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A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16

A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal


Chapter Four: Dumbledore to the Rescue...

"Professor! How could you tell my parents I would marry him?!"

"And why would you ever thi-"

"Please, Lily and James, stop," said Albus Dumbledore. "Questions will be answered later, right now I am interested more in a cup of tea. You wouldn't have any Mrs. Evans now?"

"Oh yes, one moment," said Rose as she left the room.

"Now, Lily I understand that you do not want to marry James. And James I understand you are much over your crush you had upon Lily when you were younger. But unlike either of you, I have been thinking about the future. It is a necessity that the Gryffindor line continues, James. Your parents asked me to pick an intelligent, smart, respectful and beautiful women for you to marry."

Lily began to blush and the red anger disappeared from her face as she looked at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with James.

"And Lily, your parents asked me to find you a man who would take care of you, respect you, and love you for your whole life," said Dumbledore as he causally sat down in a sofa chair. A long silence filled the room and Lily and James starred at each other, neither were mad, each were just surprised.

"Professor," said James as he broke the silence. "It wouldn't work, we have nothing in common and we don't get along."

"James, Lily, I was married once," said Dumbledore rather fondly. Lily gasped and looked at James who, for some reason, began to blush. "Her name was Madalina, and she was the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes upon. I told myself that I would never be able to have a women like that for a wife. But, for some odd reason she began to like me. Until one day, she loved me."

"B-but still," said Lily.

"Madalina died when she was 23, we had one year of marriage together, one year, Lily. Madalina and I had nothing in common, I was an intelligent student who lacked in social aspects and Madalina was not the smartest person in the world, but she had the most friends." Dumbledore finished and looked from Lily to James. "My point is that even though you have nothing in common, or so you think, you can still learn to love each other."

"But professor, even if we are only frie-friends..." said Lily as she didn't end her sentence.

"Then you can pretend like you are more," added Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled as he watched Lily and James surprised faces. Their parents stood watching Dumbledore until Rose Evans came forward and handed Professor Dumbledore a cup of tea.

"I think that I would also fancy a cup, Emily?" asked Albert Potter as he strode off towards the kitchen with Rose, Nigel, and Emily followed him. Lily, James, and Dumbledore were left in the room alone. Lily looked around nervously for her sister.

"S-sir, how do you expect James and I to tell your friends we are getting married. saying we have an.. err.. arraigned.. marriage.. sounds... old fashioned," said Lily with a sigh of relief.

"Well, what if you simply told then you were engaged, upon your own accord?" asked Dumbledore. James laughed and then stopped when he saw Dumbledore's serious face.

"You're kidding me.. Right? None of my friends would believe me because Lily is so horrible to me... So I tell them.. yes Mate that mean girl that hates me is going to marry me!"

"James, I-I-I can try to be nice to you! It's just that I don't want you playing jokes upon me any more!" said Lily with a huff.

"I won't.... Darling," said James as he added the last part with a smile. James laughed and Lily frowned even though James could swear he saw a smile linger in her eyes.

"Now, I will need to meet with your parents briefly as we go over some last minute things on the agreement," said Dumbledore. Dumbledore nodded at his students and left the room. Lily sat down on the sofa chair that Dumbledore had been sitting in while James sat down on the couch.

"Is that a Telly-vish-un?" asked James as he pointed towards the television in the room. Lily nodded her head and slowly starred into the blank black screen.

"James... I really want you to know, if I had to pick one of the prats in Gryffindor, excluding Remus, I would pick you to marry," said Lily. James slowly turned his face to hers and looked at her sweetly.

"And why is that... Lily-love.. is it my good looks? Or sweet personality? Or is the fact that I am just plain Sexy?" asked James.

"Neither, it's the fact I wouldn't marry anyone else," replied Lily simply as she yawned and looked around her plain, boring living room.

"And now what do you mean by you wouldn't marry anyone else?" asked James defensively.

"Well, Sirius is a flirt and I would never know if he happened to be cheating on me or not," said Lily. James made noise that sounded a lot like a laugh. "And Peter is well... Peter."

"So you would pick me!" replied James.

"No, I would pick my friend Remus," replied Lily in a sticky voice. Lily had expected James to laugh but his voice became very serious and focused on what she had just said.

"Remus wouldn't marry you," said James slowly. A painful looked crossed through Lily's green eyes as she starred at James.

"And why wouldn't he?" snapped Lily as she began to get angry again.

James pondered on his answer and thought before he slowly spoke "He cares about you to much as a friend."

"Oh," replied Lily as she looked down on the floor. An uncomfortable silence crossed through the room and Lily thought how could she spend the rest of her life like this.

"So what do you think our parents are talking about with Dumbledore?" asked Lily as she changed the subject.

"You," replied James, "Don't want to know." James pulled a gold snitch out of his pocket and began to toss it in the air and catch it. He was into the snitch he didn't see Lily get up and storm over and grab it from him right before he was about to make a hard snatch.

"And why NOT!" asked Lily as she stomped her foot across the floor, very near to James toes.

"Because it would upset you," replied James as he made a grab to get his snitch back from Lily but she jerked back from him.

"How do you know if it would upset me?" asked Lily as she became even more upset. James didn't reply and just looked at the floor. Lily slowly began to cry, a rather angry cry, and James looked up from the floor and looked at Lily who was angrily stomping around the room, slamming her self finally onto the couch and let out a loud sob.

"What's the matter now?" asked James as he sighed and walked over to Lily and knelt down beside her and ran a hand down her back in a soft comfortable way.

"You," mumbled Lily into a pillow for her reply. James sighed, then smiled and thought how beautiful Lily looked when she was upset, she was still the most beautiful girl James had ever laid eyes on, and she was the only girl, he knew, that could ever have his whole heart as theirs..

"What did I do?" asked James kindly as he slowly massaged Lily's back, a trick he had learned from Sirius. When girls were upset, they liked to have their backs massaged, it made them feel less tense, and much more comfortable with the person that was massaging their back.

"You won't tell me what our parents are talking about. And if I end up marrying you, you will never tell me anything," snapped Lily as she pulled her head out of the pillow and sat up and pushed James away from her.

"Lily, do you really want me to tell you what they are talking about?" asked James, "So much for Sirius' trick," thought James.

Lily looked up and saw how serious James looked. "Yes," replied Lily slowly.

AN: SOooOoOoO.. First off, thanks to everyone that has replied, I think I have like 21 replies so far! thaTis awesome! everytime I get a review i smile, ha ha ha.. and then like I have 760 hits! wow! (cept like only 21 replies... he he he.. I wonder if that happens with everyone's story?)

So thankx for the reviews, And I like to have little contest in my stories for my reviewers....Who ever gets the 30th review shall get the NEXT chapter emailed to the, buy me... so they get a nice advanced post!

So review away

thankx again

