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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 16-Do You Remember when.

The morning sunlight caused Ginny to open her eyes, she looked over at the clock on the wall it read six thirty. She had just enough time to get dressed and head down to breakfast before classes started for the day.

It was week into the new term, and she was finding it harder and harder to keep her relationship with Draco a secret, it seemed that ever since her brother came back from his trip he had been extra nosy. She walked into the great hall and saw her brother and his friends already eating at the table, all except Hermione who was eating and reading from a text book at the same time. It simply amazed Ginny that Hermione could carry on like that without spilling anything onto her book while she ate.

Ginny sat down across from Hermione sitting next to Dean Thomas, the table shook a bit as she got comfortable and grabbed for a piece of toast. Hermione looked up at Ginny when the table shook.

"Good morning Ginny." Hermione said pleasantly returning to her book.

"Hermione can I talk to you, you know," Ginny leaned in closer to Hermione who was closing her book. Ginny got as close as she could get being across the table. "About love, can we go somewhere private and talk."

"Sure Ginny, we can talk on the way to my Arithmancy class. Since Harry and Ron have Divination right now we have to go in opposite directions." Hermione was about to get up from her seat when she felt a hand grab hers and she stopped. She looked to find Harry smiling at her.

"Gonna go talk girl talk with Ginny?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll see you in potions." She smiled lightly.

Harry pulled her to him and kissed her but only for a moment. Hermione pulled back with a cute smile upon her lips, she threaded her fingers threw his hair a few times, "I'll see you later." Then she stood and left the great hall with Ginny.

"So Ginny, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh Hermione I did something horrible." Ginny sounded desperate.

"What is it Gin?" Hermione was genuinely concerned.

"I fell in love Hermione, that's what I've done." She looked down at her feet as they walked.

"Well that's not a horrible thing Gin, that's really good."

"Hermione, I've fallen in love with Draco Malfoy." Ginny said as tears started to swell in her eyes.

"Gin, you know already what I'm going to say."

"Yes I know, he's bad, he'll never change. I've heard it all before Hermione. But you don't understand him, no one does. He's lived a life void of love."

"Yeah well so has Harry and he's not a bastard. I would just be really cautious around Malfoy, who knows what he's really capable of. After all he did give me the Orb of Ellia don't forget."

"I know that." She said with regret.

"I just wouldn't trust Malfoy as far as I could throw him, and that's not far."

"What do you think I should do, I can't ignore my heart, but I'm also afraid of what will happen when my brothers find out." Ginny was so depressed.

"Well I don't want to tell you what to do Gin, but do what you think is right. If you want to follow your heart then do it. Malfoy, Ginny, are you sure he's the one?"

Ginny nodded.

"You two haven't-"

"Let's not get into that shall we." Ginny interrupted Hermione rather quickly.

"Ginny you're only fifteen how could even think of doing something like that?" Hermione was shocked.

"Oh Hermione, don't you tell me you haven't."

"We aren't discussing me, we are discussing you."

"Well you weren't exactly innocent at fifteen yourself you know, those nasty letters you wrote to Ron."

"Ugh, why does everyone bring that up again and again?" She looked up at the ceiling as if asking the heavens for advice.

Ginny grinned "because, let's face it Hermione, you are a bad girl, you may have looked innocent, but on the inside you were baaad." She smirked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at that comment "Ginny, all I'm saying is be careful. If you love Malfoy-"

"Draco." Ginny corrected.

"I am not calling him that," Hermione spat, "but if you love Malfoy then go for it, but I stress caution. He can be very sneaky." She placed a gentle hand on Ginny's shoulder.

"You won't tell Ron will you?"

"No I won't, but I suggest you tell him, it's better if he finds out from you then from the grape vine."

"Well, I'll consider telling Ron. Oh dear I'm gonna be late I have to go down to see Madame Pomfrey for my training."

"Oh yes you're trying to get into healing aren't you?" Hermione replied.

"Yep, well I best be off, see you at Lunch." She turned and rushed down to the hospital wing and Hermione headed towards Arithmancy.

After Harry and Hermione spent some time in the astronomy tower gazing up at the stars and cuddling close together, they were walking under the invisibility cloak heading back to Gryffindor tower.

Harry stopped turned to Hermione and pushed her up against the wall, since no one could see them, they could do anything. It was true he found a certain courage while being invisible. He pressed his body against hers and covered her mouth with his. After a few moments of tasting her he pulled back, breathless, "I know we agreed that we wouldn't be intimate at school, but I'm finding it harder and harder to resist you. Wanting to touch you and please you, takes such willpower not to break our agreement."

"I know love, I feel it's tough too. I have hard time controlling myself around you as well." Her hands gently framed his face and she looked deeply into his eyes. After what seemed like an eternity she pulled his mouth to hers.

She was lost in the sensations of his kiss, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, he begged for entry by flicking his tongue against her lips., she obliged and her mouth opened beneath his, as their tongues met, and a tingly sensation swam through both of them as he deepened the kiss. His body pressing hers harder up against the wall. They didn't even notice the cloak slipping off of them revealing them to just about anyone that would be in the hall that night.

Hearing a meow, Hermione pulled her mouth from his to look over his shoulder. She found Mrs. Norris looking right at her. "Um, Harry?" She breathed as his mouth was busy elsewhere.

"Hmm?" He wasn't really paying attention as he was kissing the spot between her neck and shoulder.

"I think Mrs. Norris can see us, she's looking right us and she made a noise."

Harry lifted his head and turned slightly to find Filch's cat looking at them, he then noticed the cloak was pooled at their feet behind them.

"Oh crap!" He cursed and quickly bent to pick up the cloak, and he threw it around the two of them.

"What is it my sweet?" Filch asked his cat Mrs. Norris as he rounded the corner, "Students out of bed?"

Under the invisibility cloak Harry and Hermione pressed themselves up against the wall as they edged quietly away from the caretaker. Harry felt something digging into his back it had to be a rock, he reached behind him and tried to push the rock away, but rock seemed to push in like a button.

"There's no one here my sweet." Filch said as he picked up his cat and started walking from the invisible students, he was soon around the corner and out of sight.

With very little sound a piece of the wall fell back and so did Harry and Hermione, then landed on their backs staring up at a ceiling the wind knocked out of them. They heard the sounds of a large rock door shift and move, the last remaining light vanished and they were left in the dark.

"Where are we?" Hermione sat up rubbing the back of her head where it had hit the floor, there would be a huge bump there was no doubt about that.

"I don't know." Harry too sat up rubbing the back of his head, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand. "Lumos" He said and the tip of his wand lit up. He looked around noting that they were in a hidden, possibly secret room.

He noticed there were candles all around the room. And he and Hermione went around sparking them to life. In no time the room was brightly lit and they could finally get a good look at where they were.

Hermione pressed on Harry's arm, getting his attention.

"What is it?" He looked at her.

She didn't say anything, only pointed ahead. Harry looked to where she was pointing, he had to do a double take at what he saw. He walked right up to it, touching it as if it were a mirror. "What in the hell is this?"

"Harry, why do these portraits look exactly like us?"

"Well it doesn't look exactly like me, I mean the person in the portrait doesn't have a scar or glasses."

"Harry be serious, it looks exactly like you." She stared at portrait that looked exactly like her down to ever last detail. She looked to the next portrait and it looked exactly like Draco and that was disturbing. The next one looked like Ginny and then one looked like Zara without the purple hair, and then the last one. It looked like Ron but without freckles. "What does this mean?" Hermione didn't like this at all, it was downright frightening.

"I can answer that." A voice said.

Harry and Hermione turned to the sound of the voice and saw a ghost.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione said "Are you following me?"

Turning to Hermione, Harry tapped her shoulder. "Hermione do you know this ghost?"

Hermione faced Harry, "I met this ghost at the lake, I wouldn't have found that necklace if it wasn't for the ghost."

"I hope you haven't lost it." The ghost said, "it's very important that you don't loose it. It is more valuable than you know."

Hermione put her finger to her sinuses, rubbing them. Things were going on around her, mysterious ghosts where popping in and out of her life as if to complicate it more. And she was finding it very confusing, she did not like feeling that she wasn't in control of her thoughts.

Harry pulled Hermione against him and her head rested against his shoulder, he knew her moods so well. "Just exactly who are you and why are you haunting Hermione, what has she ever done?"

"You have a right to know what's going on."

"You're damn right, now get to the point." Harry replied he had run out of patience.

"In my mortal life I was once Rowena Ravenclaw, something has happened and I was sent from the heavens to set it straight, it seems that some fool has resurrected Lord Salazar Slytherin. Who ever did it, well it was probably done on accident, Slytherin was tricky in way that would bring him back from the dead. The spell was said to grant Salazar Slytherin's power to the one who spoke the incantation. Little did the fool know that it would also bring him back from the dead as flesh and blood, not just an apparition like me."

"You're joking?"

"Do I sound like I'm making a joke?" Rowena replied bitterly. "It is true, why else would you be having the dreams that you do."

Harry thought a moment, "this has to do with me?"

"Not just you, but you and your friends." Rowena said as she sat down in an available chair.

She smiled at Hermione who lifted her head from Harry's shoulder. Rowena pointed to the portrait which looked exactly like Hermione. "That was Jasmine Ravenclaw, my daughter." She then pointed to the portrait that looked exactly like Harry, "that right there was Torrin Gryffindor son of Godric Gryffindor. Torrin and Jasmine were oh how do you say it now a days? A couple, together.

Hermione was still confused, "I still don't understand why we look exactly like them?"

"Now don't be frightened when I tell you this, but you are them. They are you. As soon as the soul chooses the body, the body well it always looks the same. Who knows how long their souls were around, they could be very old souls, but they would still look like that. I know it's hard to understand, I find it confusing myself. "

"That's not possible, I'm nothing like the girl in my dreams."

"And I'm nothing like the guy in my dreams who gets a kick out of sleeping with every female in the entire world. I'm just not like that." Harry added,

Rowena tilted her head slightly, regarding Harry and Hermione chuckling a bit. " It's true that Torrin was quite the ladies man but being sixteen back in the eleventh century was different, now a days it seems that more people tend to wait before taking serious steps in romance, Well maybe not you too." She saw their faces increase in color. "Just because you have their souls in your body, doesn't mean you're exactly like them. It just means you might do some of the same things. If you're wondering why you are so comfortable with each other it's because you were together in your past so it just seems natural for you. I mean it's not the only path you can take for love, but it's the most fulfilling so far.

I have been watching you all closely since your sixth year began and well I was watching your fencing class when it first started, certain talents you have, have come from a past experience. Do you realize how heavy a sword is? I heard around here from other spirits that you," she pointed to Harry "at the age of twelve used Godric's sword. That bloody thing is so heavy I couldn't even pick it up as a grown woman. But you, you lifted it as if it weighed nothing at all. Torrin was an excellent swordsman as well a wizard. He could do it all. But I suppose if anyone had Godric for a father they would turn out to be excellent with a sword."

"Well what exactly do you need from us?" Harry asked.

"I need your memories, of your past life, I am in search of a weapon if you will. It's a scepter and it holds great power."

"I know what you're talking about." Hermione spoke up , "in my dreams it was referred to as the Soul Scepter because the one who's soul is woven into it is the only one who can use it."

"That's right, and those aren't just dreams my dear, they are your past memories. And I need to see them. The scepter was hidden and only Jasmine and Torrin know where it is."

"How can we help?" Harry asked as the hidden door swung open and professors Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore stepped inside.

"See I told you the two trouble makers would be in the forbidden room. You are aware Mr. Potter, Miss Granger that there are alarms all over this room. Oh yes this is cause for expulsion" Snape hissed.

"Go and cool off." Rowena said as she stood confronting Snape. "They were meant to find this room."

Snape stared at the transparent woman. "Are you a new ghost, what is Hogwarts coming to allow such riffraff ghosts in?"

"How dare you insult my school or me, just who do you think you are?" Rowena snapped.

"Your school? Great a ghost who's lost her mind."

"I founded this school you pitiful excuse for a human." Rowena spat.

"As much as I love to hear insults fly back and forth," Dumbledore said with a smile, "I think we should get on with why you have come to us Rowena."

Rowena then turned to Hermione and spoke softly, "Jasmine got her acid tongue from me, which I think you have her gift of sharp remarks as well, she was always ready with an insult to throw back." She then turned her attention to Dumbledore. "You know of Slytherin's rising?"

"I am aware of it yes."

"Well I need to get inside Harry and Hermione's head to retrieve information, on a certain." She looked at Snape. "I don't know if we can trust him." She eyed Snape suspiciously.

"You can trust him Rowena." Professor McGonagall said.

"Well like I already explained to both Harry and Hermione, I need to find the Soul Scepter which my daughter and her lover hid at least a thousand years ago."

Dumbledore turned to both Harry and Hermione, "are you two up to this?"

Hermione looked at Harry who nodded his head, "yes sir, we are willing to help."

"All right." Rowena smiled, "You'll have to be put in an unconscious state for us to use the spell and I will have to join your minds until the search is over." Rowena gave a small laugh at the faces they were making wondering if this was going to be painful. "Trust me, you won't feel a thing." She saw them sigh with relief.

Professor McGonagall transfigured the table into a comfortable bed and Rowena had Harry and Hermione lay down next to each other. She smiled as she saw Harry reach over and cover her hand with his. Their fingers laced together as they felt the comfort from each other's simple touch.

Professor McGonagall cast the sleeping charm over her two students, while Rowena using Dumbledore's wand used a charm to join Harry and Hermione's mind into one.

"This certain spell allows us to see the memories as if we were watching a muggle form of entertainment that I was privy to this past year, such great inventions since the eleventh century." Rowena smiled with appreciation for muggles and their inventions.

Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape along with Rowena stood watching the air ahead of them, it looked like a muggle movie screen.

"And why these two trouble makers? Why not go inside the head of Mr. Malfoy since he also seems to be apart of this." Snape hissed, looking around at the room at the portrait that looked like Draco.

"Because, these are the two that actually hid the scepter and the only ones who know where it is. Also if we went into that Draco Malfoy's head, who knows if it's being monitored by Slytherin at this very moment, he would know we were poking around in his head looking for information. I will not take any chances, we need to be one step ahead of Slytherin not behind." Rowena replied with growing impatience. "I underestimated him once, I will never again."

Rowena looked down at Harry and Hermione's sleeping faces, it was time to poke into their minds and retrieve the memories.

"This is where we will see the memories." Rowena said, "we have to find where they hid that scepter and how we may obtain it. This may be the only thing we can use against Slytherin."

"How long is this gonna take I think we wasted too many hours of precious time on a ghost's theory." Snape snapped bitterly.

"Like I said," Rowena was becoming impatient, "this may be the only device you have to protect yourselves. And let me guess you were a member of Slytherin house, how could you not with that black heart of yours" Rowena shot back.

"Let's just get this over with."

"It may take some time, who knows what memories we would be going through, and there's no way to speed ahead or go back this has to flow straight through, we can't miss anything, everything may be very important." Rowena cleared her transparent throat, "Sometimes the memories will mix with each others and sometimes we will only see a one sided view. Since the spell we used has them sharing the same mind, occasionally we will see some of their very own, they tend to push through if they are strong enough."

"Alright, let's begin." Professor McGonagall replied as she lifted her wand and spoke the incantation. "How far back are the memories going to start?" as the magic like screen ahead of them started to flicker and practically come to life, it looked like a movie.

"I'm not sure." Rowena said as she sat in chair facing the memories-

A young man who looked exactly like Harry minus the glasses and scar sat at a bar with another young man who looked exactly like Ron without the freckles, they were drinking some frothy beverage out of steins when the door to the tavern opened and another young man who looked exactly like Draco walked in with a taller, more sinister looking older fellow following in his wake.

"Look Torrin, the wind brought something foul smelling into the tavern." The Ron look alike replied pointing in the direction of the Draco look alike.

"I heard that Hufflepuff."

"Like I care." He replied.

"Kai?" Torrin started. "Must you always taunt Ulrich? I mean he can't help being an ass."

Ulrich just glared at the two and walked next to them, he simply sat down at the bar. The Bar Keeper looked at him waiting for an order. "Ale." Ulrich simply said, and the bar keeper filled another stein with his best brew and passed it to Ulrich. He gulped down half if it before taking a breath. "I don't even like her." He whispered mostly to himself.

"What's the matter Slytherin? Who don't you like?" Torrin asked over hearing Ulrich talking to himself.

"Well if you must know, I don't like Jasmine Ravenclaw all right."

"You're not alone in that dislike Slytherin, if there is one thing we agree on is our dislike of the perfect I- will-never -be -wrong Ravenclaw." Torrin replied bitterly as he took another drink of his ale. "Why should it matter, she has been gone for years studying with Merlin."

"It was sure peaceful here without her always poking her nose into our business, trying to tell us what to do." Kai said to Torrin, "I hope she never returns."

"That's just it Hufflepuff," Ulrich spat angerly. "She is returning tonight during the King's celebration. And father wants me to make a good impression on her."

"Has it been four years already?" Kai stared into his almost empty ale stein suddenly feeling really depressed.

"Yep, she was due to return the summer before her sixteenth birthday." Ulrich said then drinking down the last of his ale.

"Well good look with the Ravenclaw horror, you'll need it." Torrin replied before he and Kai stood from the bar and left the Tavern.


A footman opened the carriage door and offered his hand, a white gloved hand accepted it daintily as she was helped from the carriage. After setting both her feet on the ground she thanked the footman politely and turned her attention to the tall castle, she could see the glow from the courtyard as it was bathed in bright lights. It was the muggle King Malcomb's yearly celebration. More importantly they were welcoming her home. A few months ago she had received an owl with the greatest news, upon returning to her home she would be granted the Title of Mage not every witch or wizard got such a Title, it was a great honor especially at her only being fifteen going on sixteen. Not even her mother had such a Title.

She walked into the courtyard seeing everyone in the village that she had known as a child, true they all looked older but she still knew who they were. She walked through the crowd, several young gentlemen bowed before stepping out of her way showing their respect to such a fine looking lady. She was not stunned by how they were acting, she had gotten quite used to it living in Camelot where they always treated her like a lady. She continued walking into the grand hall where the celebration was continuing. She remembered attending her mother's school here before getting accepted to work with Merlin, she knew everyone else still had at least two years of schooling left, except for her. Working with Merlin for the past four years allowed her to no longer need schooling.

She saw two familiar looking boys off to the side flirting shamelessly with a group of girls. She was going to ignore them, the way they treated her before she left was appalling. She did not like them, and will never like them. She looked around for someone important like her mother.

Torrin was leaning closer to a young lady whispering something sweet in her ear and then he gave her one of his flawless smiles. He saw her face flush bright red and she turned away from him to giggle with her friend. What he puts up with to bed a woman he thought to sarcastically to himself. He noticed Kai really didn't mind the giggling girls, Torrin shook his head with amusement. He was looking through the crowd for any more attractive females.

As the crowd parted a bit, he was dumbstruck. There stood the most beautiful young lady he had ever seen, she's so flawless that she could be an angel. It was obvious she had long hair, but was pinned up with dainty tendrils hanging down around her face, she held herself with great poise and elegance. He was sure he had never seen such a woman before in his life.

He felt a nudge in his side he looked next to him to find Kai looking at him with a funny expression on his face.

"Alright Torrin, just who are you staring at now, I was sure Clarisse was good enough for you, you have to go searching the crowd as well?"

"Clarisse is missing something in the head if you ask my opinion, like her brain."

"You don't screw her brain Torrin." Kai replied nonchalantly, almost as if it didn't make a difference. And to him it didn't.

"That may be true Kai, but sometimes I do like to have a little conversation before diving for the sheets."

"You are so strange Torrin, I hope you know that."

Torrin chuckled lightly, "what do you think of her." He jerked his chin in the direction of the angel.

Kai looked into the crowd and spotted Torrin's angel, "pretty, do you know who she is?"

"I don't know, that's why I was kind of asking you."

Torrin somehow caught the woman's gaze, he noticed her eyes narrow and glare at him, he flinched. "Now that was uncalled for." He said out loud but trying to speak softly.

"What?" Kai replied hearing his friend speaking softly.

"That lady just glared at me." Torrin said unbelieving that anyone would glare at him, especially someone who didn't know him.

Kai chuckled, "maybe she's heard of you and is not going to be easy prey for you my friend."

"Yeah, well we shall see about that." He stared walking towards her, people seemed to get in his way. It was almost as if on purpose they were stepping in front of him. He was almost upon the angel when someone walked up to her. "Jasmine Ravenclaw?" He heard the older man say. His heart stopped, no way was that Jasmine, it couldn't be. Could it?

She nodded, "yes?"

"Lord Salazar Slytherin wishes you speak with you."

Jasmine smiled politely, "alright."

"Come with me please."

Jasmine followed the messenger out to the gardens, she was not aware of someone following slowly after her. She was led into a well lit garden and there before her sitting on a bench was none other than Salazar Slytherin. He stood upon her approach.

"Jasmine Ravenclaw." he bowed with respect.

"Lord Slytherin." She nodded once with her greeting.

Salazar lifted her gloved hand and placed a tiny kiss to her knuckles. "My dear Jasmine you have grown." He noticed she had grown tall and filled out in all the right places. He always knew she would grow to be a ravishing beauty.

She gave a soft smile. "Yes sir, one tends to grow up after awhile." She pulled her hand from his. "Is there something you wanted to see me about?"

He hid a smirk Oh there certainly is something I want to see about you all right, try wearing nothing at all. He thought to himself, "I just wanted to be the first to welcome you home my dear." Salazar offered her his arm which she accepted.

"Well my Lord, thank you for the welcome." Jasmine said as she started to stroll along the gardens with him.

"How was it learning with Merlin?"

"It was fulfilling, I learned a lot from him." She sighed. "I will miss him terribly." Jasmine glanced to the ground knowing in her heart that Merlin will always be with her, even if he was no longer in the mortal realm. "I am sorry that Ulrich didn't get accepted to study with Merlin, I know who he was up for the position as well."

Salazar hid an evil glare, "oh don't you worry about that, the best person for the position achieved it." There are so many positions I would like to see you in. He brought his mind back to reality. He had wanted his son to obtain the knowledge of the great and powerful Merlin, now that ship had sailed he had an even better plan to marry her into his family that way he would be able to have that knowledge and that he would be able to use it. "So the council is giving you title as Mage, I am impressed, Merlin must have owled them with your great achievements. You will no longer be Jasmine Ravenclaw daughter of Rowena, but Lady Jasmine Ravenclaw Mage."

"Yes it is quite an honor, I don't know if I'm worthy of such an honor."

"Ever since you were little, you have always had a issue with self confidence. You have a great talent in magic my dear, you always have."

"I wasn't aware you watched me so closely My Lord." She said hiding a glare of her own.

Salazar was about to say something when he was interrupted by a shout of his name. "Slytherin, I think you've held up Miss Ravenclaw quite enough tonight, his royal highness is ready to start."

Both Salazar and Jasmine turned to the sound of the voice and found Godric Gryffindor heading in their direction and walked right up to them. The two grown men glared at each other as if they were still children.

"Gryffindor, who cares what that muggle says."

"You will show respect for the king, Slytherin, or you will answer to me." Godric spat hatefully. "Muggle or not he deserves your respect."

Salazar turned to Jasmine, "I've taken up quite enough of your time Miss Ravenclaw." He bowed keeping eye contact, then he turned on his heels and started for the Great Hall.

As soon as Salazar was gone Godric turned to Jasmine with a smile "are you alright Jasmine?"

"Of course Lord Gryffindor."

"Lord Slytherin can be quite a handful at times, he tends to take advantage of certain situations."

"Well sir, I am aware of that."

"And well I promised your mother that I would always look out for you."

Jasmine looked to the ground for a moment she didn't like to be considered a weakling. She lifted her head. "I don't want to sound ungrateful for your service as a protector, and with all due respect I have been studying with Merlin for the past four years, I know I can defend myself if the situation calls for it." She didn't mean to sound snappish, after all he was only trying to help. But she didn't like being treated like a child either.

"Yes you probably can, but it's always good to have an extra pair of eyes and hands if the situation calls for it." Godric smiled pleasantly.

"Yes that's true as well, and I do thank you for your help."

"Have you spoken to my son, since you've been back?"

Jasmine's eyes narrowed "no, and I don't intend to. Your son has never been very kind to me."

"People change you know, you two were just children." Godric replied with a gentle hand gesture he signaled that it was time to head into the Great Hall for the ceremony

Jasmine thought a moment, maybe she would speak with Torrin, yeah right if the sky all of a sudden decided to fall and it was then end of existence, maybe even then she would remain silent. The entered the Great Hall just as King Malcomb was starting his speech.

Malcomb rubbed his hands on his red velvet robe, "I would like to welcome you all tonight and remember tonight everyone is equal so eat, drink and be merry. Now to some important business before we get down to the pleasantries. Tonight a young lady returned to us from four years of studying with the great Merlin, we have been informed that this young lady used great magic skill during times of war fighting along side with Camelot, Merlin requested we give her the title of Mage as she is worthy. Your council has approved of this will you please step forth Jasmine Ravenclaw." He smiled seeing the young woman approach him to stand before him.

"Kneel my dear."

She got down on her knees in front of the king and someone handed him a sword, "I dub thee Lady Jasmine Ravenclaw Order Of The Mage." He tapped her shoulders gently with the sword. "You may rise Lady Ravenclaw."

Torrin from the corner of his eye saw Kai approach him.

"Torrin do you realize that we just said that Jasmine Ravenclaw was pretty." He made a vomiting motion.

"Yes I realize that, and it's true."

"Now that I know it's her, she doesn't look that good to me. I'm gonna go spend some time with Clarisse, since you obviously don't want to anymore." Kai left Torrin standing alone who was watching Jasmine get her Title.


Torrin carrying his spell book was walking through the village, he spotted Jasmine talking with the local barmaid, one that he knew very well at times. He still hadn't spoken to Jasmine since he saw her at the celebration last week. He sat down at the table next to theirs they didn't even notice him they were so involved in their conversation. They were eating something, probably the mid-day meal.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you, those people shouldn't be treating you that way."

"Jasmine you're buying me mid-day meal, that's all I will accept from you, I make my own way."

"Well sometimes you need a little help, you were just robbed for heaven's sake. Please Alina allow me to help you out." Jasmine searched the girl's eyes.

"Oh I'll be alright Jasmine, they got a right beating from you they did. I don't think they'll mess with me or you again."

"All I did was a simple exploding charm on their boots, and then I used the same charm on their clothing."

"Yeah it was great, they had to run buck naked through the village to get to their hovels, I couldn't stop laughing." Alina broke into a fit of giggles again.

"Alina could you possibly stop that excessive giggling, people here are trying to read." Torrin's voice from the table next to theirs alerted him to their presence. He turned and faced the two ladies.

Jasmine's eyebrow arched, last time she saw him was at the celebration last week, and it was from a distance, now she had the chance to see him up close. Well he certainly looked different just the sight of him cause her to stomach to flip over. She shook her head. Remember, he was always mean to you, she thought to herself. "Well, well, if it isn't Torrin Gryffindor. Who's always behaving like an ass."

Torrin shook his head with disbelief, "did you just insult me?" No one ever insulted him, especially members of the opposite sex.

Jasmine leaned a bit towards Alina "boy, he's a smart one isn't he?" She said sarcastically and still loud enough for him to hear, she would continue insult Torrin.

"I can't believe you just insulted me Ravenclaw. You have a lot of nerve, what have you come back here for, just to stir up trouble?"

"No, you do that fine on your own. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a few little ones running around the world somewhere."

Torrin tossed his book on the table, "just what is that suppose to mean?"

"Just that news has spread about you Gryffindor, spread as far as Camelot, possibly even further." Jasmine could tell he was confused, "you want to know how the word was spread about you, a few young court ladies were talking in the village square while I was in Camelot, and well upon their visit to their cousin's or uncle's or other family members well it was said that you prey upon the innocence of every pretty face that turns your head.

"It seems I'm pretty well known." He said with a smirk.

"That's not something to be proud of, it's downright disgusting."

"Maybe in your opinion, you seemed to be awfully concerned about my reputation, how sweet." Torrin was sarcastic.

"Concerned isn't the word, disgusted is more like it." Jasmine shook her head.

"Well you're a pretty face, and the question is do you turn my head?"

Jasmine's eyes narrowed in anger, how dare he compliment me! He'll just find some way to turn it into an insult Her mind shouted. She turned to Alina, "I think I'm finished with lunch now, I'll be on my way. It was good talking to you Alina." She stood up from the table, glaring at Torrin. Before tossing her nose in the air and walking off.

Torrin turned to Alina and tossed her the book, "keep an eye on this for me, I'll be back."

"I'm not your slave Torrin, it's your book." Alina shot back with a glare in her eyes.

He tossed her three silvers, "here I'll pay you to watch the book."

The silvers landed in her hand and she gave a soft smile as she saw Torrin quickly rushing after Jasmine. "Yes good bloody luck in getting that lady, she won't fall for your tricks she much too smart." She said quietly to herself with a small giggle.

Torrin finally caught up with Jasmine and he stopped right in front of her, causing her to glare at him more.

"You are in my way."

"I know." He smirked.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and tried to side step him, arrogant fool! She thought bitterly as he continued to stand in her way. "Excuse me!" She was becoming impatient, "I suggest you get out of my way before I hex you."

"Look I'm sorry for what I said back there,"

Jasmine felt confused for a moment, "wait a moment, you stopped me because you wanted to apologize?"

"Yes." He said with a genuine smile.

That smile almost caused her to loose the use of her legs, she felt her bones turn to butter. She closed her eyes get a grip! He's just a man she told herself, yeah a really attractive man, her mind said after. No, no, no. Remember he's just gonna come up with some kind of insult, he's an ass." She said to herself and was able to get a hold of her emotions and her eyes snapped open. "Well I don't accept your apology." She brushed past him to walk away.

Torrin wasn't used to having ladies turn their backs on him, he acted quick and grasped her hand before she could get away.

Jasmine whipped around glaring at him, "how dare you touch me." She found she couldn't keep the glare, she rather liked the feel of his hand on hers, she felt slight tingles travel through her body. What's the matter with you, don't be weak! Her mind shouted.

"Why won't you accept my apology? I didn't even say anything remotely wrong."

"Then if you didn't say anything wrong, don't apologize." She pulled her hand from his." She had to get out of there, she was loosing her mind and to Torrin Gryffindor for that matter, they hate each other, it was no excuse to be feeling that way around him." She turned on her heels and walked away from him in a rush.

Torrin smirked, he was making much progress it had only been two conversations, he was certainly pleased with himself.


"What's the matter with me?" Jasmine said out loud, as she walked through the forest "every time I come in contact with him I loose my mind, gee a month of running into him is not doing me any good, I should just stay away." On the other side of a row of trees she saw a flash of white rush past her. She stopped feeling slightly eerie, Jasmine started walking again and something abruptly stopped in front of her, she gave a squeal. But then realized that the creature made no further move.

Oh it was so beautiful, she knew there were unicorns in the forest but she had never seen one up close before. It stared into her brown eyes, as if searching something. It moved closer to her and nuzzled its nose against her cheek. Jasmine laughed slightly, and patted it on the nose softly.

It kneeled down before her, "what is it that you want?" Jasmine thought a moment, what would it do if I? She asked herself and put on leg over the kneeling unicorn so that she was sitting on it, it stood to it's full height. Jasmine immediately felt at ease, nothing was bothering her, her mind was clear and she felt a certain joy travel through her. The Unicorn took off in a small run to the pasture area away from the forest, she held tightly to the mane as it picked up it's pace.

Torrin walked over the tiny hill towards the forest, he came across the pasture and saw a sight so pure that he just stood there staring. Was it possible? He never knew of unicorns to allow a human rider. He found himself smiling as she rode the majestic beast without a care in the world. When it finally came to a halt near a tall pine tree it kneeled down and Jasmine slid off. As soon as the unicorn was upright again, it nuzzled her cheek once more. She smiled into its eyes and it trotted off back into the forest.

Jasmine turned around to find Torrin standing there, "Oh great, what are you doing here?" She was annoyed.

"I can walk here same as you, I wanted to admire the beauty of the forest." Torrin replied walking towards Jasmine to stop right in front of her, almost close enough to feel the heat radiating from her body.

"Well then go walk." Jasmine snapped looking up at his much too handsome face.

"I changed my mind, I think I'll admire the beauty of what's in front of me if you don't mind." He was looking right at her

She knew what he was implying and her eyes narrowed in anger, "I do mind."

Torrin smirked and took one step closer, as if on cue she took one step back. He took another step towards her and she took another one back, but this time she couldn't go any further for she was up against a tree. She glanced around nervously, she didn't even notice Torrin stepping one more step practically pinning her to the tree.

"What's the matter Jasmine," He whispered slyly, "do you fear me?"

"Ye-No." She blurted out a little too quickly. Her mind was turning to mush with him so close, she could smell the scent of him and felt slightly intoxicated. She cleared her throat "I mean no, I don't fear anything." She said trying to sound calm.

He lifted a hand and pressed it against her cheek, "I'm not really all that bad you know." Torrin whispered as he leaned in closer, so close that his mouth was hovering inches from hers. He stared directly into her eyes. He brought his other hand up cupping her other cheek.

Her heart was pounding fiercely, aching to break out. Jasmine was sure lucky she pressed up against the tree or she would have fallen to the ground as she lost the use of her legs. He's trying to kiss you, don't let him! STOP!! Her mind shouted. Get away from hi-" Her mind melted as his lips where now crushed against hers. She could no longer think, her mind has betrayed her and left her on her own.

Torrin savored the feel and taste of her lips, oh it was like heaven. But he wanted more. His tongue gently nudged against her lips making her gasp, he took advantage of it and his tongue entered the softness of her mouth, lightly flicking against hers, wanting to feel her respond to him. As he deepened the kiss he pressed her harder against the tree. He dropped his hands from her face and his fingers trailed down her shoulders, along her arms. He grasped her hands and pulled her arms around his waist so that she was also holding onto him, he enjoyed the feel of her arms wrapped around him.

She couldn't help it, she gave into his kiss and almost immediately joined in on the play of lips and tongues. She relished in the feel as his mouth completely covering over hers, as he kissed her slow and deep. An involuntary moan escaped her and he pulled her from the tree crushing her against him.

In their need for air Torrin pulled his mouth from hers, He took a breath looking deeply into her eyes, which were still half closed and her breathing was erratic. "Jasmine." He breathed out in a silky whisper. He pressed his lips to the spot just below her ear, she shivered a bit as he continued to move his mouth down her neck.

Jasmine angled her head a bit to give him easier access to her sensitive spots on her neck and throat. Her eyes closed it total and complete bliss.

Torrin pulled back a bit gazing at her, he watched her wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, and he kissed her again.

This time she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tighter while he kissed her.


Torrin was searching in a shop for just the right piece, but he just couldn't find one that suited.

"I know that look." An older man with a long white beard said.

Torrin looked up and came face to face with the old man. "Sir?"

"The look of love my boy, it's written all over your face." The old man said with a smile.

"Oh yes, of course." Torrin couldn't help the sheepish grin as he thought about her. He looked down at the many choices, "I just can't seem to find the right piece you know."

"So this young lady, she's something pretty special?"

Torrin nodded, "yes I think, you know she might be the one. And I need something really rare and special that no one has seen."

"If this damsel loves you, it shouldn't matter what you give her, even if you didn't give her anything at all except your heart."

"I know, she is like how you said. She wouldn't care if I gave her a gift. But I want to." He said with a smile.

"I know what you can give her, but this piece can't be taken lightly. It's is the most important thing you can give another. You have to be absolutely sure."

"Well what is it?" Torrin's face lit up with excitement.

"A part of your soul." The old man smiled.

"You can do that?" Torrin looked at the old man as if he had grown another head.

"Yes I can, it's very rare and only a few lovers have ever joined by giving a piece of their soul. It's the most endearing show of love you can do, but you have to be absolutely sure. Do you love her enough to give her a part of you?"

Torrin thought a moment, "All right I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" The old man asked.

"Absolutely." Torrin nodded.

"Come with me into the back room." The old man replied

Torrin followed the old man to the back room and sat down on a stool.

"Shall we begin?"

"Will it hurt?" Torrin's face scrunched up a bit.

"No, you will not feel a thing, you might feel a slight pull or a tightening in your chest, but you shouldn't feel pain."

Torrin took a deep breath "All right, I'm ready."

The old man sat directly in front of Torrin, he chanted something in an ancient language and sure enough there was a tightening in his chest, he glanced down his whole body was outlined in some kind of green aura and it was glowing brightly, after the old man stopped chanting a small glass jar was filled half way with an opal like light that shimmered brightly.

He didn't even feel tired or empty, Torrin still felt as if he were the same.

"Now you go wait out there while I craft it into something." The old man said looking at a piece of Torrin's soul.

Torrin nodded and went to stand out in the shop, after about a half hour the old man appeared through the door holding a ivory box with a rose carved into it. He walked up to Torrin and opened the box revealing the prize piece.

Torrin was astounded, as he lifted it from the box. "Extraordinary!" He held in his hand what looking like a large opal that shimmered brightly on a silver braided chain. "So this is a piece of me huh?" He set it back in the box. "Now what do I owe you?"

"Don't bother with the payment."

"No, no I insist."

"Listen to me, I don't need to be paid. I get paid enough with helping out those who are in love." The old man smiled.

"Are you sure, because I really feel I should pay you for all this work that you've done."

"Nonsense, just go and give this to the damsel that you love, that's payment enough."

Torrin started for the door.

"By the way, what's her name?" The old man asked with a smile.

Torrin turned around with a smile on his face, "Jasmine, Jasmine Ravenclaw." And then he was gone.


Torrin approached Jasmine as she swung gently on her swing, in a garden of beautiful flowers. "Jasmine, I have some bad news."

"Slytherin confronted the council, didn't he?" She looked up at him as he continued to move closer to her.

"Yeah, I was there Jasmine. He has them against you already and you haven't even spoken yet."

Jasmine scooted over, "come sit with me Torrin." She smiled sweetly up at him.

Torrin slowly sat down on the swing next to Jasmine. He watched and felt her wrap her arms around his neck and lean her head on his shoulder.

"Torrin I already have Ulrich doing something for me, he's gonna retrieve Slytherin's journal for me, so that I may find something that connects him with the dark arts, They will know he is after power and then they will discredit his charge against me."

Torrin sighed and rested his head atop hers, they swung gently back and forth. "Jasmine, they're gonna execute you."

Jasmine smiled a bit, "I already knew that. You see Slytherin wants me out of the way. He knows I won't use the scepter for his benefit, but I would use it to stop him."

"I know, that's what I told the council." He didn't want to tell her about the part where Slytherin threatened him, he left that part out. She didn't need something else to worry about. "Are you afraid of Slytherin, Jasmine?" He looked down at the top of her brown head.

"No, I'm not. I never have been. I've always known there was something off about him." Jasmine said with a sigh. "He has never frightened me like he has others."

"Well you're strong, and we'll get through this." Torrin said then he kissed the top of her head.


Jasmine stood before the council ready to receive her sentencing when Torrin stood up out of his seat.

"Wait, don't pass judgment yet." Torrin shouted, "how do we know that Lord Slytherin is telling us the truth. I know for a fact that Jasmine would never use the scepter for power, she would use it to stop those who endanger us all. Lord Slytherin wants to control us, not Jasmine."

Salazar had enough, he stood. "This is the second time you have slandered me, you better have some proof to back up your story." He glared evilly at Torrin.

"Proof, you want proof you say?" Torrin smirked, he turned slightly bending picking up the journal from off his seat. He stood upright facing the entire council showing them the leather bound journal. "I have here written in Lord Slytherin's own hand, his plans for total domination of both muggles and us." Torrin opened the journal, "he has created such creatures as a Basilisk which his hidden in some secret chamber with in the castle. He has created horrible beasts that kill and destroy with a simple look."

Salazar saw his journal in the boy's hand, How? He thought to himself. He looked over at Jasmine who waved a bit with a smirk on her face Jasmine, how did she- He couldn't even finish his thought as Orvin reached for the journal.

"Let me see that." Orvin said taking the journal in his hand, He looked up at Salazar and then started to read the journal. He couldn't believe it. All Salazar's plans where also written down, he attempted to force Jasmine to use the scepter for him while trying to put her under the Imperious curse, he read of the failure of that curse, she had too strong of a mind to control. So he planned to get her out of the way so that he could not be stopped. Orvin handed the journal to several different council members. They all stared at Salazar.

Salazar didn't like this at all, he turned to Torrin. "This is all your fault." He pointed at Torrin, "I will make you pay for this, boy. This is far from over." And with that he apparated before he could be arrested.

"Find him, he must be caught." Orvin said as a group of armed guards headed out the doors.

"Hey what about Jasmine?" Kai shouted standing up.

Orvin turned to the four main council members they whispered something, Orvin faced Jasmine, "Jasmine Ravenclaw you are cleared of all charges, we realize that you were trying to keep us safe, I was gonna put us into the hands of death and you would have died innocent.

"Sir now is not the time to worry about me, I have a proposal if you are willing to listen?"

"Certainly Jasmine." Orvin said with a smile.

"Now this will benefit both our kind wizard and muggle, and it will protect every one. There will always be someone trying to achieve absolute power, I know that. I propose we hide our world from the muggles world, it will give both of us protection from the other. I mean you don't have to decide right now, but you could at least give it some thought."

"I'll run it by the council and see what they say, I can't promise anything though."

"I know that." She smiled.

Orvin returned the smile and then confronted the rest of the council, "we must find Slytherin, he must not escape."


Torrin looked up at the cave, "so this is where you studied all those years?" He looked over at Jasmine.

"It's a lot nicer on the inside than it looks on the outside." Jasmine replied.

Jasmine put her hand on the boulder, and in after a few seconds, the boulder moved out of the way. "Merlin and I are the only ones who can open his front door." She said with a smile.

"So where exactly are we gonna hide this thing."

"I want the Soul Scepter to be put out of peoples minds forever, I wish Merlin had never created it. Once a muggle called Mordrid got a hold of Merlin's scepter, at that time anyone could use it wizard, witch or muggle. It wasn't until Merlin came up with combining a soul with the scepter to allow only that one person to use it. If a wizard or witch is clever enough, they can reverse the soul weave so that it can be used by anybody again. But I doubt anyone is that intelligent, even I couldn't do it."

"Jasmine, where are we gonna hide it?"

"In a vault, where it will be forgotten." They walked to the far end of Merlin's cave to a strange looking wall. "Torrin I think it should be you and me to speak the spell that opens the vault that way only you and I together can open it. No one else will be able to get the scepter without both of us there."

"So that means if we die, no one will ever be able to retrieve the scepter, right?"

"Yes, and that's a good thing." Jasmine looked at the silver scepter in her hand and set it next to the wall. "This thing should never have been created, it's caused nothing but trouble." She looked at Torrin who was standing next to her, "now give me your left hand and with your right hand point your wand at the vault door. I will speak the words of the spell so you know them and then we should speak them together." She cleared her throat. "Earth, sun, moon and sky, open now and reveal thee to thine eye." She looked over at Torrin again, "there did you get all of that?"

"It seems pretty simple." Torrin replied,

"Now we will say it together, and only us will be able to get into the vault." She smiled briefly.

The pressed their hands together, palms flat and fingers intertwined. They pointed their wands to the vault door and spoke the incantation, a moment later the door opened revealing a large vault, full of gold, silvers, jewels, silks, and weapons practically dripping off the walls. Jasmine set the scepter in a silver holder on a pedestal. "there, now it's safe from those who wish to inflict harm."

Torrin and Jasmine started for the door of the vault, she turned looking back at the scepter one last time before she closed the door and it sealed on it's own. And with that, they walked from Merlin's cave.-

Rowena stood up in front blocking the memories from the professors. "Stop the memories now please, we have what we need." There was a deep sorrow in her voice, "we don't need to see what comes next, just know this. They died." A transparent tear trickled down her cheek as Professor McGonagall stopped the spell. "Now revive them, they need to go and retrieve the scepter."


Boy those were some memories, weren't they. Well I hope you weren't too board, just wanted to give you an idea what Torrin ad Jasmine were like. Well stay tuned for chapter 17 So It Begins, thanks read and review, Ryoko