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Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed by frecklegirl87

Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed


Chapter 1:Star-crossed Lovers Meet At Last

As you read my tale of a forbidden love, you'll see that it is I, Virginia; or known as Ginny Weasley; is the one who is telling you my tale of a story to you.
As you may or may not know, it is because of my forbidden love to where I am today.

Where am I, you ask?

I am as far away from my family than I thought I'd ever be. They have no clue as to where I am, but I will tell you. I am on a deserted island that my husband has enchanted every inch of it, to my satisfaction.

Who is my husband, you ask?

My husband is none other than Draco Malfoy. We have a daughter, Virginia Rose and another child on the way.

Again you ask, why are you on a deserted island? Why are you away from your family and friends?

All in good time will these questions be answered, I promise you.

First, let me say that Voldemort is dead, really dead. But also, is my father, Arthur Weasley. He died saving Harry and Ron's lives. The last thing he said to them was, "Take care of our sweet fiery angels."

By that he meant, my mum and I.

I never wanted to admit that he was dead; I still never did until after my seventh year at Hogwarts.

At the time, I was in Flourish and Blotts, picking up a few things for Mum in Diagon Alley. I was looking at some books when I turned and rammed straight into a hard, muscular chest. (And if you must know, it was Draco's that I rammed into.)

"Better watch it next time Weasley," Draco snarled coldly as he looked into my eyes.

Coldly, I stared back into his eyes.

"Why should I? You were the one who was so close to me. Which by the way, is very questionable; why were you so close to me?" I asked, knowing that I had just won this argument, even before it started.

I cornered him.

I had him right where I wanted him.

He had no choice.

None other than to wave the white flag before my very eyes.

He stared into my eyes for a minute before speaking…

For a future reference, remember that it was Draco, Draco Malfoy, who had captured my heart and swept me off my feet; was the one who my heart had fallen for many moons ago.

He still loved me. I could see it in his eyes. There was no doubt about it. I found myself staring into his eyes and losing myself in his gaze. The way he looked at me, the reason why he came so close to my body; all because he still loved me.

What do you mean by still, you ask?

For that answer, he was the one who held me when I grieved for the death of my father; He was the one who promised me that if fate wanted us to be together, then fate would put us together, unsuspectedly.

And now I will continue…

He still didn't speak. So naturally, I spoke.

"Do you remember what you promised me?"

"You bet I do. Do you still believe in it?" Draco asked in return.

He spoke with such a soft voice, a voice that I hadn't heard in a great while…

"If I didn't, then would I do this?" I asked as I kissed him deeply.

I had done it.

I had once again, broke into his good side.

Evil no longer reigned inside of him, as far as I was concerned.

He couldn't resist me, I knew he couldn't.

I broke away from the kiss.

"Meet me at my place tonight?" I asked.

"I'll be there. What time?" He asked me.

"7:30, don't be late," I paused," my love."

"Yes, ma'am," he answered.

He then kissed me goodbye for the moment.

"See you then," I said as I gave him a peck on the lips and apparated to the Burrow.