Unofficial Portkey Archive

What I Like About You by Amynoelle and Heaven

What I Like About You

Amynoelle and Heaven

This chapter finishes up Hogsmeade- next one deals with some people's reactions to Hermione's little performance. We hope you enjoy it!

"Kind of cute?" Harry asked her.

"Uh huh..." she leaned in close. "Your eyes are so... green..."

"That they are," Harry said smiling at her. "And yours are brown."

"Very... very green..." Hermione said before her eyes suddenly rolled back and her face plopped right into his lap.

"Hermione?" Harry asked in concern. "Hermione?"

He groaned when he saw that she had passed out. He carefully sat her up, making sure her head didn't fall too far back.

What a great first date this was, Harry mused to himself. He'd unintentionally gotten her drunk and now she'd passed out. What made matters worse was that if she was caught, she could lose her position as Head Girl.

"Come on," he said, picking her up. "Let's get you someplace where not as many people can find you." he decided to take her to Fred and George Weasley's joke shop. They might let him sit her in the back room until she was feeling better.

It didn't take him that long to get to the shop since he used the back alley. He knocked on the back door where the twins usually picked up their deliveries and took out the trash. It took a few moments, but Fred finally opened the door.

"Are you dropping her off or picking her up?" Fred joked.

"I need to sit her down somewhere," Harry said. "Please let me use your back room, just for a little while?"

"Sure," Fred said standing back so Harry could carry her inside. "Who is that?"

"Hermione Granger," Harry replied, setting her down on a worn sofa. "I uh... I was joking around and I got her pissed. I didn't want anyone else to see her this way."

"Take as long as you need," Fred said. "I have to get back out front. We're quite busy."

"Thanks," Harry said gratefully. He put a pillow under her head and studied her face as she slept.

"Why can't I figure you out?" he asked aloud.

She mumbled something inaudible, her eyelids fluttering for a moment.

Malfoy. Had she been involved with him at some point? He'd thought her smarter than that.

"I don't feel so good..." Hermione moaned weakly about ten minutes later.

"You did drink the better part of a bottle of Ogden's," Harry said helping her sit up. "Come on...let's get you to the loo."

"Oh Merlin..." Hermione said as he helped her to her feet. "The room is spinning..."

They just did make it to the bathroom. Harry held back her hair while she retched.

Hermione had never felt more awful in her life as she emptied the contents of her stomach. She sat back, her face shiny and pale as Harry silently handed her a cup of water.

"Thanks," she said weakly.

"Rinse out," he advised her. "It'll get the taste out of your mouth."

Hermione gargled with the water all too aware of Harry's watchful eye.

"What happened?" she asked when she was done. "What... what did I do?"

"Let's go back and sit down," Harry said taking her arm.

She pulled away. "What did I do?" she repeated.

"Danced on a table," Harry told her.

"What?" she seemed aghast.

"You danced on a table and nearly took off your jumper," Harry told her. "But I got you out of there before---"

"I danced on a table?" Hermione asked incredulously. "Oh Merlin..." she put her head in her hands.

"You were actually pretty good," Harry said trying to make her feel better. "I didn't know you could dance."

"I was pissed," Hermione shook her head, unable to look at him.

Harry's heart went out to her and he was surprised at the feeling he had to take her in his arms and hold her tight. "Come here..."

"Leave me alone," Hermione pushed him away again. "You sent me that bottle of whisky! You're the reason I got that way! I never drink!"

"Hermione," Harry said defensively. "Look, I told the waitress to bring you one drink. You're the one who took the bottle! I tried to stop you!"

"Sure you did," she said bitterly. "I should have known better than to go out with you. I could lose my Head Girl position because of this!" Hermione got up and headed for the back door.

"Only a few people saw you like that," Harry tried to reassure her. "It was the reason I brought you here so no one else would see you."

"I have to go," Hermione ignored him. "I have to fix this--"


"You've already done enough," she said coldly.

Harry couldn't believe this. She was blaming him for this? Granted, he shouldn't have ordered the drink, but he didn't force her to down the better part of the bottle. "You know what?" Harry asked. "I have done enough. I've tried to be nice. I've tried to get to know you better, but you're convinced that I'm the devil or something like that. Well, I'm not a glutton for punishment, Hermione. You want to be alone? By all means----"

With that, he stalked past her and out of the shop.

"Good riddance," Hermione called after him. She headed back towards where the carriages were waiting to take students back to the castle.

She didn't have her jumper or her book and she figured she must have left them at the pub. Reluctantly, she headed back in that direction, hoping she wouldn't see anyone.

"Granger," Justin Finch Fletchley leered at her. "Going to do another dance for us?"

Hermione looked up to see the Hufflepuff with his girlfriend, Padma Patil. Padma and Hermione had never really gotten along and it didn't help that Hermione had the position that Padma had coveted from the moment they entered Hogwarts.

"Let me by, Justin," Hermione said quietly.

"I don't know about that," Justin blocked the entrance. "I have to say, I was pretty surprised--"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hermione lied. "Let me by---"

"It's not very becoming is it, Hermione?" Padma asked disdainfully. "McGonagall would love to hear about it. I'm sure."

Hermione glared at her. "I'd love to take some points off right about now," she said coolly. "If you don't let me by..."

"Enjoy the power while you can," Padma said finally stepping aside. "Come on, Justin."

Hermione glared after the dark haired girl as the two strode off. McGonagall would know better than to believe her.

Hermione walked over to the counter and asked the waitress for her book and jumper. While she waited, she caught sight of Ginny looking quite bored while Malfoy held court.

Ginny was in fact, quite bored. All Draco had done since they arrived was talk about himself. How he was getting the newest broom, how he was going to the World Cup that summer, with the best seats and meeting the teams... Ginny had to stifle a yawn.

She looked behind her so she could see the clock on the wall and she smiled when she saw Neville sitting by himself. Thinking Draco wouldn't miss her; she stood up and walked over to Neville's table.

"Hey," she said with a smile. "What are you up to?"

Neville looked up and smiled back at her. "Hi."

"Can I sit down?" she asked.

"Of course," Neville replied.

"Are you having a good time?" she sat down across from him.

"It's better now," Neville said before he could stop himself.

Ginny smiled at him. "You're such a nice guy, Neville."

That was him, Neville thought. Mr. Nice Guy.

"Would you like something to eat?" he asked her. "I haven't ordered yet..."

"No thanks," Ginny replied. "Draco bought me something earlier..."

Neville nodded. " is it going? Your first date..."

"It's okay," Ginny stole a glance back at the table, where Draco was still talking. "I mean... he's been really nice and all."

"So the two of you have really had a chance to talk and get to know each other?" Neville asked. He'd been in the pub for almost ten minutes and he hadn't seen Draco so much as glance in Ginny's direction.

"We talked earlier," Ginny said, for some reason feeling defensive of her date. "He um... he's just... um..."

Neville thankfully didn't have to tell her what he thought of Malfoy because the waitress arrived. "Can I have the club sandwich and some crisps?"

"And for your girlfriend?" the waitress asked.

"She's not my girlfriend," Neville said bashfully. "Um..."

"I'd love a cup of hot chocolate," Ginny said to the older girl. "Please."

"Sure thing," the waitress smiled.

"Do you mind?" Ginny asked. "I'll pay you back--"

"No need," Neville said. "It's my treat."

Ginny blushed. "Thanks Neville."

Neville tried to think of something witty and exciting to say.

"Did you do anything fun today?" Ginny asked, stealing another look back at Draco.

"I stopped in your brothers' shop earlier," Neville told her.

"I should do that," Ginny nodded. "I haven't gone anywhere but here yet."

"They've really done a great job with the place," Neville said smiling at her.

"Mum's really proud of them," Ginny said with a grin. "They've really turned their talent into a true business."

"And what about their little sister?" Neville asked. "What does she want to do?"

Ginny shook her head. "I don't know yet. I have another year to figure that out."

"You'll be great at whatever you do," Neville said smiling at her.

"I hope so," Ginny said.

"My Gran has been after me to choose something for years," Neville confided.

"What are you interested in?" Ginny asked.

"I've never told this to anyone," Neville said.

"What?" Ginny leaned forward eagerly.

The waitress returned with Neville's sandwich and Ginny's hot chocolate and Neville waited until they were alone before he answered her question.

"I want to teach," Neville said. "But---I've been thinking about working with Muggle children."

Ginny smiled. "Have you really?"

Neville nodded. "There's this primary school near our house and I've helped out there during the summer hols. Some of the kids come from bad homes and I just felt like I was making a difference. They have these summer outreach programs and I've really enjoyed it. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a difference."

"That is so sweet," Ginny said softly.

Neville smiled. "My Gran probably wouldn't like it. She wants me to work for the Ministry."

"You should do what you want to do," Ginny said. "I think you'd be a wonderful teacher. You've already helped me so much this year."

"And you've come quite far," Neville said to her. "You really have."

"Let's hope Professor Sprout agrees with you when I have my first exam," Ginny said dryly, sipping her hot chocolate.

"Well just make sure you don't name the Mandrakes," Neville teased her. They'd been in the greenhouses a couple of days ago and Ginny had taken to naming a couple of the mandrakes. It had been quite the scene and Neville smiled at the memory of it.

"Manny and Mildred were really great names," Ginny said sneaking one of his crisps.

"Sure," Neville grinned, feeling more at ease than ever with her. "Mildred sounds just like one of my Gran's friends and--"

"Which is probably why you didn't like her all that much," Ginny giggled. "The look on your face when she picked up that soil and threw it at you!"

Neville shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something else when Draco Malfoy approached them with narrowed eyes.

"Red," Draco said icily. "What are you doing over here?"

Ginny looked at him. "While you were chatting, I thought I'd come over and say hello to Neville. He bought me a cup of hot chocolate."

"That's nice," Draco gave Neville a withering glare. "Let's get out of here."

Ginny nodded. "Oh, okay."

Draco shot Neville a triumphant look as he put his arm around the redhead.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate," Ginny said smiling at Neville over her shoulder.

"Sure," Neville nodded as she left with Malfoy.

Ron was having a great time with Luna. Even though she'd rebuffed every effort he made to flirt with her. Though, to be honest, he kept saying stupid things and she kept laughing at him thinking he was making jokes.

"We've been everywhere," Luna said to him as they came out of the post office. "I say we head to your brothers' shop. I'm sure they'd love to see you."

Ron shook his head. He could just imagine what those two jokers would do to embarrass him in front of Luna.

"Come on," Luna said.

"But--" Ron protested.

"I bet they'll even give you a discount," Luna said grabbing his arm and leading him down the sidewalk.

Ron sent up a silent prayer that his brothers would be in Diagon Alley that day, but unfortunately they were the first two people he saw when they walked inside.

"Ronniekins!" George said delightedly.

"I've seen them," Ron said making a move for the door. "Let's go!"

"Ronald," Luna pulled on his arm. "Come on... let's look around!"

"Okay," Ron relented. "But if they offer you anything to eat or drink, say no."

Luna giggled. "Why?"

"Don't believe a word this wanker says," Fred said coming up behind Ron and tapping him on the shoulder. "You seem tense, Ronald Bilius...."

"FRED!" Ron glared at him.

"Oh, come off it," Fred said mussing his hair. "It's a distinguished name Ronnie."

"Your middle name is Bilius?" Luna asked.

Ron nodded, wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole.

"Named after one of our uncles," Fred said putting an arm around Luna. "Anything you want to know about Ronniekins, you just ask."

"He's really very funny," Luna replied. "Today's been so much fun!"

"Has it now?" Fred asked, giving his brother a surreptitious wink.

"Oh yes," Luna replied. "Ronald's quite the comedian."

"He always keeps us in stitches," Fred said leading Luna toward the display case in the back of the shop.

Ron was about to follow them when George tapped him on the shoulder.

"What?" Ron asked. "Going to embarrass me some more?"

"Would we do that?" George asked pulling an innocent face.

Ron glared at his older brother. "Just don't say anything bad about me," he replied.

"She's the one you have it bad for, eh?" George asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm not telling you anything," Ron moved away.

"Well, I have something to tell you," George said.

He was too curious to pass that up. "What?"

"You have a few months left of school, right?" George asked.

Ron rolled his eyes. "You know that."

"Well, little brother," George said grinning at him. "What would you say about going into business with your favourite brothers?"

"Charlie and Bill have opened up a shop, too?" Ron asked dryly.

"Very funny Ronniekins," George replied. "We're in need of someone to run this shop while we look after Diagon Alley and open up another. You interested?"

Ron gaped at him. "Me?"

"Yes, you." George replied as Fred joined them.

"You ask him?" Fred asked his twin.

"He has yet to dignify us with an answer," George said dramatically.

Ron couldn't believe his brothers were asking him this and he was more than a little apprehensive. "Seriously?"

"Would we lie to you?" Fred asked.

"Don't answer that," George put in hastily. "But think about it."

"I'd manage this shop?" Ron asked looking around.

"That you would," Fred gestured. "Every bit of it."

Ron was definitely intrigued, but he'd also thought about Quidditch as a career.

"Don't answer us now," Fred said as if reading his mind. "Think about it and let us know."

"Okay," Ron said, looking at his brothers with new respect. "Thanks..."

"We'd better get back to work," Fred said. "Come on, George..."

Ron looked around for Luna, wanting to share his good news with her.

He found her looking at a collection of Skiving Snackboxes. "Your brother was telling me that these are one of their bestsellers."

"It'll help get you out of any class," Ron nodded. "They're bloody fantastic."

"You must have used them once or twice," Luna said smiling at him.

"Maybe," Ron grinned at her. "I'll buy you one."

"That's very sweet of you, but I don't like to miss my classes," Luna said.

Ron felt completely deflated. "Right..."

"What were you and your brothers talking about?" Luna asked him.

Ron smiled again. "Get this- they want me to manage this shop after I finish at Hogwarts!"

Luna beamed at him. "Really? Oh, Ronald!"

"You think that's a good idea?" he asked hopefully.

Luna nodded and gave him a hug. "You'd be fantastic at it!"

Ron's heart beat faster. She was actually hugging him- touching him!

"What did you tell them?" Luna asked still hugging him tightly.

Ron ran his hand down through her hair. "I told them I'd think about it."

"Whatever you decide I'll support you," Luna said patting his back.

"Really?" he asked. "Cause if I take the job here... we'll be able to... you know... see each other next year."

Luna nodded happily. "And you can give me a discount."

Ron laughed. "That's a given. In fact... I'd let you pick out whatever you wanted."

"Like," Luna said looking around the shop and picking up the first thing that she could find. "This? What is this by the way?"

"That," Ron took it from her. "Is my brother's oldest prank. You put it into something and it turns whatever it is... into... um...." he turned pale.

"Ron?" Luna asked concern etched across her face. "Ronald?"

"Spiders..." Ron said hoarsely.

Luna took it back from him and set it aside. "It's okay."

Ron felt like a complete idiot. "We should go..." he muttered.

"Ronald?" Luna asked touching him on the arm. "It's okay to be scared of things. I'm scared of lots of things."

"You are?" he asked. "Like what?"

Luna stepped closer to him. "Snakes."

"You're afraid of snakes?" he asked. "Really?"

"I think it's because this girl in my primary school turned one of my dolls into a snake," Luna said. "I was so scared that I refused to have another doll for two years!"

"My brothers turned my teddy bear into a spider when I was really young," Ron confided to her as they left the shop.

"Oh," Luna said linking her arm in his. "That must have been awful."

Ron was pleasantly surprised at her touch. "I was pretty freaked out."

They walked in silence for a few moments. Ron realised she was still holding on to his arm.

"We still have some time," he said. "Can I... can I buy you some um... something at The Three Broomsticks?"

"I'd really love a cup of tea," Luna said gratefully.

"Great," Ron said happily.

"And scones," Luna said. "If that's okay..."

"Anything you want," Ron told her.

Luna pecked him on the cheek. "You really are the sweetest, Ronald."

Ron turned quite red. "Yes well...." he began modestly.

"Let's go inside," Luna said opening the door.

Ron happily escorted her inside and to a corner booth. "Tea and scones, right?"

"Yes with strawberry jam," Luna said to him.

"Coming right up," Ron promised.

Luna took off her jacket and looked out the window while she waited for Ron to come back with their order.

He placed the order at the bar and turned to look back at her. She was the prettiest girl he knew, and he just wished there was a way he could come out and tell her how he felt. He was too afraid if he just said it; she'd laugh and tell him how funny he was.

Luna turned her head and waved at him.

He smiled back and waved as Madam Rosmerta slid the order to him. "Thanks," he said to the older woman.

"You're quite welcome young Mr. Weasley," Rosmerta said. "And for what it's worth, you need to tell that girl how you feel."

"Yeah..." Ron muttered.

"Do you need some help with that?" Luna called out to him.

"I've got it," Ron told her, bringing it over. "Scones with strawberry jam and tea for you..."

"You'd better help me eat it," Luna said smiling up at him.

"I can do that," Ron grinned back at her.

"I love to watch you eat," Luna said. "You always look so happy."

"I do?" he asked. "You watch me eat?"

Luna took a knife and cut into her scone. "Well, we've eaten together quite a bit since school started, haven't we?"

"Yeah," he answered. "That's true. You come eat with Gin a lot."

"You don't mind that, do you?" Luna asked. "I know I'm supposed to eat with my own house..."

"I don't mind at all," Ron said. "You could eat with us every day as far as I'm concerned."

Luna laughed. "Ronald!"

"I'm serious," Ron said with a grin.

Luna took a bite of her scone. "Mmmmmmm......"

She'd gotten a bit of strawberry jam on the corner of her lips and it was nearly all Ron could do not to reach over and wipe it off.

"This is really good," Luna said picking up a napkin and dabbing at her mouth.

"Yeah it is," Ron said, staring at her.

"You haven't eaten anything," Luna commented.

"Oh yeah," Ron said, taking a huge bite of the scone.

"What do you think?" Luna asked eagerly.

"They're fantastic," Ron said, moving closer to her in the booth.

"Oh, did you want to change places?" Luna asked.

"No," Ron said with a sigh. "I'm fine here..."

"Oh, the way you were moving over, I thought you wanted to change seats," Luna said before taking a sip of her tea.

Ron only shook his head. "It's a little cold..."

"You're cold?" Luna asked.

"A little," Ron lied. "Are you?"

"No because I have tea," Luna said. "You're not coming down with anything, are you?" She put her hand to his forehead.

"No," he answered. "I'm fine... really."

"I'm glad," Luna said. "Because this really has been a great day. We convinced Neville to come along. We had such a laugh in the other shops and you were offered that job with your brothers! I don't know how today could get any better."

"I do," Ron muttered, thinking about riding back with her alone in the carriage.

"You do?" Luna asked.

He hadn't realised he said that out loud. "Uh... yeah, this day has been great."

Luna giggled again. "You are so funny, Ronald. You make me laugh so much. I think that's one of the best things about you."

"I'm funny," he forced a smile to his face as she picked up the last scone. "Just what I wanted to be."

"To me, a sense of humour is the most attractive quality someone can have," Luna said.

He visibly brightened. "It is?"

"Absolutely," Luna said before popping the scone into her mouth.

"Then I'm your guy," Ron said with a grin.

Luna giggled. "We should get going. We don't want to miss the carriages."

"Okay," Ron agreed.

Ron and Luna walked out of the pub and headed for the carriages. Ron was about to pluck up the courage to ask her if she'd like to go out sometime when Ernie McMillan came over.

"Luna," Ernie said. "I was wondering if you'd like to ride back with me?"

"She's riding with me," Ron glared at him.

Ernie looked at him. "Ease up, Weasley."

Luna put a hand on Ron's arm. "We can all ride back together, can't we?"

"I don't think so," Ron said still glaring at Ernie. "Remember, we have Neville and Harry and Hermione---"

"Granger left already and so did Neville," Ernie said. "And I just saw Potter leave with Dean and Seamus."

"Then it's all set," Luna replied. "We can all ride back together. It'll be loads of fun."

"Yeah," Ron grumbled. "Loads of fun."

"You look beautiful today, Luna," Ernie said taking her hand.

"Why thank you Ernie," Luna beamed at him. "That's quite lovely of you to say."

Ron walked a few steps behind them. Ernie was stealing his lines!

"Ernie," Ron called out. "I thought you were seeing Megan Jones."

Ernie turned and gave him a dirty look. "That was over ages ago."

"You shouldn't give up on her that quickly," Ron said thoughtfully. "I always thought the two of you made quite the couple..."

"If it was any of your business, Weasley," Ernie said. "I'd tell you that I actually have my eye on someone."

"Who?" Luna asked. "I'll help you out with her, if you'd like."

Ernie turned his attention back to Luna and grinned at her. "You."

"Me?" Luna looked surprised as Ron groaned. "Oh..."

"I was hoping that you'd take a walk with me after dinner tonight," Ernie said.

"Do you read the Quibbler?" Luna asked him suddenly. "I see you with the Daily Prophet, but do you read the Quibbler?"

A puzzled expression came over Ernie's features. "The Quibbler? I--I don't believe I've ever read that...."

"Oh," Luna stepped away from him. "Ronald reads it every day." she smiled back at him.

Ron grinned triumphantly at Ernie. "Best newspaper there is."

Luna giggled. "Didn't you just love that article on Kneazles that Daddy wrote?"

Ron nodded. "I did. You should have read it, Ernie. This woman in Devonshire has over 30 of them in her home."

"Kneazles..." Ernie replied doubtfully.

Luna nodded as Ron helped her up into the carriage. "They're quite intelligent."

"I'd love to get a subscription," Ernie said hastily.

"I'll have Daddy mail you a form," Luna looked over at him for a moment then turned her attention back to Ron.

"You must be knackered," Ron said softly. "If you want to take a kip you can use my shoulder."

"I do like the fabric of your jumper," Luna said thoughtfully. "I may take you up on that."

"I hope you will," Ron said.

Ernie gave Ron another quite nasty look as Luna leaned against him.

Ron put his arm around her and closed his eyes. Things might not have gone exactly as he would have liked, but if the day could end like this, that was more than okay with him.

"You feel quite nice," Luna mumbled.

Ron smiled. "So do you."

Ernie was fuming by now as he turned to glare out the window.

Ron impulsively kissed the top of Luna's head.

"You're sweet," she murmured. "Ronald..."

Ron held her close, forgetting that Ernie was even there.

"We're back," Ernie said icily.

"Shh," Ron hissed. "She's asleep, Macmillan."

"We're back at the castle," Ernie said, shoving open the door to the carriage.

"Good riddance," Ron said gently shaking Luna. "Luna?"

"Mmm..." she said, her eyes still closed.

"Come on, sleepyhead," Ron said softly. "We're home."

"Oh," Luna smiled at him. "Thank you for letting me kip on your shoulder."

"Anytime," Ron said smiling back at her.

"I really did have fun today, Ronald." Luna said as they walked inside. "You're the funniest bloke I know."

"I had fun today too," Ron said. "I enjoy spending time with you. I always have."

"We should do it next time," Luna suggested.

Ron stopped short. " it?"

"Go to Hogsmeade," Luna giggled. "Like we did today!"

"Oh, right," Ron said turning red. "Hogsmeade. Sure."

A few of the fourth years walked past them, gossiping about something. "...heard that she was dancing on a table..."

"...heard she took her clothes off!" another one was saying.

"Who?" Ron asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Hermione Granger," one of the girls replied. "Everyone's talking about how she got pissed in the Three Broomsticks!"

Ron laughed. "You have to be wrong. Granger would never in a million years get pissed. She's the straightest stick there is."

"I'm just telling you what I heard," the girl told him.

"This should be good," Ron replied as the group walked away.

"I'm sure it's just gossip," Luna said. "Hermione's not the type to do those things."

"But if she did..." Ron rubbed his hands together gleefully.

"Ronald," Luna admonished.

"What?" he asked.

"You shouldn't take pleasure in someone else's problems," Luna said curtly.

"But this is Granger," Ron pointed out. "She lives to make our lives miserable."

Luna turned on her heel. "Good evening, Ronald."

"Luna," Ron said. "Wait a minute--"

"Good evening," Luna said hurrying up the stairs that would lead her to Ravenclaw Tower.

"But you don't have to go just yet--" he tried.

She didn't turn around and she didn't respond.

Ron sighed as she disappeared. Why did he have to open his big mouth?