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Soul Scepter by Ryoko Blue

Soul Scepter

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Alright all the Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, except for the plot, Zara, Jewel, Enrique, Jasmine, Ulrich, Torrin, Alina,, Leelee, Kai, Finley and Orvin. Those are mine. So please don't sue me because I don't have anything.

Chapter 7-- A Taste of Steel

In potions that morning Harry wanted Hermione to sit next to him, but she told him she couldn't. She had been sitting up in front with Lavender and Parvati since the year started and Snape might start picking on her again if she decided to suddenly change her seat. He watched her with smile as she took her seat in the front of the class room.

Snape entered the class and immediately started teaching, the dungeons door burst open and Zara came running in out of breath. Snape looked at her with an evil grin, "five points off Gryffindor for a late student." He smirked.

When his back was turned Zara flipped him off, mouthing something very rude in silence like a muggle would.

"Naughty, naughty Reynolds," Draco taunted. "Didn't your mother tell you it's not nice to swear in the schoolroom?"

"Didn't your mother tell you it's not nice to wear that face every day?" Zara glared. She then took her seat next to Jocko.

"That time of the month again Zara?" Jocko teased.

She turned glaring at him with pure hate. "Yeah, do you wanna check for yourself?!" Jocko immediately scooted away from her. He could tell she was in no mood to be trifled with.

Jewel leaned over in the aisle "well that shut him up good." Jewel whispered, Enrique nodded agreeing.

Without speaking Zara pulled out her necklace from her robe, she looked down at the square piece. She was so furious that she was going to use it on Snape, who deserves a lot worse then a, "pig snout." She whispered into the necklace piece and lifted it up slightly pointing it at Snape. Lifting her wand she mumbled the spell very quietly. Zara looked up finding that Snape was growing a pig snout. Which was a great improvement.

Hermione was staring at Snape oddly, what was going on?

Jewel looked back at Zara and covered her mouth in laughter, she wanted to do something to him. Just for no reason. She pulled out her necklace charm and whispered "donkey ears."

Jewel looked up and sure enough Snape was sprouting donkey ears. She almost couldn't contain her laughter.

Snape didn't even noticed what was going on as he continued his lessons, he was having everyone grinding up mustard seeds and beetle husks together. A couple of students would snicker as Snape passed clearly oblivious to the two spells that have been placed on him.

Enrique quietly opened his bag and pulled out a camera, there was a hole in one of his books he opened the book and propped it up on the table, he put the camera lenses through the hole and snapped the picture of Snape in his new face. He was going to make a fortune off this picture.

As the end of class neared the two spells on Snape were wearing off. He would never know what had happened that morning. The bell sounded signaling the end of class, the students were finishing putting their things away. Draco stood and walked down the asile into Snape's office and closed the door behind him.

Ron smiled at Zara then walking over to her, "that was very interesting Zara."

"Thanks," She smiled back even though she felt lousy, "if I'm a bit rude this week, pay it no mind."

"Ah." Ron nodded in understanding knowing that he had overheard what Jocko said. He watched as the students started clearing out of the dungeons laughing and talking about what happened to Snape during class, Enrique had a arm around two Slytherin girls telling them about the picture he took. They both laughed. Ron noticed Jewel had this horribly jealous look on her face while she was watching Enrique with the two girls. He couldn't pass this up, "I think someone has a crush." Ron teased.

Jewel's head snapped back at Ron, her eyes angry. She was going to hurt him, but she looked at her Zara and she knew that her friend really liked him. Jewel was not going to mess that up. Zara was her best friend and if she wanted to keep Zara as a friend she would not hex Ron. So she didn't this time. Jewel turned on her heel and stormed from the class room. Ron looked down at Zara, "did I say something wrong?"

Zara nodded, "Jewel has always liked Enrique and it's not just a crush. But I know Enrique, we have been friends longer than Jewel and I. We were almost brother and sister, Enrique is difficult to get along with if you want a relationship with him, Jewel is always constantly an on and off girl. Sure she's probably screwed him a few times, but she loves him so she doesn't deny him anything he wants."

"Why? Doesn't she have any self esteem?"

"Not really," Zara said regretfully, "I keep telling her that she should move on and forget about Enrique but she doesn't. And he will continue to hurt her over and over again. One of these days he's gonna loose her and he won't know what hit him, until it's too late."

"Much like what's happening with my friends." Ron saw the comparison it was almost like Zara was him in her own circle of friends. He was always blunt and to the point much like what he noticed in her. And then his two friends were always flirty and so jealous of each other's relationships. Just like Zara's friends.

Zara smiled into Ron's eyes, "I think what's happening with your friends is changing." She looked past Ron at Harry who was walking to the front of the classroom while Hermione was finishing up cleaning her area and packing up her books.

Ron turned around looking in the same direction, he noticed Harry was talking but he couldn't hear what was being said, he shifted his gaze slightly seeing Hermione smiling lightly in a nod, then shaking her head in a no motion.

"Well at least they are on speaking terms again." Zara said.

"After what we walked in on the other night, they sure as hell better be on speaking terms again." Ron had slight laughter in his voice.

Zara laughed smacking Ron playfully in the arm, "we better get to that animal class now before we're late."

Ron agreed he then took one last look over at his friends smiling, Well it's about bloody time he thought to himself. He felt Zara pulling his arm to go out the door.

Hermione shook her head no for the second time.

Harry sighed his head tilted to the side "Why not? Hagrid won't mind." He grinned.

"I'm not going to blow off Care of Magical Creatures Harry, we really do have to go to class. Aren't grades important to you at all?" She looked up at him.

"Yes they are important but not as much as they are to you I'm afraid, besides you're already acing this class, one day really isn't going to mess up your grade at all."

"You don't know that." Shaking her head, Hermione looked directly at him in the most serious expression she could bring out.

Harry made a little pouty face, sticking out his lower lip. "what's the matter, don't you like me anymore?"

Hermione tried not to shake with laughter, she lifted her hand and covered his mouth with her palm, there was no way she could have a serious conversation with him he always seemed to make her laugh so easily these days. But she really wanted to be serious this time. "Harry stop pouting. We really should get to class, you can have all the time you want after classes are over." She couldn't get rid of her amused smile.

He lifted his hand to hers and brought it down from his mouth. Sighing, Harry looked into her eyes. "Oh alright, if that's what you want." He smiled

"Yes, that's what I want." Hermione smiled back, and with her free hand she picked up her bag tossing it over her shoulder.

"Okay," He smirked "later we can discuss what I want." His gaze drifted from her eyes down to her lips, then back up again noticing her cheeks flushing. He laughed lightly and started pulling her hand for her to go with him out of the dungeons. "See now your wishing that you should have just blown off Care of Magical creatures so that you could spend a very rewarding hour with yours truly, now don't you?" He teased lightly with Hermione walking next to him.

Hermione laughed, "you give yourself far too much credit my friend." She stared ahead as the both of them were walking down towards Hagrid's cabin.

"My, my aren't we full of clever responses." He grinned.

"Well I am the cleverest person here." She gloated.

"Ah, you have yet to see clever my beautiful friend." Harry replied with a smile.

Hermione took a small glance through the corner of her eye at him, "did you just call me beautiful?"

Harry nodded, it was as if she didn't really believe him. "Yes I did."

A small sigh escaped Hermione's lips, "well you really shouldn't say things that aren't true." A few feet from the class Harry abruptly stopped and pulled Hermione's hand to stop her also, she looked up at him confused as he looked absolutely serious. The most serious she had ever seen him look.

"Don't ever say that." Harry looked directly into her eyes.

"Say what?" Hermione felt a bit confused.

"Don't ever say that you aren't beautiful, you are." He watched her shake her head no, "and I always say exactly what I mean." He knew about her fears and worries he could read them in her eyes whenever she looked at him and in just these short past few days she clearly wore her fears about him as if the whole world could see them, and she couldn't hide these. Hermione looked away from him, towards the ground.

With a gentle hand, Harry lifted her chin so she could look up at him, "I'm not just feeding you a whole bunch of meaningless lines, you are not the next one on some silly guy list. I really, honestly care about you and I never say anything that I don't mean." Even though this really wasn't the most romantic place to bear your soul to the woman you love, it was as good a time as any. "I just wanted to say that, Hermione I-" he was interrupted by Hagrid starting the class. He looked disappointed as he looked towards Hagrid and then back at Hermione, "we'll talk about this later."

Hermione smiled she somehow knew what he was going to say, but she wanted to actually hear the words. "Sure." She then turned and they both continued to walk towards the rest of the class, while Hagrid began with the unicorns and the class was divided into their groups again.

They watched the unicorn as it came up, it reluctantly looked towards Hermione. She felt the odd presence of the unicorn as it approached her slowly. It seemed almost afraid to go near her this time. Hermione felt very strange with the way it was looking at her.

Hagrid looked over and saw the oddity in this reaction the unicorn approached her but still kept it's distance. He walked over to Hermione's group, and the unicorn moved away slightly keeping more of a distance from them now. Hagrid looked down at Hermione, "I don't want to over step my bounds here, but Hermione has something changed?"

Hermione shook her head in confusion, "no, I'm still. You know."

Jewel looked over at both Hermione and Harry, she then looked up at Hagrid. "How about her thoughts, have her thoughts changed?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione stared at Jewel, she really didn't like her much.

"I mean it's a common fact that some unicorns are known to be telepathic, and if your thoughts have changed."

"My thoughts have remained the same." Hermione replied looking directly at Jewel.

"Oh really?" Jewel looked at both Hermione and Harry, then directly at Hermione. "The unicorn knows something is, "she paused. "up." She teased cruely.

Both Hermione and Harry flushed, glaring at Jewel. They saw Enrique stand.

"Jewel leave them alone, that's not why." Enrique looked at Hermione with a soft and gentle gaze, "it senses that you don't need it anymore, I remember the time when you rode it. You needed to feel a certain way and it helped you. It now senses something different, possibly extreme happiness. I know people have read that unicorns go to young virgin maidens, but they didn't say that most of the young maidens were troubled or lonely. The unicorn relieves the pain or sadness that the young lady is feeling, even if it is for only a moment." He smiled.

Hermione nodded and she understood, she looked over at the unicorn which was still looking in her direction. It did approach her as if to only say something and then go on its merry way. She turned towards Enrique, "how is it that you know so much about unicorns?"

"I have a lot of free time on my hands." Enrique replied with a smile.

Jewel caught that smile and she didn't like it, she quickly walked over to Harry, "I would watch out for him if I were you." She warned.

Harry looked at Jewel with suspicion, "why?"

"Guess who's next on his gotta have list."

"Well she's not interested, I know that for a fact."

Jewel smiled slyly "well why do you think she's on the, gotta have list? Of course she's not interested. Enrique goes for the not interested ones, the unobtainable ones."

"Look you might be after Blue hair over there, but there is no way that Hermione would ever, and I mean never even consider him."

"What reality do you live in, not the real world that's for sure. Enrique can have any woman he wants. And it makes no difference if he had blue hair or brown hair." She pointed out and walked from Harry.

Harry stared at Enrique who was openly staring and talking with Hermione, she didn't look too interested. She kept looking towards the ground. Harry knew he didn't have anything to worry about from her, but then that Enrique guy seemed sneakier than even Draco Malfoy at times. He would keep his eye on him.


Nearing four o'clock all the six year students made their way to the new class, the students came into what looked like a giant auditorium. They looked about and noticed a place for them to stand, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff on one side of the room and Ravenclaw and Slytherin on the opposite side of the room. They stood in two straight lines looking at each other. The new teacher Morat Atkins walked into the room carrying a large black bag over his shoulder, his assistant Oria Bunn, a short blonde woman came in after carrying a similar bag.

Both Atkins and Oria went over to a large table and placed the bags on it, he turned to Oria, "Okay take them out and set them on the table while I go and tend to the class."

"Yes sir." And she immediately started opening the bag.

Atkins looked at the many faces of the students with a pleasant smile, "hello class I am Atkins, welcome to my class. Ah, it is so nice to be back at Hogwarts I remember my school days, and now I am back teaching, what a treat." Atkins looked around at the students but most appreciative towards the Slytherins, "just to give you a little back ground information I used to be in Slytherin when I went to school here."

Everyone but the Slytherins gasped and knew what that meant. Atkins laughed, "Listen I really don't care what house you are in, I treat everyone exactly the same regardless of race, gender or house you were sorted into." He took a breath, "Well enough of the small talk."

Atkins walked through the six year students with his hands behind his back, giving them each a glance. "What do you think you are going to do when magic fails you?" He stopped in the middle looking at the students, then continued to walk down the line. He turned around and pulled his cape open. Attached to a leather belt around his waste was a fine broad sword. "This should be your answer." Atkins pulled the sword from it's sheath and held it up so everyone could see it.

"Are we all going to learn to use that, that thing?" Lavender wasn't one for weapons other than a wand.

Atkins smiled down at her, "yes. You will all learn to use a sword. "I'll give you a demonstration before I begin teaching." He glanced around the six years then he pointing right at Harry "you, come stand up here please."

"Me?" Harry gestured towards himself.

"Yes you boy, come here." Atkins smirked.

Harry looked unsure at both Ron and Hermione, but they gave him little gestures to go up. He turned towards Atkins and walked towards him.

"What's your name boy?" Atkins asked.

"Harry sir, Harry Potter."

"Ah, I should have known that." Atkins smiled, "now have you ever handled one of these before?" He lifted the sword so the steel glistened in the afternoon sunlight.

"No sir."

"Here" Atkins handed Harry the sword, "feel the weight of it."

Harry held the sword in his hand, oddly enough it didn't feel as heavy as it looked "It is very nice." He held it back for Atkins to take it.

"Nice? This could save your life one day, I would come up with another word other than nice if I were you." Atkins looked at his sword and took it from Harry's hand. "Pick up a sword from off the table over there." He pointed to a table full of swords.

Nodding, Harry walked over to the table and looked down at the swords. He picked one up and walked back towards Atkins.

Atkins took out his wand and tapped the end of his sword and Harry's "Uleous" Atkins said. "There now, there will be no injuries this day." He put his wand in the pocket of his robe. "Now all I want you to do is attempt to block my sword."

Harry nodded and with his other hand he grabbed the handle, he saw Atkins lift his sword into the air and it swoop down towards him. Harry moved his sword to the right blocking Atkins hearing a loud clang. Atkins came down in another direction to the left which Harry blocked hearing the loud clang again. Atkins lifted up his sword straight up as if to bring it down to stab through the heart. Harry quickly lifted and blocked.

Atkins smiled, "are you sure you never handled one of these before?" He said

Harry nodded, "nope never have."

"Well we have a natural on our hands." Atkins praised, "excellent job Mr. Potter. You may return to the line now."

Harry handed Atkins the sword and returned to the line, Ron and Hermione were smiling.

"Wow good job" Ron said smiling at his friend.

"Yeah it seemed no problem for you," Hermione added.

"Yes it did feel pretty easy," Harry put his fingers to his chin in thought, "the strange thing is, is that the only weapon I've picked up was the Gryffindor sword." He thought back to that horrible basilisk, all he did was stick the creature with it, he never fought trying to block another person before. It was a strange feeling, but also a good one. He didn't even notice Atkins walking up and down the line of students teaching the lesson. Harry looked over at Hermione and Ron who were really paying attention. He noticed that Ron for once didn't look board, but very interested.

Harry watched as Atkins handed a sword to Hermione next, she was looking down at it wide eyed. He watched her lift it up in the air still staring at it, "I couldn't use one of these if my life depended on it." Harry heard her say.

Hermione looked at Atkins who was smiling, "this is probably the one course I won't be good at." She was disappointed.

"How can you be so sure?" Atkins asked, "come on wave it about at bit, feel the motions, the swiftness of the blade."

Hermione nodded solemnly she waved the sword a little bit in the air from side to side, it was sure a smooth feel.

"Now stand with you legs slightly apart, put one foot behind you and the other in front, put all your weight on your front foot and lunge forward at me."

"What?! I couldn't what if I punctured you or something?" Hermione was shocked

"You won't hurt me Miss Granger, the end has been blunted." He lied then signaled with his hand, "come on now lunge at me."

Seeming unsure Hermione bit her lip and lunged forward at Atkins almost striking him in the chest, she was blocked by Atkins swift move. And he was lucky if he was a second to late she would have pierced his skin. She stared at Atkins who was smiling.

"Very good Miss Granger, if I were a second later with my block I would have had a serious injury." Atkins took the sword from her hand, he stepped next to her looking up at Ron. Atkins always thought himself pretty tall, but this boy was a tad bigger. "Height sometimes can be an advantage." He said to Ron

"Well I'm always first to know when it rains" Ron joked.

"Ah a funny boy," Atkins grinned but he stopped, "this is serious here. This is not a time to be amusing, it won't be so funny when you're lying dead in the grass somewhere because you were trying to be a wise ass." He shouted to the class but mostly at Ron.

Atkins stepped directly in the middle of the class, "Next time I see you I will begin teaching you all the basics be prepared for a taste of steel. It won't be easy but you will learn and grow from it." He then dismissed the class.

The students cleared from the room and headed towards the Great Hall for dinner, "now I bet you wish it was book work don't you Ron." Hermione snickered.

Ron rolled his eyes at her comment, "I don't care how strenuous a class can be I never wish for book work." Something disturbing caught his eye, Ron's saw his sister Ginny talking with Draco and she was laughing at something he said.

Both Harry and Hermione saw his shocked look and they also turned in the direction of where Ron was looking. Hermione was the only one not shocked by seeing this, but was still concerned. Ron took in a deep breath looking at Hermione, "so now that he's done with you, he's moving on to my sister. Well I won't allow it."

"Ron there is little you can do." Hermione replied.

"Oh no there isn't, I'm gonna make sure Malfoy stays away from my innocent sister." Ron heard Harry laugh sarcastically. He turned on his friend, "what?"

"Ron, your sister is hardly innocent." Harry said. "But you are right, Malfoy should stay clear of her, if he acted anything like he did with," he pointed to Hermione who immediately looked away, "then she is probably in a mess of trouble."

Ron nodded, "I'm going to put a stop to this right now." Without another word he swiftly walked up to his sister and Draco.

Ginny turned around looking at her brother, he had the most furious look on his face it was almost frightening, "Ron, what's the matter?"

"Ginny what are you doing with him?!" He glared at Draco who was smirking.

"We were just having a friendly conversation, not that it's any of your business." Ginny lifted her chin with pride.

"Well this conversation is over," Ron grabbed his sisters arm and pulled her away from Draco dragging her back towards the doors and out of the great hall.

Harry and Hermione watched Ron leave with his sister,

"He's not even going to eat dinner?" A voice said coming up behind them.

Turning Harry found Zara smiling at him, "no, Ginny was just talking with Malfoy and Ron didn't think it wasn't a good idea, well none of us think it's a good idea."

"What do you think Malfoy wants with Ginny? I mean is she still-" Zara paused.

Hermione nodded, Zara looked back at Draco and then towards the great hall doors. "Oh dear that is not good." She said and took off out the doors in rapid speed.

Harry turned and looked at Hermione, "well its looks like it's just you and me," He smiled and gestured for her to sit down.

Hermione nodded "It certainly looks that way." She sat down while her plate filled with what she wanted. She then looked over at him, "Are you concerned about what Malfoy wants with Ginny?"

"Maybe just a little," he made a small gesture with his fingers. "I know it's going to sound really mean, but I was more concerned about what he wanted with you. It's not that I don't care about Ginny."

"I wonder what attracts people to Ginny, besides the fact that she's kind and gentle. And she has that flawless red hair."

Harry stared at Hermione, "don't do that to yourself." He smiled lightly.

Hermione nodded knowing what he was talking about, "yes I know my hair is just as good." She said in slight sarcasm.

"That's right" He smiled. Harry saw her turn and smile at him as well. They both returned to eating their dinner.


Harry turned over in his sleep- He stopped his training and looked to his left, he saw her approaching walking very slowly towards him. She came towards him and stopped directly in front of him, "Jasmine is there something you want?" He asked coldly.

"No," She glared. "I'm just here to give this back to you." She held her hand out to him and opened her fingers revealing a necklace.

He looked down at her hand, the necklace that he had given to her sparkled in the sunlight. "No, you keep that." He lifted his gaze to hers, which held for a moment.

Jasmine turned her head, "No Torrin, I don't want it anymore. I don't want any reminder of you at all."

"You are being silly Jasmine, keep the necklace I can't take it back from you. And I won't."

"Then I'll drop it down Ulrich's bottomless pit, because I don't want it." She glared.

"Fine," He held his hand out for it, "Give it to me!" He almost shouted. Torrin watcher her eyes narrow, glaring at him while shoving it in his hand. "I don't see how you won't be reminded of me if you give it back, we still live in the same village."

"Not for long." Jasmine snapped.

Torrin tensed, "what?"

"If Finley wins the tournament I agreed to marry him, and you know he's been the reigning champion since I left Merlin's. So he won't loose."

"I can't believe this." Torrin stared towards the ground.

"Why not? Finley is very good I know I've seen it. I just knew he would be really great one day."

"No, not that. That you actually agreed to marry him." He was bitter.

Her hands found her hips, "why wouldn't I? He obviously loves me."

"Do you love him?" He stared.

Jasmine was silent for a moment, "you have no right to ask me that." She glared.

"Jasmine you can't be serious about this, think about what you're doing?" Torrin stared.

"I am thinking about that-" She was interrupted as Finley came over and bowed in her presence.

"My lady," he lifted his head slightly with a smile.

Torrin's hands clinched at his sides while he felt his blood boil. He watched as the smug looking Finley stood upright.

Jasmine nodded briefly she stepped towards Finley but Torrin stepped in between her and that other man and heard Jasmine gasp.

"Torrin get out of my way." Jasmine said

Torrin appeared as if he hadn't heard her, "Finley I don't think Jasmine knew what she was thinking."

Finley stared, "Look you had your opportunity, Jasmine told me but you chose others over her. How could you do such a thing to such a fine, engaging young lady."

"What I do is none of your concern." Torrin shot out, he pulled his sword and held it up at Finley,

"Torrin stop this, look at yourself." Jasmine stared up at him.

Torrin looked down at Jasmine, "don't agree to that Jasmine, you just can't."

"Why not? And give me a really good reason."

Torrin was silent he couldn't think, "you'll be making a mistake and you know it."

Jasmine closed her eyes lightly, then opened them. "The only mistake I made was trusting you."

He clearly saw the hurt in her eyes, "I'm sorry Jasmine." Torrin could see she was fighting back tears.

"It's too late Torrin, too late." She brushed past him quickly, grabbing Finley's arm and steering him away from Torrin.

Torrin stared watching her wake away with Finley, he cursed loudly turning to see Kai coming at him.

"What's the matter Torrin?"

"I've done something incredibly stupid Kai, Jasmine is going to marry that, that-" He couldn't speak he was so angry.

"Not if Finley doesn't win she won't." Kai replied

Torrin's head snapped towards Kai, "say that again?"

"If Finley looses the tournament, Jasmine will not marry him."

Torrin felt confused, "so she's only going to marry him if he's a winner, that's not like her at all. She was never a fame seeker."

Kai laughed, "no Torrin she's still not, but it was a way for him to prove his love for her. By winning the most difficult tournament ever played. She agreed that if he won she would marry him."

"Well I can't let that happen." Torrin replied

"What are you going to do?" Kai smirked.

"I'm going to enter the tournament."

Kai laughed "you can't be serious Torrin, people have been known to die in this tournament."

"Look I might not be able to win, that's true. But if I can prevent Finley from winning then Jasmine won't marry him." Torrin replied "are you allowed to use spells?"

"Yes." Kai replied with a smile.

Torrin smiled, "I have a plan."-Harry turned over gripping his bedspread tightly.

Boy these dreams are strange, usually Harry has nightmares, but who says these aren't nightmares ;) well stay tuned for chapter 8-Fifth Year Reminiscing Part One, Harry's Disapproval. Please Read and Review, thanks, Ryoko