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A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16

A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal


Chapter 6: An Idea

"What's your idea," said Lily sarcastically.

"You don't want your friends knowing that you have to marry me right?" asked James and Lily nodded her head. "And I don't want to tell my friends that your parents are making you marry me."

"What's your point?" asked Lily as she pulled away from James.

"Let's tell our friends that we want to get married," replied James and Lily started to laugh but stopped the second she saw James was serious, very serious.

"So, I just tell my friends that I want to marry you, and that we are in... love?" asked Lily.

"Yea," replied James "It'll be a lot easier for both of us."

"Come ON POTTER!" said Lily with a laugh of a lunatic. "You're a MARAUDER for HEAVEN'S SAKE! CAN'T YOU COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT BLOODY PLAN!"

"What's wrong with my plan?" asked a shocked James.

"HELLLLLLLLOOOOO!!!" said Lily. "We HATE each other.... small fact missing.... don't you remember that?"

"I never hated you Lily," replied James in a shocked voice as he starred at the brilliant red haired beauty in front of him.

"James, really.... I don't think I could ever like you in that way... isn't there anyway out of this?"


"Well, SORRY Potter, at least I care about my future... I mean.. I had plans... I was going to be something in the world... Not just a bloody trophy wife to some pure-blooded man!"

"You can still be something Lils," said James in a very patient voice. "I don't want a bloody trophy wife if that's what you think... I mean... if it makes you happy you can have a whole different bedroom from me... and we never have to..." James stopped and began to blush.

"Did you forget the contract Potter? I'm going to be a breading machine for you... or until you get your bloody son... I mean why do you even need a son? Is your family like sexist or something?"

"No... It's just with the whole name thing.. wanting to keep Potter alive," replied James, again very patiently as Lily let out some steam.

"I'm not to happy about this whole arranged marriage thing," said Lily. "But I do like the idea of getting the best of my parents... and Petunia... it would bug them... very much... to see me happy..."

"So be happy about marrying me Lily... Honestly... not to be rude," said James "but a lot of girls would love to marry me..."

"But I'm not like a lot of other girls Potter..." replied Lily. "But you're right... Alyssa and Bekka are just going to have a fit when they find out I finally have a guy of their standard..."

"So then you agree... we're telling our friends we are getting married... because we want to?"

"But I have no ring, and my friends really do know I wouldn't ever marry you," said Lily realistically.

"Lily," said James. "I don't want to marry you either. Honestly, I expected a younger virgin Ravenclaw or some pure-blooded Slytherin. But you saw the contract and you know even better than me after it was legally bound, we must marry each other."

"The only reason I would even act like I wanted to marry you would be to fool my parents," said Lily with a laugh. "They expect me to go home and complain... It would just kill them to hear I actually want to marry you... I hate how they do things like this... it's like they don't even care about me... like I'm an outcast ...and Petunia... Oh boy would it kill her if she actually thought I wanted to be married to you!"

"Lily," said James excitedly. "Then do that, go home and pretend that you are in love with me! And I'll do the same."

"Oh, okay," said Lily. "But James..."

"What?" asked James concerned

"When we get to Hogwarts... you need to talk to me more... and nice... not mean...," replied Lily. "You have to act like you are in love with me... and I will act like I'm in love with you...And don't flirt with other girls..."

"Lily," said James slowly. "I don't think pretending to love you will be a problem." Lily rolled her eyes as James smiled a million dollar smile at her. "Also, I think we will be talking a lot more," said James as Lily glanced at him questioningly.

"What do you mean by that Potter?" asked Lily.

"Let's just say I heard my parents talking the other night, and I know who the new Head Boy and Head Girl will be this year," said James. Lily began to smile a little bit and then grabbed James head with her hands.

"Am I Head Girl, just say it... Am I?" asked Lily. James nodded his head and Lily gave out a little squeal and hugged James tightly.

"And I am Head Boy," said James happily.

"So we can tell our friends," said Lily as she pulled away. "That we worked together this summer, planning things, and realized we liked each other."

"And let's not tell anyone we are engaged yet," added James.

"No, it would be to soon," answered Lily. "When we go home during winter break you can give me a ring and I can say we got engaged over winter break."

"That's a great plan," replied James. James looked questioningly at Lily for a moment before looking away.

"What James," said Lily as she sighed and asked the question.

"Well, it would be a little weird if I "proposed" to you over Christmas break when I stay at Hogwarts every year and you go home. Plus what if we need to stay at Hogwarts because we need to deal with Head Boy and Girl stuff?"

"Well, when do you want to "propose" to me then?" asked Lily.

"Well, let's just say when it's the right time," answered James. "But you have to promise me you'll say yes so everyone thinks you really do like me."

"I'm not going to ruin my reputation by having everyone find out it's an arranged marriage," snapped Lily hotly.

"Lily-love," sang out a voice from the kitchen.

"Yes mum," answered Lily.

"Could you please bring your Fiancé in here?" asked Rose.

"Ok," mumbled Lily as she directed James into the kitchen.

The four parents were sitting at the kitchen table and Dumbledore was standing beside the counter.

"Lily and James, I just want to tell you, that you're Head boy and Head Girl," said Dumbledore.

Lily squealed and ran over and hugged her mom and dad. James smiled but didn't put on as good performance as Lily. James wondered if there were other things Lily was hiding because she was such a good actress. James walked over to Dumbledore and shook his hand before heading over to his parents who were booming with happiness.

"So I will need to meet with both of you three to four times more this summer to go over things you'll need to know as Head Boy and Head Girl," said Dumbledore.

"Yes, Sir," replied Lily and James. Dumbledore said his good-bye and left leaving the Potters and the Evans, minus one, in the kitchen. An uneasy and an uncomfortable silence filled the room as the parents seemed to expect their kids to yell, scream, and shout at them some more.

"Well, Lily, I need to be heading home because I'm suppose to meet Sirius and go over some plans for the rest of the summer," said James.

"Ok," said Lily. James parents shook Lily's parents hands and waited for James and Lily to say good-bye.

"So, I'll be seeing you later this week then when we meet with Dumbledore," said James.

"Yeah, later," replied Lily as she watched James walk over towards the fireplace. James bent down and mumbled some quick words and then a fire sprang up. Nigel and Rose Evans were taken back in surprise. James reached into his pocket and threw in a handful of Floo powder.

"Home," shouted James as he stepped into the green flames and whirled away.

AN: OK So longer post.. hope you guys liked it! A Little J/L arguments... there will be quite a few of those as the two learn to love and trust each other... As a little warning here... I'm going to be out of town from like Saturday to NEXT Sunday.. so like 8 days... So I will try and post twice on Saturday and when I get back Sunday for you guys to read.... And possibly some time during the week if I can find a computer to get on... So sorry for everyone that was expecting lots of post next week..

Umm... also on a bad note i got suspended from and can't post for like 2 weeks on there... cuz i copied song lyrics on one of my songs... Honestly... It was a SONG BASED FANFICTION!!! geezzzzzz....... So I am v. v. v. upset w/ Fanfiction at the moment.... Or else my life is Jolly and PLEASE review!!
