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While You Were Sleeping by burgosdamasco

While You Were Sleeping


While You Were Sleeping.

Chap 20 - Pensieve

"What do you mean he can't go to prison? He almost killed my son and his father!" Ginny had struggled to keep her calm as she sat in the Warden's office with Arthur. She jumped out of her chair grabbing onto Warden Thompson's cloak and would have dragged the other woman from her chair had Arthur not intervened.

He put his hand on her shoulder, pressing Ginny back down into her chair, "I've tried to change the law but the people will not hear of it." Arthur said walking away to the windows that overlooked the crashing waves on the jagged rocks below.

"Hawthorne is entitled to have his blood debt repaid." The warden said slowly sitting back in her chair while smoothing down her robes.

Ginny's knuckles turned white as she clutched the sides of her chair. "As well as others, is that right?"

Silently, Arthur nodded his head.

"It's an archaic law! Are we not a modern society of witches and wizards?" Ginny remembered the debates, for and against, that would rage in Professor Binns class over the blood debt - a law to discourage the lawlessness that had been running rampant in the Muggle communities. If a murder was committed, one person within the family line would be given to the people in order to absolve all crimes committed . Their sacrifice would ensure that blood did not remain on the family's hands.

The law since its inception at the dawn of the wizarding age changed only slightly. If a family member committed a murder one did not have to willingly sacrifice one of their own. But it was known that a price would forever be on their head and they would always have to be on guard. Many of those whose ancestors had committed such atrocities chose to leave their country of origin or disguise themselves as Muggles.

Ginny had always sided for the blood debt. For who else would be liable under that law but Deatheater scum? Never once did she think of the innocent lives that could be lost. Not once did she think such a law would affect her.

"Isn't there anything you can do, Dad?"

She could hear the trembling in her father's voice, "I cannot go against the wishes of the wizards and witches that I serve."

Never had Ginny raised her voice at her father but she was furious. Her father was said to be a just Minister of Magic, putting the wizarding worlds concerns before his own. There were many times when the majority was right, but this was not one of those times. "How about the wishes of your family!"

"We've released Hawthorne from employment with Azkaban according to the request of Minister Weasley." The warden interjected as both father and daughter before her seemed to be on the verge of war.

Arthur turned towards Ginny, his expression tight with strain, "Don't you think your mother and I knew who your child's father was? I wanted more than anything for Alex to be safe." He brought his wrists together, emphasizing his next point, "My hands are tied here Ginny. There is nothing I can do."

"There's nothing you couldn't do Daddy. When I was a little girl you always said you could make everything better. But you lied." Arthur kept silent as Ginny continued, "I'll take Alex out of Hogwarts…" Harm would not come to her son. Ginny would see to that. Perhaps it would be better. Ginny saw how lonely he was in school, making her painfully aware of her first year. Having cousins and a little girlfriend wasn't enough, Alex needed friends.

Arthur interrupted, "Now Ginny, there is no need to interrupt his education. Hermione will keep him safe there."

"No, Dad. He isn't safe at Hogwarts or any other place in the wizarding community! Didn't you see the black eye he had?" Her parents had been in denial for years. They had never acknowledged the truth as to his parentage, although it seemed it was suspected, if not known, for quite some time to everyone else except for the boy that mattered.

"Boys will be boys." Warden Thompson added only to have Ginny shoot her a warning glare that she was not invited to participate in the conversation.

"Alex and I will move. We will live as Muggles away from this barbaric nonsense! I swear Dad, that when we leave it will be the last time Alex and I step foot in the Burrow! I'll never come back!" Never before had she raised her voice to her father. In fact there had never been a need. Arthur was a gentle man who always leant an ear to listen. That was his problem. He was listening to everyone but her.

"Your mother and I raised him Ginny. Don't threaten me by taking my grandson away. I am not at fault. Alex suffers because of that wretched piece of filth that is his father, if he even deserves such a title. "

"Don't talk about Draco that way!" Ginny snapped surprised at her own reaction. If Alex overheard his much beloved grandfather talk about Draco in such a way his heart would be crushed.

The warden delved into the fray, her voice remaining calm. "You know it's quite common for prisoners of war such as yourself Miss Weasley to develop an attachment to their captors. There are many techniques and spells the Death Eaters may have used on you. It takes its toll on the strongest of persons -"

"No!" Ginny cut off Warden Thompson, "He wasn't…" Her voice grew softer, more unsure. "He wasn't part of that."

Arthur could only shake his head at his youngest child, "How do you know that Ginny? He plead guilty of his crimes at his first trial, are you to tell me he was lying?"

"No, Daddy, no." Ginny said trying to fight off tears of frustration. The doubts were already planted in her mind. She didn't know anything about Draco Malfoy. All she had was a feeling she had managed to carry over from the past and bits and pieces of a memory that would not be made whole. "Use Veritaserum!"

Warden Thompson summoned scrolls from a nearby cabinet, "These are statements from his trial twelve years ago. It's been proven he can fight off Veritaserum"

"How?" Ginny asked leafing through the parchment laid before her.

"He was questioned as to whom fathered your child Miss Weasley, under Veritaserum twelve years ago and he denied any knowledge. This has been proven otherwise, has it not?"

"He only denied my son for his safety."

"That's beside the point." The Warden huffed, "What I am trying to say is that Veritaserum has been used in the past and he is capable of fighting it off. We cannot use any statements he makes under the influence of this particular potion as evidence."

She saw the want in Alex's eyes for his father. Ginny would not allow her son's father to stay in Azkaban. The war had caused enough damage and separated people meant to be together. Ginny could not deny Alex his father, nor Draco his son. "I want these charges dropped!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that Ginny." Arthur said. "He is to be tried for his attack on you at Hogwarts and…"

Warden Thompson finished for Arthur, "Your rape Miss Weasley. He will be tried for the atrocities he committed against you in Mors Mortis Prison. Crimes against witches are taken quite seriously. If proven guilty, Mr. Malfoy will be given the Dementor's Kiss. "

Ginny stamped her foot, "He didn't rape me!" She turned a pleading eye on her father. "Daddy please believe me!" But what she saw in his eyes already told her the answer. She read grief and sadness for Percy, Charlie and for her. "Please."

A conflicting expression flashed across her father's face as he swiftly exited the Warden's office, the door slamming after him. Her father didn't believe her. If she couldn't convince her own family, how could she convince the world? How could she convince herself? The door swung open again, her father leading the way with a group of Ministry officials behind him. A stone basin with a pool of silvery liquid material was laid before her. She looked up at her father to thank him. He could only shake his head slightly before turning away.

"We will need your authorization in order to allow us access to your memories Miss Weasley." The Ministry official said pointing to the pensieve in front of her. He turned to Arthur who was dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief, "It will take but a few minutes of your daughter's time and we will have a full report by the end of the day."

One by one Ginny let the silvery strands of the few memories she had of Draco fall into the Pensieve. A young Auror caught her as she fell back, sitting her gently in the chair. She felt drained and weak, watching as the Ministry officials sifted through her memories.

"Sir," one of the Ministry officials beckoned her father to the pensieve. "I think you ought to see this."

Arthur surprised Ginny by taking her hand. He placed a small kiss on her forehead just as he had done when she was a little girl. "Everything will be ok." he whispered, "Everything will be ok."


Alex munched on the chocolates his grandmother had given him while he waited in the hallway for his mum. What was taking her so long? Maybe they were talking about freeing father. He couldn't wait. Alex pulled a handkerchief from his pocket wiping the last traces of chocolate from his fingertips before taking out a piece of parchment. He started to write in all the things he wanted to do once his father was out. Number one on Alex's list was going to see the Quidditch World Cup. His uncles always took him to the matches but this time he would go with his dad. Number two, really the most obvious, was that father had to come to the Burrow. Maybe Grandma would even make his favorite chocolate cake to celebrate. His mouth watered just thinking about it. Yes, father will definitely love Grandma's cooking.

"What are you smiling about?" Grandma Weasley asked, handing him another piece of chocolate.

He couldn't tell her yet. It wasn't good to jinx his wishes. Wasn't that what she always said? "I can't tell you Gran. IF I do, my wishes won't come true."

Molly grinned in return, ruffling her grandson's blond hair, "That's my boy Alex. As long as your wishes are right here," she said placing her hand atop her heart, "they will all come true."

Although Alex still had his doubt, he wanted desperately to believe. He had wished for his mum on his birthday. True, he had wished for her since he was four but it was better late than never. Father Christmas had granted him his request, even if it was for a brief moment. They only got sidetracked. It wouldn't be long before his mum and dad were together, married and having more babies, just like in his dream. That reminded him of another thing he wanted to add to his list - a family trip to the beach.

He was so busy pouring over his to do list he didn't notice his mother stepping out from the office followed closely behind by Grandpa Weasley and an Azkaban guard. His mum didn't look so well and for that matter neither did his Grandpa. "Are you alright Mum?" Alex said leaping out of his seat to take his mother's hand. "Did you want a seat?" Alex asked, offering his own chair and wondering what could have made her look so pale.

"I'm fine." Ginny said, not letting go of Alex's hand.

He looked up at his grandfather curiously as he whispered to his grandmother. Something wasn't right. No longer did he want to be kept in the dark,. "What's going on?" he demanded drawing shocked faces from all three adults. "Is my father coming back with us?"

When no one answered him, Alex asked again, "Well, is he?" he turned to his grandfather and waited, his mouth opening then shutting immediately.

Finally his mother spoke, "Your grandfather wants this guard to take us to your father."

At the notice of the guard, Alex wasn't feeling very good. Molly stuffed more candies into his pocket before sending him off with kisses. Grandpa went back into the office where a crowd of Ministry officers and Aurors awaited, leaving Alex with no more than a small pat on the head. Alex couldn't rid himself of the small ache he felt at the pit of his stomach. His father wouldn't be leaving Azkaban.

"Remember what Grandma said." He chanted to himself. "I believe Father will be free." If he said it enough times, Alex could believe it.

The guard that had come out of the Warden's office with his grandfather and mum, led the way. Instead of walking down towards the dungeons, the guard led him and his mother towards a small tower. "This here is a room set aside so that family can visit their loved ones. It's only used for nonviolent offenders, never rapists or murderers…."

Alex saw his mum wince and cover his ears, though he heard each and every word. Alex refused to dwell on what the guard had said. He did not want to ruin what happiness he had left. He was going to see his Father and it lifted his spirits, if only for a little while.

"…..but we have Minister's permission to allow you access, seeing that you're his daughter and all." The guard chanted a spell causing the door to swing open, "As you can see it's quite different from the cells."

Alex peeked in with his mum to overlook the surroundings. There was a small bookcase filled with books, a sofa and a couple of chairs. Centered around the room was a table with fruits, nuts, and was that a bowl of chocolate frogs?

The guard saw the surprised look on Alex's face, "A request from your grandfather."

Alex walked in picking up a chocolate frog and popping it in his mouth. This was a much better place than his father's chilly cell. Already he was becoming saddened at the thought that his father would have to return to that horrible place. It was cold and dark . Bad things always happened where one couldn't see. Unfortunately he knew that all too well from personal experience. Images of the dark alleyway where Duncan and his Ravenclaw friends cornered him sent shivers down his spine.

A side door piqued his curiosity. He opened the door to find a bed. Would he and mum spend the night here in Azkaban? "What is this bed doing here?"

"Conjugal visits" the guard said automatically before realizing he spoke to soon.

Ginny strode over to Alex and proceeded to slam the door shut. "That won't be needed."

Alex turned away from his mother's reddened face hiding the smirk on his own. That won't be needed? A small plan started formulating in his head. Who could ever have doubted he was not a Weasley? Sure he had been accused of being a goody two shoes like his late Uncle Percy, but he had been influenced by none other than his Uncles Fred and George and his cousins Everett and Edwin to be a bit wicked. Or was that the Slytherin in him? Whatever it was, if it got his mum and dad together then did it really matter?

Father would be out of prison soon. When he was finally free, Alex wanted more than anything for his former professor to be married to his mum. Only then would he have a normal family, just like he always wanted. Anything less was unacceptable.


Draco still felt achy as he was led away from the medical wing. The dizziness he felt, a side effect from the pain relieving charms, had yet to wear off. Draco shuffled his feet wondering where he was being taken. Was this another guard with a personal vendetta against him? The guard looked oddly familiar. Of course they all started to look alike with their batons and wands swinging. Draco readied himself to receive any blows. There was nothing he could do to fight him off. Draco's hands and feet were bound as he was led to a mysterious fate.

"Where's my son?" Draco asked straggling behind the guard, cursing as he was led up another flight of winding stairs. He desperately wanted to see Alex again, make sure he was alright. It was killing him each day to be kept from Alex, to have the letters his son sent, waved tantalizingly in front of his face.

"You've moving too slow there Malfoy." The guard reached behind Draco refusing to answer his question, dragging him roughly by the collar. "Think you could walk a bit faster?"

Draco motioned with his head to his binded feet, "That's a bit hard in this situation." He said and couldn't help whispering. "Wanker."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Draco had to remind himself to hold his tongue, no matter how much these incompetent guards deserved to be taken down a notch. He had to be on his best behavior or at least act like a complying prisoner, if there was any possibility at all that he would see his son and Ginny again. Once he was free he would make a clean start with Ginny, if she would have him.

"Smart mouth you still have. You're lucky Minister Weasley assigned me to this detail. All the other guards want to beat you to a bloody pulp."

Draco didn't bother hiding his irritation as he glared at the guard now that he knew he had the safety of none other than the Minister of Magic behind him. "I asked you a question and I expect an answer. Where is my son and his mother?"

Silence was the only thing that met him.

The last thing Draco wanted was to be dragged in front of Ginny and Alex like an animal on a leash. "Take these off me!" he seethed but the guard only shook his head no.

"Minister Weasley doesn't want his grandson harmed."

Hurt Alex? After what that bastard Hawthorne did to his son, Mr. Weasley still thought him capable of hurting his own flesh and blood? "I would do no such thing!"

"I know that. You know that." Sighing , the guard looked behind Draco before chanting an unbinding spell. "Tell no one of this."

Draco merely nodded his head as he turned towards the door that separated him from Ginny and Alex. Quickly his head shot up trying to figure out who the guard was that stood before him. "I know you." he whispered trying to piece together the blurred vision of the burly man before him with a voice from his past.

"It's Greg." He said softly before tapping his wand against the wooden door.

"Goyle?" Draco asked although he already knew who this guard was. No affirmation was necessary. He was much thinner than he had been in Hogwarts. He had always been a little plump at Hogwarts, but his bulk was now evenly distributed throughout his large frame. If Draco had met such a person on the street Draco would be sure to hold on to his wand tight.

Goyle pointed to his nametape, "It's Harrison now. Took my mum's name after the war."

Draco had last seen Goyle running away from one of their first victories. He had cursed his former friend for his cowardice . How time does shed light on the past, making heroes villains and villains heroes. Goyle refused to take part in any bloodshed, abandoning the DeathEaters, never to be heard from again, until now.

"I have a little one too." Goyle added. "A bit younger than yours. He's five. Ioan Harrison's his name. Safer for him."

Draco nodded , only knowing far too well what Goyle was implying. "Go ahead now Draco." He said stepping aside. "Your family's been waiting."

The door slowly swung open. A beaming young man looked up from his chess board. Alex ran or it could have been Draco. He didn't know who stepped forward first but suddenly he found himself kneeling down with Alex in his arms. Staring over his son's blond head with eyes dry and face aching, hard little muscles clenched and unclenched in his jaw.

Ginny stood, leaning against the windows. Her own misted gaze met Draco's before averting her eyes to the ocean below, leaving father and son a moment alone.


Sorry for the lag in updates. I have been quite busy. A lot has been on my mind. I thank you all for reviewing. I appreciate each and everyone of you that has taken time out of their busy day to read my fanfic. I will be leaving the Harry Potter fandom (although I don't want to!) soon but my goal is to finish my fics before I leave. I'll be the first to admit it's not written well, it's not the most engaging and it can be pretty OOC, but you guys like it and that's what counts.

I have been posting this chapter on my live journal and will probably post the next chapters in bits and pieces before posting it on Portkey. If you want a sneak peak of upcoming chapters & want to know why I am leaving fandom, feel free to visit my livejournal.