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While You Were Sleeping by burgosdamasco

While You Were Sleeping


Draco mindlessly watched sun the cast its last rays over the lake before it dipped from view. If asked, he couldn't have said how or when he had arrived. Picking up a stone, he threw it across the lake watching it skim the surface. The squid popped it's head from below, wanting to know who was responsible for disturbing its rest. The Malfoy of old shot another rock towards the squid, wishing he could knock the monster straight between the eyes. On purpose, he missed. Barely. His son loved magical beasts and Draco couldn't bring himself to hurt the creature.

"Alex Malfoy." he whispered out loud. Draco didn't say Weasley. The boy should have been a Malfoy. A hint of a smile reached his lips. Alex had called him father today. He blinked back tears, grateful for the solitude. He had his son's love.

But he had Ginny Weasley's hate. Draco could see the emotion in her eyes. It burned her to look at him. When Draco had awoken to the redhead, he had to convince himself that she was indeed not a dream. Draco wanted to pull Ginny into his arms and kiss the lips that had once welcomed his touch.

Even after all the time they'd been apart, Ginny still did something to him, still touched some part of him that no one else had ever reached.

Someplace Draco had never wanted anyone else to reach.



If anyone could help, it was Snape. He followed his old Professor through the Dungeons that led to her cell. "She's sick Professor. Ginny won't eat, she's vomiting. I hurt her. Oh gods, I really hurt her.........................................."

He had to. Didn't he? They were going to kill her.

The Professor said nothing as they neared the cell, pulling the mask over his face. Draco followed suit as they opened the door. Padma was holding onto the sickly prisoner's hair as Ginny retched into the basin.

"Leave her alone!" Dean Thomas spoke from across the cell as the death eaters entered.

At Dean's words, Padma froze repeating the words but knowing she couldn't prevent whatever the deatheaters had planned. "Leave her be, for mercy's sake. She's ill!"

Sweat poured down Ginny's face, as she vomited again. "Make it stop!" she pleaded. Draco's guilt weighed heavily upon him. The faded bruises of the night before were still very much evident.

"Mind your business, you!" Draco growled behind his mask at the black haired witch. He dragged Padma to the other end of the cell, forcing her to sit next to Dean Thomas. "Stay on this side and do not interfere, if you do.............................." Draco made a slashing motion across his neck. "Understand?!"

Dean and Padma nodded, Understanding far too well.

Still Draco didn't trust them. He immediately cast a temporary blinding spell on them before walking to the opposite side of the prison cell, toward the sick woman he had dared show concern for.

Draco knelt next to Ginny, lifting her tired head as Snape administered various Potions. "I'm sorry Ginny." He whispered, caressing her cheek . "I'm so sorry."

She grasped his hand and gave it a weak squeeze. "You did what you had to do Draco. Don't be sorry. You saved my life."

No. She was mistaken. He thought he was saving her from them. But despite everything he had done, Ginny was still hurt. She could be dying and it was all his fault. Draco was sure he had performed the Healing charms correctly. What if he hadn't done them in time?

"I love you Draco."

Removing the mask, Draco pressed his cheek against hers, not knowing if the wetness was from Ginny's tears or his. Lifting his face, he met the Professor's frowning one as spell after spell was chanted.

"Just as I thought." Muttered Snape, shaking his head as he looked at Draco.

Draco's mind was congested with doubts and fears, "Will she be ok, Professor?"

Even after being made a Deatheater, Draco never saw Snape as a peer . He preferred calling him Professor to Snape. As at Hogwarts, he still had undying respect for the former potions master. Since the war started, Snape had saved his life twice.


The first time, Draco was once again given the assignment of extracting information from the youngest Weasley. He had dragged Ginny to the torture chamber as she screamed for mercy. Instead he had been caught by Mcnair being intimate with Ginny, screaming her name instead. They accused him of being a spy. Someone was leaking information and all signs pointed to the younger Malfoy.

Snape on the other hand said rather convincingly, "Draco is merely pleasuring himself with a female prisoner."

They had all bought it. Draco wondered why Snape defended him. How did Snape know that Draco was not the spy they were searching for? The second time Draco had attempted to help Ginny escape. Caught this time by the potion master himself. He called them crazy and foolish. There were too many deatheaters and dementors guarding the prison. They would both be dead. That's when he instructed them to wait for the Order. The Order of the Phoenix and their reinforcements would be coming soon.

Two spies in the snakes lair were now biding their time.


"We're at war! I mistakenly thought you were much smarter than this. What in Merlin's name were you thinking?"

Draco was taken aback at his words. "I - I, they were going to kill her. I had no choice!"

"You stupid fool. She's with child!"

Ginny's hand immediately clutched her abdomen protectively. "I'm going to have a baby."

Draco for the first time was speechless. No words were uttered. He merely placed his hands over hers. His mind couldn't quite comprehend that at this very moment his son or daughter was growing and developing in the womb of a woman he loved so very much. The next time Draco was asked to torture this particular prisoner, he would AVADA KEDAVRA the deatheater on the spot.

Snape fumed, his foot tapping in irritation at viewing the tender moment between the future mother and father, "Now the situation is even more precarious!" Snape pulled Draco from his knees to a standing position, whispering harshly in his ear. "Are you willing to sacrifice the outcome of a war for one woman?"

Draco turned his glaring eyes onto his professor, "I would die for her!" turning away from his Professor he knelt down once again to his beloved. Draco twined his fingers with hers. After the war they'd move far, far away from all these horrible memories. He would take Ginny and his child to the Americas or maybe Australia, someplace where a Malfoy and Weasley could live in peace. It didn't matter where, as long as Ginny was with him. He'd marry her properly so that his son or daughter would be born a Malfoy.

Draco kissed her then, not caring that Snape saw.

"As touching as this little moment is I have to remind you both that Miss Weasley here is not well. I estimate that she is at 6 weeks. The first trimester is a difficult time for a new mother, not to mention, one that is imprisoned."

"I'll take care of her." Draco said as Snape stomped off , muttering down the dungeon corridor that silly teenage daydreams would be the death of them all.

Draco stared at the brown eyes that had seduced him but a few weeks ago. He was already sneaking in food for Ginny when the rest of the patient population was starving. Though he guessed she was willingly sharing it with Dean and Padma from the looks of them. Now that Ginny was pregnant he would have to make even more trips from the kitchens and hope no one noticed.

Definitely more blankets had to be brought. The dungeon cells were chilly, and heating spells only lasted for so long. Draco would not have the mother of his child uncomfortable. A part of him was in her and she should be treated like a queen, not caged like an animal. Anger at the thought tore at him.

"I'm going to get you out of here Ginny." He whispered running his hands through her hair. Would their son or daughter have red or blond hair? Draco didn't care, silently hoping for a son. Call it Malfoy pride. He wanted a son and wished it so.

"Don't let them hurt my baby, Draco." Her eyes welled with tears, knowing full well the danger she was in. She wanted to see her child grow, learn and love.

Draco kissed the tears away. His woman. His baby. He would protect what was HIS. "If anyone dares hurt our child they'll be on the receiving end of my wand!" he smiled at her trying to lighten the mood.

She returned his smile. Once again she took his hand in hers, guiding it to her still flat stomach that was hiding a life inside. "I love my baby already....................and I - I love you too Draco Malfoy"

He took Ginny in his arms then, grateful for the blinding charm he had cast on Padma and Dean. Slowly Draco bent his head until he was kissing her, and as Ginny's mouth opened , he felt a rush of need fill him. He encircled Ginny's waist to draw her closer not wanting to let go, ever.

"Well, Well, Well......................" came the familiar drawl from the doorway.

On instinct Draco pushed Ginny away, his worst nightmares were coming true.

"Father…………………," Immediately Draco stood bowing before his superior.

"Is this the pretty Weasley that has been servicing you?" Lucius strode towards the cowering girl who was holding her arms across her belly. She did not dare make him angry. Now she had a life inside that she must protect at all cost. With his finger he brought her chin up, "Look at me girl, you know me, do you not?"

Ginny nodded her head as Draco looked on, trying to mask his fear.

"You'll be reunited with your brothers tonight, my precious. A happy family reunion for all involved!" Lucius patted her head as if she were a child. He kissed her tear stained cheek before heading towards the door.

Before exiting Lucius paused, "By all means, finish what you started Draco. A man has needs, even if it is a Weasley whore who will be fulfilling them." Lucius chuckled, beckoning his son with his finger.

Like the obedient son he was, Draco went to his father's side, "Yes sir."

"The Weasley prisoners have been scheduled for elimination tonight. The Dark Lord will call for us when the time is nigh. Be ready."

Draco bowed his head once again, not in respect but to hide his paled face, "Yes, father."

A trembling Ginny looked up at Draco. "I won't let them hurt you or our baby." He picked her up in his arms ignoring the protests of Dean and Padma who heard the slamming of the steel door. He took her to his quarters ignoring the warning eyes of Snape as he passed.

Lying Ginny down on his bed, Draco tried not to think about how soon tonight would come. He couldn't stop touching her now, couldn't control the way his hands caressed every part of her body. Draco couldn't bear to think that this might be the last time he could make love to her.


It had been the last time he would ever make love to her. With all the anger building he threw another rock towards the lake. Draco watched as it sailed in the air to touch the shore on the other side.

"Professor Malfoy, there you are." Came the voice of Headmistress Hermione Potter.

Leaning against the tree, Draco inclined his blond head towards Hermione as acknowledgement while keeping his eyes on a distant point beyond the lake. "Come to fire me Headmistress?"

Thoughts of his bleeding and bruised son ran through his head. Alex needed protection from the whole lot of them. Draco wouldn't leave. If he was fired , he'd take Alex with him. "Mark my words Mrs.Potter, I will not leave my position without a fight!"

"Calm down Malfoy, I'll be doing nothing of that sort. I've merely come to inform you that I have handed down suspensions. The offending students won't be returning until after Christmas."

Anger surged as Draco gritted his teeth, "Suspension! They nearly killed Alex Weasley and all you can give them was suspension?! You may as well have sent them on vacation!"

"I can't prevent them from coming back to Hogwarts, though I was tempted. I cannot punish these students the rest of their lives. Educating the next generation of wizards is my job."

Draco huffed with indignation, " And look what a fine job you've done protecting your students!"

Hermione crossed her arms at the insult, "Look Malfoy, I know you're upset. Your son was hurt…………"

A surprised Draco spun around towards her, "You know?!"

"I hadn't realized it until today." Hermione admitted, a bit embarrassed that she had pieced everything together a bit too late.

"And they call you the smartest witch in a century????? Ha!"

"You have to admit Malfoy. Alex is not a bit like you, personality wise that is. He looks like you but his heart is far too sweet to even be suspected of being a Malfoy."

There was a bitter edge of cynicism in Draco's voice, "I suppose you believe the rumors then, that I raped Miss Weasley. Shall I be expecting the Ministry to send me back to Azkaban?"

Hermione eyed him with a calculating expression, "A man who loves his son so much must also love the mother." With that she gave him a curt nod of farewell before trudging back up the hill to Hogwarts.

A burden felt as if it had been lifted off his shoulders, shared by a muggleborn no less. At this point Draco didn't care. Quite possibly he had a second chance to be with his son. From the looks of things, Headmistress Potter would not stand in his way. The last person he would suspect would keep him from his son was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, Ginny Weasley.


"Ginny you need to get some sleep." The familiar voice of Hermione drifted towards her.

Ginny had spent the rest of the evening watching a sleeping Alex. She brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes, marveling in the wonder of having a son. For nine months I carried you.

"Good Night Alex." She kissed his forehead, wrapping the bedcovers tightly around him. I am a mother. I have a son.

Ginny walked alongside Hermione outside the medical wing, along the now dim corridor. Watching Alex in his slumber had been a life changing event. She memorized every hair on his head, studied every feature. She alone didn't make him. Someone else had contributed as well. No matter who or what the situation was Ginny had come to a conclusion. She could love this little boy. "I've been thinking Mione, life is full of if-only's. I want to try and deal with the here and now, for Alex's sake. "

Hermione smiled, "I applaud your decision." Always the dispenser of advice she added, "You're a mum now. I know it's rather sudden but Alex's needs will always come first."

"Of course." Ginny replied. Once again she was reminded that she knew nothing, absolutely nothing about being a mother. The thought frightened her. Maybe there was a book she could check out at the library. Or would she have to admit defeat and write her mother for pointers? Ginny had already failed her brothers, she did not want to fail her son.

"He's rather fond of Professor Malfoy." Hermione's voice broke Ginny from her reverie.

Ginny rubbed her forehead trying to rid herself of the headache that was forming at Hermione's words. She had fully intended to remove Alex from Draco's DADA class. That is, until Hermione along with her nephews and Casey Wood explained the horrid incident in the courtyard. If it hadn't been Malfoy Ginny would have kissed his feet. Now she would have to thank the man that once held her life in his hands. Ginny wouldn't prevent her son from being taught by his favorite professor. It didn't mean she liked it.

Ginny had to answer truthfully. Hermione may have had her reasons for keeping Draco Malfoy on as a Professor but Ginny still held him up as suspect, "I can't say I'm not grateful for what he did today for Alex, nevertheless I'll be watching him."

Hermione interjected, "For Alex's best interests, at least be civil to Malfoy. He is Alex's favorite teacher. "

First Ron and Harry. Now Hermione. Was everyone under the imperious curse? "Is this defend Draco Malfoy day? Let me tell you something Hermione, I'll be as civil as I can to a deatheater, and that's not saying much!" with that Ginny turned on her feet not bothering to say good night to her best friend.Ginny stormed down the dungeon stairs heading towards her bedroom. In the wizarding world, peace reigned everywhere but in her heart.


Next chapter- More Draco & Ginny interaction finally!!! Alex's Christmas wish.