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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 3--Troubles with Transfers

The Weasley's, Hermione and Harry were rushing through the train station trying to get to platform 9 ¾. The station seemed more crowded as they went through the barrier two by two trying not to be noticed. After they had said their good byes they boarded the train, finding an empty compartment Harry, Ron and Hermione went and sat down waiting for the train whistle to sound. Ginny had decided to go and sit with her friend Alexa in the compartment near the front of the train, so that just left Ron, Harry and Hermione by themselves.

It was unusually quiet while Hermione just stared out the window as the train whistle sounded and started to move, usually she was full of things to say. Both Ron and Harry shook their heads. Ron crossed the compartment and sat next to Harry "well something in her has changed."

"I just wish I knew what it was." Harry heard noises near Pig's cage and when he looked he noticed the cage door was swinging open, he looked to the floor and saw the little owl hopping and trying to fly near to the ground probably not wanting Ron to see him, "uh Ron, Pig is loose."

Ron's head snapped around, "what? Not again." He jumped up from his seat and chased after his owl, "why can't that owl just sit still for once." He darted out of the compartment and wandered down the hall. Usually the hall wasn't so crowded but it sure seemed like there was a lot more students this year. He saw pig's little figure circling through the many bodies.

"Pig," he said out loud exasperated It wasn't hard for him to see over peoples heads, he saw pig swoop down to the ground and start to jump into another compartment. "No, pig." He shouted and jumped to the ground for the little owl but he was too late the compartment doors closed with pig on the other side. On his knees Ron pressed an ear to the compartment he heard three voices on the other side talking about the cute little owl was that just hopped in. "Yeah, sure." Ron said and the compartment door slid open.

Ron gasped as he saw a black leather heeled boot, looking up slowly he finding a pair of slender, shapely brownishgold legs, a short black leather mini dress. His eyes meeting a smiling face and twinkling mysterious dark eyes looking down at him, but his gaze rested on the odd coloring of her really long hair, was that purple hair? Does she have purple hair? He thought to himself.

"Hi," he said breathlessly, he couldn't get the word out feeling his mind not working right.

"I can assume this owl belongs to you?" she said looking down on him with an attractive smile.

Nodding, Ron couldn't find the words to speak but he noticed that she did not have a British accent. And that he had never seen her before in his life and he's been going to this school for a long time. Ron then realized he was still kneeling on the floor he immediately stood to his full height and he saw her staring wide eyed with a grin of appreciation.

"Wow." She said, "you're a big guy aren't you?" She said dreamily as herself was only five six but with her heeled boots she was at least five eight and then sighed.

Ron felt himself blush, he had never blushed before. "I suppose," he said uneasy. "D-do you think I could have my owl back?" he found his voice again. He watched the girl hold the small owl out to him and he took it back. "Are you new to Hogwarts?"

She nodded "yes, a whole bunch of us are transferring schools. Ours sadly is no more."

"No wonder there's a lot more people on this train this year." He smiled foolishly he heard voice from behind the girl standing in front of him. And saw two more people coming towards him, another girl with bright magenta hair and a guy with bluishgreen hair. He couldn't believe it what an odd group of people; they seemed to be the only ones that he has seen on this train with funky hair. That's probably why these three were together. The guy came up and looked up at Ron with suspicion. "Hey Zara who's this?" It was clear to Ron that this guy was talking to the girl standing before him who rolled her eyes aggravated.

"Ron Weasley," he said immediately.

Zara thought and then nodded, "well that flows good." She smiled. "this is Jewel." Zara pointed to the girl with magenta hair who smiled and pointed a finger in the air, "and Enrique," She pointed to the guy with bluishgreen hair who lifted his chin.

"So that was your owl was it?" Jewel asked, "it is so cute I wanted to keep it."

Ron smiled, "you wouldn't want him, Pig can be quite a handful."

"You named your owl Pig?" Enrique was sarcastic.

Already Ron did not like this guy, something about him was irritating maybe it was his personality, "It's short for Pigwidegon" You blue haired freak. He added silently and forced a smile, "where do you students come from?"

"America." Enrique replied.

"Shut up Enrique." Zara said with an angry glare at her friend, "I think he figured that part out." She turned back to Ron with a smile, "don't let him get to you, that's just part of his charm. We came from Salemston, in the grand state of Massachusetts; you know where the settlers were tried for witchcraft in the seventeenth century." Zara smiled.

For some reason Ron felt his heart melt with her smile, "ah, it's not British history but I do recall hearing something about that."

"Actually it was, in Salemston; a history, at the time of the witch hunts Massachusetts was still a British colony."

Oh great another Hermione, he thought to himself. "You aren't one of those know-it-all's are you?" his voice was cautious.

"Ha! Hardly, if I'm a know-it-all may the gods strike me down." She announced and nothing happened.

Ron couldn't help smiling foolishly again and he felt he should leave before he actually made a fool out of himself, "well it was nice meeting you three, I should get back to my friends." He turned to walk away hearing Enrique talking in a lower voice.

"He has friends? I find that hard to believe," Enrique's tone was rude.

Ron shook his head back and forth then hearing two slaps, he turned a moment and the blue haired freak was rubbing his arms glaring at the two girls. Ron smiled to himself and continued towards his compartment. When he opened his compartment doors it was just as he had left it, still quiet and both Harry and Hermione were sitting in the same place. She was still faced towards the window but Harry was asleep.

Ron noticed that Hermione was thinking not just looking out the window. He put Pig back in his cage and locked it securely, and then sat down on the opposite side of her, after awhile he was about to doze off when a flash of magenta rushed by, snapping him out of his daze, he looked towards the door and saw that girl Jewel still rushing past the open doors of his compartment and a second later she rushed back Enrique had met her half way and she was saying something in his ear.

Very intrigued Ron moved over closer to the doors, through the corner of his eye Hermione turned towards the open doors and saw the new students and stared.

Hermione looked over at Harry who was sleeping and she gently shook his arm, she watched his eyes flutter open and he turned his head, looking at her. "What? Are we almost there?" He asked.

"No." Hermione said shaking her head, and she pointed to the two people outside the compartment.

Harry turned and looked then turned back, "interesting, they must be new." He turned back and watched them. He saw the guy with bluishgreen hair nod and the magenta haired woman turn and walked away.

Zara walked up behind Enrique and he immediately turned around, "H-hey Zara where are you going?"

She looked at him oddly, "I was going to look around, didn't you ask Jewel and I if we wanted to come with you?"

"Yes, but-" he paused and looked around seeing that guy Ron Weasley and looked right at him. "Look Zara it's your new friend Ron Weasley, why don't you talk to him for a moment?"

Zara looked at Ron through the open compartment doors and smiled, she then looked back at Enrique with suspicion. "Enrique, what's going on?"

"N-n-nothing, what could possibly be going on?" He smiled foolishly looking really guilty about something. He immediately thought of something, "I have a tiny crush on Jewel and I just wanted to spend some time with her alone, you know just the two of us."

Zara stared, "really Enrique I had no idea. Okay I'll come and join you guys after you've had some time to each other." She turned and looked at Ron with a smile.

Ron felt a flush rise to his cheeks, "Uh hi would you like to come in."

"Sure." Zara said and she stepped through the compartment doors, and felt the eyes of Ron's friends on her. She smiled at them. "Hey." She said with a smile.

"Hey," Both Harry and Hermione said at the same time, and they were both looking at her.

Zara turned to Ron, "well you've met my friends, now I get to meet yours." She sat down next to Ron with a smile.

"Uh, Zara." He started and pointed to both his friends, "Hermione Granger and Harry Potter."

Zara looked right at Harry, "really? Oh my God Jewel is just going to flip when she hears this, although she's probably the only one who would." She looked at Ron, who was blushing, she stifled her laugh and turned away from him looking over at Harry and Hermione, thinking too bad Jewel is with Enrique. Oh well.

Harry turned to look out the window even Americans knew who he was but at least he wasn't really famous over there and that eased his mind a bit. He looked back at her trying not to stare at her oddly colored hair. Which he found went very well with her darkened skin tone. She looked kinda of East Indian or middle eastern, he couldn't figure out which one though. "You're a transfer student?"

"I'm afraid so. Only a few of us got selected to transfer to Hogwarts, I think only fifteen of us are going. I really have no idea where the rest of Salemston's student body went." Zara thought out loud.

"Salemston that was your school?" Hermione asked thinking she's never really heard of it. And she was also trying not to stare at her purple hair.

"Was, is right. Something happened to it, it was destroyed." She sighed, "for whatever reason I have no clue." She turned slightly towards the open compartment doors and saw someone coming towards the compartment, she recognized him immediately as he stopped before the compartment and looked in as if looking for someone and found her.

"What do you want Malfoy." Ron was impatient.

"None of your business Weasley." He said rudely. "Hey Granger can I see you a moment?"

Hermione stared, "no." she said bluntly. She looked over at Harry who was glaring in Draco's direction.

"Go away Malfoy," Harry was aggravated by just the mere presence of Draco Malfoy.

"Granger has something of mine and I want it back." Draco announced.

Hermione shook her head and turned to look out the window, and through the corner of her eye she saw Zara stand.

"Oh my God it's you." Zara said in clipped tones glaring at Draco.

"Hey Reynolds." Draco smirked, but was confused upon seeing her.

Hermione turned and looked between Draco and Zara, confused, "you know each other?" Zara was glaring menacingly at Draco and it was obvious that they knew each other

Draco's smile was evil, as he turned to look at Hermione and then back at Zara. "Yeah we know each other, don't we Reynolds?"

Without warning Zara's fist shot up bashing him hard in the nose, he staggered backwards out of the compartment landing on the floor holding his nose. Ron, Harry and Hermione jumped up out of their seats as Zara walked out of the compartment stepping on Draco's stomach making him holler in more pain, she continued on down to her compartment and closed the doors behind her.

"Why didn't she just hex him? That's what I would have done anyway" Hermione thought out loud.

Harry shook his head not knowing, "nice friend you have made Ron." He watched Ron walk past him out the compartment in the direction of where Zara went. Harry shook his head back and forth looking down at Draco and then back up at Hermione with confusion it now all coming back to him. "What do you have that Malfoy wants?"

"It's nothing really." She turned and walked back to her seat looking out the window again. Harry looked down at Draco who still was lying on the floor obviously still dazed from being hit. Harry then kicked Draco's foot out of the way of the compartment doors, and closed them. He walked over slowly and sat down next to Hermione he folded his arms across his chest, he then turned looking at her directly.

She could feel his eyes on her and she looked at him for a moment, "what?" she was confused. He didn't say anything he just stared at her which made her feel awkward, "What?!"

He wanted to say something, but he felt that it would do no good. Trying to figure her out these days was quite a chore. "You're hiding something from me aren't you?"

"Why would I be hiding anything, just because I don't feel like talking about every little thing that bothers me it doesn't mean I'm hiding something alright?" She opened her trunk and pulled out a text book that she had been meaning to read and opened it. Her mind immediately started to focus and work on the words. Harry reached over and plucked the book from her hands, and slammed it shut holding it in his lap. Realizing how quickly he stole her book she looked up at him "I was reading that." Her eyes narrowed.

"I know." Harry held the book against his chest, looking at her in anger. "You are driving me insane Hermione."

Hermione reached for her book not being able to get it since he held it away from her. "Not everything revolves around you Harry, I hope you realize that."

"You're right it doesn't, but it also doesn't revolve around you either." He snapped angrily, tossing the book to the seat next to him.

She couldn't help the angry glare as she looked at him "well if it doesn't then just leave me alone. In fact please do, just leave me alone." She almost couldn't contain her anger.

"You want me to leave you alone?" He asked in both a statement and a question.

"Yes, leave me alone." She glared.

"Are you sure you want me to leave you alone?" Somewhere in the pit of his stomach he wished she wasn't serious. But then he saw that determined look in her eyes when she was very serious. He didn't like it.

"What part of leave me alone didn't you understand, the leave part or the alone part?" Hermione was very sarcastic.

And without another word Harry watched her as she stood and walked over to his side and picked her book up from off the seat. He reached his hand out and grabbed hold of her wrist. "Why?" he asked lightly. "You know whatever problems you are having I only want to help you."

"I said so, that's why." She replied without looking at him. "I don't need anybodies help, I can take care of myself. Now let go of me or else you will regret it if you don't." She warned her tone like ice.

Harry felt confused, did she just threaten me? He stared at her astonished yet he did not let go of her wrist. "This is becoming redundant Hermione, we had this same conversation at the lake, and you still haven't said anything more."

"And I won't, now let go." She tried to wriggle her wrist free from his grasp; she dropped her book in doing so. Hermione had this feeling that he wasn't going to give up easily. "Harry I'm warning you, let go." She closed her eyes tightly, sucking in a breath.

But he didn't let go, his grip didn't tighten but it didn't loosen either. Through the corner of his eye he saw her other hand quickly lift as if she was going to smack him, and she was. But he grabbed it a split second before her hand reached its destination. He stared up at her with two expressions anger and astonishment. "I can't believe you were going to do that?" His tone very firm but not out of control. He could never for as long as he's known her bring himself you yell or raise his voice at her no matter what she did.

"I said let go." She said firmly, but feeling very foolish, with him holding both her wrists. She could feel her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he released her wrists just staring up at her. Without looking at him she picked up her book from off the floor, "Harry, I think it's best for all of us if you stay away from me. I really would have hit you if you didn't stop me."

But I don't want to. He thought to himself, I don't want to? Harry questioned his own mind. Maybe Ron was right, maybe I am in love with her. Of course stranger things have happened. All this was so confusing especially how Hermione wanted him to stay away from her, but how could he now? He wanted to be understanding and yes it was a shock that she would have hit him, but he was at as much fault as she was. He wouldn't let go when she told him too. "I don- " he looked up at her but she was so very serious that she didn't want him to say a thing.

"No, don't make this any harder than it is, believe me it's for your own good if you just stay away." She clutched the book hard to her chest, and backed slowly towards the compartment doors, opened them and stepped out. She turned and walked away from the compartment; she stopped and turned around staring at Ron who was coming towards her. She knew he would probably want to talk to her too so Hermione just turned the other way, and practically ran down the length of the train and was gone from Ron's site.

Ron shaking his head back and forth before going into the compartment, "what is with that girl?" He sat down across from Harry.

"I don't know any more than you do." Harry replied, "if only-" He stopped in mid sentence. He sure had been saying the same things over and over again and it had gotten him nowhere.

Ron somehow knew what his friend was going to say "look, all we can do is offer her our help, if she doesn't want it we can't force it on her." He said regretfully. "Sometimes I look at her and think what changed her, she used to be so happy. And then I think she stopped being happy when-" Now Ron stopped he didn't want to offend both his friends. "What do you think of those new students?"

"Besides the fact that they are strange, I really don't have an opinion yet. I only met that one girl for a short amount of time. All I can say is she's quite an interesting character, hitting Malfoy like that." He laughed lightly. "Boy that is something I will never forget."

"Yeah that was pretty great, you know I went to find her. But no luck." Ron's voice held disappointment.

"I'm sure you'll see her again, how could you miss anyone with that color hair?" Harry teased.

"I think it looks really good on her." Ron was smiling, "who would have thought purple hair. Oh one guy to watch out for is that Blue haired freak, he kinda reminds me a bit of Malfoy."

"Well it's definitely not the hair that probably reminds you of him, or the fact that he's a shade darker than pale face Malfoy." Harry laughed at his own thought.

"True, but there's something about him that just urks me." Ron sighed and then glanced out the window.

It had gotten much darker outside since they left the train station. And at that moment Alicia Spinnet stuck her head in the compartment. "Hi Harry, Ron." She said with a smile, "ten minutes." Alicia replied and then left the compartment.

Harry and Ron nodded as they went for their things to change before they got to school


Ron and Harry watched as the first years along with the transfer students who were in the age range from eleven to seventeen, it was kinda of funny to see these huge tall guys mixed in with these little short afraid little children. They both saw Hagrid and his big loud voice carrying over the crowd, "first years and transfers over here."

Ron pulled on Harry's arm and then pointing to the crowd, "look there she is?"

"Who, that girl or Hermione?" Harry tried to look and he spotted three different colored heads in the crowd, and they stood on the boat, they were talking amongst themselves, it seems that they were outcasts in the whole of the transfer students. He saw Jewel pound her foot down on a big, tall, brown haired guy and him grab his foot and holler very loudly in pain." Jewel just laughed along with her two friends as they sat down. Uh oh Harry thought these new students were going to be trouble, he could tell right away.

Then it was there turn to catch a ride when the carriages came by and stopped, Ron and Harry along with Alicia Spinnet and Lavender Brown got in one. As soon as they sat down the carriage started to move. Lavender looked around and noticed a person missing. "Hey where's Hermione, is she coming back this year?" She almost sounded worried.

"Well she was on the train with us, but I don't know where she is now." Ron offered as he could see that Harry was deep in thought about her whereabouts as well.

"Oh I'm glad." Lavender said with relief. "I let her borrow a few of my shirts and things and I was wondering if I would ever see them again."

Alicia turned to Lavender, "Hermione wanted to borrow some of your clothes." She almost looked repulsed.

"Yeah, it was weird. She just showed up on my doorstep this summer asking me if she could borrow a few things. Boy the objects she had chosen. I never would have thought that she would ever wear anything that went above the knee. She sure fooled me, she did look cute though." Lavender smiled as she thought about Hermione as a daughter and she was the mother trying to teach her the ways to get noticed.

"Those were your clothes." Ron announced disgusted.

"Ron this is girl talk if you please, so keep your nose out of it." Lavender replied with a commanding tone.

Offended Ron turned towards the window but he knew Harry's ears were tuned in to whatever the girls were saying. But he would not bring attention to it. He barely heard while Lavender's voice start up again, "as I was saying" was heard in a very low tone.

After a few more minutes of listening to gossiping females the carriage pulled up to the castle and everybody was getting out, and making their way to the great hall for the student sorting, which was always so neat to watch, Ron had always thought so. They sat down at their table, Harry immediately looked around for Hermione, and in a split second he found her sitting near the end of the table by Parvati and Lavender. He guessed they had found each other and then immediately turned his attention to the sorting.

The Sorting hat was placed on the stool as it gave its little poem, and the first student was called to the front. "Glum, Arnold."

Arnold apprehensive walked slowly to the front and put the hat on his head, and almost instantly the hat shouted "Ravenclaw." There was a loud applause from the Ravenclaw table as Arnold put the hat back on the stool and made his way to their table.

"Smood, Lena."


"Crabbe, Gloria."


"Drewberry, Sonya."


The hat went through ten first years placing them in their correct places, and then the transfer students were next. Harry saw the big guy who got his foot crushed lean back in his chair. As he was called up "Brockson, Jocko."

"Gryffindor!!" The hat shouted.

"Valentine, Enrique."


That's no surprise, Ron thought to himself as he continued to watch the sorting as Enrique went to sit with his kind.

"Greene, Georgia."

"Ravenclaw!!" The hat shouted

"Sinclair, Jewel."


Oh no Ron thought and then he secretly crossed his fingers under the table.

"Port, Allison."


"Agustus, Jessie.


After a while the hat went through almost all the transfers Ron started rubbing his other fingers along the tabletop, and was bored and also getting very hungry he hoped they would be done soon, his stomach made a few gurgling sounds which made Harry turn and look at him. "Hungry are you?" Harry's voice was quiet.

"Reynolds, Zara."

The hat took a little bit longer and the room seemed quieter than usual. And then it shouted. "Gryffindor!!"

Ron almost jumped and shouted with cheer, but he didn't. He was sure the hat would put her in Slytherin besides both her friends were in it. He could see the slight sadness in her eyes as she waved to her friends and they waved back at her with the same sad expressions. And she sat down in the available seat near the front, and finally with no further ado the food appeared and Ron was one happy guy.


Harry hadn't seen Hermione at all since they had been at school, not even the whole weekend, she was sure doing a good job of avoiding him he then realized that she hadn't just been avoiding him, she had been avoiding everyone. Potions was the very first class that morning. Just what he needed to wake him up in the morning, that creepy mug of the potions master would do the trick for any sleepy person.

Harry sat in the back with Ron, he then found Hermione up in the front in between Lavender and Parvati. He looked around the room finding that Zara Reynolds come in almost late and plant her self on the aisle seat next to Jocko. Where she turned and waved at both Enrique and Jewel, they both eagerly waved back. She pulled something out of her green robe. That was the color robes of her school he thought. The transfers really didn't have to get the Hogwarts school robes until next year. It was a necklace she pulled out with some kind of square object hanging from it. It rested against her chest. Harry turned and noticed her friends doing the same thing and the looked up at the front of the classroom with her hands folded as if she were the model student.

Snape looked up from his book at the new students, three of them looked very odd, but of course he would only pick on the Gryffindors. He walked right up to her and looked down on her oddly. "So you're one of the transfer students are you?"

"Yes sir." Zara replied with a smile looking up at him.

"You know I don't know if we'll be able to fix that problem with your hair in this class?"

"I wasn't aware there was a problem with my hair sir." She looked up at him, "although yours could use a wash." She added with a smirk.

The Gryffindors tried to hold in their laughter but it was almost impossible, even a few of the Slytherin's couldn't keep quiet. Snape looked around the room with a very angry scowl and the students immediately shut up. He looked down on Zara, "you think you're funny do you?"

"No sir I didn't say that, you just did though." She smiled innocently.

"Well you won't think it's so funny when I take 30 points from Gryffindor," he shouted all the Gryffindors sighed and gasped. But they knew it was coming he had intentionally picked on Zara when there were now two Slytherins with colorful hair. He wanted her to get mad.

Zara shrugged, "whatever." Zara watched as Snape walked away and back up to the front of the class room.

Jocko nudged her, "Zara shut up!"

"Mind your own business Jockstrap." She took her finger and flicked him in the cheek.

Jocko rubbed his cheek "I'll get you for that Zara."

"Right, sure you go ahead I'd like to see you try it." She glared menacingly.

Even though Jocko was a huge guy, he seemed deathly afraid of Zara. "Maybe later."

She scoffed and then laughed, "I thought so."

Ron was confused as he watched her, this couldn't be the same girl he met on the train, she was horrible. He was sure the hat was confused about which house to put her in. it was probably debating between them. It had to have been, she seemed so cruel. When Snape's back was turned and he started writing on the board, Ron watched as Jewel and Enrique turned around and leaned closer to her, "Jockstrap, that was good." Enrique whispered.

Zara shook her head and pointed down to the little square thing on her neck and they both nodded.

Harry tried to listen to the class as Snape started talking. "Alright what is the main ingredient for generosity potion, anybody?" He looked around the class not one hand raised, not even Hermione's hand went up. Snape was confused but he didn't show it. Harry was confused too, no matter what he was so used to seeing Hermione's hand shoot up just waiting to be called on. But at this time she just sat there.

Snape called on Hermione anyway, "Granger, do you know?"

"Pixie dust?" she asked as a question, even though she was right. She wasn't very sure of herself these days and thought she might be wrong.

"Yes that's right," Snape turned and continued to write on the board.

Something was thrown from Harry's side hitting Zara who was in front of him, both Zara and Harry turned to find Malfoy smiling. Harry watched Zara's menacing glare sharpen as she took out her wand and mumbled "Americanus bumblious" pointing it at Malfoy, who immediately stood placing his hand over his heart reciting the American pledge of allegiance. And he didn't even know the American pledge of allegiance. The whole class burst into laughter. Snape turned around glaring at Zara who he knew was responsible. "Malfoy take your seat." He said not looking at him, "no more outbursts like that Miss Reynolds, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir." She saluted.

Snape rolled his eyes and returned to the blackboard as Draco sat down in his seat utterly humiliated.

It seemed like a really long time before the class was over and Snape went into his back office while the students started filing out of the dungeon. Zara went over to her friends and they all started laughing reliving the events of the past class. "That was quite an ingenious spell there Zara." Jewel laughed, she then looked past Zara right at Harry, "Oh my god, That's him isn't it?" Jewel giggled As Zara held her friend back

"Jewel, leave him alone okay. I'm sure he gets this kind of abuse all the time. He doesn't need it from across the seas students also. Maybe after you settle down a bit?"

Jewel pouted, "oh alright Zara, you seem to know what's best." She still looked past Zara over at Harry and sighed. Zara shook her head and pushed her friend out the door.

Harry put his last potion book in his bag he was almost last to leave except for Hermione, Draco and Lavender, he looked over at her once. He caught her gaze but she averted her eyes quickly. He watched her clip her bag closed. He took his up and swung it over his shoulder shaking his head heading for the door. He had one foot out of the doorway when he heard Draco's voice talking to Lavender. "Brown go away I need to talk with Granger a moment."

Harry then realized he was eavesdropping as Lavender said, "oh I don't know Malfoy, I don't think I should leave Hermione here with you alone." And Harry stopped dead in his tracks on the other side of the door, he was sure they couldn't see him.

"Listen Brown I'm not going to do anything to her, you can trust me." Draco said with a light voice.

"It's alright Lavender, I'll be okay." Hermione said plainly.

"If you're sure?" Lavender asked a second time.

"I'm sure." Hermione smiled falsely.

Lavender then nodded and walked towards Draco, "if you do anything remotely to her I will hurt you." She threatened.

"Relax Brown, I'm not that bad, am I?" Draco said with a smirk. "Wait yes, yes I am." He added. Lavender glared, and Draco thought it was really funny "I'm kidding Brown."

"Yeah." She said feeling foolish, "well just don't do anything and you won't have to worry." And she stepped from the dungeon. She saw Harry standing by the door and almost said something but he put his finger to his lips making a quiet motion, Lavender nodded realized that Hermione was probably pretty safe. And she went on down the corridor. Harry leaned against the wall to see if he could hear anything more. He heard shoes walking towards the entrance to the door. "What do you want now Malfoy?" It was Hermione's voice and she sounded aggravated

"I want it back." Draco was blunt.

"Well you can't have it, finder's keepers remember. Isn't that what you always told me?" She smirked.

"I only mean that when it's not something that belongs to me." He smirked back.

"Yeah well you can't have it yet, I still need it." She crossed her arms.

"Look Granger you've had it a long time now, how much longer are you going to keep it?" He sat down part way on the table.

"As long as I need to." She stared at him.

"What have you seen so far?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

Hermione sighed and looked down at her shoes, one was scuffed with a white mark across the tip, "too much." She closed her eyes trying to hold the tears back. She felt a hand on her shoulder, Hermione looked up and slapped it away, "don't touch me Malfoy, I don't need your sympathy."

"I think you do, this is obviously taken its toll on you. You really shouldn't have it you know, you really should give it back to me."

"When I'm good and ready to give it back to you I will, but as it stands I'm keeping it awhile longer." She picked up her bag from the floor and started for the doorway.

"You know I'm the only one who can help you." Draco said.

Hermione stopped a few inches from the door and turned around glaring at him, "I don't need anyone's help especially yours, I wish you all would stop ramming I need help down my throat. If I needed help I would ask for it."

Draco crossed the room to her, staring directly at her, "look I know it's controlling your thoughts, making you think certain things. It takes a lot to walk away from it. So just give it to me and all your problems will be over." He held his hand out for it.

"Why do you want it back so badly, if you ask me you're the one with the problem not me." She was almost speaking in a whisper but very firmly.

"You know why, or have you forgotten, do you perhaps need a reminder?" Draco's voice was sly.

Harry listened intently, but there was an awkward silence then a loud slap pierced the air, echoing loudly in the dungeon making Harry jump. "Don't ever do that again!" It was Hermione's voice and boy was it angry, he could only imagine what happened and he didn't like it one bit. He heard fast footsteps heading in his direction and he then bolted quietly down the hall and entered a vacant classroom, he watched her walk swiftly past the open classroom her hand covering her mouth also trying to control the massive tears that streamed down her face. He heard her bump into someone, "Hermione what's wrong?" It was Ron's voice.

"Get out of my way Ron." She said cruelly.

He heard footsteps shuffle aside and then walk on, Harry came out of the classroom looking at a wide eyed Ron. He pointed his thumb in the direction she went "What's the matter with her?"

"I don't know really, whatever it is, it has something to do with Malfoy." Harry said with anger in his voice.

"Draco Malfoy?" Ron asked confused.

"Do you know any other Malfoy?" Harry was sarcastic.

Ron stared at him "you don't think they're having a secret love affair do you?

"I don't know." Harry said uneasy, "I mean I don't think so. I was only listening but I think he tried something and she slapped him. I really don't know what it was but I can imagine." He said his voice becoming hard.

"I don't want to imagine that thank you very much Harry, but thanks to you I see our Hermione going crazy with Malfoy."

"Ugh." Harry shuddered.

"You don't like that very much do you?" Ron said with a smirk.

"No, but neither do you." Harry added.

"Yeah but I could get used to the idea, that is if she wanted to be with him. Which I highly doubt in the first place it would be gross, and she could do so much better. But if she did-"

Harry interrupted, "Okay Ron I get the idea, but you're right I don't want her with him anyway." He paused a moment, "she should be with me instead."

Ron's mouth dropped in astonishment "so you admit it, I never thought I would live to see the day you admit to anything." He started smirking.

"Shut up Ron," He looked down at his watch, "We need to get to care of magical creatures anyway."

"Oh it's a class with Hermione, are you going to make googol eyes and all that?" Ron laughed at that vision.

"No, what's the matter with you?" Harry said as he kind of thought it was funny, "I should never have told you anything, all you're going to do is torment me."

"Of course, I wouldn't be the good friend that I am if I didn't wind you up every so often." Ron laughed as he and Harry made their way to the class.

Harry and Ron were talking amongst themselves as they walked down to Hagrid's cabin where students were gathered around, Harry saw Crabbe and Goyle taunting poor Neville with his toad there were tossing it between each other as Neville was in the middle trying desperately to get it back. "Please don't hurt Trevor, he's getting old you could kill him." Neville was pleading desperately but the two goons just laughed and continued to toss the toad about.

Harry shook his head looking at Ron, "well we better help Neville." He said going towards Crabbe and Goyle, but he saw Zara quickly reach up and grab the toad in mid-air.

Harry and Ron both stared thinking she was going to do something even more cruel since they saw her behavior in the potions class. But she smiled handing it back to Neville. "There you go."

Neville clutched his toad appreciatively, "thank you." He quickly walked away from them.

Malfoy seeming to appear behind her, "Reynolds you won't get away with that again."

Zara turned around glaring at him but looking rather confused, "get away with what?"

"What you did to me in potions."

Zara chuckled lightly, "Is that so?"

"Yes." He said pointing to his two goons who walked up behind him, "you better watch your back Reynolds."

"Or what, you're going to sick these two stupid freaks on me?" She suddenly broke into hysterical laughter. Which everyone turned and looked at who was making that insane laughing. "They're so stupid they probably couldn't spell soap.

"We're not stupid," Crabbe shouted as he felt the many eyes upon him. "S-o-p-e " He spelled trying to prove that he wasn't stupid.

"Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha!" She laughed cruelly walking away "S-o-p-e- ah! Ha! Ha!"

Malfoy hit Crabbe in the shoulder "idiot." He breathed.

Hagrid smiled at his class, "what's so funny?"

Harry and Ron both shook their heads still laughing lightly, "nothing really."

"Well," Hagrid said with a smile "I think your all gonna like this class, we are studying unicorns." He heard gasps and awes coming from the students. "Now male students will only be studying from a distance you know how unicorns get, only virgin females can get close. So I'll split you up into groups of four hopefully."

Knowing that it was probably slim pickings with how many of the female students were still virgins. He read from his chart, "Draco Malfoy, Ronald Weasley, Lavender Brown and Zara Reynolds." He looked up with a smile, realizing he hadn't recognized the name. He smiled at Zara and the other few transfer students he had in this class. He then returned to the list. "Harry Potter, Enrique Valentine, Hermione Granger, Jewel Sinclair." He smiled up at them continuing down the list

Harry looked right at Hermione who was looking to the ground, then hearing happy scream came from Jewel shocking everyone as the four of them gathered in a group. Jewel immediately went over to Harry, "Oh wow this is like so, so, so cool, I can't believe it, like I'm in your group."

Enrique grabbed Jewels shoulders turning her to face him, "damn girl, get a grip."

Jewel pushed Enrique aside rather roughly, "I'm like totally." She paused a moment, "Can I give you a hug."

"No," Harry replied kind of afraid of this girl and not really knowing what to say.

"How about a k-" Jewel started to say

She was quieted by Enrique's hand slamming over her mouth, He looked at Harry apologetically, "sorry man."

Harry just nodded feeling very awkward he turned seeing Hermione who was just watching that interplay, she immediately turned away.

The groups were formed after a few more minutes and Ginny came around the corner with a unicorn following at her heels and a big smile on her face, "alright who's first.

"We'll go." Ron said. He looked at Zara and Lavender, "okay one of you go up to it."

Zara smiled, "yeah Lavender go up to it."

Lavender smiled foolishly, "uh, why don't you Zara, it'll probably like you better."

"I think I'll pass." Zara replied.

Ron stared at both girls he looked over at Draco who was casually watching them also, "oh great this is just perfect, we're going to fail this class because the two of you

aren't- "

Lavender interrupted, "look we'll just have to tell Hagrid that we need to change groups."

Hagrid came up behind them, "is there a problem?" He looked oddly at them, and then realized "oh, sorry, well you'll just have to take notes and watch." He smiled pleasantly, he really didn't want to fail anyone and even though it was their fault he remember how it was when he was a teenager so he let them slide.

Another group went up and two of the female students went right up to it, and they started to pat it lightly, the mane had a beautiful silver shimmer to it, the girls ran their hands down the soft white fur, it was softer than even bunny fur. They looked up at the amazing gold horn spiraling up towards the heavens. The girls were in complete awe. "Can we ride it?" One of them asked.

Hagrid shook his head, "no it would never allow any one to ride it sorry." He looked over at Hermione and waved. He noticed she only smiled briefly, but there something not exactly right about that smile. Oh well maybe he was seeing things and he went back to watching the girls finding out all they could about the unicorn.

Hermione watched with a great curiosity, she then saw someone's shadow next to hers. She knew who it was but she didn't turn around.

Harry looked at her with a strange expression, "are you just going to avoid me for the rest of your life?"

She nodded "you're not the only one I'm avoiding, but that's the plan." Hermione still didn't take her eyes from the unicorn, "oh I need my necklace back."

Shaking his head his head no, Hermione then turned to look at him that was a mistake, she was immediately lost in his deep green eyes, feeling it hard to breath. It had been several days since she's even looked at him like that. After getting her mind back she averted her eyes quickly, she heard him say, "I'm not ready to give it to you yet." She stared at the unicorn again. "Why not?"

"It's still being checked, I gave it to Dumbledore he wanted to check it out himself." He said pleasantly and he looked towards the unicorn its ears perked up and turned its head looking at his group, it then walked away from the girls and towards Harry's group. It stopped a few feet away from them, Harry could see that it was looking right at Hermione.

She stepped slowly up to it holding her hand out to it, the unicorn put its nose in her hand sniffing about. It then stepped right up to her looking deep into her brown eyes, and then bowed before her. Hermione stunned turned and looked at Harry who shrugged just as confused, She then looked over at Hagrid who had walked up to them chuckling to himself.

"This is odd Hermione, it wants you to get on." Hagrid replied with a smile

"What, but you said that no one could ride them?" Hermione replied as the unicorn straightened and nudged her, She looked into it's eyes and it kneeled again. "What should I do?" She looked back at Hagrid.

"Well if it were me, I would get on." Hagrid smiled, he was definitely going to say something about this in a report. He looked over at Harry, "what do you think?"

"I would get on, but are we sure it's not going to hurt her?" He looked over at Hermione who was looking down at the unicorn in its kneeling position.

Hermione sighed and the stepped closer and threw a leg over its side. She was then sitting on it when it rose and stood.

Harry watched her smile, a real smile. One he hadn't seen for a long time. She leaned down and threw her arms around the unicorn's neck hugging it, the soft fur on her cheek. She lightly rubbed its ears with gentle fingers, which the animal really liked. Harry turned slightly finding Draco very interested in this. What does he want with her, besides the obvious? He hated her, and now he's oh so close with her. Something didn't seem right, Harry nodded to himself that he would get to the bottom of this and soon.

The unicorn then started walking slowly with Hermione on her back, then it started to trot a little bit and then it broke into a graceful gallop with her clinging joyously to it's mane as it ran around the pasture area. She would be fine if it didn't suddenly take off towards the forbidden forest, but it did no such thing it just simply ran around the pasture area. It came back to where her group was, stopped and kneeled down and she slid off. Her cheeks were red from merriment as she patted the unicorn on the side of its neck and leaned up to its ear "thanks, I needed that." She whispered. And it nuzzled closer to her face, pressing its soft nose against her cheek. The unicorn looked at her as if it understood what she had said. It then looked up at Ginny walking over to her.

Hagrid nodded, "this is the first time that has ever happened in a really long time." He looked at Hermione, "how did that feel Hermione."

"Free, all my thoughts and worries seemed to disappear." She sighed for the first time in a long time she felt certain happiness come over her. Then looking over at Harry and Ron and Ginny and even Draco, the dark cloud passed over her mind again. She turned her wrist over and looked at her watch. Class was just about over, "Can I go now Hagrid, class is over in like two minutes."

Hagrid nodded and dismissed the class and the students started walking to the great hall for lunch.


Alright people I can just see the wheels turning, is Ron in love and if so is Zara really all that mean? What in heavens name is the relationship between Draco and Hermione, Will Harry ever tell Hermione how he feels about her. What significance does the unicorn hold to the story? The truth shall be revealed, just not yet. Stay tuned for Chapter 4-- What doth lie beneath