Unofficial Portkey Archive

Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer : Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything.

Chapter 2- Destiny Lake

The car flew through light blue sky at top speed when finally it slowing down to land on a nice gravel spot at Destiny Lake. Mr. Weasley stepped from the car taking a deep breath, "yes this is going to be a good day." He smiled and turned to see everyone helping to carry food, tents, and sleeping bags to the camping area. Around the small fire pit there were four large logs where you could sit on them, or lean up against them. You could see the lake off in the distance as the sun rays sparkled upon the water's surface. Several large boulders stood in the middle of the lake where the water was the deepest. It looked like a grand diving area. Without a moment of thought Fred and George stripped down to their swim trunks and started running for the lake

The two of them jumped into the water, soon Ron and Harry were to follow. They each swam to the center of the lake and climbed up onto a large boulder and jumped back into the water with shouts of excitement. Ginny and Hermione were watching them jump in and out of the water a little ways up a tiny hill; they were lying on their towels sunbathing by a natural rock garden. Huge boulders and small rocks rose out of the ground creating a work of art. Both of the girls turned over on their stomachs, Ginny turned her head to look at Hermione. "Can I ask you something?" Ginny's tone was uneasy.

Hermione looked towards the water and then back at Ginny, "What about?"

Ginny sighed and then looked determined, "have you been having strange dreams?" caution seeped through her voice.

Picking a spot just above Ginny's head, Hermione stared. "What do you mean by strange dreams?" She asked in a colorless, bland tone.

Ginny knew that she and Hermione would never be close friends again, like they were before the end of last year. They used to confide in each other about everything especially about crushes and loves. And even though she didn't mean to hurt Hermione by dating Harry, but she did and it ruined their friendship. Even though she knew Hermione forgave her after she and Harry broke up, but nothing has been the same since then.

Ginny noticed that her friend had become distant and quiet, as if she were afraid to say anything at all. But Ginny had been having odd dreams and they involved a woman who looked an awful like Hermione. Ginny saw the emptiness in her friends eyes and wished that the old happy Hermione would return. "Oh, never mind." She forced a smile and looked towards the water. "I'm going to go swim. Do you want to come?" She hoped that Hermione would go swim with her, her eyes were almost pleading.

"Oh no Ginny, you go and have fun. I'm just going to sit here for a little while longer, then I'll be along." She tried to smile but her face just wouldn't do it. And watched as Ginny stood and walked swiftly down towards the water. Hermione picked up a book she had laying next to her and opened it to read, she read the title page and found she couldn't even concentrate which was not a good sign, she could always study and concentrate no matter what.

Hermione stared at the book with a blank expression on her face, she could see the words but they weren't making much sense. It was true she had been having strange dreams. Happy, sad and even gut wrenching terrifying dreams. She glanced up for a moment and looked towards the water watching her once good friends splashing about and having fun, she smiled in their happiness, not her own. She didn't want to keep avoiding them like this, always making up some excuse to be by herself. All summer she had avoided going to see any of them except for these last few days before school started, she decided she better make some appearance in their lives.

She felt as if they didn't even need her, probably never needed her. Hermione sat up and leaned up against a large boulder, pulling her legs up against her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Leaning her head back against the boulder she closed her eyes, remembering all the dreams she's had in the past months. They have all been very similar each one leaving off where she had woken, much like in a television drama series.

Recalling the possibility of why the dreams had started, during that most depressing moment in her life when her so called friend Ginny started romancing with Harry, She knew that Ginny had always had a small crush on him, a crush was nothing. But that Hermione has always been totally head over heels in love with him. And Ginny knew that, she knew Ginny has always been secretly in love with someone else, someone dangerous. That caused Hermione to re-evaluate her friendships. We're they really her friends at all? She remembered how they all hated her in the very beginning. Were they just putting up with her until they all graduated and just playing along?

Feeling droplets of water on falling onto her feet, she opened one eye finding Harry standing above her smiling down. Her other eye flew open "hey" she said with a tiny smile.

"Why aren't you down there swimming with us, why are you sitting here by yourself?" He sat down next to her.

"I didn't really feel like it just yet, I kinda wanted to sit here by myself." She stretched her legs out so they were straight.

"Well why would you want to sit here alone when you could be having fun with us, I know you like swimming an awful lot." He studied her face as she leaned her head back against the boulder again as she stared up towards the blue sky. Harry always knew when she was deep in thought, she was obviously thinking about something important. "What are you thinking about?" Hermione's head turned slightly, her gaze locking with his looking as if she wanted to say something, as if searching him to find the right words. He noticed she let her gaze fall and her head drop slightly, it was almost heart wrenching when she looked away from him, a small tendril of hair dropped down between her eyes.

"It doesn't really matter." She said in a whisper, staring downwards.

Harry resisted the sudden urge to move the fowl piece of hair out of her beautiful eyes, he was surprised when Hermione suddenly jumped up to her feet.

She didn't look down at him she stared off in the distance, "I think I'll go for that swim now." Hermione turned and started walking swiftly towards the water, when she reached the shallow part of the lake she didn't even stop, as if not even phased by the cold water. She continued into the water until she practically dove in and started swimming as the water relaxed her entirely. She did not feel like swimming over to where Ginny, Ron, Fred and George were, instead she floated on her back staying by herself.

Harry stood on the bank of the lake just watching her, he knew something was wrong. But what? He thought, then shook his head he would figure it out later and he went back into the water.

After finishing their much needed swim, they all got out of the lake, dried off and changed out of their bathing suits. Ron kept complaining about when and what kind of food they were going to eat. Ginny rolled her eyes knowing how her brother was always hungry. She was sitting at a picnic table with Ron, Harry Fred and George when Hermione came out of the girls tent in what she was wearing earlier that day. Ron shook his head back and forth still not accepting the fact that Hermione had a change in her style of clothing. Ginny slapped him lightly on the arm. "If you say one thing about her, you will regret it." Ginny threatened.

Harry smirked, "When did you become all full of threats?"

"It's a recent development." Ginny smiled back.

Hermione stifled a yawn as she walked right up to them, Fred and George immediately turned around. "Hermione come sit here with me." They both said at the same time. They again started glaring at each other. They each grabbed one of her arms and pulled her down to the bench between them, she looked up at Ron, Harry and Ginny with a please- help-me look. She saw them trying to control their fits of laughter, and so obviously found this funny.

"This will be Fred and mine's last year at school do you know what we have planned?" George said with a devilish grin.

"No, but I bet it's going to be really funny." She said trying to appear interested.

"There's no doubt about that." Fred replied shoving a piece of banana into his mouth.

Hermione picked up a strawberry and bit off the end, she glanced around the campsite. She found Mr. and Mrs. Weasley cuddling by the fire sharing a plate of food. She barely heard Ginny, Ron and Harry's conversation about Quidditch She had always found that game so boring, more boring than watching grass grow. Hermione picked up her cup of juice and drained it, setting it back on the table she stared into her plate of half eaten goodies. She began rolling a grape around the plate with her index finger letting her mind wander to other times in her life. When she was dating Viktor Krum during her fourth year and back to last spring break, when her neighbor Carlo began to take a notice in her. He was seventeen then and really cute, she smiled to herself thinking that he really took the edge off of her feelings when Ginny and Harry were together, but not as much as she had hoped.

George looked over at Hermione's empty cup "hey Hermione, your cup is empty. Would you like some more juice?" He flashed a grand smile of pearly white teeth.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Hermione looked up at him. "Sure, where's the pitcher?" She started looking around the table for the juice container, it was on Ginny's end of the table, where she began standing to get it. In an instant Fred had it in his hand, Hermione sat down.

"Here I'll pour you some." Fred smiled holding the pitcher by its bottom.

George grabbed the handle "no, I'll do it." He also smiled.

Fred and George both started pulling it against each other, trying to get it away from the other.

"Let me," George then pressed his lips into a line.

"No, me" Fred pulled the pitcher back harder.

"She wants me to do it!"

"Not even, give it up!"

The twins fighting broke up Ron, Harry and Ginny's conversation as they stared at the two brothers fighting ridiculously over a pitcher of juice with Hermione in the middle of it all.

"Fred, George. Guys please, I can get it myself." She said looking between the two of them, but the boys continued their fight as if they hadn't heard a word she had said.

They both had equal pressure on the pitcher, pulling it harder and harder against each other. The pitcher started slipping from their fingers, falling sideways landing all over Hermione, she jumped up with a loud screech and a very angry glare upon her face. Ginny and Ron practically fell off the bench in giggles, Harry covered his mouth with his hand so she couldn't hear him laughing, but it did no good she could see tears of laughter forming at the corners of his eyes.

With his hand still over his mouth Harry asked "Do you want some help?" Still trying to control his laughter.

"No," She said through gritted teeth, and turned away from showing much restraint from hexing them all. She almost didn't care that she was underage to perform magic out of school. Her fists clutched tight against her sides, creating little half circles in her hands from her fingernails. She started walking away from the table and laughing eyes, trying so hard not to break into hysterical tears. As soon as she was far enough away from them she couldn't help the silent tears from falling, when she wiped the tears away she was so covered in juice that a sticky residue was left across her cheeks.

Hermione knelt down near the lake's edge and splashed her face, arms, legs, midriff with water trying the best she could to get all the sticky juice off of her skin. After she was fairly cleaned off she sat down her legs crossing each other, she picked up a stick and started poking it into the grass. She turned and looked back the way she came. Hermione could see the campfire light burning brightly, and was not going to go back there just yet. They were all laughing at her, she hated that.


Ron, Ginny and Harry sat around the fire, they noticed the sun had totally set, it was back behind the mountains. The chilly air was starting to affect them so they sat closer to the fire, just staring into it. "How long do you think she's going to stay out there?" Ginny finally asked.

Ron and Harry both shrugged at the same time, "not sure, she seemed pretty steamed." Ron replied throwing a piece of wood into the fire.

Ginny clutched her arms, "don't you think we should go look for her, it's starting to get dark?"

Harry stared into the fire, he knew how mad Hermione could get and sometimes it was good just to leave her alone. "I think she'll be alright, she wouldn't have gone too far away from here." He looked towards the lake hoping that she wouldn't do something foolish in a mad rage and get lost.

"Oh I don't know, we were awfully mean laughing at her like that." Ginny regretted what she had done.

"Oh Gin, we weren't laughing at her." Ron said, "we were laughing at what happened."

"I bet she doesn't see it that way," Ginny looked between Ron and Harry. "She doesn't seem like herself, it's been awhile since I've seen a real smile, a real smile." She repeated. "I wish I knew what was going on, she won't even talk to me."

"Well you're not the only one she won't talk to." Harry stared into the fire thinking that they used to talk about everything under the sun and now she had barely spoken to him at all. It was quite unnerving seeing her quiet and pulled back from everything and everyone. He looked up towards the heavens seeing the first star peak through the changing darkness. She's always the one to spot the first star of evening. He thought then smiled. I wonder if she's seeing this? He looked towards the lake in wonder.


Seeing the first star of the evening lifted Hermione's spirits a little, the way is sparkled like a newly polished stone caused her to smile. She looked down at her stick now covered with bits of mud and grass; she continued to poke the ground. A small gust of wind blew lightly across the lake and up into her air, sending chills down through her body, for a second there she thought she heard her name being called. She shook the thought away, it was just the wind playing tricks with her mind. She was just hearing things, and went back to what she was doing.

She heard her name again, but this time a little bit louder, Hermione slowly stood up looking around in every general direction yet she saw no one. Her friends were too far away to be calling her name so quietly. Hearing her name again, the voice got louder causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. Hermione started backing up slowly as if something was going to jump out and attack her. Her name was said again even louder, and without a second thought she turned on her heels and ran as fast as her feet could carry her back towards the campsite.

Hermione's friends were seated around the campfire seeing her run extremely fast towards them, when she stopped they were all staring at her.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked with concern and for a split second there he could see fear in her eyes, but was quickly replaced by a mask of security, she had been so clever in convincing others that nothing was wrong.

"Yes, I'm fine." Hermione tried to smile, she could see that Harry did not believe her.

It was so obvious to him that she was lying, why didn't she want anyone to help her? Why didn't she want me to help her, He thought to himself thinking they have always helped each other in the past why should now be any different? What is she hiding? His gaze was searching hers clearly not believing a word she had said, "are you sure you're alright." He asked again.

"Yes Harry, I'm fine." She said in clipped tones as she sat down next to Ron. She glanced around briefly for the Terror Twins, but they were no where to be seen. She was almost afraid to ask.

"Your fan club has retired for the night." Harry said as if he had read her thoughts.

Hermione leaned against the log sighing with relief, "what is the matter with those two?" She thought out loud and now wished she hadn't said anything.

"They like you." Ron was blunt.

"I can see that," she glared at Ron. She had always admired his total honesty, but now it was aggravating the hell out of her. "But why, they've never acted like this around me before?"

"Well" Ron started, "maybe it's what you're wearing, or what you're not wearing that's driving them to do insane things."

Hermione was so tired of Ron's holier then thou attitude, her lips formed an angry line she turned to him, staring directly at him "What is so wrong about it huh?" She then stood abruptly in anger.

Not expecting this kind of reaction out of her, Ron also stood. "For one it makes you look-" He broke off, he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"What?! It makes me look what?!" Her hands planted themselves firmly on her hips, her eyes narrowed, glaring at him. Hermione could feel Ginny and Harry's eyes intently upon her, but she didn't care. She was beyond caring.

"Cheap and easy," Ron spat out angrily.

"I happen to think she looks cute." Ginny said and turned to Harry, "what do you think?" Harry just nodded, mumbling something.

Ron now furious he turned on them, "you guys are not helping." His voice trembling, he was on the edge of loosing it entirely.

"What's it to you how I look?" Her glare softened a bit.

"Because I don't like it on you!" Ron was surprised by his own reply.

"So everything has to be your way does it? Well I was not put on this earth just to please you." Her voice wavered between anger and confidence.

"No it doesn't," Ron said in harsh tones. "But the way you're dressing these days you look like you want to go around and fuck every guy in the wizarding world."

"Ron!" Both Ginny and Harry shouted at the same time, unbelieving that he could use such fowl words in front of his friends and sister.

With dignity Hermione turned to walk away, but she spun around glaring up at Ron, "Even if I wanted to do that, it is really none of your business is it now?" She was sarcastic and hurt by what Ron had said, but she wasn't going to show it. Hermione looked over at Ginny and Harry "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." And with that she started walking away towards the girls tent.

Harry could see that she was fighting back hurt tears he so wanted to go and comfort her but Ginny stood shaking her head angrily at her brother to follow after Hermione, he was relieved that Ginny would talk to her, perhaps Ginny could help her better than he could. He saw Ginny put a gentle arm around Hermione's shoulder and give her a friendly squeeze, but Hermione pushed herself away from Ginny and continued towards the tent with quite a distance between them. This struck Harry odd, usually Hermione went for the close comforting, whether it had been from Ron, Ginny or himself. And it was strange that Hermione was pushing away from any kind of comfort at all. He looked over at Ron who had finally resumed his seat by the fire.

"I'm not going to feel guilty about what I said, I meant it." Ron snapped.

"I didn't say anything," Harry snapped back. "Although you really have no right to tell her how she should dress. It's her decision you know."

Ron glared sarcastically at his friend, "you're one to talk?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Feeling slightly offended, Harry stared at Ron.

"Oh I can't tell Hermione how to dress, but you can tell her who she's allowed to date?" His tone was more sarcastic then he was angry.

Feeling slightly confused, Harry dared to ask. "What are you going on about?"

Ron relaxed, his temper settling a bit. "Every time Hermione told us about a new crush or an infatuation about someone, or even shared a few dates. You would tell her that they weren't right for her. Tell me do you think that anyone will ever be right for her?" He was almost grinning.

Harry thought a moment, "yes, eventually there will be the right person for her."

"Other than you or I?" Ron asked cautiously.

"Where exactly are you going with this Ron?" Harry felt uneasy about the nature of these questions.

Ron sighed, he might as well ask everything under the heavens to try and get some kind of truthful answer out of his best friend. So he charged right in, he was reminded of when Harry found Ron's personal letters that he had received from Hermione about her muggle neighbor Carlo during spring break. Since Ron was a guy he wanted to know ever little dirty detail of that one week relationship, he was astounded she even went as far as she had in only a small amount of time. Although she had assured him that she was still unicorn approachable.

He looked over at Harry who had practically flipped out when he thought no one was watching or awake, cursing the night and everything in it. Saying out loud to himself how foolish Hermione was being, and that she was only being used. Hoping that she wouldn't do anything too foolish. Ron almost laughed out loud thinking that. "Here's an example of where I'm going with this," He cleared his throat. "How did you feel when you found those letters of mine from Hermione about Carlo?"

Harry felt his blood boil, he remembered those. Why had Ron kept letters like that secret from him. She was his friend too, not just Ron's. His eyes narrowed as he recalled every little detail as if they had permanently seared themselves into his brain.

Ron suppressed a hearty laugh "you don't even have to answer that, I can see the answer by the look on your face."

"He was just using her." Harry replied through forced tones.

"You don't know that, he could have truly been in love with her, or she wouldn't have-" Ron paused, keeping his grin hidden.

Harry pressed his fingers to his sinuses, he didn't want to think about that anymore. "She didn't do anything more, I read your so called letters from her."

"That's true, and as soon as Hermione got back to school after break you told her that it was a bad idea to keep seeing this Italian guy, that this Carlo guy was only after one thing."

"Well he was." Harry's argument was weak and he knew it.

That may be true, but let's face it Harry, us guys are always after that one thing." Ron thought a moment and then an idea popped into his head. "But what about Justin, he's a nice guy, he would never take advantage of Hermione like Carlo would have. You know that Justin had developed a little crush on her, and if I recall you told him to stay away from her."

"I didn't tell him to stay away from her, I told him he should be cautious around her." He lied, he did tell Justin to stay away from her.

"Oh my mistake." Ron was sarcastic again, but smiling.

"Ron I'm just trying to protect her from unnecessary heartache, just like you would."

"The difference between you and me Harry, is I want her to go out and find whatever makes her happy, I'm not trying to hold her down. Life is full of experiences, some good some bad. And if you keep chasing off all the guys that find our Hermione slightly interesting, you are going to rob her of her life and her own experiences. Unless that's what you're trying to do, keep her close so she won't leave us. Or so that she won't leave you?"

"Wait a minute you think I'm trying to keep her away from other guys?" Harry sounded astonished at his friend's accusation.

"Do you want to know what I think?" Ron asked simply.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but what?" Harry looked at Ron suspiciously, "what do you think?"

"I think you've fallen for our dear friend."

"What!?" Shouted Harry, then looked around cautiously and quieted down. "No, no I don't think so." Seeing Ron gave him that yeah-whatever-look. "I have not." It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.

Ron looked past Harry and saw Ginny sticking her head out of the tent, "Can you guys keep it down, we are trying to sleep in here." She shouted at her brother.

"Sorry," Ron shouted back "we'll try to keep it down." And he smiled largely so his sister could see it.

Ginny shook her head back and forth before sticking her head back inside the tent, she looked down at Hermione who was still wide awake, her cheeks wet with tears. "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" She was concerned

Hermione turned over on her side "I said I don't want to talk about it Ginny," her voice trembling with grief. "And I'm not going to change my mind now go to sleep."

Sighing, Ginny sat down on her sleeping bag "alright Hermione, good night." Not hearing a reply she turned over on her side laying there she stared out the tiny window of the tent, looking at the all the stars that had come out. Finally after awhile of staring her eyes started to fall, and she would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for Hermione shaking her awake.

"Ginny did you hear that?" Hermione whispered cautiously.

"No," Ginny replied sleepily. "I didn't hear anything." She closed her eyes to sleep.

Hermione looked around the tent, it was dark except for the glow the fire gave from outside. She leaned back cautiously pulling the sleeping bag up to her chin, grabbing the edge of it and holding it tightly in her hands.

"Hermione" the wind spoke lightly. Hearing this she shut her eyes tightly wishing that voice would go away. The wind blew through against the tent again. "Hermione" the wind spoke again, but in the same low voice.

She couldn't take it anymore, "leave me alone." Hermione finally said in a terrified yet quiet voice, trying not to wake Ginny.

"Hermione" The wind spoke softly again.

"Go away, please go away." Hermione quietly pleaded feeling like she was going mad.

"Hermione." The wind did not raise or lower it's voice, just simply said "Hermione."

Knowing that the voice wasn't going to go away, she would confront her madness, "what do you want?" Her voice trembled in the question.

"Come" the wind finally spoke something different.

Feeling a new twinge of fear she looked around wide eyed. "Come where?"

"Follow my voice." The voice was gentle.

Hermione hesitated at first before she pulled the sleeping bag cover off of herself, revealing her long legs, she stood slowly. Her hem of her nightshirt barely covered her thighs, it was right along the edge of her back end. Very cautiously not to wake Ginny she went to the corner where she tossed her clothes and shoes. She bent and picked up her sandals slipping them over her feet. She stood straight and very quietly unzipped the tent flap and stepped out. It was really dark and she wouldn't be able to see where she was going. Luckily there was a lantern just to the left of her sitting on a log. Probably to lead the way to the loo, she picked up the lantern and looked around. She gulped down a breath of air "Where are you?" she asked quietly.

"Follow." The voice replied.

Hermione took a really deep breath and started walking after a few minutes she stopped. "Now where?"

"This way."

She continued in the direction of the voice for a little while she felt as if she weren't getting anywhere and that this was some sort of a joke. Then she finally reached another small pond, even in the dim light of her lantern she could see all kinds of beautiful flowers decorating the bank of the pond, but what was more impressive that there was a small waterfall along the cliff that stretched far upward. Hermione looked up and found nightprism birds that shone like jewels in the faint moonlight. The birds swooped down and came to rest on small ledges that stuck out from behind the waterfall, giving the waterfall a kind of multicolored glow. There was a huge boulder that stood half way between the bank and the middle of the pond.

Hermione saw something white flickering just above the water, it was trying to focus into the shape of a person. Finally after a few moments the figure was of an older but friendly looking woman. Still Hermione was afraid to do anything other than just stand there staring at the apparition. She knew she shouldn't be afraid of ghosts after all she went to a school where ghosts taught classes.

"Come closer." The ghost asked with a gentle voice.

Hermione slowly walked towards the boulder, setting the lantern down right next to the bank. She stepped out onto the boulder. "Wha-what do you want with me?" Hermione asked cautiously.

The ghost smiled, "I didn't mean to frighten you earlier child. I just wanted to talk with you."

"Why with me?" Hermione stared.

"Why not with you?" the ghost asked.

"Because I'm nobody, what could you possibly want with a nobody like me?" She asked almost sounding desperate.

"Sometimes a nobody as you call yourself can make a difference." The ghost smiled.

"I find that hard to believe." Hermione said quietly to herself.

"I see that you have a potential for greatness, I have been to the Elysium plains and back I have seen it all."

"I'm afraid you are mistaken." She sighed, "the people I came here with have a potential for greatness. Not me." Hermione looked towards her feet.

"You remind me of someone I knew a long time ago, she always thought that she could never do anything worthy of greatness." The ghost replied floating around the top of the water as if she were ice skating.

"Oh yeah, who was that?" Hermione asked half serious, half not interested.

"My daughter." The ghost's happy smile faded. "She was murdered."

"I'm sorry." Hermione said sincerely.

The ghost glanced around sadly, "She died at this very spot, it's a shame that the most beautiful place has the worst memory for me."

Hermione looked around knowing that it was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen and yet something tragic happened here.

"But you shouldn't worry about that now, that life has passed and there's not anything that can be done. But yours, your life is important and as soon as you figure that out everything will fall into place." The ghost replied looking up at the night sky looking as if she were thinking about something. "Can you stay here for a moment, I shall return. Just wait here for me?"

Hermione nodded, and the ghost vanished right before her eyes.


"Ginny" A quiet voice said.

Ginny sat straight up, looking around finding Hermione's spot empty. She felt a cold wind rush through her. She turned and found the tent flap open. Hermione was gone. Where could she be? She stuck her head stepped out into the cool air she saw Ron and Harry still talking by the fire, he turned her wrist over and looked at her watch, it was only midnight, she hadn't been asleep for very long, but it sure seemed like a long time. She ran across the grass closer to Ron and Harry. "Hey!" She shouted and both of them turned to look at her. "Have you guys seen where Hermione went?"

Harry stood, "no, why?"

Ginny hugged herself "because she's not in the tent."

"So maybe she just went to use the loo?" Ron suggested.

Ginny pointed to the loo area, "She didn't because the loo is right there and the lantern is gone." They all three stared at each other for a moment, "You don't suppose something happened to her do you?" Ginny finally asked.

"I don't think so, of course I wouldn't go roaming around a strange place like this by myself at night, would you?" Ron said nonchalantly.

Harry and Ginny both stared at each other, "We have to find her, what if she's hurt somewhere?" Ginny sounded desperate.

Harry nodded, "alright." He turned to Ron, "you stay here in case she comes back. Ginny and I will go search for Hermione. She couldn't have gone far, there's not much of this place to hide in." He sounded hopeful at least for Ginny's sake anyway.

Ron nodded and Harry picked up another lantern and he and Ginny went to search for their lost friend.


The ghost reappeared in front of Hermione, "it's good to see that you waited for my return." She smiled.

"I don't see why I did? I should have just left." Hermione looked around "you probably want to feed me to a horrible troll or something in order for you to get your flesh back." Hermione was sarcastic.

The ghost laughed a bit, "I would never."

Something sparkled caught Hermione's eye, it was coming from the water. Feeling a sudden surge of curiosity, she went down on her knees and looked into the water. At first she only saw her reflection, but then again it wasn't exactly her reflection. She saw a young woman in an 11th century gown looking back at her wearing a necklace with a large opal resting just below her neck. The hand of the reflection was touching the necklace lightly, feeling slightly confused the reflection faded and there was that same necklace resting on a rock, the silver around the opal and braided chain still sparkled as if it were brand new, surely it would have had some kind of tarnish on it if it had been there that long.

"Take it." The ghost said.

"I-I couldn't possibly." Hermione couldn't stop staring into the water.

"Why not?" The ghost searched Hermione's bent frame. "You found it, why should you not have it?"

"It does not belong to me," She looked up at the ghost, "I will not take something that doesn't belong to me."

The ghost smiled and nodded. "You have a keen sense of honesty, don't you?" The ghost floated closer to Hermione. "It's alright Hermione, the owner would have wanted you to have it, trust me."

Hermione thought for a moment, she hadn't really trusted any body lately. But then this wasn't a body, it was a spirit. But what if this was a test, what if the ghost was sent to tempt her and she was suppose to resist and if she didn't the consequences would be dire. She stared back down at the water, somehow that necklace called to her. Without a second thought she plunged her hand down into the water, grabbing the necklace in her hand, holding it tightly pulling it from its watery grave. She waited for the eternal doom that she knew was coming, but nothing happened.

She opened her hand and found the necklace sparkling even more, she looked up at the ghost who was obviously beaming with pride. "Why don't you put it on?" The ghost suggested.

The necklace was pretty and what was interesting that it wasn't very heavy in her hand, well she had gone this far, if eternal doom was right around the corner, she would face it wearing a mighty beautiful piece of jewelry. Hermione unclasped the ends, but the ghost stopped her a moment. "I think you should know that this isn't an ordinary piece of jewelry, you might experience a sudden power surge when you fasten it around your neck. Just don't be afraid it's perfectly normal." The ghost said with confidence.

Hermione tilted her head to the side still holding the necklace ends around her neck, "is it going to hurt me?" suspicion now wrung through her voice and the ghost heard and felt it in Hermione's tone.

"It's possible that you might pass out for a day or two, oh one more thing there's only certain people who can remove it. You being one of them."

"What? I'm going to pass out? Were you just going to leave me here after I had passed out for some really horrible thing to come along and eat me?" she was furious

"No I have thought ahead child, I alerted one of your companions. And she should be here momentarily to take you back where you belong."

"How do I know this thing isn't going to kill me?" she still held the necklace shaking it at the ghost."

"Just trust me Hermione, I know you haven't put a lot of trust in people lately. You're heart had been stomped on by a really close friend. But when is it going to end, it has to end somewhere Hermione. When are you going to start allowing the people and beings that want to help you, to help you, are you now and forever going to keep pushing people away?"

Her words were very wise and very right, she had been pushing people away. But she just couldn't trust herself, let alone other people anymore. Yet she gave into the words of the spirit and fastened the clasp behind her neck. The feelings of hot fire ran through her almost instantly, she could feel the energy in every muscle, every pour. Feeling her eyes roll back she immediately collapsed on the boulder, breathing steadily and unaware of anything around her.

The ghost bent down and pressed a kiss to Hermione's forehead and smoothed her hair away from her face. "Good luck child, may you succeed in all you do." The ghost elevated Hermione and pointed to a soft spot on the grass and set her gently on it. She smiled then looked up seeing a lantern light heading this way. She disappeared into the darkness.

A second later Ginny and Harry came around the corner, they were both shouting her name. They both looked around and then Ginny patted Harry's arm really hard. "Oh my goodness, is she dead?" Ginny panicked.

They both knelt quickly next to her, Harry lightly shook her to see if she would wake up, but nothing. He took her pulse, it was beating but lightly. He lifted her eye lids, nodding. "No, she's not dead. Passed out though. I wonder what caused it." He looked around for signs of a struggle or anything that could give him any clues.

"What I want to know is what is she doing all the way out here?" Ginny looked up at the waterfall. "Although this is a nice place."

Harry nodded, not really paying attention to the surroundings. He was concentrating on figuring out what caused Hermione to pass out. What's this? He thought looking down at the necklace she was wearing. He hadn't noticed this before. Oh well. "Ginny take her lantern."

Ginny nodded and took Hermione's lantern, she stood and watched as Harry easily lift Hermione as if she weighed nothing at all. And they started back to the campsite.


Ron paced back and forth, thinking that it was his fault that Hermione had run off in the night. And if something had happened to her he would never forgive himself. If Hermione came back alive, he would apologize to her for everything. He then looked up and saw two lanterns heading his way, Ginny was walking next to Harry as he was holding a body in his arms. Oh no something horrible happened to her. He immediately thought. He broke out into a run towards them.

Harry saw the worried look on Ron's face, "don't worry Ron, I don't think anything seriously is wrong with her, she's just passed out."

"What a relief," Ron admitted. "When I saw you carrying her I immediately thought the worst. Now I can go to bed with a clear conscious." He smiled, "So how does it feel to ho-"Ron was about to say but stopped when he saw the angry look crossing over Harry's face. "Never mind." He said backing off.

Harry shook his head and turned to Ginny, "can you go do what I told you?"

Ginny nodded and she ran quickly towards the girl's tent and disappeared for a moment. Harry carrying Hermione and Ron stood by the fire. Ron was scratching his head in confusion. "What did you tell Ginny to do?"

"Now I don't want to start up our past conversation again if you don't mind, but I told her, Ginny to go and get Hermione's sleeping stuff. So she can sleep out here and I can keep an eye on her." Even that didn't sound right.

"Keep an eye on her? The poor girl is passed out."

"What's your point?" Harry was aggravated.

"She's not going to go anywhere in that condition." Ron grinned.

"Look, I don't care. I'm going to stay with her until I know she's going to wake up and be alright."

Ron shook his head back and forth not really believing a word he was saying, he turned slightly and found Ginny running back with Hermione's sleeping bag and pillow. She spread it out on the ground next to a sitting log.

Harry gently set Hermione down her head resting on the pillow. He looked up at Ron his green eyes still aggravated, "stop thinking what you're thinking. Now wait here with her, and I'll be right back." He stood and quickly darted off towards the boys tents.

Ginny nudged Ron with her elbow, "what are you thinking?"

Ron glanced down at Hermione, "That he's in love with her." He put a finger to his chin.

"I knew that." Ginny said with a half smile.

Confused Ron looked at her, "how did you know that?"

Ginny shook her head laughing lightly, "you guys are so observant. Everything in his life revolves around her." She glanced down at Hermione as well. "It always has, he wouldn't give up his friendship or infatuation with her for anything. It's already been proven with his failed relationships."

"Which you were one of," Ron snickered.

"Yep, I know first hand that anyone else in his life will always come second." She glanced up and found Harry returning with his sleeping gear.

He spread his sleeping bag out next to Hermione and sat down, studying her intently he then looked up at Ron and Ginny. "Have you guys noticed this before?" He pointed to the necklace that Hermione was wearing.

"Noticed what?" Ron asked as he and Ginny both sat down on the dusty ground. "That necklace, no I would have noticed it when I was criticizing her a few short hours ago."

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother's remark, "I certainly have not, do you think she found it?"

"Who would loose something like this?" Harry thought out loud.

"Only if they had other ones at home that looked just like it," Ron smiled briefly.

"It just looks so expensive, and Hermione doesn't wear a lot of jewelry, so why would she pick this up?" Harry replied avoiding Ron's smirking gaze at that comment he had just made.

"Do you think we should take it off of her, what if this is causing her to be unconscious." Ginny asked looking around, "what if this is a form of dark magic?" Ginny's eyes were wide with worry.

"That's a very good theory Gin." Ron always complimented his sister, "Lets see what happens if we take off the necklace."

Harry nodded, he reached around and pulled Hermione up against him. He could feel his pulse quicken as he held her closer to him he hoped Ron would hurry in getting that necklace off. But as soon as Ron had grabbed the clasp he shrieked like a girl. Alarmed Harry almost dropped Hermione.

"Ron what happened?!" Both Ginny and Harry said in unison.

"The damn thing burnt me." Ron turned showed Ginny and Harry the burn marks on his fingers.

"Well you probably grabbed the wrong thing." Ginny replied.

"The wrong thing on a necklace clasp, come on Ginny be serious." Ron was sarcastic.

Ginny shook her head back and forth, "let me try." She reached for the clasp, and she shrieked.

Ron smirked. "maybe you did it wrong." He said in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up Ron." Ginny glared, "well we have to get that necklace off of her, it's probably burning her too."

"I don't think so." Harry said as if he were deep in thought, "She's not writhing in agony or anything, and I haven't seen any burn marks like on you two."

"What if it's controlling her?" Ginny asked.

"What do you want me to do about it, I'm as puzzled as the rest of you." Harry replied setting her body back down on the sleeping bag. He looked down at the necklace, at Hermione. She looked kind of peaceful in her unconscious slumber. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I think you should remove it?" Ron said as he sucked on his burnt finger.

"No way, look what happened to you two." He said with half a smirk.

"I don't think it would hurt you, you have that protection against evil thing goin' on." Ron said.

Ron did have a point Harry thought, maybe that would be enough so that he wouldn't get burnt. "Alright then, roll her over."

Ginny pulled Hermione up on her side, while Harry went for the necklace clasp and prepared himself for any burning feelings, and was quite amazed as he was able to undo the necklace clasp without so much as a warm feeling.

"See told you so." Ron grinned like an idiot.

Ginny set Hermione down on her back again, while Harry picked up the necklace from off her neck and looked at it. "This is interesting. I think I'll study it for awhile." He leaned back against his pillow.

"Ha, you study? That's a first." Ron was still smiling.

Harry kicked the air just in front of Ron as if he were aiming for him.

Ron stood, stretching his arms fighting back a yawn. "well I'm headed to sleep, night all." He turned and walked slowly towards the boy's tent, Ginny stood also.

Looking up at Ginny, Harry found that she was smiling foolishly at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ginny shook her head "oh no reason, night Harry." She then turned away and started back towards her tent.

Harry held the necklace in the palm of his hand, staring at the large opal concentrating on it as if something were going to jump out and explain its existence. Hearing Hermione next to him mumble something, she turned over on her side facing him. He turned slightly. What's going on in that head of yours? He thought, his gaze still on her. He leaned in closer to her why are you so distant? Without thinking he lightly lifted his hand smoothing her hair, gently moving the brown strands away from her face. He noticed that this is the closest he's been to her all summer. Wondering if she had been avoiding him all summer, and even earlier today she avoided him and everybody else as best she could.

Sighing he turned over on his back, reaching up to remove his glasses, he set them on the log just above his head. He held the necklace in his left hand, which rested on his chest. With his right hand he lifted two fingers he rubbed his eyes and closed them to sleep. Within moments he was fast asleep, the dreams rushing to him like a gentle breeze.

Sneaking up behind her his hands covered her eyes, "Guess who?"

She smiled "Ulrich my love, I knew you would return to me." She teased.

His hands snapped away and he moved around to face her with a hurt look on his face. "Jasmine that wasn't nice," he pouted.

She couldn't stop herself from shaking with laughter, "Oh Torrin, it was just a friendly jest, I knew it was you all the time." She continued looking down at the scroll in her lap.

Torrin sat down on the ground next to her, then with a humph he rolled over on his back looking up at the sky, "Well it still wasn't very funny." He watched the lazy clouds breeze by.

"Yes it was," her eyes never left the scroll.

He rolled over on his stomach resting his chin on her knee, "what are you reading that has all of your attention, when I am sitting right here?"

Jasmine lifted her eyes to his for a brief moment and then returned to her reading, "and that's supposed to mean what exactly?"

Torrin smiled his charming smile which usually caused women to fall at his feet, "that whenever I'm around I should always have all your attention." He sat up and grabbed the scroll from her and quickly rolled it up tossing it aside. He was so quick that Jasmine didn't even have time to grab it back.

"I was reading that." She said with a half smile.

"I know." Torrin was smug.

"Not everything revolves around you Torrin, I hope you realize that." Her gaze locked with his.

"Ouch." He put his hand against his chest where his heart was beating, "you wounded my pride Jasmine." His tone light and he was almost laughing.

She looked around for her scroll and found it on the other side of Torrin, "could you possibly hand me my scroll back please?"

"What? Miss independent can't retrieve it herself?" He grinned sarcastically. "And even though you aren't reading I still don't have all your attention."

Jasmine smiled her clever little smile, "you will never have all of my attention Torrin G-" She was interrupted.

"Is that so?" Torrin challenged. Without answering Jasmine simply bent over, around him to grab her scroll from the ground, Torrin quickly grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her against him their gazes locking intently. "Do I have all your attention yet?" He whispered.

All she could do was nod. In an instant his lips pressed against hers, his mouth opening hers and she fell into the passion of his kiss, exploring each others mouth with reckless abandon. He felt her pull gently away, "have you come here just to torment my emotions?" She smiled briefly her eyes still dazed with desire.

Torrin pressed a tender kiss on her neck just below her ear, feeling her shiver. "I wanted to give you something." He found her gaze and she had an eyebrow raised in a question. Torrin grinned "not that something, you silly girl." He thought a moment, "well, yes that something just not right now." He saw the amusement in her eyes. Torrin unclasped an ivory box from his belt and handed it to Jasmine with a smile.

"You know you don't need to give me anything," She looked at him confused. "You know all I've ever wanted was just you."

"I do know that, but I wanted to do this." He reached over and covered her hand with his helping her open the ivory box. A beautiful opal pendent necklace on a silver braided chain sparkled.

Jasmine stared, gasping for air, then she looked up at Torrin, "this is awfully expensive, you really didn't need to-" she was interrupted by Torrin's lips on hers again.

Torrin pulled back gazing into her eyes, "I wanted to." He pulled the necklace from its box and clasped it around her neck, He looked down at the necklace hanging just below her neck. "I had it specially crafted for you," He lifted it slightly in his hand gazing at the stone.

He saw Jasmine look towards the ground, she lowered her eyes. Torrin found this slightly unnerving, with a tender finger, he lifted her chin so that there gaze met, there were tears in her eyes. As the tears fell down her cheeks, he wiped them away with his thumb. He brought up his other hand and slowly pulled her mouth up to his. Torrin felt her arms go around him, holding him tightly against her as he kissed her- Having no idea that he was smiling in his sleep, Harry turned over on his side.


The gray early dawn crept up over the trees of Destiny Lake, Hermione was laying on her side, as her eyes opened slowly. She could see the lake off in the distance her eyes darted around as if she didn't know where she was, she saw tents, logs and it suddenly came back to her. She was back in the campsite, but she wasn't in her tent. Ginny must have found me. She thought to herself. Hermione felt something heavy draped over her side, and something pressed up against her. She looked down and found an arm laying across her. Feeling more than confused not to mention alarmed she gently turned over to look, she didn't want to disturb what horrible creature that might be holding her captive. She turned her head quickly and relaxed only slightly finding a sleeping Harry right next to her.

She rubbed her eyes wondering how she got into this particular situation, and that she had better move away before anyone comes out and finds this sleeping arrangement even though it felt really nice. Trying to not disturb her sleeping friend she carefully tried to lift his arm from off of her. Hermione kept watching his sleeping face making sure he wasn't going to wake up. To her surprise she felt his arm tighten around her, not letting her move it. It sort of alarmed her as she knew he was asleep. Hermione could not move it away. Oh well she thought closing her eyes to go back to sleep, she heard and felt him move. Hermione's eyes flew open when she felt more of his weight on her, she looked down and found him laying half way across her, his head resting on her shoulder. Now she really couldn't move away because it would definitely wake him if she moved, and he would probably be so embarrassed, and she would not want him to feel that way. Besides this felt really, really nice, and she closed her eyes to go back to sleep.


Feeling the warm sun caused Harry to open his eyes, he realized that he was laying on something soft and not the hard ground. It was Hermione he was using as a pillow. She was close enough that he could see her clearly without his glasses. She looked so peaceful and untroubled while she slept, he lifted his head slightly off of her still watching her sleep, he lightly lifted a single strand of her hair and looked at it closely, the strand had many different shades of brown mixed in it. He heard a cough coming from the other side of the dead fire, looking towards the fire pit and saw a tall reddish blob.

Ron! He shouted to himself. He quickly grabbed his glasses from the log and put them on, seeing Ron clearly having an amused expression on his face. Harry felt his cheeks flush in wondering exactly how long Ron had been there and also knowing exactly what he was thinking. He sat up against the log "I don't want to hear one word, not even one peep put of you." He warned.

"Peep" Ron was smug. "All I'm going to say is, you know it and I know it." He turned with a large smile on his face to go wash up before breakfast.

Harry shook his head and rested his head against the log, he heard shuffling next to him as Hermione was opening her eyes. He looked down at her relieved that he had moved before her noticing he was practically on top of her, if she knew that she would probably be so embarrassed and keep even quieter.

Feeling eyes upon her she looked up and found Harry smiling down at her, she sat up and stretched her arms up, "morning" she said sleepily. Looking around remembering, her cheeks flushed and she turned her head away, "how did I get out here?" She then looked back at Harry.

He was staring at her his eyes searching hers with a question, "why did you go off by yourself last night? And I put you out here."

"I just felt like it okay," She said and then added, "why did you put me out here?" Her voice almost accusing as if it were a crime and that she was the victim.

"We found you passed out, Ginny and I brought you back here. That was really dangerous what you did, you know. You worried the lot of us." He watched Hermione staring down at her hands twisting her fingers together, she didn't say another word. And that wasn't like her at all, even if she was wrong she would defend herself all the way. Harry couldn't take her silence anymore he had, had it. In a split second he moved closer her. "Hermione, something is wrong, what is it?" He tried to get her to look at him

Hermione shook her head silently, she was not going to talk about anything. She would deal with it by herself. She tried hard to avoid his gaze, and succeeded.

Knowing that she needed comforting Harry draped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her against him. He felt her try to push him away like she had done with Ginny, but he held on tighter as he wrapped his other arm around her trying to hold her still, he looked down at her face twisting with determination in trying to get away. "No Hermione I'm not letting go of you." She didn't say anything only still tried to get away, but he held her even tighter. "You can push away all you want, but I'm not going to let go. If you need some help I will help you."

She kept trying to push away, "I don't need help, and I certainly don't need you!" Hermione's voice was cruel, almost heartbreaking. "Let go of me."

"No." Harry said.

She looked right at him, "Everything about you disgusts me, let go!" She spat, angry tears forming in her eyes.

"No." He repeated in the same determined tone.

"I really hate you right now, can't you understand, I hate you, now get away from me!" She practically shouted as she continued to push harder away.

"No." It did no good, no matter what she said Harry knew she didn't mean it and was only saying it to get away. He was not going to let her. She suddenly stopped pushing and struggling to get free, instead she practically fell against him, her body shaking with a violent rush of tears. Her arms hung limply at her sides as she cried into his chest making his shirt wet with tears. Harry pulled her into his lap as she seemed exhausted; he leaned back slightly against the log pulling her closer to him. He felt her arms go around his waist, holding onto him. He rested his cheek on the top of her head. Harry was relieved that she was no longer hysterical, he sighed into her hair. "Hermione this is not like you at all, what is wrong?" He asked carefully.

She still refused to say anything, Harry felt the empty silence. He wasn't going to rush her, but he wasn't going to let her go until she said anything. He smoothed the back of her head, threading his fingers through her hair. It was soft to the touch, almost like silk. He really liked the feel of it between his fingers. He listened to her breathing change and realized she wasn't in tears any more.

Hermione dropped her arms from his waist, she pulled back slightly, she noticed his arms still around her knowing that in case she tried to bolt he would be quicker and she would not get away. She wiped her eyes with a slender finger, "Sorry, I lost my head." She said not looking at him, "I didn't mean to say those things." Tears of guilt now forming in her brown eyes.

Those words were pretty hurtful, it proves that Hermione could be really cruel if she wanted too, but it didn't really matter to him. He looked at her his gaze warm and soft, "it's alright, really. No harm done." He tried to smile for her sake. She obviously wasn't convinced, and he could see that. "Hermione, you know I only want to help you."

"I know." She whispered looking down, "you can let go of me now, I'm not going to run off."

Harry gave her a suspicious look but it faded and he dropped his arms from around her, He regretted doing that, it was a nice holding her to him, even if she was a hysterical wreck just a few moments ago.

Hermione saw something sparkling down near Harry's leg, it was her necklace. Her hand immediately went to her neck and felt that it was no longer there. And then she looked down at the necklace and picked it up looking at it "How did this get on the ground?" She looked down at Harry whose head was a tad lower than hers, she realized now that she was still sitting on him and quickly moved to sit beside him, "I was wearing this last night." She said out loud as if working out a problem in her studies, "And I thought that only I or certain people could take it off, it wouldn't have just fallen off." She kept mumbling.

"What are you mumbling about?" Harry asked with a smile.

"This." She said lifting the necklace up so he can see it.

"Oh that," He grabbed it from her. "Yeah I've been meaning to ask you about where you got that. It is very nice." Harry stared at the opal stone. "I took it off last night."

"You did, why and how?" She was staring at him oddly.

"Well first of all Ron and Ginny thought maybe it was some form of dark magic and they tried to remove it but it burnt them, so Ron suggested that I remove it because of my protection against evil, you know. Besides if it was burning Ron and Ginny who knows what it was doing to you or your mind."

Hermione nodded thinking that ghost probably lied and remembering the pain surging through her when she put the necklace on. It was probably a form of dark magic. "Well if it is dark magic, it sure is a shame. Because it is one beautiful piece of jewelry and I don't own very much so I think I would like to have it back." She held her hand out for it.

"Nope Hermione, sorry but I'm not going to give it back until we've had it checked for curses you know how it goes." He smiled

Hermione folded her arms across her chest like a child pouting, "Is this because of that whole firebolt thing I made you go through?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He teased. His smile then faded into a serious expression. "Now are you going to tell me what is bothering you?"

She looked away for a moment and then back at him, "It's not just one thing. It's quite a few things, a lot of things actually."

"Well I have a lot of time for you Hermione if you need it." He smiled lightly.

Hermione returned the smile, it was true whenever she need it, he always made time to talk with her, about whatever she wanted. This was it she had decided she was going to finally say something, so what if it would ruin her friendship, it was worth it. "Alright, I'm going to say something really important, and I want you to listen to me very carefully." She saw him nod, taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment. Then opened them to see his gaze smiling at her. She almost forgot what she was going to say she found herself lost. Quickly, Hermione shook her head, "for a few years now, I have been so-" a voice came from right next to her interrupting her.

"Good morning, all. Harry can I talk to you for a moment." Ginny requested.

Hermione squinted her eyes, thanks a lot Ginny, you have excellent timing. She thought to herself looking up at Ginny with a false smile.

Harry looked up at Ginny, "Ginny I was kind of talking with Hermione here, can this wait?"

Hermione shook her head, "no it's alright Harry, go and talk with Ginny. I'll be alright."

Harry looked at Hermione, her face was expressionless again, much like before. He had noticed that when she was just talking to him he saw a glimmer of happiness and her own confidence returning. But now it was replaced by that new distant Hermione once again. The one he never wanted to see again. "are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure." She said in a colorless tone. Hermione stood feeling a slight draft, she looked down at Harry who was so obviously staring at her long legs. She turned away as her cheeks flushed to a bright red. She grabbed the hem of her nightshirt and started pulling it down so it would cover more of her, she turned quickly and made a sprint towards the tent to change. She could hear the conversation beginning with Harry and Ginny, he didn't sound too pleased with what Ginny was saying, his tone was slightly aggravated.


The car was packed up to leave the lake, they all took their seats. So Hermione wouldn't have to talk to anybody on the way back she immediately opened her book. She knew that Harry would want to resume the conversation they were about to have when Ginny interrupted. She didn't know what had came over her, she was ready to tell him all her feelings. What a dumb thing that would have been, and was now glad she decided to keep it to herself.

Hermione looked above the top of the rim of her book at everyone sitting and talking, she glanced at them one at a time Fred and George were talking secretly amongst themselves, Ron was talking to Ginny about what classes at school were boring that he had taken during his fourth year, and what classes were dumb or entertaining. She then looked over at Harry and was startled that he was looking right back at her with an unreadable expression, she pulled the book back up so that she didn't have to see it, although she could still feel his gaze as if it were burning a hole in the book. At least school is starting tomorrow and she'll be able to drown herself in her studies.

The car took off into the clouds on its way back to the burrow.


Okay I know what you're all thinking, what's the matter with Hermione, why is she such a wreck? It's not really at all what you would expect, that's only half of it J. What is with everyone and what is the significance of that necklace. Well it will all be explained eventually. J Stay tuned for chapter 3-- trouble with transfers, it's a real problem. Please read and review thanks, Ryoko.