Unofficial Portkey Archive

Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything ;)

Chapter 21-Beauty, Banquets, and Bruises.

The sounds of two people talking roused the sleeping beauty from her restful slumber.

Hermione blinked back the sleepiness as she tried hard to open her eyes and greet the morning. She could tell it was morning from the sounds of happy birds chirping and the warm sunlight that was softly caressing her cheeks. She fought for control from the God of Slumber and her eyes opened and she could see the world before her. Hermione was looking around the room and could see Harry standing by the door talking to Caleb.

Harry, hearing shuffling coming from the bed turned his head to find Hermione sitting and stretching her arms up. He turned around with a bright smile on his face and a sliver looking tray in his hands. Harry walked over to the side of the bed and sat down on the edge.

"Ah, so my sleeping beauty has finally woken. And I was gonna do the whole Prince Phillip thing to wake you too." He said in half disappointment but with a small grin on his face.

"Prince Phillip thing?" Hermione felt confused.

"Yeah, you know in the Walt Disney film Sleeping Beauty? Well to break the spell the prince had to kiss his true love to wake her." He said setting the tray in Hermione's lap.

"I didn't realize you were such a Walt Disney fan." Hermione replied lifting up the covering on the tray and found her favorite breakfast of French Toast covered in maple syrup, with a light sprinkling of powdered sugar, and a small bowl of strawberries and cream. She smiled to herself and looked up at Harry with a huge smile of appreciation on her face.

"Well I can kinda relate to some of their lives a bit." He said while watching her pick up the fork from the tray.

"Relate, how?" Hermione cut a small piece of the French toast with her fork and stuck it in her mouth.

"I suppose I can relate to Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame a bit, since he was treated without love and well very badly. Then this intelligent young lady came into his life and changed an existence void of love to one full of nothing but love. And well I never thought I was something to look at, you know?" He said glancing down at his fingers, wondering if he should stop biting his fingernails.

Hermione's fork hit the tray with a loud clang. Harry looked up and found a statement on her face as if she had just caught Snape doing the Tango with Draco Malfoy while sharing a passionate kiss.

"Are you kidding?" She was in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" He lifted an eyebrow in thought.

She quickly put the tray of food on the nightstand next to the bed and scooted closer to him. "Oh, you really have no idea do you?" Hermione noticed the blank look on his face. "Why do you think witches throw themselves at your feet? I'll tell you this; it's not really because of your famous title. Well, maybe it is a bit. But it is also because you are just so cute. They all love you."

He gave her a soft smile. "But you're the only one I want to love me."

"How could I resist, you are just so cute." She said, tilting her head to the side.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he reached up and pulled her to him so that she was lying in his lap. "Are you saying that you love me just because of my looks Granger?" His tone was teasing.

She glanced up at him with a smirk on her face, "That could be one of the reasons." She reached up and stroked her fingers through his hair a few times, "I love the way your hair feels when I do this." She let her fingers dance through his hair a few more times, and then hooked her arm around his neck. "I love the fact that you are dead sexy and that you have a really cute butt." She said with a mischievous grin.

"You look?" He seemed surprised but he still held a pleased grin.

"All the time," she smiled brightly then paused a minute gathering her thoughts. "I love when I hold you so tight that I can feel your heart beat. I love the way you respect me and my thoughts. I love that you are just so kind and gentle. And most of all I love you Harry Potter, for just being you." She smiled tenderly.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He said with a small smile that managed to light up his entire face. He leaned in, his mouth hovering closer to hers when there was a knock on the door. Both Harry and Hermione sighed with disappointment. The door opened and a maid walked in.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was still in here."

Harry and Hermione both rolled their eyes as their moment was ruined. They decided to get up and get dressed and to go and pick out their clothing. The two of them left the inn and headed towards Merlin's cave.

Hermione touched the boulder and it rolled out of the way and allowed them to enter the cave. They immediately went over to the vault and spoke the incantation and that door opened, still slowly. After the dust settled they walked into the vault, Harry and Hermione looked at the selections of clothing. They each picked out what they were going to wear and hurried back to the inn to change.

Rowena floated through the corridor as classes were let out for lunch, she passed by what she thought was an empty classroom, and it was. Since no one was inside she decided to float on in, she sat down behind a large desk up in the front. She let out a sigh as she glanced about the room. She remembered this room well. It was as if it were yesterday that they held Salazar in this room for questioning about the murders of Jasmine, Torrin, Kai, Leelee, and Alina-Ulrich had stepped quietly into the room behind Rowena and stunned her with a freezing charm, she couldn't move but she could see what was going on and understood everything. Ulrich and Salazar were already in conversation.

"They are dead." Salazar who was standing there in chains smirked at his son.

"Like that matters to me." Ulrich spat bitterly while glaring at his father.

"You aren't disappointed that your friends are dead?"

"They were never my friends." Ulrich glanced away a moment, then with a smirk he faced his father. "I was only using them to get the information about you out. You see I hate you, so very much."

Salazar laughed cruelly, "I'm rather pleased with myself that I continued on with killing that red headed wench I told you to stay away from."

"You took the only thing that mattered to me."

"So you admit you thought of her as just a thing, not as a person that you would love." Salazar grinned with pride. "See you are like me son, whether you want to believe it or not."

"No, I'm not like you." He lifted a thick Muggle dagger from within his robes, which looked more like a small sword then a dagger; his initials were engraved into it. "I'm better than you, I have the desire for more power then you would have ever had or even wanted. I read your journal, what you had down is nothing compared to what I want. You are weak."

"I was never weak." Salazar glared, "I never fell in love, and emotions make you soft. You born out of lust and power, not love."

"That maybe true, but certain types of love gave me power. One that you will never understand. For one it's giving me the power to do this." He lifted the dagger in his hand-Rowena shook her head trying to get rid of that memory.

It was the worst thing she had ever been witnessed to and of course she couldn't do a thing about it. Rowena stood up from the desk and glanced down at the floor, she was sure that if she stood there staring at it long enough she might be able to still see the pool of blood that was left by Salazar Slytherin's body.

"Ulrich," she whispered out loud in sadness and disappointment. That day Ulrich was sentenced to execution for murder as well. She wiped her transparent face from the small clear tears that began to fall.

Rowena could hear the students nearing the classroom, which meant classes were starting again; she floated from the room as the students started filing into the room.

Harry was lying on his back staring up at the ceiling in his velvet robes of dark blue with silver satin trim, a silver sash was around his waist, and he also wore a silver amulet with a blue sapphire stone in the center which hung low around his neck. It was to go with the gown Hermione chose. The bathroom door opened and he heard two sets of footsteps on the tile flooring heading into the room.

He quickly got to his feet as the maid who was helping Hermione into her gown smiled brightly before exiting the room and closing the door behind her.

Hermione emerged from the bathroom in a dark blue velvet gown with silver trim. The tight bodice laced up in front with silver satin strings, which enhanced her already generous curves. The gown puffed out around her hips and hung down to the floor, just the tips of her silver satin slippers were visible. She wore a simple three stone sapphire necklace that hung against her collarbone and simple sapphire studs shinning in her ears. Her hair was pinned up in an elegant French twist with wisps of curled tendrils hanging down framing her face. She saw Harry staring at her and a small blush rose to her cheeks.

She glanced down at her feet, "This blasted gown took forever to get into."

He stepped nearer to her, and gently lifted her chin "I think you look absolutely beautiful." He noticed that Hermione had a natural beauty to her, not like Cho, Lavender or Parvati who spent an exceedingly over amount of time applying cosmetics to their faces. Hermione never wore make up she didn't need any, she looked beautiful without it.

The sound of trumpets came through the open window signaling the start of the feast and ruining their moment.

"Well we should get out there and see what this is all about." Hermione replied with a smile.

Harry nodded and took her hand in his and they left the room.

Outside the sun was warm, there was music playing from nearby stage as the people of Camelot where dressed in the fashions of the past. There were some children between the ages of seven and ten playing games. Harry and Hermione stopped to see a little boy tossing a small leather ball to knock over three milk bottles that were stacked up. He missed on every toss. They stopped along the businesses that had tables set up outside their shops as the citizens glanced at their supplies.

"Translation Beans! Translation Beans!" Someone was shouting as Hermione and Harry neared the table and looked up at him in curiosity.

"Can I interest you two in some Translation Beans?" The merchant asked.

"Translation Beans?" Hermione was intrigued.

"Yes my dear. Understand any language, anywhere. Even the dead languages. You could read, and even speak it under the influence of these beans." He tapped his table with a confident hand. "Are you interested? Two pounds of beans for only five sickles, you can't get a better deal than that. What do you say?" He held up a large bag in front of Hermione's face.

"Well I know I'm interested." Harry replied with a smile.

"Yeah it would be great to just know another language," She glanced at Harry then opened the velvet bag hanging on her side and pulled out five sickles and handed them to the man. "There you go."

The merchant smiled, handing them a sack of beans, and Hermione pulled her wand from the holder around her waist that she had stuck to her left side and cast the shrinking charm on the sack of beans and slipped them into the money purse and closed it up securely.

"Just out of curiosity, how long do these beans last?" Harry folded his arms across his chest.

"The effects of the beans last at least a week." The Merchant replied.

Harry nodded and he and Hermione started on down the line of tables again. The bookseller's table caught Hermione's eye and she lingered a few minutes, Harry noticed the eager look in her eyes.

"Hermione if you want you can look here a little longer, I'll check out the other tables and then I can meet you back here in a few minutes."

"You don't mind?"

Harry shook his head, "Not at all."

Hermione smiled and leaned in giving him a quick kiss on the lips, "Thank you, I won't be long."

Harry nodded with a smile, and Hermione looked up at the bookseller who had gotten her attention. He decided to see what other shops were supplying and he continued to walk down and looked at the other tables. Harry ended up buying some Every Flavor Beans from the candy store owner. He ate one and was relived that it was Cherry, he tried another and he lucked out, as it was Toasted Marshmallow. He barely heard his name being called he glanced around seeing who was calling to him, it didn't sound like Hermione's voice. After a few minutes he shrugged his shoulders and continued to look at tables while popping another bean in his mouth. Ack, Sardine! He spit it out making a funny face. He tried another one hoping it was better, no such luck. Dirt was not a good flavor.

"Harry Potter!!"

He heard his name again this time he saw a familiar face and someone coming towards him. He grinned largely as none other than his old Quidditch Captain Oliver Wood stepped up to him.

Oliver grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. "Well how's my favorite seeker doing?"

Harry managed to pull his hand from the tight grip of Oliver's "I'm doing well, I didn't know you were living in Camelot."

"Yep, I moved here last year. I'm the Falcon's coach." Oliver beamed with pride.

"So you're the one that lead this team to win the World Cup?" Harry was impressed.

"It took a lot of work to bring this team out of the dirt. But we managed." They continued to walk along the shops. "So what brings you to Camelot?"

"We just needed to get something from Merlin's Cave." Harry replied with a smile.

"Oh, so someone is here with you?" Oliver said looking around for someone else familiar, thinking that it might be one of the Weasleys. He hadn't seen them in a long time and quite frankly he missed seeing the twin's pranks.

"Harry!" Both Oliver and Harry heard a happy shout and Hermione came towards them in a quick pace, she had a bag in her hand, which meant she bought a book.

Hermione walked right up to Harry and Oliver. "Harry, there you are." She was out of breath, that tight bodice was cutting off her air. It was a good thing women didn't have to wear these things anymore. She looked between the two boys, "Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"

Oliver shook his head, "No, not really." He glanced at the girl for a moment, where did he know her from? She looked somewhat familiar. He watched her full pink lips move as she was talking with Harry showing him the book she got. Oliver's gaze drifted up to her deep brown eyes, which were sparkling with happiness as she was talking to Harry. Oliver noticed that Harry was equally interested in what she was saying as she seemed to grab all of his attention. He wondered if there was something going on between these two, and for some strange reason he hoped there wasn't. Well it didn't hurt to find out. "So are you going to introduce me to your friend Potter?" He asked with a radiant smile.

Both Harry and Hermione turned to look at Oliver, Harry felt guilty for having ignored him. It was just whenever Hermione was around she seemed to make the whole rest of world fall away. Harry saw Hermione roll her eyes.

"Gee you make someone's glasses repel water one year and then after it's over they forget who you are." Hermione replied with a hint of sarcasm and amusement.

Oliver's eyes lit up with the realization, this was little Hermione Granger. He bit back a laugh; well she's not so little anymore. "Harry's best friend?" He said with shock. Oliver watched as Hermione slipped her hand into Harry's who squeezed it gently.

"Yep." Harry said with a smile. "You remember Hermione don't you?"

"Certainly," Oliver said.

"Harry I met some girls over at the book sellers table and they asked me if I could go get something to drink with them, you don't mind do you?" Hermione glanced over at Oliver and then back at Harry. "And if you wanted to come with me you could I don't think they would mind, but I'm sure you two would want to talk about Quidditch or something."

"Oh it's all right Hermione; you go and have your fun. I'll come and find you in an hour or so. How does that sound?" Harry asked with small smile.

"That would be great, and then we can go up and look at the castle. It's been turned into a museum you know, and I'm sure it's quite fascinating."

Harry nodded and felt her hand squeeze his before her fingers left the warmth of his palm. He watched her quickly walk off in the direction she came from and turned his attention to Oliver who was doing the same thing.

"So that was your best friend huh? You two sure have changed a lot since I last saw you guys." Oliver replied then turning his attention to Harry. "Tell me about Hogwarts, is Snape still a git? And is Trelawney still predicting your death everyday?"

Harry chuckled. "Yeah it's all the same, but it is great nonetheless."

"I believe you, I miss it a lot." Oliver sighed, "Of course you know me, I'm still Quidditch crazy, probably even more so now." He laughed a bit. "I get these players up earlier than I used to get the Gryffindor team up."

"Well from what I heard this team needed all the practice they could get." They started strolling along the seller's area while having a conversation about how bad the Falcons were before Oliver had come here.

About an hour later Harry and Hermione met up, Oliver decided to tag along with them and offered to show them the sites and the castle as well.

They walked through the museum, their shoes clicking on the white marble tile. There were red velvet ropes preventing them from getting too close to the exhibits encased in glass. One of the exhibit's they looked at were in the music section of the museum, a little sign read Golden Lyre. This was a musical instrument of the ancient world. It looked like a small guitar.

The three of them walked into a very large room, what lay before them was a site to behold. The Round Table.

Hermione and Harry both stood staring at it in awe, Hermione rushed up to the table and glanced down at the stone. Each knight's name was engraved in gold at a particular spot where she was sure the knights had sat. "Everyone was equal, none better than the other including the king himself." She touched some of the gold lettering, "Truth, Honor, Valor, Trust, Respect." She said quietly to herself.

"King Arthur sat there." Oliver pointed out.

Harry and Hermione walked over to where Oliver was pointing and glanced at the name King Arthur Pendragon. His name was also carved in gold to the seat on the kings right was the name Sir Lancelot. Oh she remembered what he did, he fell in love with Lady Guinevere who returned his feelings in kind.

Oliver, Harry and Hermione stepped into an adjoining room that connected to the meeting room, which was filled with portraits and beautiful works of art. Oliver was standing in front of one on purpose, hoping they wouldn't notice. Harry and Hermione walked around the room looking at the different portraits.

"Oh no." Harry heard Hermione whisper in distress. "What's the matter?" He looked at her with concern.

Hermione jerked her head towards the portrait, "Look at that."

Harry looked in the direction she signaled and found once again Hermione's face, her eyes staring back at them. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that it was not the name he thought it was. His eyes opened and he looked at the little label. Yep he was right, it read Lady Guinevere Pendragon.

"And look Harry, there's you again." She said quietly to him.

Harry glanced at the portrait that looked like him, he was a bit relieved that the name under his portrait didn't read King Arthur, but was just as irritated that it read Sir Lancelot. "Oh boy, who would have thought?" He shrugged his shoulders and silently wondered where Arthur's portrait hung. He looked around for it but didn't see it anywhere.

"This was like six hundred years before Rowena's time Harry, just how old are the souls that are inside of us?" Hermione said with slight amusement.

"They do seem pretty old don't they?" He said with a small laugh.

"I'm surprised we aren't tired of each other, I mean the same person over and over again, and you would think it would get a little routine."

"I don't think we'll ever get tired of each other I mean thousands of years must mean something." Harry said grinning.

"I would gladly spend another thousand years with you." Hermione replied as a soft blush rose to her cheeks, she glanced down at her silver satin slipper.

He moved closer to her wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace, "I wouldn't have any objections. Another thousand years just wouldn't be long enough." He said quietly to her, he leaned in-they heard the sound of someone coughing, they both turned with slight annoyance and their sweet moment spoiled for the second time that day. Some days it did not pay to get out of bed. Sometimes Harry really hated being around other people, he was just about to kiss his girlfriend senseless and someone else spoiled the moment. He sighed with a slight disappointment, but didn't really worry there would be plenty of time for this later. Or so he hoped. They reluctantly stepped out of each other's arms.

"Well you two the feast is about to start, we should head down to the town square now." Oliver said with a smile.

Harry and Hermione both nodded and they started walking from the portrait room.

"You know I didn't see a portrait of Arthur in there." Hermione replied.

"Neither did I, but it's not like we haven't seen his portrait before. There was one hanging in Merlin's vault." Harry reminded.

"Yes but I didn't take the time to get a good look at it, I mean I saw it sure, only because I compared the sword. And plus he was wearing some kind of helmet in the portrait so I kinda wanted to get a good look at him today." Hermione said with disappointment.

"Well as soon as we return these." He lifted up the hem of his robe, "then we can see the portrait," his voice dropping lower so only she could hear him. "I wonder myself who we have known through out the lives of our souls, I'm thinking that everyone that we know now have always been intertwined with our lives in one way or another"

"That is an interesting theory." Hermione said with a smile, "and a very good one at that."

They walked down to town square where there were large tables gathered around what looked like a dance floor. Harry and Hermione sat down next to each other while Oliver sat down next to Harry and another friend of his.

The set up was somewhat like the Hogwarts feast at the beginning of the school year, someone spoke telling about all the great achievements that happened to Camelot over the past year, including the winning of the World Cup which caused the a loud cheer to erupt from everyone. The food then appeared and everyone dug into the grand banquet that lay before them.

Hermione helped herself to some spicy chicken wings and couldn't help herself from taking some cherry tarts. Harry wondered when she developed such a sweet tooth. Nowadays it seemed that Hermione liked a lot of strawberry and cherry flavored dishes and sweets. He also saw Hermione take a small helping of scalloped potatoes in creamy cheddar cheese sauce and a leg of lamb. Each item seemed to melt in her mouth like butter, it was so creamy and tender that she ate her fill. She then helped herself to some lemon-flavored ice that stayed frozen even out doors.

A lovely slow tune had begun by the piano, harp and flute players and couples joined together on the dance floor.

Harry turned to Hermione. "Would you care to share a dance with me Lady Granger?" Harry asked with a proper gentleman's tone.

"Oh, Harry you know I can't dance very well." She said glancing down at her empty plate.

"Well neither can I so we'll just move slowly to the music. Mostly staying in one place, it's easy." He assured her and stood. Harry held his hand out expectantly while Hermione looked up at him with a smile; she placed her hand in his also getting to her feet. Harry then led her to the dance floor.

He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him and Hermione's arms went up and around his neck pulling him just as tightly to her. The two of them moved slowly, just as Harry said. They moved in small circles staying in one corner of the dance floor. Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder while his cheek rested against the top of her head as he breathed in the scent of her strawberry scented hair.

Hermione heard him softly sigh and she lifted her head off his shoulder glancing up a bit, his vivid emerald gaze held such a warmth of admiration and affection for her. She reached up and traced his cheek with a slender finger. Harry softly grabbed her hand in his and held it next against his chest, he leaned in slightly. He watched as Hermione's eyes were drifting closed as his mouth neared hers.

Oliver watched from his seat, he saw how much affection they had for each other and someday hoped that he would find a love like that to call his own. Someday he would find that one special lady and perhaps he would be just as lucky as Harry was. He leaned back in his chair and lifted his mug of Grape Fizzy and was about to drink some when he saw the town bully and his goons heading towards Harry and Hermione. Oliver knew that Darrius Kent was just going to stir up trouble.

Darrius tapped Harry on the shoulder who turned and looked at him with a question in his eyes. "Would you mind if I cut in?"

Harry felt Hermione clutch Harry's arm a little tighter, which usually meant, you better not. Harry held a glare he didn't want this other guy to cut in on his lady either. "I'd rather not."

"You don't have much of a choice friend." Darrius said with a smirk.

Oliver was up next to them in flash, "Oh leave them alone Kent you aren't interested in that sixteen year old girl."

Darrius turned to Oliver with a glare in his eyes, "You stay out of this Wood, it's none of your business."

"These two happen to be my friends Kent, this is so my business."

"And I don't believe that this girl is only sixteen, I met her in the tavern just a few hours ago and she seemed old enough to me." Darrius said with a smirk.

Harry turned to Hermione, "Is that true?"

Hermione nodded, "He was quite rude too if you ask me, just assuming any young lady was available."

Oliver rolled his eyes, "Darrius Kent here is always harassing the women of Camelot."

"Oh you know they want it Wood." Darrius was confident.

Hermione scoffed, "Yeah like they want a disease."

Harry chuckled softly at her comment yet put his right arm around her waist protectively, while Oliver leaned in closer to Harry, "He's not really interested in her. I wouldn't worry. He's just an ass."

Darrius was glaring at Hermione for her comment, "Such a smart mouth you have on you girl." His glare vanished but was replaced with a horrid grin. "I bet with a mouth like that you give great head."

Harry's left hand clinched at his side at hearing such a vulgar remark, and Oliver looked ready to jump Darrius as well. Harry and Oliver would have acted if Hermione hadn't beaten them to it.

"Well you'll never get to find out you insignificant prat." Hermione smirked and pulled on Harry's arm signaling to leave. "Come on Harry let's go."

Harry glared as he, Hermione and Oliver started walking away from Darrius.

Darrius snapped his fingers and his two goons followed in step as he decided to follow after those three. It was true he wasn't interested in that girl but it was fun to rile them up, he hadn't been in a fight in a while and he was itching to cause one. He figured the best way to get to them was to insult the girl. "So what's the bitch like? I bet she's a screamer." Darrius shouted to them causing Harry to stop in his tracks.

Hermione looked at Harry with concern when she saw his fists clenched at his sides, all the blood seemed to have left his hands, as they were completely white. "Just ignore him Harry, they're just words they can't hurt us."

Harry nodded stiffly and they continued walking away, but Darrius still followed them.

"She looks like the type who likes it rough, perhaps a little smacking around. With tail like that she probably likes to take it up the ass." He said with a smirk on his face as he envisioned himself doing just that to her.

Both Harry and Oliver spun glaring at Darrius while Hermione was just trying to ignore him. She wasn't going to let him get to her; she knew he was just saying those things to make a scene. It was the same thing he did with Patrice and her boyfriend in the tavern earlier this afternoon.

"Shut up." Harry said.

"The truth is she was all over the men in the tavern this afternoon." Darrius folded his arms across his chest.

That's it; she could take insults but that was a down right lie. "Why you filthy liar," Hermione shouted. "I did nothing of the sort, the most I did was ignore you, you toad. It was you who throwing yourself at Julie and Patrice."

"I'm just trying to save you some dignity," Darrius said to Harry. "Well maybe you don't want to keep your dignity since your probably screwing this innocent looking whore."

Darrius didn't have time to smirk for Harry's fist connected with his jaw sending Darrius sprawling backwards, but he managed to keep his balance.

"I thought I told you to shut up." Harry said firmly.

Darrius glared while touching his lip with the back of his hand and wiped the thick red blood from the side of his mouth. He looked down at the blood on his hand, "You're going to pay for that." He turned to his goons "Get him."

They both nodded and descended on Harry, just as they reached him Oliver shot out his foot which tripped one of the goons causing both of them to fall on top of each other in front of Harry, Hermione and Oliver.

"It looks like they enjoy taking it up the ass." Harry said with a chuckle, Hermione and Oliver too had joined in on the laughing.

Darrius took off and rammed full and hard into Harry knocking him to the ground. The two of them wrestled around on the ground, both Harry and Darrius both got in several good punches. Both Oliver and Hermione tried to pull Darrius off of Harry.

Hermione and Oliver both reached for her wands but Harry had a similar idea and already held his in his hand pointing it at Darrius and shouted "Stupefy!" Darrius fell unconscious. Oliver then pulled the unconscious jerk from off of Harry and left him lying in the dirt. The three of them continued walking heading towards Caleb's inn.

"You really don't need to take anything that jerk says seriously Harry." Oliver said with a smile.

"I will not stand around when someone, anyone, insults someone I love. They can insult me all they want but if they bring someone I care about into it, I will defend them." Harry said sounding very heroic without realizing it, he turned looking at Hermione.

"Oh, my hero." She said in a corny damsel in distress tone while clasping her hands together against her chest dramatically and batting her eyelashes. The three of them broke into a huge fit of hysterical laughter.

"Any time my lady." Harry bowed like a gentleman, which caused another round of laughter to erupt from them.

They stopped in front of the inn. "Well Harry, Hermione," Oliver smiled. "It was fun seeing you two again. I hope you two got what you came for and if I don't see you before you leave tomorrow I wish you the best of luck. Give my regards to the Weasleys." He held out his hand and Harry grabbed it in a strong handshake.

"Thanks Oliver and yes it has been fun." Harry said with a smile then letting go of Oliver's hand.

Oliver then leaned in giving Hermione a small hug, which for some reason caused his stomach to do flip-flops. "Well you two try and stay out of trouble." He pulled back from Hermione's arms and felt a sudden loss when he saw Harry and Hermione clasp hands.

"Thanks for showing us around Oliver." Hermione said with a smile and she and Harry started walking inside.

Oliver watched as the two of them disappeared behind the now closed door of the inn, he sighed with disappointment as he turned slowly and headed back towards his home, alone. He thought a moment and wondered what Julie was doing tonight, his mood perked up when he decided to pay a visit to the tavern and visit his favorite tavern keeper's daughter and not to mention a damn good Quidditch Chaser.

Harry opened the door to their room and they stepped inside he closed the door behind them. The dim, light crystals lit up giving the room a soft glow.

"Well this was an interesting day." Harry said he watched as Hermione roughly flopped down on the bed she tucked her legs underneath her, staring up at the ceiling. She looked so beautiful amidst her dark blue velvet, which was billowed out around her. He walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her also staring up at the ceiling.

Hermione turned glancing about Harry's face. She lifted her finger pressing lightly at the small bruise that formed on his cheek. "Does that hurt?"

"A little," he then smirked. "Especially since you're poking it with your finger."

She pressed her lips softly against his bruise. "There, is it better now?" Hermione smiled.

Harry nodded with a grateful smile, "it's so much better now." He lifted his hand to his other cheek, "this one over here is a bit painful too."

Hermione lifted her head looking at his other cheek, "I don't see anything."

He touched the side of his face, "Ow." Harry said touching the spot. "It's there, it is still forming. But it does hurt." He poked his finger into his cheek. "Ow, ow. See?" He glanced at her innocently, making a face of slight pain.

She leaned over him and gave his other bruise a small, gentle kiss. "There." Hermione said with a smile. She knew what he was up to, but she played along. It was fun.

"Ouch, there's one here too." He pointed to another spot on the side of his neck.

"Really?" Hermione replied with concern. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the side of his neck, her mouth opened a little as she suckled on his sensitive skin there. He closed his eyes as delight at feeling her mouth against his skin. His breathing increased as she moved her mouth slowly up and down his neck. She pulled back a little and his eyes opened. She caught his gaze. "I think I see one more bruise."

"And where might it be?" He said finding his voice.

"Right here," Hermione said then leaned in covering his mouth with hers. Her mouth pressed harder against his as the tip of her tongue sought out and touched his timidly with growing confidence, while her tongue was stroking against his slowly as she deepened the kiss causing his senses to soar. She explored the warmth and feel of his mouth; hearing him moan softly. Her arms went around him pulling his body against hers.

Harry pulled his mouth from hers and found her gaze; she was staring at him. He lifted a hand cupping her cheek tenderly, he traced her lips with his index finger while his other hand reached up into her hair and pulled the pins out that kept it up, and he watched as her glorious tresses cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face. Harry took a deep breath then brought his mouth against hers and kissed her, her lips parted allowing him access. His tongue teased and caressed hers with such vigor that her arms tightened around him.

Hermione felt the need of his warmth and body growing with in her as she pressed her mouth more urgently against his. While he was kissing her, his thumb caressed her cheek for a moment then his hand began drifting downward and his fingertips leaving a trail of tingles down her neck. His mouth left hers only to kiss where his fingers had been. He kissed down the trail coming to rest against her collarbone and linger there a moment. Harry heard her moan softly as his palms gently drifted down her velvet bodice over her breasts, coming to the satin silver string that kept it together.

He stopped kissing her neck and lifted his eyes to hers, his gaze captured hers he looked for any indication not to keep going, "Do you-" Harry was cut off by her mouth upon his and his question faded from his mind. She reached up and removed his glasses from his face and having to regretfully break the kiss, she turned slightly putting them on the nightstand by the bed. Hermione then turned facing him again and touched her lips to his. Reaching down she grasped his hands in hers and flattened his palms against the spot just above her breasts. Hermione started pushing them downward telling him where she wanted his touch. His hands glided down the soft velvet covering over her breasts, she gasped. Her heart lurched and her chest tightened as he rubbed the material in his palms against her breasts.

It wasn't enough he wanted to feel her soft skin and she wanted to feel his hands upon her. Harry's fingers drifted lower where he pulled the little satin string at the base of her bodice and the little bow that kept the garment together came loose. She was breathing hard as she felt the string leave each loop, which would leave her a little more revealed. He pressed his lips to against her jaw line and to the side of her neck where she tilted her head back a bit giving him more access to her.

Hermione felt his fingers under the thick straps of her bodice and he lifted and pushed the clothing off and it slid down her arms. The cool air hit her as she shivered and his mouth covered over hers again. It was an interesting feeling as she was pulled against him feeling the soft velvet of his robes against her bare breasts, it felt slightly erotic and it caused her heart to speed up and she returned his kiss with just as much power as her own tongue thrust hard into his mouth, their tongues meeting in a duel for control.

While still kissing her, Harry shifted a bit and his hand wandered down covering over her warm, firm breast causing her to gasp loudly into his mouth and to press herself into his hand more. Pleased in her response he began to tease the sensitive tip causing her again to cry out her pleasure and toss her head back. He pressed her down against the mattress where he kissed the hollow of her throat. Moving downward, his right hand caressed the top of her breast and trailed his fingers lightly over her silky soft skin, and she arched her back. His left hand was creating the same amount of exquisite torture as his right. His finger lightly circled around the sensitive tip, causing her to thrash about. His palm covered over the roundness as she pushed herself more into his hand.

Harry's mouth danced about her neck and throat, slowly and teasingly down her body. He reached one breast and gently closed his mouth over the hardened tip while holding it gently in between his lips he let his tongue flick against it. Her pulse quickened as she felt the hot need of desire control her, she let out a strangled moan as her fingers intertwined in his thick raven hair pressing his mouth harder against her. He moved over doing the same thing with her other breast, paying an equal amount of attention so that no part of her was left untouched or tasted.

He lifted his head his mouth covering upon hers once again as he felt her hands work the buttons on his robes in her urgency to feel his skin on hers. Hermione quickly tore his clothing from his body and flattened her palms against his chest. He heard her sigh with her contentment at the feel of him.

Hermione scraped her fingernails gently down his chest and watched him shiver in pleasure. Harry took in a short, ragged breath. She pushed him off her and rolled him over so that he was on his back. Hermione straddled his hips so that she was sitting on top of him. She lowered her mouth to his giving him a demanding, potent kiss. She then let her mouth trail down his chin along his neck lingering there a moment lightly nipping the skin with her teeth, he groaned feeling her lightly biting him then suckling on the tender flesh there, she heard his cry and the sound of her name escape his lips in complete bliss at the sensation she had just created. Hermione's lips continued to wander downward then pressing her mouth it against his chest, she let her tongue lightly caress his skin in small circular motions then wander back up towards his mouth.

Her left hand grazed over the button of his pants, she wanted to touch and feel him. She met his gaze and he saw the question in her eyes. Harry nodded and her slender fingers quickly undid the buttons and her hand dipped inside closing around him. Hermione's eyes drifted closed and her lips formed a tiny smile as she heard him moan and his breathing became rough while her hand stroked him. Harry's eyes squeezed shut at the wonderful sensations her hand on him was creating. He breathed out her name in longing almost begging her not to tease him like this. But he loved the feel of himself held in her hand, his urgency to be buried with in her was becoming too much to bear. He needed her now, he needed to feel her wrapped intimately around him and screaming his name in a fit of wild unrestrained passions.

Harry's hands cupped the back of her neck and pulled her mouth down hard against his, where they held no restraint as their mouths attacked each other's. He then rolled her over again so that she was beneath him once more and removed the long skirt that was in his way as well as his restricting pants. Harry shifted causing her thighs to part and lay between them. His hand caressed up her thigh over coming in contact with her sex, and his fingers stroking the silky folds, inserting one finger in and her breath caught and she let out a tiny squeak as he was caressing and teasing her sensitive button with his thumb and he inserted another finger, which thrust in and out of her in slow agonizing motions. Hermione's body met the rhythm of his fingers as she pressed rocked her hips against his hand against him, her need for him growing at an alarming rate. Her own urgency of wanting to feel him inside her, she cried out loud as his fingers continued to stroke the fire burning within her.

He pulled his fingers from her and while his mouth returned to hers he positioned himself against her entrance. Harry pulled his mouth from hers gazing intently into her eyes, then gently eased a path inside her. It was still the most beautiful look she gave when he first entered her. Seeing Hermione's eyes wide with the realization of her love and the need of her desires being met at the same time, was enough to cause him to bend down and kiss her. He would never get tired of seeing the enchanting look as they joined together as one person. Harry heard her gasp out loud and her hands grip his shoulders pulling his body down tightly against her. Hermione wrapped her long, slender legs around his hips attempting to pull him in more deeply as he began to move himself in and out of her with gentle yet powerful thrusts, pushing in stretching her softness so that it fit around him. He was pressing hot lingering, open mouth kisses to her shoulder, neck, as he thrust inside of her. Hermione met the powerful movements of his body as the heat kept on gathering and reaching a new height of her need.

Hermione rotated her hips; clinging tightly to him and closing around him ever so often like a silk glove as he pressed in deep. Harry gasped, his eyes closed drawing in a ragged breath and thrust in, again and again pushing her higher, he heard her panting and crying out her the sounds she made filled the room like a beautiful symphony. He filled her completely; he held her gaze so intently until she could no longer keep her eyes open from the amount of sensations that enveloped her. Harry was still bringing her higher towards the heavens and watched her almost violently thrashing about beneath him. It was so beautiful. So empowering that it caused him to drive even harder into her giving her what she wanted. Her legs tightened about his waist as did her arms around his neck.

Her mouth was attacking his and her tongue kept thrusting hard into his mouth just as his body thrust hard and deeply into her. After a few moments of kissing him without any restraint Hermione ripped her mouth from his only to cry out her desire; burying her face in between his neck and shoulder. Harry could feel that they were both about to reach their edge as her body hugged about him tighter and tighter. He actually cried out at the feeling of her clinging to him was so raw and so hot that he might not be able to hold back.

It happened, at the same time Hermione back arched her head tossed back so far as she screamed her pleasure as the earth moving, shattering release swept over her. Her mind numb and senses reeling, and with one last powerful plunge into her soft, hot body his cry of release also filled the room the sweet melody of their voices mingled together. Her arms were still tightly holding him to her as collapsed on top of her, resting his forehead on her chest just above her breasts. Their breathing was ragged as their hearts struggled to gain control.

Hermione's fingernails trailed up and down his smooth back as he just lay there listening to the sound of her heart that belonged completely to him and his to her. He lifted his head gazing down at her; her eyes were filled with such devotion and were also very pleased, as they still seemed glazed over. They sparkled with a radiant light and he lowered his mouth to hers kissing her slowly. Harry rolled off of her leaving the soft haven of her body and pulled her over so that she was lying on his chest.

She traced the muscles in his chest with a gentle finger, as he glanced down at the top of her head.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Harry said; his voice came out in a soft whisper.

She lifted her head a little, so she could look at him with a gentle smile playing upon her lips. "Tell me again."

Harry smirked, "You are the most beautiful witch I have ever known. I love everything about you, your beautiful long legs." His fingers trailed up and down her thigh. "Your beautiful slender hips." His fingers wandering up her hips, "The beautiful curve of your-" Hermione cut off his words with a gentle kiss. His arms wrapped around her, holding her so tightly. She pulled her mouth from his and watched him as his eyes opened and he looked up at her. Her fingers touched his cheek, dancing lightly about his skin and reached up into his hair so she could play in his dark, thick strands.

She enjoyed as his eyes closed to the wonderful feelings of her fingers up in his hair. Harry felt himself relax starting to fall into a restful slumber, he wanted to stay awake but it was nearly impossible. Hermione watched him as he drifted off to the world of his dreams. His face took on a peaceful, innocent look. Hermione pulled her fingers regretfully from his hair and nestled herself against his chest a little more. She grabbed for the blanket and pulled it up and over them.

Her eyes closed and she too met the God of Slumber, but this time welcomed him with an open heart.


So what did you all think of that chapter, bet you didn't count on Oliver Wood as the Quidditch coach. Haha! Well stay tuned for Chapter 22-Salazar Slytherin