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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 6- Draco's Decision

There was no time for conversation as Hermione rushed through her breakfast, she didn't even look at anyone she just shoveled food into her mouth. She so wanted to get to the library. After she finished the rest of her juice she attempted to stand, but there was a hand resting on her arm. She looked over at Harry who was looking rather serious.

"Hermione there's something I need to talk to you about." He said uneasy

Uh-oh She thought to herself he had time to think about his kissing her last night and now thought it was a mistake. She did not need to know that right now and was going to put off the news as long as possible. "We can talk later Harry I have to go." She pulled her arm from beneath his hand, standing she swung her bag over her shoulder and quickly darted from the main hall for the library.

Hermione went into the well lit library, she smiled at Madame Pince who smiled back, "good morning Madame Pince."

"Good morning Hermione dear, do you need any help in finding what you're looking for?" Madame Pince really liked Hermione she was the most responsible student she had ever known.

"No thank you I think I have everything under control." Hermione smiled.

"Well dear would you mind watching the library for me, I'm going to step out for a few minutes."

"Sure, I'm probably going to be here awhile. So take as long as you need." Hermione sat her bag down on the table as Madam Pince left the library. Hermione opened a secret compartment in her bag and pulled out the orb, the dark orb turned a series of colors in her hand. "Time to figure out what this really does." She said looking at it suspiciously.

Hermione went to the section of the library on Orbs and crystal magic, looking through a series of books finding out a great deal about orbs in general. She heard voices arguing and leaned closer to the edge of the book case trying to listen; she was surprised hearing that it was Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley. Oh Ginny what are you doing with that creep? She thought to herself.

"You know it is wrong." Ginny said

"I know that, what do you want me to do?" Draco was sarcastic.

"Not to go through with it, that orb is dangerous. Hermione should not have it, it might cause her to-" Ginny stopped.

"What kill others, highly doubtful." Draco said insensitive.

"No not others! Herself you idiot." Ginny insulted, "haven't you seen what it's doing to her. Of course you don't think about anyone but yourself." She poked a finger into his chest.

"Ow!" Draco rubbed the spot where Ginny poked him. "Yes I've seen what it's doing. It always does that if you keep it for a long time. And she won't give it back to me." Draco replied sitting down.

"Oh I wonder why she won't give it back to you?" Ginny was sarcastic as she sat down next to him.

"I really wasn't going to make her do anything you know." Draco admitted.

"Yeah well that's not what Ron and Harry told me this morning," Ginny's eyes narrowed he signaled for her to move closer. Ginny and Draco leaned in and he whispered something so that no one else can hear. Ginny pulled back and looked at him stunned out of her mind. "Why on earth and under the heavens would you do that?"

"Because it was the right thing to do," Draco replied.

"Since when do you ever do the right thing?" Ginny asked unbelieving.

"Since we started spending time together, I know I'm suppose to hate you and your brothers, well your brothers I do hate." He admitted with a smile. "And hurting your friend, is hurting you. I don't want to do that."

"I don't know if I should believe you." Ginny said with suspicion in her eyes.

On the other side of the book shelves Hermione shook her head thinking to herself, "be careful Ginny, he's a liar." She returned to her orb searching. Hermione went to the last book in the orb section she held the orb up and ran her finger along the sentences and found information on the Orb of Ellia, she continued reading her eyes narrowed in anger she looked back up at the orb and down at the book, she did that several times. She almost couldn't control her anger. She clutched the orb tightly in her hand, she held it so tightly that the color in her hand ran down her arm. Hermione walked out from behind the shelves and right over to the table where Draco and Ginny were.

They saw her coming as she walked up to them trying to hide how angry she was, Draco did not think this was funny at all, she looked like she was going to kill him and she probably was. "Granger calm down." He said in a warning tone for the first time fearing for his life.

Hermione walked right up to the table and leaned over, she set the orb down softly on the table. Then without warning she reached over and grabbed Draco by his robes pulling him up out of his seat, he was amazed at how strong she had gotten and he didn't resist. "What is this?" Hermione asked her teeth clinched.

He couldn't lie to her while she was in this state, besides she had just found out the truth that it was not the Orb of Ellia. "What is this?" He heard her repeat again.

"It is not the Orb of Ellia." Draco replied.

Hermione released his robes and he fell back down into his seat, she glared at him. "I didn't ask you what it wasn't, I asked you what it is? And if you don't tell me in the next millisecond you're going to have a new facial feature and it isn't going to be pretty." She pulled out her wand holding it steady in her hand, pointed right at Draco's face she wasn't teasing.

"It's the Orb or Ereena, the exact opposite of the Orb or Ellia. It shows you what you don't want to see, or what you fear most." He said still afraid his face was in danger of being ruined.

"Why did you give this to me and why did you say it was the Orb of Ellia?" She moved closer with the wand still pointed at him.

"I just wanted to have a little fun with you, I didn't think you would take anything I gave you seriously." He replied with a light smile, "you never have before. It allowed me to get to you. You would never have allowed me otherwise if you did not need my help with it."

Hermione lowered her wand, "do you have any idea what a hold this orb had over me, it was not fun Malfoy far from it. I had to look at that thing every day, every hour. Before it would let me go on with my day or night. I could feel it hypnotizing me commanding me to watch it. I couldn't stop it. It made me believe it. Much like an unforgivable curse, it probably was one." She almost yelled at him.

Hermione lifted her hand with the orb in it and threw the orb at Draco "take it back" She watched him catch it in his hand, "It is not the Orb or Ellia so I owe you nothing." Then turned to Ginny, "oh and Ginny I wouldn't get to close to him. He's no good you can even ask Zara Reynolds, He was her first. If he's after you it's only because you're still a virgin, I mean I am and he knew that. It was the offering he made me that I had no control over in agreeing to because I was being sucked in by that-that orb." She pointed at it in his hand.

Ginny had never seen her friend so angry, but at least she wasn't sulking and depressed. She was glad that Hermione's mind was returning. She turned and looked at Draco with a very angry expression,

Hermione kicked the table leg as she turned and went back behind the bookshelves, after putting all the books back she decided not to leave the library, she did not want to talk to anybody, she was such a fool and an idiot. She hoped she never saw anyone again for the rest of her life. Never had she felt so humiliated, she sat down at a table and pulled out a parchment, a quill and an inkbottle, she started working on the essay for Defense against the Dark Arts, she was going to write about her experience with the Orb or Ereena. Something that really happened to her.

Ginny left the library with Draco trying to follow her.

She didn't realize how long she had been working, she didn't even notice Madame Pince returning. Who was reading quietly behind her desk, Hermione returned to her work. After awhile of quiet writing a voice disturbed her and she jumped writing a line where she was going to put the letter I.

"Ginny said I would find you still here," Harry said as he saw Hermione look up at him from her writing, "you missed lunch you know?"

Hermione nodded, "I wasn't really hungry." She smiled briefly and then it faded, "he's going to pay for this." She said under her breath and she knew Harry heard every single word she said.

"Who's he?"

"Malfoy, who else?" She looked up at Harry irritated, "I feel like the biggest idiot ever." She said trying to control her anger.

"You shouldn't beat yourself up over this, it could have happened to anyone?" Harry leaned against the table looking down at her.

"Yeah well it didn't happen to anyone, it happened to me." Hermione shook her head disgusted with herself, "why did it take you to tell me to figure out what this was, I should have done that a long time ago. But I didn't." She stood and threw her things into her bag, closing it roughly. "Well you might as well tell me what you wanted to talk to me about this morning, my day can't get any worse than this. Actually it can I just don't want to think about that." She started walking towards the library door with Harry trying to catch up to her.

Hermione really didn't feel like going back to the tower and she was in luck that Zara was passing with her friends Jewel and Enrique, she noticed Enrique trying to hold Jewel back with a strong arm, it kind of made Hermione laugh to herself. "Zara do you think you could take my bag up to the tower for me, I really don't want go all the way up there."

Zara smiled, "sure Hermione." She looked over at Harry, "Hey Harry if you see Ron can you give him this for me?" Zara handed Harry a piece of folded paper.

Harry nodded and took the paper from her stuffing it in his pocket, and they continued on their way, "Hermione do you want to go outside?"

"Alright," She and Harry went out the main doors, and down the steps. The air felt cool and crisp, it would be Halloween soon Hermione thought.

She looked over at Harry who looked serious. "What, you look like you want to say something. So just say it already."

"It's not that easy to say." Harry said truthfully.

She stopped walking and sat on a small bench just before the lake.

He sat down next to her, "I just feel that I should tell you that-" He couldn't get the words out what was the matter with him, He felt she should know Ron already knew a long time ago, you just don't share these things with friends that happen to be girls.

Hermione saw him struggling with his thoughts, "is it a bad thing or a good thing?" She tried to help.

Finally he found the right words, "you know last year when I was with Cho, well I was really with her." He put an emphasis on the second with, hoping she would take the hint, he didn't want to explain it too much.

Nodding understanding what he meant, "and you feel the need to tell me this why?" Hermione asked nonchalantly.

"I just felt you needed to know." He tried to smile reassuringly, but it kinda fell apart.

"Harry well it's interesting that you would tell me this, but you're a little late I already knew." She smiled.

"You knew, how? I mean Ron didn't say anything."

Hermione laughed, "Cho my friend has a big mouth. She was blabbing all over school for months. I'm surprised you didn't hear it get back to you."

"Boy I feel betrayed." He half teased.

"Well you shouldn't worry she didn't say anything bad." Hermione couldn't help her laughing tone.

"What's so funny?"

"Well if you didn't hear it, I'm not going to tell you." She couldn't help the laughter.

It really didn't make any difference to him if he knew what she was laughing at "Fine be that way." He teased crossing his arms over his chest, "you know I was wondering why everyone was looking at me strangely last year, and now I know why those things are suppose to be private." He shook his head back and forth.

"Oh really, is that way you told Ron." She threw him an amused yet sarcastic look.

Harry's mouth dropped he couldn't think of anything to say in response, instead he just shook his head trying not to laugh himself.

"Is that all you wanted to say to me?" Hermione asked unsure.

"Pretty much yeah," he tried to smile.

Hermione shook her head, "do you want to know what I thought you were going to say, now don't laugh at me okay."

"I would never laugh at you, but maybe if the situation was funny I would laugh at it, but never at you."

"I thought you were going to tell me that you had time to think about kissing me last night and that it was a mistake." She said.

There was a slight amusement on his face as he looked over at her "why you would think that?" gently he put an arm around her pulling her against him he looked over at her, "you know I never do things that I don't mean."

"Well I don't know what was going on in your head, I mean you could have just been trying to make me feel better." She glanced at her fingers in her lap.

"If I just wanted to make you feel better I would have done a lot more than just kiss you."

Hermione felt the heat rising in her cheeks, she turned slightly to look at him.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak when she saw Ron coming towards them in a run. Both Harry and Hermione stood as Ron approached.

He smiled at them, "Harry, Malfoy's going to do it now." Ron smirked.

"Do what?" Hermione looked up at Harry with confusion.

Harry glanced down at her with amusment, "Malfoy is going to run naked through the school."

"What? Why would he do that?" She was horrified.

"Because of the bet we made yesterday before Quidditch practice." Ron said suppressing a hearty laugh.

"Oh come now, you can't be serious." Hermione looked between the two of them, "Bets and deals tend to get out of hand when it comes to Malfoy." She said and started down at the ground.

Ron just ignored Hermione, "Harry are you coming? we have to go now.

"Yeah sure." Harry looked over at Hermione who did not look happy.

"Well I'm not going to see that, the last thing I want is to see Malfoy in the buff." Her eyes narrowed and she turned walking away from the two of them.

Ron stared as Hermione walked away from them, turning to Harry he said, "oh forget about her, come on." And both of them walked back into the school,

"Oh Ron here." Harry handed him the note that Zara gave him.

"What's this?" Ron took the note and noticed it was from Zara. He nodded and tucked it into the pocket in his robe he would read it later. Just as they entered through the main doors they saw a really fast blur of blonde hair streak by. Ron and Harry immediately busted into laughter as they heard the screams of horror and whistles of approval coming from the other students.

Alicia walked up to both Harry and Ron "well well, he gets my approval." She grinned. "I can't believe he actually went along with this."

They could still hear the screams of horror echoing through the halls and corridors, even some threatening teachers. Soon there were fast running footsteps all along the halls chasing after someone. Malfoy then came barreling down the stairs again his face bright red with embarrassment, he reached for his robe that was laying on the hand railing and put it around himself covering everything, "you will all regret this."

"Next time don't make a bet that you can't live up to Malfoy." Harry said still laughing.

Draco glared at Harry, Ron. Then at Alicia who was throwing him winks and admiring faces. He turned quickly heading as fast as he could in the direction of the Slytherin house.

After Draco got dressed he left through the porthole and headed down stairs, every time he came in contact with someone, particularly women and girls, they would blush or smile at him, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. He rounded to corner and saw Ginny heading into the great hall with a folder tucked under her arm. She was whistling some happy tune. Draco would follow her.

He found her sitting down at a table by herself, she was looking through a small stack of papers. Draco stood absolutely still just watching her, as if mesmerized by her. He watched her lift her hand and run it lightly through her dark red hair, flipping it behind her. She looked over at her quill and picked it up, daintily dipped it into the ink and began writing. She really has grown into quite a beautiful young lady. Draco thought to himself, nothing like her arrogant and idiotic brothers. He walked right up to her, "what are you working on?" He said with a small smile.

"Nothing that would interest you." Ginny said without looking up at him.

Draco shook his head, "you don't know that."

This time she looked up at him, "Malfoy I really don't want to talk to you right now. Or ever again so please go away." Ginny returned to her work.

"Too bad your loss." He said.

"I'll try to get over it." Ginny was sarcastic.

"You know I'm really not all that bad." Draco admitted.

"I find that hard to believe. You are horrible and cruel and I don't want to associate with the likes of you." Ginny scooped up her papers and put them back in her folder. She stood from the table and headed for the door.

"You mean a person can't make mistakes, they have to be just perfect." Draco sounded hurt.

Ginny turned glaring at him "mistakes yes, people are allowed mistakes. Just you have never made a mistake, everything you have done has been intentional."

"I think you are mistaken." He said with a smirk.

"No I'm not," Ginny threw her folder on the table next to her. "You don't even like Hermione yet you're constantly around her now. That is slightly suspicious, what in heavens name are you doing?"

"I'm trying to make up for the past." He said looking right at Ginny.

"I don't believe that for one minute, and neither does anybody else. We are going to keep you away from her." Ginny replied.

"Look I don't want her, you can trust me on that." Draco replied.

"Then why?" Ginny folded her arms across her chest.

Draco could not say why, but he had to think of something to say. "I was just trying to find away to talk to her like a normal person, perhaps even a friend. I know I've been just horrible to her. I really wanted to make it up to her, I really did." Draco said trying to sound sincere.

"Oh I see, by trying to make it up to her. You wanted to make it with her. Oh yeah that just makes tons of sense." Ginny said.

"Yes sometimes I think with what's in my pants I'll admit it. But I was wrong I should never have pushed it like I did. I feel really bad I told you earlier today what I was really trying to do."

Ginny eyed him suspiciously "I don't know if I should believe anything that comes out of your mouth."

"Look I'll prove to you that I have changed my ways." Draco said.

"We'll see." She turned picked up her folder from off the table and left through the doors.

Draco smiled to himself, he didn't care about his fathers stupid plan. He wanted Ginny and he would prove to her that he was worthy of her affections. And his decision had been made He could smell the scent of dinner being prepared and by the smell of things it was just about ready as students started filling into the Great Hall and he knew it was time. He immediately went over to his table and sat down. He watched as he saw Ron and Harry walk in and sit down. Neville walked in talking to Alicia. Zara with Enrique and Jewel came in laughing whole heartedly, She waved to her friends as Enrique and Jewel went over to their table

Hermione came into the great hall and took her usual seat between both Ron and Harry, "Well I hope that naked nonsense is over, I wouldn't want to loose my dinner thank you very much."

"Yeah it's over, but it was funny." Harry said, "and you missed it."

"It probably was." Hermione picked up her napkin from the table and placed it in her lap and felt a hand squeeze hers. She couldn't help the slight flush to her cheeks.

Zara looked across the table at Ron, Harry, and Hermione. She smiled when she saw Harry lean closer to Hermione's ear saying something to her. Hermione nodded, and their food appeared. Zara looked down at her plate and poked her fork into her poached salmon.

Ron watched as Harry and Hermione finished off their dinner in rapid speed, He just stared astounded that two people could eat so fast. "Why are you two in such a rush?"

Hermione was about to answer when they saw Dumbledore stand, the entire student body quieted down and looked towards him. He was going to make an announcement.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "interesting prank today students." He grinned, "we haven't had a streaker for awhile although last time it occurred it was a group of boys," He almost broke into laughter. "Anyway I wanted to make an announcement, that I have started a new class for all six year students, you must attend this on Monday's at four o'clock. That is all carry on."

Hermione seemed intrigued, "I wonder what kind of class this is?"

"Hopefully something that doesn't require too much book work." Ron said.

Hermione rolled her eyes she felt a tugging on her sleeve. She turned to find Harry still tugging on her sleeve she pulled her sleeve from his grasp. "Alright I'm coming."

Harry grinned and they both stood leaving the great hall. Ron watched the door where his two friends had left through.

"Hmmm?" He turned to Zara, "Interesting."

"What is?" Zara said picking up her glass.

"Oh nothing really, I'm just thinking out loud." And they continued their dinner.

It was a lazy evening, after dinner was finished and time wore on later and later. Students started going to their houses to relax a bit before going to bed.

Ron and Zara were sitting on the sofa in the common room, Zara was studying while Ron was updating the Quidditch plays as the other students played games of chess and other younger students started retiring for the night, every few moments another group of students left for bed. Ron looked over at Zara, she had her hair in two braids on either side of her head, with a golden ribbon weaved in the braid, he smiled looking at her. He remembered the note he received from Zara. His eyes traveled along her pretty face that was half shadowed by the roaring fire. She really was beautiful he though then realized that he was staring and returned to his writing.

"When are you going to do it?" Zara asked quietly.

"Do what?" Ron confused looked at her running his hand through his red hair, she was staring directly at him.

"Kiss me?" She said tilting her head to the side.

Ron nearly choked on his saliva, "what?" Why was he so nervous around her? he was not a nervous kinda guy. But she made him feel so vulnerable, perhaps it was because she was so blunt and to the point. Much like himself. He couldn't think of anything to say, he just stared.

"Kiss me?" She repeated, "I know you want to." She smiled a cute little smile.

He could not speak he was lost for words, of course he wanted to. Everyday since he had known her which hasn't been very long but still he's wanted to kiss her since the very first time he laid eyes on her. It wasn't like he's never kissed a girl before, he's had lots of kisses, he thought about when he kissed Lavender that was nice and sweet, gentle and soft. And then last New Years eve he had convinced Hermione to give him a kiss right at midnight on the dot, and it was okay but just wasn't what he wanted. Then there was Cherry, Gabriella, Nicolette and many others. He had done quite a lot of kissing and many other things last year earning him the name male slut. But he didn't care he was having a grand time, and so were they. Ron looked at Zara still not knowing what to say or do.

"Well I guess I was wrong, I mean if you don't want to that's fine." She sounded disappointed and started to return to her reading.

Do it, do it now! His head shouted. And without a second thought he reached over, he had Zara's face in his hands and he was kissing her. He felt Zara's mouth open beneath his, her response was even more surprising, as she was kissing him she pushed him back long ways against the sofa arm, their books and things falling to the floor in a pile. Ron's arms went around her, his palms flattening against her back still drinking in the depths of her mouth, he felt her tongue pressing and playing against his.

He had to take a breath, he pulled his mouth from hers looking into her eyes she seemed dazed and so aware of him.

She stared at him knowing that this feeling was so different, she had never felt like this with a first kiss before. It was so enlightening and fulfilling. Somehow perfect, she pressed her hands against his chest feeling his heartbeat, with her left hand she grasped his and put his hand against her heart, she lifted her gaze to his. "Do you feel that?" She asked in a whisper.

Ron nodded, their hearts were actually beating together, it was the strangest feeling, the best feeling he had ever known. He lifted his hand behind her head and pulled her mouth down against his, he didn't want that feeling to end Zara pressed both of her hands to his face.

There was a slight coughing sound alerting them, they slowly pulled apart and looked up at Harry looking at them with an interesting look on his face.

Ron smiled foolishly as Zara sat up straight trying not to look foolish herself. Harry shook his head back and forth "I leave for a few hours and look what I come back to find." He grinned.

"Well I was about to go up to bed anyway." Ron said looking at Harry

"I thought as much." Harry raised an eyebrow and Ron knew what he was thinking. It wasn't everyday that Harry got to make a wise crack at Ron's expense. He was delighted.

"Ha, ha very funny." Ron said as he stood, he looked into Zara's dark eyes. "Well goodnight I'll see you tomorrow." And he turned to walk up the stairs to the boys dormitories, Zara did the same and went up the stairs into the girls dormitories.

Ron changed out of his clothes and got into his bed he hadn't realized how tired he was, as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light- He scanned the ballroom waiting for the announcement to begin. Walking around he went and stood by his friends. "Torrin, Jasmine, what's going on?"

"Ulrich is about to receive his gifts." Jasmine replied looking at him.

"Why is it that Ulrich celebrates the day of his birth, I mean who would want to celebrate that day?" He said in sarcasm.

"Kai that's quite a rude thing to say," Jasmine scolded.

"Well it's true." Kai replied, "Torrin you agree with me don't you?"

Torrin nodded, "Certainly." He grinned.

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "you two are impossible."

Kai watched as Ulrich was presented his gifts one by one, he saw a man in a turban stand before Ulrich and bow.

"I have brought you a gift from beyond the sea." The man with a turban bowed and stepped aside, he held his hand to the side and a veiled woman stepped towards him. "I present to you Leelee, from the finest wizarding family in all of Baghdad."

Kai heard a gasp of disapproval next to him he turned and found Jasmine glaring up

"He surely won't accept her, he can't." She was angry.

"Why not?" Kai asked. "You're not jealous are you?" He smirked

"Hardly, come on Kai. This is slavery it is wrong on every account. I must put a stop to this." Jasmine started to walk towards Ulrich. But Kai and Torrin held her back.

"Jasmine what are you doing, do you want to cause an international incident?" Kai said struggling to hold her back which was hard considering her determination.

"Let go of me both of you." Jasmine tried to pull away from their grasp.

"Look I know how you feel." Torrin said. "But this isn't the time, bring it up with the council."

Kai felt Jasmine stop struggling and he watched her nod agreeing with Torrin. He looked back up towards Ulrich and his gift. The man in the turban pulled the veil from the woman's face- Ron turned over and clutched his pillow.

Yep Draco ran through the school in the buff. Love is in the air can't you just feel it. Well stay tuned for Chapter 7-A taste of steel. Please Read and Review thanks, Ryoko