Unofficial Portkey Archive

Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 13-Zara's Rival

Around nine thirty Ron and Harry were in the bathroom brushing their teeth, the bathroom door was open letting out the steam from the shower that had been already used twice that morning. Hermione walked in carrying her toothbrush and toothpaste in her hand and bag was slung over her shoulder. She noticed the boys.

"Oh sorry, I'll wait my turn."

"It's alright Herm," Ron said. "We were just brushing our teeth, nothing to private."

"Yeah, I already took care of that earlier" Harry said. His hair was still slightly damp from the shower he had recently taken.

"Well I don't know about you two but I don't like people standing around watching me brush my teeth." She sat her toothbrush, paste and bag down on the counter next to the sink.

"We were just about done anyway." Harry said with a smile setting a towel on the rack, he moved out of the way of the sink, and Hermione took his place.

She untwisted the lid to her paste and put a good amount of the minty smelling toothpaste on to her brush. Reaching up she turned on the tap and water poured out of the gold fixture. Hermione held her toothbrush under the running water for a moment, then put it in her mouth beginning the process of cleaning her teeth. She looked in the mirror and saw her friends staring back at her. She immediately spit into the sink "hey, that was the hint for you two to leave."

Ron and Harry didn't say anything; they just watched her through the mirror. It was so easy to irritate her, Harry thought laughing to himself. He watched her rinse her mouth out with the water completing the tooth cleaning. She pulled the towel from the rack and wiped her mouth dry.

"Okay now if you guys don't mind I would like to take a shower," she said.

"No I don't mind at all, go right ahead." Harry smirked not moving, he could hear Ron trying to suppress his laughter.

"That means you guys have to leave" Hermione started pushing Ron out the door. She turned back facing Harry "okay come on you too. Out, out." She saw Harry make a little pouty face, she just shook her head back and forth trying not to laugh. She walked right over to him and started pushing him from the bathroom. She noticed he was struggling a little trying to tell her he did not want to leave. But she managed to push him out of the bathroom. "See you in a bit." She closed the door.

Ron and Harry stood staring at the closed door, they heard the shower turn on.

"You do realize that she's naked in there." Ron smirked.

Harry still staring straight ahead shifted his eyes glaring in Ron's direction, "I know that, and you stop thinking about her being naked." He stared straight again.

They heard footsteps running up the stairs, Ron and Harry turned to find Zara coming up the stairs.

"There you guys are, breakfast is ready" she said with a pleasant smile. Zara looked around for Hermione. "Where's Hermione?"

Ron looked down at Zara, "she's naked-um I mean taking a shower." He felt the redness rising in his cheeks realizing what he said. It wasn't any easier on his ego when he heard Zara burst into laughter at hearing it. He didn't even want to look at Harry for he knew his friend didn't like that outburst, because it meant he was still thinking about his friend's girlfriend being naked. This morning was not going well for him at all, Ron trying to retain some dignity started down the stairs to breakfast.

Ron and Harry followed Zara into the dinning room where they found laid before them a different assortment of breakfast foods. They were stunned, Ron felt he was in heaven. It was just like at school. Boy all that food looked really good.

"Well I didn't know what you would like so I had our own chef make an assortment of foods for you, that way you can choose what you want. We have Belgian Waffles." Zara pointed to a stack of large, square shaped waffles. Two bowls of fruit, strawberries or blueberries and a can of whipped cream for the toppings. "Chef's pancakes are good too." She said pointing to the tray of silver dollar pancakes next to a pitcher of syrup. Also sitting on the table was scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, English muffins, bagels plain and blueberry with cream cheese on the side. A couple of items looked really appetizing such as the croissants, cheese danishes. And finally there were three pitchers of juice on the table, orange, cranberry, and grapefruit. "I know it's a lot of food, but we always give what's left over to the local humanity shelter." She smiled.

A few minutes after Ron, Zara and Harry sat down eating their breakfast Hermione walked into the dinning room. Her jaw dropped at the large quantity of food on the table.

"Wow you really didn't have to go through all this trouble for us Zara." Hermione looked at her with a tiny grin.

"I know but I wanted your first breakfast in my home to be memorable." Zara said with a smile lifting her glass of orange juice to her lips.

Hermione grabbed a plate and started helping herself to some of the goodies on the table. Mrs. Reynolds came into the dinning room as Hermione had just sat down.

"Good morning," Mrs. Reynolds smiled at her guests, "how did you all sleep?"

They all answered at about the same time before Mrs. Reynolds started talking again, "Oh Zara, Candice is coming over I need you to show her what she'll be doing in the club over this vacation."

Zara's fork dropped hitting her plate with a loud clang, "Candice, what is she doing at the club ma?"

"Oh didn't I tell you, I need some extra help and I hired her for the vacations."

"Ma, she can't work in the club. She's my age." Zara's was trying to hide her contempt, and she wasn't doing a very good job.

"Sure she can, just not serving drinks or getting anywhere near the bar. She can clean and sort files, do office work. Which is what I need since you will be busy with your guests." Mrs. Reynolds said with a smile.

"But ma, Candice?"

"Zara." Mrs. Reynolds voice was stern.

"Alright, fine." Zara said through gritted teeth and Mrs. Reynolds walked out of the dinning room.

Zara turned to find Ron staring at her with a question in his eyes. "Candice to me is what Draco Malfoy is to you."

Ron nodded in understanding "ah, I see, is she a witch?"

"Oh yeah, I don't know where she transferred to when Salemston ended. But I hate her so much." She squeezed her fist tight, making all the color in her hand vanish and turn white. A pitcher on the table shattered, making everyone jump back.

"Zara whoa, relax there. It can't be that bad?" Ron said putting his hands on her shoulders, trying to settle her down.

Zara's temper settled, "I'm sorry guys when I get really mad I tend to break things." She looked up at all of them knowing that they understood.

"At least you didn't inflate someone." Harry smirked.

"No I just shatter glass objects." Zara said looking down at her plate which now had pieces of glass on it. "You guys don't understand about Candice. I mean she does everything just to ruin my life."

"Come now, is she really all that bad?" Ron said.

"Yes, just wait. You'll see what I mean." Zara said as a maid rushed into the dinning room.

"I thought I heard a crash in here?" The maid looked at everyone.

"Yes Lucy I dropped a pitcher on the table, I'm sorry." Zara apologized.

Lucy just nodded as Zara and her friends stood up from the table.

"Well I need to wait for Candice to get here. Zara headed into the living room with Ron, Harry and Hermione following after her.

Hermione grabbed Ron's arm and pulled him back a bit, "you seem to be feeling a little better today."

"Yeah will the initial shock of it all has finally wore off." He said with a smile, "who cares if she has a wealthy lifestyle. She likes me and that's what matters right?" Ron grinned.

"Right" Hermione said with a smile and walked away from him, if she would have turned around to look at him she would have noticed Ron's grin fading. He still had a problem with all of this but he wasn't going to show it.

The door chimes wrung and a few moments later a short blonde young woman walked into the living room. "Barry your butler said I would find you in here Zara."

Zara glared, which led Ron, Harry and Hermione to believe that this was Candice.

Candice looked at all of them not recognizing them, "oh Zara I was hoping that Enrique would be coming home with you this year, who are these people?"

Zara was not going to introduce them to Candice of all people, she stood with her arms folded across her chest.

Not getting the introduction she wanted, Candice turned to Zara's new friends with a smile. "Forgive my bad manners, I'm Candice Laurel." She said with a smile. "And you three are?" She held her hand out to shake Zara's friend's hands.

"Ron Weasley." He said shaking her hand politely. He could see Zara twitch when he took Candice's hand even though he dropped it immediately.

"Hermione Granger." She said lightly shaking Candice's hand, she looked over at Zara who was staring at Candice with complete contempt.

"Harry Potter" He said and he shook her hand. Candice's face light up. Oh no he thought to himself, another one like that Jewel.

Candice held on to his hand, "ooh the celebrity. How neat. How did a famous person such as yourself come to be friends with the likes of Zara Reynolds?"

"We're in the same house," Harry said trying to pull his hand from Candice's but she wasn't releasing him, wow she's got a grip he thought to himself. He could see Hermione through the corner of his eye, and she did not like this at all.

"Ah, so tell me are you single?" Candice looked up at him, staring deeply into his eyes.

Hermione couldn't take it, she reached over and pulled Harry's hand from Candice's glaring at her, "he most certainly is not."

Harry turned smiling at Hermione he leaned in closer and whispered something in her ear that Candice couldn't hear. He took her hand and they stepped away from Candice near the wall, Hermione was still glaring at her.

"Hey I was only asking," Candice glanced down at her neatly sculpted fingernails which were a bright red color. "You don't have to throw a hissy fit?" Candice was sarcastic looking up at Hermione who was a lot taller than her.

Hermione started towards her but Harry puller her arm stopping her.

"Hermione she's just trying to irritate you." He said quietly.

She turned facing him, "yeah well she's doing a good job." Hermione looked back at Candice.

"Just don't pay any attention to her." Harry wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, he lifted gentle fingers to her chin and tilted up for her to look at him "pay attention to me instead."

Ron rolled his eyes he didn't want to watch his friends get all mushy right now he turned looking at Zara who was obviously trying to control her temper. He moved over to her and draped and arm over around her. "Just relax, calm down." He spoke in soothing tones into her ear.

"It's not that easy," Zara said quietly. "Please what ever you do, don't ever be alone with Candice Laurel."

"Just out of curiosity, why not?" Ron hugged her to his side.

"I have lost every one of my loves to her, she just targets them because they are with me. She doesn't really care about them, Candice does that just to hurt me and make me suffer." Zara looked at Candice who bent down to pet her cat Lovelace in a way that was giving everyone a good view of her back end.

"I think I see what you mean." Ron said he turned Zara to face him "you don't have anything to worry about I'm not going anywhere, that Candice can turn on every charm in the book and I won't be swayed from you." He bent pressing his lips softly to hers.

"Zara I hate to interrupt a good make out session, but I really need to get to the club and find out what I'm supposed to be doing. I have other things I need to do today. So can we please get going."

Zara who was very annoyed pulled away from Ron, "well I'll just be an hour at the most, you guys can stay here and lounge around until I get back."

Ron looked over at Hermione and Harry who were involved in each other's kisses and he really didn't want to stay there. "Zara can't I just come with you, all those two are going to do is be all kissy, kissy, and who knows what else. I'm gonna be so board."

Harry and Hermione pulled away from each other, they wanted to go also.

"We wanna come along too." Harry said.

Hermione nodded agreeing with Harry, "and we can do something after you're finished. There's a lot to see in this city."

"Alright let's go then." Zara smiled and they left the living room heading towards the garage.


Harry and Hermione decided to wait downstairs as Zara, Ron and Candice were in the upstairs in the office. Zara was showing Candice how to use the computer and to store files and go through the inventory. Ron was leaning over Zara's shoulder looking at the screen.

"So you use your fingers on that keypad?" He remembered Zara calling it that. "And the words just appear on the screen. Neat." He leaned over and touched the screen.

Candice looked over at him and then down at Zara as Blade knocked on the open door and came into the office.

"Hey Zara, Snake and I need to talk to you about a new procedure when we open tonight, we want to make sure it alright."

Zara nodded "I'll be right there," she watched Blade back out of the room. Zara turned to Candice "don't touch anything, I'll be right back." She glared, stood and left the room.

Candice looked up at Ron who was interested in the computer screen, "so are you like Zara's boyfriend or something like that?"

He nodded "yeah, something like that" Ron was sarcastic. He stood up straight.

"Are you and her serious?" Candice asked tilting her head a bit.

Ron looked right at her "very," he smirked.

Candice nodded, "I can see something different about you." She put an index finger to her chin.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Ron crossed his arms.

Rising from her chair she stood right in front of Ron. Candice glanced into his eyes, down the length of his tall frame, and back up meeting his gaze again.

Ron stepped back a bit knowing that this Candice was not trying to conceal the fact that she was checking out what he had to offer a young woman. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's just you're a good looking guy and why would you want to spend time with Zara Reynolds." Candice was bitter.

"That's none of your business, I have known you what two seconds and already your flirting with me?" He was also bitter.

Her eyes narrowed, Candice was able to see inside his thoughts for a moment. She was going to be mean "I don't see how you accept her? Since you could never compare yourself with her high stature and wealth."

Even though he would never hit a woman Ron felt like slapping her, his blood boiled. "Shut up, you don't know anything you're just a stupid witch." He was very sensitive to the matters of money or lack there of.

Candice laughed "oh insulting me won't make your situation any better than it is now. There are always lots of guys with money who like Zara, why would she even settle for you, maybe just to have some fun waiting for a real relationship. Oh yes and you're probably a really good f-" She was cut short by Ron grabbing her upper arms almost painfully.

"Shut it if you know what's good for you." Ron stared with contempt.

She laughed again, obviously not phased by his hold on her. "Alright, alright. I know when to be silent." Candice had no intention of being quiet yet.

Ron let go and he stepped back, glaring with absolute hate. He could see why Zara couldn't stand this girl.

"You will never be important to her" Candice said very seriously, "I can read her thoughts occasionally and she's always looking for the better deal." She pointed to the window "see what I mean?"

Ron went to the window and looked out, he could see the whole dance floor more importantly he could see Zara talking to a fairly good looking guy, she was smiling up at him playing with his silk tie. He could feel his insides tying themselves in knots. Ron looked back at Candice who had an I-told-you-so look.

"That down there is Harmon Lee a muggle heir to a grand fortune. He comes in here all the time and Zara spends time with him." Candice said looking at her fingernails once again "if you want my advice I wouldn't put up with that behavior, you could do so much better."

Ron looked out the window and Zara was gone, he then saw her coming into the office. He saw her smile, but he did not feel like retuning the gesture. He walked up to her stopped staring right at her. Ron then brushed past her and walked out of the office.

Zara shifted and looked right at Candice, "what did you say to him?"

"Nothing, except that you couldn't possibly serious about him." Candice laughed her snobby laugh.

It wasn't the worst thing Candice had ever done or said to one of her relationships, but she was fed up this time Candice had gone too far. Zara walked right over to her lifted her hand; it connected with Candice's cheek with a loud, echoing SLAP!!

Candice immediately lifted her hand to her own cheek, where a bright red hand print was forming on Candice's cheek rubbing her face.

"I care about him very much Candice, I can't believe you are so spiteful and cruel to-" Zara couldn't continue, she knew Candice would never change. She was always trying to out do and ruin any kind of happiness that Zara had, and she didn't even know the reasons why. Zara left the office.

None of them really felt like sightseeing anymore, on the trip back to Zara's house she had never seen Ron so quiet before. It was disturbing.

Ron glanced over at Zara who was driving her muggle vehicle, he looked behind him at Harry and Hermione who were talking quietly and pointing to various places out the window of the car. He remembered what Candice had said, wondering if she were right. Was Zara only with him until she found someone suitable? He hated thinking that, and he couldn't ignore it this time. He finally spoke "Zara who was that muggle you were talking to today."

"Just a friend, Harmon. He's somewhat a close friend of the family." She turned slightly smiling at him, "why do you want to know?"

Ron shrugged, "you just seemed awfully cozy talking to him, that's all." He glanced out the window.

Zara arched a brow "Ron Weasley are you jealous?" She saw him look back at her and she could clearly see that he was. "Oh there is no reason to be, Harmon is not what you think."

"Oh really, how is that?"

"Because Ron, Harmon has a different idea about relationships than you."

Ron was confused.

"Ron he's gay" She said bluntly.

Ron thought a moment, he looked back at his friends Hermione mouthed he dates other guys and he understood. He turned back to Zara "oh, oh I see." He felt so stupid for believe anything that Candice said.

Zara pulled the car into her garage and they got out.

Feeling intimidated once again Ron got out of the car slowly, he watched as Hermione and Harry walked in front of them. He saw Zara open the door that led from the garage into the house and his two friends walked inside.

Zara turned to him, "are you coming inside or are you just going to stand around in a garage all day?" She smiled.

Ron walked towards her, "Zara there's something we need to talk about." He said.

They both walked inside together.

"Like what?" Zara folded her arms across her chest as the door the garage swung closed.

"Like this." Ron made a large arm gesture signaling that he was talking about her home.

"Ron, I don't think my house is the only thing that is bothering you."

"Zara do you realize that I have nothing."

Zara's eyebrows arched into a question, she knew what he was referring to. "Ron I don't care about that."

"How could you not? Look at the way you live you have everything, you don't know what it's like to struggle and work and save. If you're with me-" He couldn't continue he was so distraught.

"You have no clue as to what you are saying Ron." She was offended by his lack of knowledge. "You've had it all, a warm loving family who cares about you. At least you had a roof over your head, hot meals and a warm bed every night." She almost couldn't suppress the tears of her past, they were swelling in her dark eyes.

Ron saw them. He knew she was never one to show emotion like this. Zara was tough, these emotions show weakness.

"My life has not been a happy one" Zara looked up at him, "my mom came over from England pregnant with me without one cent to her name. She used all she had to get here. I was born in a humanity shelter. You have no idea what its like to live on the streets, wondering where your next meal was coming from, most of the time you just starved that night until some rich ass takes pity on you and tosses you a quarter and if your lucky you would get a whole dollar." She wiped her eyes with a swift hand.

"The worst part was" Zara continued "trying to find a place to sleep, it's dark and cold. Most of the time you would just sleep under an over hanging roof of a building. When it rains, you can't keep dry because the rain water slants and hits you anyway. I lived that way for thirteen years."

Ron had no idea, he felt like such a prat. He had it way better, well maybe not way better. But better nonetheless. His arms went around her, bringing her to him. Comforting her, he stroked the back of her hair. "When did it change?" He spoke softly.

"When I was eleven I got accepted to Salemston, I didn't have money for any of the supplies or anything. My mother gave me her old things, they were so worn and old I didn't know where they came from. Or why she even had them, then the school loaned me money for the books and other school necessities. I finally had a warm bed every night, food three times a day. I couldn't ask for anything more, I was very content, even when school was over and I had to go back to living on the streets with my mom. "I often asked her why she left the wizarding world for this one. But she never answered."

Zara looked up at him, "it wasn't until I was thirteen when I received money from an absentee father, it wasn't like what we have now, but it was a very generous amount. It was a start, my mom and I were finally able to get an apartment, and there was even enough left over to start a business. We have often lived outside raves and such so we knew the kind of business was good, so she opened the Club Gothic, it was an instant hit. I have only been living here for less than three years, I often wake up with nightmares about my life when I was younger."

Ron held her tight "I don't know why I got all huffy about money Zara, it's true I've had a very poor existence. I just always think I'm not good enough, not for anyone and especially not for you. "

"Don't you see, you didn't have a poor existence. You have a family, people who love you. You have a good heart and that's what I love about you." Zara lifted a gentle hand, caressing his cheek, she watched him bend until her eyes fluttered closed feeling his lips against hers.


Well I hope Ron's money issues have been solved, what do you guys think? Well anyway stay tuned for Chapter 14-Sweet December. Please Read and Review, thanks, Ryoko.