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A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16

A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal


Chapter 10: The Hogwarts Express

Lily waved good-bye to her parents as the train pulled quickly away from the station. Lily's last glimpse of her sister was of Petunia laughing hysterically.

"We're Seventh years!" said Alyssa excitedly. "Oh yea, time to torture first years!" Alyssa and Bekka waved as they headed their way down the train toward a compartment filled with little kids they didn't recognize.

"Remember when I met you for the first time?" asked Katie. "We were first years and it was about six years ago... today... this time."

"Yeah, I remember," replied Lily. "It was the best and worst day of my life."

Lily and Katie stood up and began walking toward the "Head" compartment. Katie was the 7th year Prefect for Gryffindor.

"And this is where we first met James and Sirius," said Katie smiling as she stopped outside the last regular compartment at the front of the train

"Yea, and remember how they were fighting over who could sit by the window?"

"Yes, and then Remus came in and was followed by Peter. Peter was so short then and Remus was so skinny. He was just so skinny," said Lily.

"Then Remus broke up the fight," said Katie. "He was such a scrawny kid. And then Alyssa came over with a bunch of Ravenclaw girls... Remember how she cried when she was sorted into Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw?"

"Yes! All four of us stayed up the whole night crying!" said Lily.

"So many memories Lily! I'm going to miss this place so much next year," replied Katie. Lily nodded her head and Katie pulled Lily into a tight quick hug before they opened the door to the Head compartment.

Four boys heads whipped around and each had a mischievous grin upon their face. All four boys had their hands behind their backs trying to look innocently at Lily and Katie.

"Have a good summer ladies?"

"Hope you did your homework!"

"Looking good girls!" said Sirius as he eyed Katie's tight black shirt. A sound Lily recognized as a huff came from Katie as she crossed her arms.

James slowly seemed to pass something to Remus with his hand. James walked forward towards Lily and bent down to kiss Lily on the mouth when she stuck out her hand and pushed James' mouth away from hers. She then rolled her eyes and walked over to Katie who was standing by the only window in the compartment and wrapped her hand around Lily's shoulder and glared at James.

"Lil-?" asked James as he took a step towards her. His face seemed so sincere that Lily was taken back a moment as she thought he was serious. "I-I.. did I do something... " James eyes seemed to sad that Katie pushed Lily forward a little and backed away.

"Potter, I just don't want to kiss you," said Lily. Sirius began to laugh and Lily and Katie's head whipped over to Sirius, Remus, and Peter eating crackers from a table behind them.

"You're dating and she still doesn't like you Prongs," said Sirius with a laugh.

"What were you doing?" asked Katie accusingly.

"Nothing," replied Remus as he stuffed a few crackers in his mouth.

"What did you have behind your backs before?" asked Lily as she stepped forward and approached Peter. Lily's green eyes starred into Peter's small fragile looking eyes.

"N-no-nothing..." said Peter nervously.

"Tell-me-what-you-were-doing-Peter," said Lily slowly. Peter's eyes darted back and forth between Lily's face and James.

"N-no-nothing..." repeated Peter. Lily turned slowly to Sirius who was standing on Peter's right.

"Black, what are you doing in this room?" asked Lily. "'re not a Head Boy or Prefect. OUT!"

Sirius starred at Lily as she raised her wand in her right arm and flung the door open of the compartment. Sirius looked at James who shrugged. Sirius returned his gaze to Lily who was glaring at him with every ounce in her body. Sirius glared back and both had their wands raised point toward each other.

"Lily," said James who stood nervously from the door by Katie. "Sirius, put down your wands." Katie glanced down the hallway and slammed the compartment door shut.

"James I could take care of your problem with two little words... forever and always..." said Sirius. Lily's eyes bulged and she turned and looked at James. Her wand went limp at her side and James glanced nervously at Sirius.

"You told him... I didn't tell anyone... like you told me to... no one... not even Katie..." said Lily. Lily's hand reached up and she pulled on the necklace around her neck before flinging it at James. Katie ran over to Lily after giving an evil glare to James and Sirius both.

Katie and Lily walked over to the end of the compartment that was filled with chairs and sat down together on a love seat. Lily ducked her head into Katie's shoulder as she tried to hide her rage of anger. Because Lily was hiding in Katie's arms, she missed the many looks James was getting from his friends trying to ask him was Lily had been talking about.

"Lily," said James as he started after her but stopped when he saw Katie's glare shoot out at him. "I didn't tell him anything!"

"Leave her alone Potter," said Katie coldly. "She doesn't need someone like you in her life anyway."

"He didn't tell me anything," said Sirius as he told the truth.

"Sirius and Peter will need to leave now Remus," said Katie coolly as she looked at Remus. "As those two are not Prefects or Head Boy." Remus nodded at Sirius and Peter as they scrambled out of the room. Sirius shut the door behind him and an eerie silence filled the room for a second. No one looked at each other until a loud knock hit the door.

James, who was standing near the door, opened it and let in a group of twenty or so kids. All of them shot looks from James to Lily. Lily realized right away they must have heard almost everything they had done in here as they were probably waiting for the meeting to begin.

The group sat down at the chairs and looked to Lily expecting her to say anything. Lily was starring down at her feet not talking.

James coughed rudely from the door and all the eyes other than Lily's darted to him. "I would like to thank everyone for coming," said James slowly. "Being picked as a Prefect is a privilege that everyone one of you should be proud of. I was never Prefect, so maybe it's only good kids that are picked." The kids laughed and the mood in the room lightened.

"This year," said James. "As many of you know we'll have our semi-annual Winter Wonderland Ball, this will be offered for fourth years and up even though someone younger than a fourth year can be invited if they are invited by a fourth year or up. Lily and I are happy to announce all our old teachers are back. No exchange program will happen this year, do to the... er... circumstance that happened to the ones last year." The Seventh years laughed that knew what James and his friends had done to the exchange students the previous year.

"A few new objects have been added to the list of forbidden objects. Fifth year Prefects, I would like to make it clear to you that you can not dock points from students but you can hand out punishments. And sixth year Prefects and up of course are allowed to dock points from their own house and hand out punishments," said James. "Lily-love do you have anything to add?"

A silence filled the room as everyone starred at Lily.

Lily was not one to sit around and let someone else boss everyone around. Lily liked to be involved and she planned then and there she would control Hogwarts this year. And Potter may think he was in charge but she needed to be behind everything he did, or she knew that for the rest of her life she might end up having to follow Potter around like a little puppy. She would give him a little power over her now, and a little love, and he would be in her pocket within next month if things went according to her plan.

"The Forbidden Forest is of course off limits and any student you find going in there or coming out of there you should notify a Professor or one of us Heads about it," said Lily as James and Remus shot a look at each other in surprise. "I will hand out the passwords now for your Houses," said Lily as she handed out a piece of paper to each other the Prefects. "You will also notice that it has the password for the Prefect's bathrooms on it. Any questions?" asked Lily.

"Yes, I was won-" began a short black haired girl with black eyes.

"Your name please?" asked James.

"Samantha Zambaski," answered the girl.

"Yes OK now what is your question?" asked Lily sweetly as she leaned in towards the little girl. The girl looked nervously around her and seemed to be suddenly shy.

"Will you two be performing the Head Duet?" asked Samantha. Lily glanced very confused over at James.

"For everyone who doesn't know," said James loudly. "The "Head Duet" is a song performed by the Head Girl and Head Boy together at the Winter Wonderland Ball."

"Well, yes I suppose we will be," replied Lily. The kids all shot looks at each other as if something had just revealed itself. "Any other questions?"

AN: OK sorry I am kind of of leaving it at a rather strange ending but that chapter was originally 9 pages long.. and decided to split it in half and that's about the only place I could!!

I'll post Tomorrow and hopefully sometime Monday and then I'll be out of town

Tuesday through Sunday... so i'll try and post Sunday when i get back or maybe

tuesday morning! thankx for the reviews

