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A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16

A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal


AN: Disclaimer: In this chapter, I've taken a lot of information from Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.. I've also copy and pasted a few sentences from The website where I copied a paragraph can be found here: .... I didn't write that just to tell everyone so no one is confused and thinks I am very intelligent... You'll probably be able to tell what paragraphs I took so I won't italic it or anything.

Chapter 18: A Moody Meeting

Lily stared open mouthed as the Auror named Moody set the dead spider right in front of her. Seconds before, the spider had been calmly walking across the table, a quick green flash later, and it was dead.

"And that is the third Unforgivable Curse, that is also the most deadly," said Moody as he stared at the seven students in front of him. "Any questions?"

"Potter, what is it?" asked Moody as he pointed to one of the four boys sitting in the row of seats directly behind Lily.

"Well, Sir," replied James with a silly grin on his face. "Has anyone ever survived that curse?"

"Course not!" said Moody in frustration. "It's impossible to stop it!"

"Why?" asked Sirius as he grinned at Moody from where he was sitting beside his best friend James.

"Because the killing curse is to powerful to be stopped," said Moody. "There are some ways of preventing it.. but there's no where of stopping it!"

"Well," said Lily quietly as she stuck her hand up in the air quickly. Katie, who was sitting beside Lily, looked at her in horror as Lily looked straight forward at Moody. Katie looked behind her to see the four Marauders smiling smugly as Lily waved her arm to get Moody to call on her. Theodore Whaling, the only member of the group who was not in Gryffindor, was sitting on the other side of Lily, two seats down, with a questioning look on his face.

"Yes, Ms. Evans," said Moody finally.

"Well," repeated Lily as she set her hand on her lap and smiled at Moody. "I was wondering, if we are supposed to be training to be Aurors here, then how come you are not teaching us how to prevent one of the most deadly curses ever used? How are we supposed to protect people if we don't learn how to stop the curses.... That's what being an Auror is about, right? Preventing innocent people from dying..."

"Well," said Moody. "You are correct Ms. Evans." Sirius let a whoop out from where he was sitting, but a quick look from Moody stopped him from letting any more out.

"If someone is immortal," said Moody slowly as he picked his words carefully. "And that's not an easy thing to do, if they are immortal, or have used a Horcruxes they won't die." Lily blinked her eyes and stuck her hand once more into the air.

"What are Horcruxes?" asked Lily as she put her hand down and smiled at a surprised Moody.

"Horcruxes are how a wizard or witch makes themselves immortal," replied Moody.

"And how do you do that?" asked Sirius.

"You split your soul," replied Moody with an evil smile.

"I don't get it," said James. "You can't split you soul."

"Yes, you can," said Moody with a sigh. "A Horcrux is created by manually putting part of the soul into an object. Firstly, the soul must be split into two, where one part remains in the human body while the other is destined for the Horcrux. This splitting is accomplished by the "supreme act of evil," murder, which "rips the soul apart." And no one worth knowing kills anyone."

"Well, what if someone did, like a Death Eater?" asked Sirius. "Then what would happen?"

"Well, a powerful spell must be used to gain control over the divided soul to allow the witch or wizard to physically move it into the object they have chosen for the Horcrux. The Horcux could be an object or I suppose a living animal... But objects seem to be the best." The seven students stared at Moody and Sirius mouth had come unlatched and was hanging open.

"So if I killed someone I could make a Horcux?" asked James. Lily rolled her eyes to see Katie was smirking in her hand.

"Creating a Horcrux is unnatural and immoral," replied Moody. "And even discussing Horcuxes is banned at Hogwarts. I shouldn't have said anything, now you guys will all be wanting to make Horcuxes."

"Don't worry," Lily. "We won't be."

"Good," said Moody as he changed the subject. "Everyone should take out a pen and quill and we will be writing down notes about the Dueling with Death Eaters."

The seven students sat there for the rest of their Auror preparation class and listened to Moody lecture about how one mistake in a duel, could mean losing your life. Moody then explained how he would start teaching them how to duel next week. Lily sighed as Moody dismissed the class. She stood up with Katie and they began walking towards the common room.

Lily glanced back as she saw Theodore Whaling stand up and start talking with Moody as the six Gryffindors left the classroom.

"That was bloody boring," said Peter as the four boys followed the two girls up a staircase.

"Course you thought it was boring Wormtail, you probably didn't understand half of what Moody was saying," said Remus.

"I didn't, and I don't know if I'll go back next week. I'm barely passing the four easy NEWT classes I am taking, as it is."

"It's only the second day of classes, how can you barely be passing?" asked Sirius with a laugh.

"You may never have realized this Sirius, but I am not nearly as smart as you three," replied Peter seriously. Lily let out a laugh as she listened to the conversation going on between the four best friends.

"Really?" said Sirius. "I never realized... I mean we did have to help you only a tiny bit when we were learning how to become an ami...." Sirius stopped talking once Remus had kicked Sirius very, very hard in the back of his leg.

"Well," said James quickly as he tried to cover up what Sirius had been about to say in front of the girls. "You won't be able to be an Auror if you don't come to the class."

"I'll just have to learn to live without being an Auror," said Peter in reply to James' statement.

Katie and Lily stopped outside the fat lady and both turned around at the same time to face the surprised Marauders.

"This class," started Katie shyly, "Is really important to me... So I don't want you talking much during it... No distractions... "

"And," said Lily. "Don't ask stupid questions about Horcuxes... I saved you guys this time from being humiliated in front of Moody, but next time I might not be as nice about it. All six of us know none of us will be making a Horcrux... I mean I've always wanted to know what they were especially since their is only a few casual mentions of it in the library... but still... don't ask stupid questions like that next week." Lily leaned forward and kissed James quickly on the cheek.

"Night James," said Lily as she walked into the common room, followed by Katie who waved at the four boys quickly and gave Remus a small smile.

"Night ladies," said Sirius as he blew a kiss at Katie who rolled her eyes and shut the door to the common room quite quickly behind her. James said the password again and the fat lady swung open and James saw Lily and Katie disappearing up the girls' stairway towards their dorm.

James sighed and smiled at Sirius standing beside him who was giving Alyssa and Bekka, Lily's friends, flirty looks. Sirius grabbed Remus' arm and the two boys plopped down in front of Alyssa and Bekka and Sirius quickly began talking to the two young beauties.

James eyes quickly surveyed the room. The room was empty except for two Fifth year boys who were playing Exploding Snap and a third year girl who was sitting by herself with tons of books around her trying to get some homework done. She looked overworked, lonely and in need of a break.

"Do you need some help?" asked James as he plopped down next to her and she glanced up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you talking to me, Sir?" asked the young girl who pushed her glasses up from the tip of her nose to the bridge. She then quickly pushed her light brown hair out of her face and James saw some very pretty blue eyes starring at him from behind the rims of her glasses.

"Yes," replied James. "My name's James, by the way, James Potter."

"Course I know who you are... Everyone does... The Legendary Potters? Who hasn't heard of them... books are written about your family.... And even if your family wasn't famous... YOU are... Star Quidditch player? Head Boy? Marauder.... trust me Sir, I know you," replied the girl in a rushed voice as she closed the book she had been reading.

"OK," said James taken back by the girl's honesty. "Now can you tell me who you are?"

"I... I am Silva Styerling, and yes I suppose you could help me... I think I took to many classes this year..." James looked at the schedule sitting next to her and his eyebrows raised. This girl had two or three classes at every time slot.

"Er... yes I do think you have too many classes," replied James as he set her schedule down. "Can I ask how you plan on getting to all your classes?"

"No, you can not ask. I just think I did not do myself a favor by signing up for extra courses like my teachers had recommended."

"Ok," replied James as the girl opened up the book of charms and again began to read. James looked over to see Katie, Bekka, and Remus laughing at some sort of joke Sirius had just told. The boys playing Exploding Snap had left the Common Room and Peter had gone to bed.

"Do you need something?" asked Silva as her eyes popped out of the book and starred at James. James looked at the book she was reading and then back at her.

"Why, yes...." said James. "Are there any charms that would be able to tell a Map, for instance, where all the occupants of the building were at a certain time?" asked James as he looked hopefully at the girl. She smiled smugly and turned to a page in her book.

"It's right here," said Silva as she showed James a page. His eyes quickly scanned the page and found a simple charm explaining what to do.

"Wow," said James as he read through the Charm. "One second," James said to Silva and then shouted across the Common Room to Remus and Sirius. "You guys, she's got the charm!"

Remus jumped up in his seat and ran over to the James so quickly that James would have missed him in a blink of an eye. Sirius, rather slowly, got up and followed Remus. Alyssa and Bekka, realizing they were not wanted any longer, headed up to their Dormitory leaving only the three boys and Silva in the Common Room.

"That's so easy," said Sirius and he read the charm.

"Why didn't we think of that?" asked Remus.

"Because we didn't have this book," replied James. "Should we do the charm now?"

"No," replied Sirius. "It says the charm should be done in a small room in the middle of the day when there is lots of sunlight."

"Tomorrow then?" asked Remus. James and Sirius nodded and then turned towards Silva.

"Could we please use this book?" asked Sirius who smiled at the third year sweetly.

"Yes," said Silva, "on one condition."

"What?" asked James a little hesitatingly.

"You three must be my friends," said Silva with a sad smile. "I don't have a lot of friends and if the girls in my grade see me hanging out with the Marauders, I don't know, but maybe they'll be nicer to me."

"COURSE!" said Sirius as he gave the girl a hug that made her blush. "We would have been your friends anyways, regardless of that condition. If you help a Marauder, we help you back. So you want friends? Well, Miss... be prepared... Because you are getting friends!"

And with that, the three boys walked with Silva to the stair case and said goodbye as the girl, much happier, headed off to bed.

"You know, if she was older I would totally ask her out," said Sirius as the boys began to climb into their dorm.

"You know if you were any stupider I would think you were blonde," replied Remus as he opened the door to their beds and rolled his eyes.

An: HI! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.... I am hoping to post another story on Portkey by the end of July.. It's a h/h fanfic.. it's based on the song Going Crazy by Natalie so It is pretty interesting I think...I'll still post as much as I am here.. but there's only like 15 or so chapters left.. ok so maybe there's a lot of chapters left... but this is a long story! and then I don't know if i'll post the sequel or not because it like has like characters that died in Book 6 in it.. and that could be weird.. But i'll do my best to edit it and try and decide if the sequel work or not... So I hope everyone liked this chapter.. I'll try and reply to you if you leave a review.. and thank you to everyone who has left me reviews!! it means soooo much to me!!

