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While You Were Sleeping by burgosdamasco

While You Were Sleeping


This chapter contains mention of a rape. Keep in mind this fic takes place during war time. Ginny's actions may seem very OOC even degrading and offensive but the explanations are forthcoming.

WYWS Chap 22

"We'll come back, won't we Mum?" Alex winced as the guard bound his father. He wanted to run over to the guard, hit him, kick him, hex him, anything at all to prevent his father from being taken away again.

"Yes of course," Ginny said, coming up behind her son and wrapping her arms around Alex.

He leaned back against his mother, watching his father being led away. This would be one part of the visit Alex knew he would never get used to. It was a struggle to keep a smile on his face. He had to be strong for both his parents. But the moment his father turned to wave goodbye, Alex lost it. Breaking away from Ginny, he ran towards Draco. "Father!" He threw his arms around Draco grabbing onto his prison robes, unwilling to let him go. "Don't leave me." Jeers, taunts and the occasional fights at school could never hurt as much as this.

He half expected to be pulled away from his mum or the guard, but it never happened. They allowed Alex to steal a few more minutes with his father, while Draco whispered his goodbyes to him. "Soon, my son. We will all be together."

Alex gave a grudging nod, because even though his father was smiling, his eyes told him a different story. The uncertainty he saw staring back at him frightened Alex. His father was not a perfect man, yet Alex could accept that. But he was not willing to accept the fact that the man he had gone so long without, the father he had just discovered, might be taken away from him forever.


Longing so pure and sharp that it made his eyes burn pounded Draco's chest. He wanted to be lost in the memory of Ginny and her sweet kisses, but his mind kept wandering back to the boy he disappointed. The pain in Alex's voice had been palpable. It had been hours since they departed but it felt like years. He closed his eyes, willing for sleep to lessen the anger, frustration and growing sense of hopelessness.

Ginny was regaining her memory, little by little. It was important for Ginny to regain all her memories. But now Draco was in doubt as to whether her remembrances even in their entirety would change anything at all. Visions of the past flashed before him, washing him in a familiar wave of guilt and pain.


Two days had past and she still hadn't tired of the list of things he had left for her to do. "My floors need scrubbing, Weasley," he said as he led her from the tiny cell she shared with a sickly and starving Patil and Thomas.

"Have fun with the wench." Avery winked as he passed, on his way to retrieve his own prisoner.

The fire that had been behind her eyes disappeared, leaving nothing but blankness in her face. For a small moment a spark reappeared. "They know it's you." Ginny spat harshly at a masked Draco. "There is no need to hide your face. What are you ashamed of?"

He tore at his mask, advancing upon her, "They fear me do they not?" he asked, pinning her against the wall. He would not allow the Weasley girl to talk in such an insolent manner in front of a fellow Death Eater. "Me ashamed? I could cause you much shame," he whispered, pressing his growing hardness between her legs. She was a Weasley, but she was also a woman. "I could take you here Weasley, in this hallway in front of everyone. Is that what you want?"

He grabbed the hand that had reached out to smack him, forcing her palm to rub against his already bulging erection. "Feel that little Weasley?"

A crowd of Death Eaters was already surrounding them, laughing at the ravishing they were sure would take place, each one asking for their turn. Draco had never shared anything and he wasn't about to share his prisoner now, but he had no qualms about making a spectacle of the girl in front of all the Death Eaters. Sex was something he would not engage in with a mudblood lover. He had standards, even if the others did not. Voldemort and his father would surely notice his sincerity unlike Avery or McNair who bedded a different female every night, mudblood or not. It didn't mean he couldn't scare the girl. The thought in itself excited him.

"What you want you will not take!" Ginny spat, surprising Draco by slipping her hands into his trousers. Draco felt his muscles stiffen in shock as she started stroking his length. His erection was now painfully hard. He rested his hands on her hips, leaning down to part her lips biting and sucking fiercely on them, drawing a trail of blood down her neck, leaving marks in his wake.

He could feel her other fingers tugging his head down, pulling them closer. "You dirty bitch!" he groaned. Pressing into Ginny's hip, he grinded madly against her hand which was furiously pumping his cock, wet with precum. "This is what you want, isn't it Master Malfoy. You want to fuck me, " she laughed, nearly bringing him to completion, before kneeing him in the groin.

He doubled over in excruciating pain, laughter from the other Death Eaters reaching his ears. Once again he was back at Hogwarts, the same feeling of inadequacy he had felt coming back ten fold. How could he lead these men when he couldn't even control a simple prisoner? "Diseased Whore!" he hissed through clenched teeth. Pushing himself off the ground with much effort, his hand came up to strike her face again and again.

"There are potions that will get rid of everything these mudblood lovers have," winked Avery as he and Dolohov led a battered blond woman down the hallway.

"Unfortunately the potions are not a cure all, " remarked Snape, his eyes following his former student being dragged by the two Death Eaters before returning his full attention to Draco. "I commend you for avoiding the mudblood diseases that might ravage the community were it not for our adherence to the purity called on to us by our Lord. There should be more like you in our ranks. "

Compliments did not come easy from his former Professor, not even back at Hogwarts. His words of praise were always an unexpected surprise and he hoped his father would hear of his strength of character. "Thank you, Professor."

"There is a meeting tonight, Mr. Malfoy. Your father requests your presence," he said, nodding before disappearing down the hallway.

Finally he was acquiring more responsibility. Neville's confession had shown that he indeed was capable of so much more. For days they had tried to break the man. It had been his idea to use the Weasley girl. A simple Crucio would never work on the man, all one had to do was look at his parents. They would rather save others than save themselves. A true Gryffindor weakness that would be exploited again. Her brothers would be even easier.


"What did you say?" Draco asked, twisting around to look at her.

"Luna, " she whispered. Just as quickly as her eyes lit up, they now died seemed to stare into nothingness. A small battle they fought daily, but he would continue to win. The sooner she realized it, the better.

"You see what happens when you are not a good girl?" he remembered when Lovegood was captured by Avery and Mcnair. The fact that she was also the fiancée of the great Ronald Weasley enraged them even more. She was raped more times than Draco could count by multiple Death Eaters. Even Draco was sickened by the sight, but why he did not know. Perhaps because he had a little bit of Narcissa in him, though he would never admit it to anyone. Afterwards, he caught his mother crying. A promise was made not to speak of what he had seen, and he swore that he would not. She muttered about her precious boy having higher standards than to shag a lowly witch and such, but he knew what his mother was really trying to imply. Draco was not to participate in such activities. He didn't give much to anyone, but for his mother he would honor her request. There were more than enough willing females of high rank in Voldemort's fold. Perhaps he would pay Pansy Parkinson a visit tonight.

Ginny followed him the rest of the way in silence.

Draco conjured up a bucket of soapy water as they entered his room. "If I cannot see my reflection in these floors by the time I come back, I'll hex all that pretty hair from your head."

No retort left her mouth. She simply got down upon her knees and started to scrub.


Whispers of his unearned privileged status were heard throughout the prison. He heard the snickering of the rest of the Death Eaters upon hearing of Lucius commands. Once again, an important battle was brewing and he was left on the sidelines with none other than Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson and Peter Pettigrew. It was his interrogation of Neville that had led to this very point, yet it hadn't mattered to his father.

"Father, may I have a private word with you?"

Lucius who had been in a deep conversation with Snape and Rudolphus, rolled up the parchment they had been studying before turning to his son. "Yes Draco?" the tone of his voice was pleasant yet it conveyed a hint of irritation. He may have looked calm, but Draco knew that underneath a storm was brewing. "Is there a question about your assignment?"

Of course there is!, was what he wanted to say. Why should he be left behind with Goyle and Parkinson to oversee the prison, when people such as Flint were sent into battle and coming back as heroes. He was more competent in hexes and curses than Flint could ever hope to be, yet he was forever lumped in with incompetent Goyle. Pettigrew was nothing more than house elf for the Dark Lord. Someone had to wait on Lord Voldemort while the rest were engaged in battle. What better person than a sniveling idiot like Pettigrew? As for Pansy, it was common knowledge that Mr. Parkinson had forbid her to go into battle. War is not a woman's place, her father had commented, yet the hypocrite had no qualms about being under the command and protection of Bellatrix Lestrange when the time came.

Draco was being coddled just like a child and he resented it. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat, scraping up enough courage to ask his request. "It would give me no greater pleasure than to serve our Lord during this time." Draco could already picture himself coming back, the praises and looks of envy heaped upon him.

Lucius nodded toward the others while leading his son away. "Have I not toiled hard enough in the service of the Master only to see my son killed! I will not let you throw away everything I have worked for! "

"But Father, were it not for my use of the Weasley girl-"

Lucius cracked his cane against the stone wall behind Draco. "Silence! Your Hogwarts education leaves much to be desired. You can thank your mother for that."

Draco dared to continue. He was eighteen now and refused to let Lucius intimidate him with his walking stick. It would serve no good purpose to let his father become aware of the fact that it instilled a bit of fear, even after all these years. "What of Flint and Pucey?"

"Survival of the fittest, Draco. War is a natural part of life. It rids the world of a certain segment of the population it does not need."

"Father, I am more than capable of holding my own against Dumbledore's Army. If you'll just give me a chance-"

Lucius interrupted, tapping his wand impatiently. "The chance to prove my theory wrong Draco? I think not, my son."


"Did you punish the girl?" Pucey laughed as Draco stormed down the corridor past the exiting Death Eaters, doing his rounds.

Sounds of Apparition could be heard throughout Voldemort's stronghold. His peers were headed off to fight while he was stuck making sure each of the prisoners were accounted for in his wing. How very unimportant he felt. A monkey could do this task. His father did not trust his abilities. That fact in itself burned. Perhaps he had heard of the incident in the hallway. What he wouldn't give to punish the girl in front of her brothers. But they were his father's special prisoners. No one was allowed to touch the Weasley brothers save for Lucius Malfoy, not even his own son. The Weasley girl on the other hand was a different matter altogether. She was meant to be used by the younger Malfoy. The centuries of bad blood between both families was coming to a head and soon they would be taught the proper ways of Wizarding culture, or, as his father was apt to say, meet a very sticky end.

He wanted to hurt her for making him the laughingstock once again. The frustration within threatened to explode. Perhaps a visit with Longbottom would put his mind at ease. He made his way to the torture chambers, screams became more fierce as he drew closer. Lovegood's crying pricked at his ears. What would it hurt to see exactly what type of games Avery and Mcnair engaged in with the young Ravenclaw? He whispered Alohamora, the door swinging slightly open.

What he didn't expect to see was his own father screwing the girl across a table. She was bent over, her face being banged maniacally by Lucius with each thrust. "A good luck fuck for the battle. Maybe I will even Avada Kedavra your Ronald Weasley tonight!"

She turned her head to catch Draco staring, hidden in the shadows. Her eyes caught his and in that instant, despite everything that was happening to her, she looked like his mother with her blond hair splayed across the table. Bile threatened to rise in his throat
. What about his mother? How could his father lower himself to do such a thing? All his rhetoric about self control and the discipline his own son lacked was something Lucius himself appeared not to possess. He crept out of the room to vomit violently in the hallway.

"Musn't be weak. Musn't be weak," he chanted to himself. Muttering cleansing charms, he made his way to the chamber holding Neville. He would torture the man, this time with words. Let him know how grateful they all were for his contribution to the downfall of Dumbledore's Army. Draco had to forget what he had seen. Had to burn the memory of his father's actions from his mind. Had his mother known?

"What are you doing?" Draco asked flinging the door open to find Snape extending Longbottom's chin, pouring a vial of liquid inside his mouth

"Preserving the body," Snape said matter of factly before returning to the task at hand.

"He's dead?" Draco reached out to touch the skin of Neville which was so very cold. Realization hit him hard and fast. This was no longer a game where simple hexes were flung to embarrass another. This was life and death and Draco had never felt so vulnerable. His thoughts wandered to Lovegood and wondered how long his father had been using her in such a fashion and how long it would take before she herself met death.

"Of course he died! What do you think would happen to him?" Snape snapped, continuing about his work. "Longbottom would have been of much better use to us alive. There are still many secrets we could have learned about the Order."

"Aunt Bella, she…they…said he had served his purpose. He was to be moved to the prison cells tomorrow with the rest." He had a hand in killing this person, this boy he had gone to school with. The familiar feeling of bile was rising in his throat once again.

"Longbottom deserves a proper burial despite where his loyalties lie. He died a warrior. Send me the young Weasley so that I may have her prepare Longbottom's body for delivery to his wife. As soon as she is done, I shall have her sent back to your chambers."

Though they were far removed from Hogwarts, Draco still had undying respect for his former potions professor. He could have said no, but he found himself heading to his room on his way to retrieve the young Weasley.

Chanting the lengthy unlocking spells the door swung open, revealing Ginny Weasley rummaging through his bureau. "You spy!" he screamed, grabbing for the redhead, shaking her violently with all the pent-up rage he felt. The anger at seeing his father cheat on his mother, the wretchedness he couldn't explain when he saw Longbottom's dead body, were all directed at the Weasley girl.

"Healing Potions, I was looking for healing potions. Padma and Dean are sick."

"In my drawer, little one?" His hands closed around her neck, before he threw her to the floor.

Despite his questioning, her answer remained the same, "Please. They are being overworked, Master Malfoy. I was only looking for Healing Potions."

He would not be taken for a fool any longer, not by his father, nor by this insipid girl who dared to put her filthy hands on his belongings. There had to be a contact somewhere within Voldemort's forces. If he could use the Weasley girl to snuff out this mole, he would be seen as an equal, not the pampered son of Lucius Malfoy. "Who is it!" he said through clenched teeth.

"There is no one, Master Malfoy. I wish only to please you," Ginny said, bowing her head in deference as she knelt at his feet. Before he could move, her hands had unfastened his belt and his pants quickly shoved to his feet.

"What are you doing?" he questioned although his feet stood planted to the floor. "Stop Weasley!" His command was lost in a whimper as he staggered back against the wall when she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length and stroked.

As soon as her mouth closed in on the tip of his penis, all thoughts, except for the pleasurable sensations tingling his every nerve ending, vanished. Draco had come back to his room to do something, what it was he had momentarily forgotten. The subtle pressure of her tongue made him start to shake. He clutched at his wand, his knuckles turning white. He didn't know what to do about the shaking or the moaning, he was quite sure he hadn't performed any silencing charms before this. For all he knew, the other Death Eaters might be able to hear every sound.

She began to suck deliberately, and indeed the day of reckoning was close at hand as her silky mouth surrounded him. His climax rode closer with every downward stoke of her tongue. "There…oh yes…oh yes." He grabbed onto her head, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he erupted into the warmth of her velvet mouth.

Sliding down the wall, Draco collapsed against it. He closed his eyes, his body still shivering from his orgasm. When he finally managed to open his eyes, the tip of his own wand was pointed directly in his face. He looked up to see Pansy Parkinson holding onto a crying and trembling Ginny, whose arms were now tied behind her back. "Tsk, Tsk, you dropped this while having your fun with the Weasley girl."

"What are you doing here?" he asked, grabbing for his wand while he scrambled to put his pants back on.

"Learn to lock your door, Draco. Snape sent me down to retrieve the girl since you seemed fond of shirking your duties and engaging in other matters."

"How I handle my affairs is none of your business! Now get out!"

Before she slammed the door shut behind her, Pansy shot him a twisted smile, "You scream just like a girl when you cum, Draco. Did you know?"

"Out!" roared Draco before turning his attentions once again to the sniffling girl. "How very brave of you Gryff to lower yourself to that of a common slut. I quite enjoyed myself." Her sobs grew louder at his pronouncement, drawing more ire from Draco. "Stop crying you stupid twit. I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to, now did I? Too bad it backfired. Don't play me for a fool, Weasley. I know your motivations. We will continue our discussion after your assignment with Snape."

He dragged her down the hallway, Lovegood's cries now replaced by another's screams.

Lucius voice drifted from one of the torture chambers. "Tell us where the Order has been hiding."

"I do not know." came the calm, yet exhausted reply.

"You leave me no choice then." The stench of Dark Magic lay thick in the air, a cruel voice echoing down the corridor, "Crucio!"

The girl slumped against him, mumbling incoherently. Draco swore, pushing her along as he made his way towards Professor Snape. The only word he could make out was one - Charlie.


The girl was still crying when she was returned to his Chambers. No doubt she hadn't expected her respite from him to be that of cleaning the dead body of Longbottom. Her sobs breaking the stillness of the Dark Lord's fortress, carried on for hours. Still, after what Weasley had seen and heard, she refused to tell him anything.

A sharp rap at his door interrupted his interrogation session. "Who is it?"

He opened his door to see a bloodied Nott and a limping Pucey "Your father requests reinforcements."

The time to prove himself was upon Draco. After locking the Weasley girl in his room and promising to extract information later, he gathered the few remaining Death Eaters that he most trusted. Draco readied himself, chanting protective spells that would prepare him for war. The others started to arrive, including Goyle and Pansy on defiance of her father's orders. Draco wasn't going to stop her.

A slightly out of breath Nott briefed Draco on the situation they would soon face. "We were ambushed, surrounded. When we arrived in Hogsmeade it had been deserted. The whole town gone. They weren't there."

Draco asked, pulling on the mask that marked his loyalty, "Pray tell, how does an entire town just disappear? Where were they?"

"The information was wrong. Dumbledore's Army was in a different location," Pucey said hesitatingly, holding out the Portkey "There's something else you must know…"

"Give me that!" Draco snatched the case, pushing Pucey to the side, urging the others to grab onto the Portkey.

What he didn't expect to see was the decimated ruins of his boyhood home. Malfoy Manor which had stood for hundreds of years, was no more. Reduced to rubble. Flashes of eerie light lit up the sky, surrounded by sounds of the unforgivables. But he didn't move, instead he picked through the pieces of his home. "Mum!" he cried out. But there was no answer. She was supposed to be safe here. Father had promised.

Coming across his mother's hairpin, Draco's throat tightened. "Mum!" He called out again, his voice strained. "Mummy!"

It was Goyle who found the body of Narcissa Malfoy, burnt almost beyond recognition . He had fallen to the ground at the news, throwing off Pansy when she tried to comfort him. The grief came upon Draco, hard and violent. He should have been here to protect her. His mother should never have had to die alone.

That night was a blur as he ignored his father's orders for him to be sent back. Damn Lucius! He should have been with mother instead of screwing the Ravenclaw. Draco made his name that night, taking his grief and anger out on both mudblood and wizard, young and old.

That was the night Goyle deserted and Pansy Parkinson went missing. That was the night he saw his first Thestral. That was the night Ginny Weasley had come to his bed.

(end of flashback)

Thanks to my betas Rainpuddle and VioletJersey! Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you and wading through the flood of punctual and grammatical errors. I am sure it gets tedious but I appreciate it!

Also thanks to the readers who have stuck with me through this whole fic! We are nearing the end.

To Be Continued.