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Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed by frecklegirl87

Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed


Chapter 5: Another Storm Brewing

About 3 weeks later, Virginia and I moved in with Draco at his manor. The wedding wasn't until another 6 weeks. Just getting the whole clan of the Weasley bunch to accept the new addition was a little tricky, with the help of Ron of course.

"Oh Ron, how's Mum gonna react to this?" I asked desperately.

"Don't worry Ginny we'll talk to Mum first then after her we'll talk to a couple of the older siblings first. Want to go to Mum now? Just to get it over with?" Ron asked.

"Sure," I said. "But let's wait til' Virginia wakes up from her nap ok? How about we go make some tea for now?"

"Sure and Ginny?" Ron asked, obviously not catching on to what I was saying.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have floo in your fireplace?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, we do," I answered.

Draco was at work. He had no clue what was going on at the moment.

"Do you want to have her come here?" Ron asked.

"No, I do not," I said. "She'd flip by just having to floo over to the Malfoy Manor."

"Yeah they would wouldn't they?" Ron said.

"Now do you see why I said wait til' Virginia is awake?" I asked as she heard Virginia begin to cry, signaling that she was awake.

"No better time than the present," Ron said as I got up and left the room to go to Virginia.

"I, so do not, want to see what happens next," I mumbled as I went to Virginia's room.

Ron ignored my comment as I came back with Virginia in my arms.

"Ready?" Ron asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I answered.

They stepped into the fireplace; Ron held my hand as he said, "The Burrow!"

And then we were gone.

They appeared in the fireplace at the Burrow, with 7 pair of eyes staring at me, Ron, and a baby in my arms.

No one said anything for a while, not knowing what to say, I took a chance and said, "Hi, Mum."

"Hello dear. Well, who is this little one?" Molly asked as she began to come out of the shocking state.

I immediately brightened up and said, "Mum, this is Virginia Rose Malfoy."

Again silence took the room.

"What? Did you just say Malfoy? As in Malfoy our enemy? As in Malfoy who put that diary in your belongings in your first year at Hogwarts?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, Charlie. It is," I said.

"But, Ginny? How could you? Why them? Why-" Percy started asking questions as another person interrupted him.

"Percy! That's enough! If you can't accept this darling new little one then you don't have to but you sure as heck aren't going to question your only sister like that. Is that clear for you? And for everyone else in this room, if you don't like it, then go cry a river and build me a bridge so I can take walks with my new granddaughter," Molly said proudly.

"Mum! I love you!" I said as I hugged my mother.

"I love you too, dear. Now you and Ron please come in the kitchen and I'll make you some tea. Anyone else who wants tea, make it yourself," Molly said as they left the room.

"Geez, what'd we do. We're not the ones who started asking questions like Percy did," Fred said.

"Fred! Shut-up," Percy told his brother.


"So, when was Virginia born?" Molly asked as she gathered three tea cups and began filling them.

"About three weeks ago from yesterday," I answered. "Mum? Will they be mad forever?"

"Oh no dear, I should hope not. Don't worry about it. Although… That was pretty much a big shock, two really. One being, you have a daughter of your own and two, who her father is, was a big shock, especially to our family. Don't take heart at it, they'll come around," Molly answered setting the teacups in front of them.

"Mum, I wouldn't count on that. I've seen them like this before," Ron said sipping some of the tea, relating to Percy.

Percy didn't really have much favor in the Weasley clan anymore, since he chose the Minister of Magic over his family. He wasn't really welcomed after that, needless to say.

"I know what you mean Ron, but Ginny isn't Percy. And well, at least she came to confront her fear and not run away like Percy did. But enough about Percy, don't make me start crying," Molly said.

"Yes, Mum," Ron said.

"Mum? Should I bring Draco back with me sometime?" I asked.

"Ginny, no offense but if you don't want a death wish for Draco then I wouldn't advise it. Considering how they're behaving," Ron said.

"Ron! Ginny don't listen to your idiotic brother. You may bring him, but like Ron said, or rather what he partly said about them. Maybe it'd be best to wait a while before you bring Draco into the mist," Molly said.

"Mum, he already is in the mist! He's already in no matter what. Virginia is what links him to it. I will bring him here, no matter what they have to say. And if they doesn't like it then so be it," I said.

Charlie, who was starting to come into the kitchen, heard what Ginny had just said, "Ginny, you can't be serious? The rest of them would tear Draco to pieces if you brought him here."

"Charlie, they wouldn't in front of their own baby sister and their niece. Besides, they can't always be pleased. If this doesn't make them happy that they now have a niece then they can just get over it. I know you may protest otherwise, but right now I need to go and I really don't want to listen to your side of arguing in an argument," I said to Charlie.

"Are you sure you need to go dear?" Molly asked.

"Yes, Mum I do. I'll be back with Draco next time and Virginia of course. I don't know when but it'll be soon. Bye, I love you," I said as I took Virginia into my arms and headed to the fireplace.

"I'll be back. This little dispute isn't over yet," Ginny said as she stepped into the fireplace, grabbed some floo powder and then said, "Malfoy Manor # 2."

Then I was gone.