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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 5-- Quidditch and Quarrels

Ah, October third was a great day to practice; with only a month before the season was to start they figured it was a good time to start practicing before November's games rolled around. They wanted to win again this year. Harry and the rest of the team were down at the Quidditch field discussing strategy with Ron. Zara sat down on the bench as the slytherin team walked up. The Gryffindors stared with hate at seeing the opposing team, and especially Draco Malfoy.

Even though he said to himself he didn't care anymore about what Hermione and Draco were up to still the sight of Draco caused his insides to twist into knots. He remembered about two weeks ago that Hermione had really had it with him constantly trying to figure out what she and Draco were doing. She told him one final and last time to stay away from her. He listened to her this time. Fine whatever it was it didn't concern him and he was not going to get involved in anyway. He did not even go near her at all in the last two weeks.

He was fed up with everything If she didn't want his friendship anymore then he didn't want hers. He was not going to obsess over her like he had been. "What are you doing here Malfoy? We have signed up for our practice time this morning." Harry said in disgust.

"I think you are mistaken." Draco said with a smirk as he pulled out a sheet of paper with the permission for Slytherin to have practice this morning.

Ron snatched the paper roughly from Draco's hand, he scanned it as Zara waved over to her friend Jewel who was on the Slytherin team. Ron took out his wand checking for forgeries. He then handed it back to him. Ron looked over at his team, "well it's true." Ron glared at Draco, "we'll just have to share the field Malfoy," Ron then signaled for his team to move to the other end of the field.

Zara went over to Jewel with a smile, "so these Slytherins are letting you play?"

"Of course, they've seen my seeker skills my friend. You know on our school team I was very good." Jewel looked around, "I hope everything is similar?" She sounded unsure.

"I know these Brits do things a bit different, but I think it's basically the same idea. At least that's what Ron said." Zara smiled. It seemed as soon as Zara said Ron's name she heard him calling to her. And she walked over to her team, "what is it Ron?"

"You can't talk to her, she's the enemy." Ron glared over at the Slytherins.

"What is this war? She's not the enemy she is my best friend."

"In a way Zara this is war." He said.

"Well you better be careful she's a really good Seeker. I don't know how Harry plays, but Jewel takes no prisoners. Even if she does have a crush on Harry she will flatten him without a thought." Zara smiled then walked towards the Gryffindor team.

"Wait." Ron said looking over at Zara with a grin walking over to her, "she was on your team back in the US?"

"Yeah, so?" Zara was confused.

"So you know her moves and what she does right?"

"Yes, what are you getting at?"

Ron smirked, "lets have a little talk." He smiled brightly as he huddled the team together. Zara nodded telling them the secrets smiling with approval.

"Good idea." Zara lifted her head out of the huddle and scanned the Slytherin team with a grin and ducked back in.

They all stood, Ron moved from the huddle shouting over to the other team, "hey how about a practice game, your team against ours?"

Draco walked right up to Ron "Weasley, your team against mine? You have got to be joking. What do we get when we win?" Draco was smug.

"Does it matter?" Ron replied folding his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, what's the bet. What are you offering?" Draco then looked over at Harry with an evil grin.

Harry thought that was odd and glared back, then gave his attention to Ron "what do you think you're doing Ron, don't bet with Malfoy."

"What are you afraid that my team will kick the robes off yours Potter?" Draco taunted.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but Ron interjected, "alright Malfoy whose ever team looses has to run through the school naked without getting caught, tomorrow."

"Interesting who's going to expose themselves Weasley, the whole team or a specific person?"

"The captains, which would be me or you." Ron replied with a grin.

"When we win be prepared for a lesson in humiliation Weasley." Draco said, "you have a deal." He held his hand out to seal the agreement. He felt Ron's hand tightly almost painfully grasp his.

"Wait a minute, how are we going to know if this is fair. Who are we going to get to be ref?" Harry pointed out.

Ron nodded his head thinking, "you're right Harry."

"I'll do it." A voice said.

Everyone turned and saw Ginny walking onto the field with a dainty smile across her face. "I'll be glad to ref for you players." She looked between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins with a smile.

"We need an impartial judge and ref, she a Gryffindor. Can we really trust her? " Draco accused staring right at her.

"I have always been fair." Ginny's vibrant red hair moved elegantly behind her when she turned to look over in the Slytherins direction again.

Draco who never noticed Ginny before seemed to be staring at her pretty face, admiring the shine of her hair in the morning sun. He sucked in a breath, finally his thoughts returning "fine, let's just play." Draco said turning towards his team mates.

Ginny waved her wand in the air and imagined a bright shiny whistle hanging in Madame Hootches office "Accio whistle" and it flew into her hand. She clutched it putting it to her lips and blew it signaling the start of the game.

All the players lifted into the air, as the chaser Angelina took the Quaffel immediately she headed down the field passing it to Ron who had a clear shot of the net but he passed it to Alicia for she was closer to make the basket, she was a bit distracted when she saw Zara whack a Bludger clean over her head hitting Draco in the shoulder practically knocking him clean off his broom. "Wow what a hit." Alicia said quietly.

"Sorry." Zara mouthed sarcastically in his direction, Draco almost fell over but he held on steadying himself. He glared as Alicia scored ten points for Gryffindor.

Harry flew around searching for the snitch which hadn't appeared at all yet, he kept dodging the Bludgers that Zara kept whacking purposefully in Draco's direction. He heard the whistle sound knowing what Zara was doing and the ref did not approve. Ginny granted a free shot at the goal for Slytherin.

She is fair Draco thought to himself as he made the free shot, winning Slytherin a ten point score.

Zara feigned that she hurt her arm, and her position needed to be replaced. Fred came willingly filling her position. He had never sat on the bench waiting to play before, and he was only too eager to join his brother in the game. Landing, Zara sat on the bench watching Fred finally get to play.

Harry noticed Zara seemed pretty pleased with herself as if that was all she wanted to do was try to knock Draco off his broom as she leaned back watching the game.

Ron passed to Alicia who passed to Angelina, Draco intercepted heading down the field towards the Slytherin goal, he passed it to Bijorn a Slytherin third year scoring for the team.

Cursing lightly Ron felt he could break his broomstick in half when the Slytherins scored. He did not want to show himself in front of the whole school tomorrow. He gasped as Slytherin gained another ten points.

Alicia moved down the field towards her goal passing it between herself and Ron, Angelina moved towards the goal with the Quaffle as a Bludger headed her way. Fred whacked it watching it sail back where it came from, another one came at them this time George swung at the Bludger sending it in the opposite direction hitting Bijorn.

Before they knew it Slytherin had scored fifty points, Harry could see Ron's face red with anger. Harry watched Jewel carefully as she had her eye on him. Usually when he saw her she was always so giddy and trying to get his attention, but this time she was so competitive, no smile no nothing. He remembered what Zara said about Jewel waiting for the other teams Seeker to almost have the Snitch she would ram then from the left trying to knock the snitch out of the other teams grasp, you couldn't really spot the move unless you were looking for it exactly.

A flash of gold caught Harry's eye, there it is the snitch he headed for it with Jewel on his tail. It was almost within his reach, through the corner of his eye he saw her coming at him ready to knock him off his broom and steal it from him. He pulled the broom up heading higher just as Jewel was about to ram into him. She missed him and went flying in a zigzag unable to control her direction. Harry felt his fingers around the golden ball holding it in his hand. He went towards the ground and she came at him again this time ramming right into him knocking him from his broom, he headed towards the ground.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Ginny shouted with her wand pointed at Harry stopping him a few inches from the ground.

Harry grinning held up the little gold ball in his hand. Ginny smiled at him taking her wand off him and he landed on the ground.

Ginny blew the whistle signaling the end of the game, "Gryffindors win one hundred

and sixty to fifty."

The players landed Ron was extremely happy and he looked over at Draco with a grin, "I suppose we'll see you tomorrow." He shouted.

"I don't think so Weasley." Draco replied in anger

"You had better hold up your end of the bargain Malfoy." Alicia replied as if she had always been waiting to see Draco in his birthday suit. "It's not every day we get to see the real you." She winked.

"What's the matter are you afraid?" Zara taunted

"I'm not afraid of anything." Draco glared.

Ron and Harry laughed.

"You two wouldn't think it's so funny if it were you now would you?"

"Well Malfoy it isn't us." Harry said, "it is you. You better hold up your end of the bargain."

Draco stopped glaring and then smiled evilly "oh I intend to hold up the end of every bargain I make, you can be sure of that." Then without another word he walked from the field.


Harry sat on Professor Binns large oak desk copying notes from the board, he was distracted during class this afternoon with all the stunts Zara pulled on the professor. It was quite funny, somehow she reminded him of a female version of Fred and George but with Ron's attitude and sarcasm. He was in the classroom after all classes were over and dinner was finished trying to catch up. It was nearing eight o'clock by the time he finished his notes.

He started to pack up his writing materials and papers thinking back to this morning. He dropped his bag and all his books, papers, quills fell out. "Great, just perfect" He said out loud in sarcasm. He bent down to pick it up hearing two voices coming down the hall into the classroom. "Why would professor Binns want to see me?" It was Hermione's voice and she was aggravated.

"I don't know," Draco replied. " He asked if I knew who you were I said yes vaguely and he told me to fetch you."

"I don't know why I should believe anything you say Malfoy," Both Hermione and Draco went into the classroom they didn't see Harry on the floor picking up his things behind Binns huge desk.

"Look you can even ask Ginny, she was in here with me when the professor asked me to fetch you." Draco sounded sincere as Hermione narrowed her eyes in his direction; he then smiled a charming smile.

"I think I'll just ask her that when I am done here," Hermione replied in aggravation.

Harry thought that was odd, he had been in here for a long time and there was no mention of that. He shook his head, this wasn't his problem. He is not going to get involved. He reached for a few quills and inkbottles that rolled underneath the desk. He scooted all the way underneath the desk when Hermione passed, she went into back office closing the door looking for professor Binns. Draco thought if it was this simple then he should have no problem with the rest of the plan. He closed the door to the classroom and used a locking charm on the door; he casually walked over sat down on the top of a desk.

The office door opened and Hermione stepped out, "Oh well I must have missed him," She put her hands on her hips, thinking out loud. "Well I have things to do if you see professor Binns tell him that I came by." She walked swiftly to the door and tried to turn the handle, but it wouldn't move. Hermione heard whistling of a guilty suspect behind her. Her eyes slammed shut, "I'm so stupid I should have known." She whispered. Fear jumped up from her stomach into her throat. Hermione turned around and saw Draco twirling his wand in between his fingers like a baton. "Unlock this door right now." She said firmly although her heart was pounding from fear she didn't show it. It was at times like this that she wished she hadn't left her wand back in her room at the tower.

"Why?" Draco started laughing, "don't you trust me enough not to go back on my word?" That didn't sound very sincere, and he knew it too.

"Then why lock the door if you're not going back on your word?" Her hands were planted firmly on her hips.

"I just wanted you and me to have a little quiet time, is that too much to ask for?" He said patting the table next to him with a foolish grin. "Come sit down and let's have a little talk."

Harry was wondering if maybe everyone else had been right, what if she was with Draco after all she didn't scream at him she calmly talked with him. What if it was just a trick so that their love affair wouldn't be spread around? Nope not my problem he thought, Behind the desk Harry was debating if he should make his presence known, No, not yet both of them would probably hex him till doomsday if he interrupted their moment. He leaned back against the desk. Just hurry up and get it over with. He thought to himself, trying not to listen but that was unavoidable.

"I don't want to talk to you, you always twist my words." Hermione said in irritation.

Draco grinned, standing he tucked his wand into the pocket of his robe as if he hadn't heard her, "why are you insisting on keeping the orb, do you really still need it? I'm sure it's shown you who you are."

"What do you mean?" Hermione was confused as she stepped closer to him without even realizing it, "you told me that it shows the future."

"It does, but it also shows you what you are." He looked deeply in her eyes.

Her eyes were swelling with tears knowing that the orb showed her how horrible she was, so many times she had seen herself in the orb slaughtering her friends as if they were in a meat packing plant. She felt so ill thinking that, hoping that it wasn't true, "I'm not like that! I'm not, I know I'm not." She said trying to convince even herself, but it wasn't working.

"Ah, I see you're not ready to believe what you see. If you cannot trust your eyes what can you trust?" Draco's smile faded to be replaced by the most serious look he had ever had.

"Definitely not you or anything you say. You want me to doubt myself and everything I know. Well I'm not going to." She turned her back on him facing the wall.

"You know that bugs me when you do that." His voice was firm.

"I really don't care what bugs you." She snapped looking back at him.

Draco thought a moment and he then remembered that Hermione values her friends lives over her own. He would continue with that angle. "The orb showed you a lot about your friends did it not?"

Hermione turned slowly around facing him, "what?"

"I know a lot about the Orb it's been in my family for oh I don't know how long, but the orb showed you them and you. What did you see, did you see yourself hurting them?"

Hermione stared wide-eyed and she brushed back a strand of hair that dangled in front of her eyes with a quick hand. "Malfoy what did you give me? How do you know what I saw?"

"I gave you a way to see that you always put them before yourself, and you truly wish that they were dead and that you are the one who wants to kill them and will eventually. They are not safe, that's why you're staying away from them. Maybe a head here, and arm there. Possibly even keep an ear for your own enjoyment." He said in a teasing yet serious fashion.

Behind the desk, Harry stared wide eyed. Hermione a murderer, it was impossible. It had to be.

"No, no not at all I would never wish that on anyone. Not even you." She looked down at the ground.

"It was a pretty gruesome what you did, wasn't it?" He moved closer to her, so close that Hermione stepped back. "How you killed them, one by one slowly so you could hear their pitiful screams to increase you delight, laughing in their faces, that is if they still had them." He stepped closer again, and she took another step back.

"How do you know that's what I saw?" There was fear in her eyes as she looked up at him.

"I have seen myself killing people I once thought of as friends, just like you. You feel it don't you, something dark inside you. Just trying to find away out, and this was it. We are the same."

She stared at him her tears spilling over onto her cheeks, "You know nothing about me, I am nothing like you, I will never be anything like you."

Draco seemed to lose his temper, "I know you better than you know yourself." He didn't yell but his voice was rough. "I know how you always give love and affection to your so called friends. But what have you ever gotten in return? Nothing, absolutely nothing!"

He paused a moment then looked down at her with a sincerity. "That's because they don't like you, they only put up with you. We are all using you in one way or another. What were the circumstances in how you became friends, how do you remember it? Oh wait a minute yes they saved your life, so you had to be nice to them and they had to be nice to you. But somehow you knew that they could never really call you their friend, you feel the emptiness around them. They flaunt their love affairs in your face. Yet when you have one or possibly two they want to keep you away from any happiness and joy that you could ever have.

How long have they been doing this to you, how many years will they always make sure that you are alone and miserable. They laugh in your misery. Isn't that how you feel? That could drive anyone to murder. You want them dead so that your suffering stops." He stepped closer to her and she stepped away again. "And don't even get me started on who you really want dead."

Draco was interrupted loudly by Hermione screaming at him to "shut up! You don't know anything! You don't know what you're talking about!" As Draco continued to talk she slammed her palms over her ears refusing to listen. "I'm not going to listen to you!"

He reached up and trying to pull her hands away from her ears, but she wouldn't let him. Finally after a few moments he overpowered her and pulled her hands away from her ears. "They lie to you all the time, you know that. I know you don't want to face the truth, who does?"

Hermione closed her eyes, as Draco continued, "You're feelings don't matter to them, you are just a pushover and a doormat. They take you for granted, all you're good for is doing their homework and helping them pass their classes. That's all, they certainly don't see you as anything other than a big head, and they think a big head doesn't get hurt, doesn't feel." He walked around her, behind her staring at the back of her head, taking in her long gentle flowing curls, there was no longer any bushiness that he had seen the very first time he had seen her. He watched her head lower, "I know the thoughts you have, why you have them, and I can help you control them, believe me."

"I will never believe you, never." She didn't turn. "You have been nothing but hurtful and cruel, and you are only being nice to me right now because of-" She couldn't speak of it. She felt his hands on her shoulders, and tried to move away but he held her there. "Don't touch me." She said firmly.

"But I want too, this is nice." He said slyly. The more she tried to pull away and the harder he held on, till she was pulled back against him. "I know about everything you long for, and you know you won't ever have it." He loosened his grip and she didn't move she knew he was right. "Why not do what you want for once, why are you always putting others before your own needs?"

"I don't need anything." Her answer was quick.

"You could have everything right now, everything would be your way." He said in a quiet voice his arms reaching around her waist.

This did not feel right at all, Hermione turned her head slightly looking back at him, "let go of me right now." She said determined. But he did not. Hermione tried to squiggle free, "I'm not worth all this trouble for you."

"You are so worth it, you have no idea of how much you deserve. You know I can be nice but it is up to you." He glanced down her back to the hem of her robes and back up.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Her voice sounding desperate.

Harry's temper exploded and he couldn't take it anymore Draco was torturing her mind, not with curses, but it was just as bad. Harry knew she was being hurt and it was so his problem. He couldn't just stand there letting Draco do whatever he wanted especially with Hermione, just as Harry stood Hermione's foot was in the air it came slamming down hard on Draco's, and that released his hold on her while stumbling back a little shouting loudly in anger and pain. She tried to get away but Draco had grabbed her by the hair making her holler in throbbing hot white blinding pain. He wound her hair around his hand pulling her back against him, it hurt so much that she sank to the ground with him still holding onto her hair. They both saw Harry standing there, Draco with an amused expression and Hermione with a look of absolute horror and not to mention the pain with her head snapped back, and in Draco's hand full of her hair.

"You leave her alone!" Harry demanded and started towards them.

"You stay right there." Draco demanded as he pulled trying to get Hermione to stand by pulling her hair making her yell. Harry stopped moving knowing that Draco would hurt her if he didn't listen. "Come on, up you get." Draco said calmly, and Hermione stood. "Well well, isn't this interesting? Tell me how long have you been there?"

Harry looked between Draco and Hermione, and then down at his feet. He resisted the urge to raise his gaze to Hermione's. He heard what Draco said about lies so he needed to say exactly how long he had been there, "Since you two walked in."

Draco lowered his mouth to Hermione's ear, "did you hear that, since we walked in?" He still held her by the hair, his left hand rested on her shoulder. "And you heard every single thing that went on, how she wants to kill her friends, you included of course." He looked down at her seeing the tears on her face.

"I heard that so what, everyone wants to kill their friends during one time or another." Harry replied with sarcasm.

"Ah, but have you ever wanted to kill her?" Draco replied running an index finger across her chin and up her cheek. He looked down at the side of her face. He didn't pull on her hair anymore, but he didn't let go either.

"No." Harry simply said.

Draco smiled still looking at her, "I think there is something that you need to know-" Hermione tried to interrupt him but he stopped her with a "quiet" he said calmly pulling on her hair as if squeezing more liquid out of her eyes as he did. "Do you realize that this girl-"

Harry interrupted him this time, "I really don't care if she wants to kill me, hey I probably deserve it. But if you don't let go of her right now you don't want to know what I'll do to you." He threatened.

Draco grinned, "do you know what it is like to want someone who doesn't want you back? I know that feeling right now." He leaned near to Hermione's ear, "you know what that's like don't you Granger." He watched her eyes instantly close, "that's why I usually just ignore it and take what I want anyway, regardless of how it feels for her. But in this case, and at this moment I will not force her to do anything she does not want to do. It doesn't mean I won't change my mind tomorrow and come for what I want."

Looking down at Hermione, Draco said "you have bored me this evening, all you say is the same things, you are right, you are hardly worth a thought, and nobody in their right mind would ever want a worthless mudblood like you." Draco said in utter disgust, he then looked up at Harry, "you want her, take her." He threw her from him roughly at Harry who caught her against him, his arms immediately going around her protectively.

Harry glared at Draco with a watch-your-back-because-I'm-going-to-kill- you look. Draco walked right up to Harry and leaned closer so that Hermione couldn't hear, "by the way, I knew you were here all the time. Consider this a gift from me to you." Draco was sarcastic as he walked to the door unlocking it, leaving through it.

Sighing heavily Harry looked down at the top of Hermione's head he had not been this close to her since the lake. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" His tone was careful. There was a long pause, he didn't like this silence, "Hermione please say something to me, anything. Tell me you hate me go ahead I don't care just talk to me."

"You were here the whole time?" Sounding completely horrified she was silent again. Even though she tried to stay away from him he was always there. And it was a good thing he was around this time. "I-I don't hate you." She finally said.

Harry's arms tightened around her. "Hermione I think we need to have a long talk."

Hermione nodded not looking at him, "alright."

Hermione turned without saying anything and she went up to the tower with Harry following after her.


Draco walked swiftly from the class room and he didn't see where he was going, and smacked right into someone knocking them down. He saw papers flying everywhere. He looked down finding Ginny's agitated face. "Heh, sorry" he grinned.

"Malfoy watch where you're going!" she glared up at him.

He bent down attempting to help her pick up her papers, his fingers accidentally brushing against hers a few times. Sending a tingling sensation through him, he had to take a deep breath. He looked over briefly at her down turned face as she collected her things. Her hair hanging all around her shoulders. He resisted the urge to reach out and feel the silky looking strands.

Ginny looked over at him, "thanks." She was sarcastic.

His mind returning "look, I said I was sorry."

"Yeah but you didn't mean it, you probably knocked me over on purpose to make me look foolish." Ginny was suspicious.

They both stood, Draco for the first time didn't have anything to say, what was the matter with him? He always had tons of brilliant things to say, but now words seemed to fail him. He watched Ginny turn and walk down the hall, "Hey Weasley." That sounded awkward, "I mean Ginny."

"What?" She spun on her heels, her eyes narrowing.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"No, but why should it concern you if I had or not?" Suspicion echoed in her voice.

"I know the kitchens are still open till nine, I mean if you want-" He was cut off.

"Are you suggesting I eat my dinner with you?" She sounded offended.

"Why not?" Draco

"Probably because I find it revolting that I have to breathe the same air as you." She insulted.

"I can understand," He looked up towards the wall as if he weren't interested in her at all. "I mean really you are no way in the right standard to share my air, and the other Slytherins know that too. But I thought you had more self worth. But I guess they are right. You are not worthy of breathing Slytherin air."

"Is that so," Ginny glared, "I'll show them. Fine let's go." She said proudly and started down the hall with Draco trying to catch up completely satisfied.


After a quiet stroll around in different directions of Hogwarts halls and corridors, Both Harry and Hermione finally made it to the Gryffindor common room. Noticing it was empty, which was odd considering it was Friday night and only half after nine. Harry then remembered there was a party in the Ravenclaw house and the Gryffindors were invited.

But thoughts of the party leapt from his mind when he heard shuffling next to him, he turned and saw Hermione slip her feet out of her shoes and taking off her school robe revealing a white satin shirt and black lace short skirt. He found himself staring down the length of her legs. Feeling guilty about thinking about her in that particular way right now, he wanted to talk to her she needed a friendly ear. And he would give that to her and try to resist the temptation that was Hermione.

He managed to lift his gaze to see that she was laying her robe neatly across the table behind the sofa and took a seat, she pulled her skirt down a little and stretched her legs straight. She folded her arms across her chest and stared at the far wall.

Harry removed his robe and tossed it on the chair next to the sofa, it crumpled on the cushion then flopped to the floor. He really didn't care about how neat it looked he would pick it up later. Harry sat down on the sofa next to Hermione not knowing where to begin, it had been at least two weeks, maybe more since he's even had one word with her. "So Hermione, how have you been?"

Hermione lowered her arms from her chest and began twisting her fingers together, she looked down into her lap "not good." She said quietly and was silent again.

"I know you don't like hearing this." Harry started, "but it is better to talk about all the things that are bothering you, or have happened with a friend." He paused a moment trying to think of something else that would be helpful. "And I thought that's what we were."

"That was before," Hermione turned her head looking at him. "Things are different now." Her voice was quiet and steady.

"How are they different, is this about Malfoy and what he said in Binns's classroom?"

"In a way that's half of it.' She sighed largely "I just never thought of myself capable of hurting people. I've seen myself doing that over and over again." She turned looking right at him, "I was hurting Ron, Ginny, and even you. And I was enjoying it." Hermione shuddered with the thought and turned from him. "I wish he never gave me that stupid Orb." She said under her breath, but she knew Harry heard her.

"What Orb?" Harry asked, he had to be careful he already knew about it so he had to choose his words very carefully.

Hermione leaned against the back of the sofa looking up at the ceiling, "it is called the Orb of Ellia, it is suppose to show you your future."

"And you think you saw your future?" He leaned his arm against this sofa cushion leaning his head against it watching her.

"I know I did." Her eyes never left the ceiling.

"You do know that there isn't only one possible future, there are so many paths that we must face. Nothing is carved in stone." Wow that made sense. He thought to himself trying not to smile in his wisdom.

"That may be true, but do you want to risk your life and just hope that, that future doesn't happen?" She turned looking at him, "I don't want you to have to worry about someone else trying to harm you. You have plenty to worry about, and you've had enough suffering." She sighed deeply, "it's better if you and everyone else I care about just stays away from me. Even if it is just a speculation that it's one of the paths I might take."

Harry was silent this time, she did have a point. But it wasn't a very strong one she only knows what the orb was telling her. It did come from Draco so it very well could be just a trick. He watched her reach for her robe on the table behind the sofa, where he saw her pull her wand from her robe pocket, holding it in her right hand. "What are you going to do with that?" He sat up straight thinking what if she was right and she was going to kill him. No, no don't think that. She is not a killer. He said to himself.

Hermione looked down at her wand, and then into his eyes, "if you want I can put a memory charm on you so that you won't remember me or that we were friends."

He shook his head, "Hermione I would never not want to know you." He did not want to believe she had just suggested that.

"You wouldn't even remember that you knew me at all, so what would it hurt?" She replied sounding very serious. "It would be for your own good and I wouldn't be such a bother to you anymore."

"Is that what you think, you think you're a bother to me? That is just not true; don't let Malfoy's words cloud your thoughts. He is so wrong." He watched her knowing that she wasn't listening to him, as she held her wand up to open her mouth to speak. It was not her right to take away his memories of her. Harry quickly grabbed her hand and pointed it up towards the ceiling as the last words of the spell came out and shot up out of the wand and faded.

He felt her trying to pull her hand out of his; he was not going to let her do that. With his hand holding onto hers tightly, he moved his fingers trying to pry her fingers from around the wand. He succeeded. Then with her hand inside his, he used hers to throw the wand to the ground.

Both Harry and Hermione watched her wand sail through the air and land near the opposite wall, she started to quickly stand to go and fetch it but Harry was quicker than she was. His arms shooting around her waist causing her to fall to the floor with him on top of her. She struggled to get out from underneath him but he grabbed both her wrists holding them above her head against the floor. She could not move for she was completely pinned beneath his weight. He was staring down at her "I will not let you take the memories of you out of my head, if Voldermort came right now to kill me I would rather die thinking of you, than anyone or anything else." He watched her eyes close feeling something inside him stirring, he took a really deep breath.

The pressure on her body and her wrists released and Hermione's eyes opened, seeing Harry sitting up right next to her running his hand through his dark hair looking more frustrated than she had ever seen him. She too sat up but slowly "I'm sorry, you're right I shouldn't have tried to do that. I just thought maybe-" She couldn't continue as a few tears fell from her eyes gliding down her cheeks. A sense of hopelessness crept around her again.

Harry's gaze found hers, he was feeling really bad right now. The way she felt beneath him was excruciatingly pleasing, and this was certainly not a time to be thinking those thoughts. He cursed himself for them. Harry knew he should say something, but the words weren't forming. He saw the hopeless look in her eyes, and he was able to say "I think you should not believe anything Malfoy gives you. It might very well be a deception spell to make you see what you fear worst, not your future. You don't even know if this is the Orb of Ellia or whatever it is called. Do you even know if such a thing exists?"

Hermione looked to the floor in thought as a lock of her hair fell in front of her face, that's true she hadn't even researched it, and she usually goes through those steps before taking anything seriously. What if this Orb had some control over her making her feel a certain way about herself because it was some kind of spell.

Noticing that Hermione was thinking and not sulking, Harry actually felt a little better. This meant that she was becoming herself again. Silently, he watched her very closely as she tucked her hair behind her ear. She was looking up towards the wall as if another thought had entered her mind. He wanted to hold her close, to feel her against him. Touch her. Caress her. Love her. No, she needs a friend right now popped into his head, but it was so hard to listen to it.

Harry turned away, trying to think of other less frustrating things but was interrupted feeling a slight pressure on his shoulder. To his mistake he turned and found Hermione leaning her head on his shoulder, making his pulse quicken. He so hoped she couldn't hear the rapid beating of his heart. Yes, sure she had done this a lot in the past, but this time it was a different feeling. "Hermione?" He said in a whisper almost unable to get her name out.

She lifted her head looking up at him, "what?" She could see something about him was different when she wasn't able to read him.

Harry's gaze dropped from her beautiful brown eyes, to her very kissable lips. He quickly averted his eyes looking away completely. "Never mind," he said quickly. He felt Hermione simply lay her head back down on his shoulder, "how are you feeling now?" Harry asked, his breath was short.

"Alright I suppose," Hermione answered quickly trying to return to the silence of her thoughts, she turned and looked up at him again. "Harry what's the matter, are you getting ill?" She was worried.

"No," he took in a short breath, "I'm fine."

She moved, with her face only inches from his she was looking him over, then in the eyes, "are you sure? You look awfully flushed." Hermione put her palm against his cheek to feel the heat wondering if he was getting sick.

Harry reached up quickly covering her hand taking another short breath, he brought her hand down from his cheek. She was so close he could smell the scent of her. He lost it. Quickly without another thought he pressed his lips against hers.

Taken by surprise, Hermione pulled away immediately wide-eyed with confusion. "W-what did you do that for?" She stared in disbelief.

He almost didn't know what to say but words came pouring out of his mouth with no control. "I just wanted to."

Hermione looked to the floor, "why?" She thought about every logical reason why he would kiss her, then it struck her like a light bulb turning on her mind she looked up at him carefully. "Did you find out about Malfoy's deal?"

"What deal?" He lied, trying to give a confused look. He knew about the deal, but that wasn't why he had kissed her. He wanted to do it again and again regardless of Draco's horrible deal.

Hermione's cheeks flushed as she looked up at him, "so you did that because you wanted to, not because of Malfoy?"

"What does my wanting to kiss you have to do with Malfoy?" Harry asked softly, noticing that what he had just asked stunned her. He gently put his hand against her cheek trying to tell her he wanted to do it again.

Her eyes fluttering closed to his touch, an instant later she felt his lips lightly against hers probably testing to see if she would pull away. This time she did not move away.

Taking this as a reason to continue, Harry's mouth gently opened against hers. Pleased that Hermione's response was immediate doing the same, if he could smile he would have. He gently eased his tongue into her mouth. Feeling hers against his delighted him. The feel of her mouth, the taste of her heightened his senses making him want more. His arms wrapped around her tightly pulling her body against him. Feeling her arms go around him his mind started to work again this is your best friend, what are you doing? But he didn't care what his head was saying, he talked back to himself. I'm in love with my best friend, now go away. And his thoughts were no longer bothering him.

Hermione had only secretly dreamt about kissing Harry, or even him wanting to was simply a dream. But he was really here. Right here. She opened her eyes just to make sure. His dark lashes lying against his cheeks that were slightly flushed. Knowing that this was not a dream her eyes closed again to the blissful sensation Harry's mouth created in her and finding herself pressing her mouth a little harder against his.

Harry let out a soft moan into her mouth feeling her mouth harder against his, he loosened his embrace only to slide his hands down her satin covered back, then up under the clothing. He felt her shiver beneath the feel of his hands on her smooth bare back, until they passed over another garment, of lace. He restrained himself from undoing that bothersome clasp, getting rid of the garment that was in his way, but he passed over it.

Her heart raced feeling his fingers caressing her skin and even though Hermione loved him entirely this was just too much after all that had already happened today. He just felt so good right there with her but her mind shouted caution! And she regrettably pulled her mouth from his. She moved a bit away from him putting her hand against her heart as if trying to steady her wild beating heart.

Harry just stared at her for a moment, seeing her gaze still enraptured he so wanted to do more than just kiss her. Self control! His head shouted, it was so hard to have any self control around her right now. "Hermione?" He said still short of breath.

"I'm alright, you?" She felt kind of awkward, not really having any idea of what to say.

Harry finally gathered his thoughts as his brain was starting to work right again, "Hermione I don't want you to feel awkward about what just went on."

Hermione nodded, "I-I just really didn't expect this, at all." She confessed. She sucked in a breath.

He thought a moment feeling uncertain he asked, "did you think it was a wrong thing to do?"

"No-not at all, I mean.-Well-oh boy." Her voice came out flustered as she felt heat rising to her cheeks.

Harry grinned "okay, I take that as a no Harry that was not a wrong thing to do, and you are such a great, great kisser and I want you to do it again." He beamed. He found she had an amused expression on her face.

"It's not that I don't want to do that again, it's just I need to get some sleep. So much has gone on in the past few months with Malfoy constantly-" She shuddered with disgust feeling chills run up her spine not being able to continue with what she was saying. "I have to sort through it. So tomorrow I'm going to the library to see if I can find anything on Malfoy's stupid orb."

"That sounds like a good plan I suppose, I can think of a much better plan involving you and me and" he stopped thinking something really interesting. "But at this point I'll keep it to myself." He grinned.

Hermione was slightly stunned did those words just come out of his mouth? She thought. She wondered if she somehow popped into the twilight zone. But then again they had just crossed over the friendship line into something different, so of course she would see another side of him, but so quickly. "Well, good night." She stood as he did also.

"Night" Harry replied with a smile not wanting her to go, but he knew it was the right thing to do. He so did not want to do the right thing, but he listened to his head and to what Hermione wanted which was very important to him.

They both picked up their robes where they had put them, walking up the stairs towards the different dormitories without looking back at each other. Because if he did, he wasn't sure if his self control would hold up, she probably felt the same was since the sounds of her shoes quickly almost in a tiny run, headed up into the rooms.

Hermione opened the door to the six year girl's room, she quickly changed out of her clothes and into a light blue night shirt. She walked to her bed, pulling the covers back she slipped in between them. She heard the bed next to her move and Hermione turned her head to see Zara staring at her with a silly grin on her face. "What?"

Zara smiled and practically whispered, since she did not want to wake the other girls, "That was an interesting site if I do say so myself, and if I were a voyeur I would have stuck around longer. But I'm not," she paused "much of one." She grinned "you should have seen Ron he totally wanted to see tons more, but I had to push him up the stairs and make sure he went in his door."

Hermione's cheeks flushed as she knew what Zara was talking about and she was glad it was dark so Zara couldn't see it. "Nothing else-happened." She said.

"I believe you." Zara got up from her bed and went over and sat down on Hermione's bed crossing her legs together.

Hermione sat up in confusion, "what are you doing?"

"I just wanted us to have a little girl talk, Jewel never kisses guys unless they are really, really cute. So that's not very often, and besides she's in another house. I never have anyone to talk to about stuff like this."

"I take it you kiss a lot of guys then?" Hermione was sarcastic.

"Only the ones I like." Zara smiled. "How about you, do you kiss a lot of guys?

Hermione shook her head, "not really, I mean I have had relationships before. Not too many though and probably not as many as you."

"Gee Hermione you make me sound like a slut. I'm only sixteen I haven't had that many." Zara sounded offended then asked. "How old were you when you had your first kiss?"

"I was fourteen." She smiled.

"That's cool I suppose." Zara said.

Hermione looked to her bedcovers and then up at Zara, "do guys usually act strange after kissing them?"

"Strange, in what way?" Zara seemed confused as she thought back to a few.

"I don't know, maybe I just never noticed or paid attention to it before." Hermione replied unsure.

"Well you crossed over that invisible friendship line, a lot of things are going to be different, and yes even shocking at times. But it's all good. Trust me on that." Zara thought a moment and then knew what she was going to say. "I mean each guy is a little different. Not much though, believe it or not they are all after that one thing." Zara saw the unsure look in Hermione's eye and knew who she was thinking about, "yes even him Hermione, if he's a guy it's always a thought in his mind. Also most of them think that when they kiss you once they can do it again and again as if you really don't have a say in the matter. But you do, it's your mouth remember that." Zara's voice was stern.

"But I really wouldn't mind."

"You don't want them to know that." Zara smiled.

"What do you mean?" Hermione was confused.

"All guys like a certain chase a convincing, even if they don't admit or even consciously know. You will find that it's kinda fun too. They tend to think of the most interesting things in trying to convince you."

"Zara, isn't that kind wrong isn't that teasing them. My parents often told me it's not right to tease because it leads to very unfortunate circumstances." Hermione had caution in her voice.

"True it's a little tease, but not really harmful. If you always give what they want right away you never know if it's you they want or just another mark down on their list. I don't know if that makes any sense to you? You'll just have to try it out and if it doesn't work for you, then forget it." Zara smiled knowing from her own kissing experience that it is lots of fun they try so hard.

"I'll give it some thought." Hermione sighed, "Zara something has been gnawing at me since the first time I met you." She took a breath, "how is it that you know Draco Malfoy?"

Zara nodded, "well I met him last summer. Him and his creepy ass father came into my mothers rave, I had no idea they were wizard types at the time, just really weird European tourists."

"What's a rave?" Hermione asked.

"A muggle dance club. Zara answered. "It's a fun and exciting a very wild kind of way of life I suppose, I like it." She smiled with pride.

That's strange Hermione thought. Why would Draco and his father go into a muggle establishment, and in another country at that? "That is kind of unusual, the Malfoy's despise muggles with a passion. Why would they go some place that is just crawling with them?"

"I have no idea, like I said I didn't know who they were." Zara said.

"Well then how did you meet them?" Hermione was going to figure out exactly what Draco was up to. He just does not hang around where muggles are. He would rather have his eyes burnt out and his hair torn by the roots then spend an evening or even a minute with muggles.

Zara thought back and then it all came back, "even though I was underage to serve alcoholic beverages my mom would let me do it anyway, just as long as I didn't drink any, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her I always say. Anyway I was talking to these three guys and their lady friend at a table next to the Malfoys you know the weird European tourists, some silly girl ordered the Virgin Sacrifice and I made a joke. I was really funny." She praised herself and then continued. "This one guy didn't look 21 and he was ordering one of the most potent drinks on the menu so I teased him about his ID. He didn't think that was too funny.

One of his friends had been in the rave before so I gave him a really cool name like Knife. He liked it. And he told his friends that I could do this really neat thing with my tongue."

"I bet." Hermione teased.

Zara threw Hermione a sarcastic look "anyway, I could tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. Knife and his friends wanted to see but there weren't any cherries around on their table, I looked around and noticed some at the table next to theirs on the weird Europeans table. I stepped over and asked them if I could borrow a cherry. They both nodded without a word and I took one. I returned to Knife's table and showed them my trick. They were impressed they clapped and cheered I took the rest of their orders, then left to fill them.

As the night wore on, it was nearing closing time and the one I had carded tried to get me to go on a date with him, he was so persistent. I had to say several rude things to him, he still didn't take the hint and I almost had to get the bouncers to throw him out since I would never have been able to use any kind of magic to get him to leave. But the weird Europeans walked up and said something to the bothersome guy and he listened to them leaving without the bouncers help. And that's how I met them."

"They must have used some curse on him to get him to leave so quickly." Hermione thought out loud.

"I really don't know." Zara said, "but the older of the guys left and then it was just me and Draco and we had a very nice conversation. When I closed down the club for my mom I remember thinking it's a shame I probably won't see him again." She paused, "because he was really cute. And then he showed up every night that I was working in the rave for a whole month. I fell for that boy and his empty promises like a ton of bricks." She sighed with regret.

"He is very deceitful, it's a shame you and I didn't meet until this year. I could have told you that." Hermione replied.

"Well it's also my fault that I took everything he said so seriously. I've never had that problem before with guys, he was just so different and believable."

Even in the darkness of their room Hermione could feel the air around her that Zara had her heart broken by Draco Malfoy, "Did you-"

Hermione was cut off by Zara looking up at her with a very hurt expression. "My first." She closed her eyes lightly the opened them smiling, "well what is done is done, but now I can make the rest of my experiences good ones." Hearing voices heading towards the bedroom door Zara stood off of Hermione's bed, "I think I kept you up late enough, I should get some sleep." As Zara returned to her bed the door opened and the other six year girls came in. they were still talking about the party with the Ravenclaws. And how those smart people can really throw a bash when they want to. After it quieted down Zara was able to fall into her blissful slumber.

Hermione looked up to the ceiling as she heard Lavender climb into the bed next to hers. Hermione's eye lids started to fall slowly, and she was asleep-she was walking through the court of ladies and gentleman who were all gathered near the palace, conversing in the day's news or whatever took their fancy. Scanning the crowd she was looking for someone and found him, he was casually leaning up against the wall talking with a flaxen haired woman who was known to the court as Sofia Lyle. He had his hand lazily on her arm and was smiling into her eyes. He seemed to step closer and whisper something in Sofia's ear, she blushed and he moved back against the wall.

Seeing this, her eyes narrowed she turned to walk away.

"You're a fool you know." A voice said to her.

She turned finding him eating a bright red apple, "Ulrich, I would appreciate it if you keep your opinions to yourself. If anyone's a fool it is you."

"Jasmine, it will never be just you so give up those insane thoughts of yours." Ulrich taunted.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said softly.

"Torrin could and he does have every woman there is, why would he settle for just you?" Ulrich tormented her with that thought. He always knew it would work "well maybe he would if he ever ran out of court ladies." He laughed silently to himself. "You should just accept my proposal, we could be good together. Two very powerful allies on the same side." Ulrich said with a smile.

"We are not on the same side and you know it. You sound like your father Ulrich, it is quite disturbing. And aren't you're in love with Alina, shouldn't you be with her?" Jasmine pointed out.

"I can't be with her, my father won't allow it. She's just a bar maid. Beneath my station. Even though my father is impressed with her magic skills she's just not worthy." Ulrich said with disappointment.

"The only reason you think we could be good together is because your father knows I have Merlin's Scepter, and he wants it."

"I don't know why he wants it? Jasmine you're the only one who can use it. Sometimes I wonder if he even thinks clearly."

"Ulrich evil incarnates don't think clearly" she insulted," they think with how much power they can achieve, it clouds their minds." She heard footsteps coming towards them she looked up her eyes narrowed as saw him coming towards them. She looked back at Ulrich, "excuse me Ulrich, I must go now." She turned and walked away from Ulrich, trying to get away from the court, palace and most of all him. She rounded the corner just before the palace gardens that led out into the village and smacked into someone. She tried to step aside and go past but he didn't let her. She finally looked up at him "Torrin move." She commanded.

"I did." He was sarcastic. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"It really doesn't concern you but if you must know, I have business with the council." She said looking away from him.

"You don't have business with them until tonight. So you have plenty of time to spend with me." He smiled.

"I think not." She tried to pass him again but he still did not let her. "You really need to get out of my way."

He just stared trying to figure out what she was talking about, he was not going to let her pass until he got an answer. "Jasmine we have known each other all our lives, hell our parents made sure we would all grow up together, I know something is bothering you. Can you just tell me what it is?"

"Alright, it's you. You are bothering me. There are you happy now?" She smiled sarcastically.

"If you think you telling me I bother you makes me happy then you are surely misguided." He replied in the same sarcastic tone as Jasmine's smile.

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "I don't have time for this, and I'm not going to get into an argument with you." She turned around walking away.

Torrin quickly grabbed her hand before she could get away, "too late you're already in it." He said pulling her back around to face him. "Now what could I have possibly done today, to bother you?" He dropped her hand.

She looked right up at him, "you must really think I'm the biggest fool don't you?"

"Why would I think that?" He was confused.

"I don't know, maybe I should ask Sofia Lyle?" She asked firmly.

Torrin sighed, he realized she must have seen him talking with Sofia earlier, "Jasmine you are getting upset over nothing." He said with a tiny laugh in his voice.

"Don't you dare laugh at me, and it is not nothing." She said very seriously.

Torrin laughed he couldn't help it she just looked so serious and sounded it too. He saw her eyes narrow with anger and her hand reach up to slap him but he caught it way before it would hit him. He just looked at her with an amused expression on his face.

That look irritated her even more and she lifted her other hand quickly but he caught that one too. Jasmine felt really foolish and she tried to pull her wrists from his hands, but they wouldn't budge, "let go." She ordered.

"No," He said amused, "you were going to slap me, with both hands."

"And your point is what?" She answered still trying to pull free noticing that he obviously found this funny.

"That I'll let go when I want to," he said no longer amused. With a firm but gentle tug Jasmine fell against him, his lips on hers.

She went rigid and tried to pull away but he held her wrists and her against him. Jasmine felt Torrin bring her arms around his waist, so that she was embracing him. She always loved the feeling when she was holding him, now giving up on the idea of getting away. Her body relaxed against his. Even though she was still angry she did not want to move.

Torrin pulled away briefly, "you Jasmine are the only one I want." He whispered putting his arms around her tighter.

"Torrin you do not fight fairly." She did not drop her arms from around his waste, she held on.

Looking down into her eyes, Torrin smiled lightly "I know." His lips brushed lightly against hers- Hermione turned over in her sleep.


Hmmm? Well do you really think Draco is going to run naked through the school? Well for all of you who ever wished to visualize that ;). Stay tuned for Chapter-- 6 Draco's Decision. Please Read and Review thanks, Ryoko