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What I Like About You by Amynoelle and Heaven

What I Like About You

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: You guys are really worried about Malfoy and Hermione. You'll find out what, IF ANYTHING, went on with them soon. We promise. We hope you enjoy the chapter!

"You have your work cut out for you," Malfoy said. "Granger's a complete shrew, but you flatter her and throw on the old charm, you might get in her knickers."

"Leave her to me," Harry answered. "And if you step out of line with Ginny--"

"You just concentrate on Granger," Malfoy said pulling an innocent face.

Harry headed back to the castle quickly. Perhaps he could ask out Granger then get to Neville before Malfoy could ask Ginny.

He had Defence Against the Dark Arts next with one of his favourite professors, Remus Lupin. Granger had the class, too. Sure enough, she was sitting in her familiar seat right in front of the classroom.

Harry slipped in beside her. "Hey."

"Susan Bones sits there," Hermione said not looking up from her book.

"She might switch with me for today," Harry replied. "What are you reading?"

"History of the Dark Arts: The 16th Century," Hermione replied briskly.

"That sounds interesting," Harry lied. "Can I borrow it when you're done?"

Hermione looked up from her book. "I don't know what use you'd have for it. It has big words and not that many pictures..."

"Funny," Harry nodded. "So Granger-- Hermione... I know we talked about the Hogsmeade weekend that's coming up..."

"No, we didn't," Hermione replied trying to concentrate on her book. Why wouldn't he just leave her alone?

"Sure we did," Harry answered. "You said you're going... and you know, I was thinking of going. Why don't we head on down there together?"

"No," Hermione replied.

"Why not?" he pressed.

"Excuse me, Harry," Susan Bones said shyly. "I think you're in my seat..."

"Susan," Harry sent her a charming grin. "Mind if we swap today?"

Susan blushed. "Oh, I suppose that would be okay."

"You don't have to switch seats," Hermione said to Susan. "That's your seat."

"I really don't mind," Susan said smiling at Harry.

"Thanks," Harry winked at her.

Susan giggled. "No problem, Harry."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll move with you, Susan."

"Would everyone take their seats, please?" Lupin announced as he came into the room.

Harry grinned at Hermione. "Too late. You're stuck with me."

"Merlin help me," Hermione shut her book and stuffed it into her bag.

"I forgot my book," Harry said scooting his desk closer to hers. "Mind if we share?"

"No," Hermione snapped. "Borrow one from Professor Lupin."

Harry wondered if this was going to be worth it. This girl hated him for some reason and wasn't about to give one inch.

"Harry, nice to see you sitting at the front of the class for a change," Lupin said teasingly.

Harry smiled thinly. "Well, I decided sitting next to the brightest girl in class could only benefit me."

Hermione turned to study him and she wondered what he was trying to do.

"I see," Lupin gave Harry a look. "If you will all turn to page one hundred thirty six please..."

Hermione did as she was told and sighed when Harry looked pleadingly at her.

"Sir, I've forgotten my book," Harry said to Lupin. "Would it be alright if Hermione and I shared?"

"If it's all right with Miss Granger," Lupin nodded.

"Fine," Hermione hissed.

"Thanks," Harry grinned at her and pushed his chair as close to her as he could.

Lupin began his lecture and Hermione started to take notes.

Harry leaned over so he could read what she was writing.

"What?" Hermione asked him, in a hushed tone.

"Just seeing what you were taking notes on," Harry replied softly.

"What he's talking about," Hermione whispered back. "It wouldn't hurt you to take notes too."

"I'm listening," Harry replied.

Hermione shook her head. Defence Against the Dark Arts was the one class that she wasn't getting top marks. It was nice if Harry thought he could coast by, but she couldn't do that in this class.

She turned a bit so he wasn't peering over her shoulder and began to write faster.

Lupin told the class to read over the rest of the chapter and that the last half of the class they'd duel.

"Great," Hermione muttered.

"I'll be your partner," Harry offered as she pushed her book between them.

"I'm sure you'd rather partner with Ron," Hermione said.

"Looks like he's already got Neville," Harry looked back.

"I wouldn't be much of a challenge for you," Hermione said quietly.

"I'll go easy on you," he said, gazing at her.

"It's not that I'm not great at it," Hermione said defensively. "I'm just not as savvy in this as you are. I haven't had enough practise..."

"I'll give you a few pointers," Harry offered. "I'll give you even more if you go to Hogsmeade with me."

"I'm going by myself," Hermione told him. "That's final. I don't need or want company."

"How do you know unless you try it?" Harry asked.

"We need to finish the chapter," Hermione said avoiding his question.

"You didn't say no that time," Harry said softly.

Hermione didn't answer him. She tried to concentrate on the reading, but was aware that he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. What was with him and the sudden interest in her?

"Come on," Harry whispered. "We'll have fun."

"I'm sure you can find a member of your fan club to go with you," Hermione said turning the page.

"Fan club," Harry repeated. "That's one I haven't heard before."

Hermione again tried to ignore him.

"You know that the light of this room makes your hair appear sort of golden?" he asked her.

"I beg your pardon?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"The light in this room makes your hair appear sort of golden," Harry repeated, giving her a winsome smile.

"Oh Merlin," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Did you read that and decide to try it on me?"

"I was just making an observation," Harry said starting to get angry. She was impossible.

Hermione shook her head and went back to her book.

Lupin walked back up toward the front of the classroom. "Okay, you need to practise duelling. Break up into groups of two. I'll be walking around observing..."

Hermione looked over towards Susan but she'd already paired up with Hannah Abbot, who she was sitting with that day. Neville was in the back and working with Lavender Brown.

"Come on, Granger," Harry said standing up.

She heaved a sigh. "Fine..."

Harry grabbed his wand and led the way toward the back of the class. "So...what do you want to do first?"

"Some blocking spells," Hermione replied.

"Alright," Harry said moving away from her. "I'll send one your way and you try to block it. Okay?"

"Fine," Hermione replied, putting herself into stance.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry said pointing his wand at Hermione. The next thing she knew her wand was flying across the room and into his hands.

"Give it back," she demanded. "I wasn't ready."

Harry handed her back her wand. "A good witch or wizard is always prepared, Hermione. You have to anticipate what my every move is going to be. You can't second guess yourself..."

"Fine," she snapped. "Let's try again."

Harry thought for a moment about which spell he wanted to use and decided to go easy on her. "Impedimenta!" he said pointing his wand at Hermione.

This time, she moved and blocked the spell properly.

Harry smiled. "Good one."

Hermione nodded. "I'll try you now," she said. She thought for a moment then cast a full body bind spell at him.

Harry muttered the counter spell with just the wave of his hand. Hermione's jaw dropped. She'd never seen anyone other than Dumbledore to wandless magic.

"How did you do that?" she asked, forgetting her animosity for a moment. "Wandless magic... how?"

"Not everyone knows I can do it," Harry whispered to her. "I was showing off a bit for you. I've always had the capability, but Dumbledore and Lupin have showed me how to use it..."

"That was amazing," she said, still impressed.

Harry shrugged. "Don't say anything to anyone else, okay?"

"I won't," Hermione replied, remembering herself. "Um... we should do more spells..."

"Right," Harry said. "Is there any particular ones that you're having trouble with? We could go over those..."

"No," she said abruptly. "I know my spells just fine. I don't need help."

Harry moved behind her. "I'm not that bad you know. If you gave me a chance, you might like me..."

"Forgive me for not believing a word you say given that you've never said much to me the entire seven years that we've been here," Hermione said rounding on him. "Or said that much to anyone, really. I know that some of those airheads might buy your act, but I don't. You're up to something, Potter. Let me just make it simple for you. I'm not going to do your homework for you..."

"I don't want you to do my homework for me," Harry replied. "You've got quite the attitude about yourself, don't you?"

"Me?" Hermione asked incredulously. "What about you?"

"I've never been as rude to you as you have been to me," Harry pointed out.

"I haven't been rude," Hermione said looking away from him.

Harry sighed and shook his head. "Fine," he answered.

"Everything okay here?" Lupin asked coming up to them.

"Yes, sir," Hermione lied.

Harry also nodded when Lupin looked at him.

"Hermione, why don't you join Susan's group?" Lupin asked. "I wanted to discuss a few things with Harry.

Hermione nodded, grateful for the excuse to get away from Harry Potter.

"Did I do something wrong?" Harry asked warily when Hermione gladly left.

"You tell me," Lupin said levelling his gaze at Harry.

Harry shrugged. "I've no idea what you're talking about."

"You and Hermione Granger don't usually pair up for assignments," Lupin said.

Harry shrugged. "What's wrong with a little change?"

"Nothing," Lupin said. "I was just making sure everything was okay."

"Everything's fine," Harry answered. "Promise."

"I hope so," Lupin said clapping him on the back. "Just remember that I'm here if you need to talk."

Harry nodded. "Thanks."

The class ended and Harry tried again to get Hermione alone, but he lost her in the crowd.

"Damn it," he swore. She was obviously eluding him now.

"Everything alright, Harry?" Neville asked.

"I guess," Harry answered.

"I'll see you later," Neville said.

"Wait a minute--" Harry called after him but Neville was already out of earshot.

This definitely wasn't his day. He'd made that stupid wager with Malfoy and he wasn't any step closer to fulfilling his end of the deal. She hated him. There had to be some way to get through to her, but how? Someone had to know something that could help him.

*** *** ***

Ginny had asked Neville if they could begin their study sessions that evening so she wouldn't fall too far behind in Herbology. They met in the library after dinner and Neville was currently helping her go over what she'd be doing during her sixth year.

"Be glad you don't have to work with the Mandrakes anymore," he said. "They're very touchy."

Ginny shuddered. "And that awful noise they make!"

"I never liked wearing those earmuffs," Neville turned the page.

Ginny smiled. "Me, either."

"Professor Sprout is big on making sure you know all your herbs," Neville told her.

"Such as mallowsweet and sage," Ginny said looking at her text. "Which are used by Centaurs. They burn these herbs to observe the fumes and flames to refine their stargazing..."

"That's very good," Neville smiled at her and blushed when she grinned back. "Are you sure you need my help?" he wanted to curse his words as soon as they left his mouth.

"That was me reading from the book," Ginny assured him. "I'm hopeless without it..."

"You'll get it," Neville replied. "You're so smart... you'll have this picked up in no time."

Ginny blushed. "That's very sweet of you to say, but Potions and Herbology have always been hard for me. Of course, with Potions, it's because I'm bloody terrified of Snape."

Neville agreed. "He's always sort of terrified me too..."

"And you know what I can't stand?" Ginny asked him leaning forward. "It's like he can sense when you have no clue what the answer is...and he calls on you and humiliates you in front of the entire class."

"Or when you do know the answer, and he refuses to call on you?" Neville asked. "He's a real wanker."

"Tell me about it," Ginny said giggling. "He's the worst!"

Neville noticed how close they were sitting together and his heart beat faster. "Um... another thing you'll need to memorise by the end of sixth year is um... is um..."

"Yes?" Ginny asked him, her brown eyes trained on his.

"What um... plants and stuff you need for healing purposes," Neville stuttered.

"Healing purposes," Ginny repeated. She thumbed through her book for that chapter.

"Should be about seven chapters in," Neville's cheeks flamed.

Ginny found the chapter and read a few sentences. "Wow...did you know that if properly diluted, bubotuber pus can be used to treat acne?"

"I...I read that," Neville nodded. "But you'd never need to use that for anything."

"You'd be surprised," Ginny said. "Spots always show up at the most inopportune times..."

"I can't imagine that for a second," Neville's face was blazing by this point.

"You're very sweet," Ginny said smiling at him before returning to the book. Truth be told, she was happy for the distraction. She'd not been able to think about anything other than that stupid pact.

She wondered if Draco had been able to find anyone to take Hermione yet- she assumed that's what he was going to do. Part of her felt guilty for not saying anything to the older girl but at the same time, she'd been quite unsympathetic to Ginny's plight.

Neville reached into his satchel and pulled out a folder. "These are some of my old notes. I also have pictures of some of the plants..."

"You saved all of your notes?" Ginny asked, breaking out of her daydream.

Neville nodded. "Well, I never knew when I'd need them again..."

"These are fantastic," Ginny said, wide-eyed. "They make so much more sense than the stupid textbook."

Neville beamed at her. "You can keep them as long as you want."

"That's so nice of you," Ginny said gratefully. "Somehow I'll repay you for all this, I promise."

"You don't have to," Neville told her. "I'm happy to spend time with----I mean---I'm happy to give it to you. Them---give them to you."

Ginny smiled. "Well I really appreciate it."

Neville wished the floor would open up and swallow him hole. She must have thought him a complete idiot.

"You have no idea how much this is going to help me," she looked through his notes.

Neville smiled. "You're welcome."

"We have our first exam coming up next week," Ginny told him. "Would you mind helping me study again the night before?"

"Absolutely," Neville replied.

Ginny smiled. "You're a good friend, Neville. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Neville turned even redder. "'d do just fine..."

"No I wouldn't," Ginny said honestly. "I'd fail this year if you weren't around."

"I'm here for you," Neville said softly. "For anything..."

"You're sweet," Ginny said affectionately. Her eyes moved past him and she straightened up as she saw Malfoy come in. "Um... I'll be back in a second."

Neville hadn't seen Malfoy and he nodded. "I'll be right here."

Ginny touched his shoulder as she stood up and walked towards the blond. "Hi," she smiled at him.

"Red," Draco said smiling back at her.

"Any luck yet?" she asked hopefully.

Draco put his arm around her. "I told you I had it covered. I found the perfect bloke for Granger."

"Who?" Ginny asked.

"Potter," Malfoy replied.

"HARRY?" Ginny asked, much louder than she'd intended.

Madam Pince looked up from her desk and glared at her.

"Sorry," she whispered to the librarian before returning her attention to Draco. "Harry and Hermione? Draco..."

"If Potter can't get her to go out, no one can," Malfoy said. "And then it's just you and me, Red."

"That's what I really want more than anything," Ginny said.

"Me too Red," Draco grinned at her. "Wish I could kiss you again..."

"Better not chance it," Ginny said, her arm still hurt from the fall she'd taken earlier when he'd tried to kiss her. "Um...I really should get back to work..."

"Work?" he asked.

"Studying," Ginny said. "I'm trying to do better in Herbology..."

"You're doing fine, I'm sure." Draco stroked her hand.

Ginny smiled up at him. "Thanks to Neville..."

"Longbottom?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

Ginny nodded. "He agreed to tutor me."

Draco looked less than impressed at this news. "Really..."

"And I'd better get back," Ginny said. "He and I were going to work until curfew."

Draco looked like he wanted to protest, but he let go of her hand. "Soon as Potter manages to ask the Mudblood, I'll find you," he said.

Ginny frowned. "Draco, please don't call Hermione by that name."

"For you Red, I won't." Draco leaned in and kissed her cheek. He was pleased when nothing happened.

"Sweet dreams," Ginny said to him.

"I'll have them now..." Draco winked at her before sauntering out.

Ginny returned to the table she and Neville were sharing. "Sorry it took so long."

"Everything okay?" Neville asked.

"Fine," Ginny briefly thought about telling Neville about the pact, but decided the less people that knew, the better. "In fact, things are going pretty good right now."

Neville handed her a quick quiz he'd written up while she'd been away. "Just to see how you're doing on the basics..."

Ginny smiled. "Neville, you should be a professor."

"I've thought about it," Neville admitted. "But Sprout will probably be around forever..."

Ginny bent her head over the quiz and began to fill in some of the answers.

Neville studied her while she worked. She was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. He just wished that she'd notice him.

"This is as tough as one of Sprout's exams," she laughed.

"It's not that hard," Neville said laughing too.

"Hard enough for me," Ginny said, writing down a few answers.

Neville tried to work on his own homework while she finished his pop quiz.

"I'm sorry this is taking me so long," Ginny apologised. "I told you I'm bad at Herbology."

"You're doing just fine," Neville reassured her.

"Thanks, I think." Ginny said ruefully. "Sooner or later I'll get the hang of this. I just wish I could take you to class with me."

"I'd go with you if I could," Neville told her.

"I know," she said as she finished with his quiz. "Okay... how badly did I do?"

Neville smiled and took the paper from her. "I have to mark it first..."

Ginny covered her eyes. "I can't bear to watch."

Neville looked over the quiz. She did get a lot of the questions right, but she had confused some of the names of the different healing herbs.

"Well?" she asked after a few minutes.

Neville smiled. "You did pretty good. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but you did pretty good."

"Really?" Ginny asked. "You're not just saying that?"

"I'm not just saying that," Neville told her. "And this gives me an idea about what we need to concentrate on. I think the next time we meet; we should go to the greenhouses."

"Okay," Ginny agreed. "Anything that will help."

"It's getting near curfew," Neville said looking at his watch. "You ready to go back to Gryffindor Tower?"

Ginny nodded. "Thanks again for helping me Neville. It really means a lot."

Neville smiled. "It's no problem, really. Here...let me take your books..."

"You don't have to do that," Ginny objected.

Neville took them from her. "I don't mind."

"You really are a sweet guy," Ginny said softly.

"You make it easy," Neville told her as they walked out of the library.

Ginny smiled and looked down at her feet as they walked back. "Are you going to Hogsmeade in a few weeks?"

"I was hoping too," Neville said. "Are...are you?"

"I really hope to go with Draco," she said softly.

Neville tried to hide his disappointment. "Um, has he asked you then?"

"Yes," Ginny answered.

"Oh, that's...that's great," Neville lied.

"He's really not a bad guy," Ginny said. "He's been so nice to me. I just think he's misunderstood."

Misunderstood, my ass, Neville thought bitterly. Draco Malfoy was not worthy of her and she just couldn't see it.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said. "I shouldn't just prattle on about me. Isn't there anyone you'd like to ask to go with you?"

"Yeah," Neville said. "There is, but she...she's with someone else now."

"That's a shame," Ginny remarked. "You're probably one of the last nice guys left around here."

"Yes, well nice guys finish last, right?" Neville asked quickening his step.

Ginny hurried to catch up to him. "They shouldn't," she said.

Neville didn't say anything to that.

"Wait," she said breathlessly. "I'm not as tall as you- I can't walk as fast."

"Sorry," he apologised.

She smiled at him. "It's okay. I don't want to get caught by Filch after curfew either. You're right to hurry."

They hurried up the steps toward their dorm. Ginny looked sideways at him. "Nev, this other girl..."

He looked over at her. "What about her?"

"Maybe it's not too late," Ginny said. "Maybe you could tell her how you feel..."

Neville shook his head. "It's okay. Don't worry about me."

Ginny shook her head. "But, I do worry about you. And...I've just sorted out how I can pay you back for all your help on Herbology."

"You have?" he asked, his voice a bit high pitched.

Ginny smiled. "Yes, I have. I'm going to help you get your girl."

He was so startled by her statement that he dropped all their books. "You're what?"

Ginny giggled and knelt down to pick them up. "I'm going to help you get your girl. You just need a little confidence."

"That's um... nice of you," Neville mumbled. "But it's okay Ginny. I don't need any help."

"Nonsense," Ginny said shaking her head. "You do. This other bloke, whomever he is, has nothing on you."

Little did she know, he thought. "It's okay, really..."

"I'm not going to take no for an answer," Ginny said firmly handing him the books. "It would help if I knew who this girl was, but you'll tell me when you're ready."

He was speechless as he followed her through the portrait door.

"We'll start tomorrow," Ginny said. "You can tell me everything you can about this girl and we'll work from there..."

Neville shook his head. "Really. I don't need help. I've... I've got enough going on right now."

Ginny leaned in conspiratorially. "I'm not taking no for an answer. We start tomorrow." With that, she pecked him on the check before hurrying upstairs to her room.

Neville stared after her in terror. He didn't want her finding out about his crush on her, and it wouldn't take much for her to discover that.

He stood frozen in place for a few moments before heading upstairs to his room. Seamus was playing chess with Dean and Ron was heading for the loo to brush his teeth. The person Neville needed to talk to was reading.

"Harry," Neville said in a hushed tone. "I need your help..."

"What is it?" Harry muttered. He was still pissed that he'd been unable to get Hermione to agree to go with him.

Neville threw his books down on his bed. "Ginny and I studied together tonight."

"That's good," Harry looked over at him. "It's what you wanted, right?"

"Absolutely," Neville said. "It was going so well I asked her about Hogsmeade and if she was going...and then she tells me she wants to go with Malfoy! Which is bad, but it's not as bad as me telling her that I fancied another girl who was into another bloke. And as her way of paying me back...she's going to help me get this girl..."

"But you fancy her," Harry objected.

Neville nodded sadly. "Yeah...but she thinks there's this other girl out there and she's offered to help me win her..."

Harry shook his head. "Maybe you should just come out and tell her, Nev."

"And have her laugh herself silly?" Neville asked sarcastically. "No thanks."

"You don't know that she'd laugh at you," Harry pointed out. "Ginny's not a mean person."

"No, she's not," Neville said quietly. "But I don't know what to do."

"Sleep on it," Harry suggested.

Neville nodded. "Yeah."

Harry returned to his reading. He had seen Malfoy after dinner and it had put him in a rather foul mood when the Slytherin had taunted him about not being up to task just yet.

Ron came back into the room grumbling to himself.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked.

"Bloody Hermione Granger is what," Ron said. "I ran into her as I was coming back here. She said I should be in bed. I have a mother already. I don't need another one."

"Hermione Granger was downstairs just now?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately," Ron grimaced. "She's a right pain in the arse."

Harry shut his book. "I'll be back. I just forgot something downstairs..."

He hurried down and saw Hermione straightening up the common room.

"Bloody fourth years," she was saying to herself. "Can't clean anything up themselves..."

"Do you need any help?" Harry asked coming up behind her.

"Not you again," she said, her back stiffening.

Harry picked up one of the throw pillows and placed it back on the sofa. "I'm happy to see you, too."

"I can do this myself you know," she told him.

"Goes faster with help," Harry said smiling at her. He picked up some more pillows. "You do this every night, then?"

"I have to," she answered coolly. "The house elves don't need more work."

"That's true," Harry agreed. "They work hard enough as it is."

She shot him a strange look but didn't say anything.

Harry finished picking up the pillows and he watched as Hermione gathered up some books. She was pretty, he had to admit. If only she didn't wear a permanent scowl, she'd even be---well, he didn't want to think about that.

"What?" she snapped when she caught him staring at her.

"Nothing," Harry said smiling at her. He didn't dare use a line on her because he knew it would only set her off. "So..."

"I'm going to bed," she replied shortly. "I suggest you do the same."

"Wait," Harry said reaching for her arm. "Stay for a minute."

She pulled away and eyed him warily. "Why should I?"

"Hermione Jane," Harry said softly, his green eyes focusing on her.

Hermione was startled. "How the hell do you know my middle name?"

"I asked around," Harry replied. "You do that when you fancy a girl, you know. You want to know everything you can about her."

"Oh please," Hermione rolled her eyes. "You don't fancy me."

"I do," Harry said sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

"What sort of game are you playing?" Hermione glared at him. "Because I'm far from amused."

"I'm not playing any game," he lied. She turned away from him and straightened up a set of books. He came up behind her again.

"Two years ago," he said his voice barely above a whisper. "Yule Ball...I didn't go."

"I really don't see what this has---" Hermione started to say.

"But I saw you," Harry continued. "As a prefect, I guess you have to go to those things. You wore this light blue set of robes and your hair was in these long curls. You were looking at yourself in the mirror there...and you smiled to yourself. It took my breath away..."

His words affected her, far more than she could have thought they would. "I... I don't believe you," she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"It made me wish I'd decided to go," Harry said softly. He was so close; his breath was tickling her neck. She was glad her back was to him so he couldn't see her face. She'd had such high hopes for that night. Malfoy's cruel words had dashed those hopes and she'd barely spent two minutes in the Great Hall.

She squeezed her eyes shut to ward of the tears the memory of that night brought to her.

"You intrigue me, Hermione Jane," Harry said truthfully. "You always have and I'm not going to give up on you."

"Well you're fighting a losing battle," Hermione wrenched away from him. "And I'll appreciate you not bothering me anymore. I'm not going to Hogsmeade with you."

"We'll see," Harry said smiling at her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Not if I can help it," Hermione swept out of the room.

Harry smiled to himself as he headed upstairs. Despite what she'd said, he knew he'd gotten to her tonight.

"Why are you looking so smug?" Ron asked when Harry came back into the room.

Harry shrugged. "Just found what I was looking for is all."

Ron gave him an odd look but shrugged. "You'll be happy to know I once again made an arse of myself with Luna. I can't seem to put myself together when she's around."

"What'd you do this time?" Harry asked.

"I tried to kiss her," Ron said morosely. "And I cut my lip on her earring."

Dean snickered. "Smooth."

"Sod off," Ron frowned at him. "No one asked you for an opinion."

"And he is taking her to Hogsmeade," Seamus said thoughtfully.

"As her friend," Dean pointed out.

"Way to bring a man down," Ron glared at him.

"And who are you bringing to Hogsmeade, Dean?" Harry asked.

"Hannah," Dean answered.

"What about you, Harry?" Seamus asked.

"I'm working on it," Harry replied with a grin.

"Hermione Granger?" Seamus guessed.

Ron sat straight up. "Granger? Have you gone mental?"

Harry shook his head. "No."

"Then what are you talking about?" Ron cast a dirty look at Seamus.

"Don't look at me," Seamus said. "He's the one mooning over her in all our classes."

"I am not mooning over her," Harry said defensively. "She's just... interesting."

"Hermione Granger?" Ron asked. "The same girl whose idea of a great time is reading Hogwarts: A History..."

Harry just shrugged. "I'm going to bed."

"Night," Ron said.

Harry pulled the hangings closed around his bed and laid back. He had gotten through to Hermione Granger on some level that night.

It was a start, but he had a long road ahead of him.