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While You Were Sleeping by burgosdamasco

While You Were Sleeping


Chapter 25

It wasn't the faint rays of light creeping through his barred windows that had woken Draco suddenly. Ginny was beside him, sitting on the edge of the bed wrapped in one of his prison sheets staring off into the shadows of the dungeon.

He could feel her tense and silent beside him. "Ginny, what's wrong?" he asked, reaching out to brush his fingers through her hair, a gesture that seemed almost unconscious. This was not what Draco had envisioned for them. Never had he imagined that they would be reunited in a damp prison cell. "I'm sorry about this."

She turned towards him, reaching up to touch his face, "Don't be sorry. I don't regret it, not for a minute."

She stared at him in the light of morning, a sliver of the sun's rays falling on her face, and he wanted her all over again. "You deserve so much more, Ginny. I've given you nothing but pain."

"Draco, you've given me Alex." Ginny must have seen the growing need in his face for she reached up and put her arms around his neck, dropping the sheet from her body, "Now I want to give you," she paused, " Kiss me, Draco."

Draco swept his tongue across her lower lip and when she opened for him, he felt desire rage inside. What happened during the night hadn't extinguished his feelings for Ginny Weasley. His passion for her had only been made stronger.

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her onto his lap, holding her tightly against him. He slid his hand to her breasts to cup the luscious curves that had driven him insane in his dreams. Draco wanted to hold back, but just as before found that he could not resist. Not when Ginny was straining towards him, moaning in the back of her throat. "That feels so good, Draco."

He bent low to take an already tight nipple into his mouth. As his mouth closed around it, Ginny sank her nails into his back. "Don't stop. Just don't stop." She clung to him writhing atop his lap, pleading with him for more. Draco obliged, slipping a finger between folds of swollen flesh. Strong muscles convulsed around his finger as she sighed in pleasure.

Draco swore silently as he watched his climaxing goddess. It was too much. Draco gave in to the desire coursing through him, lowering Ginny onto the cot, he covered her body with his and pushed inside. Her panting and pleading with each thrust was making short work of his control. Much too soon it would be over, but he wanted to please her. Draco rose up slightly, slipping a hand between them. As he rubbed that swollen point of pleasure, she screamed for him. Screamed his name while her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her mouth fused to his.

Feeling the ripples of Ginny's release clamping around him, Draco thrust twice more before pouring himself into her.

He felt like the luckiest bloke in Azkaban.

Perhaps he was.


Walking into the Great Hall, Alex sat in his usual spot for breakfast. "Hi Samuel. Hi Averill. Good morning Geoffrey." Just as he took his seat, all three Gryffindors grabbed their belongings and moved to the far end of the table.

He could hear the whispers starting as more and more Gryffindors trudged into the Great Hall. "Don't sit by that little Dark Lord."

If only Edwin and Everett hadn't gotten morning detention from Filch for defacing a portrait of Salazar Slytherin he wouldn't feel so out of place and on display. William Wood would sit with him, but he was far more interested in a redheaded Hufflepuff that he was currently snogging out in the hallway.

Alex stared at his plate, pretending to look interested in the bangers and mash. He had to look like he didn't care that not one person sat next to him during breakfast. His fellow Gryffindors listened to his mum all right. His housemates didn't hurt him physically, but they knew there was more than one way to wound him.

"Looking rather glum there, Malfoy."

The Scottish lilt could only come from one person - Duncan McCain. His eyes shot up across the table to stare into the face of the person responsible for his black eye. What he wouldn't give to hex him into next Tuesday. A detention would be worth it. Besides his Aunt Hermione wouldn't punish him like the rest of the students. That he was sure of.

But he wouldn't want to do anything bad in front of his mum. He glanced at the staff table and for the first time realized she wasn't there. Was she ok? The last couple of nights he knew she didn't get much sleep. Alex hoped she wasn't coming down with something after all her worrying.

Duncan spoke mockingly, "Miss your mummy, do you, Death Eater?"

"I'm not a Death Eater," Alex mumbled, resting his head in his hands to prevent Duncan from seeing the tears that he knew were forthcoming. For once Alex was actually glad she wasn't here. He didn't want his mother seeing what a loser he was. He didn't want her to hate him for not being the son she expected. Irrational though his thoughts were, Alex couldn't help the feelings of abandonment he feared were just around the corner. Mum said she loved him, but sometimes he couldn't help but feel that her love might be taken away at any moment, just like his father was taken away.

Alex dragged his eyes back to his plate when Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry caught him looking at his mum's empty seat. They didn't look too concerned about his mum's absence and he trusted them more than anything. His mum must be all right. What he did see in Uncle Harry's face was something all together different. Sadness and pity for him and Alex didn't like it. He was trying to make himself feel fine, at least pretend that he didn't care people were avoiding him, but he was failing miserably.

He was grateful for Paz who lay curled up in the seat next to him. His only friend and that left him feeling a little less lonely. He rubbed one of her ears, causing her to purr contentedly.

"How sad," Duncan said in the midst of his laughing cronies, "no mum, no dad, no friends, and not even your silly little kneazle."

"Watch what you say or you'll be sorry, Duncan," Alex snapped. Paz was already in full attack mode, back arched, stretching her claws.

"OOH! Are you threatening me? "

Alex couldn't help but smirk. Duncan was going to pay and he would sit here and enjoy the show. "No, but my kneazle is."

Paz leapt from her chair and stealthily crept underneath the table. No one knew why Duncan McCain started screaming in pain. No one that is, except for Alex. For once that morning he smiled a bit as Duncan was chased out of the Great Hall, trousers and shoes in tatters by an orange ball of fur that looked suspiciously like his kneazle.

He glanced at the staff table, Uncle Harry giving him the thumbs up which Aunt Hermione managed to smack down.

"You'll get what's coming! Just like that father of yours," came the threat from one of Duncan's friends.

Alex's smile faded as the words hit him. What he wouldn't give to see his father at the staff table. What he wouldn't do to go back in time for a few weeks when his father was here. No one knew Professor Malfoy was his father at the time, but Alex did, and that had been enough. The temptation to snatch his aunt's time turner and become lost in the past was becoming greater and greater.

He'd write his father. That's what he would do. Alex reached into his bag only to find it empty. Nothing. No books, no parchment, no quills. He looked around the table and underneath, but still no sign of his belongings.

"Lose something?" came the smug voice of Lawrence. Noting that the Headmaster and her husband were engaged in a conversation with another professor, Lawrence took this opportunity to make Alex suffer once more

Oh, how Alex would love to Avada Kedavra him. There were some people who rightly deserved an unforgivable and Lawrence was one of them. "Give them back!" he hissed as Lawrence floated his books and parchment papers towards Alex.

Lawrence shot Alex a twisted smile, "As you wish."

The laughter was what caught the Professors' attention as books and parchment toppled into Alex's breakfast sending the rest of his food onto his robe and in his hair. Don't cry. Don't cry. He told himself as he calmly reached for a napkin to wipe off the grease from his books.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Uncle Harry head towards him. This is not what he wanted. He didn't need Uncle Harry defending him, not now. He had things completely under control.

"Mind if I sit here?" Casey Wood didn't wait for an answer, making herself comfortable beside him. "Sorry I'm late!" she said picking a piece of sausage out of his hair.

"Can we sit here too?" came the chirpy voices of Allyse and Meridel, two gossiping fourth year Gryffindor girls that got on his nerves, but at this moment were more than welcome.

Before he could answer yes, Casey took it upon herself to do so for him. "My boyfriend wouldn't mind. The more the merrier!"

"I'm not your boy-" Alex wasn't able to complete his sentence when six other girls, three from Slytherin, two from Hufflepuff and one from Ravenclaw decided they also wanted to have breakfast with him.

They were all chatting madly, filling his plate with more food, and much to his chagrin, wiping his robes clean and touching his hair. "Don't touch the hair please!" Alex attempted to smooth down his hair after the whole lot of the girls tried to fix it for him. He looked in desperation at his Uncle Harry who was now backing away towards the staff table, an odd grin on his face.

Alex wasn't smiling. In fact he was becoming downright irritated. With a jealous look he cast his eyes down at the end of the table where the rest of the Gryffindor boys were congregated. He should be grateful for the company. No longer was he by his lonesome. But he'd much rather be laughing and talking with other boys. Not girls. Yuck.

Boys didn't touch him, at least not in the way Casey and that silly Ravenclaw, Delisa were doing currently. Alex was beginning to think that perhaps the black eye he received from Duncan was much preferred over this. He smacked Delisa's hand away for the second time as she ran her hands down his robes. "Taking out the wrinkles." She smiled up at him.

Sure, she was probably jealous that his robe at one time belonged to famous Quidditch player, Ronald Weasley. To this day Alex still didn't know why his Uncle Ron was shocked. Why should he be? Uncle Ron's robe was good enough for him. "Don't you want a new robe?" his uncle had asked after a day of school shopping. Alex, upon finding his Uncle Ron's things locked in a trunk at home, much preferred the vintage robe over the newer ones which hung untouched in his closet. "Mum!" Uncle Ron had asked after purchasing new robes for his nephew, "Talk some sense into that grandson of yours! There is no way another Weasley will ever wear hand me downs again!"

Aethlind, a Slytherin girl was joining the rest of the girls in touching the great Ronald Weasley's robe. "Stop it!" Alex demanded, which only brought more laughter from the cackling witches surrounding him.

"You're so cute!" Mercina a fifth year Hufflepuff remarked, and who he suspected was playing footsie with his feet underneath the table. Alex had to still the urge to kick her. If it hadn't been for his grandparents telling him it wasn't nice to hit girls he would have done so. Was this her idea of a joke? She was much too old to be sitting with him anyways.

The last straw was Casey holding his hand. Alex was too nice to tell her to let go. Instead, Alex decided to be a strong, courageous Gryffindor. He would smile politely and be the gentleman his Grandma wanted him to be. All the while he would be waiting for the moment when he could make his escape.

Alex couldn't help but notice the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students laughing at him. As for his own housemates, the male Gryffindors were whispering madly with the Ravenclaw boys. If looks could kill Alex was certain he'd be dead. He was sure they were making fun of him for his current situation. Who would want to be surrounded by girls?

Not Alexander Charles Weasley Malfoy. Maybe, just maybe, he would retire his uncle's robe after all.


Ron glanced behind him as he made his way to the Leaky Cauldron. It was hard enough avoiding the masses as a Chudley Canons player. Not that he minded, not one bit. He wasn't like Harry who would sign one autograph and disappear as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Even after many years of being with the Canons, Ron still loved meeting his fans. But today he had to be as inconspicuous as possible. He kept a hand on his hat to prevent the wind from revealing his identity. Red hair in the Wizarding world usually meant one thing - a Weasley. He didn't need anyone watching him. Especially now.

Ron nodded to the two young Aurors posted outside a hotel room in the Leaky Cauldron. "All clear, Auror Weasley. No signs of reporters."

It seemed like a lifetime ago that at one time he held the title of Auror. Years may have passed, but the war was still fresh on many minds. Ron would be called an Auror for many more years to come. "Good. Carry on, " he said as he stepped into the room.

"Mr. Weasley!" he was greeted by an energetic black haired girl. She jumped up and down waving Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans in the air. "Look Mr. Weasley, I have your card. You talk, wave and do everything!"

"Rachel, give Mr. Weasley a moment's rest, " Pansy's husband Ari said, holding out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you again Mr. Weasley. How are you doing?"

Ron couldn't help but wonder how this Muggle was taking to the wizarding world, and to find out everything he knew about his wife was a lie. He returned the handshake, "I think the question is, how are you doing, Mr. Friedman?"

"Well, I have to admit I am a little peeved at Patricia , actually let me correct myself - Pansy. All those times she made me take out the trash and she could have made it disappear with one simple spell!" A slight smile formed on Ari's face before he turned serious. "I love my wife and I am here for her."

"That's very noble of you, Mr. Friedman."

Ari shook his head as he hugged his daughter close before she slithered away, popping more Bernie Botts Beans into her mouth. "No, not noble. What she's done in the past is over and done with. It's too late for me to be angry. I love her too much for that."

"Where is Pansy by the way?" Ron asked searching out the room and hoping she didn't stray too far.

Ari chuckled, "Reuben's in the bathroom with Pansy, talking to the mirror."

"The mirror called me pretty, Mr. Weasley!" Rachel yelled from across the room as she raced in glee after a chocolate frog.

"He was jealous that his sister had a conversation with the mirror." Ari raised his eyebrows in disbelief as if he couldn't quite imagine the scenario himself. " My son, Reuben, is too short to reach the mirror so Pansy is in there helping him converse with an inanimate object. It scared me to death I tell you, when it told me I needed to shave!"

They both shared a laugh before Pansy returned with a happy boy in tow.

"It's time, Pansy."

"What about Ari and my children?"

"It's best they stay here for now. The word will be out soon and the Ministry will be swarming with reporters. I have your family under assumed names so they will be safe, not to mention two of the finest Aurors guarding this room." He turned towards Ari, "Breakfast will be served downstairs soon. Have yourselves something to eat and I shall return your wife shortly."

Pansy handed her young son to her husband, giving them both a quick kiss and calling over Rachel to do the same. Pansy Parkinson of all people being emotional. Nothing would ever surprise him after this.

"Quick peek in your pensive Pansy and I'll floo you back before the morning is over."

The look on her face gave Ron pause. Or maybe he had just imagined it. Pansy had given her word that her memories didn't involve the rape that was rumored to have occurred between Draco Malfoy and his sister. Why then did she look frightened?

He held the door open for Pansy, motioning for her to exit first. Just as he was about to shut the door, a small tap on his arm caught his attention, "Hey Mr Weasley." Rachel stuck out her chocolate frog for him to inspect. "Look, no legs!" she laughed like a child possessed, chewing on the edible limbs. "Now it can't get away! Yummy!"

The kid was definite Slytherin material.


The scent of their lovemaking was on the sheets and in the very air around them. Ginny awoke to find herself sprawled across a sleeping Draco's chest. She hadn't come for this. Her purpose had been only to talk, but that had been quickly pushed to the wayside as her senses took leave. She didn't regret it for a minute. The guard had never come back. Harrison, who seemed a bit familiar to her, always seemed to know a bit more than he let on and she couldn't be anything less than grateful.

From the angle of the sun's rays, Ginny guessed she had a few minutes before she would have to leave. It would be breakfast in the Great Hall about now. A quick cleansing charm and a change of robes - she would be ready for her first students of the morning. But she didn't want to leave him. Draco loved her. He had always loved her. Foremost on her mind was the ring and the feelings Draco whispered to her in the darkest of night when he thought she was asleep.

Draco stirred, allowing Ginny to slip away from the tight grip he had held around her. She eased away from the bed and began to search for her clothing. Fully dressed, she stepped away from his cot towards the bars. "Harrison?" she whispered, hoping not to awaken Draco. He would need his rest in the days ahead.

It was too late. "Ginny?" Draco rose from the cot to a sitting position, the sheet falling to reveal his bare chest. A chest she had but a few hours before trailed kisses upon. Ginny couldn't help but blush. "I know you have to go teach mindless little ponces, except my son that is." Draco smirked before his face fell, "but I don't want you to go."

For a timeless minute neither of them moved. Then she went to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. She didn't want to look into his eyes and have him see the troubling feelings waging war within her. How could she share such intimate physical moments with him, yet be wary and embarrassed of speaking her true thoughts?

"I was in your quarters yesterday. I saw all your presents. For Alex…" she raised her eyes to face him, "for me."

Leave it to a Draco to cut to the chase, just like their son. "Did you like it?"

Ginny knew he wasn't referring to the robe. She dug into her pockets, bringing out the diamond ring. "I was going to ask you about it and how it came to be that you felt this way about me."

"Isn't it obvious?" Draco took the ring from Ginny, inspecting it. "I have wonderful taste, don't you agree?" Draco held out his hand in a way that made it impossible for her to do anything other than put hers into it. "You want to know the hows and whys, Ginny? This much I can tell you - without experiencing such evil, how could I appreciate what was good?" How many times had she heard that statement from Padma and from Ron? Had her life continued on a safe path during the war, Alex would never have existed and the man before her who was beginning to mean so much to her would be nothing in her heart.

Before she could pull away, he slipped the diamond onto her finger. Painfully aware of the strength and warmth of Draco's fingers, and paralyzed by sudden shyness, Ginny stared fixedly at the ring.

"I love you, Ginny Weasley. Had it been my choice, I would have asked you in a place other than this. Azkaban isn't the most romantic place." Draco waved his other hand towards his surroundings before pausing to gaze intently at her. "Marry me, Ginny."

She cared for him a great deal. But love? Ginny had loved him before, this much she would admit to herself. Her memories didn't allow her much, but it did afford her visions of pain, sadness and even love.

Draco must have seen the confusion written on her face. "You don't have to say yes now, Ginny. You don't have to say yes at all. Just wear my ring and remember that at one time we both shared something extraordinary in the darkest of times."

"I care about you a great deal, Draco." She swallowed and drew her hand free. Ginny was afraid to look at him. She didn't want to see the disappointed look in his eyes, knowing he wanted more yet she was unable to give even a tenth of what he needed.

Draco framed her face with his hands, tilting it up until his lips were a few centimeters from her own. "You've been through so much and I understand, but it doesn't change the fact that I still love you."

"If…I mean when you get out of here I want to get to know you more, Draco. This I promise you. I want you to be a part of Alex's life and…" Ginny paused trying to find her courage, "and mine."

Lightly, Draco's lips touched hers, clinging with such sweetly aching tenderness, Ginny could have wept. Her hands circled Draco's neck as his lips moved over hers, nibbling and licking in turn. A sigh escaped Ginny lips. As if it was the permission Draco was waiting for, he crushed her against him, deepening the kiss. Each poured years of want and longing into their kiss goodbye.

Their kiss was broken by a slight tap on the bars. "Sorry for being late, Miss Weasley," came Harrison's voice, "your Portkey to Hogwarts is ready."

"I'd better go, Draco." She reached into her cloak fishing out an envelope that read, For Father Happy Christmas.

"In all the commotion I must have dropped it. Thank you Ginny, for this, for everything."

"Goodbye, Draco," she said as she headed for the cell door.

He stared after Ginny, not taking his eyes off her. "Goodbye then."

Ginny tried to break free from his gaze, but could not. She wanted to make things better for him, to make things better for all of them. She would keep her promise to him and to herself. She would get to know the father of her son and the lover she once had. Maybe one day she would even come to love him.

If she'd been honest with herself, she would find out that a small part of her already did.

To be Continued

Much thanks to Rainpuddle13 and VioletJersey, my betas!