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Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed by frecklegirl87

Tale of A Forbidden Love Revealed


Chapter 4: Storm before Peace

About 2 months later, I was in the kitchen making dinner, when I felt two strong hands come around my middle and settle on my stomach. I naturally thought it was Ron.

"Ron, what are you doing? You've never done this before," I said.

I leaned into him instantly thinking it was Ron. But something seemed different. There was a scent to this person. Was this really Ron?

"That's because I'm over here, Ginny," Ron answered.

No, it wasn't.

I looked down at the pair of hands around me and then I could feel a tear streaming down my face as I turned around and saw Draco.

I immediately backed out of his arms with nonstop questions racing through my mind.

"Draco? How? How did you find me? I never answered your owls," I said trying to find an answer to how he could've found me.

"How else Ginny? Your brother told me. I'm rather glad he did too," Draco answered back.

I looked at Ron with a hard, cold piercing glare.

"Ron, how could you? You promised and you just broke that promise," I said.

"No, Gin. I didn't. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone in the family, and Draco, last time I checked, isn't family. Not biologically or legally; or at least not until you two's baby is born," Ron said.


"Ginny, he had a right to know and you know it. Don't deprive him of the knowledge of his own child. Hell! I should've dragged your arse back to him when you told me that you were pregnant. But me being the person who I am, the person who could easily fall under your ways, especially when you had tears in your eyes; didn't. I'm only sorry that I didn't do that," Ron finished saying; as I was about to burst into tears.

Again, silence.

Draco looked at me, locked eyes with me as he spoke.

"Why Ginny? Why didn't you tell me you were carrying my child?" Draco asked calmly.

"Draco," I said as tears were now streaming freely down my face, "I got scared. I was scared of how you would react. I was scared of how my whole family would react. Only Ron didn't react like a crazy madman like he is now. So I ran. I'm so sorry."

Draco then put his arms around me as I cried and said, "You still could've told me Ginny. I'd of been right here with you through all of this that you're going through. You know I would have. I love you, no matter what happens."

Draco held me tighter while I cried and said, "I know, I'm sorry. I love you too."

I dried up my tears and said to Draco and Ron, "You might as well stay for dinner. There's enough for you two. No point in not staying when food is offered for free."

"Sure Ginny," Ron said.

"Ron, would you set the table then?" I asked.

"Sure, you know I hate that chore but I'll do it anyway," Ron said back.

I looked at him. But before I could answer his comment a mouth covered mine.

Damn, I thought, I don't know how I ever left him. I loose myself in Draco's kisses every time he does that.

I deepened the kiss. I could feel the baby getting excited as Draco kissed me. I reached for Draco's hand.


I moved his hand over my stomach as he continued to kiss me.

I wanted him to feel the baby's movements inside of me. I wanted him to feel the creation he helped make.

I pulled out of the kiss and smiled.

"If you keep doing that, I'll never get dinner done."

Draco smiled back at me.

"What the heck! I can never get enough of your kisses. Come here," I said as I motioned him to come back.

Again, the baby moved. I was beginning to wonder when this baby would be in my arms and not in my stomach.

I pulled out and said, "Ok, that'll do me for now. Let me finish dinner or you'll never get any food. Besides, you're making the baby jump."

Draco smiled at me as I turned away from him and finished dinner.

Soon the food was done. I had Ron and Draco carry food over to the table while I fixed me some tea. I was feeling a little jittery at the moment. But I didn't want them to worry about me, so I ate anyway.

"You two go ahead and eat the dessert. I'm just going to have some tea for now," I said. "I'm a little full from dinner."

I excused myself from the table and went back into the restroom. I came out with a look on my face that could be read as, 'watch out. Baby comin' any minute.'

I came back into the dining room.

Ron looked in my eyes. I wish he hadn't of. I started to worry a little.

"Ginny, what's wrong? Don't lie to me, I can see something is wrong just by looking in your eyes," Ron said.

Now both of them were looking at me.

"Ron, uh… I don't know how to say this," I said.

"What? What is it?" Draco asked.

"Ron, Draco," I said looking at them one by one, "my water just broke a few minutes ago."

Since I was closest to Draco, I reached under the table for his hand as I began to feel a twinge of pain in my stomach. I squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes.

"Ginny? What's wrong?" Draco asked.

"Quick," I said as I doubled over in pain, "get me to my bedroom."

Next thing I knew, Draco was carrying me into my room. He set me down gently as the pain swept over me. I could feel his hand in mine. I felt a little sorry for him as I squeezed it hard. The pain was almost unbearable. I never thought I'd be in this much pain. I could feel a wet washcloth going across my face as where sweat had been. Ron was there now. He was the one who got some towels and water.

I could feel my knees being propped up. I assumed Ron was in front of me, since I practically had Draco's hand glued to mine.

I felt the urge to push. So I did.

"I HATE YOU DRACO MALFOY!" I screamed breathlessly as I cried out in pain.

Draco flinched as I said those words.

Ron pushed my skirt up and said, "Ginny, push! Babies don't wait for no one."

I desperately clung onto Draco as I pushed. I was terrified of the pain. Draco was probably more scared than I was, just by looking at my face would have scared the living daylights out of anybody.

I could hear the faint sound of Ron's voice calling out to me as the baby was coming nearer.

I woke up three days later, I looked around me, I found a baby girl right beside me, Ron over in a chair asleep, and Draco, wait where was Draco?

"Ron? Ron? Wake up!" I said.

"Hmmm… what?" Ron asked as he began to wake up.

"Ron, where is Draco?" I asked.

"Oh, Gin… he'll be back," Ron said.

"Ron! Where is he? I need him," I said trying not to wake the baby.

"Relax, Gin. I'm right here. I just needed to get a few things from my place. I'm staying here with you and the baby. Or at least until you two can travel to my place," Draco said as he entered the room.

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"I'm not letting you get away, Ginny. I love you too much to let you go," Draco said.

Draco then reached for something in his pocket, bent down on one knee and said, "Ginny Weasley, will you marry me?"

Draco then opened the little green velvet box, and appeared a diamond engagement ring. I was shocked. I was so overwhelmed by this.

I started to cry.

"Ginny… love... What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Draco asked.

"No, you didn't," I said still with tears rolling down my face.

"Well, Ginny? Will you marry me?" Draco asked again.

"YES!" I answered.

Draco then put the ring on my finger while I continued to cry happily.

I put my hand up to his face and pulled him towards me.

"I love you and yes I will marry you," I said as I kissed him.

I automatically got lost in his kiss.

The only thing that brought me out of it was the sound of my baby girl crying. I pulled out and then picked her up.

"Well, what shall we name her?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, what do you think?" Draco asked me.

"Ron? What do you think?" I asked.

"I don't know Virginia," Ron said, "sorry, but it's not my place to decide on my niece's name."

"Ron! You're a genius!" I said.

"What?" Ron asked confused.

Draco looked at me and then at our daughter.

"Virginia Rose Malfoy," Draco said.

"Perfect," I answered. "Hello, Virginia Rose Malfoy."

I looked at Virginia and then at Draco.

"She's beautiful," I said.

"Yes she is," Draco said, "just like her mother."

Draco gave Virginia a kiss on her forehead and then me, not on the forehead but instead, he gave me a gentle, yet passionate kiss.