand slowly, touching the side of his face as if to see if he were really there. Her fingers came in contact with his cheek and she gasped. He was real. Tears swelled in her eyes "Oh Harry." She flung her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

Harry was afraid to put his arms around her for fear of hurting her wounds. But the sounds of her harsh crying convinced him and his arms went around her, lightly. He felt her shaking violently in his arms as she cried.

She choked on some of her tears. "Oh God Harry, it was-they did-and-and he-he- " She could barely put two words together each time she speak an enormous burst of tears would rush out like a wild river along with sound of her agonized cries filled the air of the cell.

He rocked her gently and arms automatically tightened around her. "Ooow." Harry heard her moan out in anguish. "I'm sorry Hermione I can't even hold you." Harry said with regret.

She lifted her head and the tears were still flowing from her eyes, she looked at him. "I don't care if it hurts just hold me, please?" Her body shook a few times as she tried to stop herself from crying any further, yet it was nearly impossible.

Harry's heart hurt seeing her like this, this shouldn't have happened to her. He would get that Salazar Slytherin if it's the last thing would ever do. Harry put his arms around her and pulled her more into his warm embrace as he let her cry as much as she needed too. Harry heard the sound of the iron door start to move, it opened and a Death Eater walked in carrying a tray of food.

Hermione turned slightly and practically jumped back, fear had overwhelmed her. Fearing that this Death Eater was going to take her back for more torture she tightened her grip on Harry.

The Death Eater saw this reaction and frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you," She said holding up a tray of food. "I brought you something to eat, see."

Hermione couldn't help the shaking as she stared at the Death Eater, not speaking at all. Harry nestled her into the safety of his embrace. He too still didn't trust the Death Eater, even though it showed them such compassion. But it could just be an act. He was not going to let them take Hermione away from him again, he was extra cautious. Yet he wanted Hermione to not be trembling so entirely in fear. "Hermione, the Death Eater is right. She is not going to hurt you; she's been helping me heal you."

She sniffled. "Yeah, so they can just do it to me again." Hermione said as she choked down a sob, her eyes continuing to water as she remembered what happened the last time. She buried her head into his chest again so she wouldn't have to look at the Death Eater.

"I'll just leave this here in case you get hungry." The Death Eater put the tray down on the floor and with her foot pushed it towards Harry and Hermione. She quickly turned on her heels and left the cell, closing the door behind her.

Ron and Draco were seated around a small fire they had built; they needed a rest and something to eat as well. Ron opened his bag and found the diary; he also found a necklace sitting in the bottom of his bag also. He wondered where that came from, he never packed it. Then it clicked on in his mind, oh that stupid cat must have dropped it in there on accident. Never trust a feline with something as important as jewelry. He shook his head back and forth. Ron took out the necklace and rested it on his knee as he moved the invisibility cloak over and turned his attention to the diary, he opened the front cover and it was still blank. He scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"What's the matter Weasley, forget how to read?" Draco was smug.

Ron lifted his head, glaring "shut up."

"Oh that hurt." Draco said very sarcastically. "What's the trouble then?" Draco leaned on his side propping himself up on his elbow.

"For your information I'm trying to figure out how this damn diary works. There's no written words, no nothing."

"Maybe you need some kind of password." Draco said glancing down at his fingernails.

Ron thought a moment, a password huh? What kind of password? It could be anything, a favorite food, a favorite season. How would he know what Jasmine Ravenclaw would use as a password? A thought clicked on in his head. Ron stared at the book and said. "Torrin Gryffindor is an ass."

Not even a second later the book started shaking and two figures emerged from it a young man and woman, they seemed to be arguing.

"Torrin Gryffindor is an ass, that's your blooming password?" He asked in slight irritation.

The girl shrugged, "Don't deny it, you are an ass. Just admit it." She looked around and saw the face of Ron looking back at her. "Who are you and what are you doing with my Diary?"

"H-how is this possible?" Ron asked with disbelief as the two figures stared down at him, He knew these two to be Jasmine Ravenclaw and Torrin Gryffindor. "You two are both dead and your souls are in another body."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Do you know nothing about living diaries? We are only memories of a past that once was. We can only answer questions that pertain to the past anything after our deaths would be useless to ask about." She leaned in closer to Torrin so only he could hear her, "don't those two look an awful lot like Kai and Ulrich?" She saw him nod. It was true those two looked like their friends, but there were some differences, and then she knew. They must be dead, that Ron wasn't just fibbing.

"If this is your Diary, then why is he in it?" Draco said getting up off the ground.

Torrin smirked.

Jasmine shook her head, "because this stupid ass." She looked right at him, "stole it and wrote in my diary to irritate me, and at that time I didn't have a password. Didn't you read my front cover?"

"Oh yes, of course." Ron replied with a smile.

"I still don't know why you have my diary, the only person I gave permission to use it was Lord Godric Gryffindor and the last time I checked he had been cursed, living for all eternity as a c-" She was cut off by Ron.

"I have to know about anything that can be done to stop Salazar Slytherin. He has my friends and the Soul Scepter."

"He has the scepter?" Jasmine said as her eyes narrowed. "Just how in Hades did he get the Scepter?"

"My friends went to retrieve it."

"And what fool had them go and do that?" Jasmine was practically shouting.

Ron shrugged, "I don't know some ghost of one of the founders of Hogwarts."

Jasmine looked at Torrin who looked back at her they both had the look of equal surprise. "Oh dear." Jasmine said under her breath.

"Which founder?" Torrin tilted his head a bit.

Ron didn't have to answer, he knew. And so did they.

Jasmine sat down, "it's very unfortunate that Salazar has the scepter, and with help he will be able to do more than just control the will of humanity."

"How can he do more?" Ron looked over at Torrin and then back at Jasmine.

"The scepter does a lot more then just control minds, it brings whatever the holder of the scepter wants to reality." It looked like she was thinking a moment. "When I was falsely accused of wanting to control humanity, Slytherin neglected to tell the council that the Scepter can bring Death and Destruction, hellish beasts can be brought about to reek havoc. In actuality he can bring Hades upon the earth, the scepter gives the power of a God."

Ron sighed with relief, "well at least he can't use it, only your soul can."

"That is true but if Salazar can figure out how to do the Soul Weave then your days are numbered. See you can change the Soul Gem, all he would have to do is take mine off of it and put his on. So far only Merlin and I can create a Soul Gem and I'm pretty sure Slytherin is using special means to get someone to either use it for him or to create a Soul Gem. Unfortunately for him my soul is pretty strong willed, and whoever it is that has my soul must be pretty strong as well."

Ron sighed, "I sure hope Hermione is pretty strong, she's already been tortured I heard." He saw Jasmine shudder.

"Poor girl." Jasmine looked over at Torrin who grabbed her hand tenderly.

Torrin noticed the necklace lying on Ron's leg, "Well it seems someone has found your necklace Jasmine." Torrin pointed to the necklace and Jasmine reached for it holding it in her hand.

Jasmine smiled, "I remember when you gave me this, it wasn't until much later that I realized that you actually gave me a part of your soul." She handed it to Ron, "give this back to your friends, it should remain with the souls.

Draco stood, "Weasley we need to go now, put the diary away."

"Don't tell me what to do Malfoy." Ron glared.

Torrin and Jasmine chuckled and both Draco and Ron glared the two laughing figures.

"What's so funny?" Both Draco and Ron said at the same time.

"Some things never change." Torrin said shaking his head back and forth. "Kai and Ulrich hated each other and would do just about anything to get on each others nerves.

"Yeah like seeing my sister." Ron glared menacingly at Draco, who just rolled his eyes.

"Hey she wants to be with me, I'm not forcing her."

"You better watch it Malfoy, if you hurt her. I'll make you suffer-" Ron was rudely interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah we all heard of your threats Weasley, you never live up to them." Draco said with a smirk.

"Do you want me to live up to one now?" Ron clinched his fist and lifted it in warning.

"Oh stop it you two, honestly, will you ever grow up." Jasmine didn't feel like babysitting.

Ron looked over at Jasmine, what she said just totally reminded him of what Hermione would say. He had to get to his friends before they were tortured to death. He dropped his fist and his arm hung down at his side. "Well I suppose we should get going, I'm going to close up the diary now, it was interesting meeting you."

Jasmine and Torrin smiled then with a nod Ron closed the book and stuck it back in his bag and swung it over his shoulder. The two of them continued on their way

Salazar was lying on his bed sleeping peacefully when the terrace doors opened. He felt something pass through his hand; he abruptly sat up wide awake. His eyes popped open seeing someone standing at his bed side. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm finished there, so now I'm returning here." She floated about the room. "Two idiots are on their way here after I thought I had convinced one of them not to."

Salazar chuckled causing her to glare at him "Oh just don't worry about it, let them come. I still have a score to settle with Ulrich's soul for killing me."

She didn't care about what Salazar was saying, Ulrich has no importance in what she wanted. "As soon as you get that stubborn girl to use the scepter you will make me flesh, is that understood."

"Oh don't you try to order me around, I might just leave you like that."

"You wouldn't dare" Her eyes narrowed.

"Don't test me Rowena, you know I would. Just like when you betrayed me. You did it for your own good accusing me solely of the murder of your daughter and her friends. Of course the bloody council wouldn't believe a word I say, especially if I said you had a hand in their demise."

"You know if you hadn't screwed it up the first time, that never would have happened. I was gone that week so you could accuse Jasmine, which you did. But it backfired on you. I returned to find on the last day of her trial that she had your journal." She crossed her arms over her transparent chest.

"Don't blame me for that mistake" He pointed a stern finger at her. "How could I have known that Ulrich would betray me? I thought I had taught him better than that. No one crosses me and gets away with it."

Rowena shook her head. "I think Ulrich I mean Draco is making up for his deceit though Salazar, he has helped us every step of the way, he did give Jasmine, er I mean Hermione Granger that Orb of Ereena placing her under slight control. Even though it didn't work to well since she figured out what it really was." She stared at him in a commanding fashion, "you will make me flesh and blood Salazar, I have done too much to get that girl to trust me and for her to even retrieve the Scepter for us."

Salazar bowed mockingly, "as you wish my lady."

"And would you stop that, you know I don't like that." She looked out the window.

Ron and Draco pushed their way through the thick bushes along the castle walls, next to the entrance. Ron looked up the huge wall and sighed with regret.

"Are you sure this is the right place?

"Yes." Draco said annoyed. "I have been here plenty of times to know this is the right place.

"Yeah, no doubt you've been here for your Death Eater training." Ron said opening his bag.

"Oh no we have a whole different palace for that," Draco was sarcastic and decided to continue to irritate Ron. It was always such fun to see him get so angry. "And it's in such a wonderful location too. Rome is a beautiful city, great for Death Eater training."

Ron rolled his eyes. What a time for Draco to make a joke. "Well since you come here all the time, they are probably expecting you. I can hide under this." He pulled the invisibility cloak from the bag. "And you can just let me in the front gate without any problems."

"Yeah, alright." Draco said nonchalantly.

"Oh and if you betray me Malfoy, I will kill you."

"Rest assured oh mighty Weasley, I have my own agenda here that needs to be accomplished and it wouldn't do me any good to betray you, I'll probably need you to get out of here when I am finished." He smirked.

Ron shook his head and slipped the cloak on over his head.

Draco watched as Ron disappeared from view. "All right stay close, we're going in the front gate." Draco whispered, "and then you're on your own."

"I wouldn't have it any other way Malfoy." Ron followed Draco towards the front gate. Feeling slightly uneasy he wondered just where exactly he was going to look for Harry and Hermione. They could be anywhere in that large palace. He took a deep breath and hoped he could actually pull this off. Ron waited for Draco to stop talking with two Death Eaters and then he followed him inside.


Okay, now I never said Ron was going to rescue them just yet, it was just Ron to the Rescue. *snigger* I can be so cruel sometimes. Well stay tuned for Chapter 24-Lucius's Big Mistake. Read and Review thanks Ryoko