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What Love Is For by d&gforever

What Love Is For



There are some days in every wizard's life that he wishes he could Obliviate himself.


"Bloody hell… Damn…" A stream of obscenities left Draco's mouth. His eyes watered, and through the small slits he saw his attacker awaken. Leo had started thrashing in his sleep last month, and Draco now wondered when the toddler's kick had become so strong. The frightened sixteen month old crawled over to his mother screaming as he went. Wishing to escape the morning commotion, Thuban and Cam unknowingly inflected more damage to their father by climbing over him.

His ache had just started to diminish when Ginny's voice assaulted his ears. "What on magical earth do you think you're doing? Here I am, blaming the pubs for Thuban's foul mouth, when it's likely been you all the time," she scolded as she tried to calm their youngest child.

"I'm sorry, Ginny, but Leo kicked me in his sleep", Draco voiced.

"I understand that would be startling, but your language, Draco", Ginny replied.

"Ginny", he gritted his teeth. "He got me in the groin."

Her eyes opened with surprise. "Oh…" she paused. "But still, Draco, your language. And you frightened the children."

"They'll live", he hissed. "Still hurts like… It's still painful. Thuban and Cam didn't help by crawling over my lap."

Ginny dissolved into tears. "I'm… I won't let them sleep with us again", she struggled to say.

He moved to comfort her, but her upset mood caused her stomach to rebel. She covered her mouth and ran for the bathroom. Draco was only steps behind her. The wizard held back her long hair as she emptied her stomach contents into the bowl.

"Yuck", Leo said before joining his mother in her morning purging. The toddler's stomach content ended up on the floor and on Draco's pajama bottoms.

The blond wizard growled loudly which caused the toddler to cry, "Da dee… mad me."

He scooped up the little boy, rubbed noses with him and smiled lovingly. "Daddy's not mad at you. Daddy's sorry he scared you." He turned away from the boy. "Tipsy!" The elf appeared instantly and without being told magically cleaned Draco and Leo before starting on the bathroom.

"What's wrong with Mummy?" Serpens asked teary eyed from the bathroom door. "I saw Thuban and Cam running out of here scared."

Ginny stood up and washed her face. "I'm alright, Baby. Don't worry."

He shook his head. "You sick. You need Healer?"

Draco picked up the four year old. "Mummy's fine, mate. Do you remember how Aunt Pansy and Aunt Luna were ill in the mornings when they were growing their babies?" The boy nodded. "They were fine, right?" Serpens nodded again. "Well, Mummy's growing another baby."

The little boy smiled. "I want boy. He help Leo and me. Then Thuban and Cam not pick on us."

Draco chuckled. "Watch Leo for me, while I help Mummy into my bathroom."

The blond wizard moved Ginny into his bathroom, helping her into the shower. He then entered the nursery where Leo and Serpens were waiting for him. He placed the boys in the bath. He was almost through cleaning the pair, when Ginny entered the room. She sent Draco to his shower and finished the boys' bath.

Draco hoped the rest of his day would go better as he completed his shower and dressed. His work schedule was light, and if it stayed that way, he would be able to join Ginny and the boys in the park for lunch. His hopes for peace were lost when he heard the voices of his mother, his mother-in-law and his sons in the sitting room. He thought about Disapparating, but his need to make sure Ginny was well wouldn't allow it. So he steadied himself and opened the door.

Molly and Narcissa were sitting next to Ginny, and his sons along with Preston Weasley were playing on the floor. The older witches where softly speaking to the young witch and making sure she was comfortable.

"You look tired, Ginny. Go back to sleep and I'll make sure the boys are feed," Molly offered.

"Did the elves get enough gingersnaps and tea for you, Ginevra?" Narcissa said. "Are you getting enough rest? Is your morning sickness like it was when carrying Cygnus or Serpens?"

Draco caught Ginny's eye and she winked at him, clearly telling him she was fine and to leave before their mothers noticed him.

"Da dee", Leo yelled, drawing everyone's attention to the blond wizard in the doorway. That child would be the death of him this day, Draco thought.

"There you are", Narcissa smiled sinisterly. "Molly, why don't you take the boys to breakfast? Draco can help Ginevra back into bed and then I can have a nice chat with my son."

Cam gave his father a pleading look. "Grandmother asked if Mummy was sick, and I couldn't lie."

"Cygnus sweetheart, go along with your Grandma. You've done nothing wrong," Narcissa smiled brightly at the boy. Molly tapped the boy's shoulder and he moved along with the other boys. Draco helped his wife into bed, while his mother waited in their sitting room.

"They had both already guessed that I was pregnant. That's why they Flooed this morning. Cam told your mother I was ill. Serpens told my mother. They came over and I was sipping tea and eating gingersnaps. They're upset that you didn't Floo them right away. I tried to explain but they wouldn't listen or talk to me about it." Ginny giggled. "They're blaming you for this."

He kissed her. "Well, my mother would never blame you. You're giving her another grandchild after all."

Ginny leaned up and kissed him. "Well, they will leave you in one piece for me. They know that I need you. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let me get this over with." He walked into the sitting room, closing the door behind him.

Narcissa wasted no time in placing a silencing charm. She turned to her son. "Why did you not inform me of Ginevra's condition? She will need help now. Really, Draco, I raised you to take better care of your wife."

He showed Narcissa to the settee, sat next to her and took her hand. "Mother, we just learned she was expecting yesterday."

The blonde witch pulled her hand away from her son. "Do not lie, Draco. Merlin, this will be your fifth. You have known longer than a day that your wife was with child. I should have been Flooed when her symptoms started!"

"Ginevra was going to Floo both you and Molly this morning. We were planning on having you and Father for dinner and informing you then", he responded softly.

Narcissa stared at her son and snarled. "Did you go into the office yesterday? And were you planning on going in today?"

"Of course, Mother."

"Who looked after your wife and children in the morning?" she snapped.

"Yesterday I saw to the children's breakfast while Ginny rested a little longer. I planned on doing the same today." He paused and kissed her hand. "At dinner this evening we were going to ask you and Molly to help out for the next few months. Mother, I am very sorry for not telling you of our beliefs sooner. We didn't want to get your hopes up. This happened quickly, so we wanted to see Ginny's mid-witch before we informed the family."

Narcissa frowned. "I've always known before it was confirmed."

Draco refrained from rolling his eyes. His mother had always been a large part in Ginny's pregnancies. She was the first one to realize that Serpens was on his way. The blond wizard knew his mother would be upset not being the first to know, but he had to think about keeping peace in his family. He wanted and needed Molly Weasley to feel part of this pregnancy also, and the start of that was making sure his and Ginny's families were told of the expected new addition at the same time.

He took his mother's hands back into his and kissed the back of them. "It's wonderful news, isn't it, Mother? A new baby's on the way. Another healthy little baby to rock in your arms. We'll need your help of course. You and Ginevra can figure that all out while I'm at the office today." He kissed her hand again. "Thank you for coming over, Mother. You'll be a great help to Ginny." Without waiting for a reply he Disapparated.

Narcissa rolled her eyes at the place her son stood moments ago. The boy was sneaky, but so was she. She would make sure that he received a proper scolding the next time she got him alone.


"I'm sorry, Ginny. What else can I say? We'll work through this", Draco calmly replied to the head of his infuriated wife that floated in his fireplace.

"We wouldn't have anything to work out if you would have kept your mouth closed. Really, Draco, those words were not needed this morning. Now I have a sixteen month old that's rather fond of using one of them every time he gets upset," she hissed.

Draco did his best not to laugh. He was sure that Leo's attempt to repeat his words could only be translated by his wife. He knew her current fit was due to her pregnancy hormones, although that knowledge couldn't stop his head from pounding as she went on. The first two months of her pregnancies were hard on both of them. Her mood swings took her from anger to tears in seconds.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again", he replied with true remorse.

"See that it doesn't, or next time I'll hex your bits off. You won't be likely to cuss, if there's nothing to hurt", she ordered, and then her head disappeared.

He smirked quickly and remained looking at the empty fireplace. It wasn't long before the weepy red haired beauty's head reappeared. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I wouldn't harm your bits. I'm rather fond of them."

"It's all right, love. I shouldn't have cussed this morning. I know better and now I've made your day harder", Draco replied.

"Not that much harder. I'm likely the only person who can understand him, and", she smirked at her husband; "It will give me something to complain about when I met with Padma this afternoon."

"I love you, Ginny. I'll see you at noon in Diagon Alley Park."

"Love you back. Have a wonderful morning." With that she was truly gone.

Draco relaxed in his large comfortable desk chair. The wizard was a little disheveled from his scolding from his mother and wife. In his opinion, his witches went overboard reprimanding him this morning. He removed a file from his inbox and started on his morning work.

The wizard didn't have peace for long. At 9:20, Lucius stormed into Draco's office, slamming the door behind him. "What have you been doing this last month?" he demanded of his son. "I thought you had cleared all our imports with the French Ministry!"

Draco searched the files on his desk and handed a group to his father. "It was all cleared. I came home early from holiday to confirm it with the French Minister at Friday's ball."

"Well, he didn't inform his port workers. They have frozen everything on the docks. We'll lose millions of Galleons if that shipment doesn't get moving by this afternoon," Lucius advised his son.

"I understand, Father. I'll see to it right away," Draco countered.

"See that you do. I don't need you causing me any more problems this morning. Your mother was enraged because of you."

"She informed me of that this morning", Draco replied.

"She's not through with you."

"I didn't think she was." Draco moved a number of papers on his desk.

Lucius' anger diminished. "Congratulations." Draco nodded. Lucius smiled at his son. "How is Ginevra doing?"

Draco smiled in return. "Same as the last couple of times, morning sickness and moodiness. Mother and Molly's help will be a comfort to her. The boys took the news very well." He waved the file in his hand. "I'll get to this now."


Leo played on a blanket next to a picnic table where Padma and Ginny sat. A little distance away was a playground where the other children played. As older witches walked past the young mothers, their voices would change to quiet whispers, and their eyes would move from the young women to their children and back again.

Ginny had to restrain herself from cursing the wenches. She was already in a foul mood. Her husband had promised the children he would join them for lunch, and then mirrored her to say he would be tardy. When he hadn't shown up an hour later, she fed the children. She understood only important, unavoidable business would hold him up, but he shouldn't have told the children he was coming in the first place. The red haired witch always believed it was better to surprise them than to disappoint them.

A group of witches in their sixties walked by and started whispering. This set spent a great deal of time gawking at the children playing. Cam caught them looking. The little wizard stood up and gazed back at the group. Then in a manner very much like his grandmother, he addressed the women. "Good afternoon, ladies", the boy started. "I understand that I'm strikingly adorable, however it is still very rude to stare."

The women gasped, stunned by the boy's candor. Their eyes went to Ginny, seeking her to correct the child. "Cam sweetheart", she replied. "What have I and your father told you about talking to strangers?"

He raised a brow at his mother. Her tone was laced with humor, not scolding. But in the end he decided to answer her. "I'm not to talk to strangers?"

"That's correct, darling. Never talk to strangers, especially when they are acting rather oddly," Ginny finished holding back her amusement at the ghastly looks on the older witches' faces, before they hurried away from the Malfoys and Crabbes. "Merlin, I feel like I've gone back six years. You would think we wouldn't be something to be curious about anymore. We haven't changed", Ginny stated.

"But in their eyes we have. We stayed with our husbands, the horrid creatures that they are. We live a life of imprisonment behind hundreds of centuries old stone walls. Likely magically charmed to remove our sense of comprehension. It works very much like the Imperius curse. We only think we're happy, when we truly have no free will," Padma replied with a nod of confirmation.

"So that's the new rumor about our happiness?" Ginny inquired. Padma merely nodded. The redhead giggled. "Well, that explains everything. Those old bats are jealous that their husbands never cared enough to put them under a blissfully happy spell." She paused. "So, how are you really doing with all the whispering, Padma?"

"I'm fine. It's like you said. We went through this whispering and those looks once before. But it's a lot easier this time. I have a loving and supportive husband." Padma smiled. "The article was harder on him, but he hid it well. He didn't want me to worry, but I heard him talking to Greg." She paused. "I used to hate how close Vince and Goyle were. I thought Vince gave up too much of his limited free time to Greg and not me. It was mostly my fault. I spent a number of years pushing Vincent away." Padma smiled again and caressed her belly. "I'm glad I finally forgave him."

Ginny took out her wand and started packing away their lunch items. Padma stood up to help, but as she did, she grabbed her side and groaned.

"Kick or contraction?" Ginny inquired.


"Sit down, Padma. I've got this", the red haired witch stated.

The Ravenclaw witch sat and grabbed her stomach in pain again. "I think…" Padma bit her lip to stop her scream. "Something's wrong!" she softly cried and her eyes moved to her lap. Ginny looked too and noticed a liquid accumulating on the bench. The redhead's first thought was that her friend's water had broken, until she saw the bright red color of the fluid.

Ginny was able to keep the look of fear from her face. "It's going to be all right, Padma. I'll mirror Draco. He'll watch the children, and then I'll Apparate us to St. Mungo's." She removed the mirror. "Draco! Draco!"

His frazzled face appeared in the mirror. "Sorry Gin. I'm too busy…"

She barked, "Apparate to the playground now!"

"I can't. I'm in the middle…"

"I don't give a flying Nogtail's balls what you're in the middle of. Get your bloody arse to the playground now", she ordered before turning the mirror down on the table.

The blond wizard appeared with a soft pop in moments. Ginny made sure it was him and then Disapparated with Padma.

Draco stood puzzled for a moment until he noticed the trace of blood on the bench. Lifting his wand he removed the sight before any of the children came close. He picked up Leo, used his wand to pack everything in the pushchair and then called the older children.

"Daddy, you're late", Serpens yelled as he ran into Draco's arms. He lifted his young son and kissed him.

"Sorry about that, mate." The blond wizard looked at the children. "All right you lot. We have to get back to my office. Thuban, Cam and Serpens hold onto the left side of the pushchair. Victor, Patty and Kenny hold on to the right side. Do as you're told and I'll have Mandy order in some ice cream." Draco's firm but gentle tone told the children it was important for them to comply. The group moved quickly down the street and not a word was said until the lift door closed in the Malfoy International building.

"Uncle Draco, is my mum having the new baby?" Victor asked.

"I think so," Draco smiled at the boy.

"Dad's in Scotland today. Grandmother's in Spain," Victor informed his uncle. "But Mum has a two-way mirror to Dad."

Draco noticed the fear on the boy's face and hugged him. "That's very helpful information, Victor. Don't worry about your mum. She's going to be fine."

When the doors opened, an annoyed Lucius Malfoy and three other upset gentlemen stood waiting. Lucius' face briefly shined with delight, and then worry crossed it before all emotion was removed. Lucius bid the gentlemen goodbye, promised to reschedule, and then caught up to Draco.

"Mandy", Draco said as he reached her desk. "Please take the children into my office. Order them whatever flavor of ice cream they wish."

She nodded, and the children went with her. Draco took the pushchair with a sleeping Leo in it into Lucius' office. "Something is terribly wrong with Padma. I need to get to St. Mungo's. Will you Floo mother to watch the children, please?"

"Of course, Draco. Please let us know what's happening when you get time."

Draco nodded to his father and Disapparated.


Draco approached the desk at St. Mungo's maternity ward only minutes after Vincent. He patted his long time friend's back as the mediwitch came to the counter and collected him. Ginny was steps behind her and she fell into her husband's arms.

"You can wait in there, Mrs. Malfoy", the mediwitch said pointing to a room across the hall. "Mr. Crabbe, come with me please."

"I want to see my wife", Vincent ordered.

The mediwitch gave him a sad smile. "That's impossible, Mr. Crabbe. Please come with me and I will explain."

The Malfoys entered the small vacant room that contained a number of chairs and sofas. Draco had just gotten Ginny seated, when she grabbed him and cried into his shoulder. "She's lost a lot of blood. I don't know anything but that."

The blond comforted his wife for a time. After she had a good cry, he turned to her. "I need to Floo her parents and her sister."

Ginny removed a small bag from her purse and pointed to the fireplace in the corner. "You can use that one. There should be enough powder to Floo Blaise and Greg also."

The calls went quickly. Padma's parents were the first to arrive, followed by Greg and Diane. However, Diane left to watch Parvati's children so Michael could be at the hospital to comfort his wife. It seemed like hours before Vincent entered the room where the others waited. Blaise and Pansy had joined them and Victoria Crabbe had returned from Spain by special portkey.

Ginny had never seen the wizard look so lost. It seemed to take all his power to speak. "They said she had a placental abruption, complete separation. They had to take the baby. Kali isn't breathing on her own yet, but they are hopeful. The Healers are still working on Padma. They couldn't stop the bleeding. I gave them permission to remove her uterus. It was the only way to stop the bleeding quickly. She likely wouldn't have made it without removing it. Her chances are much better now." He collapsed into the chair, placed his face into his hand and began to cry. "They could both die. Merlin, help them!" Greg and Victoria Crabbe went over and comforted the bereaved man.

Every wizard in the small room clung to their wives. Draco couldn't stop his thoughts from turning to Ginny and the baby that grew inside her. He had believed his mother to be overreacting this morning, but then again maybe she wasn't. Should he hire a live in mediwitch? How could he make sure his cherished wife was not in danger? Witches didn't die in childbirth that was something that happened to Muggles. But Padma was a pure blood. He pulled Ginny closer, kissed her forehead and caressed her arms.

The blond wizard fought hard to keep away the image of losing his beloved wife. If this could happen to the Crabbes, then it could happen to them. They were so like their friends. Young, healthy, in love and for years they denied their love of each other. It wasn't fair for this to be happening now. Vincent and Padma were just getting started. They should have many years of happiness. Padma was to be sitting in his family parlor consoling Ginny after the Hogwarts' owl informed them that Cam had been sorted into Slytherin in five short years. She needed to be there when he told Vincent that Ginny was pregnant. Oh Merlin, Ginny's pregnant. What if something like this happens to her, he thought again.

He kissed Ginny's forehead and noticed her eyes were closed. His lovely wife had fallen asleep in his arms. The blond wizard glanced at his watch and couldn't believe the time. A glimpse out the window told him the watch was correct, as he saw the sunset in the distance. It had been a couple of hours since Vincent had come into the room. His thoughts returned to Padma as the door opened and startled Ginny awake. A Healer and the mediwitch walked into the room. "Mr. Crabbe, if you would come with us, we'll explain your wife's condition."

"Just tell him here", Greg ordered.

"We can only inform the husband", the mediwitch replied.

"I don't care what your bloody rules are. Tell him here, where he has some support. It's damn dim-witted to take him down the hall. Then he has to muster up the strength to tell us what you just said", Greg argued.

"But sir, it's a matter of privacy", the mediwitch added.

Ginny noticed that Vincent's face was covered by his hands. He had a handkerchief in one hand but tears still slowly dripped from the large hands. His mother helped him collect himself as Greg approached the mediwitch.

"You don't seem to understand. This man is closer than a brother to me. We have been through hell together. I will not leave him in his time of greatest need. Nor will I let your silly little rules cause him more pain." Greg sneered at the witch.

The Healer stepped forward. "If Mr. Crabbe agrees, I see no problem informing him here."

"I'd like to discuss it here," Vincent clearly stated.

"Very well, Mr. Crabbe." The Healer sat across from Vincent with the mediwitch. Victoria Crabbe held her son's hand tightly while Greg stood behind him with a hand on his shoulder. "I wish I could explain to you why this happened but we could find no cause. Mrs. Crabbe lost a considerable amount of blood. Because of that she went into shock and her kidney and liver stopped functioning. She is in stable condition right now. We are hoping for the best, although we don't know if she will survive. The next twelve hours will tell. She is asleep now, but you will be able to visit her within the hour. I'm sorry, Mr. Crabbe. I wish I had better news concerning your wife."

There was a knock on the door and the Healer smiled at Vincent. "I do have some wonderful news for you." A second mediwitch walked in the room carrying a small bundle in her arms. She placed the baby in Vincent's. "Your daughter has been breathing on her own for the last two hours. She is also feeding very nicely. This little witch is perfectly healthy. We'll want to keep her here for a couple of days to be safe. I'll let you introduce her to everyone. I'll be back within the hour to take you to your wife."

The Healer and mediwitches left the room. Vincent smiled at the baby and she wiggled in his arms. "I know you." He moved his hand to hers and the baby took hold. "Finally get to truly touch me, don't you? You've been trying for months, haven't you?" The baby opened her eyes, causing the wizard to melt. "Merlin, you look just like your mother. You're going to wrap me around your finger too, aren't you?"


Ginny and Draco watched from the doorway of the family parlor while Lucius sat on the floor in front of six children with Leo firmly in his lap. The children listened intently as the older wizard animatedly told a story about the Dragon, Griffin and Snake. The ex-Death Eater would never stop surprising the young witch. This murderer in front of her, the man she had always known as being cold hearted, loved his family deeply. Today what surprised her most was the story he was reading. It was a story of teamwork and the snake was the villain.

Each of the beasts was on a quest and had been for many years before they met one cold night. Although their quests where different, many of their tasks would be easier to accomplish with another's help. They agreed to travel as a group and help each other. The cunning Snake convinced the Griffin and Dragon to help him complete three of his tasks first and so they did. The Snake, now with only one task left to complete, left the group in the darkness of night. The Griffin and Dragon then set off to complete their tasks together. However, this time they did one of the Griffin's tasks then one of the Dragon's. In short order the friends completed their quests and were allowed to return home. Years later, at different times, both the Griffin and Dragon come across the Snake, who was still unable to complete his final task.

"That snake wasn't very clever", Thuban was the first to speak after Lucius had finished. "Why would you not want to be friends with a flying beast? I mean it's not like he had a broom or he could Apparate."

"Why would you want to travel alone?" Patty added. "I'd like to travel with a Griffin."

"It would be fun to go on a quest with a dragon", Serpens stated while nodding his head.

"We could take Ami on a quest tomorrow, if I'm still here," Kenny offered.

Narcissa cleared her throat. "Only if your quest is no farther than the stables."

Cam smiled at Patty. "We have a Griffin guarding our vault in Paris. He belongs to us. Maybe I'll take you to meet him one day." Why Cam tried to impress the girl, Ginny didn't know. It wasn't needed. If their paternal grandmothers had their way, the pair would be married soon after they completed their seventh year at Hogwarts.

Victor wore a worried face, and it didn't change when he spotted Ginny and Draco. "Aunt Ginny", he calmly stated, causing the rest in the room to notice her. Her children excitedly ran to her, hugging her and Draco. "Aunt Ginny, is my mum O.K.?"

"Yes, darling. However, she is very tired. You have a new baby sister," Ginny informed him with a smile. She hated lying to the child, but it had to be done.

"When can I see my mum? Can I go now? I want to see her for myself", he asked with great concern.

"Your father will take you for a visit tomorrow, mate. Your mum's sleeping right now and you should be too", Draco said.

"Are we going to Black Hall now, Daddy?" Cam asked.

"Well", Draco looked at Narcissa. "Mummy and I were thinking it would be easier if we all stayed the night." Narcissa nodded. "Up to bed with you lot." He summoned Tipsy to help the children to bed, promising to tuck them in soon.

Once the children were gone, Ginny sat in a chair and her face showed sorrow. Narcissa didn't miss it. "There is a problem", the blonde witch stated before sitting on the settee with Lucius next to her.

"There was a complication. Placental abruption, I believed they called it", Draco said. Ginny noticed that Lucius placed his arm around Narcissa, pulling her close when the word abruption was said. Narcissa face had paled as if she had heard this before. "The baby is fine." Draco went on but Narcissa's expression remained mournful. "Padma lost a great deal of blood. They're not sure she will make it." The blonde witch simply nodded and Lucius' grip tightened. Ginevra had only seen that look of terror on Lucius' face once before. And that was in Draco's memory about the final battle. He had thought Draco was dying then. She could see Lucius fighting to place a stony expression back on his face, but he was unable to do so.

The ex-Death Eater coughed. "Let Vincent know we will watch the children as long as he needs us too."

"Thank you, Father." Draco turned to Narcissa. "Mother, I want to get back to St. Mungos soon. However, Ginevra needs some…"

"Of course, Draco. I think it's best for her to stay at the Manor. Tipsy can get her things while we tuck in the children." Narcissa stood up and walked over to Ginny. "You do need your rest, dear."


Greg and Draco's hair was messy and their clothes were wrinkled. "After the Dark Lord died, I thought all our problems were over, at least the worst of them", Greg said as he poured the hot liquid into three cups. "I've never seen Vincent suffer so, even during the last war." The dark haired wizard turned to his friend. "He loves her, you know. Really loves her, just like you love Ginny." Greg shrugged his shoulders as they walked back to Padma's room with the beverages. "You and Crabbe are lucky. Well, he's not lucky since he may lose Padma. But he's lucky to have known that surprising type of love. I've never loved anyone so deeply that I'd want to die myself if they passed to the other side."

"It grows. After eight years with Diane, you'll feel the same," Draco replied.

"You don't get it, do you, Malfoy?" Greg softly stated. "Your parents have it, so you believe most people do. But it's rare, Draco. That type of love is rare. I'm glad for you and Vincent, I really am. I hope Padma pulls through. I want the best for my mates."

Draco patted Greg's back. "You'll feel that way about Diane in time."

"You still don't get it. I love Diane more than anyone else but it's just a normal type of love." Greg wrinkled up his face as he did every time he was in deep thought. "Shite, Malfoy, I can't explain it but I can see it. When Vince told us about Padma, well everyone hugged their wives but you… Well, you went pale. I thought you were going to faint. You pulled Ginny close and looked as if you would never let her go. Your love is always so fresh. I can't explain it. It's just special, believe me."

Draco nodded and pushed the door to Padma's room open quietly. He smiled and whispered, "She's awake. Thank the gods." The two wizards stayed outside the room but listened to the couple.

Padma lay in the bed. Vincent held her hand as he sat next to her. "I love you, Pad, be strong."

"I love you also. I'm fine now. You should go home and rest," she replied.

"I'm staying. I've gotten some sleep."

"How's the baby?" she asked.

"Kali is wonderful. She's beautiful. They'll bring her to you in the morning after you've gotten more rest."

"Where and how are our other children?" she inquired.

"They're fine and at Malfoy Manor with Ginny. Guess what? She's pregnant."

Padma smiled. "I thought so. She couldn't stop eating gingersnaps at lunch."

"Merlin, Pads, you scared me", Vincent said and his voice cracked from the tears. "I can't lose you. I'm just learning how to love you the right way."

She turned to roll but couldn't. He stood so she could touch his face. "I was scared too. Not of death, but of the thought that I wouldn't be with you."

He kissed her softly on the lips. "I should get the Healers and let them know you are awake."

"Not right now. I want a little more time with you", she whispered. "We can't have any more children, can we?"

A tear fell from his eye. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to lose you. It would have been too risky not to…"

Padma wiped away his tears. "I'm sorry you had to make that decision. It's alright. I'm not upset." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Bring the children by first thing in the morning. I'm sure Victor knows something is wrong and he's worrying about me."

"I'll go to the Manor first thing in the morning. Now I need to get the Healer."


Ginny extracted herself from the grip of Victor Crabbe. The boy had many questions about his mother. Unlike his siblings, Victor knew that there had to be a problem. He couldn't remember a lot about his brother's birth, but he knew his mother had the baby at home. And that he and Patty were allowed to stay in the house. Ginny told the boy that the baby came early and that's why his mother was at St. Mungo's. The little wizard didn't believe her, and he had started to cry. The redheaded witch cuddled the child until he had fallen asleep.

Her stomach had begun to growl, so she left the boy asleep in his guest room and headed to the kitchen. With all the worry at the hospital, she had missed dinner. She thought about calling a house elf but decided the walk might help her sleep. The redhead turned to the grand staircase but stopped when she saw a fire and heard voices in the front formal parlor. She sat on the last step before the turn, giving her a perfect view of the settee, which the current occupancies lounged in. It was a perfect location; she could see them but couldn't be seen.

The young witch didn't know what probed her to spy on her in-laws. Maybe it was Lucius' strange behavior. His voice was broken and laced with fear and sorrow. He seemed like a broken man looking for reassurance from his wife. This couldn't be the man that did the Dark Lord's bidding. "The memory is still too painful, Narcissa. I almost lost you the same way."

"But you did not. I'm here with you now."

He placed his head in her lap. "Yes, but I have been so dim-witted. You have given me everything. You even nearly died in an attempt to give me a second child. Yet what do I do in return? Endanger my family's lives by siding with the Dark Lord after his return."

She brushed the hair from his forehead. "You joined him when you were young. We thought it was the right thing to do. You had to return to his side."

"I should have run with you and Draco. It would have saved you great heartache," he said with remorse.

Narcissa smiled and kissed his forehead. "It all worked out in the end. I'd take twice as much heartache to get here. I have a loving husband, a very happily married son, a lovely daughter-in-law, four wonderful grandsons and another grandchild on the way." She brushed back his hair again. "Padma will be fine. I can feel it." Lucius sat up and caressed his wife. They were barely touching each other, however their love was clear.

Ginny continued to listen to the couple chat as Lucius talked about his time in Azkaban. She was startled some time later by a hand being placed over her mouth. Draco smiled, removed his hand and sat on the step next to her. "I used to spend hours watching them as a child. It is easy to see their love from here." Draco took her hand, requesting her to stand as Lucius kissed Narcissa. "I always left after the first kiss, just seemed like the right thing to do."

She nodded and started back down the hall. Ginny smiled at him. "How is Padma?"

"She woke up. She's going to make it. Vincent should be by in the morning to take the children to visit her."

She hugged him. "Good. Victor is very worried." A loud growl escaped her stomach. "I was heading to the kitchen for a snack before I heard your parents."

"I'll have a house elf bring us something."

They walked into his old sitting room and into the bedroom. Ginny turned to him. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Did you know your mother had the same problem as Padma with one of her pregnancies after she had you?"

Draco shook his head, summoned an elf, ordered a light dinner for the two of them and then sat on the bed with his wife. "Mother would always cry when I'd ask why I was an only child. Father would scold me. I learned young not to broach the subject."

"When he was in Azkaban the Dementors made him relive the day of her abruption. His greatest fear is that he will lose her."

"I believe that is true. Mother is his greatest strength." Draco pulled Ginny close. "I don't want to think about this anymore. The idea of losing…" Tears started down Draco's face.

Ginny kissed them away. "No more sad thoughts. Padma is fine and so is her daughter." The redhead bounced on the double bed and eyed it. "You were supposed to inform your mother when you returned. I believe she put me here in your childhood bedroom so that you would leave me to rest tonight."

He playfully wrestled her onto the center of the bed, pinning her hands above her head and straddling her legs. The blond wizard smirked as he leaned his face close to her. "Poor choice on my mother's part, I've always fantasized about shagging my girlfriend in this bed."


"Girlfriend, bride, partner, lover, wife, my life, my breath, my everything", he kissed her lips softly after each word, then kissed her passionately. Draco rolled onto his back pulling her on top of him and continued to caress and kiss her. Between kisses he spoke words of endearment.

The elf made no noise when he entered the room, but the smell of food caused Ginny's stomach to growl again. The wizard stopped snogging, patted her bottom and announced, "We better get you and our baby some food." They sat at the small table for two in the room.

Ginny beamed at the food set in front of her; roasted yellow pepper soup, Big Eat cheese and onion crisps, half a turkey/ham/Colby sandwich, two Chocoballs and a Muggle Coke. "Your mother went to Muggle London today", tears appeared in her eyes, "or did the kitchen house elves here remember?"

"Mother stocked up both Black Hall and the Manor with your favorite pregnancy foods. She even had the Manor kitchen elves inform the elves at Black Hall about your food likes and dislikes during this time. However, I got the Muggle soda and had some sent here." In front of Draco sat a whole sandwich, a bowl of soup, crisps and a butterbeer. He would have liked a mead or stout, but normally during pregnancy the taste of either on him made Ginny nauseated.

"Gin, I've been thinking. Maybe we should get a nanny to help during…" Draco started.

Ginny put her spoon down. "Our mothers are going to help me, as will Tipsy and Nan. I don't need a stranger looking after the boys."

"Caring for four little ones is stressful and tiring. I want to make sure we're doing what's best for your health." Draco's eyes filled with tears and concern.

She reached across the table and took his hand. "A stranger in the house would be more stressful for me. I'll cut back on my social calendar if you like. I'll speak with your mother and have her take the boys to dance and music classes." The redhead sighed. "Not having to hear them whine about going to those classes would eliminate ninety-five percent of my stress."

The blond wizard chuckled. "All boys hate those classes until", he gave his wife a sexy wink, "they're fourteen or fifteen and the first witch melts in their arms as they dance."

Ginny smiled back. "Purebloods do know how to woo witches on the dance floor."

They ate in silence. When they finished, Draco took her hand. "Promise me, Ginevra, that you'll inform me if you're overworked, overtired or overstressed. Take care of yourself, love." Emotion dropped from his every word.

She caressed his face. "I promise", she whispered. "And you will do the same for me?"

He nodded and briefly kissed her lips. Their moment of tenderness was interrupted by a knock on the setting room door. Draco opened the door to find Thuban and Victor standing there. Both boys looked a little scared. They stepped into the room. Thuban stared into Draco's eyes. Victor spoke. "Uncle Draco, how is my mummy?"

The blond wizard chuckled slightly and Thuban backed his bottom against the wall. "He was really worried. He needs to know the truth", the little blond wizard stammered to his father.

"So, you are a Legilimens? You looked in those blokes' minds at the beach party?" Draco asked.

"I didn't mean to. It just happens lots of times," Thuban replied looking at the floor.

"Well, I'll get back to you in a moment. Victor, your mother is doing well. I spoke with her and she sends her love. Your father will be by in the morning to take you for a visit. Now, off to bed with you."

"It's my fault, Uncle Draco. Thuban didn't want to come. I talked him into it," Victor pleaded.

"Don't worry, Victor. I'm merely going to have a discussion with Thuban." He shooed the boy out of the room and sat on the settee. "Come here, Thuban." The little blond boy sat down next to his father. "I want you to avoid using that little skill of yours for now. I'll speak with Professor Snape and have him teach you how to control it." He gave the boy a stern look. "If I hear that you are purposefully using it, I will spank you. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Dad. But I had to try and help Victor. If something was wrong with Mum, I'd want the truth."

"Aunt Padma is doing well. She will be coming home in a few days." He tossed his eldest son on his back as he stood. "Now, let's get you back into bed." The boy giggled as he rode on his father's back. "We'll tuck Victor in first. I'm sure he'll be worried about the state of your bottom."


The three Crabbe children slowly walked into the hospital room where Padma was sitting up, nursing her new daughter. Their father whispered a reminder to be gentle around both mother and babe. Patty and Kenny beamed, but Victor still wore a worried expression.

Patty skipped to her mother's side. "Can I see her? Can I see her? Daddy said she looks like us." Padma moved the blankets and Patty sighed. "She has our color, not Daddy's and the boys'. Can I hold her?"

"If Daddy helps you." Padma handed the baby to Vincent, who sat in a chair with his newest daughter. Patty crawled on his lap, and he helped the little witch hold her sister. As the girls were getting to know each other, Kenny climbed into the bed and softly hugged his mother, a hug that Padma returned. "I missed you all. Were you good for the Malfoys?"

"Really good. So good that Uncle Draco let us eat ice cream in his office. Serpens and I had fun playing with Ami. You remember Ami, Serpens' dragon", Kenny responded.

Padma nodded and kissed the boy's forehead. Victor stepped up and patted Padma's hand. "Are you really alright, Mummy? You wouldn't lie to us would you?"

"Victor," Vincent hissed. "I told you your mother is fine. Now, don't upset…"

"Vincent, he's fine. Sweetheart, sometimes having a baby is harder work than others. Having Kali was very tiring for me. That's why I came here and it's also why I don't get to go home as soon as Aunt Pansy got to when Rosetta was born." She motioned for the boy to give her a hug. "I'm fine now, Victor. I'll be home in two days."

The seven year old wiped away a tear. "I miss you. I…" He started to cry again.

"Vincent, why don't you take Kenny and Patty down the hall for an ice lolly?"

The wizard placed the babe in a basket and left the room with Kenny and Patty. Padma patted the side of the bed, and Victor sat down on it. His mother cuddled him close. "I'm not dumb you know. You and Aunt Ginny left really quickly. Uncle Draco took us to his office and left right away. Something really bad happened to you. Everyone tried to hide it but they were really sad until this morning." He cried into her shoulder.

She patted the boy's back. "I'm fine, Victor. I'll be home very soon. You may come and visit anytime. The Healers only want to make sure I get enough rest these next couple of days."

"Wizard's promise that nothing's wrong?" he asked.

They pinky shook. "I promise."

"Good." He wiped away his tears. "Aunt Ginny was sick this morning. Thuban said she's growing a new baby. He kept asking me what it was like to have a little sister. I told him they're not too bad. They leave most of your toys alone, unlike little brothers."