Unofficial Portkey Archive

Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 17-So It Begins

Harry sat up rubbing the back of his head, where sure enough there was a large bump from where his head hit the floor earlier.

"Enervate." McGonagall said, pointing her wand to Hermione's chest. Hermione sat up, she looked over at Harry with a tiny smile.

"Welcome back to the world of the conscious my dears." Rowena said with a smile.

"Did you get what you needed?" Hermione asked, also rubbing her tender feeling sore spot on the back of her head.

"You don't remember?" Rowena seemed a bit disappointed.

"I only remember bits and pieces, and it's all really hazy.

"That's the trouble with past lives." Rowena said, "you barely remember what happens. All you need is something to trigger your memories for you to remember them in your conscious state rather than dreaming them." Rowena floated about the room a bit. "So how are you feeling Harry?"

"I'm all right, just a bit confused with everything you told us. It's quite a lot to take in you know." Harry said, he pressed lips together forming a line.

"And you Hermione? How are you feeling?" Rowena smiled a bit, there was still a trace of sadness in her grayish eyes.

"I feel a bit like Harry does," she turned to look at him for a moment then returned her attention to Rowena. "Very confused, I really don't know what to make of all of this."

"There is something else we are going to need you to do." Dumbledore spoke up this time.

Both Harry and Hermione turned in the direction of Dumbledore's voice, the saw his smile didn't look the same. He looked a bit worried.

"You are going to need to go to Merlin's cave and retrieve the scepter and bring it back here. Since you can not apparate, you are going to have to either walk or find another way of getting there. A portkey will only take you so far. Merlin has placed special magics all around his cave and the city of Camelot for protection, it has been known that his protection even starts at Destiny Lake and continues on from there. It will be at least a three to four day journey from Destiny Lake to Camelot." Dumbledore saw the confused look upon Hermione's face he could see she was restraining herself from shoving her hand up in the air. "You have a question Miss Granger?"

"I thought Camelot was no longer there?"

"Oh it is still there and a thriving city at that. We get a lot of new magic ideas sent to us from visiting dignitaries from Camelot." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Why do we need to get the scepter, can't you send someone professional like an Auror or something?" Harry asked while looking between the professors and Rowena.

"I'm sorry that's quite impossible. You see it's your souls that will open the vault." Rowena started. "Nothing else will do it, no one else could do it. It's you and Hermione, and only together can the vault be opened. You will have to speak an incantation, your left hands joined, your right hands holding your wands to the door."

"Merlin certainly had an obsession with soul weaving didn't he?" Hermione said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Do we even get a say in this, I mean can we refuse to go?" Harry didn't like this idea at all. He had enough to worry about and he really didn't want to go walking blindly into danger.

Rowena narrowed her eyes at Harry, "you can refuse, but it would be very selfish of you. The world is will be under Salazar Slytherin's power unless you retrieve the scepter, he is far worse than any other Dark Wizard that might be trying to achieve absolute power. Is that who you want ruling your world? And that's exactly what will happen, all because you didn't want to go." Rowena looked at Harry and Hermione, both their heads were hung in shame, they didn't realize they were being so selfish.

All Hermione wanted was to keep Harry alive, and she didn't want him running off risking his life and get into more trouble. But now she was a part of this too. What a royal mess her life was turning into. It was bad enough she had to constantly worry about the one she loved but now she has to worry about her own neck as well.

Rowena regretted her words and her temper settled, remembering that they are young, and that Harry does have weight of the world resting on his shoulders with just the recent Dark Lord trying to constantly kill him. Trouble always seems to follow him around. "Please forgive my temper we are all a little stressed I suppose. Look I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I know there's a lot going on here. And I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't in the best interest of you all."

Rowena smiled a bit, "all your going to do is just get the scepter and bring it back here. That's all. We didn't ask you to fight Slytherin until only one of you is left standing. Believe me that's the last thing I want you to do. So please, you're the only ones who can help us at this point."

Harry turned to Hermione, "this is probably going to be really dangerous, I don't think that the journey is gonna be all that smooth."

"I agree with you, there are so many dangers out there. But all we're doing is getting that scepter. I don't think it's too much to ask for. Perhaps we'll even get extra credit." Hermione said with a silly grin.

Harry gave a soft laugh, "just like you to think of grades at a time like this" He rolled his eyes with amusement. "You're right, it's not too much to ask for."

Dumbledore cleared his throat looking at both Harry and Hermione. "I suggest you two get some sleep, you'll want to leave early to get a good start on the travel. It's quite murder on the feet, and you'll need all the rest you can get."

Harry and Hermione both nodded and they stood from the bed, Harry picked up his invisibility cloak which was still by the door where they fell into the room. The left without looking back at the professors and that ghost.

"Well that was quite an evening." Harry said as they stepped out into the hall.

"You can say that again." Hermione thought a moment then looked at Harry while keeping his pace. "I was thinking that ghost might know what happens to us, she can go anywhere in time. She doesn't want you fighting against Salazar Slytherin. I don't want that either, but do you think she's seen you attempting to battle Slytherin without this Scepter and loosing? Now she went back into a time where she could find the right weapon in order for you to bring his downfall?"

"I don't think she would want anybody to fight him, well alone anyway. From what I've read about him in the history books was that he was pretty damn powerful. I'm suspecting the fool was Voldermort who wanted Slytherin's power and accidentally brought him back from the dead."

They stopped at the portrait that led into Gryffindor tower. The Fat Lady looked at them oddly. "A bit late for you two to be out dears, don't you think?"

Harry and Hermione just ignored the Fat Lady and Harry spoke the password, the portrait opened letting them into their common room.

Ron was pacing back and forth, he heard footsteps and the voices of his best friends coming into the common room. He sighed with relief. "Where have you been? McGonagall has been here looking for you two. Did you get caught? Did you get detention?"

"Ron relax, we didn't get detention." Harry replied trying not to break out into laughter at seeing his friend looking so worried.

"We got a mission instead." Hermione said regretfully.

"A mission? Why would they send you two on a mission?" Ron sat down on the couch.

"Because, we're the only ones capable of doing the job." Harry huffed and roughly flumped down into a red velvet chair.

"Well where are you going?" Ron said staring into the fire.

"To Merlin's cave." Hermione replied while sitting on the small sofa across from Ron.

"Where is that located?"

"In Camelot, where else would it be?" Hermione replied with a bit of sarcasm, she couldn't help her tone, she was in a terrible mood.

"You don't have to get all snippy now Herm," Ron replied glaring at her.

"Don't start with me Ron, I just learned a whole bunch of crap and I'm in no mood t-"

"Oh no Hermione Granger just learned something, and what she didn't like it?" Ron's voice dripped with Sarcasm.

"Ron stop it, leave her alone alright, it's not easy to take in what we just learned." Harry replied in aggravation.

"Oh yes take her side," Ron spat looking at his friend.

"Ron grow up, this has nothing to do with taking sides." Hermione shot back.

Ron glared at her, standing "of course you would say that, you have Harry here wrapped around your little finger."

Hermione jumped to her feet, "I do not!" She was livid.

Ron laughed harshly, "Right Hermione, what ever you say." He smirked, "how do you always get him to agree with you, everything I suggest or say lately is wrong. But no, nothing is wrong when it comes down to you. Miss Perfect. Miss Tight Ass." The look on Ron's face was as if he hit it right on. "Oh I get it. I know why he's always agreeing with you. It's because if he ever disagreed with you and pissed you off, he wouldn't get to fuck you anymore, and let's face it, it's probably the only thing your good fo-" He didn't get to finish his comment because Hermione's hand connected with his cheek. A red hand print was forming where she had struck him.

"You're a bastard Ronald Weasley." She said barely above a whisper, her eyes filling with tears. Hermione turned on her heels and headed straight for her dorm room.

"That was low Ron, even for you." Harry said trying to control the anger he felt toward his best friend. He didn't trust himself not to throw a punch, he needed to get away from Ron or there would be pain. Shaking his head back and forth as he soon followed after Hermione.

Ron sat down again, simply staring into the fire.

Hermione's alarm clock woke her at six o'clock in the morning, she sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She did not want to go to Merlin's cave, but then it wasn't really a choice. She stood up and stretched, all her joints cracking and releasing their tension. She picked out a pair of jeans, a plain light blue t-shirt, and the necessary undergarments and headed to the shower in the girls dorm.

After a short but thorough shower, she dressed and used a drying charm on her hair. She pulled out an elastic band and put her long hair up into a pony tail. Since she was going to be doing a lot of walking and possibly hiking over mountains and such, she didn't need her hair flying in her face, bugging her.

She went over and found her school bag, she dumped her books and things out and replaced it with several changes of clothes at least five days worth. She then used a shrinking charm on her bag. There was a knock on the door.

"It's open." She shouted.

The door swung open and Harry walked in, "you ready?" She turned and faced him, she still had that sad look from last night, when Ron said those horrible things to her.

Harry sighed, seeing that look on her face he immediately reached out and pulled her into his comforting embrace. Hermione's arms went around his waist while he stroked her back affectionately, letting her hold onto him for as long as she needed. It was the same thing they did last night, they just held onto each other until she fell asleep, Ron's words were hurtful and cruel and Harry didn't want her to suffer through her emotions alone, he wanted to be there for her. He would always be there for her if she needed him. He also wanted to prove that what Ron has said is not true.

Harry broke the depressing silence, "Hermione, let's go down and get some breakfast and then we can be on our way, we have a long way to go."

She nodded against his chest. Hermione pulled her head from his chest and looked up. She wiped her eyes with two slender fingers. Hermione noticed she was looking up at him, but not too much to tower over her, more like the perfect height to her. She herself had finally reached a good five foot ten. So that would make Harry at least six foot one. It was perfect. "Harry, you've grown."

He glanced down into her eyes, "It looks as though I have, we we're keeping up with each other's height there for awhile." A light smile flittered across his face.

"I kinda like it this way," She didn't have to reach up too much as her arms went around his neck. "It's not that I didn't like your height before Harry, I loved everything about you. But I feel somewhat more protected. Does that make any sense to you?"

Harry bent slightly, and rested his forehead against hers. "It makes prefect sense." He whispered then placing a tiny kiss on the tip of her nose. "Well we should head down now, as much as I would just love to sit up here and hold you and kiss you, we really should be on our way."

Hermione nodded and stepped back from Harry, "do you have your stuff?"

"Yep." Harry lifted a bag off the floor. "You?"

She turned and picked up her bag off the bed, it was so small it fit in the palm of her hand. Hermione showed it Harry with a grin on her face. "Yep." And she tucked it into the pocket of her jeans, and gave the pocket a soft pat.

Harry grinned, "could you do that with mine too?"

Hermione pointed her wand at Harry's bag and spoke the shrinking charm. "There, how's that?"

"Perfect." He smiled also tucking his mini bag into his pocket, "It pays to have the most brilliant witch in the world as my girl." He flashed a radiant smile of white teeth.

Hermione tried to look stern and poked her finger into his stomach. "Okay Mr. Flattery lets get going." She couldn't hold the stern look and her face broke into a delightful smile.

They headed down to the great hall, where breakfast was waiting for them. Not to many students were up this early. But Harry and Hermione had to get a start on their long journey. They sat down at their table, Hermione picked at a grapefruit. While Harry started in on eggs and ham.

The Great Hall doors burst open and Snape quickly rushed in, he abruptly stopped next to Harry and Hermione.

"Do not mess this up, let's see if you can do at least one thing right." He looked around making sure no one was looking. He sat a vile of silver potion down on the table next to Hermione. "It's a healing elixir, you might need this just take a drop if necessary. Taking too much will make you inflate and bloat up. Good luck." His face softened a bit and he gave a tiny half smile. He heard the door open and his face returned to its normal sneer. "Maybe you'll do us all a favor and get lost." He turned and headed towards the High Table.

Hermione turned and gave Harry the oddest look, "was I just dreaming this or did Snape just smile at us and wish us luck?"

"Well then we must be sharing the same dream, because I saw it too." Harry said looking over at Snape who took his place at the end of the table. He then returned to his breakfast.

As they finished breakfast, Harry and Hermione stood ready to leave the Great Hall, Ron along with his sister walked in.

"Well you were out of line Ron, Zara's not gonna talk to you unless you apologize for what you said to Hermione. She'll probably even sit with the Slytherins today all because she doesn't want to be around you." Ginny said, looking up and sure enough Zara was about to sit down between her two friends Jewel and Enrique at the Slytherin table. She didn't even turn to look towards the Gryffindor table.

Ginny wished she had enough nerve to go and sit with the Slytherins after all the love of her life was over there and he was looking at her. But she knew the Slytherins didn't tolerate her as much as they did Zara. Zara was tough and somewhat sneaky at times, she fit right in with them. The only Gryffindor to ever be tolerated, not liked mind you, but tolerated by Slytherins.

"I'm not apologizing." Ron said breaking up Ginny's thoughts. "So she can just ignore me until I die for all I care," Ron said. He looked ahead of him as saw the angry glares of his ex-friends.

All they did was stare menacingly at each other before Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her out of the Great Hall. They ran right into Dumbledore.

"Ah, just the two students I wanted to see." Dumbledore said with a smile. "Now Rowena wrote down the incantation for you." He handed the parchment to Harry, "I suggest you read it and commit it to memory, if it falls into the wrong hands, all the wizard or witch would have to do is kill you and use your souls to get into the vault. And we don't want that now do we?" He winked with a smile. And also handed them a satchel of galleons, knuts and sickles. Just in case.

They heard a popping sound and Dobby stood there holding a large bag of food and some bottle of water. "Harry Potter sir, we is giving you food for journey." The elf handed the large bag to Harry and he accepted it with a smile.

Hermione pulled out her travel bag from her pocket, using her wand she removed the shrinking charm and the bag grew to its normal size. "Here Harry give me the food."

Harry handed her the food and she put it in her bag along with that vile of elixir that Snape gave them and the sack of money. She closed the bag up good and tight and put the shrinking charm back on her bag, and tucked it safe away into her pocket.

"That's right intelligent of you Miss Granger, shrinking you bag. I assume you did the same for Mr. Potter here." Dumbledore praised and he saw her flush with slight embarrassment. "Shrinking charms are somewhat difficult to grasp at first, it's good thing you know how to use the charm, since you don't want to be bogged down with heavy objects, you need to be light on your feet."

Dumbledore scratched his chin a bit, "now I'm not going to sugar coat this for you, you are old enough to understand the truth. There are dangers out there, not just from wizards or witches gone bad. But beasts, and thieves and killer plant life. It's not going to be easy, but you two are very capable and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Just come back to us in one piece, that's all we ask."

Harry and Hermione both nodded.

"Now, I've set up a portkey to take you as far a Destiny Lake, after that you are on your own. Just be on your guard and everything will be alright."

"Well be careful professor." Hermione said looking into Dumbledore's blue eyes, they seemed clouded with worry. But he smiled anyway.

"I trust you will." Dumbledore said. "Now then are you ready?"

"Wait." A female voice said.

Harry and Hermione looked up at saw Rowena floating down the stairs in haste, she reached the two teens and smiled at them.

"I just wanted to wish you luck, I would hug you if I could, but this whole see through me crud prevents me from it." She smiled. "Okay get on with you now, you've got lots of ground to cover." Her transparent like eyes started swelling with light see through tears.

Dumbledore opened a box and there was a small cloth, both Harry and Hermione reached for the cloth touching it at the same time. In a flash they were gone.

Rowena wiped her eyes, "I hope they'll be alright."

"They'll be fine Rowena, they'll be fine." He smiled walking towards the Great Hall, he found Ron Weasley leaning against it.

Ron watched the headmaster pass him and enter the Great Hall. He straightened his stance and pulled on his robe. Silently wishing that they would never return, and for them to also be careful at the same time. He returned to the Great Hall, his sister passed him in a rush. "Ginny, where are you going?"

"I uh, left my transfiguration book in my dorm and I need to get it." She said with a smile and she rushed up the stairs towards Gryffindor tower while Ron went back into the hall.

She stopped climbing the stairs and turned to make sure the Great Hall doors were closed. Ginny cautiously started down the stairs and towards the secret room that she and Draco always meet in. She knocked on the door three times and it opened and she stepped inside. The door closed.

"What took you so long?" A male voice said.

"I had to wait until the coast was clear, I had to make up a story about leaving a book in my dorm." She turned smiling up at her love.

His arms were immediately around her and she was pulled into his loving embrace. "Draco, I was thinking about telling Ron about us."

"He won't be too happy with you, and he'll probably try to kill me."

"I know, but it's the right thing to do. And no matter what he says I will not stop being with you." She smiled looking up at him.

He returned the smile, then his mouth was pressed against hers in a warm, loving kiss. Draco noticed she wasn't putting all her heart into their kiss. He pulled back glancing down at her. "Is something the matter? You seem distracted."

They both sat down on the sofa, "I suppose I'm just worried about Hermione and Harry."

"Why?" He scoffed.

"Well Ron told me that they are going on a mission to Merlin's Cave." Ginny glanced at her hands which were resting in her lap.

"Really?" He simply said, then gently covered her hand with his. "Well I'm sure they'll be alright, I can understand how you would be worried about them. After all Potter and Granger are your friends, it would be heartless not to worry. I can just sit here with you to help ease your emotions and nerves if you like. We don't have to do anything else."

Ginny smiled at him, "you are so wonderful."

"Yes, yes I am." He smirked. "Ginny why was that Gryffindor Reynolds sitting with the Slytherins at breakfast?"

Ginny sighed "oh, she and Ron had a fight and she didn't want to be anywhere near him until he apologized to Hermione. At least that's the impression I got when she went to sit with her other friends."

"What was the fight about? It had to have been bad for Reynolds to openly sit with us extremely fabulous Slytherins." He praised his house mates.

Ginny shook her head back and forth trying not to laugh. "Not really, she told me around the first time I met her that the Sorting Hat was debating between Gryffindor and Slytherin, probably because she's kinda like my brothers Fred and George. But it decided on Gryffindor. And well she's ignoring Ron because of the fight he had with Hermione and Harry last night."

Draco's face lit up with merriment, "tell me about that. Anything that breaks up the Mighty Trio has got to be good to hear."

Ginny rolled her eyes, thinking that he could be so silly at time. "Well I'm sure you've heard of my brother's and Hermione's famous get-out-of-hand arguments, right?"

"Who hasn't, sometimes those two break into a full blown-out row right in the hall on the way to classes." Draco replied shaking his head back and forth.

"Well Ron said some inexcusable things to Hermione last night, earning him a nice smack in the face. I could still see some of the bruised mark on his cheek this morning, she really let him have it."

"He probably deserved the smack he got from Granger, I remember when she let me have it. I was completely stunned out of my mind." His eyes narrowed recalling that incident back in third year.

"Ron just doesn't know how to control his anger, and he ends up hurting her a lot. But I'm sure they'll make up. They always do. I don't think he even really meant to say those things." Ginny feeling Draco's thumb rubbing against the top of her hand, she glanced down.

"You're friends will get back together in no time, and then they'll be back to throwing me insults and threatening me like usual. I just know it."

Ginny smiled looking up into Draco's bluegray eyes. She felt the world fall away as she stared into those deep pools. She leaned in and pressed her lips timidly against his. Ginny had never started a kiss with him before, she was always waiting for it. But this time, he had made her feel so much better and happier that she just couldn't resist.

Draco returned the kiss, pressing his mouth just a bit harder against hers. Just as they were getting into their moment, the door to their room opened.

"Are you sure you left it in here Seamus?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, when Lavender and I were in here last night, I took it off and set it on the table in the back of the-"

Ginny and Draco quickly pulled away, looking up to find Ron with Seamus standing there. Ron had the look of pure rage spreading across his face.

"Get your slimy Slytherin paws off my sister!" Ron shouted while Seamus just glared at Draco.

Ron approached them and grabbed his sister's arm pulling her to her feet, "What the hell do you think your doing?!"

"Ron calm down." She pulled her arm from his grasp and went to stand by Draco, who was now standing. "I'm in love."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing." He shouted throwing his arms wildly in the air.

Draco stood in front of her sparing her the wrath of her brother.

"This has got to be the stupidest thing you could have done Ginny."

"No it's not!" She stepped out from behind Draco, glaring at her brother. "I love him and there's nothing you can do about it."

"You're not thinking straight, he's done something to you, probably taken control of your mind like he did Hermione's."

"No he hasn't, I'm in my right mind Ron, and Draco loves me too."

Ron burst out into harsh laughter, noticing he's been doing that a lot lately. "Ginny he is not capable of love."

"You shut it Ron! I will be with Draco and I won't stop just because you want me to."

"You've lost your mind. I hope St. Mungos is comfortable this time of year." He was very sarcastic.

Ginny took a deep breath trying to calm down. "How dare you say such a thing to me, no wonder Hermione slapped you, no wonder Zara won't even go near you. You are horrible." She sighed, "I am in love with Draco and he is in love with me. We are going to be together whether you like it or not."

Ron glared at Draco and without warning he lunged at him and before anyone had time to react he threw a punch which connected with Draco's face. They didn't even hear Ginny scream as the two boys fell to ground, Draco throwing punches back, hitting Ron in his side a few times. They wrestled on the floor until Seamus pulled Ron from off of Draco.

"Ron stop, Malfoy is not worth it."

Ron stopped struggling against his friend, "you wouldn't say that if it was your sister."

"Well I don't have any sisters so you can't use that analogy." Seamus tried to make a joke, but Ron didn't find it funny as he just glared at his friend.

Ginny helped Draco up off the floor, she turned back looking at Ron, her rage was clear. "Just stay away from us Ron, just stay away."

Seamus grabbed Ron by the arm sleeve, "come on Ron, there's nothing more you can do."

"You will regret this Malfoy." Ron sneered and turned walking out of the room with Seamus.

Ginny turned to Draco looking at his bruised face. "Oh look what he did to you." She pulled out her wand.

"What are you going to do?" He looked at her, he eyes full of apprehension.

She laughed, "oh Draco, you know I've been working with Madame Pomfrey, I'm going to be a doctor you know. I was just gonna heal you up"

Draco relaxed, "oh right I remember."

Ginny pressed the tip her wand to Draco's bloody lip and muttered a spell, in an instant, the wound was healed. She did that to the rest of his face, which was flawless once again. "There now, all better."

"I'm sorry about your brother Ginny." He said with sincerity.

"I kinda expected that reaction, didn't you?" She said looking to the floor.

"He's just going through a lot it seems, he's just lost his friends, his girlfriend and now his little sister has taken up with his worst enemy. I kinda feel sorry for him." Draco said smoothing Ginny's hair from her face, he ran his fingers through the thick, ruby red strands. "I wouldn't stay mad at him for long, after all he's the only Ron you have."

"You are so understanding. How did I ever get so fortunate to have you in my life?"

"I think we're both fortunate, my love." He leaned in an captured her mouth with his own, they were soon drowning in the essence of each other.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione looked down at Harry with worry as he was sitting on the ground.

"Yeah," he looked up at her, "portkey travel is not fun, I seem to get dizzy."

"Oh yeah you traveled that way once before." She looked away from him, not really wanting him to see the look on her face.

"It's alright Hermione, I've learned to talk about it."

Hermione squatted down next to him. "It's not that Harry, it's just you could have been killed."

Harry lifted his hand, resting it against her cheek, "but I wasn't." He gazed into her eyes a moment.

"I know and I'm glad." She stood and held her hand out for him to take.

He grabbed her hand securely and Hermione helped pull him to his feet. Harry wiped his hands on his jeans trying to get the dust and dirt off.

They finally looked around and sure enough they were at Destiny Lake. Harry remembered being here not too long ago. There was still the same large lake with the boulder resting in it, and the same golden sun streaming down upon the lake giving it a crystal image look.

"Which direction do we head in?" Hermione looked up at the sun and then back at Harry.

Harry pointed north, "that way."

"What dangers do you think well find?" Hermione said, a slight quiver in her voice.

"I'm not sure, but not something that we can't handle together." He gave her a soft smile and reached for her hand.

She accepted the warmth of his hand by grasping his, "you're right." She looked towards their destination, a creepy feeling washed over her and she squeezed his hand tighter but she pushed those thoughts away, she could face anything as long as Hary was there with her, every step of the way.

Harry and Hermione both looked at each other

"And so it begins." Harry said. They started on their way to Merlin's Cave.


Well do you think Ron was out of line? I certainly did. Well stay tuned for Chapter 18 -Onward To Camelot. Read and Review, Thanks, Ryoko.