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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 25-You've Got Soul.

The room echoed loudly with the sound of Death Eater laughter. The group was pulled to their feet as the Death Eaters approached and held them in place. Ron's bag was ripped from his arm and thrown far across the room.

Rowena floated in between Salazar and the group; she was getting nasty glares from all of them. Rowena simply laughed.

Salazar pulled out a small box and opened it. He showed it to them; inside it were Harry and Hermione's wands. He lifted out Harry's wand, and handed it to Voldemort who was next to him, "I think you would like to use this."

Voldemort chuckled as he accepted the wand. He and Salazar were distracted for a moment.

"Hermione, agree to use the scepter and just will Salazar Slytherin dead, okay?" Ron said quietly, "I talked to Jasmine Ravenclaw in a living Diary, she told me whatever the holder of the scepter wants will become reality."

Rowena stopped listening to Hermione and Ron's conversation and hovered near Salazar, she leaned closer to his ear. "The girl has no idea that the scepter can be used to control many minds at once, use that angle. She will do what I-uh you want."

"How is that possible Rowena, the torture didn't work on her. She's just as stubborn as Jasmine ever was." Salazar said quietly with annoyance clear in his cold voice.

Rowena's eyes narrowed with a devilish scheme in her mind, "You were torturing the wrong person."

Salazar turned towards Rowena throwing her and odd look, "I have never tortured the wrong person. I just have to try harder she will eventually break."

Rowena shook her head back and forth, "You know she won't" She paused with smirk planted on her pretty face. "I know the way to get her to obey you Salazar."

Salazar was growing impatient. "Stop keeping me in suspense wench, just tell me!"

"Don't raise your tone with me Salazar or you'll be figuring this out for a long time. Without my brain, you are nothing." She glared.

Salazar sucked in a deep breath; he was so very irritated by her that maybe if he did turn her into flesh and blood it would be a real treat just to kill her. After he had his fill of her body of course. "Alright, I'm sorry for yelling at you, would you kindly tell me what's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" He tried not to sound condescending but it was almost impossible.

Rowena rolled her eyes "Take a moment Salazar, think really hard. I know that's quite a chore for you. But how else can you get that wretched girl to obey you?"

His mind was working; he could actually feel it trying to come up with the answer. Salazar looked over at the six youths, watching them carefully. He paced a bit trying to remember the past, history does repeat itself his mind shouted to him. He looked at the teenagers again and an idea flashed in his head.

Hermione, Ron and Harry were talking quietly amongst themselves, as were Ginny, Draco and Zara. Draco and Zara were throwing insults back and forth while Ginny was growing impatient. She felt like hurting them both they were getting so annoying at this moment.

"Draco you know I care about you but please shut up. We need to think of a way out of here, you two shouldn't be arguing like that." Ginny said her voice trimmed with annoyance.

"Ah mind your own business Ginny." Zara said bitterly, "I was trying to think of way out of here. You are starting to get on my nerves. Trying to be in charge, you don't have what it takes to be in control." Zara snapped.

Ginny was loosing it, her anger was growing she would have said what was on her mind if it hadn't been for Salazar's echoing angry voice blasting away.

"SILENCE!!" Salazar shouted causing them to be silent. He stepped up to Hermione. "I know what you are mumbling about it will do you no good." He started pacing in front of them. Then out of no he smirked while pointing a finger in Harry's face, "You will convince the Mudblood to help me."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest, "First of all her name is not Mudblood." He spat bitterly, "It's Hermione. Got it." His eyes narrowed.

"Filth like that doesn't deserve to have a name." Salazar said with revulsion.

"And second," Harry continued. "You should know by now that I would not convince her to do anything that concerns helping you achieve ultimate power." Harry glared.

"You will help me, It's the same thing I told the Mudblood. It's not a choice." Salazar said.

Harry carefully watched Salazar walk over to Voldemort and whisper something in his ear; he saw the Dark Lord's face scrunch up into a delightful grin.

Voldemort made his way over to Harry and his friends. Harry was struggling a bit in the Death Eater's grasp but he couldn't move away as Voldemort grabbed onto Harry's arm and turned it over

Salazar looked right at Hermione, "Use the scepter, or he." He pointed at Harry, "Will suffer."

Hermione went wide-eyed, she saw Harry shake his head no and she glanced up at Salazar. "I will not help you."

Salazar gave a signal and Voldemort plunged the end of wand into Harry's arm. Voldemort whispered a heat spell.

It felt like fire was running through him, Harry couldn't help but yell out his agony, as he tried to sink to his knees but the Death Eater wouldn't let him drop. Voldemort stopped the spell and moved to his other arm doing the same thing. Once again Harry felt the fire running through him.

This was the one thing Hermione couldn't fight against, it was too much. Sure they could hurt her until she died, but hurt someone she cared about. Hermione tried her hardest to resist but this time her resistance couldn't hold up, she heard his voice in her ears and her heart couldn't take it "All right! All right." She squinted her eyes tightly as to not see the disappointed look that she was sure on those of her friends. "I'll do it."

Voldemort stopped the spell and gave a nod as the Death Eater let Harry finally fall to his knees. "I don't like Muggle torture I think wizards should never use Muggle ways to get things done." He said it as if he were talking about the weather.

Salazar smirked and with a nod the Death Eater brought Hermione closer. And he placed the scepter in her hand. "If you attempt to deceive me Mudblood, he will die."

Hermione nodded in understanding.

"Now the first thing," He glanced up at Rowena. "You will restore Rowena Ravenclaw's body."

Hermione looked up at Salazar. "I don't know how to use this."

That was the wrong thing to say as the back of Salazar's hand connected with her cheek. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Hermione's friends attempt to get at him for that. He chuckled lightly to himself. "I heard that you are quite the smarty, now I'm sure it's not that hard for you to figure it out." He said with a threatening tone in his voice.

She tried to keep down the tears of pain and humiliation that Salazar seems to inflict upon her. Hermione was so distraught that she couldn't really think straight. She grasped the scepter tightly with both hands and closed her eyes, poking into her own mind. She had to come up with the instructions on how to use this. Her mind began to clear and she felt the scepters power running through her, she imagined Rowena and what she would look like if she were flesh and blood.

Rowena hovered near Salazar and Hermione.

Rowena felt a great tingly sensation running through her, she felt her flesh returning and a heartbeat began to thump into her forming chest. Two Death Eaters with a Blue robe handed it to her as she began to focus and since her gown wasn't real it was transparent it disappeared. She noticed Salazar staring at her as she was increasing in humanity all of her assets coming into focus. Two female Death Eaters helped her into the blue robes.

She lifted up her hands and saw that they were solid. She placed her hand on one of the Death Eater's shoulders she could feel it. "I'm alive again." She smiled widely while spinning around. She looked at Hermione who was still concentrating.

Salazar was pleased with Rowena looking human again,

"Salazar." She said quietly, "I know how to make a Soul Gem, I envisioned how when I was poking into the silly girl's head while she was attempting to make me flesh. All the lessons were there in her mind and I found the one about the Soul Gem, you don't need to keep her around anymore. Kill them all."

Salazar smirked. "Tell me what you think I should kill them with." He said lifting her chin, I know you love a good bloody death." It felt good to be able to actually touch her again.

"Have yourself transformed into a Manticore, they are deadly and huge. It's bound to be a grand battle." She said with a hint of glory.

Salazar nodded. He bent to claim her mouth with his own but she turned away at the last minute.

"Not now, there will be plenty of time for us after you kill them." Rowena heard him groan in frustration. But he agreed to her request, as she knew he would.

"Mudblood change me into a Manticore." He said with a smirk

Hermione looked at him wide eyed, and he stepped closer to her. She knew what was coming if she didn't listen to him. Her eyes quickly closed, within seconds Salazar's body changed into a very large lion's body that grew to a size larger than the average Manticore, where a lions tail would be was that of a scorpion with a massive stinger ready to pierce the skin.

The site of the this beast caused Hermione to step back, Salazar smirked and swung his tail at her, She jumped out of the way. Harry and Ron broke free of the Death Eaters grip and rushed towards Hermione, Voldemort fired a curse at Harry who didn't make it to Hermione in time. Ron did.

Rowena went over and picked up the box with Hermione's wand in it, she opened the box and pulled out the wand and fired an explosion charm at both Ron and Hermione.

Ron and Hermione were thrown across the room; they crawled on their hands and knees behind the throne, using it as a shield. Ron glanced around seeing Voldemort using curses at Zara and Harry. "Eliminate them all!!" Rowena shouted and the room was filled with Death Eaters firing off explosion charms that it actually looked like World War Three had broken out. Ron saw his bag over in the corner; his wand was in there. He started to crawl towards it but Hermione grabbed onto the back of Ron's shirt.

"What are you doing?" She found it odd that Ron was going to go back out into the thick of it without a plan.

"I'm going to crawl to my bag, my wand is in there." He leaned forward trying to pull his shirt from Hermione's grip.

"Ron, look at what's going on out there. It's a war zone. You could be killed." Hermione said as a curse was fired in her direction and she ducked out of the way.

"Just use the scepter on You-Know-Who and then I can retrieve my wand. He's the one that's preventing me from getting to my bag." Ron thought a moment, "Wait I remember something Rowena confessed, I'm sure she didn't mean too but she still said it." Ron turned around looking Hermione straight in the eye. "With the Scepter you can control many people at once."

Hermione's eyes widened with the realization and she held the scepter tight in her right hand. She was going to use it on Voldemort and Salazar; she gripped the scepter with her left hand when Salazar's tail whipped around the throne against her hand, the force was so hard that it knocked the scepter from her grasp. It scepter slid across the floor towards the other side of the room, hitting the wall.

Rowena hurried to that side of the room and picked up the scepter. She looked curiously at the scepter, more importantly the Soul Gem. Since everyone was distracted she would not be disturbed. She touched the Soul Gem with the tip of her finger; the gem was so hot that she squealed in pain pulling her finger back. She saw the burn now appearing on her finger. Rowena was angry and annoyed and lifted up the hem of her gown and pushed against the stone, it popped out and fell to the ground. She lifted her foot and brought it down hard on the stone. She jumped up and down on it but it wouldn't even crack. She pulled out Hermione's wand and pointed it at the stone on the ground; she spoke out a smashing, melting and several other charms. After the dust settled she was annoyed that that Soul Gem didn't even have on scratch on its surface.

Harry dodged a curse and dove behind the throne with Hermione just as Ron was hurrying across the floor towards his bag, Salazar's tail swatted at him and Ron had to dodge it a few times before making it to his bag. He threw himself on top of his bag to prevent Salazar's tail from whipping it away from him.

Voldemort stopped his part of the fight; he wanted Salazar Slytherin dead just as much as they did. Probably more since Salazar took over his order. He was right mad he was, knowing the resourcefulness of his enemies as well they would probably succeed. Let them kill Salazar for him, he thought with a wicked smirk. What brilliant idea that was and with that he apparated away.

Salazar swiped at Ron several times with his tail, for he couldn't get over to that side of the room for Zara, Ginny and Draco were attacking him, firing curses and charming large blocks of cement aimed at him, almost coming in contact with his head. Salazar had to keep dodging them. At least he had his tail to attempt to poison his young enemies. Two blocks headed in his direction and he lifted his large front leg and knocked two blocks of cement away like tennis balls.

Hermione just took a glimpse over at Rowena who was stomping up and down and began firing charms at her Soul Gem, not to mention using her own wand in doing that. Her temper boiled and she stood up; Harry and Ron didn't even have a chance to stop her. Hermione was too quick and she ran into the path of the fight, she ducked out of the way of flying cement blocks and large rocks. She jumped over a pillar that was lying on the ground the top of it smashed into tiny pieces. Hermione was nearing Rowena, closer and closer she came.

Rowena barely had time acknowledge what was going on she saw Voldemort disappear and thought 'What a coward.' Something big flew at her with a full heavy force knocking her to the ground, the back of her head hit the floor and she saw stars for a minute. She recovered quickly. Hermione was attempting to pull her wand from Rowena's grasp. Rowena started her struggle. Hermione was bigger but Rowena thought quickly as her knee went up into Hermione's stomach with a force that it knocked the air out of her. Rowena pushed Hermione off of her and got to her feet. She lifted her foot to kick her again in the stomach for fun; she didn't count on Hermione being quick at grabbing the woman's other foot and twisting it hard. Rowena fell to the ground again.

Ron jumped back behind the throne with Harry as the remaining Death Eaters were firing curses and explosion charms at them. Out of breath Ron leaned against the back of the throne. One of the explosion charms hit the throne and a chunk of it flew against the wall and shattered, Ron and Harry shielded themselves with their arms as medium and large chunks of marble poured down on them. Ron quickly opened his bag and dumped it out. He found his wand and held it up with triumph.

"Ah-ha!" He squeezed it with a cheesy grin on his face. Ron with his wand jumped out from behind the throne to join in on the fight against Salazar - or the beast he had transformed into.

Harry noticed Hermione's necklace lying on the ground. He picked it up and felt the energy rush through him, something made him look over near the far wall he saw Hermione on the ground twisting Rowena's foot and the woman fall to the ground in a heap. Harry's attention turned to his wand lying over where Voldemort had been standing; he scrambled out from behind the throne as two other Death Eaters were firing curses at him.

He ran towards his wand and reached it he held it in his hand, ducking just in time as the curse sailed over his head hitting the far wall. Harry stood pointing his wand at one of the two fighting Death Eaters and shouting, "Petrificus Totalus!!" He pointed his wand and the next Death Eater shouting the same thing and both of them fell to the ground frozen.

Hermione knocked Rowena in the face with her fist and the woman dropped the wand and scepter it rolled away.

"That was for tricking me." Hermione spat while picking up her wand, she scrambled towards her Soul Gem clutched it tightly in her hand and jumped to her feet.

The scepter continued rolling coming to stop, hitting Harry in the foot. He bent and picked it up. Harry stood straight as Hermione was running towards him. He met her half way.

"Give me the Scepter Harry." Hermione said completely out of breath.

Harry handed her the scepter and Hermione placed her Soul Gem back into the silver oval on top of the scepter. She turned, facing Salazar who was still fighting off his other enemies. She held the scepter tightly with both hands, thinking to it.

Harry noticed Salazar's body start to fade a little, it flickered in and out but didn't disappear it came back full and as bright as ever. Harry heard Rowena laughing at Hermione's feeble attempt.

Hermione's eyes squinted tight as she felt a terrible pounding race through her head, she broke the concentration and her right hand lifted to her forehead in a hot aching pain, she put pressure on her head with her hand. "Slytherin is too strong like that, I can't do it." She almost fell to her knees from exhaustion but Harry caught her in time. He helped steady her. She noticed the necklace in his hand. Hermione looked up at Harry her eyes narrowed from the pounding in her head. "Harry that is you," She pointed to the necklace, "You do it." She popped out her Soul Gem and with a shaky hand, she held out the scepter for him.

Harry nodded, "Okay." He looked at the necklace in his hand and lifted his finger pushing his Gem from the necklace holder; it seemed to pop out with no trouble. He took the scepter from Hermione and put his own Soul Gem into the silver oval.

Salazar's tail landed on the ground and Draco jumped on it, preventing Salazar from lifting it easily off the ground. Salazar turned around to find Draco standing on his tail he tried harder to pull it out from underneath the boy. Draco acted quickly and pulled out the dagger and started slicing off the poisonous tip. Salazar was yelling out pain as Draco severed the tail from its body and tossed it to the side. He then jumped off the tail, now they wouldn't have to worry about the poison from the tail. It would be a fairer fight.

Harry held the scepter in both hands tightly, and he concentrated on Salazar. The monstrous beast started to fade a bit. It was as if Salazar didn't notice he was being rubbed out. Until his head shot up looking right at Harry, he felt the fading of his body, the feelings inside twisting and turning; his body was becoming dimmer and dimmer. Harry couldn't hold it either Salazar was coming back into focus and he felt the hot, blinding pain in his head. He too almost fell to his knees but caught himself. "I can't do it either."

Hermione noticed they both got pretty far but the dark magic was just too strong. An idea flashed in her head. She looked Harry straight in the eye, "Put them together."

"What?" Harry couldn't concentrate, his head was really hurting.

"Harry we both almost got rid of him, maybe if we put the Soul Gems together it will work."

Harry nodded, "Good idea." He lifted the scepter and popped out the gem.

Hermione pushed hers against his and without a spell or incantation the Soul Gems formed into one. Hermione put the gem back into the scepter. Both Harry and Hermione held on to the scepter concentrating on Salazar.

Salazar felt a tightening in his chest, as his bones seemed to crush together. The cement blocks kept flying at him from Ginny and Zara, causing the large beast to fall down on the ground. Flames erupted around his body engulfing him entirely, he seemed to be melting into oblivion, and his fur and skin liquefied becoming a large pile of goo. The rest of him melted into the goo like liquid silver, his horrifying echoing scream was the last thing they heard and then there was silence. The fire ceased and all that was left was a pile of bits of fur and scales that didn't melt all the way.

Harry and Hermione walked over to the pile of Salazar goo and looked at in disgust.

With a Death Eater at her side Rowena grabbed Hermione holding the poisoned tail end against her back. She laughed as her enemies descended towards her.

"Stay back." Rowena threatened while pressed the tail more into Hermione's back, "This is Manticore poison" She said with a smirked as the group stopped in their tracks. She sighed deeply. "Thank you for killing Salazar, I was going to do it myself. But I just let you do it for me." Rowena smirked. "Did you know I was able to read minds while I was a spirit? Thanks to you and your fantastic brain." She said looked at Hermione. "I know how to create a Soul Gem."

Ron stepped towards Rowena and Hermione but Rowena pressed the sharp tail end more against Hermione's back. Ron noticed and backed off. He would attempt to stall her while Zara and Harry came up with a plan as they were whispering quietly so quiet that Rowena couldn't hear them.

"Why did you do it?" Ron asked. "You know, why did you kill your own daughter?"

"Why not, she was in the way." Rowena spat bitterly. "I had trained her perfectly before she went off to study with that Merlin. He filled her head with that equality and justice crud. They way Jasmine treated those boys of hers before she left was as if they were beneath her, and they were. But oh no Merlin had chosen her as his study. She came back a whole different person. One I knew would ruin all my plans. I had to get rid of her." Rowena was glaring at Ron.

"Now," she looked over at Harry. "You will give me the scepter." Rowena saw Harry start slowly towards her with the scepter extended. "Or I will kill her."

Harry was really close now his heart was pounding a mile a minute in his chest. It was a shame he couldn't use the scepter now without Hermione. He had to give it up to her.

The scepter was placed into the Death Eater's hand, Rowena smirked "Thank you so much. But you know I think I'll just kill her anyway." "NO!" She heard them all shout at as Rowena quickly brought the poisoned tail end around plunging it into Hermione's heart.

The Death Eater next to Rowena used the scepter and hit her in the side of the head with a force that it caused Rowena to fall back against the wall and slump to the floor

Hermione felt the hot poison running throughout her body and fell to her knees. All of them besides Draco rushed over to Hermione's weakening body.

Draco acted quickly using his dagger and plunging it into Rowena's heart. "I hope you like being a ghost again." He said with a wink.

"Traitor." Rowena breathed out in a quiet voice as Draco stabbed her again. He watched her die, once again.

The Death Eater crouched down she placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, "She's not dead yet. Salazar wasn't a true Manticore -- his poison is effective but only after a period of time. But its still deadly nonetheless. So here's what you can do to help her before it's too late break the Soul Gem back into two halves." She quickly said. "This will work." She handed him the scepter and Harry popped the Soul Gem out.

"How?" He asked his voice quivering holding Hermione's head in his lap. He kept smoothing away her hair from atop her forehead.

"Just put your hand on it." The Death Eater said.

Harry quickly covered the gem with his hand and in no less then a second later it split back into two pieces.

"Now take your gem and place it in her open wound, then you have to open a wound in your own body it can be anywhere." Harry nodded just as Draco came back over to them.

"Give me your dagger Malfoy." Harry said while looking up at him, he tried to hold back his emotions.

Draco nodded handing Harry the dagger. He watched as Harry quickly lifted the dagger cutting it down the middle of his shirt. He knew what was coming. For some reason this idea of what Harry was going to do to himself was well it sickened him he turned his head not to see Harry stab himself in the chest. He heard the yell of absolute pain.

Harry pulled the dagger from his new wound and attempted to pick up Hermione's Soul Gem. He didn't have time to be surprised that Hermione's Gem didn't burn him like it had Rowena. He placed the Gem into his open would and he quickly lifted his and placed it in Hermione's wound. He felt a warm tingly sensation.

"The same thing is happening to her, Merlin had made sure that Soul Gems have healing properties and defenses against anything evil or anything created from evil. The first Manticore was created by a dark wizard so there is evil in its blood. Merlin's Soul Gem will counteract the Manticore poison.

"How do you know this?" Harry was pressing his hand to his wound to try and keep it from bleeding, but the blood seemed to seep out in between his fingers.

"Someone called Nilrem wrote me a few days ago after I had first started Herm- uh the girl on the healing process." The Death Eater ripped the hem of her robed in a long strip and started wrapped it around Harry and tightened it against the wound trying to stop the bleeding.

"There is something else about the Soul Gem, you will now both be able to feel each others emotions, pain or joy when you are apart."

Harry looked right in the Death Eater's eyes, and then lowered his head. His question vanished from his mind. As he looked down at Hermione's unconscious form perhaps now he can do more for her if he knows what she is feeling.

"You need to get back to Hogwarts so they can take care of you properly."

Harry looked down at Hermione who was unconscious; her wound was bleeding just as badly as his. Even though he was sore he got to his feet. He watched Ron bend and lift Hermione from off the ground.

"Give her to me." Harry said immediately.

"Harry you are weak, let me carry her."

"No, give her to me now." He said trying not to raise his voice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Harry nodded holding his arms out to take her back from him.

Ron looked over at Zara and Ginny and saw them both nod. He shook his head back and forth with a sigh; he stepped closer to Harry and watched him take his friend back.

Harry held her tightly against his chest, he looked to the Death Eater, "How do we get out of here?"

"Just let me apparate you all back, of course you will all be apparated to the forbidden forest just outside the school grounds." She looked at everyone's face. "All right now some of you hold on to me and I'll hold on to you two." She said looking at Harry. The Death Eater grabbed onto Harry's arm as the other four grabbed onto a part of the Death Eater. She apparated everyone with her vanished from Salazar Slytherin's palace

Hagrid was feeding Fang when six of his students plus a Death Eater apparated into his line of view. He quickly ran towards them as the Death Eater apparated away.

"Oh thank the fates you're all, all right. What happened to Hermione?" He was in shock at seeing Harry carrying Hermione was unconscious and not to mention badly. He couldn't help it as his eyes started swelling with tears. "Oh, poor Hermione." Hagrid sniffled; he noticed that none of them were saying anything.

The six of them started walking towards the school and Hagrid felt concerned for Harry, he seemed to be straining himself as he was in bad shape as well. "Why don't you let me take her Harry." Hagrid offered.

"No." Harry answered a little too quickly. "I'm fine really." He tried to sound reassuring.

"If you're sure Harry cause you look a little-" Harry cut off Hagrid.

"Really Hagrid, thanks for your concern but I'm fine. Honestly." He smiled a little to show that everything was all right.

They walked up the steps of Hogwarts and Hagrid pulled the doors open and the six of them stepped inside. A loud clanking bang was heard making the six of them turn their heads. They found Cho Chang had dropped her cauldron. It looked like she was on her way to potions

"Oh my God what happened?" Cho said in utter concern seeing Harry carrying Hermione, they were both in bad shape, Hermione was in worse.

"I'm sorry Cho there's no time to talk I have to get Hermione and myself to the hospital wing." Harry said.

Cho watched as the six of them started up the stairs, she forgot all about her cauldron and quickly ran into The Great Hall where she found Professors Snape and McGonagall. "Professors come quick, Harry-and…" She couldn't finish her sentence and the professors raced out of The Great Hall they saw six people who all looked sore and broken heading up the stairs.

Snape and McGonagall rushed up the stairs. The teenagers all looked in bad shape, but they had to keep calm for the student's sake. Snape rushed up the stairs quickly heading towards Dumbledore's gargoyle.

McGonagall opened the door to the hospital wing and they stepped inside.

It was a very quiet night as Cho, who was very cautious, snuck out of her common room, and she quickly wandered down the hall towards the hospital wing. She opened the door with it not even making a squeak and she snuck inside. She quietly closed the door behind her, there were six students lying in beds next to each other. She looked at both Harry and Hermione who were sleeping peacefully. Harry's hospital bed was pushed so close to Hermione's and his hand was securely around Hermione's hand it looked like he had quite a grip and wasn't going to let go.

Feelings slightly jealous of their being so close together, Cho wondered if their beds' being pushed together like that was allowed. She had no right to be jealous she told herself. They had been through quite a bit, they deserve each other. Cho sucked in a breath, guilt was overcoming her now all those horrible things she had said and done. She looked away for a moment trying to will herself from the tears threatening to fall. She glanced back at Harry and Hermione; of course it takes something like this for the little, petty things to not be so important.

Cho promised herself right there, that she would not take her anger and frustration out on Hermione Granger anymore. She looked at Harry who was stirring slightly. It was time to be honest.


Well was that an action filled chapter or what? Stay tuned for chapter 26-One Day At A Time. Please read and review, thanks Ryoko.