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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything

Chapter 14-Sweet December

Something cold and wet hit him in the back of the head, he felt the snow dripping down his neck. Draco heard the sweet giggles of his lady fair behind him. He turned around to find Ginny smiling and holding another snow ball in her hand. She tossed up in the air catching it, she did that a few times threatening to throw it. Ginny threw the snowball but he ducked out of the way and it sailed over his head. He bent down and scooped up some snow forming it into a snowball and threw it.

The snowball flew hitting Ginny right in the face, she pouted and turned away from Draco holding another snowball.

Draco felt horrible, he didn't want her to be angry with him. It was just a little snowball. He moved over to where she was, staring at the back of her head. He loved the way Ginny's red hair felt when he ran his fingers through it. "Ah Ginny don't be angry it was just a little snowball." Draco spoke softly.

Ginny very seriously turned around looking up at him, "Draco" she said.

"Yes Ginny." Seeing the hurt look on her face, Draco was determined to make it up to her.

"Here," and with that Ginny shoved some snow in his face, rubbing it in. She took off running from him in a fit of giggles.

After wiping the snow from his face he chased after her, Draco chased her for awhile when he finally caught her they tumbled to the ground, landing on the soft snow.

Ginny looked up at him, her hand cupped his cheek. "I'm glad you decided to stay at school with me." She smiled.

"I'm glad I stayed too," Draco gazed into her eyes. He could see how much affection she had for him, it warmed his heart. He had never really known what it was like to feel loved or wanted, until now. His face drifted closer to hers until they're lips met in a soft and gentle kiss just tasting her lips, she tasted of sweet cinnamon. He pulled back wanting to look at her, Ginny's eyes sparkled with a happiness that he brought her. He now knew what love was, it was only one word, one thought. Ginny.

Ginny slipped her arms around his neck as he was leaning closer, Draco's fingers dancing lightly on her cheek, his thumb brushing against her bottom lip causing them to part slightly, she sucked in a breath. His mouth took hers. This time their kiss was demanding. Their tongues molded, deepened, her arms tightened around him. The world around them no longer existed, all they knew and felt was each others love.

From a high window Dumbledore could see both Ginny and Draco holding each other as if there were no tomorrow. He heard footsteps walk into the room and stop next to him. Turning, he found Professor McGonagall who was also glancing out the window.

"What are you thinking Albus?" She did not take her gaze from the window.

"Their lives are going to change drastically."

"Are you speaking particularly of Mr. Malfoy and Miss Weasley?" she looked at the two lovers.

"No." He answered plainly.

"I didn't think so." She crossed her arms, pressing a finger against her chin. "Do you think they are ready?"

Dumbledore turned, facing Professor McGonagall his warm blue eyes twinkling. "The task that lies ahead, well I'm sure they can handle just fine."

He turned back towards the window and continued to gaze out onto the world.


"Ron come on" Zara whined shouting up the stairs, she flipped over her wrist glancing at her watch.

Harry and Hermione looked up the stairs waiting for their friend to finally come down.

"What's taking him so long?" Hermione whispered.

Harry shrugged his shoulders continuing to look up the stairs. Ron then came barreling down the stairs in rapid speed.

"Sorry, I'm ready so let's go now." He smiled.

By using floo powder they landed in The Golden Swan an American style pub and inn. The left the Golden Swan into Elius Boarderus Road to do some Christmas shopping. They agreed to split up and meet back at the statue of Elius in an hour.

After getting some fulfilling Christmas shopping

Hermione and Harry finally met up by accident of course. They walked together along the sidewalk. Feeling like someone was watching them, they both turned around and the same time and saw an old woman standing outside a building. They looked up at the sign.

"Lady of Divination," Harry said out loud. He looked over at Hermione who had an eyebrow raised with an as if look. He knew she never believed in that stuff.

The old woman lifted a finger in the air, beckoning them to come across the street. Hermione shook her head and she and Harry started walking away.

"I see the marks of the Orb of Ereena on you." The woman shouted at Hermione who stopped dead in her tracks.

Hermione whipped around staring at the woman, how could she know? Hermione thought to herself.

"I think you should come inside." The woman said.

Hermione looked at Harry, "what do you think?"

"Well she knew about the orb." Harry replied

"I'm not a fraud My Lady." The old woman shouted across the cobble street. "I have been expecting you two for a long time, Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Harry Potter." She said slyly.

Harry and Hermione both crossed the street to her, coming face to face with the Lady of Divination.

"How do you know our names?" Hermione asked staring at the woman a clears suspicion in her eyes.

"Come inside and find out my dears." The woman said turning, her green velvet cape made a swooshing sound and she walked into her building.

Harry and Hermione followed her inside. They found themselves in a room with red velvet along the walls, a cranberry colored carpet seemed to glide like silk along the floor. In the middle of the room sat a large round table with a very large crystal ball in the direct center of the table, on the left side of the table sat a wicker basket with different varieties of scented candles, and on the right side of the crystal ball sat a stack of tarot cards and star charts.

"I am Inas, please sit." She pointed to two chairs around the table as she sat down in front of her crystal ball.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other shrugging their shoulders and then sat down across from Inas, Hermione was first to speak.

"First of all I don't believe in Divination." Hermione said leaning against the back of her chair crossing her arms over her chest in defiance.

"I know that, I mean how could you with that crack pot Trelawney teaching at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizadry. Sure on occasion she has made what one or two predictions, but I have had a flawless record of very correct predictions, I have never been wrong."

"You know Trelawney?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes, she happens to be my good for nothing cousin, she has no talent in the art of Divination. I don't know why Albus Dumbledore puts up with her? I know she probably has predicated your death about a half a dozen times Mr. Potter, but considering who you are it's not hard to assume you are going to die that very day." Inas said with a slight smile.

Harry gave a small smile, knowing how Trelawney predicted his death every single time they had class and not once has it happened.

Hermione was still unconvinced and Inas could see it, so Inas turned her full attention to Hermione.

"I know about you Miss Granger, I know everything about your past. I know several paths your future can take. You were recently involved with Orb or Ereena were you not?"

Hermione looked away.

"It still has its hold on you even now, do you find yourself wanting to look at it during the night."

"No." Hermione lied, she still felt the strong pull of the Orb even though it was no longer in her possession.

Inas decided to change the subject, "have you often wondered why you have magic in you and your parents don't."

How did she know I was muggle born? Hermione thought to herself.

"It's because of your grandmother." Inas said simply, "do you remember when you were little, before you knew you were a witch. You had often visited her, your father made sure you spent a lot of time with her, he himself was born a squib. He felt so ashamed that he might not be able to pass the gift of magic to his offspring. And when you were born Hermione Granger, your grandmother could feel the power in you, you were a very special child. It was known by your grandmother that you would have great power, she could feel it generating from you."

Inas looked at Harry. "Miss Granger's power is equal to your own Mr. Potter, it is astounding that you two found each other again."

Again? What did she mean by again? Oh well she would think about that later.

"Miss Granger you were with your grandmother that day when you received your letter from Hogwarts."

Hermione nodded.

"You remember your mother not wanting you to go, she thought it would be a waste. You would over hear your parents arguing wildly, your father wanting you to go, telling her it would be good for you, your mother threatening to leave him if he continued on this path of nonsense. Your mother did not want you to go to a school where you would learn magic tricks that would not help you in life. Your father tried to assure her that they weren't tricks, that his mother was a witch and a very good one at that. You finally had enough you stood up and walked into the kitchen and told them to stop fighting, you were so mad that you were hovering three feet in the air." A smile formed on Inas's lips, "your mother fainted seeing you hovering like that."

"Your grandmother apparated into the kitchen and you nearly fainted, but you didn't. She revived your mother using a spell and they had a long talk And the next thing you knew you were on your way to Hogwarts."

Hermione glanced up at Inas "My parents almost split up because of me, how could you possibly know that?"

"Like I said I know a lot about you, the sign in front of my door says I'm the Lady of Divination, I knew all that would happen before it did, I even predicted it to a few of Hogwarts professors and so they have been looking out of your name to appear on their list of students."

Inas looked at both Hermione and Harry, "you two need to be really careful something is after you."

"I know that already I don't need a Diviner to tell me that there is some horrible monster after Harry." Hermione was getting angry.

"This just doesn't imply to Mr. Potter, it goes for you too. It actually applies to all six of you. All of you need to be careful, there will come a time where you will have to make a decision. What would you do if you were forced into a situation where you had no control, the choice to sacrifice yourself or "Inas looked right at Harry, "Or you Mr. Potter, where only one of you would get out alive. What would you choose?"

Hermione stood, "I've had enough, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you tell me that all of us who ever we are, are going to die. I know we're all in danger from," She paused, took a deep breath "You-Know-Who. No one is safe, not wizards, not witches and not even muggles. So tell me something I don't know."

Inas looked up at the enraged young lady, she looked and thought so much like her it was astounding. "No Miss Granger, there is something worse out there than You-Know-Who. Something far worse."

"And just what is that something?" Harry was feeling irritated as well.

"I don't know exactly, but I can feel an evil power out there worse than You-Know-Who's."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to this a moment longer, if you can't tell us exactly what is worse the You-Know-Who, then what good are you?" Hermione was bitter, she glanced down at Harry still sitting in the chair, "Harry I'm leaving." She started for the door. As Harry stood from the chair Inas was holding a small crystal orb in her hand.

Harry reached the door with Hermione, but Inas called to them.

Hermione turned around and Inas tossed the orb at Hermione.

"Here Miss Granger, you'll need this."

The Orb seemed to sail gracefully through the air and land in Hermione's outstretched hand. The second it touched her hand all the bad a depressed feelings she had were disappearing. She looked over at Inas.

"You will never know when the Orb or Ellia will be needed."

"So this is the Orb of Ellia." Hermione said quietly, mostly to herself. She glanced it at, she could feel the positive energy coming from it, instead of the negative energy she had received from the Orb or Ereena.

"It will reverse the effects the Orb or Ereena had on you, all you have to do is hold it once every day, you'll be back to your old self in no time." Inas said with a gentle smile.

Hermione nodded then glanced at Harry with a small smile, "I'm done here, if you are that is?"

Harry smiled nodding, "yes I'm all done here as well." He took her hand in his and left Inas's shop.

They wondered around looking for Ron and Zara, finding them by the statue as planned.

"So did you guys get everything done that you needed to do?" Ron asked, his arm was around Zara.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other before Harry opened his mouth to speak.

"Yes Ron." Harry smiled.

They went into the Golden Swan pub and Zara paid for the use of the fire place, and proceeded to use floo powder to get back to her house. Zara threw the floo powder into the fire and said.

"Zara Reynolds house." And she was gone. The rest of them followed suit


After a lovely dinner, they relaxed in the family room glancing at the Christmas tree decorated with colored glass ornaments and multicolored, blinking lights. Crystal and Guido were talking about Christmas eve which was in three days and that the two of them would be leaving that day to go on vacation and wouldn't be back until New Years day. Crystal and Guido stood.

"Well I've gotta a club to run, I'll see you all tomorrow sometime." Crystal replied, "come on Guido let's get going."

Guido nodded and followed Crystal out of the room.

Ron, Harry and Hermione were sitting alone on the sofa when Zara put the last Christmas present under the tree.

"There now, that should do it." Zara smiled looking at the Christmas tree, she has always loved Christmas, it was one her favorite holidays. She couldn't help a large yawn as she stretched up towards the ceiling. Zara glanced up at the clock, it was only eleven thirty, but she was tried. Turning around she faced her friends, "okay all, I'm calling it a night." She smiled and started walking out of the living room.

Ron stood immediately "uh yeah, same here." He yawned also, or at least he hoped it looked convincing. He too left the living room leaving Harry and Hermione alone.

Hermione snuggled closer to Harry, resting her head against his chest. She felt his hand stroking her hair.

"This is nice, just sitting here with you." She said looking up at him.

He smiled lightly gazing down at her, her deep chocolate brown eyes were warm with affection. He wanted to melt within them. If he looked hard enough he could probably see what eternity would look like.

"Yes this is very nice." Harry said, then kissing her lightly on the forehead, smoothing her hair way from her face. "Are you thinking about what Inas said earlier this afternoon?" He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her troubled thoughts.

Sighing, Hermione rested her head against his chest. "Yes." She answered truthfully. "But sense when do I take divination seriously, right?" Yet she sure seemed to know her stuff, that woman Inas knew things from Hermione's past as well. It was slightly disturbing. She would try not to think of that right now.

When he glanced down at her he found her gaze, she was looking up at him with slight worry in her eyes. He lifted his hand, tenderly cupping her cheek.

"We'll be alright Hermione." He lightly rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

Sitting up Hermione intently held his gaze, "Harry you know I love you. If it ever came down to it I would even give my life for you." A silent tear fell from her eye.

He smiled briefly "I would give my life for you as well." Harry leaned in kissing her tears away. He pulled back gazing at her. "We protect each other."

She nodded with a small smile forming at her lips.

An instant later his lips pressed against hers in a soft kiss, he was going to pull back but her arms wound around pulling him against her. They parted for a moment, he sucked in a breath, he framed her face with gentle hands and his mouth came together with hers. She tightened her embrace around him when his tongue swept along the seam of her lips which parted instantly allowing him to enter the softness of her mouth, he kissed her deeply, his tongue stroking against hers.

She fell backwards on the sofa, him on top of her. He pulled his mouth from hers, lightly pressing tender kisses down her neck, where he left a tiny love mark on the side of her neck. His mouth then wandering back up to her full, sweet honey lips. Hermione took in a breath. Harry pulled back a bit, gazing at her. Hermione reached up with her hand cupping his cheek, gliding her thumb along his bottom lip. That simple touch ignited the fire, a brilliant light flared in his eyes, and abruptly had her face in his hands and he was kissing her, tugging on her mouth, devouring it, pressing it open.

Her hands, fingers slowly trailed down his back, cradled his bottom, squeezing gently. He groaned, shifting his body so her thighs opened and his legs pushed between them. She gasped into his mouth feeling him between her legs. Even though they were both still fully clothed she could feel the hardest part of him press against her. He shifted slightly so his hand could drift down lower, to cover over her breast.

She would have pulled back from their kiss and gasped but he wouldn't let her go, their kiss continued, the heat between them growing, set aflame when she felt his hand close and caress, squeezing her clothed breast gently.

He wanted to touch and caress more of her, he quickly moved from atop the shirt, lifting the clothing from the waistband of her jeans and was able to get underneath the shirt. As soon as his fingers came in contact with the satin fabric covering her breasts, she pushed him away, "wait... a… minute." She managed to say, her words coming out in short breaths.

"Is something wrong?" He asked also trying to catch his breath.

She nodded, "we can't do this here someone might see." She nervously glanced around the room and then back up into his enchanting green eyes.

He nodded sitting up running his hand through his raven hair, "we can go up to my room, that is if you still want to. I don't want to put any such pressure on you."

Instead of speaking Hermione stood. She bent taking his hand in hers and pulled him to his feet. Hermione looked up at him, and he saw the answer shining in her eyes, the answer yes.

He felt a smile plant itself firmly on his lips, with her hand in his he led her up to his room. He opened the door for her and allowed her to enter first.

A new sense of nervousness crept over her as she stepped into the room bathed by the bright full moonlight. She heard the door close behind her and turned facing him, finding him leaning against the door. She wasn't sure if she should step near to him or wait for him to approach her, instead she turned around. Her back was to him.

She felt a pair of strong arms circle around her, gently pulling her back against him. Simply holding her probably wanting to ease her nerves, but the more he held her the more she wanted his intimate touch.

Harry knew she was nervous, he was too. But he had to make her feel right and comfortable. First romantic encounters tend to be really hard on person, especially a woman. "Are you nervous?" He asked in soothing tones.

"Oh great heavens yes." She blurted out without really thinking; horrified she turned around covering her mouth with her hand and glanced up at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that." Her voice was muffled by her hand.

Harry simply smiled and gently lifted a hand to pull hers away from her mouth, "it's alright, quite understandable really." He pulled her into his embrace, his arms going around her. Feeling her clinging to him he stroked her hair with a gentle hand. He let his fingers thread through the silk strands cascading down her back, he repeated the process a few times, before stepping back to look at her.

"You trust me don't you?" He asked searching her eyes.

"I trust you with my life." She said in a whisper.

"I already know that." Harry said with a smile, "Hermione do you trust me with your heart, body and soul?" His smile faded.

"Yes I do." She didn't have to think about it, she trusted him with anything and everything.

His smile returned and he stepped closer to her brushing his lips against hers, she shivered at the very brief encounter as their mouths had met for that split second.

Harry took her hand in his and led her over to the bed. He took off his glasses and set them on the nightstand next to the bed. He could see her very clearly, as if he didn't need his glasses anymore. Hermione wasn't that far away from him; they were almost nose to nose, so of course he could see her clearly.

His arms wrapped her in a strong embrace pulling her to him, he felt her palms lay flat against his chest and slide up over his shoulders and around his neck. He lowered his mouth against hers, feeling an equal pressure from her lips. His tongue glided over the seam of her closed lips, they parted, her mouth opened to him. His kiss deepened, tasting the very essence of her tantalizingly sweet mouth.

His hands wandered down to the edge of her shirt, he stopped for a moment looking at her, searching her eyes. Wanting to make sure that this is what she wanted as well, he didn't want to presume anything and make her feel out of control. Harry saw her give a slight nod, with his eyes still locked with hers he began lifting her shirt up, and then over her head. He dropped it to the floor and kicked it out of the way.

Her hair cascaded down over her shoulders in curled ringlets. With a gentle hand he swept her hair off of her shoulder, his fingers lightly grazing the bare spot just above her breast, the light touch made her suck in a breath. Harry bent slightly his lips meeting with hers again, he could never get enough of her kiss, the feel of her mouth, the shape of her lips were completely inviting and he took full advantage of it. His fingers trailed down her back, tenderly feeling the soft of her skin and passing over the satin brassier clasp. He would take care of that in a little bit. His hands continued to wander down her back over her bottom causing her arms to tighten around him, she gave a soft moan saying she wanted more.

Harry wanted to feel her soft skin not the rough material of her jeans. His mouth opened hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, mingling. While he kissed her harder, stronger, his hands reached around to the front of her jeans unbuttoning them quickly. He gently pushed the material down her slender hips, and she stepped out of them and they were kicked to the side out of the way. His finger tips grazed the satin of her panties, he pulled back from their kiss, glancing down. Blue they were dark blue.

He almost lost all his self control, his favorite color was blue and it looked so good on her. There she stood in matching undergarments, and the way her body curved, the fullness of her breasts, he had to fight the urge to tear her brassier and panties from her body and take her right then and there. Harry looked up at the ceiling taking a deep breath, no he had to keep his self control. He needed to her to feel safe and comfortable.

Wondering if she did something wrong, Hermione lightly touched his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked with concern then maybe she thought it was something about her that he didn't like. "Do I look alright?" She was cautious and a bit self conscious.

He looked down at her, "everything is more than alright. You just look really," he stared into her eyes a moment longer. "Really beautiful." He took a deep breath, letting his eyes roam all over her satin covered breasts down along her flat tummy, to the V that separated her shapely thighs, down to her perfect toes.

With him looking at her like that Hermione took a step closer to him, her fingers lightly dancing across his cheek which got his attention. His gaze focused on hers as she framed his face with her hands and brought his mouth to hers in a deep surrendering kiss, she nearly devoured him. She pressed her body up against his, fitting to his frame. Her arms engulfed him in a tight embrace so her breasts were pressed tightly against his chest. He moaned into her mouth with the feel of her breasts flattened against him. He wanted no, needed to feel her, touch her.

As if reading his mind she grabbed the hem of his shirt and he helped her pull it up and off of him. Her palms flattened against his chest, the silky feel of his skin beneath her palms delighted her, she slid them down lower against his stomach tracing each muscle with gentle fingers. She moved the last little distance and touched her lips to his.

He opened his mouth to her kiss which grew more fierce, longing, He too devouring the sweet essence of his Hermione.

Hermione's mouth left his only to kiss down his throat. He threw his head back feeling the light suction from her mouth leaving her mark on him.

Harry moved slowly backwards toward the bed, bringing her with him. They fell together onto the softness of the comforter, where he was slightly on top of her. She looked up at him and he gave her a soft smile before bringing his mouth to hers, kissing her again.

While kissing her, he lifted a hand to stroke her hair, his fingers threading through the silk with lithe movements. His fingertips tickled down her cheek, along the soft the side of her neck, over her collarbone to trace small tantalizing patterns on the area just above her breast, her body shivered with the anticipation of his touch.

Gently, his palm covered over the round firmness, the satin was in his way again. Her kisses were more fierce, when his thumb grazed the sensitive tip causing her to moan in extreme pleasure. Hermione pulled her mouth from his when she felt her brassier slip off and she felt the cool air around her, and then his hand again returned to her. She gasped out feeling his hand curve around her breast squeezing it ever so gently causing yet another gasp from within her.

She felt him kiss her neck, heading downward, his tongue lightly flicking at the hardened tip of her breast, he moved repeating the process, not ignoring her other breast as she arched her back trying to fight back another moan of pleasure which escaped her from the wonderful feelings he was creating with his tongue and mouth. Harry lifted his head finding her lips with his.

Both of his palms brushed over her breasts where he molded and caressed, then slowly traveled down over her tummy, to run over the satin of her panties he pulled back slightly looking down at her, his eyes radiant. "Hermione." He moaned out.

She opened her eyes looking up at him, she was drowning in his deep pools of green. She cried out feeling his hand cover over her V between her thighs. Her eyes widening with the sensation as he pressed her silk material against her sex while stroking her. A tiny squeak found its way out of her throat as the warmth between her legs gathered and her heart beat faster.

When his other hand reached its destination, Harry gracefully brought her panties down and off of her, tossing them to the floor. He sucked in a breath. He couldn't help staring at her in all her naked glory. She was breathtaking. Everything about her was just perfect. When his gaze met hers he gave her a tiny smile, He put his arms around her and rolled over on his back bringing her up so that she was on top of him.

Hermione's fingertips lightly touched his chest, running over his stomach and back up where her palms flattened against his hard, now sculpted chest. She stared into his eyes feeling his heart beat increasing with her every touch. She leaned down placing a tender kiss to his neck, she then trailed her tongue slowly down his throat, she felt him shiver a bit and moan at the sensation her mouth was now creating, her lips touched his chest. He let out a another soft moan with the exquisite feeling her mouth on his skin as she flicked her tongue out letting it glide over his stomach, then back up along his hard chest, up the side of his neck where she suckled making another mark on him.

Her palm slowly slid down his stomach to the button on his jeans, he groaned feeling her hand on him he couldn't take it, the restrictive material was preventing her wanted touch. As if reading his mind she quickly unbuttoned his jeans and her hand slipped inside. He gave a loud gasp when her hand came in contact with his hard member, her hand closed around him, her fingers lightly teasing. Causing him to gasp and moan her name. Hermione closed her eyes blissfully memorizing the way he responded to her touch, the way he trembled beneath her, he was vaguely aware of his thrusting against her hand.

He couldn't take it anymore, Harry sat up and abruptly grabbing her face within his hands, his mouth sealed over hers, he pushed her mouth open with his. The way he kissed her was strong and hard, hot and needy. His tongue nearly attacking hers, but she returned the kiss with just as much hot, hard want. He pushed her back down against the bed with him on top of her once more. He removed the rest of his clothing which was thrown to the floor in haste.

He worked more quickly now, his hand reaching it's destination between her thighs, he stroked his fingers between the silky folds of her sex, rubbing his thumb against the tiny button that caused her to writhe and shake with pleasure. "Harry!" She cried out as she felt a finger slip gently inside her, she clutched his shoulders hard. Gasping his name over and over again as his fingers continued thrusting in and out of her in a steady rhythm fueling the fire burning already within her.

In an instant he pulled his hand away.

"No," She cried out in disappointment, she wanted and needed it.

"We're not done yet love." He whispered and he saw her nod.

He spread her thighs apart and positioned himself, he looked deeply into her eyes, their gazes were locked as he shifted his hips and slowly pushed himself just a little bit inside her. She gasped as her eyes widened at the feel of him. He sighed pushing himself in a little more, he stopped for her to get used to him there and conform to him. "Are you alright?" Harry asked.

She nodded, "a little more." She managed to get out.

Harry slowly pushed himself and was almost all the way inside of her, she formed around him so tightly that he gasped at the pleasurable feeling of her inner beauty hugging him. He reached the barrier of her virginity, and as slowly and gently as he could pushed through it. She cried out in slight pain he stopped immediately. He saw light tears form in her eyes.

He wiped them away with his thumb, he kissed her cheek where the tears were still falling, "Hermione?" His gaze searched hers, then continued to kiss away her tears in a soft and soothing fashion. He looked at her again stroking his fingers through her brown tresses.

"I-it hurts a bit." She admitted trying to ignore the pain.

He leaned forward pressing a soft kiss against her neck, her lips, to the tip of her nose. He looked into her eyes. He knew it would hurt and he would try to sooth her as best he could to let her know that the pain would in fact go away. But if she wanted to stop, he would. "Do you want to stop? I'll do what ever you want." He assured.

"No, don't stop." Hermione gave a soft smile, "the pain-It's fading." She lifted her hand to his cheek, brushing it with her fingertips. She stared into his eyes for a moment then cupped her hand around the back of his neck and brought his mouth down against hers in an assuring, sweet kiss. He began to move slowly in and out of her, soon the pain was but a distant memory.

"Alright?" He asked her panting, and she nodded leaning her head against the pillow.

"Yes," She squeaked. Hermione watched him close his eyes to the pleasantness of being inside her as he steadily thrust in and out of her, never changing their slow yet fulfilling rhythm. Instinctively she pushed herself up meeting his thrusts while her fingers danced over his back, up his sides to plant firmly on his shoulders where she scraped her fingernails along his skin.

Harry opened his eyes looking at her, she was beautiful moving with him. This was wonderful, the feelings of absolute pleasure they each were receiving from other, there was nothing like it, the feel of her body wrapped so tightly around his, it was exquisite torture and he wanted more. He doubted he would ever get enough of her. His lips touched her throat where his mouth lingered there for a moment. He picked up his rhythm, moaning her name softly, moving faster inside her. His eyes shut tightly and he was gasping for air. His lips found hers in a surrendering kiss.

"Harry" she cried out as he drove into her harder wanting to become one with her, their souls were joining. He felt her clinging to him her fingers grabbing hold of his skin as he held nothing back in claming her body, along with mind and soul.

"Hermione" he breathed, burring his face within her shoulder lightly nipping at the soft flesh while thrusting into her hard and fierce. She wanted it, needed it. She didn't hold back the blissful cries that came from her as his body drove into hers with such a force and that she wanted more of it.

Hermione attacked his mouth with hers. She felt her heart wanting to burst from within her chest, the wild sensations of his body mingling with hers. She could feel her own muscles tightening around him every so often.

Harry could feel himself fast approaching the edge, feeling the tightening in his body as he thrust into her harder and faster.

Her entire body screamed for him to go deeper into her and he did, with the intense pressure building within her she heard herself crying out his name begging him for even more, with another powerful plunge into her, she stiffened throwing her head against the pillow hearing herself calling out his name in a fit of passions as the wave of an earth shattering release swept over her, hurling her senses far and away. Hermione was vaguely aware of him arching over her, in the heat of his own climax.

He collapsed on top of her completely exhausted, he felt her fingers stroking his back tenderly. For a few moments they laid together not wanting to move. Harry didn't want to leave the warmth of her body, the way she still felt around him was so inviting. He lifted his head looking down at her she remained dazed and very awed at what they had just experience together, he kissed her softly, her mouth lazily playing against his.

He rolled off of her, and she instantly felt cold and alone. Noticing her shiver with the loss of his warmth, Harry reached over pulling her on her side to face him. He pulled the comforter over them. And with his arms now encircling and he held her close.

Harry searched her eyes, which looked very pleased as her breathing was settling to a more normal, relaxed pace. He watched Hermione's hand reach up and her fingers began lightly tracing his lips which felt soft to her touch. He smiled into her eyes, and felt her fingers now reach up into his hair, where she tenderly, affectionately stroking her fingers through the dark strands. All she wanted to do was look at him, but was finding it harder to keep her eyes open "I love you." She whispered, and was barely able to get it out before her eyes gently closed.

He watched her eye lids close, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks, "I love you." He whispered back he saw her smile and then hoped to join her in her dreams.

In her sleep Hermione shifted and turned over-She turned facing the council, Salazar circled her.

"Are you going to give up Merlin's Scepter?" He spat.

"No." She answered not taking her eyes from his

Salazar looked at the council members one by one, "did you hear that, she said no" He turned around facing her with an evil scowl. "And what pray tell is the reason for that Lady Ravenclaw?"

"My reasons for keeping the scepter Lord Slytherin, is plain and simple. I will do all I can to protect us all mystic kind and non from the forces of darkness."

"Oh I think not, I think you want to control all of us." He argued.

Her eyes narrowed her head held up high she looked at the council knowing what they already believe. She then directly looked at Salazar her eyes locking with his in determination. "I am not afraid to die for what I think is right," She looked over at Torrin for a moment before returning her gaze to the council "and you all know that. Why would I control you when all I want is the freedoms of us all, muggles and sorts included? You want to keep them enslaved and for what?"

Salazar avoided her question. "Is it true that you Jasmine Ravenclaw can control the will of humanity with that scepter?"


"What makes us believe that you wouldn't use it for your own benefit?"

"What makes you believe that I will?" Jasmine challenged, "Is there darkness in your heart Lord Slytherin? Is the scepter's pull that strong for you to think that everyone will succumb to it?"

"There is no darkness in my heart Lady Ravenclaw," His eyes narrowed in anger he could see her amused grin behind her eyes that she knew the truth about him somehow. He would turn this around to his benefit. He looked to the council, "see she's already manipulating us into believing she will not use the scepter for her own benefit and desires."

"Desires of what, power? I have no such desire."

"Then give up the scepter." He stepped close to her and leaned closer to her ear so that only she could hear him. "Are you afraid Jasmine?" He smirked.

"Afraid? No. I am not afraid of you." She lifted her head, " You know if I am put to death there will be no chance at all of you getting your hands on that scepter." She whispered.

"At least you will be out of the way, you could not interfere." His smirk grew wider.

"Ah, so that's your game is it? I know I could never convince the council of your dark doings this day. But don't rule out my abilities to bring them forth Lord Slytherin."

"Don't challenge me Jasmine, you will loose." He boasted then turning to the council, "I told you all what she would do and say, do we really know what darkness may lie in her heart, the desires for control and power she would never admit to them."

Orvin stood, "we will take twenty four hours to decide, that means you have until midnight tomorrow to bring forth any evidence that might help your case Lady Ravenclaw, I don't want to put you to death, but if we have to for the sake of all our wills I will not hesitate."

"I understand Lord Orvin." She nodded her head in respect for the middle aged wizard.

Orvin concluded the meeting and people started leaving the hall.

Jasmine turned and found Torrin heading in her direction- Hermione's eyes opened gently, the moonlight was still pouring in through the window. She felt a body pressed against her back and an arm around her holding her waist tightly. Hermione turned over facing him, a smile crept over her face as she watched him sleep. She smoothed the hair away, out of his closed eyes. A grin then crept across her face remembering what they had done earlier this night. She felt the warmth between her legs returning, the want and the desire to become one with him again drifted into her mind, and it was not going to leave her alone until she succumbed to her own want and need. Hermione leaned closer to his ear.

"Harry," she whispered into his ear. "Harry, wake up." She spoke in soothing tones while rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

It took a minute but his eyes fluttered opened and he smiled lightly, he noticed it was still dark out. "Hermione, what time is it?" He asked sleepily.

Hermione glanced at the clock, "a little after two a.m." She smiled gently.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned.

She nodded.

Harry felt confused.

Hermione could see the confusion in his eyes and that he was wondering why she woke him up, she knew he didn't want to seem rude to ask. She grinned and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek before leaning closer to his ear "I wanna do it again." She pulled back a bit so she could look at him to see his reaction, hoping it was the one she wanted.

It took a moment but then a small smirk crept across his lips "Do you?" He looked at her not sure, "hmm? I could still be asleep, how do I know this isn't just a dream?" His eyes searching hers for the answer.

She pressed her lips to his for a moment before he opened his mouth to her no longer sleepy, feeling her tongue press against his he couldn't resist the sweet taste of desire while he kissed her back. Her hands flattened against his chest, she reveled in the feel of his chest, stomach. Her hands sliding, wandering down.

Harry pulled his mouth from hers, their gazes locking. She lifted one hand pressing it softly against his cheek. She held his emerald gaze while her other hand still ventured lower between his legs, her hand slipped over him making him gasp, he closed his eyes gently with the feel of her hand around him. As she continued to touch and hold him she could feel her own heat continuing to gathering with in her, her breathing increased.

She pressed a tender kiss to his earlobe also making him shiver with pleasure, "still feel like a dream?" She whispered then giving his lobe a seductive lick.

"You're a tease Hermione Granger." He whispered the best he could and sucked in a breath with her hand still caressing him. Then with one masterful move he rolled her over so that she was on her back and he was on top of her. Her arms immediately went around him as she held him tightly against her.

His hands cupped her face and his mouth took hers again and again, pressing hers open his tongue thrusting into her mouth. He slid his tongue along the roof of her mouth causing her to whimper softly, then finally meeting with hers dancing sweetly like poetry, strong and possessive. Both hands drifted down one coming on contact with her breast. Teasing the hardened tip with such expertise, this caused her to arch her back trying to press herself more into his hand.

Her kisses were hard, with almost bruising passion, her mouth seemed to want to swallow him whole. His other hand drifted lower down her tummy, down between her thighs as he touched her, she gasped pulling her mouth from his burying her face in his shoulder she couldn't help the blissful cry that escaped her feeling his fingers caressing every fold, touching her most sensitive button until she was shaking uncontrollable and whimpering loudly into his shoulder.

"Please." She heard herself say.

"Now?" He asked in a teasing voice as he continued his blissful torture.

She was breathing hard, almost unable to speak. "Oh please, yes."

He shifted slightly so that her thighs opened and he pushed himself inside the silky folds of her inner beauty. She clutched his shoulders tightly he drove gently at first into her.

"More, I want more." She panted, feeling him so exquisitely buried within her.

He immediately began to increase the rhythm, moving faster, he closed his eyes tightly, moaning her name as her own body rose her meeting his thrust, he pushed his mouth against hers, almost trying to suck the very life out of her as she clung on to him for dear life. Her gasps and cries filling the room by the pleasure her lover brought to her.

Muffled noises woke Ron in the next room, his eyes opened he couldn't help the glare as he glanced at the wall on the other side of the room. "They're at it again." He said annoyed sitting up.

She shifted and turned over to face him, "Ron go back to sleep." She yawned.

"How can you sleep through that?" He looked at her, "I should go and bang on the wall and tell them to cut it out people are trying to sleep."

"You weren't trying to sleep fifteen minutes or so ago." She laughed lightly.

"Ha, ha, you think you're so funny don't you?" He was sarcastic.

"Of course" Zara smirked, leaned up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. She reached over and turned on the radio to a nice soothing station, she turned the volume up so that it would block out the sounds from the next room but not be uncomfortable to sleep. "There, how's that?" She was sleepy.

"Better." He said lying back against the pillow, he pulled Zara over so that she had her head resting on his chest. And they both seemed to fall back to sleep nearly a second later.

She had her legs wrapped around him a pleasured cry came from her each time he thrust into her, going even deeper until he was all the way buried within her. A great tingling feeling started in her toes flowing upward through her body, she clutched his shoulders tightly, her fingernails digging into his skin as he drove into her harder. He kissed her throat, neck sucking on the sensitive skin.

Harry thrust into her she tightened her arms around him, her fingers scraping down his back as her body contracted, clinging, gripping him feeling the rush of hot white fire engulf her, crying out his name. Nearly a second later she heard him also cry out in his own release. Hermione felt the weight of him on her and she loved it.

After a moment of trying to catch his breath, he lifted his head looking down at her, she was still regaining her composure, she smiled lightly her eyes were glazed over and so very beautiful, he pressed a soft gentle kiss against her lips, moving off of her. They laid on their sides for a moment just staring at each other. He trailed his fingers up and down her hip in a relaxing gesture. She then she rolled over on her back taking him with her so that his head on her chest and put and arm around her, holding her tightly. Hermione pulled the blankets over them.

He felt her fingers run through his hair, soothing him with a gentle scalp massage, she loved feeling of her fingers in his hair, her action was so soft and gentle that he started to drift off to sleep, he felt her fingertips a few more times in his hair until her hand stilled, his eyes closed sleep could not wait-He answered the door and she stood there her cloak fastened tightly around her.

"Can I come in?" She asked with a smile.

"Of course" He moved out of the way and she brushed past him entering his house. He sat down in the chair looking up at her.

She tossed Salazar's journal down on the table, "He's evil Torrin." She removed her cloak and hung it the back of another chair.

Torrin reached for the journal, picking it up in his hand. He glanced at the leather bound cover and opened it, he began to read it stopping a few times to glance up at her. He continued reading.

"Torrin my friend you're going to have to show it to the council tomorrow night."

He looked up at her and then stood crossing the room to meet her.

"Torrin they will think I made it all up if I give this to the council, they already believe what Salazar said, how can I sway their judgment? But if you bring it to the surface it might convince the council to not believe everything Salazar Slytherin says." She said with half a smirk.

"I'll do what I can Jasmine, It's good to know that you came to me to help you with this and not Kai or Ulrich."

"Yeah well Ulrich was occupied with something important so he told me to ask you." She teased.

Torrin could feel his blood boil hearing her talk about Ulrich "Jasmine you know I don't like you teasing me like that."

She gave him a smirk "oh Torrin you take everything so seriously, you know I would come to you first for anything," she smiled.

He glanced at the floor feeling foolish, "I know" Torrin looked at her. "You're mother will be at the meeting tomorrow night, maybe she'll be able to sway the council if your evidence doesn't hold up."

"I know the council always values my mother's ideas and opinions, but I don't think they are going to budge on this. She has been gone while the case was going on, they probably don't want to listen to someone who hasn't been involved the whole time. That's why you are so important to this Torrin, you have been here with me every step of the way."

"Yes, only because it involves you." He stepped closer to her, "Jasmine you are my everything, my life would cease to exist without you in it. We will beat this, Slytherin is not going to win, mostly because we are powerful together, not one of us could do this alone. It's us together, Kai, Leelee, Alina and yes even Ulrich." He said Ulrich's name a little bitterly hoping Jasmine didn't catch the tone, but he knew she did, she was always very perceptive. "Together Jasmine, remember that. Together we are unstoppable." He leaned in pressing his lips to hers, giving her a sweet tender kiss. True that's how it started, but it grew stronger, and Jasmine wanted more than just a mere peck.

She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips causing them to open and she freely explored his mouth with her tongue slowly, teasingly, driving him crazy. He pulled back a bit gazing at her.

"You Jasmine Ravenclaw are a tease." He saw her smirk slyly and he dove back in for more. He felt her arms go around him in a tight embrace- The happy chirping of birds caused him to stir a bit, the sun shone brightly through the window across Harry's eye lids, and he opened them. It was morning. He turned his head and found Hermione sleeping in the same position. He rested his chin on her shoulder and lightly traced her lips with his finger, he touched her cute little nose. His fingers danced along her cheek, a devious grin found its was upon Harry's lips. He tickled her cheek with a gentle finger.

"Hermione," He said gently, "It's time to get up." He tickled her cheek again.

Hermione swatted at the tickling sensation, it only stopped for a moment but then continued. She vaguely heard the gentle voice telling her to wake up, she swatted at the tickling sensation again.

"Hermione" Harry continued tickling her cheek, he didn't want to rush her to wake up, it was fun watching her swat at him and miss. She probably thinks it's going to go away he thought to himself trying to stifle his laugh as he continued. "Hermione, Hermione." He said repeating her name softly, over and over again.

She groaned and pulled the blanked over her head to block out the sounds and whatever it was that kept tickling her cheek. She felt a tugging on the blanket and her eyes slowly opened, she saw the blanket being pulled away from her face and a pair of emerald green eyes looking straight into hers.

"Hermione it's morning, time to wake up."

"I don't wanna, I'm sleepy."

"Well we were up half the night you know." He grinned.

"I know." She said quietly looking at the clock noticing it was ten till eight, "Why are you up so early?"

"I woke up in a very good mood, which happens to be your doing." There was a slight hint in his voice and he was sure she caught it. "And well I couldn't sleep another minute longer. So come on let's get up and enjoy the day." When she didn't respond Harry noticed her eyes starting to close again. "Oh yeah, I know a way to wake you up."

She heard slight shuffling next to her after it quieted down she then felt fingers tracing a pattern across her tummy and down between her thighs then a pair of hands pulling them apart, her eyes snapped open, she pulled the blanket off of her. "Harry get back up here right now, I'm too sleepy for this." She said almost pleading.

He looked up at her with a smirk, "don't worry you'll be fully awake when I'm finished."

Harry kept eye contact for a split second before looking at her at what he was doing. He calmly, lightly started caressing her, touching her ever so gently, she jumped a bit feeling his fingers teasing her. She closed her eyes blissfully the sensation of feeling him touching her. An instant later she felt her thighs being pushed further apart. She cried out for he was there between her legs, and it was his tongue now touching her, exploring over the soft, thick folds, lightly flicking against the tiny button hidden there.

Her hands clutched the bed sheets tightly while tiny cries, gasps and slight moans drifted from her. She threw her head back against the pillow feeling about to reach the edge, she felt a finger push into her making her cry out for more, "Harry" she whimpered. His finger then pulled away only to be replaced by an expert tongue once again only to push her completely over the edge, where her body was lost to any feeling except the relentless tingling throughout her. She wasn't even aware, didn't even notice that he now was lying next to her holding her tightly, cuddling her close to him.

He could feel her heart beating against his, yet it was slowing a bit, he finally decided to say something. "So, are you awake now?" He smiled slyly.

Hermione looked deeply into his eyes, "yes, but now all I want to do is sleep again." She smirked.

Harry picked up a pillow and smacked her with it, she laughed taking the pillow from him and smacked him back with it. Hermione then and jumped out of the bed before he could take the pillow from her. She stood there before him completely naked, she looked so beautiful. He felt that familiar stirring between his legs once again.

"Alright Harry I am awake now." She smiled looking down at him, "I think I'm in need of a shower. She bent down and picked up her shirt and put it on then she slipped on her jeans not bothering to button them, she then picked up her brassier and her panties holding them tightly in her hand.

Harry watched her flip her tousled, yet strikingly beautiful hair over her shoulder before their eyes met.

"Well I'm just gonna pop over to my room and grab some fresh clothes and head to the shower. With a warm smile Hermione leaned over giving Harry a quick kiss, she stood straight and turned towards the door, she smiled back at him before she was gone out the door.

Sighing he laid back down on his bed, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Man, she was becoming some kind of obsession, but a good obsession at that. He thought with a smirk to himself. The way she felt, looked, smelled, tasted. He would never be able to get enough of her all together. He stood walking to the dresser and pulled out the clothing items for today and started putting them on. After he was done dressing he left the room. He looked over at the bathroom door, then looked at the stairs. Who was he kidding? He wanted her all over again.

Instead of going down the stairs he went to the bathroom door and banged on it. A few seconds later the door opened and Hermione stood there wrapped in a gray towel, her hair only slightly damp, she must have just gotten in. He could see the droplets of water caressing the skin on her shoulders.

"Harry is something wrong, why were you banging on the door as if there was an emergency?"

Harry noticed she looked concerned not angry, "well I just missed you." He looked down at the floor noticing her toe nails were painted a dainty rose color. He looked back up at her, staring into her eyes.

She tried not to grin so widely, "Harry I just left you less than three minuets ago, how can you miss me already?"

He shrugged, "I don't know I just do." He lifted his hand lightly tracing the water droplets on her shoulder with his finger making a pattern. "I'm sure it's awfully lonely in there, are you sure you don't need some company?" He met her gaze.

"At this rate you're gonna get tired of me."

Harry shook his head, "nope, that's never gonna happen." He smiled brightly.

As the two of them were staring at each other Ron came out of his room, he noticed the two of them, Hermione was wrapped in a towel and they were talking quietly. He saw Hermione grab Harry by the front of his shirt and pull him into the bathroom closing the door.

Ron stared at the bathroom door as Zara came up behind him, she tapped him on the shoulder.

"What's up Ron?" Zara stared into his eyes as if trying to read his thoughts.

He gave a small smirk, "If all goes well Harry will be." He let out a chuckle pointing to the bathroom door telling her that both Harry and Hermione were in the bathroom together.

Zara shook her head back and forth a smile crossed her lips, "you are hopeless Ronald Weasley, but I love yah for it." She smirked crinkling her nose. Zara grabbed Ron by the arm and pulled him down stairs and they headed to breakfast.


Ah, love is all around us *sigh* Anyway stay tuned for Chapter 15-- Another Day, Another Duel.