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A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16

A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal


Chapter 28: Count On Me

Anytime you need someone
Somebody strong to lean on
Well you can count on me
To hold you till the healing is done
And every time you fall apart
Well you can hide here in my arms
And you can count on me
To hold you till that feeling is gone

Title: Count On Me

Artist: Default



"Yes," said Lily. "You are such a nice person and I have never really given you a chance. I'm a horrible person and you have always been polite to me. Except for the times when you were hexing me when we were younger. But apart from those few times you were always a really nice guy. And so funny, James! All my friends always talked about how funny you guys were and I never under-"

"Lily be quite," said James suddenly as he pulled out his wand and began looking intently around the lake.

"J-James.. I was serio-"

"Lily, someone's here," said James quickly as he took a step forward and grabbed her hand.

"Wh-what... Who?" asked Lily.

"The Dark Lord," said a man from behind Lily and James as they both turned around in cold dread fear of what lied ahead of them.


"No," whispered Lily in a sudden breath as she stared at the advancing cloaked Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. Behind the Death Eaters were strange, vulgar looking animals, that Lily knew as Dark Creatures that only Voldemort himself could have created.

From plain Billywigs to Chimaera and Quintaped to Yeti. Hundreds of the most feared dark creatures were now walking on the grounds of Hogwarts.

Lily saw a Cockatrice and instantly shut her eyes, hoping not to see the gaze of the creature that would instantly kill you if you looked it in the eye.

"Get behind me," mumbled James as he pulled Lily's fragile body behind his as he pointed his wand threatening towards the dark wizards.

Lily heard an Erkling begin laughing and she brought her fingers to her ears and let out a loud shriek that covered the creature's laugh.

"Oh, how cute," said a women's voice very sarcastically, James recognized it as Bella Black as Lily lowered her fingers from her ears.

"The man is going to save his precious fiancé," said another cloaked Death Eater.

"Get away or I will kill you all," said James as his body began to tremble with the thought of Lily dieing.

"I'm flattered," said Voldemort as he began to pace in front of his Death Eaters. "I can not honestly believe you plan on taking me on, with my loyal servants by my side."

"I will!" shouted James as his grasp on Lily tightened and she let out a gasp of pain.

"Very noble of you," said Voldemort with a sneer. "Very Gryffindor-like... If I am correct in saying..."

James face began to pale as he trembled even more, knowing what Voldemort would say next.

"You are the Gryffindor heir, are you not Mr. Potter?" said Voldemort with a high laugh as he stuck his wand out and pointed it at James.

"Yes, and you are the Slytherin heir," said James as he spat on the ground. Voldemort's eyes closed in as he glared at James and began to walk forward. James' wand continued to point at Voldemort as James' arm shook dreadfully.

"So then I am guessing you know the Prophecy," said Voldemort as he stopped walking and touched his own forehead with his hand.

"The Slytherin and Gryffindor Heirs will fight to prove which is the strongest and best of all Founders," said James.

Voldemort laughed and turned towards his Death Eaters as he faced away from Lily and James.

The dark creatures standing by the Death Eaters pawed or touched the ground energetically, wanting to break away and attack the two Gryffindors. A Nundu seemed to let a puff of breath and a couple Death Eaters standing near fell over, dieing from the poisonous breath.

Voldemort pointed his wand towards the Nundu and Lily and James saw the large leopard-like creature slump to the ground, dead.

James grip on Lily loosed and she took the opportunity to slip her free arm into her pocket and claps her hand around her wand.

"I know everything," said James with not nearly as much courage as he had mustered before.

"And so do I," said Voldemort with a sneer in his voice.

"How do you know?" asked Lily as she glared at Voldemort. James took his eyes off of Voldemort to look at Lily horrified. At Lily's words Voldemort whipped his body around to once again face the two Gryffindors.

"You might say, The Order of the Phoenix has a rat," said Voldemort as he turned his back once again on the students to face his army of Death Eaters.

"Then you know it's not me... You know I am not the heir," said James as Lily's body gave a shudder, knowing who the heir would be eventually.

"WHAT?" exclaimed Voldemort angrily as he turned a final time back to Lily and James and began walking forward.

"I said, then you must know I am not the heir, if you do indeed have a spy inside the Order," said James smugly.

"Who is it then!" yelled Voldemort as his body began to shake in rage.

"I don't think I will tell you," said James as his cocky manner suddenly came forward, now that he had the upper-hand on Voldemort.

"Crucio!" screamed Voldemort as he pointed his wand at Lily and she shrieked in pain and fell to the ground.

"LILY!" screamed James as he fell down before her and tried to calm her in his arms. Voldemort released the curse and tears were screaming down her face.

"Tell me," snarled Voldemort. James didn't say anything as he kissed Lily's forehead. "Or she gets it for even longer," snapped Voldemort.

James looked into Lily's eyes and saw thousands of mixed expressions. Pain. Sadness. Hope.

"It's my sister," said James suddenly.

"You don't have a sister," replied Voldemort as he raised his wand once more and pointed it at Lily, his eyes now full red-ablaze with fire.

"I do," said James as he didn't meet Voldemort's eyes. "She's in hiding, because she will be the one to defeat you."

"DO NOT LIE TO ME! Look at me boy," yelled Voldemort. But James didn't, instead he gazed at Lily's eyes and only saw the mysterious green that he could never quite figure out.

"LOOK AT ME!" yelled Voldemort even louder.

"NO!" shouted James as he shut his eyes.

"CRUCIO!" thundered Voldemort as this time he pointed his wand at James and James shrieked in pain. Lily at once let out the tears she had been holding back in her eyes as she screamed along with James.

"STOP!" yelled a new voice as four bodies came running towards Lily and James. Voldemort, surprised, lifted the curse on James.

"Sirius!" said Lily as Sirius and Remus dropped down next to James to look at the damage done to him. Katie and Alyssa bent

down and lifted Lily up in a hug. Lily couldn't help but sob on Katie as Alyssa patted her back.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" yelled Voldemort as his emotions of anger took full rage over his body.

"We're here to save our friends," said Sirius as he stood up, seeing James would be ok.

"You're just students," said Voldemort as he began to laugh alongside his Death Eaters.

"ON my count of three," said Remus as he whispered to his friends. "Katie, Lily, and Alyssa get out of here and go for help."

"No!" protested Katie. "I can fight!" Remus gazed at Katie before nodding her head.

"Use your magic, but Lily and Alyssa get out of here, you're to vital," said Remus.

"No," said Lily. "I'm trained, I'm ready."

"Then Alyssa run, as fast as you can, get help, we'll try to hold them off," said Sirius.

"No, I'm not leaving with out you," Alyssa said to Sirius

"Fine, then you send the warning to Dumbledore," said Sirius.




Lily took two Death Eaters down with stunning curses, the second James had said three, without say a word.

James and Sirius stood back to back as one sent curses over the others back while the other one put up a shield, knowing they were the two main targets by the opposing team.

The Death Eaters seemed to know that it was James and Sirius that they were to attack. Few curses were thrown at Lily, Alyssa, or Remus. Voldemort himself stood still as he raised his hand in the air, holding off the Dark Creatures.

Alyssa quickly mumbled some quick words as a white swan flew out of her wand and flew straight towards the window that belonged to Dumbledore's office. Then she quickly stunned a Death Eater before getting hit by the full-body binding curse, causing her to fall over on her back and not be able to move.

Remus began sending silencing charms towards the Death Eaters as they said their curses out loud. He also was watching Lily and Alyssa out of the corner of his eyes and occasionally, silently sent a shield charm over them so they were not hit.

Katie stepped back from the group closed her eyes and let out a growl. For a moment every single person stopped moving and turned to look at where Katie had been standing only seconds before.

The White tiger took one step forward when the forest suddenly had hundreds of animals pilling out of. Voldemort and his Death Eaters stood in horror as the birds began dropping rocks on their heads. A couple of the brighter Death Eaters were able to explode the bigger rocks before any serious damage occurred to them.

One large black panther, which was definitely not native to the land, jumped on top of a Death Eater and began clawing away at the Death Eater's body, blood poured out promptly.

Voldemort dropped his arm and his dark creatures at once leaped forward and attacked the animals coming out of the forest.

A Matnticore and a bobcat jumped together, scratching, biting; attacking the daylights out of the other animal. The Manticore fell to the ground and the bobcat stood on top of it, in triumph over what it had just defeated.

More and more animals, specifically different species of cats, poured out of the forest. The Death Eaters began stunning the animals, some, even killing the animals. But it was the Dark Creatures that seemed to be most productive with killing off the animals, the two kinds of non-humans would attack each other.

The Death Eaters were now to confused over who to fight and had decided it would be best to try and defeat the animals and not the students. The Gryffindors were left alone, unmoving, only watching what was happening.

Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus lowered their wands and watched as Katie, ran forward and joined a single female lion standing by it self on the fringe of the forest. The two seemed to talk as they ran forward and the female lion let out a loud growl.

The doors of Hogwarts swung open and Dumbledore exited followed by a number of the staff.

Voldemort looked around worried as his Death Eaters fell beside him, being attacked by the hundreds of lions, tigers, ligers, panthers, lynx, cougars, bobcats, and more.

Suddenly two Cheetahs ran past Voldemort, one cheetah bit at Voldemort's feet causing him to stumble to the ground.

Dumbledore was advancing with his staff, sending curses at the still standing Death Eaters, that decreased more and more with each second.

The animals seemed to be defeating the Dark Creatures as two cougars attacked a Lethifold and it flattened itself, dead against the ground.

A Graphorn ran forward and knocked one of the cougars away from the Lethifold and made the cougar fly in the air. An amur leopard and the cougar, that was still standing, grabbed the Graphorn and did their best to claw through the tough hide.

An Occamy suddenly flew into the air and Lily gave out a horrified gasp.

It landed beside Voldemort who carefully climbed on board the winged serpent and gave a evil glare to James Potter who was standing in front of his friends with his wand out stretched, ready to attack.

Suddenly the lion that Katie had been running with jumped forward and grabbed the serpent by the throat and clung on biting into the flesh through the hard cold scales.

The Occamy, with Voldemort on it's back began to rise in the air, it struggled though with the great weight of the strong female lion clinging onto it's neck.

Katie, as a large white tiger, ran towards the two animals and Voldemort and jumped on to the tip of the Occamy's tail and bit down hard. The Occamy dropped to the ground landing on top of the female lion.

"λεξικό δεν βρήκε καμία λέξη" thundered Voldemort as his Occamy landed on the ground. Out of his wand came the largest Runespoor Lily had ever seen in her life. The three-headed serpent was not seven feet tall, the average height of any Runespoor. Instead the three-headed serpent, a Runespoor, was a mere seventy feet tall. The three heads looked down on the students, Death Eaters, Dark Creatures, animals, and Hogwarts staff, and it started talking.

"Which to kill first?" asked the first head.

"The smaller humans of course," answered another head in a dreamy voice.

"How reckless," said the third head. "The older humans are much more troublesome."

But before any of the other heads could answer Katie ran forward and attached her gigantic sharp teeth around the base neck of the first head.

"Metaschimatismos!" yelled Voldemort as he pointed his long black wand at Katie and she fell away from the Runespoor and transfigured from her large white tiger form into her human form and lay unconscious on the ground beneath the Runespoor.

Lily let out a shriek of anger and tried to run forward but James grabbed her and held her close.

"Pagoma," roared Dumbledore as he pointed his wand at the Runespoor and it fell to the ground, frozen.

Voldemort whipped his head around and glared at the approaching Professors. His eyes were ablaze with furry as four of his Death Eaters grouped around him waiting for his command.

A new Occamy, larger than the last one suddenly landed beside Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters. The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters climbed onto the Occamy and it began to rise in the air.

Out of no where the female lion ran forward and once again grabbed the Occamy by the throat as it tried to fly away.

"But it-t... died," said Alyssa as she starred at the lion struggling with the Occamy.

"Metaschimatismos," shouted Voldemort again as he pointed his wand at the female lion hanging onto his Occamy. The lion dropped to the ground as it transfigured into a old women that had just fought for her life.

"No," cried out Remus as he tried to run forward and help the fallen women but was held back by Sirius.

"It can't be," murmured Remus as he began to sob uncontrollably into Sirius arms. Lily shot James a look in disbelief as her fiancé shrugged his shoulder.

"Exafanizomai Nekros," yelled Voldemort as all his dead Death Eaters disappeared along with any dead Dark Creatures. Voldemort looked down and glared at James one last time as the Occamy flew away and Dumbledore gazed at Voldemort in anger.

With Voldemort gone, James gazed around the school Grounds and saw a couple of the Hogwarts Staff stun a large Kappa that was drinking the trickle of blood coming out of the fallen women that James didn't recognize. Two other teachers stunned a Clabbert that was trying to get away and finally Dumbledore himself stunned a gray Tebo that luckily, hadn't had the chance to turn invisible yet.

After stunning the Tebo Dumbledore walked forward and pointed his wand at Alyssa who sat up, able to move once again. Remus was still shaking in Sirius arms when Sirius let go of him and leaned down and helped Alyssa up.

Lily and James clutched onto each other as they looked at Dumbledore who was gazing at them in despair. Lily let her eyes wonder to her best friend Katie that still hadn't moved since being transfigured by Voldemort out of her animal form. After looking at Katie, Lily looked at the women Remus had run to and now was crying full out while stroking her hand.

"This is only the beginning," said Dumbledore as he looked at Alyssa and Sirius hugging and crying to Lily and James holding onto each others hands, clenched so tightly.

A Professor moved towards Remus who yelled and ran to Katie and leaned down and laid next to her, crying even harder than he had before.

"The animals," said Lily as all the living animals began to walk back to the forest, away from the dead ones.

"They will go back to where they came from," said Dumbledore has he swept his arm forward and the dead animals disappeared off the grounds of Hogwarts leaving only the stains of blood where they had fought so deliberately to save the lives of six Hogwarts students.

"I-i.." said Lily as she gave a shudder and looked at where Katie was still laying unmoving. The professors standing around gazed at the six students in disbelief, unable to comprehend what they had walked into.

"Shh.." said Dumbledore as he once again swept his hand the final two bodies disappeared.

"WHA-" screamed Lily when Dumbledore looked at her a little more fierce and hushed her.

"They will be in the Hospital," said Dumbledore before Lily could begin freaking out.

The walk to the hospital had been the longest Lily had ever walked. All she could think about was the fact that her best friend, Katie, was likely dead.

Remus had ended up being carried by James and Sirius. Remus wouldn't tell him who the old women was, he just shook his head and no more tears left his eyes.

Alyssa and Lily had walked hand in hand through the door of the Hospital room and sat down in the empty chairs beside Katie.

"She's not dead," said the Nurse to Dumbledore as he walked in with Professor McGonagall next to him, shutting the door quickly. Dumbledore looked around the room and saw Alyssa and Lily sitting next to Katie's bed and James and Sirius setting Remus' body down in an empty bed next to the fallen women that none of the students but Remus had recognized.

"And her," said Dumbledore as he indicated his head towards the fallen women. The nurse nodded her head and Dumbledore sighed.

"Students," said Dumbledore as he cleared his throat and James, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Alyssa looked at him. "Katie is not dead." Lily and Alyssa both cried out in delight as they hugged each other. Sirius and James both looked at Remus to see him only blink his eyes and continue to stare at Dumbledore.

"This women right here," said Dumbledore. "Is known simply as Mrs. PJ."

Lily and James exchanged glances and Lily saw Professor McGonagall give Dumbledore a surprised looked.

"This is Mrs. PJ?" asked Professor McGonagall in disbelief.

"Yes," replied Dumbledore as Professor McGonagall stepped forward and touched Mrs. PJ's hand. The old woman had dark brown hair that looked to be long enough to reach her waist. Her skin was a pale white, with dark eye brows, and very cherry red lips.

"I can't believe that I am seeing her with my own eyes," said Professor McGonagall as she sank down in an empty seat across form Mrs. PJ.

"Professor," said Lily quietly. "Who-who is she?" Remus suddenly laughed and looked at Lily with a look of peer disgust.

"I'm surprised, Lily Evans," said Remus. "I thought you, of all people, would have researched everything you knew about Katie once you found out her gift."

"I did," replied Lily. "I couldn't find anything about it, it wasn't in any books I have ever read and the librarian didn't know anything about it either."

"Then you obviously were looking in the wrong places," said Dumbledore as he pulled from his pocket and old tattered book the had pages missing and multiple rips on the cover.

"Mrs. PJ is one of the most outspoken witches about people who deal with uncontrollable Metamorphosis, including Lycanthropy," said Remus as he gazed at Mrs. PJ as she lay helplessly on the bed. Dumbledore leaned forward and handed Lily a book titled METAMORPHOSIS: Through the Ages.

"She's done amazing things," said Dumbledore as he walked forward and touched one finger against her head. He then walked over to Katie and placed one finger on her forehead. "They should be waking soon," said Dumbledore as he stared at the two women laying on the beds.

They woke in five minutes at the exact same time and turned their heads to look at each other and smiled.

"It's amazing," said Mrs. PJ in a dreamy voice as she sat up in her bed. "I'm so glad I was able to transform one last time before I died."

"Me too," said Katie as she smiled at Mrs. PJ.

"The rush," said Mrs. PJ as she took her eyes off of Katie and looked at Dumbledore, "is amazing."

"Yes, yes it is," said Dumbledore as he smiled a faint smile, with his usual twinkle in his eyes. "How I miss those days."

"Only one thought away Dumbledore old man," said Mrs. PJ as she smiled and looked at Katie.

"They're in a daze," said Lily as her friend continued to ignore her.

"Yes," said Dumbledore. "They will be like this for the rest of their lives if they are forced to stay in their human forms. If someone has been transformed at the same time as them thought, then they can communicate with the person transformed."

"Are you an.. er... transformer?" asked James in amazement.

"No, no," said Dumbledore as he shook his head sadly. "I am only an plain-old Animagus. But I was luckily enough to have the experience of being in my Animagus form at the same time Mrs. PJ was. So she was able to communicate with me while she was in her lion form."

"So what's the difference between transformer and an Animagus?" asked Sirius.

"The difference?" asked Dumbledore as he shook his head and whipped away a tear. "Professor if you could explain..." said Dumbledore as he nodded toward Professor McGonagall.

"Well, transformers, as they are sometimes referred to as, are born with no self-control over their abilities to transform," said Professor McGonagall. "Unless of course they are taught self-control at a young age like Katie was. It is more similar to Lycanthropy where they will change with out will. Unlike Lycanthropy though, they are only forced to change when they think of their animal or are somehow reminded of their animal. They change back when they remember themselves in a human form."

"So if you have good self-control it's a lot like being an Animagus?" asked Alyssa as she starred in amazement at Katie.

"Yes and no," said Professor McGonagall. "When, for example, I transform into my Animagus form I keep my human mind. After lots of training witches like Katie are able to transform into their animal and keep their human mind."

"The wind," said Katie suddenly. "I can feel it blowing through my fur."

"It's so peaceful," said Mrs. PJ in a dreamy voice.

"Can they hear us?" asked James as he looked from Remus to Katie.

"Probably not," said Dumbledore. "Unless of course you are unregistered Animagus and have at sometime encountered Katie or Mrs. PJ in their animal form at the same time you were in your Animagus form."

"Course not," said Sirius with an uneasy laugh as he caught James gaze and looked at Remus.

"Can she hear me?" asked Remus as he looked at Katie. Katie turned her head and looked in the direction of Remus' voice.

"Remus?" asked Katie with a sound of hope. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows as James and Sirius exchanged a bewildered gaze.

"How can she hear you?" asked Alyssa. Sirius and James looked at each other in a questioningly way as they waited fro Remus answer.

"I'm a werewolf," said Remus. Alyssa let out a gasp and Lily looked at her feet.

"You are," said Alyssa in amazement. "You never... said anything."

"I know, sorry, but it was for your own safety," said Remus.

"Do you all know?" asked Alyssa as she looked at Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to James and Sirius and finally to Lily. They all nodded their heads.

"I knew you were a werewolf, it's ok," said Katie. "I've known since I first met you, I could sense the animal inside of you. I also can tell when someone is an Animagus. Mrs. PJ can you smell the trees?"

"Yes Dearie, how beautiful," replied Mrs. PJ as she shook her long brown hair and fluttered her eye lashes and smiled.

"How did you know Lily?" asked Alyssa.

"I-i," Lily blushed and looked at her feet again, "I just realized it out. It wasn't that hard, you always went away over the Full Moon, and then I figured it out from there."

"And you're ok with it?" asked James in amazement.

"Yea," said Lily. "It didn't matter to me if he was a werewolf or not, he was just Remus to me."

"I told you we could have told her," said Sirius as he whacked James on the forehead.

"Professor," said Lily as she looked at Katie sitting beside her. "Aren't they in pain right now?"

"Yes, actually, because of the way Voldemort forced them to transform back into their human-self, they left their minds back in their animal-self. It's very painful for them when I force them to be like this."

"Let them go then," said Lily as she held onto Katie's hand. "I don't want her to be in pain."

"Lily, if I let Katie and Mrs. PJ go back to their animal forms," said Dumbledore patiently. "You will likely never see them again in your life. Eventually they'll become completely animal and have no traces of their human mind left."

"I-i," said Lily as she rubbed Katie's hand, "I don't want Katie to be in pain."

Katie smiled and turned her gaze towards Mrs. PJ.

"Can you see the children?" asked Katie.

"Yes, I can, they look so happy," replied Mrs. PJ.

"They're dancing, that pretty child, he looks like someone I once knew," said Katie as she gazed at where James was sitting. James gave a horrified glance at Dumbledore and Dumbledore just raised an eyebrow and brought a finger to his lips, hushing the students from asking any questions.

"He's dancing with a pretty red head," said Katie. "I feel as if I should know those eyes. So happy they are. So many people."

"Yes, Katie," said Mrs. PJ. "It's called wedding."

"They look happy," said Katie with a sigh. "They only children. Eighteen?"

"They disappeared," said Mrs. PJ suddenly in a scared, frightened voice.

"Gone," said Katie in a frightened voice. "Look small boy."

"Forehead strange."

"Strange shape."

"Tall man."

"Motorcycle flying?"

"Big man take child."


"All gone."

"Boy big," said Katie suddenly with excitement.

"Pretty girl."

"They dance."

"Wedding Katie."

"Yes Wedding."


"They very happy," said Katie as she slumped forward in her bed and Mrs. PJ did the same.

"Professor!" exclaimed Lily as she pushed Katie on to her back, making Katie lay down.

"I'm sorry," said Dumbledore as he watched Professor McGonagall lay Mrs. PJ on her back. "I should have realized that they would not be able to talk for a long time."

"I don't understand," said Alyssa, as she causally ran one hand along her very pregnant belly, and one hand on Katie's arm. "What just happened."

"I believe we just witnessed Katie and Mrs. PJ's future," said Dumbledore thoughtfully as he began to pace around the Hospital room. "You just heard their conversations or thoughts, of when they see you in the future. Their minds I think, are so inside their animal form, they are witnessing you through their animal form..."

No one said anything as they gazed at their friend, Katie, and Mrs. PJ. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts when Lily suddenly broke the silence.

"We should let them go," said Lily as she patted Katie's hand and took her eyes off of Katie and looked at Dumbledore.

"I will let you have a group discussion," said Dumbledore as he nodded at Professor McGonagall and Madam Promfrey, and the three adults left the room.

"I don't think we should, Lily," said Alyssa as she stared at her friend. "I mean, what if there is any chance she can come back?"

"There's not," said James as he stood up and gazed at Katie laying in the bed. "Dumbledore is always right."

"What if he's wrong though," said Sirius as he looked at Katie and Alyssa. "What if Katie could come back."

"HE'S NEVER WRONG," yelled James as he slapped the window sill and gazed out the window.

"Don't get mad at me!" yelled Sirius as he stood up and faced James. "I'm sorry I actually care about my friend."

"You're friend?" asked James as he turned and glared at Sirius. "When did you ever talk to Katie outside of Quidditch... If I remember correctly, you didn't want her on the team in our third year when she tried out. You said she was just a girl... She wasn't good enough."

"Well, I made a mistake James... I'm sure you have never done that," snapped Sirius as he kicked the wall and then slumped down onto the floor.

"I think we should let her go," said Lily after a strained silence and she gazed around the room.

"We should vote," replied Alyssa. "All in favor of making her stay in human form?" Alyssa and Sirius raised their hands and gazed at Katie.

"All in favor of sending her back to her animal form?" asked Lily as she raised her hand along with James. Remus sat their staring at his friends.

"Remus what do you want?" asked James as he gazed at Remus.

"What do I want?" asked Remus as he laughed and shook his head. "I want to go back to the beginning of the year and change everything that happened. What do I really want? I want to go back to when I was four years old and was bit by that werewolf. That way I would never of had to break up with Katie, that way we would have had more than a couple of months together as a couple."

"James, Lily, you guys are right, if Katie's in pain, we need to send her back. But Alyssa, Sirius, you guys are right too. We want her here don't we? Even if we can't talk to her, at least we have her to look at," said Remus as he laid back in the bed James and Sirius had propped him up in early that evening.

"I don't know," said Remus as he turned his head and looked at Katie.

"I change my vote," said Sirius suddenly as he looked at Katie. "She would have wanted to be happy, and she can't be happy like this..."

"Me too," said Alyssa as she looked at her friend. "Katie would be more happy away from here..."

"OK," said Remus. "Let's tell Dumbledore we've made our decision..."


Lily gazed at the spot where Dumbledore has just set Katie and Mrs. PJ's bodies. The afternoon had gone away in a hurry,

leaving the midnight sky for them to send off Katie and Mrs. PJ in.

Lily shivered as James placed his arm around her shoulders, and she couldn't help but give out a tiny smile... things felt so wrong in her world, yet still, so right.

"It's time," said Dumbledore as he stepped back form the bodies and looked at the five students standing next to him.

"Bye Katie," said Alyssa as she held onto Sirius' hand and placed her other hand on her very pregnant stomach.

"It was good," said James as he nodded at Katie's lifeless body.

"It was great," replied Sirius. "Quidditch champions! All thanks to you!"

"Thanks for keeping my secrets, all of them, you were the best," said Lily as she wiped away a tear that had fallen out of her eye.

"Sorry I was so scared," said Remus. "Maybe if I wasn't, things would have been different."

No one said anything, having said what was needed in Katie's remembrance. Dumbledore pointed his wand at Katie and Mrs. PJ, closed his eyes and mumbled some words that Lily couldn't make out.

Katie and Mrs. PJ's body floated a couple feet off the ground when there was a flash of light and a strong female lion and young white tiger stood before the Gryffindors.

Lily gazed at the animals and watched, as the lion began to walk towards the forest, but stopped when it saw the tiger was still staring at the Gryffindors. Lily smiled and nodded her head and the tiger took off, running full out towards the forest, followed by the excited lion.

"Lions and tigers aren't native to this land," said Lily as she took her eyes off the place where Katie had disappeared and looked at Dumbledore.

"Anything can happened with magic, Lily. Anything can happen," said Dumbledore as he nodded at the students and entered the castle.

"We leave tomorrow," said Alyssa as she looked at the woods with a look of pity.

"For ever," said Sirius as he turned and smiled at James.

"Yep," said James as he let go of Lily and walked up to Sirius and clapped one hand on his back, and then walked up to where Remus was standing alone and clapped a hand on his back.

"One last midnight run to the kitchen boys?" asked James as Remus and Sirius smiled at him.

"You bet," said Remus as he began running toward the front doors of the school and was followed by Sirius.

"Meet us in the Common Room in ten minutes," said James with a laugh as he followed his friends into the school.

Lily took a step forward and grabbed Alyssa's hand and watched as the three boys ran into the school, excited to make one last pit stop at the Kitchens.


"She loved Butterbeer," said Lily as she laid her head on James stomach.

"That she did" said Remus as he took a long gulp out of his Butterbeer.

"Good times," said Sirius as he patted Alyssa's stomach and smiled his dazzling smile at her.

"It's four in the morning," said Lily as she curled up on the couch and closed her eyes with James arms wrapped around her.

"This the longest you have ever stayed up?" asked James as he laughed and winked at Remus.

"Mhmm," murmured Lily as her mind began to drift off to dream land.

"JAMES!" exclaimed a voice as it ran down the stairs from the boy's dormitory. "SIRIUS! REMUS!"

"What Peter?" asked Remus as his smile faded and he looked at the overly excited boy.

"I'm so so so, sorry," said Peter as he fell to his knees and looked at his fellow Gryffindors.

"What?" asked James as he sat up and Lily sighed and lifted her head off of James stomach.

"I'm so sorry," said Peter as he gazed at each of his friends. "Filch took it. But I cleared it before he could get a good look...

But I think he knows what it is..."

Sirius, James, and Remus stared at Peter in horror, until Alyssa began to laugh.

"You guys, like you'll need a map when you're gone from this school anyway?" asked Alyssa as she looked at Sirius.

"We wanted to give it to our kids," said James as he looked at Alyssa, in disbelief that she could be laughing about such a serious problem.

"Well," said Lily. "You'll just have to hope it's them then, that break into Filch's office someday and steal the map!"

"Brilliant," said Remus after a long pause. "Now we don't need to worry about losing it like we lost your invisibility cloak that one time."

"You have an invisibility cloak?" asked Alyssa in excitement.

"Some other time," said James as he smiled at Lily.

"You're forgiven Peter," said Remus as he smiled at his friend and patted the seat on the couch next to himself.

"Wh-where's Katie?" asked Peter as he sat down next to Remus and looked around the room.

The five students gazed at each other and then smiled, a secret smile that only each other would know.

"Some other time Peter," said Lily as she smiled at James. "Some other time..." James smiled at Lily and held her in his arms and closed his eyes, it might have taken seven years, but it had happened, Lily had smiled her secret smile, at him, and only him.


AN: This is a long author note!

Wow that is a bizarre chapter, let me just say. I think I am way to drugged up on Sudafed.. phew.. Well let's just say it's an interesting chapter and leave it at that.. Sorry it had like three different endings kinda of.. I just kept remembering I needed to add certain things. It didn't really go as I had planned, but don't worry, one main chapter left... And then an Epilogue... and then The Sequel!! AHHHHHHHH

Sorry it took me long to update this story.. I had this chapter done like 3 weeks ago and sent it to my beta but she's kind of like out of toen or just cant get my emails.. So this is being posted w/o ne editing. Forgive me! The next chapter WILL be edited i promise

Also.. so i emailed this chapter on the like 9 to my beta... later that day my computer crashed and erased all my stories plus itunes and everything.. but yea. this story then would have been erased if i hadn't emailed it to my beta like a couple hours before the computer crashed....

ALSO please check out my new story called Girl Next Door... It's under my account! Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading! Every review means a lot to me and I will try to reply to all of them!!!

So here are all the animals I used from I just copy and pasted the definitions here.

Billywig: The Billywig is a vivid blue insect native to Australia. It travels at great speed and carries a sting which can cause giddiness and levitation.

Chimaera : This creature has the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon.

Clabbert: This is a tree-dwelling creature which looks something like a cross between a monkey and a frog.

Cockatrice: Hatched from a rooster's egg, like the Basilisk it has the power to kill with its gaze.

Erkling: Its cackling laugh is entrancing to children, who it attempts to lure away and eat.

Erumpent: The Erumpent's horn can pierce all materials, and injects a fluid which causes anything it comes into contact with to explode

Graphorn: The Graphorn is a large four-legged mountain creature with an unusually aggressive nature. It has two sharp horns and very tough hide which can repel most spells.

Kappa :The Kappa resembles a scaly monkey in appearance. It inhabits ponds and rivers and feeds on human blood, which makes it a rather dangerous creature.

Lethifold : It looks like a black shroud which glides along the ground. When it finds a victim (usually a sleeping human), it attempts to smother them by blocking their breathing.

Manticore :The Manticore has the head of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. It is highly dangerous and also impervious to most magic. .

Nundu : This is a huge leopard-like creature resident in Africa. It moves silently and has disease-carrying breath so potent that it can wipe out whole villages at a stroke.

Occamy : The Occamy is a winged serpent which can reach a length of up to 15 feet.

Quintaped : . The Quintaped is large, hairy and looks like a five-legged spider. It is extremely aggressive and has a particular taste for human flesh.

Runespoor : This is a three-headed serpent which can grow to around 6 or 7 feet in length.

Tebo : This is an African warthog. When visible it is grey, but it has the power to make itself invisible which makes it very difficult to catch.

Yeti : This is most likely a relative of the troll, native to mountainous regions of Tibet. The Yeti can grow up to 15 feet in height and is covered in white hair.

Spells I sort of kinda made up...

metaschimatismos: Transformation is Greek

thanatos - death in Greek

pagoma: Freeze in Greek

exafanizomai Disappear in Greek

nekros dead in Greek

Two chapters left!



p.s. Please Review