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What I Like About You by Amynoelle and Heaven

What I Like About You

Amynoelle and Heaven

This VERY long chapter concludes What I Like About You. At the bottom of the story you'll find a summary for our new fic, which we will start posting probably mid to late July. We're glad you guys have enjoyed this story- it was fun for us to write- and please take a moment to leave us a review!

The majority of the Hogwarts students stayed at school over Christmas. Ginny and Neville had gone on a number of romantic walks in the snow and everything seemed perfect. The only thing that made it less than perfect was the fact that Hermione wasn't there and had returned every letter Ginny had attempted to send.

"This was the third one," Ginny said quietly. "She doesn't even open them, Nev. Just sends them back."

"She's hurting," Neville told her. "It's going to take time."

"But I hate having her angry with me," Ginny sighed. "I know I should never have said anything to Draco about the pact. But I didn't know he'd go so far as to PAY Harry. He always told me he was taking care of it, and when Hermione and Harry actually fell for each other, I forgot all about that."

Neville put his arm around her. "She'll come around, Gin."

"I hope so," Ginny leaned against him.

"Tomorrow's Christmas Eve," Neville said softly.

"I know," Ginny said. "I can't wait for the feast."

"And before you ask, no you cannot get your present until Christmas morning," he told her.

Ginny bumped his shoulder with hers. "I wasn't going to ask!"

"You didn't have to," Neville teased. "I can read your mind."

"You think you can," Ginny said loftily.

"Right now you're thinking you'd like to snog your boyfriend," Neville said confidently.

"Well that's a given," Ginny stopped in her tracks and let him pull her close.

"I'm good," Neville said grinning at her before giving her a kiss.

"Yes you are," Ginny murmured.

"How about we head off to the kitchens for some hot chocolate?" Neville suggested.

"I like that idea," Ginny said. "And then we can go up to the Common Room and just sit in front of the fire."

Neville took her hand and was about to lead her back into the castle when someone bumped into him. "Hey, watch it!" Neville exclaimed before he saw who it was. "Harry---"

"Sorry," Harry grunted.

"Still no word?" Ginny asked him.

Harry only shook his head as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said. "Harry, I feel like this is all my fault. I never should have told Draco about any of this."

"You weren't the one who took the money," Harry answered grimly.

"But he never would have offered you that stupid bet if it hadn't been for me," Ginny argued.

"You can't blame yourself," Harry shrugged. "I should have told her."

"When she comes back after New Year, we'll make her see," Ginny promised. "She's going to come around, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "I'm going to talk to Lupin," he muttered.

"We'll catch up to you later," Neville called after him, but Harry didn't hear them.

Harry needed to talk to someone who was neutral in the whole situation- someone wiser than he was. Lupin was the closest person he had now to a father.

He found his professor in his office going over some essays. "Hello, Harry," Lupin said looking up from his papers.

"Hi," Harry responded. "Um... have you got a moment?"

Lupin set aside the essays. "For you, always. What's on your mind?"

"I messed up," Harry sat down in front of the desk. "I made the biggest mistake of my life."

"Surely, it's not that bad," Lupin said.

"I don't know," Harry said. "What would you call taking money from the person you hate most to date the girl you fell in love with?"

Lupin looked thoughtfully at him. "Well, that would be pretty bad..."

"Hermione went home the night of the Ball," Harry answered. "And she won't answer any of my owls. She won't talk to Ginny either. I don't know what to do to make things right."

"I'm assuming that Malfoy was behind this?" Lupin asked.

Harry nodded, explaining to Lupin about the pact. "So he sort of... hired me, to go out with Hermione."

Lupin could only shake his head.

"And I know what I did was wrong," Harry added quickly. "But... I love her. And I have to tell her how sorry I am."

"She probably doesn't want to listen," Lupin said. "Given how you treated her, I can't say as I blame her."

Harry nodded glumly.

"But," Lupin said. "If I had a galleon for every time your parents got into a row and made up, let's just say I wouldn't have to work the rest of my life."

Harry looked up. "They fought that much?"

"More in the early days," Lupin explained. "Your dad was quite the ladies man---at least in his mind anyway. He couldn't stand the fact that Lily seemed immune to his charms. He used to do all these things to get her attention and they mostly led to her getting mad and stalking off."

"That's sort of how it was in the beginning," Harry said. "For me and Hermione."

"But your father finally realised that he didn't have to go through all those hoops and he just had to be himself," Lupin continued. "He took an interest in the things that were important to Lily and she came around slowly but surely."

Harry nodded. "That's how it happened for us too!"

Lupin smiled. "So, you want to find some way out of this mess you've found yourself in..."

"I was hoping for a little advice," Harry nodded.

"Hermione feels betrayed," Lupin said leaning back in his chair. "She feels like someone she trusted let her down in the worst possible way. You've tried explaining it to her and she doesn't want to listen."

Harry nodded. "Right."

Lupin thought about this predicament for a few moments. "You were supposed to go home with her, right?"

"Yes," Harry nodded. "To meet her family."

"I have some business in London tomorrow evening," Lupin said. "If you wanted to, you could come with me and see if she's ready to talk...."

"Really?" Harry asked. "You'd let me come with you?"

"Sure," Lupin replied. "If you don't mind missing the feast tomorrow."

"I don't care," Harry answered immediately.

"Shall we say tomorrow night at seven?" Lupin asked.

"If you want to go any earlier, I'll be ready," Harry replied.

"I'll let you know if the plans change," Lupin told him. "All is not lost, Harry."

"I hope not," Harry thought about what Hermione would say when she found him on her doorstep.

*** *** ***

The Grangers always had dinner together on Christmas Eve; it was a tradition that had been a part of Hermione's family ever since she could remember. They'd been across town at her uncle's house and for a few hours, Hermione had been able to forget the drama that was her life and enjoy being with her relatives.

"Weather report is calling for more snow," Robert said as he turned the car down their street.

"When we retire, I think we should consider the islands," Elinore said. "I'm sick of rain, snow and the cold."

"You should see it up by school," Hermione said from the back. "It's not all slushy like it is here."

"No automobiles is why," Robert said.

Hermione nodded, wishing she hadn't brought up school. It just made her think of Harry, and how he and everyone else were probably having a great laugh right about now at her expense.

"We can watch some of those movies that I rented," Elinore said. "If you're not too knackered, Hermione."

"That sounds nice," Hermione said. "I can catch up on my reading after tomorrow."

Robert turned the car into the drive and noticed a figure on their front steps. "That must be Stuart. I told him to come by and we'd give him some of those biscuits...."

Hermione peeked over the front seats and felt her heart come to a complete standstill. "No... That's not Stuart..."

"Who is it?" Elinore asked.

"It's Harry," Hermione whispered.

Harry was walking toward the car and Hermione wondered what in the world he was doing here. Hadn't he done enough?

"I'll ask him to leave," Robert said getting out of the car.

Hermione silently followed her father up to the front door.

"Dr. Granger," Harry replied. "And...Dr. Granger. It's---it's nice to meet you, both."

Robert looked at the young man without a hint of a smile. "Is there something we can help you with?" he asked coolly.

"I was hoping to have a word with Hermione," Harry said quietly. Hermione had described her father as a mild-mannered dentist. This was mild-mannered?

"I don't think she wants to have a word," Robert crossed his arms.

"Please, sir," Harry said. "I just want a minute."

"I don't think--" Robert began but Hermione put a hand on her father's arm.

"One minute," she said, her eyes fixed on Harry.

"We'll be right inside, Hermione," Robert told his daughter. "Come on, Ellie."

Hermione waited until the door closed before she looked back at Harry. "You'd better make it quick."

"I've missed you," Harry told her.

Hermione stared at him, her face completely blank.

"I'm so sorry about everything," Harry said wishing she wasn't looking at him like that.

"You don't have to keep lying," Hermione said coolly. "There's no point, now that I know the truth."

"That's only a small portion of what happened," Harry told her. "Look, Ginny is like a sister to me. When I found out that Malfoy was after her, I wanted to do something to stop that."

"So you helped him by dating me," Hermione scoffed.

Harry shook his head. This wasn't turning out that well. "I knew Neville fancied her and he told me about that stupid pact."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "And were you ever planning on mentioning to me that you knew about it?"

"I was going to, but by then it was too late," Harry said. "I'd fallen in love with you and I knew if you found out, you'd hate me."

"Well I did find out," Hermione snapped. "You had so many opportunities to speak up, Harry. And you never saw fit to do so."

"I didn't want to lose you!" Harry argued. "I know I screwed up and I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to talk to me again, but I love you. I love you so much that I don't even remember what it was like not to love you."

Hermione's eyes welled up with tears. She wanted to believe him so badly- she wanted to run into his arms and never leave them.

Harry reached into his pocket. "I have something for you."

She shook her head and stepped back. "I don't want it," she whispered.

"Please," Harry said handing her the small box. "It's your Christmas present."

He forced it into her hand. Hermione didn't want to open it, but he seemed insistent. She peeled back the paper to reveal a small box.

"Open it," Harry said softly.

"Why?" she asked. "Why should I torment myself even more?"

"It's your present," Harry told her. "That's all."

"Bought with the money you won?" Hermione asked harshly.

"No," Harry said shaking his head. "Of course not! I bought this weeks ago and I never accepted that money from Malfoy, Hermione!"

"I can't believe anything you say," Hermione thrust the unopened box at him. "Not anymore."


"Just go," Hermione said. "We don't belong together."

Harry stood behind her. "Hermione, we do belong together. You know that we do."

"I might have said that a month ago but never again." Hermione replied. "It's over. It's all over."

"I love you," Harry said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Hermione---"

The front door opened and Harry pulled his hand back as Dr. Granger stepped on the porch.

"Hermione, we're about to start the movie," he said to his daughter.

"Right," Hermione nodded, moving away from Harry and into the house without a backwards glance.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter," Robert said coldly.

"Can you make sure that she gets this?" Harry asked holding the box out to her father. "Please?"

"If she didn't take it, then she doesn't want it," Robert replied evenly. "I think it's best if you just go."

"Can you just give it to her?" Harry asked. "She can throw it away if she wants----"

Robert finally took the box. "Good night." he stated evenly.

"Good night," Harry said defeatedly.

Robert shut the door firmly and headed for the sitting room.

"Is he gone?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Robert nodded. "But he wanted me to give this to you."

Hermione sighed. "I told him I didn't want the bloody thing!"

"Then he said you could throw it away," Robert set it down on the table. "It's up to you."

Curiosity got the better of Hermione and she picked up the box. She opened it and felt tears in her eyes when she saw it was a silver charm bracelet.

"It's very pretty," Elinore said softly.

"I'll give it back to him when we go back to school," Hermione said quietly.

Elinore nodded and kissed the side of her daughter's head.

"Did you get him anything?" Robert asked.

Hermione nodded. "Doesn't matter now anyway."

"Robert, start the movie," Elinore said.

"I'll go get the popcorn," Hermione put the box on the table and went into the kitchen.

She still held the bracelet in her hand and she set it down on the counter.

She stared at it for a few long moments and brushed away a few new tears.

Why had he come here? Why had he given her a present after what had happened?

She shook her head and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the counter. Hermione resolved to put Harry out of her head for the rest of the evening, at least.

Harry met up with Lupin a few minutes later at the Leaky Cauldron.

"How'd it go?" Lupin asked.

Harry shook his head glumly.

"Oh," Lupin said quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well..." Harry kicked at a table leg. "Guess I really did mess up."

"You're not giving up are you?" Lupin asked.

"I don't know what else to do," Harry ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I told her I was sorry- I told her I loved her... and she just didn't want to hear any of it."

"The wounds are probably still fresh," Lupin said motioning for Tom. "Tom, bring Harry whatever he wants."

"Mead?" Harry asked.

"Coming right up," Tom said.

"Well, at least she didn't hit you," Lupin said trying to make him feel better.

"Hit me?" Harry asked.

"I saw the shiner that Miss Brown gave to your friend, Ron," Lupin said. "At least Hermione didn't give you one of those."

Harry half smiled. "I guess..."

"We should have Christmas dinner," Lupin said. "Tom has some beef stew."

Harry wasn't very hungry, but he nodded. "Okay."

"If you love her, you just have to be patient and keep trying," Lupin told him. "But then again, what do I know? I'm not exactly the best person for romantic advice."

"Well you got Tonks, didn't you?" Harry asked. "That's got to count for something."

"She's quite younger than me, Harry," Lupin said blushing.

"But she fancies you," Harry replied. "Age shouldn't matter if what you feel is real."

"You sound just like Nymphadora," Lupin said shaking his head.

Despite himself, Harry smiled genuinely. "So it's Nymphadora now? What'd you get her for Christmas?"

"I--I may gave gotten her something," Lupin stammered.

"Like what?" Harry pressed.

"A jumper that she admired when we were walking in Hogsmeade," Lupin said.

"You got Tonks a jumper?" Harry asked. "That's it?"

Lupin turned even redder. "And something else that----well, something else to go underneath it...."

Harry grinned. "I see."

"She asked for it," Lupin said defensively. "I---I wouldn't have----"

"I'm sure she'll like it," Harry said. "And I'm sure you'll both enjoy it."

Lupin sighed. "I should never have told you that."

"I'm not going to noise it around," Harry answered.

"Thank you," Lupin said.

Tom came over with Harry's drink and a plate of beef stew. "That bird of yours is up front, Remus."

"Tonks is here?" Lupin perked up.

"Kind of hard to miss her," Tom grumbled. "Red and green hair and wearing some mad skirt."

"I'll be right back," Lupin quickly shoved his chair back.

Harry watched as the professor walked to the front of the pub and tapped Tonks on the shoulder. The Auror turned around and her entire face brightened when she saw him.

Hermione had looked at him like that only a few days ago, he thought with a sigh. Harry decided that he wasn't going to give up. He needed to find something that would grab her attention, something that would make her realise that his feelings for her were real.

The only thing was he had no idea what to do.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Tonks exclaimed, mussing his hair.

"Hi," Harry ducked out from under her hand.

"Tonks was in the neighbourhood and she thought she'd join us for dinner," Lupin said.

"Just in the neighbourhood?" Harry asked sceptically.

"Remus told me you'd be here," Tonks said. "And I wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas."

Harry smiled. "Happy Christmas to you too."

"Nymphadora would you like something to drink?" Lupin asked her.

"Surprise me," Tonks winked at him as she pulled up a chair. "But don't call me Nymphadora."

"I'm sorry, Tonks," Lupin said, his cheeks turning red.

Harry watched his professor head up to the bar. "How're you?" he asked her. "Anything new... aside from you and Lupin?"

"I'm so happy," Tonks confided. "And Remus seems to be coming round."

Harry thought about the Christmas present she would soon be opening and he nodded. "You just might be right."

"Remus told me that you were having a little trouble," Tonks said. "Anything I can do to help?"

Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"I'd love to help," Tonks said. "Give you some advice from the female perspective."

Harry observed her for a moment then gave her a quick version of what had happened. "So now she won't talk to me," he finished. "And I really don't know what else to do to convince her that my feelings aren't just the result of some stupid wager."

"Some bloke did that to me once," Tonks said. "Bet some other bloke he could ask me out."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I hit him with a body bind curse first," Tonks told him. "And then I turned him into a flobberworm."

Harry gaped at her. "Oh Merlin...." he said weakly.

"He was a complete wanker and he deserved far worse," Tonks said trying to put him at ease. "You're nothing like that, Harry."

"Yeah but I let Draco Malfoy pay me to go out with her," Harry muttered. "That's just as bad."

"That is pretty bad," Tonks admitted.

Remus came back with a drink and a bowl of stew for Tonks. "I know this isn't half as good as the meal Dobby was serving for us at the castle...."

"It's good," Harry answered. "It's kind of nice to be away from the castle."

"I heard that Dobby and Winky were getting engaged," Tonks said looking at Lupin. "House elves can get married, can they?"

"Yeah they can," Harry nodded.

"I think that's quite romantic," Tonks said.

"Speaking of house elves, Hermione asked me to help her organise this big meeting the first week back after New Year," Lupin told Harry.

"She did?" Harry asked.

Lupin nodded. "That's a cause that's very important to her."

Harry finished his stew thoughtfully. "I helped her with an S.P.E.W. meeting once," he replied.

"This is a big fund drive she's wanting to hold," Lupin told him. He reached into his bag. "These were the notes she gave me."

Harry reached for them eagerly, an idea forming in his head. "Do you think if I helped her out---?"

Tonks grinned. "That's a great idea, Harry!"

Lupin nodded. "You'll have to commit to it," he told Harry. "Don't start something then pull out once you've gotten her back."

"I care about house elves, too," Harry said. "And if it's important to her, it's important to me, too."

"I'm glad to hear that," Lupin answered.

"I'm not going to let her down again," Harry said thumbing through the notes.

He'd already decided to collect the money from Malfoy then put it towards her cause- plus perhaps fund it from his own vault as well.

"Hermione will be very impressed," Tonks said smiling at Harry.

"I hope so," he answered fervently.

Tonks reached under the table and put her hand on Lupin's thigh.

"Nympha---Tonks," Lupin said shooting her a warning look.

"Yes?" Tonks asked- the picture of innocence.

"Nothing," Lupin said clearing his throat.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Shall I leave you two alone?"

"Of course not," Lupin said. "Tonks is going to behave herself, right Tonks?"

Tonks merely smiled at them both.

This certainly wasn't the Christmas that Harry had envisioned for himself. It was going to be the first of many he'd hoped to have with Hermione.

The first of many he WOULD have with her, Harry thought to himself. He would do whatever he could to make this up to her.

*** *** ***

It was Christmas morning and Ron had just entered the Great Hall with his stomach rumbling. He held a wrapped gift in his hand for his girlfriend. That word made him smile widely. Luna was his girlfriend.

He made his way toward the Gryffindor table stopping to wish some of his friends a Happy Christmas. His mother, of course, had sent him his Christmas jumper and had even knitted one for Luna that he planned to give her later that day.

He sat down next to his sister, who barely even acknowledged him; she was so wrapped up in Neville, who was on her other side.

"Morning," Ron poked Ginny's side. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy, Happy Christmas!" Ginny corrected him.

"Right," Ron grinned. "Hullo, Neville."

Neville shot his friend a grin and then returned his attention back to Ginny who was trying to feed him a piece of fruit.

Ron heaped his plate and then looked around for Luna.

"She had to go to the Owlery to send off a letter to her father," Ginny told her brother. "But she said she'd be right back."

"Okay," Ron said with a grin as he dug into his pancakes.

"Don't worry," Ginny told her brother. "You don't have to worry about Lavender giving you another black eye. She left yesterday to spend the holiday with her parents."

"I don't care," Ron said with his mouth full. "I've got Luna now and that's all I wanted."

"You don't feel the least bit guilty for stringing Lavender along to make Luna jealous?" Ginny asked. "Something you could have avoided if you'd just told Luna you fancied her to begin with, Ron."

"I tried to," Ron said indignantly. "I just... messed up a little."

"We all would have been a lot better off if we'd been honest with each other," Neville said thoughtfully. "But everything worked out the way it was supposed to."

"Sort of," Ginny replied. "Hermione's still upset."

"Upset?" Ron asked. "Ginevra, she was stark raving mad from what I heard. We're lucky she didn't hex all of us to Outer Mongolia or something like that."

"Ron," Ginny cast her brother a disappointed look. "She got her heart broken, okay? Cut her some slack. She's not as bad as you say."

"Since she's always cut me slack?" Ron asked. "Okay..."

"Ron," Ginny glared at him.

"Fine," Ron said putting some butter on his toast. "Fine...I'll be nice to Granger when she comes back."

"Promise?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"Promise," Ron said quietly.

Ginny hugged her brother. "You might just find out she's not so bad after all."

"You sound like Harry," Ron said.

"There's another reason you should get along with her," Ginny pointed out. "Harry's totally in love with her."

"I knew that," Ron said. "She's rubbed off on him. This morning, he's in the library doing research. Research on Christmas morning!"

"He said it had something to do with the house elves," Neville volunteered. "I think he's going to try and help her with something."

Ginny beamed at Neville. "That's the big fundraiser thing she's been working on, Neville! Harry's going to help her with that!"

"What fundraiser?" Ron asked, not noticing as Luna entered the Great Hall.

"For S.P.E.W.," Ginny told him.

"For that?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"What if she doesn't want our help?" Neville asked. "I mean after what happened...."

"I'm going to make her listen to all of us," Ginny said determinedly.

"No one makes Hermione Granger do anything," Ron told his sister. "She's as stubborn as a mule."

"Ron you promised to be nice," Ginny reminded him as Luna came up behind him.

"Ronald is the sweetest, nicest, most considerate bloke in the world," Luna said putting her arms around his neck.

"Hey!" Ron grinned goofily at her.

Luna sat down beside him. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas," Ron leaned in and kissed her.

"Your eye looks much better," Luna told him. "In fact, you can hardly tell now."

"It's thanks to that potion you gave me," Ron told her. "I've been taking it ever since the Ball."

"It does wonders," Luna said. "My dad uses it all the time. With some of the creatures he writes about, he has had so many bites and bruises."

"It's perfect," Ron grinned at her again. "Just like you."

"Please," Ginny teased. "We're eating here."

"So don't look," Ron replied.

Luna looked at Ron. "Did you tell Ginny about your brothers' offer?"

"No," Ginny answered for him. "What offer?"

Ron grinned. "You're not going to believe this, but Fred and George....they offered me a manager job at their Hogsmeade shop."

Ginny gaped at him. "I thought you were going to play pro Quidditch?"

"Chances of that happening were slim to none," Ron said.

"I think working for your brothers is a lovely idea," Luna contributed. "Plus now I can see my Ronald during the next school year."

"I still can't believe they offered it to me," Ron said. "But I am familiar with their stock since they tried out most of it on me."

Ginny and Luna laughed. "I think it's great, Ron." she congratulated her brother.

"I do too," Ron said grinning at her. "Thanks, Gin."

"I have a present for you," Luna said softly. "And something I'll give you later... when we're alone."

Ron grinned. "Ooooh....I like the sound of that."

"Just let me grab some breakfast," Luna replied.

Ron didn't mind that since he wasn't finished eating his breakfast, either.

"What did Neville get you for Christmas, Ginny?" Luna asked her friend.

"He got me this beautiful bracelet," Ginny said happily, holding out her wrist. "I think Neville's got the best taste."

"That's gorgeous!" Luna gushed.

"Good job mate," Ron said. "Hurt my sister and I'll have you killed."

"Ron!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Just a friendly, brotherly warning," Ron replied as Luna giggled.

"I'm not going to hurt Ginny," Neville promised. "Not ever."

Ginny leaned against him. "No way." she said, kissing his cheek.

"What did you get Neville?" Luna asked.

Ginny smiled. "He's wearing it."

Ron nearly spit out his food. "I don't need to know that you gave him boxer shorts, Ginny."

"I didn't," Ginny said hitting Ron on the arm. "I knitted him the jumper he's wearing!"

"You knitted that?" Luna leaned over and touched the sleeve. "What a thoughtful gift!"

"I had to hurry to finish it," Ginny said proudly.

"And I love it," Neville grinned. "It's my favourite Christmas gift ever."

Ginny beamed at him. "The colour really brings out your eyes, Neville."

"Thanks," he grinned back.

Harry sat down across from them. "Happy Christmas you guys."

"I'm so glad you joined us," Luna told him.

Harry sent her a half smile. "Thanks."

The others exchanged looks, unsure of what else to say.

"How about those Cannons, eh?" Ron asked thinking Quidditch was just a good a topic as any.

"Cannons are terrible," Neville replied. "The Wasps are going to make a comeback."

Ron glared at him. "They are in last place, Neville."

"But I bet you they'll come back and make a huge improvement." Neville argued. "The Cannons just keep falling and falling."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you on that Neville," Ginny said. "The Cannons have last the past two matches, but they're going to rebound. I just know it."

Neville gaped at her as Harry laughed.

"We're not always going to agree on everything," Ginny pointed out.

"I know but... the Cannons?" Neville asked with a pained expression. "Even Puddlemere is better."

"Neville, I had no idea that you didn't like the Cannons!" Ginny said shaking her head.

"Never have," he replied.

"Get out while you can, Gin. That's a deal breaker right there," Ron told his sister.

"Shut up Ron," Ginny replied.

"We can agree to disagree," Neville said thoughtfully. "Couples don't agree on everything."

"That's part of the fun," Ginny said with a grin. "Arguing then making up."

Harry watched wistfully as Luna and Ron grinned goofily at each other and Neville and Ginny snogged. Hermione should be here with him, he thought. He wondered what she was doing at this very moment and if she was thinking about him.

She was in fact. She was opening presents with her family, but her mind was hundreds of miles away.

"I love the jumper," Hermione said automatically. "I need these at school."

"I'm so glad," Elinore said smiling at her daughter.

"What about you Mum," Hermione said. "You haven't opened anything yet."

"Open this one from me, Ellie," Robert said handing his wife a small box.

"Robert," Elinore blushed.

Robert gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Just a small token for the 20 years we've been together, sweetheart."

Hermione smiled wistfully at her parents as her mother opened her gift.

"Oh," Elinore gasped when she opened the box. "Robert!"

"That's lovely, Daddy." Hermione looked at the diamond ring inside.

Robert smiled at his daughter. "I bet you didn't think your old dad could do that, eh?"

"I knew," Hermione smiled back. "Because you're the best."

"Let me open this one from Hermione," Elinore said picking up another box. She grinned when she saw it was a new book by one of her favourite authors. "Thank you, sweetheart!"

"You're welcome, Mum." Hermione smiled at her. "I knew you wanted that one."

"I did," Elinore said smiling at her.

"Okay, ladies," Robert said. "How about I get a start on the breakfast?"

Elinore grinned. "That sounds fantastic. I am going to go upstairs and get changed."

"Me too," Hermione nodded. "Pancakes, right Dad?"

"Absolutely," Robert replied.

Hermione headed upstairs, feeling better than she had as she set her new things on her bed.

She was putting away some of her jumpers when she saw the bracelet. The other night, she'd tried to throw it away, but just couldn't bring herself to do it.

She picked it up, looking at the little charms dangling off it. Harry had obviously put some thought into it- like there was a book, a wand... even a little house elf.

She could even hear his words from the other night when he'd told her he loved her. That night, she'd been so tempted to run into his arms and just forgive him.

Hermione sighed as she placed the bracelet back into the drawer. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with it yet, much less what she wanted to do about Harry.

Against her better judgement, she'd given him a chance before and all that had gotten her was a broken heart.

No, Hermione decided. She was better off keeping to herself. It was better not to be hurt like that for a third time.

She had a little over five months left of school. She just had to find some way to get through those months without letting Harry Potter or any of the others get to her.

*** *** ***

Two weeks into the new year found Hermione balancing her school work with planning the S.P.E.W. fundraiser. Professor Lupin had been extremely helpful and she hoped that the event would be a success. In addition to that, she was also avoiding Harry at all costs. She'd see him looking at her during classes, but she'd turn away and she made sure she was the first to leave.

It was hard to turn the other way when it came to Harry. She still had very strong feelings for him, but all she had to do was remind herself of the hurt she'd felt and it wouldn't be so difficult.

She heard a knock on her door and she wondered if it was that first year who had asked for her help on a Charms assignment. To her surprise, it wasn't the first year student on the other side of her door, but Ronald Weasley.

"Hi..." Hermione said warily. "Can I help you?"

Ron shook his head. "How've you been?"

"Fine," Hermione said briskly. "Look, I'm quite busy. Do you need me down in the common room?"

"Harry says he's fine too," Ron said. "But he's not."

"I'm afraid Harry is none of my concern," Hermione replied.

"Look, you know Harry," Ron said in his friend's defence. "He hates Malfoy. We both do. He never would have---"

"He did," Hermione said flatly. "Okay? He even admitted it."

"He loves you," Ron said. "Look, I know you and I have never seen eye to eye."

Hermione nodded but didn't say anything.

"Ginny and Harry never meant to hurt you," Ron told her. "If you're being honest, you know I'm right."

"Whether they meant to or not, they did." Hermione said. "They told Malfoy about something very personal and he used it to get to me. Again."

"Ginny didn't even know you were involved with Malfoy before and Harry didn't either until you told him," Ron argued.

"That's not the point," Hermione sighed. "Look, Ron--"

Ron held up his hand. "Look, I know a little something about fancying someone and not saying anything because you're scared that you're going to get hurt or get rejected."

"You don't know anything about me, Ron." Hermione shook her head.

"I'd like to," Ron said quietly.

"What?" Hermione was startled.

"We've never gotten along," Ron said. "I mean, you're a pushy, know-it-all and I'm----"

"Annoying?" Hermione raised her eyebrow.

Ron glared at her. "No, I wouldn't say that."

Hermione sighed. "If you've come to plead Harry's case, you're wasting your time. I have nothing to say to him or about him."

Ron didn't believe that for a second, but he'd said what he wanted. He didn't want to make her even more upset. "Well, I just wanted you to---I thought you should----I'll see you in class then, shall I?"

Hermione nodded. "Right. See you in class."

"Or at the next S.P.E.W. meeting," Ron said making sure he got the name right.

She seemed surprised at that. "You're interested in S.P.E.W.?"

Ron nodded. "I joined, didn't I?"

"You joined?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

Ron realised he might have said too much. "Um, yeah. Well, gotta go."

Hermione stared at him as he sped back down the stairs.

Ron Weasley hadn't lied when he said they'd never gotten along. He was infuriating and his carefree attitude about everything drove her crazy. In the years that she'd known him, he'd never been the first to say something to her.

And she was astonished that he had told her he'd joined S.P.E.W. Last she'd heard, he was off laughing himself silly over the name.

Hermione just knew this had better not be another trick.

She wasn't about to let them trick her again either. They could make fun of S.P.E.W. all they wanted, but it was important to her and she was determined to see her fundraiser through.

In the boys' dormitory, Harry was going over the list of members. He'd managed to collect membership fees from students in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and a few of the Gryffindors who hadn't signed up at the last meeting.

"How much have we collected?" Neville asked.

"Seven hundred and fifty Galleons," Harry said in amazement.

"That's great," Neville said happily.

"I can't believe it," Harry said. "I thought maybe we'd get another five or ten people, that's it."

Ron came back into the room.

"Where've you been?" Neville asked. "We could have used your help."

"I had to return a book," Ron lied.

"Well you're here now," Harry said. "Would you mind putting this list of names in the book?"

"Sure," Ron said reaching for the notebook.

"Thanks mate," Harry counted the rest of the money and wrote it down."

"You've got your work cut out for you," Ron commented. "She hasn't said one word to you since we've been back."

"I know," Harry said. "But maybe she'll eventually talk to me again."

"Good luck," Ron muttered.

"I'm trying," Harry looked up.

"You are going above and beyond," Ron said.

"I'm going above and beyond because I love her," Harry said. "You'd do this for Luna."

Ron nodded. "I just hope that it works for you, Harry."

"Me too," Harry answered, shoving the gold into a large bag and stashing it in his trunk.

"Tomorrow's the big day," Neville said. "You ready?"

Harry nodded. "More than ready, I think."

"Here's the names," Ron said handing Harry back the notebook.

"Great," Harry also put it in his trunk. "I think we're good to go."

"On a happier note," Ron said. "Did you see the look on Malfoy's face tonight? When Dumbledore announced that Justin was the new Head Boy."

Harry couldn't suppress his grin. "That wanker got what he deserved."

"He's lucky he wasn't expelled," Neville commented.

"No kidding," Ron answered. "Wish he had."

"We're not that lucky," Dean chimed in. "But oh how the mighty have fallen..."

"Right into the gutter," Ron said gleefully. "Serves him right for getting pissed at the Ball."

"It's still nowhere near what he deserves," Harry said angrily.

"No it's not," Neville agreed. "But I think we'll have to be satisfied he can't just rear his ugly mug around anymore."

"Too right," Ron agreed.

"We don't need to sit around talking about Malfoy," Neville said. "I'm going to see if Ginny wants to go for a walk."

"You can just snog her in the common room," Dean joked. "You don't have to go for a walk, Nev."

Ron glared at him. "I'll thank you not to talk about my sister that way, Thomas."

"Sorry," Dean said. "I'll see you later. I've got to work on that essay for Snape."

Ron stood up. "I think I'll go see if Luna wants to go to the kitchens with me."

Harry sat on the edge of the bed. He had the room to himself since Seamus was also off doing something with Susan.

He was proud of the work he had done for Hermione's fundraiser- even if she didn't know about any of it yet.

He'd meant what he had told Lupin. He wasn't just going to do this to get Hermione back. The more research he did, the more convinced he was that Hermione was right. House elves did deserve rights.

Especially ones like Dobby- who were happy to do what they did and loved pleasing people. He knew most of them were reluctant to take wages for serving, but it was time for that all to change.

He couldn't wait to see the look on Hermione's face when she saw the massive turnout tomorrow.

Currently, Hermione was just hoping to have at least a handful of people turn up. Of course, she wanted more, but she'd take what she could get.

She was going to get ready for bed since tomorrow was a big day when a sudden pop from behind her startled her. She turned to see Dobby carrying a tray of tea. "Dobby, what are you doing here?"

"Dobby thought Harry Potter's love might like some hot tea," the elf said.

Hermione sighed. "Well, that's very nice of you, but I'm not Harry Potter's anything, Dobby."

"Dobby is sorry," the elf said anxiously.

"Its okay," Hermione reassured him. "Thank you for the tea."

"Miss Hermy is most welcome," Dobby said. "Is there anything else Dobby can get for you?"

"No, thank you," Hermione said smiling at him. "I just hope that you and Winky will be there tomorrow."

"Dobby and Winky will most certainly be there!" Dobby clapped his hands together. "Dobby and Winky love Miss Hermy like Harry Potter does!"

Hermione looked at the house elf for a few moments. "Um---Dobby, Harry doesn't---"

"Mr. Harry Potter most certainly loves Miss Hermy," Dobby said. "Dobby just got back from bringing tea to Mr. Harry Potter."

"Did he tell you to come here?" Hermione asked sceptically.

"No Miss," Dobby shook his head.

Hermione took a sip of her tea. "Um---not that I care or anything, but what was he doing?"

"He was looking at a book," Dobby answered. "Does Miss Hermy like her tea?"

Hermione nodded. "I do."

"Dobby is pleased," the house elf bowed.

Hermione smiled at him. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Right after dinner."

Dobby bowed again. "Dobby will say good night to Harry Potter's love."

Hermione didn't bother correcting him. She needed to get ready for bed.

"Good night miss," Dobby popped out.

"Harry Potter's love," Hermione muttered shaking her head.

She foolishly wished that was still true as she climbed into bed. Hermione lay back against her pillows and looked at the left side, which Harry had usually occupied when he spent the night up there.

If she was being honest with herself, she still loved him and she missed having him in her life. She so wanted to believe that his feelings had been real.

But at the same time, she had to keep telling herself that it had not indeed been real, that he'd been in cahoots with Malfoy to make a fool of her once more.

Certain things didn't make sense though. From what she knew of him, he wasn't the type to be vindictive. And if his goal had been to win his bet with Malfoy, why had he come to her house on Christmas and given her a present?

Hermione sighed and turned over, hugging her pillow to her. If she was truly honest with herself, what she wanted most was to be back with Harry. It seemed that's what he wanted too.

She'd noticed him looking at her in class and during meals in the Great Hall.

And she still couldn't force herself to give back the bracelet. It currently occupied space in her bedside drawer, and she found herself looking at it quite often.

He'd obviously taken time to pick out the bracelet and the charms. In such a short time, he had come to know her so well.

Besides getting to know her, he had opened up about his battle with Voldemort- something he had never talked to anyone about.

In her entire life, she'd never been this confused about anything. Hermione knew what she wanted to do, but she wasn't sure it was the smart thing to do. If she let him back in, what if he hurt her again?

*** *** ***

Harry surveyed the Great Hall with pride. Almost everyone in the school- even one or two Slytherins- were gathered there for Hermione's House Elves fundraiser. They'd even started collecting some money in a large golden cup near the front of the room where the teachers usually sat.

"This is amazing," Ginny told him.

"I know," Harry nodded. "I really can't believe how many people are here."

"Good thing you told everyone to show up a half hour before the meeting," Neville commented. "I heard her talking to Professor Lupin today. She said she only thought a handful of people were going to show up."

"I can't wait for her to see all this," Harry said, proud of all the work he'd done.

"Merlin's beard," Ron said as Dobby came hurrying over to them with Winky. "What on earth does he have on?"

"Hey Dobby," Harry suppressed his laughter. "Nice um.... nice socks..."

"Dobby's socks do not match," Winky said shaking her head.

"Dobby wears socks that Harry Potter sir has given him," Dobby said eagerly.

"You look smashing, Dobby," Ginny said kneeling down and giving the house elf a kiss on the cheek.

Winky glared at Ginny. "Dobby is with Winky elf, miss!"

"I'm sorry," Ginny apologised. "I was just trying to---"

"You Scarlet Woman!" Ron teased.

"Shut up Ron," Ginny glared at him.

Winky was shooting a look at Ginny so Ron decided to stop kidding around. "Winky, you have nothing to worry about. I was only teasing my sister."

"Dobby is very flattered, miss." the elf tugged on his socks. "But his heart belongs to Winky."

Winky beamed at Dobby. "My Dobby."

Ginny laughed. "I'll get over it somehow, Dobby."

"I'll help ease your pain," Neville said putting his arm around her.

Luna ran into the Great Hall. "Harry! She's coming!"

Harry perked up. "Dobby- you and Winky go on up where the teachers sit. Hermione will be here in just a moment!"

Dobby and Winky did as Harry asked.

Hermione mentally went over the finer points of her speech in her head as she pushed open the doors. At first, she thought she had walked in on lunch; it was so crowded in the Great Hall.

She moved to the centre of the room. "Um, if I could have everyone's attention! I have reserved the room for a S.P.E.W. meeting...."

"We know," Dennis Creevey told her. "We're all here for that."

Hermione gaped at him. "All---all of you?"

"Yeah," Dennis replied. "There's a big donation cup up there, and Dobby and Winky are there too."

Hermione looked toward the left where the house elves were holding up the cup which was overflowing with donations. She was completely speechless.

"How... how did you all find out about this?" she asked weakly.

"I signed them up," Harry stepped forward. His eyes were focused on hers as he handed her the notebook.

Hermione gaped at him for a moment before taking it in her hand. Tears welled up in her eyes as she scanned page after page of signatures.

"You have a speech to give, remember?" he asked her gently.

Hermione nodded. "Um... right." she moved towards the podium, where Dobby and Winky stood hand in hand next to the cup.

Harry took his seat beside Ron and smiled at her.

Hermione was trembling as she faced her rather large audience. "I'd um... I'd like to thank you all for coming today. House Elf rights has been an issue for me for several years now and I can't tell you what it means to me to see that you all are here in support of their freedom from slavery."

The students applauded at her opening remarks and Hermione looked up from her notes in surprise.

Harry watched as Hermione launched full force into her speech, with little comments here and there from Dobby.

"We here at Hogwarts see the fruits of their labour every single day," Hermione continued. "They lay the fires, they do our laundry, they light the lamps, and they help prepare our food. For most of their service at Hogwarts, they have done this for free. Imagine if you did all that work and were not compensated."

"I never realised they did that much," Harry heard one Hufflepuff whisper to another.

"When I first started S.P.E.W., I had little response other than jokes from some of you," Hermione said.

Ron sank lower in his seat. He could still remember the scathing things he'd said about Hermione's club.

"But that no longer matters," Hermione continued. "And... and despite how... um... how I've been to many of you during my years here... you all still showed up today.

"It means a great deal to me," Hermione said looking out at the crowd. "And I know it means a lot to Dobby and Winky and the hundreds of house elves who call Hogwarts home."

"Means very much," Dobby called out.

Hermione's eyes fell on Harry. "I know a lot of you had preconceived notions about this, but you still took a chance and showed up tonight."

"Preconceived notions?" Ron whispered to Luna. "What does she mean?"

"It means she thinks we thought it was about something else," Luna said, her eyes on Hermione.

"Oh," Ron muttered. He still didn't see what had to do with house elves.

"And um... I also want to say that I appreciate each and every person who helped put this together tonight," Hermione fixated her gaze on Harry.

"Together we can make a difference," Hermione concluded.

Harry was the first to begin applauding. He didn't care that he wasn't singled out for credit- what mattered is that she had made the difference she was hoping to make.

Hermione looked out at the crowd with pride. She couldn't believe this turnout and that everyone seemed to genuinely care about house elves and their welfare.

"Dobby and Winky thank Miss Hermy," Dobby's eyes were watery. "It's because of Miss Hermy that Dobby and Winky can marry."

Hermione wiped at her own eyes. "People who love each other should be together."

Dobby nodded. "Like Harry Potter and his love."

Hermione smiled through her tears. "That's right...."

"I agree with him," Harry said from behind her.

Hermione slowly turned around. "You did all this?"

"I helped," Harry said. "Neville, Ginny, Ron and Luna did too."

"Even after all that happened?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded. "Everyone wanted to help."

"I don't even know what to say," Hermione admitted.

"I know what to say," Harry came closer. "I know what I did to you was wrong. I've been kicking myself every day since the Ball for not telling you ahead of time. But I meant every word I said to you when we were together, Hermione. I'm in love with you."

"I'm scared," Hermione said softly.

"I was too," Harry confessed. "Before I realised that you're what I want in life."

She believed him. "I'm pathetic, do you know that? I keep looking at the bracelet you gave me and ---"

"You saw it?" Harry asked. "I thought you'd have thrown it away or burned it..."

"It's in my drawer," Hermione admitted.

"I hoped you'd keep it," Harry said softly. "It was made especially for you."

Hermione's heart swelled at that, but she still had so many questions. "You---you really weren't working with Malfoy to make me look like a fool, were you?"

"No," Harry shook his head. "I mean... the first time we went out, it was because he paid me, but after that, I never took anything from him."

"We can't change what happened," Hermione said quietly.

Harry nodded. "But perhaps we can grow from it."

"But what if---" she started to say, but she stopped herself.

"What?" Harry asked, reaching for her hand.

"I'm supposed to be brave," Hermione said with a nervous laugh. "But here I am scared to death of letting you back in, but even more scared of letting you go."

"I'm not going anywhere," Harry said softly.

Hermione smiled. "So we can start over?"

Harry grinned back. "We can do more than just start over."

"What did you have in mind?" Hermione asked.

Harry pulled her close. "For starters..."

"Kiss and make up?" Hermione guessed.

"I rather like that first part," Harry answered impishly, leaning in.

"Shut up and kiss me," Hermione returned with a grin.

Harry sealed his lips over hers, kissing her passionately.

Hermione was breathless and a little dazed when they pulled apart. She felt like she had just come home. Being back in his arms like this felt right.

"You are the most incredible person I've ever known," Harry rested his forehead against hers. "I don't ever want to be without you again."

"Me either," Hermione said softly.


The couple broke apart to see Ginny and Neville standing before them.

"I'm really sorry," Ginny apologised. "This was all my fault. If I hadn't told Malfoy---"

"It's okay," Hermione said. "We... we all made some mistakes. I think I realise now you never meant to hurt me."

"Friends?" Ginny asked.

Hermione nodded. "Always."

Ginny gave her a hug. "We did it, you know? We broke that stupid pact!"

Hermione laughed. "It's a pretty great feeling."

"And the proceeds from that stupid bet have gone to S.P.E.W.," Harry told her.

"Malfoy's gold?" Hermione asked. "Gone to free house elves?"

"Ironic, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"Quite," Hermione answered, gazing at the cup.

"Congratulations, Hermione," Ron chimed in. "Quite a take."

"Thanks," Hermione said. "Um... I'm sorry I was so abrupt with you when you came to see me yesterday."

"I'm used to it," Ron reassured her.

"What's this about then?" Harry asked. "You went to see Hermione?"

"Just to try and help you out, mate." Ron's face turned red.

Luna squeezed his hand. "Ronald! How sweet of you!"

"Yeah... well..." Ron said sheepishly. "I just wanted my best friend to be happy. Like I am."

"Thanks, mate," Harry said grinning at him.

"Yes, thank you." Hermione kissed Ron's cheek.

"How about we make a new pact?" Ginny suggested.

"I don't know about that," Harry said warily.

"This is a good one, I promise," Ginny said.

"What is it?" Ron asked. "That the House Elves will use their newfound wealth to buy us some lunch?"

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "I'll have you know----"

"Just kidding!" Ron held up his hands.

"Before you two get back to normal," Ginny said when Hermione looked like she was about to lecture Ron. "As I was saying, we should all make a pact to be friends and to be as happy forever as we are right now..."

"That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," Ron said.

Luna nudged him in the side. "I think it's quite lovely. And it would be fun to be friends for the rest of our lives."

"Me too," Hermione said holding her hand out. "Count me in."

Harry immediately placed his on top of hers. "I'm in too."

"Being friends with you lot for the rest of my life is a big imposition," Ron said. "But I think I'm up for it."

Luna smiled. "This sounds like a very, very good pact."

"Thanks you guys," Hermione said looking around at them. "For everything."

Neville put his hand on top of Ginny's. "This has definitely been the best year here. For all of us."

Hermione couldn't have agreed more. There were parts of the year that she could have done without, but it did get them to this point. She was in love and she had a great group of friends. Real friends this time.

Harry grinned at her. "Come on," he said. "Let's steal away for a minute."

"Okay," Hermione said taking his hand.

Once he had her in the hall, Harry turned and kissed her hungrily. "I love you Hermione Granger."

Hermione pulled away to catch her breath. "I love you too. Harry?"

"Yeah?" he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Are you going to do something like this every time you screw up?" Hermione asked teasingly.

"Maybe," he answered with a grin.

"That might be very lucrative for S.P.E.W.," Hermione said. "As a matter of fact---"

Harry cut her off by kissing her again.

"Harry, I was trying to make a point," Hermione protested, but she was smiling. "You can't just think you can cut me off by kissing me----"

"Want to wager on that?" Harry asked without thinking.

Hermione shook her head. "You are so going to pay for that, Potter."

Harry grinned. "Just kiss me, Granger."

Teacher's Pet

After what both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger assume is only a one night stand, they are shocked to see each other at Auror Training- him as the instructor and her as the student. They decide to put what happened behind them and move forward, but will they be able to do that?

Lavender Brown also struggles to show that she's not just a pretty face- but when Charlie Weasley shows up, will that put a stop to her plans?

Ron Weasley deals with his long distance relationship with Luna Lovegood and pursuing a career path he's not sure will make him happy. Can everyone find a way to be happy, both in their personal and professional lives?