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What Love Is For by d&gforever

What Love Is For


Who's To Blame?


Padma relaxed in her husband's arms as he spun her around the Davies' dance floor. The dark haired wizard looked down into his wife's beautiful eyes. She was radiant, except there was sadness deep inside. "Pad, are you tired, love?"

She glanced into his eyes. "I'm fine. I want to keep dancing with you. Stop worrying about me, Vincent."

"It's my job to look after you. Besides, I love you. Can't help myself." He kissed her cheek before spinning her. "Another dance, then I need a rest."

"That sounds wonderful. While you're resting you can speak with Greg. He's been trying to track you down all evening."

Vince sighed, "He wants us to go to a nightclub after the ball."

"Oh… I don't want to do that tonight. But set something up for a fortnight. We haven't gone out with him and Diane in months." She leaned into him enjoying the closeness.

When the music stopped, he led his wife over to the table where Pansy sat. "I wish he would stop babying me", Padma hissed once he was out of hearing distance.

"He's still worried about your health, Padma. That was too close a call for him."

"Merlin, I hope that's it. He needs to get over this soon." The Ravenclaw glanced around to make sure neither her husband nor any of his spies could hear. "He turned me down last night. That was the first time."

Pansy sternly glared at her friend. "You said your midwitch hadn't given you the go ahead."

"We've always started a day or two before I got the OK before. He won't even let me help him when his need arises." Padma paused and wiped her eyes. "He turned down a hummer last night. Now, when does a wizard do that? He doesn't think of me as a woman anymore."

"Don't you dare let the blues get to you!" the Slytherin witch ordered. "He's likely not letting you help because he thinks you're still ill, or he doesn't want you to get excited when he can't help you with a release."

"But I'm not a real woman anymore; they removed a big part of my womanhood."

Pansy put her arm around her friend. "They took a small part which allowed you to have children. You're still a woman and Vincent Crabbe loves you very much." She wiped away her friend's tears with her hankie. "You better turn and give your husband a smile before he breaks his neck or someone else's trying to get back to you."

The witches looked up and saw a very worried Crabbe pushing people aside and jumping over chairs to reach his wife.


The last firework, a Catherine wheel, faded into the dark night sky. Molly placed Preston and Leo on each of her hips. "It's time for bed, boys."

The group moaned. Serpens gave his Grandma a pleading look. "Just a few more, please!"

"We've already had a dozen a few mores. It's past ten o'clock, well beyond all of your bedtimes."

"Please, Grandma", Cam asked, batting his eyes.

"Off to bed with you", Arthur interjected. "We've been at it for more than an hour. We'll draw the Muggles' attention if we keep it up."

The Weasley patriarch lifted up Serpens and Kenny. "Fred. George. The four youngest will be sleeping inside with your mother and I. You'll all fit in the one tent." The older couple walked towards the house.

"You lot in the tent", Fred requested. "Or there will be no stories before bed. Get ready while we get everything put away out here."

The tone of his voice got the boys' feet moving. Sirius, Gabe and Victor went into the first bedroom while Thuban, Cam, Gary and Greggy went into the second. Within minutes all of the boys were in pajamas and sitting in front of the fireplace. The brooms in the corner caught Cam's attention and he walked over to them.

"What are you doing?" Sirius yelled. "Mine, Uncle Charlie and Gabe's brooms are over there. Yours is in the other corner."

"I know that. I just want to see your broom. I've never seen that model."

"Well, don't touch it!" Sirius Potter yelled.

Cam frowned. "I wasn't going to touch it. Only wanted a closer look. What model is it and who made it?"

"It's a real racing broom. My dad used it when he was a Seeker in school. He always beat your dad to the snitch." Sirius teased.

Cam sneered. "It can't be a racing broom. It's too slow."

"My mum knows the most powerful wizards and witches in the world. One of them put a charm on it so I can fly it. When I'm older, they'll remove the charm. You just got an old training broom", Sirius laughed.

"When I'm ten, I'll get the newest and best racing broom in the world", smirked Cam.

"But you have to wait until you're ten. I have one now."

"What's all the shouting about in here?" George asked sternly.

"Cam only wanted to know what type of broom Potter had. Sirius was being all caddy about it. Is it a racing broom, Uncle George?" Thuban asked.

"Yes, it is. It's a Firebolt and it belonged to his father. I'm sure it's very special to him, just like Arkas is very special to you, Thuban." George reminded the boy. Arkas was Thuban's teddy bear.

"But Arkas is centuries old. I have to make sure he stays in shape so I can give him to my heir one day."

"Arkas is special because he belonged to your dad and it was special to him, right?" George directed. Thuban nodded. "Well, that broom was very special to Sirius' dad."

"Alright, Uncle George. Maybe he had a right to overreact. But Cam wasn't going to touch it." He paused, then grinned at his uncle. "If we are quiet will you tell us the story about your first year at Hogwarts?"

"I want to hear the story about my dad beating a dragon. He won the Triwizard Tournament", Sirius proudly puffed out his chest.

"Uncle George, I'd like a funny story. Tell us about the trolls you had to wrestle when you got sorted," Cam requested.

"Only wizards brave enough to take on a Mountain troll can be placed in Gryfinddor", Fred offered as he entered the room. "The troll I had to fight was twelve feet tall and had flat horny feet. It smelled worse than a room filled with two hundred Dungbombs."

George and Fred sat on the floor. "Well, gather round, you lot."

The seven little wizards giggled as they listened and watched their uncles reenact their troll wrestling match.


Lavender glimpsed at the door where Diane waited for Greg. "Really, Greg. This is a teenage club. They don't even serve alcohol. It's too young even for her."

"Diane's brother is playing on stage for the first time tonight. Why do you care anyway?" he disdainfully replied.

"I just wonder sometimes, why you want another child in your life. Like to order her around, do you?" Greg started walking away. "Don't turn away from me!" she ordered. "You owe me more respect…"

He turned and snarled. "I owe you nothing. You'll get respect from me the first time you return my sons to me happy."

"It wasn't my fault I was late. You could help a little, explain to them that I'm trying", Lavender huffed.

"I tell them that you love them. That's as far as I can go for you. I'm not risking their trust in me for you. They need someone."

The Gryfinddor stumped her feet. "Damn it! I'm not a villain. I'm their mother!"

"Then act like it, you wench", Greg yelled.

Diane touched his arm softly, "This isn't the place. Why don't you meet her somewhere tomorrow?"

"Stay out of it, you little whore", Lavender hissed.

Greg placed Diane behind him and pulled his wand. "If anyone is a whore, it's you. How many wizards were there, Lavender? You made me think I was the first."

"Oh, don't go acting like that was a big deal to you. You're used to getting Draco's leftovers." She smirked at him. "Malfoy always went first with the call girls on Knockturn Alley."

"Greg, put your wand away and arrange to meet her tomorrow morning if you need to discuss the boys." Diane waited for him to sheath his wand. When he didn't, she spoke again. "Greg, do it now or I'm going to my flat."

"You're staying at my house tonight, not the townhouse", he corrected her.

"I'll be sleeping at the flat I shared with Kim if you don't put that wand away."

The dark haired wizard put his wand in his cloak. "Come to the house around nine. You're collecting the boys from the Burrow at eleven?"

"Ginny is bringing them home at eleven." Lavender raised her lip then cackled. "I was wrong. She has you whipped." The witch then walked away.

Greg put his arm around Diane's waist. "You're staying at my house tonight", he ordered.

"Don't go there, Greg. Don't you dare let her change the way you treat me. I won't be ordered around just so you can feel like the boss."

He raised a brow at her. "And you didn't just order me around?"

"What you were doing was stupid right then. I had to think fast. Merlin, if the two of you had kept going, you would have been on the first page of the Prophet."

Greg nodded his head. "You're right." He kissed her cheek. "I handled that all wrong. I lost it when she called you that name. Bloody hell, I should have made her apologize. I love you."

"I love you too." She turned to face him. "You have to find a way to deal with Lavender. I won't live like this. The yelling, screaming and cursing in public has to stop."


"Uncle Fred! Uncle George! Help me! Help me!" Cam screamed. "Something under my bed is drooling."

Thuban placed the covers over his head to hide. He was able to control his laughter, but not the smile on his face. Fred and George stepped into the room.

"Keep it down, Cam. Everyone else is sleeping", Fred stated.

"What's the problem now?" George asked, rolling his eyes.

"There's a monster under my bed. It said that little wizards are the tastiest treats and then started drooling, look." Cam pointed to a puddle of water coming out from under his bed.

Fred looked under it to see Serpens' teddy bear. "Nice try, little mate." The wizard summoned the bear. Thuban popped his head from under the covers and started to laugh. The twin looked puzzled until the bear landed in Fred's hand and the mousetrap attached to it snapped. "Bloody hell!" Fred shouted shaking his injured hand in the air.

George, Cam and Thuban laughed loudly. "Do you like my bear trap, Uncle Fred?" Cam spouted.

"I think we should add a recorder to it and catch the person cursing. That would be a double gotcha", Thuban added with a devilish glimmer in his eyes.

George patted his brother's back. "It could be a good product."

He tucked Cam in as Fred tucked in Thuban. "Go to sleep now you two. Your Grandma will skin us alive if you are grumpy from lack of sleep tomorrow."

The little wizards waited a couple of minutes, then exited their room and peeked into the room the twins were sleeping in. Fred and George pulled back the covers and climbed into their beds at the same time.

"What the..." George huffed when his feet wouldn't go any farther than the middle of the bed.

Fred got out, and pulled off the covers to reveal that his bed had been short sheeted. He turned to the doorway to see Ginny's two oldest boys laughing. "Who taught you lot to do this?"

Cam giggled into his hand. "Mummy showed us. She said you were always suckers for it."

The twins laughed. "Told you Ginny was like us."

"Wasn't it nice of her to breed some recruits?"

"They need some more training." Fred grinned. "But I think they will do."

"Maybe." George turned to the boys. "Get back to bed you two", he ordered.

Cam giggled, "You sounded like Grandpa just then."

George didn't laugh. "Scary, isn't it? I might have to act like Grandpa if you lot won't listen", he finished firmly.

The six-year-old stared at his uncle until Thuban pulled on his arm. The pair walked back to their bedroom.

"Strange", Cam stated. "He looked like he may spank us if we didn't listen."

"I think he would have", Thuban responded. "They're playful most of the time but once they get a firm tone, you better do what they say. It's like that when I help them make potions."


Diane kissed Greg's cheek as he slept. His arms came out from under the covers to grab her but she was too quick. "What are you doing dressed and out of bed? I had plans for you this morning." He winked at her sinfully.

"I'm having breakfast with your mother at the townhouse at nine. If I got there before seven, the elves will think I was there all night."

He sat up. "Why do you care what the elves think?"

The witch closed her eyes and shook her head. "The first thing your mother does is ask the elves if I was home last night. If she thinks I slept over here or you slept at the townhouse, I get a thirty-minute lecture."

"Just tell her…"

She put her hand up. "No, don't go there. I don't want her mad at me and I don't need it either." She tossed back her hair and sat down to put on her shoes. "I should have left you asleep. I merely wanted to let you know where I was going and that it would be helpful if you showed up around nine thirty."

Greg ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry. Of course you don't want to upset my mother. I'll stop over to save you." He pouted, "May I please have one more kiss?" He batted his eyes pleadingly. "Just to hold me over."

She walked over and kissed him. "We'll have all afternoon, if your rescue is timely."

Diane Apparated a mile from the townhouse. The witch had her running clothes on and used her normal morning run to cover her absence incase an elf was up and around. She saw no one when she entered the house and went straight to the master shower. She had just entered her dressing room when an elf appeared.

"Misses, Mrs. Goyle is here for breakfast."

The young witch looked at the clock. It was only seven forty-five. She pressed on a smile. "Show Mrs. Goyle to the patio. We'll breakfast there. I'll be there in ten minutes. Give her my apologies; I thought our meeting was at nine." The elf bowed and then disappeared.

Mary was drinking a cup of tea when Diane entered the patio. "I'm so sorry for calling so early, dear. An old witch's mind plays tricks on her at times. I was sure the clock chimed nine when I left home."

The young witch smiled. She knew there was nothing wrong with the older witch's mind. Mary Goyle was sharp. "It's quite alright. I woke up early and had a run this morning."

"How was your evening with Gregory? Did he behave himself?"

Diane poured the woman another cup of tea. "He was the typical fiancé, very well behaved in private, but I had to send him home for a cold shower."

Mary grinned. "Yes, it has always been the witch who had to put a stop to things. It won't be long now, only three and a half months." She paused. "Of course it could have been sooner…"

"I love your son, Mary. However, it wouldn't have been good for us to get married in the summer." Diane gave her future mother-in-law a sincere gaze. "I needed to fully understand what I was getting myself into first."

The older witch nodded. "Being an instant mother won't be easy."

"The boys aren't the problem. Gary's already asked when he might start calling me Mummy." Diane beamed. "I couldn't believe how happy that made me." Her face saddened. "It's the way Greg behaves around Lavender. I can deal with her cursing and yelling at us. Merlin knows Greg can't do anything about her behavior. But I won't marry a wizard that will air his dirty laundry in public." Diane placed her teacup on the table. "Last night they started in the middle of Diagon Alley. Before I know it, everyone in earshot was hearing about my future husband's trips to visit the ladies of Knockturn Alley. If he had walked away from her, that never would have happened."

Mary patted Diane's hand. "I had no idea they were still arguing in public. I will have a chat with Gregory about it."


"This place isn't as big as Malfoy Manor but it's just as much fun", Greggy stated once the boys finished rolling down a small hill.

"Malfoy Manor!" Sirius made a face. "I'd never go there. It's a dark place. All the evil wizards had their meetings there during the war."

"The Manor is not dark and it doesn't have evil wizards in it." The Malfoy boys yelled very annoyed with the dark haired little wizard.

"It's where all the Death Eater meetings were held during the last war. It said so in Mum's book. Death Eaters are evil dark wizards that did really, really bad things", Sirius nodded his head.

"The Manor has always been our grandparents' home", Cam hissed, staring with loathing at the Potter boy. "It's bright and a very fun place to be. We used to live there too."

Sirius growled. "Your grandparents must be bloody evil Death Eater scum then. I'm glad you didn't touch my broom. I'm sure you have Death Eater germs."

"Be quiet Potter", Thuban barked. "You shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about. I'm trying to be nice to you, but I'm getting to my limit."

Gabe stepped forward. "Your grandfather Malfoy is a Death Eater. Serpens told me about the mark on his arm."

Thuban gave Serpens an ominous glare. The four-year-old stepped behind Cam. "I didn't mean to tell a secret."

"There's nothing wrong with that mark. My daddy has one and so does Uncle Greg. They were just in a club together." Kenny educated the group.

The Potter boy lifted his head back and laughed. "They were in a club ALRIGHT! A club of very bad, evil, dark wizards."

Tears rolled down Kenny's face. "My daddy's not bad or evil", the four-year-old stammered.

The Malfoy boys went over to Kenny. "Potter's just a mean prat. Don't let him upset you. Let's go have stick races on the bridge", Thuban said putting his arm around his brother's best friend.

"I'm…" Sirius started.

Greggy and Victor pounded they fist into their hand. "One more word and we'll both bust you", Victor hissed.

"Keep that idiot quiet, Gabe", Cam gazed at his cousin. "He's lucky we promised our parents we'd be nice to him."

The Malfoys, Crabbes and Goyles headed for the creek. They each picked up a small stick and then walked onto the bridge. Serpens counted to three and they all dropped their sticks in the water. The group ran to the over side of the small bridge, watching for the stick to appear. "Hey, guys. There's a Dugbog down there. Uncle George will give us ten galleons for it. I'll split it with you, if you hide me for my grandma's view", Thuban said.

"We should get your Grandpa. Dugbogs attack small animals. It could hurt you", Gary answered.

"It's just a baby. He'll be fine", Victor added.

"Just stand here." Thuban placed the boys so Molly would not be able to see him. He removed his boots, socks, and rolled up his pants. Thuban placed his things by the tree where Sirius and Gabe sat. He noticed Sirius glancing at his boots. "Like those boots, Potter? They are made from Peruvian Vipertooth hide and cost more than your mother makes in a year." He smirked. "Please don't touch them. I'm sure you have some of your mother's germs on you."

The Crabbe and Goyle boys laughed when Sirius' expression became pained. "Can dish it but can't take it, Potter?"

Thuban got into the water with the glass jar in his hands. The Dugbog was small but very fast. He was still chasing it after ten minutes.

"Boys, what are you doing?" Molly called from the kitchen window.

The blond boy stopped moving in the water. "We're just throwing pebbles in the water, Grandma," he replied.

"I can't see you, Thuban. You better not be in that water."

"I'm not, Grandma. I'm sitting in front of Gabe." Thuban replied then whispered to Cam who was sitting by Gabe. "Wave your hand, Cam." The boy then yelled. "I'm waving at you, Grandma."

"Where's Cam then? Boys, I want all of you to get where I can see you. Right now!" Molly ordered.

"In a minute, Grandma", Thuban responded.


The other boys started to move nervously. "Stay still. She'll call three more times before she comes outside. I'll be out by then. She'll just yell at us for not moving faster", Thuban whispered to the group.

"We have to listen to her, Thuban. Mummy said", Serpens replied.

Thuban rolled his eyes and turned to the others. "We won't get in trouble. It's not like it's Grandfather or Grandmother calling us." The boy looked questioningly into the startled eyes of the others as they gaped and pointed behind him. Thuban barely got the word "What?" out of his mouth, before being pulled forcibly out of the water.

"Get to the house, now!" Draco growled at the other boys. They were gone in a flash. Thuban squirmed, trying to place his feet on the ground. He didn't manage it until he was on the bridge. Draco had loosened his hold.

"I was just getting a Dugbog, Dad", Thuban tried to reason.

"Put your socks and boots on. We'll discuss this in my study", Draco ordered. The little boy quickly did as he was told. The blond man sighed. "When we get inside you will apologize to your Grandma for not doing as she requested. You will then thank her for having you and your friends over last night."

"Yes, Sir."

As they stepped on the back porch they heard Sirius' crying voice. "Mummy, I'm so glad you're here." He pointed to Greggy and Victor. "They almost hit me and Thuban said I had Mudblood germs."

Ginny gasped and eyed Draco, who was now in the doorway. "We'll deal with that later, Ginny. Thuban needs to apologize to Molly…"

The redhead put her hands on her hips. "We'll deal with it now. My son will not to a bullying, foul mouthed brat", she ordered. "What could be more important than stopping that?"

"That issue is of little importance compared to his behavior towards your mother", Draco sneered through his teeth.

Ginny threw her hands in the air. "Of course you would think that. It was you who taught him that offensive word in the first place." She paced back and forth ranting while the others in the room went quiet. "You want him to go around spreading contempt. Are you proud that he spoke so disparagingly of another child?"

"Ginny", Ron spluttered from the corner of the kitchen. "Malfoy never said that. Sounds like he wants to deal with Thuban not listening to Mum first." He placed his hand on her back and guided her to the stairs. "Why don't you go to your old room and discuss this with Draco?"

The blond nodded a puzzled thanks to Ron and then placed Thuban's nose against an empty corner of the kitchen. He whispered softly to Ginny, "Let's go upstairs and talk."

When the sound of a door closing was heard, Serpens wiped his eyes. "You made them row, Thuban."

"I know. I'm sorry", Thuban replied trying to hide his tears but failing.

"They haven't rowed in a really long time. I bet they've already made up", Cam tried to assure his brothers.

Molly hugged Serpens. "Every Mummy and Daddy row from time to time. They need a moment to calm down. It will be fine, darling."

"She's right. Your Uncle Fred and I used to do some pretty silly things that caused your Grandma and Grandpa to have house shaking rows. But we all lived through it without permanent scarring." George paused then chuckled. "Remember their row over us flying the car."

Fred laughed back. "I think the one over the Ton-Tongue Toffees was the best."

Molly cleared her throat quieting some of the laughter that rang without the room. "Don't you two go giving this lot any ideas!"

Kenny walked over and tapped Arthur's hand. "If someone has a skull and snake mark on him, does that make him a bad evil wizard?"

"Why do you ask, Kenny?"

"Because of Potter", Victor hissed. "He told us our Dad was evil."

"Sirius?" Hermione asked.

"Their daddies are Death Eaters. That makes them evil", he nodded. "I only…"

"Don't say another word", the bushy haired witch scolded. "Their fathers are good wizards."

Gary pointed at Sirius. "He started it all. He said Malfoy Manor was a bad place and then he made Kenny cry."

"Thuban never used the "M" word", Gabe interjected just above a whisper.

"That's what he meant", Sirius offered.

Greggy leaned forward towards Sirius. "I meant to flatten your face…"

Charlie put his arms over Greggy shoulders. "That's enough, boys. Sirius, did Thuban say the "M" word?"

The boy looked at the floor. "He wanted to say it."

Hermione sighed. "Sirius, apologize to the boys for being rude."

"I'm sorry."

"Molly. Arthur. I think it's time I take Sirius home. Let Ginny and Draco know the complete story, please."


Draco placed a Silencing Charm on Ginny's old bedroom. He leaned against the door while the redheaded witch stormed around the room pointing out every character flaw she thought he had had when they went to Hogwarts. "What will you teach our sons next? Thuban appears to have bullying, foul language, intolerance and snobbishness down." She turned and snarled at him. "Oh yes, Thuban needs to learn how to fake an injury so a helpless animal is put to death."

He let how her words had hurt him show in his eyes but he said nothing. Ginny stopped in her place and looked at him. "I… Draco… I'm sorry…" She ran over to him and sobbed in his arms.

"I know I was a prat in your eyes back then. I was a prat to Potter, Granger and your brother."

"They… We were prats to you too. We never even tried to get along."

Draco kissed away her tears. "I thought I had power over Potter when the Ministry agreed to put that animal to death. I can't stand to see Hippogriffs, not because of what it did to me but what I did to it. Well, what would have happened if Potter hadn't saved it somehow." He looked into her eyes. "I wanted to cause an animal's death just so I could feel powerful. I'm not proud of that." He paused to collect himself. "I want our sons to be better boys than I was and to be better men than I am."

Ginny caressed his face. "I love you. I'm sorry for misjudging you."

"Thuban has done many things wrong today. I believe not listening to your parents is the most important."

"You're right. His safety may depend on that. But we are in agreement that he shouldn't be using that "M" word, bully or talking down to anyone?" Ginny asked.

He kissed her cheek, "we agree."


Thuban sat in the big chair across from his parents, who sat next to each other on the settee. He was puzzled about this seating arrangement. His dad usually sat behind his desk and he sat in front of it. When his mother was present, which was very rare, she sat in a chair next to his father.

"Thuban, I am very upset with your statements about your Grandma Weasley and your actions towards her. You are to listen and show to her the same respect that you show your Grandmother", Draco firmly stated.

"I do, Dad", Thuban responded truthfully.

"You say you didn't have to do as she asked when you were in the stream."

The boy gave his father a baffled but thoughtful look. "I don't remember saying that and I didn't mean it."

"Why did you not come when she called you?"

"She wasn't sincerely calling me. It was a warning. Grandma's different than Grandfather and Grandmother, they only bellow when they really mean business. Grandma bellows at us all the time." He paused to think some more. "That's not what I mean either. It's like this. If I walk too close to the lake, Grandmother softly asks me to back away. If I don't, she'll ask a little louder. If I still don't, then she'll order me to back away. With Grandma, she orders you from the start. When she really means business, she bellows and gives you a soft ear tug charm."

Ginny's eyes sparkled and a grin quickly passed her lips, which only Draco noticed. "Thuban, you must do as your grandparents ask the first time. They shouldn't have to repeat themselves three times", Ginny stated.

"It was very kind of your Grandma Weasley to have your friends over. And you repaid her kindness by disobeying her", Draco added firmly.

"I only wanted to get the Dugbog. The stream wasn't deep today. They're rare and Uncle Fred and George pay ten galleons for them. I really like making my own money. I'm allowed to collect things out of the streams at the Manor and here."

"When your Grandparents are watching you, you will follow their rules. Is that clear?" Draco demanded.

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you", Draco calmly replied. "You and your brothers will be writing a thank you letter to your grandparents for hosting your camp out. You will also be sending your grandma a letter of apology."

"Yes, Dad."

Draco smiled at his son. "Good man. Now, let's discuss what happened between you and Sirius."

"I didn't use the "M" word. It upsets Mum and it always makes you and her fight." He gave Ginny a pleading gaze. "I promise I didn't say it, Mummy. Daddy doesn't say it anymore. He says Muggleborn now and I didn't even call her that. I just said I didn't want her germs on my boots."

"I believe you, Thuban. I'm sorry that I thought you guilty without hearing your side first. I shouldn't have yelled at Daddy either."

The boy beamed. "You've made up? You're not mad at each other anymore?"

"Yes, son. We're fine." Draco gave Ginny a hug. "Back to your behavior towards Sirius.

"Potter was so mean that Kenny started to cry. I stopped Victor and Greggy from beating him up." Thuban turned to Draco. "I know I shouldn't have teased him back but… He started it." The boy rolled his eyes. "We had to listen to Sirius tell stories about the great Harry Potter all night. We let him go on and on. Then first time anyone says something about the Manor, he tells us our fathers are evil wizards."

"I know that the mark on Grandfather's arm is the Dark Mark. I know it means he was a Death Eater. And I know that some Death Eaters were really bad and the bad ones are in Azkaban. I know that Uncle Greg and Uncle Vincent have one too. I would never tell Kenny or any of the others what the mark meant, and that's what Potter did."

"I think Grandfather used to be bad because he doesn't like talking about his mark." The seven-year-old stared perceptively at his father. "I want to know why he has the mark. Why Aunt Bella had it. And why you and Grandmother don't have it."

Ginny's eyes went to her husband and she nodded. Draco sighed. He and Lucius had had this discussion many times in the past year. They knew the boys would have to be told many things about both men's pasts before they went to Hogwarts. It was merely a matter of how much and when. "I'll have to Floo your Grandfather. Only he can tell you why. Wait here a moment. Mummy and I need to have a word."

His parents whispered very briefly before Ginny turned to her eldest. "Thuban, is it alright with you if Grandmother joins our chat?"

Thuban nodded. It was always good to have Grandmother around, her presence seemed to keep Grandfather and Dad calm and in control.

Ginny held out her hand to the boy. She spoke softly, "I think my parlor is a better place for this little chat. Come along. We'll get tea set up while we wait for your grandparents."


Draco, Lucius and Narcissa entered Ginny's parlor quietly. Ginny and Thuban were sitting on the sofa softly chatting. Draco sat next to his wife and son while Narcissa and Lucius sat in the chairs across from them. A house elf served tea to the group, then left them alone.

The blond wizard thought he had this conversion all worked out in his head. However, now faced with it, that method didn't seem right. He patted the place next to him. "Come here, mate." When the boy moved, Draco lifted him into his lap and held him close. He loosened his hug and sighed. "This makes it easier. Your grandfather and I are going to tell you about our pasts. After we finish, you can ask us questions. If we feel you are too young for detailed answers, you need to respect our decision. What we tell you doesn't get discussed with your brothers. We will inform them when the time is right. Understand?"

"Yes, Dad."

"I think I'll start." Lucius took a drink of his tea and then placed the cup on the table. "In my sixth year at Hogwarts, I realized that the Ministry was creating and changing many of our laws to favor Muggleborns. They were also making us serve the Muggles. I believed that wizarding laws should favor pure-blooded wizards and that Muggles and Muggleborns should stay in their own world."

Ginny exhaled. Lucius faced her. "Your mother's family has different beliefs. For years we have been on different sides. Back to why I made my choices."

"When I finished school, I meet a powerful wizard who I thought had the same beliefs as I. I joined his fight and ranks with certainty that I was making the wizarding world a better place for my family." Lucius rolled up his left sleeve. "I took his mark. We were called Death Eaters. We had to hide because we were breaking current wizarding laws. I strongly felt that I was doing the right thing. However, it was dirty work. Work I did not want my wife or the child she carried to take any part in. So, I hid many of my actions from her and would not allow her to join the Dark Lord's ranks."

Lucius took Narcissa's hand. "The Dark Lord lost his powers when he attacked the infant Harry Potter. For thirteen years, I tried to change wizarding laws by working within the Ministry. It was slow and I was impatient. When the Dark Lord regained his powers, I returned to him. Again the work was dirty, I told your father I did not want him to join and I kept him at bay until…" He released a breath and continued. "I was not lucky this time. I was caught acting on behalf of the Dark Lord and sent away. While I was gone, the Dark Lord asked your father to join him."

Draco turned to Thuban. "Do you understand so far, son?"

"Grandfather did bad things for an evil Dark Wizard. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. But he didn't want you and Grandmother to do it. Did you tell the Dark Wizard that you wouldn't join him, Dad?"

Draco gave a sick chuckle. "I was stupid. I thought it was an honor to join him. The Dark Lord gave me a task. I was only sixteen, still a boy. The task was one that many powerful wizards had failed to complete. The Dark Lord himself was unable to do it. When I completed the task, I would get my mark." He paused and looked at Ginny. "After a couple of months, I realized that the Dark Lord was pure evil. I didn't want to help him anymore. However, he told me if I didn't, he would hurt your grandparents. Professor Snape saved your grandparents and me. He helped us out of England. We waited in America until the time was right. We returned a year later and helped defeat the Dark Wizard."

Thuban cuddled into Draco's arms. "So you and Grandfather did bad things because you thought they were right. But in the end you did the right thing."

"That's correct, son."

"What bad things did you do?" Thuban asked.

"That will have to wait until you're older. By the time you go to school you will know everything", Draco replied.

"You can tell me now. No matter what you did, I'll still love you, even if you killed someone."

Narcissa gasped at her grandson's words. "What would make you believe such a thing?"

"People kill people in wars. I saw it on the Muggle telly." The boy made a face. "It's really messy when they do it. There's blood everywhere."

"Muggles are so barbaric", Narcissa snorted.

"Where did you watch a Muggle telly?" Draco asked.

"The Corners'."


"I'm so glad you ladies could make it this afternoon", Hermione said as she poured Padma and Ginny a cup of tea. "I want to settle this. First, I'm sorry for Sirius' behavior this morning and last night." The bushy hair witched turned to Padma. "How is Kenny doing?"

"He's calm now. Vincent wasn't ready for many of his questions. Lucius and Draco helped us through it."

Ginny patted Padma's hand. "Thuban has been asking questions for awhile, so they were ready." The red-haired witch glanced at Hermione. "We've spent most of our day explaining Sirius' comments to our children."

Hermione looked down. "I'm so sorry. It shouldn't have happened. I was always so worried about what your children would do or say to hurt Sirius and/or Harriet, that I never thought about it the other way." She placed her tea on the table. "I've spoken with Sirius. He will not be teasing the boys again."

She handed Ginny a book titled The Rise and Fall of Thomas Riddle. "Sirius learned about Death Eaters from this book. It never occurred to me that he would go off and read it. He had only gotten to the first three chapters, which was lucky for me. Chapter four goes into great detail about Lucius. Chapters twelve and thirteen have information about Draco's part in Dumbledore's death. It would be good for you and Draco to read. It's the new history book for the third years at Hogwarts. I'm sure some of the information will filter down to the children this Christmas or next summer."

"Who told you this?" Padma inquired.

"I'll be teaching it this fall, along with Arithmancy at Hogwarts. I've been to the castle quite often lately. Many of the stories Sirius has been telling everyone about Harry have come from Hagrid." Hermione looked sympathetically at her friends. "I should have realized Hagrid's stories would put a bad light on Draco, Vincent and Greg. I just didn't think about it. Ron and I avoid stories that have the Slytherins in them." She paused and offered pastries to the other witches.

"I shouldn't be deferring the blame. It's my fault. I've always thought I was open-minded. That was until Bill came over shortly after eleven with Gabe. For the first time, I saw myself through the eyes of an eight-year-old pureblood wizard. Pansy was right. I'm biased when it comes to purebloods. And I have preconceptions about all wizards that were sorted into Slytherin." Hermione playfully slapped Ginny's hand. "You don't need to smirk at me, Ginny. Yes, sometimes I'm slow. But I always come around in the end."

"I also know that Sirius is a little full of himself right now. He has just started to realize how famous his father is in the wizarding world. I always thought he had Harry's personality. It appears he doesn't. Merlin knows he doesn't have mine. Professor McGonagall believes Sirius is very much like his namesake was as a child."

"I don't envy you, Hermione. I remember some of the stories about James Potter and Sirius Black's adventures", Ginny giggled.

"Well, I'll be keeping a close eye on him", Hermione retorted.

"Are you going to live in the castle or in Hogsmeade?" Padma questioned.

Hermione smiled. "I have a flat inside the castle, three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and sitting room. It's only a little smaller than this house. I'll Floo the children to the Ministry's Primary School each morning along with a couple other teachers' children." She sat up in her chair. "We can talk about my new job later. I want to make sure we've worked out what happened between the children. Sirius will not speak of Death Eaters, Dark Wizards or the war around the other children. He also will not tease them. I want you to inform me if he does."

"That sounds like a good idea. You'll do the same for me. I think this will fix it", Ginny agreed.

"There's a problem", started Padma. "I mean… Well, I tell my children to be nice to everyone when we go somewhere. And that it's rude to exclude others that are present. But I don't make Victor invite Thuban over every time he has Greggy over. Ginny, you have been doing that with Sirius and Gabe. If Thuban wants to have Gabe over, you ask him to invite Sirius also."

"Shite", Ginny moaned. "I didn't mean to do that. I've been pushing him into being friends."

"I think the solution is simple. The boys need to be nice to each other when we decide to get together as a group. Other than that we need to let them decide whom to invite over to play with", Padma offered. "In time, I believe they will all grow to like each other."

"I've hated every little witch my mother forced me to befriend." Ginny's eyes went from Padma to Hermione. "It's always good to have a Ravenclaw around. Their wisdom always finds the heart of the problem."

Padma giggled. "If I was truly wise, I would have thought of the answer nine months ago."